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Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

Mamono Assault Force

Coon Tamer
RP Moderator
Jan 1, 2009
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It was a beautiful morning. And a particular naga was in quite a predicament. A few weeks prior to the current day, Alexia, a mercenary, was taking a package, which was a strange amulet with immense power to an Angel expecting the package. "Do not allow anything other than that angel to have this," Alexia was ordered. But during her travels she was ambushed by a party of demons led by a Nightmare Lord. She fought valiantly against the Nightmare Lord and his minions, but was defeated and humiliated by the Nightmare Lord himself. Violated, the amulet was stolen from her as she was spared of her life before the demon lord departed through a portal.

Currently, Alexia had just finished reporting her failure to Tear, a fairy who worked for Alexia's employer. "You what!?" Tear exclaimed "YOU LOST IT!?" she yelled once more, before hitting Alexia over the head with a ruler. "Do you have ANY idea what this means!? That amulet has fallen into the hands of the LAST person we wanted it to!" she growled, before composing herself as she frowned down at Alexia from where she hovered. "That amulet is worth ten thousand denarii. Since you'll likely spend the rest of your natural life trying to pay that off, instead, you're going to get it back... And luckily for you, you're going to have helpers." she announced.

Clapping her hands, she summoned them. A noble with an interest in the naga, Anthony Icegrave, a good Samaritan, Cassandra Elswain, and a perverted goblin, Eeyie Proud-skin. "Come together, all of you! It's your time!"
Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan)

Anthony emerged from where he'd been told to wait. While oh-so-tragic that is darling was in such dire straights... it provided him with the perfect opportunity to get closer to her! Indeed, it was a much, muuuch better plan than what he'd done the first couple days of having laid eyes on her. It turned out she was much more observant than he'd thought, and even at his best sneakitude she'd noticed him spying at her from the bushes every time he got even remotely near her. She almost speared him a couple times, even! He got yelled at for ruining some of his clothes when he got home, too. Luckily, he was pretty sure she never got a good look at him while that happened... or at least, he was fairly invested in the hope that she didn't. He'd been wearing a (hair) balaclava, (hair) ninjasuit, the works! How could she have seen her face?

The nobleman walked up and took Alexia' hand with both of his, flipping a sable lock of long hair back over his shoulder. He totally looked cool enough for a first meeting, right? He was in one of his fanciest, most expensive blue jackets, with a crisp white shirt under it, with one of those fluffy things around his neck that he never'd bothered to learn the name of before. His pantaloons were similarly white and unstained, despite how far this place was from his family's estate, and he'd spent like an hour polishing his black boots to a mirror sheen. Alright, play it cool, play it cool, play it cool... he told himself. "Hello. So nice to meet you, though I do wish it could have been under better circumstances. My name is Anthony Icegrave, of the Vigrid fief of Badaria, and I'd be delighted to help you with anything you need. After all, we nobles live for those below us, don't we?"

Wait... what did I just say?


He kept staring at her with his best grin of what he hoped was conveying magnanimity, hoping she didn't notice or take offense. He then realized he was staring directly at her (really, really nice) tits, because of how tall she was, and also that he appeared to have sprouted a giant boner because of how close he was to that coveted scaly tail. Oh Lich, he could just reach over and touch it right now. It took every effort not to just grope the shit out of her, which caused the nobleman to start sweating.
Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan)

Eeyie Proud-Skin the amazing orange futa goblin with large breasts had been stalking this cute pink naga for the past day and night! She couldn't believe that there was such an exotic color like pink for a naga! 'I wonder how she isn't being hugged to death~' Thought the giggling Eeyie even as she felt herself suddenly, unexpectedly, noticed from her position from the windows. The sudden clapping as well as feeling that she should be down there had poor Eeyie falling!

The orange goblin girl would fall from the window onto the fall, smacking her face into the ground before her big breasts for her size smacked next! “Ooowww!” She whined out, thankfully all of this shamefulness for her seemed to be overlooked for the much more interesting noble guy. Eeyie rubbing her nose and blinking as she made sure that she wasn't bleeding. After all, blood doesn't go well with her! Or help her in escaping from those big monsters. The orange skinned goblin would get up, after recovering, looking at the scene between the strange man and naga girl. She could see the man just gazing right at the pink naga's breasts!

