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Susan Summer (plmnko)


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

The fight looks to be reaching a soon climax and Susan was starting to feel more relieve once the next fireball hit the creature, not even caring than she could not reach the core now, maybe soon the moster will just collapse and die. However the nearly dead monster decide to play a really deadly card against them, dodging the warrior and focusing all his last strengh on Sibella who get caught on the monster grip, the time looks to go slower from that moment, making the silver girl to wish to move faster.

Damn beast, free her now! She say in completely anger and fear of lost her new friend at the apendages of this nasty creature, she curse herself of being unable to get her free in the first strike, the monster soon place the elven as a meat shield what made Susan more pissed by the creature acts. She nearly give up but she could find still a chance to save her, quickly moving toward the monster and use her shielded arm to pull away the elven noble as with her sword find a free place to stab the creature.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Susan - 16 vs 19 MJF, miss
Sibella - 9 vs 14 MJF, miss

Milk Jellyfish - Constricts Sibella's throat more and nearly chokes her out, 1 more turn until Sibella is out

Susan - 8 vs 7 MJF, hits and ends the battle by killing the Milk Jellyfish.

Moving in to attempt to pull Sibella free from the jellyfish's grasp, Susan was only able to enrage it further as it squeezed a bit harder, causing Sibella to emit a choked cry of pain as she kicked her legs around. What with her being in such distress at the moment, it was nearly impossible for Sibella to actually make a major effort to break free, and as such her kicks and tugs on the tentacles and the creature itself were for naught. The jellyfish creature constricted her throat more, causing Sibella's face to begin turning purple and blue as her eyes began rolling up from lack of oxygen, her kicking and struggling beginning to die down now as she lost most motor functions and the ability to struggle any more.

Just before the creature was able to choke Sibella out though, Susan was just able to lunge in at it and jab her sword straight through its very core, where as soon as she hit it the thing fell limp and Sibella fell right into Susan's arms, which had the unintended effect of making them both collapse to the floor with Sibella atop Susan. Gasping and panting at the sudden rush of oxygen, Sibella lay atop Susan without moving more than just panting and coughing a bit as she massaged her throat. "Th... Thank... (cough cough)... you S-Susan. (Cough cough)... If you'd not been here... (cough cough)... I'd be dead now I think. Or captured for... (cough cough)... whatever that thing wanted of me... us," Sibella said, coughing a bit as she got her air back.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

The time nearly stop for Susan, she could see how the life scape from the mage's body, her attempts were making the creature do its best to kill the elven girl and some teardrops were starting to fall from Susan's eyes.

Free her, free her now...please! She manage to say as the fear and anger invade her whole being, her own body was filled at adrenaline and she nearly dont notice how she manage to stab the creature until this die. Instintively once the monster fall, she tried to catch the noble girl, but she was also exhausted and collapse bellow her without any strengh to endure the weight.

Im so sorry for dont do it faster. She manage to say once Sibella talked, still half crying in silence as she hug her friend as both rest a moment at the floor. More calmed, she waited for Sibella to get restored and also get up. Are you fine? we could rest a little more before continue...also, where should we go now She said trying to clean her eyes before her fellow could notice it.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Hah... i-it's okay Susan, I'm fine... I think. I don't think it would have killed me... but hells bells you never know. Don't cry though Susan, I'll be alright... just need to catch my breath after that," Sibella said, panting still after what had happened, but she seemed no worse for wear other than that really.

Sibella sat there with Susan for a few minutes, resting and recovering from the ordeal until she felt well enough to get up, holding and hugging Susan as she rested. When Sibella had rested enough and recovered her strength and magical energies as well, she got up, helping Susan as well in the process. "Okay, I'm ready when you are Susan, at least I think I am anyway. Are you okay?" Sibella said, asking Susan if she was okay too as she got ready to move out once again, her neck a bit red and bruised from the constricting she'd gone through.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Im just glad than yo are fine, dont worry. Susan answer as she clear her face, however she just feels lucky and slowly her mind start to get filled with the doubts of if she will be able to save her once again or what is happening to the others persons on this place.

Yes, im ready, i dont get so hurt at this fight Susan answer to Sibella after had leave the elven to recover completely after the battle and then looks around for any clue of what they should do now, maybe the dwarves leave another message or a person is close them needeing for help.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Once Susan was ready, Sibella led the way out, using her mage light once more to shine the way now that she'd recovered her strength and power again. "I'm glad you didn't get hurt any Susan, would be bad if we both were pretty weak after a fight I think," Sibella said as they set off again.

