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Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

do you remember where all the Hen'tai boxes were? 'cause I'm missing one.
Maybe behind a cracked wall i didn't find yet?

And is that related with the Quest "the Other Side"? (my last unfinished)

btw I have all portraits, you get the Farah portrait by playing that pimp minigame with Farah, just do it over and over again, doesn't matter which partner or type, just keep hitting enter until she wants to speek with you again.
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

Currently on my first playthrough and I've managed to get 83% completed.

Here's what I've got so far. I'll try to help the best I can.
If anyone wants to help fill in the blanks.

Illustrations: 223/256 (The rest must be on the second playthrough, right?)
Trading Cards: 76/100 (Also on the next playthrough?)
Hen'tai Discovered: 28/28
Art Chests Opened: 25/25
Portraits: 23/25 (I don't know where to get the other 2. One is Farah.)
Paintings Collected: 17/17
Lost Illustrations found: 18/18
Special Gallery Unlocked: 8/8
Tales of Eight found: 8/8
Ultimas Defeated: 8/8 (Still didn't get the achievement though)
Ancient Pages: 86/88 (Don't know where the other 2 are.)
Quests Completed: 27/25 (Wait what?)
Tablets of History: 46/46
Crystals Activated: 26/26
Namaria Locations: 36/36
World Locations: 60/60
Map Treasure Found: 1/16 (I have all the maps I just didn't do it yet.)
Propery Purchased 44/44

Legendary Monster I've killed so far going by the order of the Beastiary:
Wolheim Roar
Tordose Shell
Onehan Wing
King Fossil
General Gnome
Infinite Viper
Mischief Overlord
Grand Gatekeeper
Corrus Spawn
Giganto Overlord
Moist Slimer
Nalura Tree
Supreme Demon
Seductress Pimp
Winged Cerberus
Ancient Dragon
Mountain Grinder
Blackeagle Leader
Obsidian Hornhide
Nightmare Scythe
?????? ("An'Terra Emperor" apparently but I've never seen him.)
Neverus Warlock
Baron Centurius
Primus Remains

And then the achievements I am missing
Legendary Blade (That's a second playthrough thing too right?)
Tragic Choice (Not sure how to get that one.)
Pervert Buster (I think I know what to do there.)
Consequences (Not sure about this one.)
Among Friends (I have no idea who I'm missing, I think it's the second to last on the top row.)
Relentless Warrior (Ugh, I'll do it later.)
Completed Diary (I don't know where to get the last few ancient pages.)
Egyptian's Fate (I think I know what to do but I fucked it up on this run.)
Jack of Trade (Bah, I have no idea where those cards are. Probably second playthrough only.)
Art Collector (I guess that's a second playthrough deal?)
Monster Slayer (I have no idea where the last few legendary monsters are.)
No More Heroes (Second Playthrough?)
The Final Road (Working on it)
Game Completed (FUCK)

Can you upload your save? Also if anyone knows how to get the animation thatd be greaat.
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

How do I get the bad endings for the Western version? I'm right before the point with the Emperor, but when I go to Thebes it seems that Farah is in the stables, the Pharaoh's ghost isn't in the tomb (unless I can't find him) and Osira just comments about the guards looking at her.
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

So I played it through the end and got lazy, extracted the pictures of the game and was suprised about some of the art.
The ANimation is Farah giving a blowjob to 3 guys.
There are 2 real pictures from swegabe in there (Well I think its her).

My personal opinion about this game:

  • Gotta catch them all factor is quit nice
  • You can modify your house
  • The pictures are sometimes good
  • good portion of sidequests.
  • there are some pictures of your companions

  • story -> well nothing great, but it is an hentai game...
  • sec scenes -> sometimes good, sometimes bad...
  • crafting system -> haven't used it till the end (only for the last weapons)

  • Bad:
  • You can modify your house BUT it feels empty (No people moving around, no animals, just pictures...)
  • Gameplay is boring
  • The pictures are sometimes bad (I hated the inconsistency of the proportions of the breasts. -> sometimes the breasts of osira are bigger than farahs)
  • nothing to do with your companions (SOmething like date/rape/train them and so on)
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Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

Okay so, I did kinda cheat towards the end.

