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Susan Summer (plmnko)


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Sibella's words just made Susan to end this as faster as possible. So this creature will have problems to infect us if we dont have wounds, dont worry Sibella we will end with him soon. Both girls started to look in each room and they dont find any survivor in them only more of that terrible yellow thing in the walls. The thing get worse in one of them, the room was filled with that substance, what increased the fear at Susan even more after read the message and the strange sounds I guess than we will be fine, as we should be a pair of hours before midday, but the poor people here should had passed a nightmare with all this, i hope than they had endured all these days. Said trying to dont sound scared even with all these things than happens at the start of the horror movies, she was close to cry when she saw the blood at the statue. Yes, lets check the remaining ones
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Aye, we should be alright for now, I just hope that we can end this before nightfall, because I don't want to be in this place at night, and I'm sure you don't either. And so long as anyone still in here was able to stay away from the corrupted areas they should be alright, that girl from earlier clearly had been in it and managed to get out only after contracting the mind plague, gods what she must have gone through to even make it this far I don't want to know," Sibella said as they made their way down the hall to the shrine of Pelor.

As they got to the double doors leading into that shrine, which were ajar slightly, the two of them heard a scream coming from back towards the entrance hall that came from a woman. Sibella nodded to Susan as she pushed the doors open as she hurried off towards the entrance hall where they saw nobody inside of the shrine on their way past. As they sped off back to the entrance hall another scream came, leading them to the kitchen again where as soon as they burst through the doorway they saw a pair of people cringing in fear at the far end of the room as a strange pinkish skinned creature that looked kind of like a brain with a yellowish beak sticking out of the front of it, and 8 tentacles extending from beneath it floated up from the now open cellar towards them, blood on a couple of its tentacles which had razor sharp looking spikes on them. There was a man standing in front of a woman, with a mace in his hands as he tried to fend the thing off. "Back you fiend," he shouted at the creature, swinging his mace at it.

"A grell, damn bastards, almost as bad as the illithid if you ask me," Sibella muttered as she moved into the room, her footsteps heard by both the grell and the people, all of whom turned to see Susan and Sibella standing in the doorway. "Come on you two, hurry up and move over here so that we can make this thing a smear on the wall," Sibella said, obvious anger in her voice as she raised her dagger for a fight.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

I also want to end this before nightfall, not only because this place is creepy but most likely because i promise it to my friends and they could get really worried if i dont return before the night come. True, she was really bad if we would havent find her then i dont want to imagine what could had happened to her, But we must not get worry, im sure than she soon will get completely healed. The silver girl answer as she follow her partner to the next room.

They were getting inside the Pelor's room when they heard a scream coming from the entrance at teh sanctuary, Susan nods also to Sibella and quickly made her way toward where the noise has come, a second come and it made the silver girl run faster, wishing to get there at time. Opening the kitchen door she find out a strange brain like creature attacking two persons, they looks them come but Susan's body react instintively after see the bloody tendrils, running toward the creature and leaving her lamp at the floor in a finnest quick move, her quick steps reach the exact place to draw her weapon and swing it in an attempt to hurt baddly the strange creature, once the attack has ended she will try to get in a good place so Sibella could attack that thing and the two persons have a path to get away of the creature, if needed she will try to block the monster path toward the others.

Of course than Susan manage in middle of her moves what Sibella has said, she was very focused on defend this people than she dont had the chance to fear the unknown creature or wonder what it could do to them.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Susan - 11 vs 6 Grell, hit
Sibella - 10 vs 5 Grell, his with magic for 2 FP dmg.

Grell - 9 vs 12 Susan, miss.

Susan - 7 vs 14 Grell, miss
Sibella - 11 vs 12 Grell, miss magic (doesn't spend MP)

Grell - 9 vs 8 Susan, hit

Moving in between the grell and the two humans trying to get out of there, Susan was easily able to slash one of the thing's spiked tentacles with her sword, which forced it to change targets from them to her, which had the desired effect of getting its attention away from them at least, but now it was actively coming after Susan. Susan would be forced to take a step back as Sibella unleashed a furious bolt of electricity at the grell, zapping it quite harshly with her magic and forcing it back some more. "Get back you bastard, today you die," Sibella cried as her magic hit the creature, the cut from before having been reopened with a flick of her dagger.

The grell managed to recover enough to retaliate against them, swinging its other spiked tentacle at Susan, who's new shield deflected the blow easily as she flicked her arm and batted it away. The man and woman backed away towards the kitchen doors leading out to the entrance hall,putting some distance between them and the grell so that it now had to effectively fight through both Susan and Sibella to get to them.