As they traveled forward, the two could hear bugs skittering all around them in every direction and they could see roaches and spiders, among various other bugs running away from Sibella's and Susan's lights. A couple of times they had to remove a spider that fell from the ceiling onto them, with Sibella calmly doing so and telling Susan when one fell on her shoulder to stay calm and not move a muscle else it may bite her, where she gentle held out her hand and it crawled up and onto her, where she then knelt down and let it crawl back off of her hand, the young elven woman seemingly not afraid of bugs apparently.

"Spiders can be useful sometimes, and they are a part of life really, so there's no need to fear them, as they're just as fearful of us as we are of them," Sibella whispered once the spider she'd gotten off of Susan crawled off of her hand.

Leading the way onwards again, Sibella and Susan soon came to a fork in the path. Sibella looked to Susan before looking down both paths as far as she could. One path had a foul smell coming from it, like that of decaying flesh mixed with vomit and or dung. While the other path had a faint greenish glow down it and no real smell at all, nor did it have any sound drifting out to the two. "Well which way you think? The god awful smelling path, or the creepy glowing path? I don't like either one myself to be honest, but if we're to find any captives then it'll probably be in the worst places imaginable I'd think," Sibella whispered to Susan, asking which way she thought and giving her opinion.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

True, if i would know than this would be so dangerous i would had bring more than a potion to heal us. She answer and then rest a little at Sibella side.

Once they continue their path, Susan really wanted to crush some beetles if it were needed, the path looks to be really nasty and repulsive for her like, just when she feel the spider, her and was close to push it away but the elven stop her, of course than she was sure than her armor will block any of these bug bites and also her speed could help, but she decide to solve all this at Sibella's way, enduring the needs to kill them or lost her pacience. dont worry Sibella, i dont fear them in this size, but also they arent my favorite creatures she whisper really concerned than she could had stomp some of them already if the elf werent with her.

The path gets divided after a while, this made her remember her last mission to save the noble girl and even when she was expecting to find some of the captives at the unpleasant place she decide to choice the growing one, as she remember how she nearly turn into a werecat the last time, maybe some of these were at that nasty zone too. Lets take the one with the light
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Very well Susan, let's go then. Quietly though, who knows what's up here," Sibella said in a whisper, moving on and holding her mage light against her breast a little to lower the amount of light it produced for them to see by just in case.

As the made their way around the bend a bit, Sibella stopped suddenly as they got to a corner where she leaned around it a ways to see what was around there. She motioned for Susan to follow her as she went on around the corner, where they saw what was causing the greenish glow they had seen. The glow was emanating off of what looked to be moss, a strange moss that had mushroom shaped caps in some places that may or may not remind Susan of her old friend, though these were a bit different than Balgia had been and there was a slight greenish mist rising from the mossy areas. In the distance, just on the edge of sight, Susana and Sibella could make out what looked like some strange walking around.

"Myconid's... I didn't know there were any around Crimea, or even in Midgar's Deep Roads for that matter. Regardless, I doubt they were the cause of what happened in the temple, not smart enough and not strong enough by themselves. They usually only serve or come from Fomorians, but I know there aren't any in Midgar. Hmm, maybe they came through a Deep Roads crossing from the fey realm or something," Sibella whispered to Susan, explaining what these things were exactly, and apparently they were pretty bad news. "We should either go around or eradicate them. Alone they aren't much of a threat, but they like to mass in great numbers, and they don't seem to have a great amount of numbers just yet, so it'd be fairly easy to take care of them," Sibella added in a whisper to Susan, giving her the decision on what to do about these things, and they obviously had the element of surprise here.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

yes, lets hope than we can find any survivor. Susan whisper to answer and soon both started to go there as much silent as possible, it dont take too much time to nearly reach the growing point, as Sibella tried with her magic, the swordswoman also attempt to cover a little her latern to dont call any attention.