Outside of using SGEdit for quick levels up to a suitable amount(from 23 to 30 starting episode 3 and from there to 50 at Lord Kross's mansion), I went all the way to the endgame normally. I ended up using Kai, Layla, Zhu' Yen, and Murdock. I had two of the other characters equiped with greater rings of darkness and one with the Boots of Nabonaga.

I had one legendary weapon(apparently a tier below the Tales of Eight), and got another for the mailman quest and extracted stardust from both to get Kai a Ring of Trinity.

Using Grand Fury was a total mistake on anyone hut Kai since I always used all of my seeds of life on him(almost five thousand hp hy Altum), so I stuck to just Fury on himself and Grand Protect and Immunity on everyone. Took a while but I brought Altum down. While it WAS difficult as fuck, it was fun and challenging, and it felt like an accomplishment when I won.

I thought hard on the path branching concept, and decided that the best idea would be when Bastorahl talks to Kai in the throne room during the assault on Grand aideen but before the Frontier Aquaducts quest.

Kai could accept and kill the king to prove his loyalty via finishing blow, perhaps. As for what party members leave, the only one I would consider a definite is Layla. Zhu and Gin are more nuetral, so is the thief, not sure about Milana, and Murdock...I really think he wouldn't care too much, he's just along for the ride.

All it would require to be changed is the west coast, which is a few large areas, and the ending. And for a betrayel ending like the hidden one from the first game it could just shamelessly rip from the pattern of it by having it be something you unlock/enact at the endgame with minor changes to the game.

Personal catering aside, I don't see it happening without a lot more time and money being poured into it, which is doubtful.

Anyway, I got kinda bored afterwards when Phalen was whooping my ass in the arena...I basically did a trick I did in the first game for fun. I loaded the Opala II save without the specific .ini file for the game. Doing it WITH the file makes it easier to edit stuff, but it also only lets you add the main character's skills to his skill set. Doing it without the .ini file provides you a long and jumbled list of skills with wrong names(find canoe is one name), but just adding them all and saving basically gives him abilities like Flash Attack, Piratss Secret, Curse, and many of the top tier Grand skills. I then overpowered his stats and started exploring.

So far the game is fun but I still see a few flaws/personal annoyances and I believe I overhyped it like I tend to do for everything I keep track of but wait for over long periods of time.
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

Since grinding is a little extreme in episode 3(i had to at least grind out a full set of moon armor to beat some of the bosses), i fooled around with sgedit and found some of the item codes/names that should help
stat items
potent seed of life- #001
seed of life- tincutua
seed of divine mana- power acorn
seed of mana- cassia leaf
potent seed of strength - pomegranite

crafting items
onyx metal --- ???#354
blackshard metal --> ???#404 (or #400) not sure
moonstone --- ???#317
stardust -- ???#342
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

And then the achievements I am missing
Legendary Blade (That's a second playthrough thing too right?)
Tragic Choice (Not sure how to get that one.)
Pervert Buster (I think I know what to do there.)
Consequences (Not sure about this one.)
Among Friends (I have no idea who I'm missing, I think it's the second to last on the top row.)
Relentless Warrior (Ugh, I'll do it later.)
Completed Diary (I don't know where to get the last few ancient pages.)
Egyptian's Fate (I think I know what to do but I fucked it up on this run.)
Jack of Trade (Bah, I have no idea where those cards are. Probably second playthrough only.)
Art Collector (I guess that's a second playthrough deal?)
Monster Slayer (I have no idea where the last few legendary monsters are.)
No More Heroes (Second Playthrough?)
The Final Road (Working on it)
Game Completed (FUCK)

Here's a few, at least.

