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Susan Summer (plmnko)

Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Sigh...i guess than you could be wrong, but lets just enjoy this game. Susan just decide to let this talk on her mind end, Ashera's presence looks to be always focused on the human girl who start to wonder how deep her powers were on her mind, in the worst case she could read any through than the silver haired girl could have.

Susan tried then her best, looking her choices and making a peek at the door to find out than there was a hidden passage between the two rooms. This must be the right path. She mutters to herself after heard the water sound, the drip of water landing on stone must be a remanent of the waterfall outside this maze. Just to be sure, Susan made a peek to check than the first door is the one coneted to the tentacle tree room, but event in this move she would have a lot of caution to dont get traped, making a quick stealthy peek before close the door.

If all goes right she will decide to take the other door at the left on this halfway. Soon the unknown woman talked once again, giving to Susan some news about her partner. She will be fine, Sibella must be able to beat that creature in just some seconds. So, are these monsters on the maze randomly or do you placed them strategically? Susan said to the woman as she walks toward the next door.

She then tried to dont let her get inside her mind as she think on her choices, mostly trying to find out if she was fine as she talks to herself. Looks like all is fine, Sibella must be far away of here and im trying to move to a single direction what must be taking me to the room, i just hope than i can continue light up these rooms with this lamp to avoid any stealthy creature. Susan was ready to make a quick peek at the next door before open this door at the left at the end of the passage, if she gets some lucky maybe she even could find something useful or another clue of the place where is the main room.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"I summoned most of them to specific places, but quite a few I let roam around from the room they were summoned to. So there's no telling really where they are... well I mean I know where they all are, but you don't. And don't bother asking me where any are other than the one you found, because then I'd have to ask you for something in return," Ashera replied to her, almost as if a commentator at a sports event or something. "Hmm, you know what. I will tell you where specific kinds of creatures are at when you get nearer to them and not when you stumble across them. But for each one you must... take off an article of clothing. And after you run out of clothes to take off, you'd have to... negotiate for more freebies," she added after pondering for a moment or two.

Heading on to the door to her left and peeking through, Susan saw an ordinary room about the size of her bedroom at the castle back in Nevassa. Inside the room was merely a pair of switches on the far wall that were beside a big queen sized four poster bed, that was complete with curtains and everything. Beside the bed to the left of it underneath the switches Susan saw a bedside table that looked like it had a letter of some sort on it. Elsewhere in the room Susan could see it seemed well kept considering the fact it was so deep underground, and she could also see what appeared to be a closet to the right of the bed, and at the foot of the bed was a large oak chest that was locked with a large padlock.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

The possibility to know something of what she could face before get inside a room was tempting for Susan but this could not be a great option in some cases. I dunno, it sound really risky and maybe i could know about these monsters so it wouldnt be of any use, just look how easy i avoided that tentacle tree. The silver girl said before continue, most likely ponders how this service could be helpful, as maybe she would in the worst case lost all her clothes in a fight, but that havent happened in the whole game so that couldnt be an option. Look, i could accept if first i remove a cloth piece before the info, in that way i will dont end naked f more of a monster is at a room, also once the game end you should return me all my clothes taken in this deal without any damage or change... if that is right with you we could make the deal. Susan said and wait for Ashera's answer before continue with the next door.

Inside she notice really an inexpected view, she have many questions about the bed and the closet... but she wanted so baddly to find out what she could find at that really well closed chest. Soon she first tried to read the letter, it was clear than she could find a trap here if she dont read this first, maybe she will find for what are the switches. If she dont find out anything she will try first the closet... with care to dont be caught of something of course, maybe a monster was waiting inside the damn thing, like at the zombies movies.

Read the card
If the letter dont have any info of the switches, then look around the switches for instructions
Finally if the letter and switches dont have any info try the closet with care.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Hmhm, you only avoided it because you didn't try to go past it dearie. I would have liked to see some fun, but oh well," Ashera said with a chuckle. When Susan said what she did about Ashera's deal she offered the young silver haired girl, she pondered it for a moment or two before responding. "Alright then young one, it's a deal. We'll start with... your armor, since it's one full suit of armor and all, just lay it on the bed in the next room there and name one type of creature you'd like to have advanced warning about, and also just so you know, there are no illithid in here save dead ones, so don't ask about them okay, I want to be fair and all you know," Ashera told her, telling her what to do with her armor.

Moving over to the table, Susan would see the note had words written on it and picking it up she read it.

"To whomsoever reads this, the chest contains 3 items, only 1 of which you may take unless you win, but to gain access to them to you must first make a choice. You'll have to decide which lever to pull, for consequences you shall face for choosing the wrong one. Here is a clue to help you. Which did the angel lose her wings to, and which did she find love under?" the note read.

"Ooooh, decisions decisions dearie. Careful if you pick the wrong one, because I don't remember what I summoned to put as the wrong choice for this riddle," Ashera told Susan, as if teasing her. Looking at the two levers beside the bed, Susan could see that the one on the left had a crescent moon symbol below it, and the one on the right had a sun symbol under it, and it looked like it was time to choose, unless she wanted to first make the deal with Ashera about being alerted when she was near a specific kind of creature.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

All my armor!? If i do that i will certainly have problems fighting... Im sure than i can handle the next problem without too much problems, but i will have that offer in mind. Susan said through her mind, at the moment she just cant bet all that for just a little of info.