The monsters at the distance make her remember the sporings than she has found in her last game, but these are some different and even more after the little elven introduction about them. Ok, lets try to reduce theirs numbers, try to attack from the distance and then i will attack. Susan leave her latern at the floor and stealthy get close enough to make a sudden once the magic hit the feral fungus, she just expect than the spell manage to reduce the spores at the air so she could attack without problems, she also hopes than her little endurance earned with the sporens help her here.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Sibella - Attack vs all warriors because of their close proximity to each other, 1st attack was 5 vs 2, 2nd attack was 19 vs 14, 3rd was 13 vs 11, 4th was 5 vs 7, equaling 3 hits and 1 miss on Myconid warrior D, 2 FP dmg to the rest of the enemies.
Susan - 19 vs 17 Mw-C, hit

Myconid Warrior A - 14 vs 5 Susan, hit
Myconid Warrior B - 10 vs 11 Sibella, miss
Myconid Warrior C - 20 vs 10 Susan, hit
Myconid Warrior D - 20 vs 4 Sibella, crit hit for 2 FP and grappled

Sibella - 17 vs 14 Mw-D and 13 vs 7 Mw-B, magic hit for 2 FP dmg on both and broke free of the grapple and killed Myconid warrior B
Susan - 20 vs 18 Mw-C, hit and killed

Myconid warrior A - 17 vs 10 Susan, hit
Myconid warrior D - 14 vs 5 Sibella, hit

"Actually Susan, those spores shouldn't bother us as long as we don't go into the eroded areas full of their fungus, so we should be good just taking out their warriors and their queen, she shouldn't be too far in. You go first, I'll follow you in and take out anything you miss. We should try and get to the queen as quickly as we can, because if we take her out, they'll be leaderless and we can take them out a bit easier," Sibella whispered, telling Susan what they should probably do, though it was up to Susan to decide apparently as they stealthily crept up on a handful of outer guards.

There were four of them, but they looked fairly weak and weren't overly powerful looking, though as Sibella had said they have strength in numbers when in a fight, so if they do get into a fight, they should be quick about it. As soon as Susan was ready to attack, Sibella was ready as well, where she jumped out from behind the rock they'd taken cover behind and blasted the fungal like enemies with a wave of fire. Their mushroom like foes all let out a little cry of pain as they waved their spears about erratically, apparently totally surprised by the sudden gout of fire that hit all but one of them. Susan was free to then rush out and attack the closest one which happened to be the third one in their little group as it stumbled towards her, the spear it had waving dangerously close to her face for a moment.

The myconids recovered somewhat, though they were still reeling a bit from the fiery blast they'd taken from Sibella. The first one of their group moved to support the one near Susan, smacking her with the butt of the spear it had right in the side, while the second one went for Sibella with the fourth one, missing in its strike against the elven sorceress. The third one managed to retaliate against Susan a bit as it smacked her across the stomach quite hard with its spear, being quite strong considering it wasn't even as tall as Susan was. The fourth on literally dove at Sibella as she avoided the other one coming for her, this time being unable to evade as it slammed into her and knocked her to the ground, holding one of her arms down with its spear as she struggled to get free.

Sibella managed to wriggle her left hand up where she pointed it directly at the myconid on top of her, blasting him straight off of her and catching the other one that had come after her as well, taking it out and severely wounding the one that'd been holding her down. Susan meanwhile was able to end the one she'd gone for first, hacking what passed for its head clean off in the process as it fell over dead, leaving only two now to deal with.

"Come on Susan, one on one with them now, let's take them and move on to the next group, there's sure to be more, and likely a couple of other things around nearer to their queen. And if we take them out then it'll be one less thing to worry about while looking for the illithid or whatever did that to the temple," Sibella said as she prepared for the remaining myconids to come at them as they recovered from the attacks from the two women.

Susan's foe came in and managed to slip in another smack past her defenses, smacking her across the small of her back with its spear, seeming to be trying not to kill her and merely to knock out for some nefarious purpose obviously. Sibella's foe also managed to slip in a good hit on the elven sorceress as well, making her grunt in pain as her body stung from the pain.

Susan - FP: 3/5, AP: 0/10
Sibella - FP: 2/5, AP: 0/10, MP: 2/4

Myconid Warrior A - FP: 2/4
Myconid Warrior B - FP: 0/4, dead
Myconid Warrior C - FP: 0/4, dead
Myconid Warrior D - FP: 2/4


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

That is a good news, we must end all this to check the other path, i fear than we could had taken a wrong path. Susan whisper, after all she had saw a lot of intersections at her path here, many wrong choices could had happened and each unneded fight was maybe the difference to find any survivor, just as the lsat time.