Tragic Choice: Take the old man with you to the hills of sanctus at the start.
Pervert Buster: Just turn in Hen'tai when you first meet him in Resteed.
Consequences: Push the man off the cliff in Rockguard Village (the one where you choose to warn or push him) his brother will attack you in Shaabera, defeating him gets you the achievement.
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

Here's a few, at least.

Tragic Choice: Take the old man with you to the hills of sanctus at the start.
Pervert Buster: Just turn in Hen'tai when you first meet him in Resteed.
Consequences: Push the man off the cliff in Rockguard Village (the one where you choose to warn or push him) his brother will attack you in Shaabera, defeating him gets you the achievement.
Ah, thank you. I'll make sure to do that on my next run.

Can you upload your save? Also if anyone knows how to get the animation thatd be greaat.
I'll upload my save once I get 100%. No point in doing it otherwise.
do you remember where all the Hen'tai boxes were? 'cause I'm missing one.
Maybe behind a cracked wall i didn't find yet?

And is that related with the Quest "the Other Side"? (my last unfinished)

btw I have all portraits, you get the Farah portrait by playing that pimp minigame with Farah, just do it over and over again, doesn't matter which partner or type, just keep hitting enter until she wants to speek with you again.
There were one or two in the tower of despair, if you haven't been to all the floors. I'm pretty sure those were the last few I was missing.
Also if you haven't already been to every location I would do that first.
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

Holy crap, the Twin Towers difficulty is insane, 1000 damage with only 1 hit?! How I am supposed to beat this
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

Where are An'Terra bugs? I need Tailor's String (bugs drop it according to wiki) from them but cant find any.
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Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

My Team was Kai, Milena with Grand Evade to avoid his melee, ZhuYen with Grand Immunity and Latex with Grand Power to raise my Attack damage. All at lvl 52 and Kai with a Onyx Weappon, and the rest of the team wears a Ring of Greater Darkness

I think the Ring was the best thing along with Grand Immunity to lower the damage of his Darkness Spells.

The fight was only to Power up in the first round, hope he kills not my Healer and then 4 Rounds of pumping Ultimates from Kai, Milana and Latex into him while ZhuYen only uses Greater Healing to bring every round the Health of the Team to max hitpoints. Then refreshing the Buffs on my Team and repeat again.

Unfortunately I do not have Latex but Layla! Now I just have to find the onyx. Thank you so much for the advice! :)
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

Where are An'Terra bugs? I need Tailor's String (bugs drop it according to wiki) from them but cant find any.

They are summoned by An'Terra Sorcerers. In packs with 3 sorcs the middle one summons bugs when you lower his hp by 20k. Dunno if the same prerequisite is for packs with 2 sorcs and 1 warrior.
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

Finally with the weekend i got to the end of NG+ but i still have to do a full run around the maps.

So far the differences i noted are:
1-To get quest related chars now you just have to talk to them
2-Blue chests now spawn with trading cards (i believe you get them in order and they're not bound to a particular chest)
3-relationship points are retained so it's easier to get the last chars daily fap with 1 or 2 more talks
4-you can fight jake at crystal sanctum
5-you're able to craft the legendary blade from the hermit blacksmith
6(?)-you should be able to recruit the warlock (but i think you have to have all other possible chars - can't get him yet so only a supposition on my part)

Couple questions:
1-where do you recruit lilith? (it seems the mini quest to recruit her doesn't occur again again)
2-where's osira if you don't rescue her after altum fight or you can't get her?
3-is there anything more to making a deal with melforas besides a couple lines at the end?
4-does the captain do anything or do you have to do something to trigger him?
5-festival island is for NG Ultra or do you have to trigger anything?
6-does league of perverts offers anything new? (so far i got nothing)
7-are we able to do anything regarding the women in the breeding zones?
8-is there any difference in the evil/good alignment (it seemed practically the same or did i miss anything on my rush playthrough?)

i'll update if i find anything interesting
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

They are summoned by An'Terra Sorcerers. In packs with 3 sorcs the middle one summons bugs when you lower his hp by 20k. Dunno if the same prerequisite is for packs with 2 sorcs and 1 warrior.