The silver haired girl get inside the next room and notice all the fornitude than should be in a decaying state in this place, but maybe this was just magic. The note was the first thing than she decided to check and soon she find herself in a risk to face an unknown creature. Hmm...please dont say me than i will face a fallen angel or succubi, i preffer to avoid wound someone...well lets see what to do... both choices sound right.

Susan get a few steps away of the switches, then placed the point of her sword on the floor and let it fall, the sword pointed to one of the switches and she decided to use the cresent moon lever, pulling it as she take her sword and prepare herself in case than she needs to fight something.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Yes all of your armor dearie, I'd consider that one piece of clothing since you'd really need the whole thing on to amount to any real protection. I think that's a good compromise. Don't you? If you don't like that then you can keep it on, but if you make the decision to take my offer the armor must be first, that's the only real stipulation I'm placing on it, because I must still make it challenging for you and all, else I'm sure to lose," Ashera told Susan, not apparently willing to budge on this.

"Like I said, I honestly don't remember what I put in as the summoned creatures of this room, but whatever it is we'll find out soon enough I think depending on your choice," Ashera said with a giggle, making it obvious that she knew what was there but that she wasn't telling Susan.

Stepping back and flipping the lever down from the position it was in, Susan heard a loud clicking sound emit from the wall, then a small zap sounded to her right, and upon the bed she'd see a beautiful devil woman, and she wasn't a succubus, she was... different in some ways. Her skin was an infernal red just like her eyes. She had a pair of small horns that came up from the top of her forehead to either side, she had a long red tail that was like a succubus tail, but was thicker and obviously stronger than a succubus one. She was about 5'9" tall, had D-cup breasts, was muscular but with womanly muscles though she had 6 pack abs. Susan could tell just how built she was by the fact that she was completely naked and probably the most prominent feature about her was that she had a large penis between her legs the same color as her skin, though the head of it was a darker read like her nipples.

"Ah yes, so that's what she was, a warder devil. I'd almost forgot I set up that summon, and just so you know she's the child of a succubus so she has an enhanced libido, just not quite as strong as her mother's. Her orders, as you made the right choice with the wall, are not to fight you unless you force her to, but you've got to get the key from her somehow to open that chest if you want what's inside it, and I'll give you a hint, it's treasure of sorts that might give you an edge against me should we meet," Ashera informed her after she'd taken the sight of the devil woman in, who winked at her as she raised her tail up where Susan saw the key attached to the end of it on a key ring which she had the tip of her tail coiled around so she wouldn't lose it easily.

"Hello you sweet thing you. My master summoned me for this silly game, so I suppose I ought to make the most of it and all. If you want this key, well you can join me here on the bed and let me have my way with you for a while until I'm satisfied. Or you can try to take the key from me by other means if you wish, but if you outright attack me... well I'll be forced to fight back. But if you just try to grab the key we'll wrestle for it, where from the looks of it I'll probably win in a test of strength. So unless you're fast and trust that you can beat me I'd suggest you just strip down, lay back here beside me and spread those legs wide so I can pound your pussy raw with my big dick here. Who knows, I might even knock you up, and then I'd have to have lady Ashera make my summons permanent and you could lay back and let me have my way with you every day you wished," the devil woman said to Susan, giving her a few options on what to do here. "Oh and if you'd pulled the other lever I believe it was going to be a fallen angel of some sort that would have swooped down and grabbed you to play. If you'd like though you can still pull it and we can have us a big old threesome with all of us, because my dick is itching for some action of some sort and with her we can have a blast, and I'd be... more than willing to give you the key afterwards... hmhm if you can still walk. Either way though even if you attempt to get the key and fail, I'm going to pound your tight little pussy until I'm satisfied, I'm just going to be rougher if you attempt to hurt me to get the key," she added with a lusty grin as she giggled a bit.

"If you really satisfy me though, I'll even let you have all of the items in the chest even though you're only supposed to take one of them, well two since you chose the correct lever the first time. Just so you know also, I choose the item or items in this case that you'll get, not you... well technically you'll get to choose, but you won't see what they are until you choose them, at which point I'll hand them to you," the devil woman said as an afterthought, giving Susan another thing to think about.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

I guess than i could accept later, but i dont feel than i should take me armor out now. Susan said to Ashera about her armor topic, really sure than she needs her armor to win this


Susan then just pull down the choiced lever and closed her eyes for a moment wishing to had choiced right. The sudden noise made her turn and it was impossible dont notice that demon girl. For this moment she just supposed than she has choiced wrong and now she must fight this girl, what would bedifficult for her as she only has killed only a person and was against her will. Fortunately Ashera talked again answering any doubt than the young swordswoman could have. Nice, so i get this right. Susan answer really happy as she wanted so badly to jump by her triump if only the demon girl havent talked. Uhm well at least we dont need to fight...

The red skined woman talked all what she want, giving to the human many choices to take the keys, yet she dont wanted to fight anyone and this girl looks to be really wishing to pass a long time to her. Not only that, but Susan wanted so badly to know what were the items inside the chest, not interested in use them against someone she was just curious.

The posibility to trick this girl was still there but she just dont have the time and after sigh a little dissapointed said to the demoness. To say the truth, i dont have anything against you and im glad than we dont need to fight. However im sorry, i cant lost too much time with you, my friend could be in danger and i cant let her alone trying to win this game alone, meanwhile i stay at this room for hours, as i know than i would need a lot of time and effort to sattle your needs, its a shame than we couldnt do it for just some minutes.