Looking around to see if she was noticed at all she would sneak over to the pink naga, making sure to catch the attention of the noble before she grinned evilly at him, a teasing smirk, before she would purposefully snatch that naga tail, making sure to slide up that scaly muscled tail right between her tits! She mouthed 'Mine~' Right at the noble, disregarding everything else even as her brown tank top barely covered her tits at all! Not to mention her loin cloth which would work much better under something else. If she wore anything to cover it!
Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan)

The fairy berating her was bad enough. Like any failed job it was the employers job to yell at a worker for screwing up. But the failure on this job struck Alexia on a much deeper level. She fought so damn hard to keep the amulet safe. Struggled to her last ounce of strength. But after all that she still lost it. And the Nightmare Lord was not just content with taking the item. Oh no. He had to humiliate and violate her on top of that. She'd become little more then a toy to him and his minions. That shame weighed heavily on the proud naga and the fairies harsh words only made the sting worse. But her chance at redemption was at hand! She could take the fight to her enemy and take back what was lost.

But when she saw who would be accompanying her, her mood sank faster then a stone. A human noble, a half breed woman and a goblin...Gods above, its almost like her employers want her to fail. Before she could properly introduce herself the spectacle wearing man took her hand and began speaking. An air of uncertainty hung about the man and a part of Alexia couldn't shake off this feeling of familiarity. What bothered her the most however was where his eyes were. Thankfully she had changed into a white shirt for her debriefing and she was smart enough to make the shirt long enough to cover he upper torso. Still didn't change the fact the man was staring at her breasts.

Removing her hand from his, she moved back a little before properly introducing herself " If they have not already informed you, my name is Alexia Hanover, indebted warrior and adopted child of the Hanover family. I am...grateful for the aid in my mission . It would have be nigh impossible to fight a Nightmare Lord by myself. " Alexia was always very polite when it came to dealing with strangers, especially ones as strange as these. But, she could tolerate just about anything. At least she hoped she could.
Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan)

The summons were a call to action for Cassandra, and she followed in Anthony's wake, as the nobleman was the most normal of the people she had come across in the last days. Still, even he had some odd quirks about himself, and caused the busty girl to keep her distance as it was hard for her to get too close even as the target was familiar to her. From the things she could hear, it appeared that there was a very serious issue going on. Still, she had no problem with it, having promised to aid these mercenaries in their task. All things considered, she was doing pretty much the same mercenary work as them.

When the gobling flopped onto the scene, she almost jumped at the sudden thump of the falling creature. Still, it seemed to cause little harm to the goblin, and thus warranted no action on her part. Cassandra did not like anyone's pain, and was always willing to ease it for them, but this time she didn't need to. Their actual leader eventually spoke up, which was a good as time as any to introduce herself. "Cassandra Elswain, from Crolia. My heritage is of no real importance, but I will be of use the best I can." she said, doing a curtsy as best as she could with her short skirt trim.
Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan)

"You all won't be fighting the nightmare lord straight away." the fairy announced. "This is not due to any reasons by us, so much as the fact that the nightmare lord's location is extremely unknown. Your tasks are many to list, but end with acquiring the amulet. Killing the nightmare lord himself is not required, but you can do whatever you want, suicide or not. With that said, I'll be accompanying you somewhat as your guide."

She adjusted her glasses. "Now, what I want you all to do is get acquainted with one another, and prepare to head out post haste. The location which your incompetent fellow failed her duty is a good distance away, and we are short on funds for you. The reason for this, to be frank, is because of the fact that the contract holder is so disgusted that he expects you all to die or be enslaved." Tear said bluntly. "That is not an order, by the way. Don't get confused and slit your own throat." she said as if her standards expected that kind of behavior of the group.

Then, she slapped her ruler against the desk she stood on, the loud snap getting everyone's undivided attention. "Get whatever you need and come to me in an hour! Hustle you maggots!" Tear shouted militantly.
Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan)

A part of her just wanted to snap the fairy like a twig and be done with her insults. But that would accomplish nothing! She'd be in even bigger trouble with her original contract holder and things might go from bad to worse. Plenty of nobles would love to have an exotic pink scaled naga as a pet. And for more then display purposes. She didn't want that life. She'd fight to her last breath to stop that. But now was not the time to wallow in despair! She had work to do. But first, she would have to do something about that goblin.

