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SW Saga Edition: The Sluts Unleashed!


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Apr 19, 2019
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Sarai Ren the Togruta White Current Adept Tag: Mission. All. Mood: eager, Curious

Sarai was excited to finally be off on a real mission. She was not happy at all that their master had stacked the deck so thoroughly against them but well used to his behavior she supposed it was just part of one more test. Surely she and her comrades would triumph in the cause of the Empire. Yet the chance to prove themselves washed away any traces of resentment. Sarai was dressed more discretely than normal for their training sessions in a revealing cropped top and short skirt that showed off more skin than they revealed.

When the locked door was easily and quickly opened Sarai turned away from the ventilation panel that she'd started to open in order to bypass the barrier. "Well done Salvie, that was quick. And good work as well making contact with our target Raja." Sarai went out into the passageway and looked about as Raja went on to head to the nearest bathrooms. "We should definitely split into smaller groups and search the station. It will speed things up. Salvie with your knack for the machines and computers you should find what you can for us? Do you need help?" She watched as Raja came back out and started talking to the guard strolling further down the passageway. "We should stay in pairs I think Sirius. That way we can watch each other's back and be more effective if needed."

As she thought about their options Sarai felt at her pocket. Fishing around she brought out a credit chip. "It looks like Officer Flair has gifted us with 500 credits. We could use this for goods or equipment, bribes or to stake ourselves in a gambling game if needed to get close to our target."


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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Portrait1.jpgSalvie Avers the Force-sensitive Agent, Tag: Mission, All, Mood: Sprightly
Salvie turned towards the others. "Who will accompany me? I may need someone to search for terminals and watch out for trouble."

Looking over to Sarai, she continued: "If the money is earmarked for this mission, then maybe we should spend it now. I doubt we can buys ourselves past security with a few hundred, but there may be some 'shady' stuff we can buy here. Or maybe a bunch of anti-personnel mines in case we have to high-tail it out of here."

"So, where is everyone headed?"


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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One of the weird things, is that the floor was dusty...even if there was obviously a cleaning droid running around?

@ Raja

Raja playfully chased the MSE 'Mouse' Droid through the wide corridors of the space station. The droid noticed her and tried to run away from her beeping in binary. First everything around her was silent, but as she kept following, she would see advertisment displays lighting up at the side of the corridors, and later she would have to avoid some bystander. "Huh, mouse thief...what's next..." they would hear one human laugh as she passed nexted to him. When it finally managed to 'escape' her, she was in an unknown location.

Her visit to the public restroom wasn't very pleasant - it was clean but there was an unleasant odor still lingering in the air.
'Mouse' Droids are used as cleaning droids...sometimes. However they are actually general use droids, and they can be programmed to be used as maintenance or messenger droids.

However due to their limited capabilities, they can only have one of those roles at a time. They have to be reprogrammed for the specific task, and maybe get outfitted with different tools for their new job.
She was still on the same level she was before, and wandering around she would notice blast doors that led to other docking bays. At some point, she found a pair of security guards who were patrolling down the corridor.

They looked each other, and then one of them replied to her.

"Hello lady. Who is your boss, and who is the guy you are looking for?" he asked.

(The security guard is friendly and not suspicious of you. )


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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Portrait1.jpgSalvie Avers the Force-sensitive Agent, Tag: Mission, All, Mood: Serious
As teams formed, Salvie decided to follow Taken to the docking bay-intersection. After she stepped out of the door, the Chiss agent was nowhere in sight. "Great, as usual." She muttered to herself, reaching with her fingers to her scarf, activating the remote for the comlink build into her bodysuit collar.

"Taken, this is Salvie. I'm heading towards a maintenance hangar. There has to be a dataport or terminal somewhere. I'll try to penetrate deeper into their network from there. Can you help me find a terminal and watch my back?"

With that, Salvie moved slowly along the intersecting corridors, looking intently for a terminal or a sign that would designate a maintenance hangar or mechanics bay. (Perception roll: 14)
With a set of baggy spacer clothes draped over her bodysuit, she didn't look out of place among the workers and travelers walking to and fro between the docking bays and the interior. The sporting blaster and a permissions slip where hidden in a pocket of her jacket and would raise no suspicion even if discovered.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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@ Taken

You move outside to follow Raja, but you barely see her chasing after something before turning around the corner at the end of the corridor...presumably a cleaning droid. On the side of the corridor she passed through, a couple of wall advertisement displays are running 2D ads. You realize they were shut off, but when someone passed next to them they activated automatically.