Susan was really sad to be unable to know what was at the closet and the box, but she needed to end this game as fast as possible, resigned she slowly walked to the door. I hate to leave you like this, if i can end this then i will return and pull that other lever too so you can satisfy your needs with the help of that fallen angel. Susan was close to leave the room but then gets an idea and turn to the demones trying a last thing to get the key Also i could invite many of my succubi friends at the castle, im sure than even just one of them will be enough to make both of you have what you want, we could even make a deal now in exchange for the key and the items inside the closet and the chest if you likes the idea of join us. The young warrior waited for the demoness answer, she could even accept some soft conditions to make her accept the deal, she only wanted to dont lost too much time here as Sibella could be close to face Ashera.

(Susan could accept to have sex with both summons for a few minutes as advance of what they will get at the castle in order to get the items. She also could exchange some of her items as a token so she needs to return later for them or the sumons could come with her and well do thins for fun before open the next door)
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Well that just sounds fun having succubi... their pussies are oh so tight," the devil woman said with a shudder running down her body. "But alas dear, I have no guarantee that you'd actually bring them back, and besides I'm only a summoned warder devil, therefore once my master I'm done here the only way I can be brought back is through a summons, unless she makes me a permanent summoned being. So you must make a decision right here and now, no pussyfooting around okay, you either accept to get that tight little pussy of yours pounded raw by me, or you try to take the key from me and I pound it raw anyway after I wrestle you into submission," the red skinned devil woman added.

"Now I could be persuaded, but I'd need some incentive to come with you to have more fun later, and I'd need some prepayment now," she went on to say after a few moments of letting Susan ponder her choices now. "But I'll only let you take all three items if you satisfy me real good now, otherwise you only get one or two depending on how good I feel afterwards," she added with a naughty grin.

"Oooh, decisions decisions sweetie. What'll you do hmm? Will you accept her proposal? She really seems to like you, more so in fact than I figured she would. I'll tell you what dearie, if she takes that much of a liking to you, I'll make her summons permanent, but she'll be your responsibility back in whatever city you're from. And while you're having fun with any of the various creatures and other beings within my maze, I won't be searching for you, I'll let you have your fun so in case you wander into me after being sexed up a bit I'll be able to chase you some so I can scoop you up and have my way with you repeatedly," Ashera told her, her voice coming almost as if she were standing right behind Susan and leaning around to whisper in her ear, though if Susan looked around she could see that she wasn't in fact behind her.

"Well hon... what do you say hmm? Wanna take a ride on the wild side for a while? You're quite the looker, and I've never had a human before, though I've heard things about how tight you young ones are. How many times have you had sex cutie? Want me to be your first time? If you're still a virgin that is," the devil woman said, patting the bed beside her. "While you're here with me you'll be safe sweetie, so you don't need to worry about someone or something coming in on or joining us, unless you want them to that is. I guarantee you though that it wouldn't take hours to satisfy me, because I'm not a succubus. It shouldn't take more than an hour at most, if that much really, so please don't leave me hanging like this," she added, giving a sultry wink at Susan as she beckoned her over to her, stroking her member a couple of times to try and entice Susan into having some fun with her.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

The two girls talking almost at the same time were doing this choice so hard for Susan, they look to be completely sure than Susan should just jump at the bed and fuck that red skinned girl, it sound almost as a coherent option, but soon Susan shaked her head before answer to the demoness.

Maybe i dunno how to summon someone, but i will do my best to fulfill a promise... We had just meet and i still dont know your name, but i want than all of us can get what we want without put anyone on risk. The silver haired girl said without any doubt at her voice, until the devil girl asked about her thigh pussy. Ehm... i...well i was virgin just some days ago... but it havent changed at all... i could even get wounded by you... i dunno how that could fit. Susan voice was slowly getting so shy and ashamed, this gir looks to be so though and maybe she will be unable to struggle if she accept, certainly she will be used as just a fuck toy unable to control this, but heard than Ashara is looking for them made her be more confused about what to do.

I dont care if Ashara beats me if that gives to my partner Sibella a chance to win this, that is why i cant stay here with you now. But if you are so baddly needed... I could only accept with these terms... You and the fallen angel can have me for an hour as max or if you had been satisfied before than time has passed... i will do my best to fulfill the needs of both, so no matter if i fall uncouncious you can try to awake me or use me in that state anyway i will get the three items of that chest.

Susan was almost fully red but she continue risking all to win this. Ehm... i will return or take you with me if you want, so you can meet me better, i dunno if that is possible but you must believe me than i will try to meet you again, you can even choice a piece of my clothes... and return it to me after this game ends and see you again. Susan almost think than she shouldnt had said any of this, it was so risky for her as she was not sure how will she end or what this woman will choice, also she dont know yet the fallen angel but this was her last offer and she will not accept anything less. If the demoness still dont accept then she will decide to leave the room with all her equipment and let her promise still open of her return.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Hmhmhm, oh you're so adorable. Even if I am rather large, your precious little pussy is made to accept it. As for my name... you may call me Ruby. I'm a warder devil, and we're mostly warriors and leaders on the battlefield, or we form the personal guard of the arch devils in some cases. I myself am from Avernus, the first layer of the nine hells, which is actually contested territory at the moment. I was in the employ of the overlord of the Netherworld until not too long ago when my job was done, then I decided to roam about a bit before I was summoned to here. Master Ashera promised me some fun with whoever was put into her maze here in exchange for being the guard in this room and the items of this chest at the foot of my bed here. And that last girl kept squirming about and kept trying to hit me even though she agreed to master Ashera's challenge of going through the maze and whatever she might run into. She of course attempted to grab the key here before I wrestled her into submission and had some fun, I do hope she's okay," the red skinned warder devil said, introducing herself and giving Susan a bit of information about herself before mentioning her last conquest in this particular room.