Shaking her tail a bit, she tried her best to get her attention. " Excuse me. Miss Goblin? Would you be so kind as to get off my tail? I need to make preparations for the trip and I don't want people watching me change. So please get off. Now." Alexia tried her best to make her case, but the goblins clingy ness was going to be an issue
Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan)

(Subject to Editing or Change) “My names Eeyie!” Chirped the orange goblin as she felt the tail wagging in between her cleavage even as she kept a sly glance towards Anthony, wanting to tease the noble for no better reason then that she could! But with the polite asking by the pink naga, she giggled as she said “Sure!” As the orange goblin easily let slip the tail before she happily sat on the ground looking at all the peoples.

“Hey my name is Eeyie! Why do you have a ruler? Are you a teacher?”
The orange goblin asked of the fairy even as she sat rocking on her tush for long moments, causing her quite ample assets to bounce before she stood up, not liking to sit down and feeling far too active and wanting to move about! But what could she do as she waited for them. Eeyie wouldn't understand but she felt a want of an impulse to follow around these four and just annoy them? No! She wanted to have fun with them! Besides she was somewhat certain she had seen a pink naga like this before. The goblin shook her head..

All the while having her inner monologue with herself, the orange goblin paced around, a belt around her waist now noticeable with the naga's tail no longer blocking a view of it. On her belt she had two satchels, one was making a small jingle sounds while the other looked to be holding what supplies this goblin gal had! Not to mention her quite indecent exposure of clothing and easily near Areola slips from around her top.

Finishing her monologue she trotted over to that girl with that fancy name and short short skirt! “Hi! Whats your favorite color? Mines orange! Why are you wearing such a short skirt? Were you stalking pinkie too? She is so small! Like me!” The orange goblin would get nearer and nearer too Cassandra before she asked “How do you say your name? Is it like Cassandro? Cassanono? What about last name? Mines Proud-skin! I am proud of my skin! Cuz its my favorite colour! How bout you?”
Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan)

The nobleman glared daggers at the filthy little carrot-colored critter touching his scaly tail. With the look she shot him, there was no doubt - she was taunting him and everything! The nerve of that little shit! He wouldn't be outdone by that thing! He had to pull himself together!

"...Ha, please, excuse my terrible manners, milady! I don't often have to look up so high - my, but you're tall. Very becoming of a warrior, might I say - such a stature must let you survey and command a sortie with ease, no?"

Upon being told to prepare for the journey, Anthony looked a little confused. "'Prepare'? But I'm already ready!"

The others would note the noble was carrying little on him. Aside from his impractical looking clothing, all he seemed to have was a little shoulder satchel, a little sack for coins - oddly, he seemed pretty broke for someone of his alleged landed heritage, his coinpurse not looking much plumper than their own did - and a hard leather pouch-case on his belt, the sort one would keep loose bullets in. He apparently did not carry sword or gun... perhaps he was a mage? The magically-inclined were far from common in Badaria, though...

Looking down, though, he had reeeally fancy looking shoes. They seemed incredibly ornate, and the soles rose an inch or two off the ground. Maybe the idiot bought him some pretty footwear for their nature hike?
Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan)

Upon hearing everything she did in the briefing of sorts, it began to dawn on Cassandra that she might have not picked the best of groups to aid. The whole thing seemed to suggest that it was basically a suicide mission, and there was no caring about the group on the other end. "Oh well... It's not like I'd back away now. They'd just get violent at me or something, and that would not be good at all." she thought. There was little need for preparation on her own part, as the half-elf had been carrying her pack with her all the while. She hardly took the thing off, mostly during rest times and similar.