If you approach the displays and stand next to them for a couple of seconds, sound also starts playing.
"Try your luck at the Lucky Star" a Twi'lek winks at you. "Luck favors the lucky...and so do I"
A speeder rushes towards the screen, passing through it, leaving behind a cloud of dust. Letters form in the screen "RACE. PROVE YOUR SKILL. / BET. PROVE YOUR INSIGHT." and then "DEATHRUN, TONIGHT!" followed by "BERGEL'S ARENA, WE KEEP YOU ENTERTAINED."
After that, if you still keep in front of it, the screen splits to smaller 'windows', each one playing advertisement for different casinos, cantinas, events, repair shops, bodyguard services etc.

(If you look for something specific, tell me what and roll a gather info - it will take some time to go through all the ads and find the ones you want.)

Taking a look around, you realize that you are in an abandoned- or less visited area of the station. The door that leads to the docking bay you just came out from, has "L3, D69" painted with faint red letters above it.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Raja The Zeltronian Force-User, Tag: Introduction, All, Mood: HappyTag: Sarai, Sirius, DM

The Zeltron made rather happy sounding guttural noises when chasing the Droid, perhaps also inspired by the praise she recieved earlier. She was simple to please in these regards. She also tried to not get distracted by those advertisements.. she didn't exactly have much to spent!
The Bathroom was smelly and less pleasant, but encountering the first few different people had given her a little of a culture shock. Plus! She didn't want to thief the mouse droid.
Ok she did, but she wouldn't!

"Ah.. uh..the name of the one I'm looking for is Ruben, Ruben.. Brobal, hired by Alk'ula.. My master let slip that maybe he's not the cleanest of citizen and I've been looking about." Well not for long, but it was true. "But realized if he was locked up, I could be looking through the place all day a.. uh.. and uhm.. that might be dangerous.. n.. not everyone is as nice as you two..." Helpful, to Raja's disguise was that she genuinly ment most of the nice things she said anyway, unware of how they might sound in the end.

"Uh.. ah.. if.. you don't know the name you wouldn't happen where I could start looking for someone around here, .. right?" She added, hopeful.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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@ Salvie

You assumed correctly that there could be a terminal in the hangar bay. Actually, taking a closer look around, you notice one even in the hangar bay you currently are.

Every hangar bay has a refueling station where one can buy fuel. It is the same with this one. Next to it there is a powered-down terminal that connects to it. While it normally isn't supposed to give you access to other areas, you could try to hack it - even success won't give you the rights you would have from, lets say the terminal of a security office, but it will allow you to access the stations network. Also, it will be easier for your hacking to pass unnoticed.

There is the option to insert a credit chip to pay for some fuel, and also the option to order repairs for the ship. Both options have many sub-choices, like the quality of the fuel, etc etc.

You can try hacking the terminal.
Currently: Guest Access
DC 13 to gain Authorized User Access (if you fail by 5 or more, you alarm the administrator of the system that a hacking attempt was made from this terminal.)

If you wish to look for an other terminal and leave the hangar bay, you will also see the advertisements mentioned above.

There are other docks too, and it isn't hard to locate an other one. However their doors are locked. Generally the security is very lax for empty docks, but if you pick one that is currently occupied things could be harder.
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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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@ Raja

The security guard touches his earpiece.

"Hey, do we have a guy Ruben Brobal caught? Ruben Brobal, yes." he waits for a while, probably listening to someone replying to him.

"No, sorry, we have no such a guy caught. But don't chase around criminals, lady, they always bring trouble with them. If your master is looking for someone, tell him to hire bounty hunters."

"Where are you going next, lady? You are right that this place is not very safe. Do you want us to escort you somewhere?" he offered.

"We will keep an eye for that Brobal guy. Do you know how he looks?" the other one added.

It looked that if that guy was a criminal, he hadn't been caught by the local authorities. And he wasn't well known judging by the guards reaction - however the guard probably wouldn't know every criminal around.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Raja The Zeltronian Force-User, Tag: Introduction, All, Mood: Happy Tag: DM

"I uh.. wish I had a choice.." She gave the man an apologetic shrug at his advice... then she actually blushed -adding a slight purple to her cheeks- at the mans offer..
"Ah.. ah! Th.. there's no need to accompany me; Uh.. y.. you are doing an important duty, keeping these people safe.. and you already kind of helped me. D.. don't worry, I'm not entirely on my own.