"The girl in question is one of the two lovelies outside on the big bed you saw before coming into the maze here. She did try to attack dear Ruby there, I watched the whole thing and simply couldn't stop giggling at the poor thing's feeble attempts to throw Ruby there off after a few minutes. Why after only about ten minutes with Ruby and she stopped fighting and was begging for more, and Ruby answered her every desire. She really seems to have taken a liking to you though dear Susan, I wonder why," Ashera whispered in Susan's head, sounding almost amused at how much Ruby here had taken a liking to her.

"I promise you this though young one, I'll be gentle if you want me to and you don't try and hit me or anything like that. I don't mind if you squirm around some, but the more relaxed you are dear the less it'll feel too big for you, and once you've gotten into it a bit your body will start to enjoy me being inside you. But like I said before, you needn't bother with summoning that silly angel unless you just want to... mainly because I want you all to myself. I promise you though I won't hurt you, I mean there's no reason for me to really," Ruby said while Susan was thinking to herself about all of this, looking sincere about her promise not to hurt her and to be gentle if she wished her to be. "I think I'll accept to coming with you though before we even do anything, because you seem interesting and I believe I'll have lots of fun with you later on... plus... you seem sincere that you'd come back. I'm not allowed to help you in battle though as I'm still a summoned being of master Ashera's and it'd go too much against her will even if she allows me quite a bit of freedom in my choices. I am allowed however to take care of you if you lose though, so basically once you've lost consciousness I can step in and tend to you until you awaken. Although we need to do something here and now at least before I'll agree to come with you, and you'll still have to make an effort to make me feel really good before I'm allowed to give you all three items in the chest, one of the stipulations of the summons that I can't do anything about, sorry. Meaning I have to be honest with my answer of how good you were," Ruby added, seeming to have made up her mind and accepted Susan's offer of coming with her, where she then patted the bed beside her for Susan to join her.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

With Ruby words, Susan couldnt stop to blush as she heard how the demoness answered and comented about her thigh entrance. Her eyes turned to the floor and her needs to run increased until she heard the demoness introduction, Susan nods and let her end. The introduction almost instantly made her remember the red man at the matriarch's dinner room, maybe this lady comes from the same realm. Nice to meet you, Ruby. My name is Susan, im just an adventurer. Susan said trying to calm herself as she heard Ashera at her head. I also would love to know why... She answer at her mind to the Lord of this Maze as she is not sure why someone could fall for her so suddenly, it was a total mystery what Ruby has seen at the poor human.

Dont worry Miss Ruby, before get inside this maze i see two girls resting peacefully over a bed and one of them is that girl... So im the second girl than you has meet at this challengue maze? The silver haired girl said mostly to find out if this maze and Ruby had been both prepared by Ashera for a long time.

The worries for Sibella were still at Susan's mind, as she was sure than Ashera will use this time to go for her and then maybe even take her time with her before Susan could try to do anything more. But then Ruby's words make her get more relaxed. Uhm to be sincere, i was worried to be unable to sattle both of you, as i dont have too much experience. Susan soon placed her bagpack at the floor and slowly get closer to the bed, mostly hearing what Ruby needed to say and at the instant understanding her. Thanks to have in mind to come with me, even when you cant help me i will be so glad to have you close. i understand than this is needed for the summon rules placed on you, so lets just try to enjoy this. Susan said with a soft smile, mostly a little nervious for what will happen soon, her only experience has been with Tess and that threesome on the castle.

She softly sit on the bed, still trying to remove her armor. Dont think... dont do it, just remember them and do your best. Susan said at her mind many times as she closed her eyes for a moment, Andrea and Adria at that intense night had show her the limit of her body but also how to pleasure a futagirl and a succubi... even if was not too much time before she get almost uncouncious at the floor.

Her armor finally untied would fall on the floor and she would give a final look at Ruby to calm herself as also prepare her mind and body to accept all this. Thinking on how much this girl want her to even accept to go with her made her blush as softly get closer, her hand caressed the demoness hair and then the human attempt to kiss her neck and then gives a tender kiss on her mouth before get down a little. Her hands rub the strong femenine body in front of her, trying to remember which kind of touches Adria loved at her manlike member, her kisses were going down reaching the red nipples, taking a moment to start to undress herself. Please let me remove them. She tried to induce more pleasure to Ruby as she remove her upper clothes and pants so she stay at her underwear.

Once at her underwear, Susan went to the demoness arms, soon she feels her athletic back and hard member with her hands, the rubs also reached the woman's sweet hole, slowly as she went down she attempts to use her mouth to pleasure this girl meat rod, as if they start with her pussy being penetrated certainly she will not have the right stamina to end this. Her tongue licked the point of the meat mast, then also giving some at the sides and then at the bottom, as her hand fap it and the other pleasure the lower lips, once cleaned the giant meat rod she will untie her bra and use her modest D cup to rub it as she try to place what she could on her mouth.