Susan darted in again, swinging her sword once more, though this time she unfortunately wasn't able to hit the thing as it saw her coming, and Sibella was in much the same boat as her bolt. The grell however this time managed to rake its spiked tentacle across Susan's leg in between the grooves of her armor, cutting her left leg a little bit.

Susan: FP: 4/5, AP: 0/10
Sibella: FP: 5/5, AP: 0/10, MP: 3/4

Grell: FP: 7/10
Last edited:


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

The attack to call the creature attentions looks to work really well, soon one of the monster's tendrils were damaged by Susan's sudden attack, who noticed how Sibella would cast an spell. Once moved away she saw the magic wound baddly the creature, as the two victims tried to leave the place, turning to see this nearly made her dont be ready for the upcoming attack, just in time she block the tendril with her new used shield and pull the creature back away.

After this there was not much to say, the silver girl was expecting to cut the creature until kill it. Damn, this thing is still fast She said slighty in pain after this dodge theirs blows and manage to damage her leg. There was not another choice than kill this creature, soon Susan tried to move around as the monster have his focus on her, then she will find out the right moment to attack as made Sibella attack more hard to notice.

[dont have the monster 7/10 hp? ]
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

(Aye I noticed that and fixed it.)

Susan - 15 vs 13 grell, hit
Sibella - 5 vs 19 grell, miss with magic

Grell - 8 vs 5 Susan, hit and grappled, but she's still on her feet.

Susan - 7 vs 10 grell miss and didn't break free
Sibella - 21 vs 5 grell, crit hit for 3 FP dmg and Susan is freed from the grapple.

Grell - 13 vs 4 Sibella, hit and grappled

Susan managed to bring her sword around to bear against the grell again with her new shield raised to protect her from its tentacles, slashing one of its non spiked tentacles clean off about three quarters of the way up which was followed by a spurt of greenish blood as the creature wailed in agony and flailed its remaining tentacles about. Sibella attempted to follow up Susan's attack with a magic blast of lightning again, but unfortunately yet again her magic failed to connect with her intended target. The grell meanwhile managed to recover after a few seconds, where it swung out one of its spiked tendrils at Susan, which managed to pierce the upper area of her shield arm, once again just managing to get through the grooves of her armor and drawing blood from her arm as it coiled about her arm after the attack, leaving little welts like from a syringe at a doctor.

"No Susan, hang on," Sibella cried as she stepped in a little closer.

No matter how hard Susan tugged against the thing she just wasn't able to rip free from its grasp, which ended up throwing off her aim with her sword as the thing tugged back on Susan's arm, pulling her off balance, but not off of her feet amazingly. Sibella however had come closer and wasn't about to miss this time, not when her friend was in danger. She raised her hand and at nearly point blank range blasted it this time with a wave of fire that shot straight out of her hand into it. The searing heat blasting from Sibella's hands made Susan's shield and sword get a little warm in her hands, but not so hot she couldn't bear to touch them any thankfully, however it did have the added effect of forcing the grell to release Susan from its grasp as it recoiled in pain.

The grell managed to regroup pretty quickly however and lashed out at Sibella this time who'd come up really close by, where three of its non spiked tentacles coiled around her entangling her quite badly in its grasp with her left arm bound above her head as she was held upside down and another was around her waist and the third around her chest, pressing her breasts together and straining the cloth of her robes around her chest. The grell looked like it was trying to pull her in closer where that dangerous looking beak was as if it were going to bite her, and Sibella was grunting and panting as she struggled against it to get free.

"L-Let me go you fucker... fucking let me go... AHH!" Sibella cried as she kicked and screamed out at the grell as it swung a spiked tentacle at her back, raking the sharp spines across her back and tearing her robes a bit there, leaving three claw looking marks running diagonally down her back from her right shoulder to the bottom left area of her back. Sibella continued bucking her hips and thrashing her limbs around as much as possible to break free, though it was easy to see that the attack and grapple on her had weakened her slightly.

Susan: FP: 3/5, AP: 1/10
Sibella: FP: 4/5, AP: 1/10, MP: 1/4, grappled.

Grell: FP: 3/10, grappling Sibella


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Her attack landed on the creature and then the silver girl tried to get back to give the chance to Sibella to hit the creature with an spell, but this time Susan could only see how the monster dodge the blast and launch to her, she tried to block the tentacles using her shield but once again the creature was faster than her. Ack... Im starting to hate thes spiny things. She then pull away to get free of these painful apendages but the syringes were well placed at her, making her get stressed enought to fail her hit.