No - they only show with the packs of 3 mages. Only insects with the other groups that have a warrior...
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

So I played it through the end and got lazy, extracted the pictures of the game and was suprised about some of the art.
The ANimation is Farah giving a blowjob to 3 guys.
There are 2 real pictures from swegabe in there (Well I think its her).

My personal opinion about this game:

  • Gotta catch them all factor is quit nice
  • You can modify your house
  • The pictures are sometimes good
  • good portion of sidequests.
  • there are some pictures of your companions

  • story -> well nothing great, but it is an hentai game...
  • sec scenes -> sometimes good, sometimes bad...
  • crafting system -> haven't used it till the end (only for the last weapons)

  • Bad:
  • You can modify your house BUT it feels empty (No people moving around, no animals, just pictures...)
  • Gameplay is boring
  • The pictures are sometimes bad (I hated the inconsistency of the proportions of the breasts. -> sometimes the breasts of osira are bigger than farahs)
  • nothing to do with your companions (SOmething like date/rape/train them and so on)

hey can you upload all the stuff you extracted from the game or tell me how to extract them? thank you !
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

After you encounter her (and presumably say the right things, ie: +relationship points), I think twice (in two towns: one is rockgard village, and the other town is also one of the beginning of the game's areas, too), then, to recruit her:

Lilith is hiding in kai's original home (west of zhu'yen's home), on the 2nd story-floor, in the cabinet~dresser next to kai's bed (it otherwise normally lets you change kai's clothes), and you know she's available as when you enter kai's house, you get forced dialogue events, letting you know, though, I'd have to look up exactly when she becomes available within the game progression. It might be right after you rescue Farah from Rockgard~Hawk at the beginning of the game, otherwise, it might be a bit later, such as once you get to Grand Aideen, but not any further than this within the game's progression, I'm pretty sure.

she does conflict with emeralda, as do the other characters with their counter parts~characters:

Kai <> (none, I would presume, lol)
Milana <> (?none, or the hunter-huntress?)
Murdock <> Iliona
Layla <> Latex
Zhu'Yen <> Gin'Yen
Lilith <> Emeralda (is she the warlock or the hunter-huntress?)
?Draco? (Wolfgang, is ?he-she? the warlock or the hunter-huntress?) <> (???)
(if I'm missing any more, my bad, lol)
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Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

Guys pls help, i have huge prob, i start fight with league of perverts and save the game before fight starts, so now i cant go back, its to win or to start game from beginning, my team is on 52 lvl all, so i just need somehow to cheat game to start hitting first and i will win easy, can any1 tell me if its possible to cheat game like that?
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

Does anybody know where Castaway Cove is. Found the name after ripping the Game.rgssad file.

Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

Guys pls help, i have huge prob, i start fight with league of perverts and save the game before fight starts, so now i cant go back, its to win or to start game from beginning, my team is on 52 lvl all, so i just need somehow to cheat game to start hitting first and i will win easy, can any1 tell me if its possible to cheat game like that?

i play that part with team members all level 30 a 32.
use grand might and grand dodge or grand or grand rage (you can only use 2 powers at the same time, i mostly used might and rage). and use lots of potions. than you should be able to win this.
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

i play that part with team members all level 30 a 32.
use grand might and grand dodge or grand or grand rage (you can only use 2 powers at the same time, i mostly used might and rage). and use lots of potions. than you should be able to win this.

The prob is that i cant use any powers before they attack, so i cant survive they first attack, that is all i need, i have mass fury, mass evade, grand immunity, but i cant use them on time cos they attack first, so i ask for some1 to help me with some cheat, just to use my powers first and i will win...
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