Soon her plan take action and soon the fire surround the many monsters and without not a single lost second lost, Susan hurt the closer one. From that point all get completely into a mystery of who could win this fight. The mushroom creatures were more and even when the attacks were out of serious damage for the girls, the possibility to lost to them grow as more time passed. The hits make damage to them and even Susan was hit many times, but this dont stop her to make one of these creatures loss their head.

With sore mark hits on her body, she still have too much to continue fighting. Sibella words made her get worried by how many fights they could find in this path. The silver girl answer was interrupted by the monsters, so she tried to defend herself in vain, as she notice how they dont want to really kill them... for what she suppose lost would be maybe even worse than that, so she continue her attack. You go first then i will end them. She say as prepare herself to block their pass to the sorceres and then she will try to hurt them in a fatal slice.

If the battle get won by the girls, they will just rest the enough and continue their path. Susan will recover her lattern and remain stealthy as possible as they tried to find the queen and any survivor.

If there are too much monsters together, maybe we should just go back for help. Of course than before we must check the others paths and then ask for help to the royal army or dwarves once the ilith get killed and the survivors rescued.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Sibella - 5 vs 7 Mw-D, miss
Susan - 10 vs 11 Mw-A, miss

Myconid A - 18 vs 9 Susan, hit
Myconid D - 10 vs 11 Sibella, miss

Sibella - 18 vs 4 Mw-D, hit with magic for 2 FP dmg and killed
Susan - 14 vs 9 Mw-A, hit

Myconid A - 2 vs 11 Susan, miss

Sibella - 12 vs 2 Mw-A, hit with her dagger that she threw at it, killing it before it could get away and alert the others, for now at least. Battle win...

Sibella moved in with Susan, swiping her dagger at her target while Susan did much the same with her sword, but they both ended up missing their targets, where Susan's manage to retaliate against her, smacking her across the the chest with its spear while Sibella's barely missed her as she ducked under it. "Dammit, go down you stupid mushrooms, burn," Sibella said with a growl when she noticed Susan being hit again.

Sibella jumped right up into her myconid foe's face, or what passed for its face anyway, where she grabbed hold of it and growled something in an unknown language that sounded kind of demonic actually, or something close to it at least, where the thing's face melted as an orb of acid appeared directly on its face and did it in, the creature not even giving off a death cry. Susan was able to follow Sibella's attack up with one of her own on the last myconid creature, slashing its midsection and causing it to stumble backwards where it caught itself barely with its spear. Seeing the girls now outnumbering it, it made a stab at Susan with the butt of its spear and jabbed her in the stomach, knocking the breath out of her before it turned and started to move away, where Sibella threw her dagger and caught it in the back of the head, where it fell over dead as a doornail, the whole fight leaving Sibella panting a bit as she grabbed her dagger and moved over to a nearby rock to take cover behind with Susan so they could recover.

"Alright, good start, there's probably just a few more of them since they only had four guarding this direction, though there may be other things here, I don't know," Sibella whispered, sounding nearly out of breath.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

I really hate quick foes. Susan mutters remembering how skilful the sporen was the last time, it was frustrating to be unable to hit this creature even when both were facing it. Of course than her hate get reduced by how suddenly Sibella casted that strange spell, maybe making her wish never see her really angry.

She prepare herself once again and slash the remain mushroom but not without receive a hit than take out her breat and make her fall at her kness for a moment. She tried to get up again as fast as possible but the damn creature was escaping, fortunately Sibella kill the thing and both had a little rest after the fight.

Sure, lets take a little break...ugh. Susan say resting at the floor and take some deep breaths to get recovered, her body arch by the many spear hits but soon she get up. Lets continue walking. She add once both were restored so they caan beat all the monsters of this cave as fast as possible.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

When Susan had recovered, Sibella got up with her, seeming to have recovered for the most part herself. "Yeah let's keep moving, they'll send scouts out shortly most likely and find those ones dead over there. I'm ready to go if you are Susan... and... sorry about that back there, when my emotions kick up like that I can't suppress my harsher spells and stuff. I was speaking the Infernal language... that devils speak. A lot of powerful incantations are in it, Celestial, and the Primordial languages too, but sorcery can be quite chaotic when using higher spells. I kind of lose control though sometimes when I get really angry and pissed is why I growled those incantations like that," Sibella whispered to Susan as they set off again, giving an apologetic look to Susan.

