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RPG RPG Maker [Swegabe] The Legend of Queen Opala 2

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Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

Is some1 have save when i need to pay gabe horsmen to sleep with farah, i just fucked up that situation and save game on only 1 save, so i cant go back now to correct my mistake, so please if any1 have that save before paying, upload it for me!! :D Thanks
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

Any news on when part 2 will be available? Gabe said that the game was split in two because some of the last voice acting bits were missing so I assumed there won't be much of a delay for part 2
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

Any news on when part 2 will be available? Gabe said that the game was split in two because some of the last voice acting bits were missing so I assumed there won't be much of a delay for part 2

She prolly put the first part of it out to appease the audience, I bet she's just stalling. Itll prolly be out by November, But it already seems like the games complete on her end. she be hiding all them already completed cg's I bet.
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

Any news on when part 2 will be available? Gabe said that the game was split in two because some of the last voice acting bits were missing so I assumed there won't be much of a delay for part 2

the game itself is more or less already done; the problem is that one of the voice actresses hasn't been contributing for months, so Gabe is now essentially forced to find a new voice actress to replace her. my money's on Farah being the one that has to be replaced, since the music got quieter a lot while she was talking, but no voice dialogue.

so, yeah. it'll be a while before we get the full game, since Gabe has to get all of her lines re-recorded by the new gal. since she started talking about this issue november of last year, i'm guessing either late spring or early summer for the full release date.
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

straight from

Latest News - January 9, Legend of Queen Opala II - Episode II is currently aimed to be released sometime around May/June, 2012.
But before that, a new release of Episode I will be made public with every known glitch/bug fixed, some added content and an entirely redesigned gallery which will be much smoother and easier to navigate.
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

damn, you beat me to it! then again, nailed it with my guess. late spring-early summer it is!
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

Can some1 tell me where is Tower of Illumi, i cant remember???
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

Does anyone have a save with latex in their party? I just got to the guild of heroes and I dont want to start all over again just to get her. Doesn't have to be a full save or anything, it would be much appreciated :D
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

Can someone help me to know why capitain Durrow is not in the tavern and I did complete temple of sun ...
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

So there's a new version up.

Gabe's journal said:
Legend of Queen Opala II - Episode I -

As I'm sure you all know, Megaupload got nuked by US so I had to upload my game somewhere else, and here is the answer to that.
However, this version is NOT the same as the previous Episode I.
This one has every reported bug/glitch fixed, a completely remade Beastiary and Art Gallery, some tiny tweeks in the game plus three new Legendary Monsters for you to find and hunt down.

If you've already made a save for the game, don't forget to import it, along with the achievement list before you delete the old version of Episode I!


Still downloading, so I haven't had the chance to try it yet.
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

holy mother of god, the Art Gallery is so much easier to traverse now. you can flip between pages like nothing now. the Bestiary is likewise made incredibly slick. the blacksmith problem is also fixed, but really, the weapons they have are stuff you can find in the wilds, nothing new there to see.

interesting note that i've found... the Achievements near the bottom have had their wordings changed. before they implied that they could be completed over the course of multiple saves, but now they say 'playthroughs sharing the same original save'. what the hell is that supposed to mean? you save a game at a fork in the road, then play through two different times for different reactions will get the achievements? someone help me on this.
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Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

There's probably going to be a New Game+ like there was with the first one, so you can get some characters and their achievements on the first playthrough, and the other characters on the next.

At least, that's what I would assume.
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

Actually Gabe posted on her hf profile that there will be new game+ and new game++.
By the way did anyone found those three new legendary monsters?
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

This update is good news :D

Time for a playthrough with eastern art now i think, gotta find all those CGs
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

Actually Gabe posted on her hf profile that there will be new game+ and new game++.
By the way did anyone found those three new legendary monsters?

Seductress pimp is found in the Outpost directly south of Aideen. Nalura tree can be found by going to Dreadclaww Pas and then going directly west and south, towards the impregnators lair. I'm not sure, but I think you can find them after defeating Seductresses and Shadowood, respectively.

Still looking for that last one.
Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

From the wiki, you kill 20 Blood Nectars (Valethorn, the small pink misquitos-butterflies), and then fight the LM (a small blue misquitos-butterfly), Supreme Demon, in Lake Serene by the red chest.

This is the 3rd new LM.
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Re: The Legend of Queen Opala 2

Any idea how to get the consequences achievement btw???
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