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Suspicious Infiltration (Neil)

Re: Lost at sea (Neil)

The white haired spider woman grinned a toothy grin, showing her many fangs to Neil, "I'm deciding on whether or not to eat you, or rape you, then eat you!" she told him, laughing at him as she did so. She quickly kneeled down, undoing the part of the webbing around his crotch, before taking his cock in her hands, stroking him slowly while she cast a smile at him, trying to get him hard, "I think I'll eat your semen first... Then maybe a little of your blood when you're all dried out... Oh! this will be so much fun! I've not eaten a human in so long! I've starved!" she said viciously.
Re: Lost at sea (Neil)

Neil's eyes went wide in a sudden fear. Apparently snakes weren't the only kind of carnivorous girls around here. His mouth was still uncovered, so he could have cried out for help, but... where he was, he doubted anyone who would help could hear him, and he didn't want to make this spider girl angry, and... part of him didn't want to. Wanted to let her go through with this. His face went red as she spoke to him, and while he knew to her he was nothing but food right now, he couldn't help it. "If you're waiting for me to plead and beg for my life... You'll be waiting a long time. I know the futility of it, having nothing to really offer you in exchange..." He sighs, gasping softly as he felt her hand around his cock. It doesn't take long for her to acheive her desire result, his cock twitching and throbbing a bit as it hardened and erected in her grasp.
Re: Lost at sea (Neil)

The spider woman growls, taking quick steps with her many legs, skittering along the floor, where the bent down with her human portion of her body, and gripped one of Neil's cat ears, pulling on it enough to hurt him a little, while she twisted her lips, "Don't be so boring!" she shouted at him, pulling at his ear harder, "I'm going to make it hurt real good, if you're going to be that way!" she threatened him.
Re: Lost at sea (Neil)

Neil mewls and squirms around in his bindings as his ears are pulled, slightly hissing in pain. "Owowow... Ok, ok! Please stop... My ears are sensitive!" He complains, blushing darker, the thought of begging to a stranger like this making his blood boil. "Please... Just let me go..." he says softly, his eyes pleading to hers.
Re: Lost at sea (Neil)

The Arachne laughs, "That's better." she tells him, almost seeming to be excited by his pleas, so much that Neil actually felt her warm pussy juices starting to dribble along his cock.

She lifted him with her spider legs, before placing him in a sitting position on the bed, with his cock still free, and pointing outward. Gripping the back of his head, she forced him to lean his head over, so that his neck was exposed. And with his flesh laid bare for her, he grins evilly, before both sliding her pussy down along his cock, and sinking her fangs into Neil's neck, sending a strangely delightful feeling of pain through him, as well as an immense sense of pleasure as her warm pussy took his cock inside of her...
Re: Lost at sea (Neil)

Neil's body shudders as he feels her juices on his cock, which was already half-erect under her. Once she sheathed it inside of herself though, it twitched to life, quickly becoming fully hard within her folds. A sharp gasp of pain escapes his lips as her fangs sink into his neck, but that too wouldn't last long, the feeling of being drained like that only fueling his lust, his gasps turning to happy murrs as her body worked to syphon him from two places at once. He would continue to struggle however, not to try and escape, but only to let her think he was still resisting, which he assumed she liked.
Re: Lost at sea (Neil)

The spider woman squirmed with Neil, indeed seeming to get a delighted thrill out of useless struggling. And after getting a mouthful of his blood, she pulled away, and sped up her humps, riding his cock with great ferver. "That's right... Keep struggling..." she panted, obviously loving it. She trailed her tongue along his neck, cleaning up the blood trailing down, "I love it..." she said, whispering into his ear, while her tight, gripping pussy milked him for as much of his seed as it could, desperately trying to make him cum so he'll fertilize her eggs...
Re: Lost at sea (Neil)

Neil gives a soft sigh as her fangs leave his neck, as if he was a bit sad that she'd stopped. Once she starts speeding up though, his cock twitching and throbbing in her tight folds as she bounced on it. Before much longer, the head would leak small, warm globs of pre for her hungry pussy, the catboy doing his best to continue struggling in her web. "N...No... Please stop...." He pants softly, groans of pleasure mixed in with his voice.
Re: Lost at sea (Neil)