With her already soft aroused Brossom, the young swordswoman tried to dont think in how she could handle that long member at her mouth, her attempts to suck at it and pleasure it enough to make it come were only encoraged as Andrea and Adria had show her how a futa as also a succubi could be really sensitive on this place.

Susan will then begs for the release making her in rithm so the demoness could enjoy it at the best than she could all to also find the weakpoints of this woman before this try to dominate her. In that case she will try to relax her body trying first to get used before try to move her hips to increase the arousal.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Well that's good, I'm glad she's okay. I didn't mean to hurt her any if I did even if she was trying to hurt me to get away. But again don't worry cutie, I'm positive that we'll enjoy this... both of us," Ruby said, giving her a sultry wink as she patted the bed again to encourage Susan over to her. "And don't worry about how much experience you have with sex sweetie... that only means that I'll have that much more I can teach you, so think of this as a learning experience as much as a profitable one," Ruby went on to say, smiling kindly at her.

As soon as Susan sat down on the bed, Ruby gently placed a hand on Susan's hand that was closest to her, then she eased up and offered to help with her armor, unbuckling it for her and helping her out of it if she allowed her to. "I promise that you'll enjoy it Susan," Ruby whispered in her ear, gently running a hand down Susan's leg after Susan's armor was off with or without her help, but she did nothing more than that for the moment.

Laying back as Susan leaned over to kiss her, Ruby sighed softly at the touch of the young silver haired human's lips on her red skin. When Susan moved around to kiss her on the lips, the red skinned devil woman leaned into it some, pressing their lips together but she let Susan keep going at her own pace for the time being, obviously not wanting to scare her off. As Susan's hands drifted down and began caressing the devil woman's body, she'd feel a hand doing the same to her's, with said hand drifting down her back from her neck, where it stopped at her butt and gave a little grope before sliding around to Susan's front and across her stomach, tickling her slightly. When Susan made her way down and kissed one of Ruby's nipples she would see it perking up as the devil woman's member did the same, with Ruby letting out a soft gasp at Susan's touch.

After that Ruby let Susan's hands roam at her leisure, seeming to enjoy the touches she was receiving from the young human, though she did give a few caresses from time to time until Susan stopped. "Ooooh, that's the spot Susan... right there," Ruby cooed when Susan's hands found their way down to between her legs where her now rock hard penis was at twitching in anticipation for some action.

By the time Susan started kissing and licking Ruby's shaft, the young human had the meat rod lubed up with a few dollops of Ruby's precum, the slick juices making her hand's slide easily up and down the 10 inches of meat there. As soon as she began taking it in her mouth, Susan would feel a strong hand run its fingers through her hair, holding on firmly to her hair, but not unkindly as she went, the feeling being more of Ruby trying to hold on to ride out the pleasure than trying to force Susan to stay down there. Once her breasts were exposed and she slid the large dick up between them, continuing sucking on the head of it as she went, Susan would hear Ruby let out the first loud moans of their time together, as up until that point it'd only been soft gasps and coos of pleasure.

"Oh yes... keep going Susan... I'm... gonna pop soon. I thought you said... that you weren't... v-very experienced with sex?" Ruby moaned out, raising up a bit and propping herself up with one hand while the other continued holding onto Susan's head, while Susan could feel the head of Ruby's dick throbbing in her mouth, obviously near the point of no return. After another minute or so Susan would feel that throbbing increase a good deal before Ruby's hand tightened its grip on her hair, pulling it a bit, though still not painfully so, where she let out a lewd cry of ecstasy. "OH GODS YES... I'M CUMMING... SUCK IT OUT OF ME," Ruby cried out as the dam burst that'd been holding back the torrents of her seed inside.

Before Susan could pull her mouth off of Ruby's cock, she'd receive a mouthful of Ruby's thick white cum before a second spurt came and pretty much forced her to pull off before she drowned in it, where the third and fourth shots drenched her face and a few smaller spurts came after that which added to what was now all over Susan's face and chest, though the large red dick between her breasts was still fully erect and ready for more it seemed. One of the first things Susan noticed about it was that the devil girl's seed was warmer than that of Adria's the second thing was that the taste was... different as well, an almost sweet yet peppery taste to it that wasn't too overpowering.

"Oh gods Susan... you're really good at that. I feel great..." Ruby said after her climax died down, where she saw Susan's drenched face and the young human would soon feel something wiping her face off. "Here sweetie, can't have you all dirty like that. You're too cute to let get like that happen. But I'm not satisfied just yet. So may I take the lead this time and show you what I can do to make you feel good too?" Ruby said as she kindly wiped Susan's face clean and started wiping her chest after that, leaning in and licking up a bit before kissing Susan and sharing it with her as their tongues swirled around with each other.

If Susan agreed to let Ruby take the lead for their second round, she'd feel the warder devil girl gently push her down back on the bed, where she went down between Susan's legs and began licking her most precious place. Susan would feel the pleasure coursing through her veins, the tongue buried in her tight snatch licking all of her most sensitive places and causing her to moan out even if she'd been trying to hold back her voice. Ruby stopped after only a minute or so of licking though, as she seemed to want to move onto the main event and raised back up, leaning in to kiss Susan again on the lips. Once she'd kissed her again, Ruby raised up and pulled Susan's legs up to spread them wide, where she pressed herself against Susan's soft moist petals and rubbed up and down them a few times before gently pressing into her, every nerve in her body firing off in pleasure.