A ways ahead, they saw another group of Myconids, this one only a trio, but one of them was a little different and was a bit bigger than the others, looking somewhat stronger as it looked around while they came towards them, apparently not seeing them just yet. Sibella tapped Susan on the arm and pulled her over behind a nearby rock, which wasn't that large really but it was the best they could get. As luck would have it, the things didn't appear to notice them any at all, giving the girls the element of surprise, and Sibella looked to be about to launch an attack unless Susan stopped her in favor of heading straight for the myconid leader instead.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Dont worry, of course than i get scary by how you talked, but it was not your intention and i was starting to get pissed in that moment by these anoying creatures. Lets just go on. Susan then get up and then both girls walked as stealthy as possible until they noticed another mushroom team.

Fortunately for them Sibella found a rock where they could hide and of course use to move stealthy away and reach the leader of this race, but Susan know than if they dont beat these guards they would join the leader in the next fight and then the fight would be almost lost. So she leave Sibella warm the creatures with her spell and then Susan will try to end the life of the little ones rushing to the battlefield and slash the heads of her foes. Weak ones first she whisper to her ally
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Susan - 17 vs 11 Mw-A, hit for 2 FP dmg from surprise attack.
Sibella - 14 vs 11 Mw-B, hit with magic for 2 FP dmg.

Myconid warrior A - 2 vs 9 Susan, miss
Myconid warrior B - 18 vs 6 Sibella, hit but no grapple
Myconid Brute - 8 vs 19 Sibella, miss

Susan - 9 vs 6 Mw-A, hit
Sibella - 14 vs 12, Mw-B, hit with magic and killed

Myconid warrior A - 15 vs 4 Susan, hit
Myconid Brute - 15 vs 16 Sibella, miss

Susan's plan was mostly a success as she stormed out from behind the rock before the mushroom like creatures knew what hit them, her first attack on this group cutting into the side of one of the smaller ones faces and leaving a trail of greenish blood falling to the floor and down its body. Sibella jumped out and launched a ball of fire at the other smaller one, catching it dead in the midsection and forcing it back as its body was scorched. The two smaller ones went after the girls that attacked them, the one Susan went after missing her as she easily blocked its attack with her shield. Sibella however wasn't quite as lucky and was smacked right across the leg as the larger one came in close to her, though she was able to react quickly enough to prevent it hitting her thankfully as she dove out of the way of its large spear.

Susan and Sibella both managed to keep up the pressure with another blow from Susan to her foe's side, while Sibella shot a bolt of acid at the other smaller one's face, which had virtually the same effect as it did on the other one, as it melted the thing's face clean off its head. The remaining smaller myconid was on its last leg pretty much at this point, being virtually dead on its feet it seemed to Susan, though it was able to take another swing at her with its spear, smacking her across the left side despite its wounds, though she could easily tell one more hit would probably finish it off. The larger one thankfully failed to hit Sibella yet again as she dove out of the way of its attack, though this time it was a bare miss really and managed to scrape her robes somewhat as she evaded.

Susan - FP: 4/5, AP: 0/10
Sibella - FP: 4/5, AP: 0/10, MP: 2/4

Myconid warrior A - FP: 1/4
Myconid Warrior B - FP: 0/4, dead
Myconid Brute - FP: 8/8


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Making a correct move, Susan manage to surprise her foes, wounding a small one mushroom in a critical place, then she moved her shield in front just in time to block her foe attack. The fight was getting at their side, as she quickly conect another blow on the monster than make it get nearly death. Now there was not time to stop, as Sibella is fighting the remain two monsters alone, this make the silver girl try to beat this creature as fast as possible, sending as many blows as needed to beat this thing so she could aid her ally to beat that big one creature
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Susan - 1 vs 6 Mw-A, miss
Sibella - 5 vs 3 MB, hit with magic for 2 FP dmg

Myconid Warrior A - 3 vs 2 Susan, hit
Myconid Brute - 16 vs 6 Sibella, hit and grapple

Susan - 10 vs 9 Mw-A, hit and killed
Sibella - 3 vs 16 MB, miss and unable to break free of the grapple.