Before Cassandra had further time to ponder the situation, she was already getting accosted by the lewd goblin that appeared to be part of the group. The creature had made her nearly jump already, and was now all over her personal space, a thing that made the busty spirit user back away in a hurry. "I'm not sure why that is relevant... No, I do not stalk anyone..." she replied in a haste before retreating further, getting Anthony and Alexia both between them to avoid getting all personal with the creepy goblin lady.
Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

The fairy looked among the group, her eyes narrowed at them. "... Since all of you are playing around like preschool children, I assume you have no preparations to make!" Tear announced. "Your first task is to acquire the apropriate supplies for travel! Food, shelter such as tents, and water! These are the essentials, ladies!" she called everyone ladies, despite the male in the group. "For all of that, you will need more money than you already have. I have arranged a task for you to accomplish which will grant you all of these essential things. If you cannot accomplish this, then you will rest easy knowing that cocks nowhere near the size of the nightmare lord will be slamming into you, because you will have FAILED!" Tear exclaimed sharply.

"Bandits have stolen supplies for this town which the people need to survive! They are just along the north road and they love pretty whores such as yourselves! Your objective ladies is to go along that road, get their attention, remove the bandit's threat, and bring back the supplies! In the process, you may keep however much of the supplies that you can reasonably carry over two weeks! That will be your next challenge, which is to use common sense! If you see one of your comrades become crushed by their greed for carrying too much, then you are ordered to laugh at them!"

Tear slapped her ruler down again. "Those are your orders, maggots! Now get out of my face!"
Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

Eeyie felt so proud of herself at seeing such an anguished look in those eyes of that person wearing all those silly cloths! Really, why would anyone need more then a few blankets for traveling? The orange skinned goblin was joyous of the fact of seeing such anguish from him~ Maybe he'll try to punish her and then she could punish him back!

With those answers from the busty lady that had really big tits and far too tight clothing, Eeyie affect a dismal swoon. The swoon anyone could tell is fake as she whined out “Not a stalker? No favorite colours? Youz no funz!” Whined the goblin even as she looked at the fairy as she said happily “Bandits! They'll think were all pretty? YAY! Lets go get them and make them girls too so they'll think their pretty as well! Also..” She looked at the nobleman before she nodded saying quite loudly, and her attempt at getting a reaction out of Anthony painfully obvious, “So youz a girlz?” As the Goblin easily walked up to Anthony, and attempted to pat his crotch and see if he had a package or not to make certain for herself.

Not caring at all of the propriety of the situation that followed the goblin gal would giggle happily (unless sporting some painful bump noggin on the head or something worse in which case she'll be rubbing it and whining about it) Eeyie headed to the door in the direction that the ruler of the fairy was pointing too!

*Edit to Post: As Eeyie walked ahead, she would try to sidle out of everyones sights so that she could start stalking them all..

(Action: Try to enter stealth mode and then activates camo Skin.)
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Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

These...These people were insane! How in the hell did they expect them to even get passed stage one with a rabble like this. The noble looked like a damn woman despite sounding like a man and the goblin was just...insane. Every word that came out of her mouth was just bizarre and the naga wasn't sure how strong her patience would be. The only normal one of this group was the half elf, who seemed as confused as the naga at the goblins line of questioning. To top it all off, the fairy was now going to be joining them and was acting like a damn slave driver all the while.

"While you two play with each other, I actually have some things to gather. Excuse me!" She moved out of the room and returned to the quarters she had been given for the duration of a mission. It was a relatively small room, barely big enough to fit the naga. Laid out on a small table was her breast plate and equipment. She removed her long tunic and changed into a shorter white shirt. This was part of her armor. She then took a few minutes to place the breast plate over her upper half, offering her the only protection she really needed. She then attached a loin cloth/belt combo around her waist (Think where the human part ends and the snake part begins). On the belt was a sheath for a long sword and several pockets, with which to carry small items. She then grabbed a backpack, slinging it around her shoulder. And last but not least she proceeded to equip herself, sheathing her sword and grabbed her two pole arms: a halberd and a short spear. If there was nothing else, she over prepared. she made her way to the main lobby of the building, hoping her companions wouldn't b too far behind.
Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

The touch to his groin from that annoying goblin sent Anthony into a flailing freakout, slapping away her hand from his person with a wild windmilling of his arms. "Hey hey heyhey HEY!" He exclaimed. "Excuse you, I would request for you to respect my personal space!"