Ruby slid in slowly as well, not wanting to stretch Susan painfully, and waiting until her folds had stretched enough to accommodate her girth and length, at which point she began thrusting. Going slowly at first in her thrusts, she slowly picked up speed as she went, holding Susan's ankles up in the air as she kept going until soon enough she was able to hilt inside of Susan without any pain at all. Susan, despite the amount of pleasure washing over her at the moment, could tell that Ruby was enjoying herself, simply from the moans and the way she moved her body... which might register in her head as a good thing for more than one reason.

After a few short minutes later, Ruby was knocking away happily at Susan, having let her ankles go so Susan could wrap her legs around her if she wished and taking up a different position as she pulled Susan up into her lap and bounced her with her strong arms up and down upon her shaft, impaling Susan repeatedly and driving enough pleasure into her partner to force the young human over the edge into her first orgasm of their fun together. Ruby was right behind Susan and reached her second climax, her dick throbbing and twitching a time or two as she hilted inside of Susan and spurted load after load of cum into Susan's tight honeyhole, filling her womb with the warmer than normal seed that Ruby kept spurting out until Susan's belly had begun to expand a slight bit to hold it all in.

"Oh fuck yes Susan, you're one helluva good fuck. More Susan... I need more," Ruby panted to Susan, pulling Susan in to kiss her deeply before she lifted Susan off of her, where as soon as Ruby's dick was out of her, the red skinned devil's seed began leaking out of Susan's pussy and dripping onto the bed. "Okay cutie, you're turn again to do something," she added, giving Susan a chance to rest for a minute or two if she needed but showing a lust filled glint in her eyes that told Susan that they weren't done yet but that she was giving her a choice of what to do next.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

The sex continue, after some warm words from Ruby, it dont helped too much to Susan as she was mostly worried if what she has learned from her friends could be used now. But after almost end she notice than it was working, even with just had seen Andrea doing this to her futa maid, maybe she have talent, what dont make her feel proud at all. She couldnt answer back anything than the demoness was saying because she was using her mouth to suck and lick that warm meat.

It dont passed too much time before she could feel the firsts signs of the dick getting ready to shoot at her, she gasped and hopes than this would end better than what happened with the werecat, as she was mostly a fuck toy in that time, if Ruby would had attempted to take the control Susan would had been unable to resist at all by how strong this demoness looks to be. The load come and even when Susan tried to drink it, soon another come and she almost let it escape from her mouth to be able to sleep. Ack...hmmp. Her needs to beg than the cum stop to escape were soon muffed and soon her face and torso was filled with that warm seed. The silver haired girl remain amazed by the quantity and the fact than the red dick was still hard, her best card has been played and this girl wanted more, her tongue cleaned her lips as she taste the man milk at her face and then turn to Ruby. Im not...so good and experienced. I just tried to do what i saw my friends do... ehm sure thanks. Susan was unable to denny the demoness to get the iniciative, she have the mind completely out of a new strategy or new way to pleasure her.

Without struggle she let Ruby guide her body, soon her body was losing to the pleasure against Ruby's foreplay, just that kiss at the start make her tongue dance, so soon just having her pussy licked so skilled made her be unable to stop her moans, she really tried to fight the pleasure but she soon was completely wet once that long dick get in place to get inside. A second kiss made her almost forget what will happen and then she was penetrated by that huge thing, she tried her best to be relaxed, as she dont wanted to experiment the pain than that poor girl has suffer before her.

However instead any pain, she almost could bet than she was loving this, Ruby was so kind to slowly prepare her pressing softly showing the care to her, soon both were just loving each other as the thrusts increase as the time passed, soon the young woman started to hug the demoness with her legs so she could make her feel better making her body press a little her dick until they changed of position. Soon she was placed over her lap, so Susan tried to hug her as the red woman make her bunce with more strengh until finally cum inside her, the warm substance gets inside without control almost filling her completely.

The young swordswoman gives a sigh of relief as she was moved away of the dick, maybe thinking than this has ended, but then she notice the damn dick still hard and ready for more.

Ahm...ehm... sure...

Susan was still trying to recover herself, if Adriel dont had passed that night with her she would be completely amazed by how this girl still can be still hard after all that cum, she was sure than if her pussy was used again she would be more than full. Her mind tried to look for anything more than she could do to solve this, fearing to dont have anything way to sattle this girl, but then she remember another way than she could take to make her reach her peack.

Soon Susan went to the demoness's arms,, trying her best pasionate kiss as she kindly moved the woman toward the bed, to let her rest before she slower started to pleasure the red body at the points than she has noticed the demoness loved. Once she grope and lick the demoness breasts she turn to the other side and started to use her mouth to lick and suck the seed on the hard staff, meanwhile her pussy was placed close the demoness face in a 69 position. her hands tried their best to pleasure the demoness sweet flower, tempting the demoness to lick her lower holes and pleasure each other.

With her small experienced earned before be penetrated, Susan continue trying to pleasure both erogenous areas at the same time, as Ruby start licking at her she will try to learn more how to pleasure a woman, pretty sure than she will make Ruby come more easily as she have a dick.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

When Susan scooted over and kissed her on the lips again, Ruby kissed her back her hands gliding across the young silver haired human's body, groping her butt with one hand while her other hand rubbed Susan's soft petals, a couple of fingers diving in and out of her pussy as Susan fondled her. As soon as Susan moved around again and went down and began licking and suckling, she'd hear Ruby let out a soft moan, a hand drifting down to ran her fingers through Susan's soft hair.