Sliding up and down his cock, the white haired spider woman wrapped her arms around Neil's back, holding him close, close enough to smush his face against her breasts, blinding him, and nearly suffocating him from having to try and breath through all of her bouncy flesh. He felt her folds pulling at his cock as he began to leak precum, milking him of his seed. Which only made her more aggressive, as her humps became slams very quickly. And as she witnessed Neil nearing his own sexual limit, she smiled, "Cum inside... Fill me with your seed..." she told him, fucking him as hard as she could, milking his cock for every ounce of spunk he could give.
Re: Lost at sea (Neil)

"Nnng... no... I won't..." he gasps out, doing his best to resist and hold out as long as possible. His gasps become suddenly sharper once she traps his face against her busy, and as he struggles to breathe, his flailings and writhings increase. As the arachne's pussy suckles and milk him, his cock for now only yields more warm, sticky pre, the catboy's resolve seeming to hold his orgasm at bay. But not for much longer it would seem.
Re: Lost at sea (Neil)

Digging her finger-claws into his back, Neil felt his blood running down his back from having his skin pierced by her claws, as she double her efforts to make him cum, slamming against him, bending her hips so as to bend his cock, and stimulate him further, all in a ferocious attempt to break his will, and force him to cum, and fertilize her eggs.
Re: Lost at sea (Neil)

Neil grunts hard as her claws dig into him, the feeling of his warm blood running down his body seeming to excite him even more for some reason. It takes only a moment longer for him to reach his breaking point, a loud, lewd moan coming from him as his cock erupts into the arachne, painting the inside of her folds with his thick, sticky seed as he lay panting under her.
Re: Lost at sea (Neil)

The spider woman let out a pleased moan as Neil came inside her, squirming, and groaning with sexual lust as he pumped his sticky white spunk inside of her. And once he was finished, simply laying back onto the bed, having had a powerful orgasm, and having had lost a good deal of blood, a great feeling of lightheadedness overtook him, while the spider woman rested down with him, sinking her teeth into his flesh again, drawing more blood from him as she gorged herself on his nutrients...

This only continued for a few seconds, before Neil saw a very furious, very, very angry Sahara standing in the doorway, with naught but scorn on her face. With a fury, she quickly moved over to where Neil and the spider woman lay, taking Neil from her, and holding his head against her bosom, sealing him between her breasts, and once again, depriving him of oxygen. "No-no! I don't think so!" she said as she stole him from the spider woman, while the arachne only gave a confused look, and a, "Wha-?" in response.

"I did not give him to you! He is not yours!" she said bluntly.

The arachnid reached back, and stole Neil back, offering him only a second to take a breath in, before having his head sealed between another pair of breasts, "Hey! get lost, fork-tongue! I found him, he's mine!" she retorted.

Neil was taken by Sahara, from the spider's breasts, and back to her own, "Go to hell, bug-eyes! You didn't find him, you STOLE him!" she shouted.

And again, Neil was violently pulled, his head slamming back between the arachnid's breasts. "Finders-keepers-losers-weepers!"

And then, both Sahara and the arachnid engaged in a tug-o-war with each other over Neil, both of them holding onto the threads that bound him, using all their strength to try and beat the other contestant for Neil's cock, "LET GO!" Sahara shouted.

"HE'S MINE!" the arachnid announced.

And their little battle went on for a moment longer, before the threads around Neil suddenly tore from the stress, and freed the catboy from their snare, letting him down to the floor with a thud. And as Neil hit the floor, both monster women suddenly turned their attention to him, both of them worrying about his welfare.

Sahara placed her hands on his back, trying to check and see if he was okay, "Neil! Are you alright!" she asked quickly.

