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RPG RPG Maker [sythmanG] Love Rebellion VX Ace Fullversion

Re: Love Rebellion VX Ace (English Game) Demo Game

Yes! Thank you I have Fixed it! sorry for that.
When you get on Level 2 you should have 2 Level Points now.
and on level 1 you have 0-points.
Re: Love Rebellion VX Ace (English Game) Demo Game

Sleeping in inn in cat girl village causes screen to turn black.
Re: Love Rebellion VX Ace (English Game) Demo Game

Sleeping in inn in cat girl village causes screen to turn black.

I found the error.
so when the screen is dark try to run around and spamm the action button,
You can talk with the Inn Keeper. Maybe the problem will be fixed when you sleep there one more time. because it should re-fade the screen colour.
or you talk to the event withc is located at the entrance. this also fades back in the screen.
If that dose not work I have uploaded a fix. because this error breaks the game at this point.
Re: Love Rebellion VX Ace (English Game) Demo Game

Hello everyone!
The New Demo Version is out!
Re: Love Rebellion VX Ace (English Game) Demo Game

Quick Bug Fix Patch is out!
Sorry for that!:eek:
Re: Love Rebellion VX Ace (English Game) Demo Game

DEMO 4 is now out!
have fun- and give feeeedbaaaack!!! >.<
Re: Love Rebellion VX Ace (English Game) Demo Game

the new update 4 do we have to re play im using the old save and whan I fight a monster any monster with the old saves I get kick out game with a error
Re: Love Rebellion VX Ace (English Game) Demo Game

yes! You need to start it all new for this version.
because there is a new Battle System
Re: Love Rebellion VX Ace (English Game) Demo Game

Aside from the horrendous grammar mistakes and lack of capitals, when you talk to the doctor a 2nd time, he has a bracket in his text.
monsters also respawn waaaay to quickly, almost instantly.
is it even possible to win the arm wrestling? i even cheated with turbo and she didnt budge past a certain point.

sister lost her Virginity to a mud wall and nothing was said afterwords about it.

combat seems to need a massive tweaking, mobs either have to much hp and defense or the heroes need more accuracy, they cant hit the broad side of a barn if they were standing a foot away.
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Re: Love Rebellion VX Ace (English Game) Demo Game

What is wrong with this math teacher ;_; Even if i give him good solve, he is saying its wrong ;_;
/Sorry for sucking in english/
Re: Love Rebellion VX Ace (English Game) Demo Game

yeah you its correct like this:
(1 + 2 + 3)*4=

and not
1 + 2 + 3 * 4

sorry for that.
Re: Love Rebellion VX Ace (English Game) Demo Game

Love the update so far - much improved over a year ago (last time I played it). That damn forest is still a bitch, but think I have a fairly decent way through (I'll have to get deeper to see if it works in reverse). Trying to get to the mountain right now for the first Sophie quest.

One bug I did notice, at the very beginning. If you walk into the abandoned house in the first village, and the dog follows you, you are stuck. Dog doesn't move (at least for a few minutes before I gave up). And a hint for the gallery mode in the home basement could be added (if you get the black screen with the ?, left click until the start of the gallery and you will get an exit prompt). You can hit too many keys and get lost...
Re: Love Rebellion VX Ace (English Game) Demo Game

is the demo done in the after world ? its not letting me enter the 2nd pyramid
update nvm I did not see the part whan u go in town to open the 3 fight event than just go to the castle to then that ends demo 4
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Re: Love Rebellion VX Ace (English Game) Demo Game

im stuck at tthe forest since 20minutes what the hell lol, i got to the witch's house. she tells me that she will wait at my house but i can't go back? i tryed every possible way in the forest i can't get out someone give me a hint please
Re: Love Rebellion VX Ace (English Game) Demo Game

im stuck at tthe forest since 20minutes what the hell lol, i got to the witch's house. she tells me that she will wait at my house but i can't go back? i tryed every possible way in the forest i can't get out someone give me a hint please

The Exit is somewhere South (Down) the Map.
(more like Down-left) But I guess you got it already.
Re: Love Rebellion VX Ace (English Game) Demo Game

Glad to see you are revisiting this game - I always enjoyed this one. Hope to see it move further along!
Re: Love Rebellion VX Ace (English Game) Demo Game

NOTE: Please take what I say below with a grain of salt. I'm just being a harsh critic and in no way is this meant to be derogatory towards you.

I tend to lurk more than post on this website but this can't go unsaid.

The math minigame...is completely and totally wrong. I spent a good 20 minutes trying to figure out why my CALCULATOR was wrong. It's never wrong.


1+2+3*2 = 12 - WRONG

1+2+3*2 = 9 - RIGHT.

The game is essentially doing this:
1+2 = 3 +3 = 6 *2 = 12.

It SHOULD be doing this
3*2 = 6 +2 = 8 +1 = 2
3*2= 6 +2+1


This really ruined the game for me. Typically I don't care about the Grammatical mistakes much as long as the text makes sense but this ground my experience to a halt but I wanted to keep going to see what H content there was..

Other minor points:
- The starting story makes no sense to me. Your mom gets killed by bugs and then they kill you? Then you are in a forest as a grown up? Is that supposed to be your character having a flashback to childhood? Does something happen after this point to explain the point of the flashback?

- If the dog is following you and you try to go in the abandoned warehouse...you get stuck in the doorway. No way to go in or out. Had to quit at this point. No H-Content about 30 minutes in. That's kinda my limit.

- The alchemist in the woods...is he on a step counter when he's making the potion? Like you have to walk a certain number of steps? The only way I found to advance was to go back home(and witness a weird scene with the sister) and then go back. That backtracking just for a scene was a real headache.
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Re: Love Rebellion VX Ace (English Game) Demo Game

- The starting story makes no sense to me. Your mom gets killed by bugs and then they kill you? Then you are in a forest as a grown up? Is that supposed to be your character having a flashback to childhood? Does something happen after this point to explain the point of the flashback?

Yup it is a Flashback. As Game progress you learn more about the story.
News Update

Woah Guys! I'm working really hard on the Game!
I just want to make sure that for those who are interested. Don't miss any News.
there won't be a release this year. But I'm getting Closer to it.
-maybe early next Year.

What I have achieved so far:
over 1000 Pictures (Story and Hentai Based)
over 500 Rpg Maker Maps.
more then 15H of Gameplay.
Re: Love Rebellion VX Ace (English Game) Demo Game

Looking forward to it, whenever you're done.