"Mmm, that feels really nice Susan. Yeah come on up here and I'll lick you too you delicious thing you, you taste so good sweetie, even with your beautiful pussy drenched in my seed," Ruby cooed to Susan as she began sucking on her dick and rubbing and fingering her pussy while in the 69 position.

Ruby did indeed begin licking and fingering Susan's pussy, spreading Susan's lower lips so her tongue could delve as deeply as she could get it, not caring that she'd be licking up the remnants of her own load she'd filled Susan with. Even though she was licking and sucking on Ruby's dick while fingering her pussy, Susan couldn't help but moan and squeal in pleasure as her pussy throbbed in rhythm with her heartbeat, signaling that she was about to cum... though it seemed that Ruby was in much the same boat as her as her cock was trembling in Susan's mouth, near to explode again.

"Oh yes... g-gonna cum... milk me dry you beautiful thing you and I'll lick you good," Ruby moaned out to Susan before her tongue dove back into Susan's pussy, her dick about to explode in Susan's mouth. Susan would feel a finger begin to gently prod at her soft pucker a few times until it gained entry, where she began fingering Susan's ass to increase her pleasure that much more.

Soon enough, Susan brought Ruby to her climax, though she reached her own peak a few moments after with a delicious munch down ending. Ruby's seed spurted out of her dick and Susan would get another mouthful of the devil woman's seed while she licked Susan's pussy clean of all of her cum, slurping noisily as she did so. As soon as they came down from their orgasms, Ruby gently rolled Susan off of her where she laid beside her and looked at her, showing her a soft smile.

"Mmm, that was good. I think that's good for now though, since I know you want to hurry on and get out of here, and... you really tried hard and put a lot of heart into that I think. But I must be honest with you... without more I'm afraid I haven't been truly satisfied enough to give all three items and only two, but if you're willing to go one more I might change my mind on that," Ruby said, her dick having gone down a little bit but it was still hard enough to be fully erect, just not looking painfully hard.

"Ooooh, that was fun to watch, you really seemed to enjoy Ruby's hot hard dick in that tight little pussy of yours dearie. I can't wait to get mine in there and to get my tongue too so I can see how delicious you taste," Ashera's voice came to her again while they recovered from their latest orgasms. "Oh yes I almost forgot to tell you, Sibella is having some fun herself with some tentacles that are really relaxing her, and she has the prospect of meeting some of my werecats in there too in the very next room that can make her breasts swell with milk for them to drink," she added, almost as a bit of a taunt and a tease, making her have to choose between hurrying along and missing out on a 3rd item from the chest, or taking a bit longer and getting it, but giving Ashera the chance to maybe start moving towards Sibella.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Ruby was just so skilled for the young adventurer, Susan was unable to stop moaning as the assault at her body continued and even when she have the upper hand as she has choiced the position, her orgasm was unable to control and soon both girls cum and feed the other with their juices.

Once anded the swordswoman needed a time to rest at the bed, she was exhausted but still able to continue, her needs to get that unknown item was too much for her and she was sure to had obtain the three after try her best. However soon Ruby said her than they would need to continue in order to get other what made Susan feels defeated and more likely clueless of how to pleasure this woman after had tried all what she know. But... i dunno what to do now... She was close to just open her legs so Rubi decide now, but then Ashera's voice confirm her of a terrible new.

No...Werecats. I must...end this before she gets hurts... Susan whisper to herself as she still gasp to recover her breath.

Im so sorry Rubi, i really tried to sattle you completely, but Sibella is in danger now, even if i decide to stay with you, i will be unable to stop thinking at her... Also i dont know any other way to pleasure you, im out of skills but after leave i will try to learn more before our night together, i promise you than we will not stop until you get sattled.

Said this, Susan earned some time to recover her strengh and tried to quickly get up to start dressing herself, placing her armor once again and once ready she will wait for Rubi to get ready to leave.

I know than maybe you dont need it, but i could lend you one of my swords so as you wait until i defeat what we find in the next room, you can defend yourself... uhm be the way... What is inside the closet? Susan said as she tried to find it out more likely with caution to dont activate any trap, once see the inside she will check behind it in search of a hidden passage and then bellow the bed.

Once made this and after receive the two earned items she will try to open the door still not used close the other side of the passage maybe at company of Rubi.
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Hey hey now, calm down. You won't do your friend any good panicking Mistress Ashera never lets things hurt or kill anyone in here, so you've got time if your friend is in trouble I think. And you were doing a wonderful job with what you were doing by the way, maybe we'll get the chance to do more later... I hope, and don't worry about weapons..." Ruby said to Susan, grabbing her wrist gently and patting her on the head to calm her down before she rushed off without a second thought. "And my things are in the closet... my sword and a couple of other things such as clothes in case I have need of them to roam the halls of the maze here," Ruby added, getting up and wiping herself off with the bedsheets before opening the closet door to reveal a large sword which Ruby hefted up over her shoulder with only one hand as if it were barely as big and heavy as Susan's swords.

"You like my sword here? Or do you like my spear down here more hmm?" Ruby asked in a sultry voice with a giggle as she gave Susan a wink.

Before Susan could respond Ruby grabbed some clothes from the closet which consisted pretty much of just a small top that looked more like a bikini top than anything, and a pair of rather tight trousers that went down to just under her knees. "Alright I'm ready... lead on dear Susan, and remember I won't be able to help you. But first, you can choose 2 items out of the chest, so pick two of the numbers. Would you like number one, two, or three?" Ruby said once she was dressed some.