And at the same time, the spider woman did the same, placing her hands on him gently, trying to see if he was still okay, "I'm sorry-I'm sorry!" she repeated.
Re: Lost at sea (Neil)

((I can't explain how... but I KNEW Sahara would show up to 'save' the day. >_> ))

Neil just lays there, spent and exhausted. A slight gasp comes from him as the arachne's fangs again pierce his flesh, his blood flowing past her silky lips. He was only dimly aware that Sahara had even entered, his mind hazy and almost unable to think clearly. And of course it wouldn't help that the two girls were fighting over him like that, his body taken to and fro, the catboy unable to even gasp for breath as his face was repeatedly smothered in soft monstergirl flesh. Once they stopped fighting and he hit the floor, a sharp gasp comes from him as he seems to regain himself, blushing furiously as they both rub him. "I'm... Alright. Take more than a little fall like that to do me in..." He chuckles softly, finally able to catch his breath. He turns over so he's laying face up instead of face down, looking between them both. "I'm sorry if I made you worry, Sahara... And she didn't exactly steal me. I kind of... Wandered into her territory I think." He admits with a blush, even if he knows that wasn't exactly what happened. He didn't enjoy lying like that normally, but he'd rather do that than have them fight.
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Re: Lost at sea (Neil)

At Neil's mention of what happened, the spider woman stuck her tongue out at Sahara, which infuriated her to no end. But before Sahara could unleash more of her fury, the spider woman waved her off, "Forget it." she said simply. To which, Shara blinked in confusion, "I've already been fertilized, and he's a wimp anyway. You can have him."

And at her words, Sahara went into a furious silence, unable to speak, or make a sound from how angry she was. And in one instant, she picked up Neil in her coils, squeezing him hard enough to hurt him, as if to punish him, while she took him outside into the hallway.

And almost immediately after taking him into the main lobby, she let him out of her coils, before she grabbed his throat in her hands, and began choking him(although not hard enough to make him black out, just enough to try and scold him some more), while she shook him about wildly in anger, "FERTILIZED!?!" she screamed in accusation of him, "YOU FERTILIZED HER!?! I'll bet it was a lot of fun! You completely forgot about ME while she was riding you, didn't you!?!"
Re: Lost at sea (Neil)

Neil flushes as the arachne calls him a wimp. It wasn't that he couldn't fight if he had to. He was just something of a pacifist around pretty women. He stays just as silent as Sahara until they leave, acking and writhing in the lamia's coils once she gets a hold of him. After she releases him from her tail, he gulps nervously, body almost frozen in fear as her hand finds his throat, strangled, gagging noises coming from him. "Of course... I didn't! She just... Took me... her webs... Too strong... Raped..." He manages to sputter out between choking and gasping for breath.
Re: Lost at sea (Neil)

"Raped?" she said questioningly, twisting her head at him while bringing him close enough to where her face was pressing against his, her forehead and nose mashed against his own, "It didn't look like rape! You looked like you were enjoying yourself! I could hear your mewling from outside, you little fur ball!"

And after squeezing his neck a little more, she let him go, and turned her back furiously on him, folding her arms, and huffing angrily, "I'm very angry with you!" she told him, her shoulders rising as she takes a deep breath in, and lets out another furious huff.
Re: Lost at sea (Neil)

Neil coughs a bit once Sahara lets him go, gasping for breath for a moment. "No... I wasn't enjoying it... Or at least I didn't want to... Who would want to spend their time trapped in an icky web like that while some random slut has their way with them? Especially when they have someone like you waiting for them outside? Yes, I was mewling, but... It wasn't my choice. Stimulate someone's body, and it has to react, no matter how much the mind doesn't want it to." He explains with a sigh, cheeks flushing in shame and embarrassment.
Re: Lost at sea (Neil)

Sahara rolled her eyes, "Thanks for the scientific explanation, that makes me feel a whole lot better!" she shouts, before her tail lunges for him again, and wraps around his entire body, giving him a tight squeeze to make sure he couldn't worm his way out of it. She growled at him, "God, I'm so angry, I could just squeeze the life out of you!"
Re: Lost at sea (Neil)

Neil doesn't even try to resist this time as the tail finds and constricts him, small gasps of pain escaping his lips. "I...I'm sorry... If that would make you feel better.... Then feel free to do it. I don't want to see you upset like this..." He sighs sadly.
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