Sadly, my master hasn't uh.. given me much information to go with which does -not- make this any easier..."
She said, staring at the ground. "Ah uh! I.. if you really want to be helpful, what are locations of general interest where I could start looking.. and.. uh.. Actually, could you please perhaps please show or explain to me the rules of this station? Y.. you know, just so I don't accidentially end up breaking them. This is my first time here, I wouldn't want to.. I dunno, get in uh.. trouble for missing a warning thing and wandering into the wrong area, if there's such a thing..." She nodded, giving the guardsmen a hopeful look. Perhaps the others would take action to succeed. She would also take action not to fail.

(Let's perhaps say that Raja sets her transmitter to send at the apropriate time, so everyone gets the guard info dump on rules plus important locations? ^^ )


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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Portrait1.jpgSalvie Avers the Force-sensitive Agent, Tag: Mission, All, Mood: Serious
Acting as inconspicuous as possible, Salvie plugged her datapad into the terminal and accessed the operating system console, disabling the running interface and giving herself authorization to access the network. (Use Computer roll: 15) She then started sifting through the files, searching for station layout data, network protocols, and the location of computer network nodes.

(General information: Station layout - roll: 22)
(Specific information: Network and security protocols - roll: 22)
(Specific information: Network nodes location - roll: 20)
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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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@ Salvie

The station is split in 3 rings.
Upper Ring: No access possible
Middle Ring: No access possible
Lower ring:
Level 1=Administration/Security
Level 2=Entertainment/Shops etc
Level 3=Docks (your current location)

Network and security protocols for the lower ring:
If hacking attempt is detected, patrol team is dispatched.
In low security areas the system checks for unauthorized access every week.
In average security areas every day
In high security areas every hour

Docks are generally low security, except if someone pays for higher.

(You have rolled high enough to hack the system, but not high enough to hide all traces of your hacking attempt. The next system check will is scheduled in 3 days.)

Network nodes locations (for this ring):
Low access are pretty much almost everywhere.
You can gain higher access in the security posts of the ring.
You can gain admin rights for this ring and user rights to other rings from the administration office in the 1st level of the lower ring.

Also by hacking this system you can get fuel for free, but that means that the next system check will 100% reveal your hacking.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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Portrait1.jpgSalvie Avers the Force-sensitive Agent, Tag: Mission, All, Mood: Mischievous
Salvie activated her comlink and pinged the shuttle with Commander Flair on board.
"Ma'am? This is Salvie. I have compromised their computer systems. If we wish, I can get us some free fuel. Will be discovered in 3 days. Awaiting your recommendation." she said with a crisp voice, almost able to suppress a mischievous smile.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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"...we already have fuel. You should finish the mission before three days pass then, I guess?" Flair replies, sounding somewhat confused.


Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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Portrait1.jpgSalvie Avers the Force-sensitive Agent, Tag: Mission, All, Mood: Mischievous
"Understood, Ma'am. Was just an idea I had."

She logged out of the terminal and waited for Taken to catch up to her, observing the people around her, doing their business. (Perception roll: 17)

She felt warm, and aroused, as usual - she had taken quite well to her indoctrination, and the continuous tingling in her pussy was her reward. Of the rebellious, free-spirited girl she had once been there was nothing left - and it felt great to know, so wonderful to contemplate that once she would have hated her current self, before she had been turned into an eager servant of the Empire. It felt almost as good to look at the people around her, how they didn't give her a second look, satisfied with her surface that looked like them. But underneath her average facade she was a smooth agent, an infiltrator, a hunter, just like under her upbeat enthusiasm - one of the few remnants of her old life - she was focused and cold, dedicated to the Empire. The perfect weapon and and an eager, obedient slut, hidden under a blanket of cheerfulness.
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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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Taken(M).jpg Taken the Scouting Agent, Tag: Mission, All, Mood: Cautious

Seeing Raja disappear around the corner he smiles to himself. 'She has some spunk that one, hope she doesn't get into trouble.' He notices the advertisements and after the first few begins to ignore them when. "Beep Beep Beep" in acceding pitch sounded in his ear, 'Sal's calling,' He thought to himself as the channel opened. He listened to the request and taps the button to send to her on the handheld portion of his com in his utility belt.
"Rodger, I'm holding position right outside the hanger, if you are going this way. If not let me know which direction you are headed and I'll cover your six."
He turns off the transmission and decides to look over the advertisements for a little bit since he has some time.

Gather Information: 5 = 5 + `CHA`

When the "Beep Bedeleep Bebeep" sounded signaling Raja, Taken tensed fearing the girl had gotten in trouble and when the male voice started talking in the comms it didn't help, but based on how calm everything was he began to calm down again and returned to watching the ads while waiting for Sal to ready to move out.
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Well-known member
Apr 19, 2019
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Sarai Ren the Togruta White Current Adept Tag: Mission. All. Mood: Eager, Curious

Sarai kept watch while Salvie worked her skills on the computer terminal. "We need to get you access into the security and admin area. I can use the Force to enhance my stealth if we want to try and break in after working hours. I can influence the minds of the weak so we might be able to sneak and bluff our way in or pose as a cleaning or maintenance crew. We could abduct a real cleaning crew and impersonate them."



Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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Portrait1.jpgSalvie Avers the Force-sensitive Agent, Tag: Mission, All, Mood: Serious
Salvie thought over Sarai's proposal. "That's an interesting plan, my next goal would be a terminal in a security station." She engaged her comlink to make sure everyone was listening in. "So will you come with me, and Taken and Sirius team up to scout near our docking bay?"

"I do think that abducting and impersonating maintenance personnel would take too much time and have too many risks. If we don't want to bluff our way inside a security station, I can look op the next cleaning supply closet, maybe we find enough stuff for a disguise there. Disappearing spare suits raise fewer questions than disappearing people after all, even on such an empire-forsaken hive of criminality as this."

"Actually, I have an idea. There are maintenance crews operating out of some bays, who can be hired for repairs. If we go to another hangar bay, spoof some requests from them, we may be able to sneak into their tool storages and take what we need while they're away." She looked straight at Sarai. "You wanna come with me?"
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Apr 21, 2019
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Due to some confusion I have to assume your current positions.
Please everyone, add a tag with your current location at the start of your post.
Try to write clearly who you are teamed up with. If the rest of your team leaves, I will assume you tag along, unless you post before me and write that you do something else, or unless you have noted that you wouldn't tag along beforehand.

@ Salvie, Sarai, Serius

Luckily the terminal you hacked wasn't in your own hangar bay, so you would probably be able to escape notice even Salvies traces got discovered in 3 days.
You are currently at Dock 55, the one with the terminal Salvie hacked.

@ Taken

Taken is checking tha ads in the corridors near Dock 55

@ Raja

Raja has left the area and you aren't aware where she is.

Your last crew member is repairing her gun back in the spaceship, because it had some damages. She will join you later.
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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2019
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For Update Purposes

Taken(M).jpg Taken the Scouting Agent, Tag: Mission, All, Mood: Bewildered, Team: Salvie

Location: The ads just outside Dock 55

Watching the ads, Taken has seen very little spectacle like this and becomes a little enraptured by them before the "Beep Beep Beep" of Sal on coms broke him out of it, he waited still trying to be useful while also thinking about how long Alk expected them to take. This station wasn't small, they could spend weeks trying to find this guy if they weren't able to get some hints from the computers or perhaps the other inhabitants. None of that interested Taken, he was more interested in the hunt. Once his team found more information he would be ready to track their prey.


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Apr 21, 2019
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@ Raja

The security guard smiled at Raja

"Ah, how did you end up here...this is no place for you at all." he sighed.

"The whell has three rings. The upper ring where the rich and the nobles go, the middle ring where most go, and then this is the lower ring. The lower ring is filled with criminals and those who are too poor to afford going to the middle ring."

"This is the lower ring, and it has three levels. We are at the third level, the docks. Here you can find some cheap docks to park your ship, cheap fuel and cheap repairs.
The second level is the largerst, and it has cheap entertainment, casinos and the rest. Not the cleanest place, if you know what I mean."

"In both of those levels there are gangs that claim this or that. 'The Cogs', 'The Brutalizers', 'The Blazers' are the biggest of them, but there are more of them."

"Look, we just patrol around, but we can't keep everything here safe. Why don't you come with us back to the outpost, and when our shift is over we can help you find that guy." he suggests, reaching with his hand to touch Raja's back.

"Look, just ignore your boss.. This area is not safe for a pretty woman like you. If you have no place to go you can stay with us at the first level, till we sort you somewhere."

"Oh right, I forgot...the first level is where we live, and the central security station. Also the ring administration offices. Generally it is out of limits for civilians, but don't worry about that." he explained, lovingly stroking Raja's back. He wasn't doing so because he was a pervert, no...he was just acting subconsciously. He had a pheromone induced desire to take Raja back to his home, and keep her protected and then make her his own...

"Actually, why don't you come with us up to the station anyway? We could ask the others we have caught if they know this guy you are looking for..." he offered

"By the way, what is your name? I am Brandon and this is George." he introduced himself.

"Nice to meet you!" the other guard added, happy that his mate didn't forget to introduce him too.

Raja would realize that the security outpost and the security station were two different things. And that the security guard sounded like he wanted to find a reason to keep her close to him.