Myconid Brute - 6 vs 4 Sibella, hit and stripped halfway

Moving in at the remaining smaller mushroom like warrior, Susan just couldn't land the final blow upon it as it managed to swing its spear around just enough to cause her sword to land blows upon it, keeping it in the fight a little longer. Sibella meanwhile was taking on the big brute like one herself and sent forth a bolt of fire, hurtling it straight at the thing's chest and catching it there. The remaining smaller warrior came at Susan again, slamming its spear against her back as it darted around her, having quite a bit of maneuverability still in it despite the wounds it'd sustained so far. The Brute meanwhile swung its spear around at Sibella, catching her in the side and knocking her aside and into the wall, where it knocked her down and fell atop her, putting her into a submission hold as it grabbed one arm and pulled it behind her roughly, forcing her back to arch a bit in the process and causing Sibella to let out a soft whimper of pain.

Susan soon dispatched the other smaller myconid, lopping its head clean off where she would see Sibella's predicament with the larger brutish myconid. Sibella tried to angle herself around enough to blast the creature off of her, or at least break free, but it was all for naught as she simply couldn't do either, the larger myconid holding her down quite painfully. As soon as it saw Sibella failing to break free, the big brute twisted her arm behind her painfully as it pulled her back into a further arch, tugging at her robes a bit and causing her breasts to pop out as it untied her robes, where it then roughly pushed her forward and back down to the stone cold floor, bonking her head on the stone.

"Agh... Susan... help," Sibella panted, obvious pain in her voice as the big brute started to grab her other arm to pin it as well.

Susan - FP: 3/5, AP: 0/10
Sibella - FP: 2/5, AP: 0/10, MP: 1/4

Myconid warrior A - FP: 0/4, dead
Myconid Warrior B - FP: 0/4, dead
Myconid Brute - FP: 6/8


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Damit! Susan curse herself, once her quick attack was blocked by the nearly dead creature, she tried to focus completely at the battle but she was getting worried by Sibella, as the other monster looks to be really dangerous and in completely healty condition. The moment was taken by the little monster and hit the silver girl with his spear once again making her groan and get pissed so much than in a rage manage to slice the thing to end its life. She tried to take a breath but she soon notice how baddly Sibella was getting hurt by the creature. Between the elven begs she rush to them trying to cut the monster back or neck so the pain would make it release her friend. Please resist, Sibella she said as her swing tried to take by surprise the remain creature.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Susan - 10 vs 1 MB, hit and broke Sibella free
Sibella - 17 vs 13 MB, hit with dagger

Myconid Brute - 18 vs 12 Sibella, hit and grappled again

Susan - 8 vs 8 MB, hit and broke Sibella free again
Sibella - 13 vs 10 MB, hit with dagger

Myconid Brute - 10 vs 9 Susan, hit and grappled

As Susan rushed in to help Sibella, she was easily able to catch the big brute off guard, slamming her sword right into its side and forcing it off of the young elven noble, who looked greatly relieved when she was freed. Sibella, not missing a beat, immediately slashed her dagger across the thing's stomach as it reeled back from Susan's blow moments before, taking a good hunk out of it in the process. The larger myconid however quickly came back and slammed Sibella in the stomach with a fist, where it then snatched her up again, this time in a bear hug as it squeezed her harshly to try and knock her out.

Susan was on the ball however as she quickly freed Sibella again from the creature not just a few seconds after it grabbed her, slashing an arm enough to force it to release her again. Sibella stabbed it with her dagger as it was releasing her this time, hanging onto it for a moment or two as she wrenched her dagger free once more, a soft stream of greenish blood pouring out of its wound. The big brute set its sights on Susan now, as she was the one preventing it from taking Sibella so easily, though Sibella may not be much of a match for it alone as she looked fairly tired after all that'd happened so far in this fight. It came at Susan, swinging its spear at her and catching her in the gut with the blade end, but her studded leather caught the metal part and prevented it from biting deep into her flesh, the force of the blow however was more than enough to knock the wind out of her unfortunately as the thing then scooped her right up into a bear hug herself, squeezing the breath out of her.

Susan - FP: 2/5, AP: 0/10, grappled by the Myconid Brute
Sibella - FP: 1/5, AP: 0/10, MP: 1/4

Myconid warrior A - FP: 0/4, dead
Myconid Warrior B - FP: 0/4, dead
Myconid Brute - FP: 2/8