( )
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Yes, but werecats could infect you and turn you in one of them... if she turn then we will need to cure her soon. Susan said before she get interrupted by Rubi and show her what was inside the closet. It was a shame than there were just things from her new friend, but at least she is now armed what made Susan smile until the demoness ask that lewd question.

Uhm... oh that... Susan said blushing, as she at the start suppose than Rubi really have two weapons until get the joke. Even then before she could answer she get challengued with another choice and soon she just get at her kness as her eyes look down and her index fingers press themselves. Why i need to choice a lot of times?... I will spoil all, maybe i will choice wrong... and i will never know what is the other item... Can i try to get the three items?... At least say me please what item i dont choiced...

1 and 3? Maybe? Spear... ahh no that sorry
Susan was at her limits, her sweat and almost gazed eyes were a clue of how close was to faint by the over work of think a lot about the possibilities.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Well that's the reason to have you choose which items you want before you see them. To keep it a surprise, so you may get two of the things that aren't quite as good instead of the one really good on. Mistress Ashera had to make it challenging else it would be too easy for you to get the best things, but don't worry you'll know what it was you don't get. Perhaps afterwards we can come back for it and mistress Ashera would let you have it," Ruby said as Susan began to make her choice on which of the items to choose.

When Susan began making her choices and picked the first and third items, Ruby winked at her and gave a little half smile. With that she opened the chest and Susan could see three things, the first of which was an amulet, the second a potion, and the third was what appeared to be a cloak. "Good choices hon, the second item is just an energy potion to replenish magical energies, and you don't look like a mage to me so you wouldn't need it, and neither am I obviously," Ruby said with a smirk, looking quite pleased it seemed that Susan had made the choices she did.

"The cloak ought to help you out the most out of all of these things I think. It's a magical cloak with a displacement enchantment on it, should help you to avoid enemies, and best of all it's well nigh unbreakable because of the enchantment. The amulet is an amulet of vitality, should give you a bit more endurance in battle, though it isn't an overly powerful enchantment on it unfortunately," Ruby said as she handed Susan the amulet and cloak, helping her don both if she so chose.

(The amulet of vitality will give Susan 1 FP extra in battle while the cloack will give her +1 to evade all enemy attacks save magical attacks.)
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

I guess than a little of challengue is the best but...sigh... as long is not imposible or really hard to get. Susan said with still the wish than someone else could choice for her so this stress melt down.

In a fortunate hit, she got both of the good items at the chest, her fears ended and she could notice how some heavy weight leave her body, instead jump she just smiled back to Rubi, as she attempts to recover the strengh of her body than almost faint by the many thoughts. Thanks Rubi, i havent seen an equipment with a so resistent enchantment. Susas wanted to jump of joy but with her body still stressed she just gets up and hugs the red skinned girl as she giggle.

Once dressed with her new equipment and looking herself how cool and almost looking as an adventurer she is now she turn to Rubi. Ok, so both items will help me fighting these things at the maze, well we should leave now as i suppose than there is not more to continue here. Looks like the end of the road so we must return and take a door than i had seen before, are you ready to leave Rubi? Susan said trying to look around for a hidden door , certainly there was not any so she and Rubi will need to return a little and take the path at the other side of the corridor than the silver girl dont take.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Well they aren't overly powerful enchantments, but they'll do just nicely I think for what mistress Ashera will throw at you," Ruby said with a wink after helping Susan into the cloak and slipping the amulet around her neck, hugging her back when Susan hugged her.

Ruby nodded when Susan asked if she was ready to go, with the red skinned devil woman following her out of the bedroom area and back into the hallway. Despite looking around thoroughly, Susan was unable to find any hidden doors or paths before heading back to the main hall, though Ruby chuckled a little bit when she figured out what she was doing, but said nothing about it.

Heading on back out and through the other door that she'd seen down the hallway, Susan and Ruby found themselves in a smaller room than the bedroom they'd met in, with two paths before them, one straight ahead and one to the left. However as they stepped further into the room towards any of the doors, Susan would hear Ashera giggle. "Uh oh, looks like it's gonna be a fight for you dearie. Don't let them tire you out too much okay," Ashera said to Susan before 2 serpents made entirely of watery slithered across the floor towards her.

"Ah... I'll stand back then. Good luck Susan, don't lose or it may rile me up and I may end up joining them for some fun with you," Ruby said to Susan, moving over towards one of the new doors, standing next to the one to their left and winking at Susan as she pecked it with her tail a couple of times, almost as if she were trying to direct Susan which way to go without being too obvious about it.

The two watery serpents then started moving towards Susan again, stopping about 6 or 7 feet away to put them just out of easy reach with her swords. Once there, they changed shape into a pair of gorgeous ladies that looked in their mid twenties,and just from looking at them Susan could tell that they were very experienced. "Hello there sexy, we're your opponents this time. We're Nereids, and mistress Ashera summoned us to... play with you some," the one on the left said, who had light blue hair, while the other had a sea green color for her hair.

"Don't worry about killing us, summons can't be killed for real. When defeated we're only sent back to the place we were summoned from, which for me was... roaming about so it doesn't really matter if I get sent back. Although we are a little beaten up when defeated in battle while summoned," Ruby said, informing Susan that she wouldn't actually kill these two should she beat them in a fight.