With a tug, he straightened out his jacket, and then brushed the wrinkles out of his pants. "And no, I am not a 'girl'. I am a man, and I'll thank you to remember that," he said with a huff. "My comely appearance is one of the telltale traits of my exceptional pedigree. Were I my father's daughter, you can be assured I would be much more suitable to birthing the next generation of administrators of Badaria, thankyouverymuch."

Lichdammit... his brothers had always teased him about his feminine countenance. Even his sister had ribbed him a few times over it, the hag! He didn't have to take it from this orange little subhuman too. "Hmph. I suppose you wouldn't have a single notion about quality of breed, though, would you," he muttered, though still loud enough to hear. "Now, take Madame Hanover, for example. She's a fine example of-"

Suddenly realizing his object of affection was gone, his face felt, an annoyed "Dammit" his only utterance. Stupid goblin, distracting him like that!

"Oh, I've suddenly just realized I do need to take care of something! I'll head off and take care of that, yes," he blathered, before hurrying out the door. He wandered around the building awhile until he found Alexia waiting around in the front hall, where he quietly - or at least, as quietly as he could in his fancy shoes - sidled over to her flank.

An annoyingly awkward silence appeared to have followed him into the lobby, however. Those weren't especially good for sewing the seeds of romance, so he tried to banish it with a little small talk.

"...So, it's a nice day to get out and slay some ruffians. Very nice day indeed."
Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

With some maneuvering, Cassandra managed to divert the goblin's attention elsewhere. Letting out a relieved sigh, she doublechecked that everything she had packed up was there still. And indeed, it was. With no further need for preparation, she bagan the wait for their departure time, which was most likely going to be soon. Judging from the wailing of the fairy acting as the leader, they would have to fetch supplies first from some bandit scum. That would not be a problem, she had fought similar people in the past.
Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

Eeyie was ready, Anthony was ready, Cassandra was ready, and the only one missing...

"Well, take your time, sugar puff!" Tear shouted off to Alexia, who'd gone off to prepare. "It is a good thing that these three hard working maggots are so well prepared, because if preparation was the difference between life and death Alexia, you'd have fucking died and been buried! Buried by your own comrades!" the fairy taunted her. "Hustle Alexia! Hustle! Your companions are waiting for your sweet scaly ass to return and they're tired of stroking it!"
Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

The goblin girl rubbed her hand at the smacking even as she grinned up towards the noble evilly! Oh the delicious smile on her face should have just sent a warning up and down Anthony's spine if he had any thoughts about this pesky goblin! What she was thinking was how she could find him a dress and dress him up as the pretties gal around! And then tear it off for her to plunder his goodies!

Eeyie would just be waiting outside of the hall, invisible as best as she could be. Before wondering what was taking so long, she would stealthily sneak back into the establishment~ And would sneak around towards the pink naga and the clingy noble.. A devious thought in her mind was to pull his pants down! But she only did it if no was noticed her~ (She entered stealth mode in last post. She has chameleon skin active. Now she is trying to pull down Anthony's pants to show case his boner for Alexia :3 )

(*Derp post from mehs*)
Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

(Stealth Check, successful)

Eeyie ambushes Anthony at just the right moment, and his pants fall down to reveal his junk to Alexia just as she was coming back.
Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

Eeyie would carefully keep in stealth to watch the actions that happen.

(Enters stealth as quickly as possible before getting noticed.)
Re: Take it Back! (Austnailo, Diagasvesle, Blarg, Guan) GMed by MAF

The naga had learned to ignore the fairy's poisonous words. The woman always went out of her way to make the warrior feel pathetic. Anything to destroy the already hurt naga's fragile self esteem. The humiliation from earlier was still rather vivid and nothing the fairy said would make it worse. It would take something truly soul shattering to break the proud naga's spirit. Her trip to the main lobby took a little longer then expected, almost as if she didn't want to continue this parade of insanity. But she finally reached the meet up point and almost dropped her weapons in sheer shock and embarrassment. It seemed in the boredom of waiting for her, the "noble" from before had decided to expose himself.

Her face turned a deep read and she dropped her halberd in an effort to hold her spear in the direction of the man. "I don't know what you're thinking...but if you don't pull those up, I will see fit to remove it permanently! She was practically yelling at the man, not really caring what his explanation was.