Fortunatelly Sibella comes to aid her and blast a powerful fire spell than nearly made Susan drop her weapon, the monster havent her grapped after all that fire but Sibella has gotten so close than soon the creature focused on her, using its normal tentacles to grape the elf and another to wound her back. Release her now!This was getting worse and that peak would certainly be dangerous for Sibella if Susan dont free her and end this battle soon. Without not time to lost the silver haired swordswoman aimed to cut the tentacles holding her friedn and if she gets free then will focus on the brain so this battle get ended as faster as possible.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Susan - 16 vs 14 grell, hit for 1 FP dmg, but didn't release Sibella.
Sibella - 17 vs 13 grell, magic at point blank range for 2 FP dmg and the kill on the grell, grell killed and battle won.

[Susan leveled up with her weapon prowess, getting +1 to all sword attacks]

As Susan stepped in to aid her companion, Sibella continued struggling, throwing off the grell's ability to defend itself just enough for Susan to strike it, lopping off a tentacle that was holding Sibella, but it didn't free her enough to get away as another tentacle jumped in to take its place, capturing her right back. Sibella however was tired of this and placed her hand directly on the creature's head as it brought her closer towards the beak at its front, where she muttered an incantation and out erupted a ball of fire from her hand, which seared its way straight through the brain looking creature and out the other side, where it then dropped to the floor, dead as a doornail.

"Oh gods that was too close," Sibella said as she sat on the ground where she'd fallen after being released, panting a bit from the whole fight as she looked back up to Susan. "There's most likely more of those things if I had to guess, which means that there's a passage into the deep roads from the cellar," Sibella added as she started to stand up, taking Susan's hand if she offered to help her get up.

"Y-Yes... there is a passage leading down into the deep roads from the cellar... we just came from there. There's others trapped down there, but we couldn't get close enough to them to get them out without being seen," the man from before said from the kitchen doorway. "I... I was just a temple guard when this all started, a-and I was one of the last guards left before the few remaining priests and priestesses left this place after all of this nonsense started about a month ago," he added before stepping back into the room, with the girl clinging to him with a terrified look on her face.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Susan's word easily cut through one of the tentacles holding her friend, but she could see than the bizarre beast dont wanted to just give up on hurt the poor elven mage. This looks to be a really critical moment , it was going slower for Susan who could not do anything more for save her ally and friend, she tried hard to slice again or at least place her shield to protect her, even then Sibella was already prepared a powerful spell and this ended the creature's life for good.

Susan get close her trying to help her at her wounds, as also check and cure as best as she could her owns, but Sibella words made her chill cold. Really? a passage to that dangerous place? That sound really serious. Susan said as she help her to get up. The guard just affirm this and soon all looks to be even worse of what Susan could had suppose.

Sibella should we still looks for survivors in this floor? That people at the cellar really need our help and we must find a way to close that path too. I never expected than the deep roads could be so close of here.

(i dunno how many more places they still need to check at the altars)
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"I see, that is very bad indeed, and thank you Susan for the help, I doubt I'd have managed that thing alone. Also yes the deep roads, it's really the only place in Midgar that you'll see aberrant creatures like these just about," Sibella said once she was up and Susan and the guard had both spoken. Looking to the man and woman, Sibella nodded. "Do you think you two can make it back to Nevassa alright without us? If so then go ahead and do so as soon as possible, you can rest out by our horses for a bit before you go. And I don't believe we'll find anyone else up here Susan, but if you two could check for us before you go, we've left every door open that we've already looked in ourselves, just don't go to the top or the backyard of the temple, there's some dead bodies that you probably don't want to see," Sibella then asked the two, both of whom nodded and said that they would check the rest of the temple out for them.

With that Sibella looked to Susan and the priestess both, beckoning the priestess closer to them. "I assume you know some healing magics miss, please can you perform them on us so we don't waste our energies, as we're going down into the cellar to find some of those you spoke of," Sibella said to the priestess, who nodded and hurried up with her healing magics, sealing up all of the wounds on Sibella's body and then Susan's. "Thank you miss, now go, both of you and hurry on out," Sibella went on to say to the young priestess, who again nodded and hurried on out with the temple guard, his weapon in hand.

"Please be careful my ladies, it's dangerous down there. I-I'm Sarah by the way, and my guard here is John by the way, we'll look for your safe return to Nevassa, and when we get there we'll head straight to the castle to let them know that there are other survivors here," the girl said, warning the girls to be careful and then quickly introducing herself and the temple guard.

"I am Sibella Hathesar, next in line to the duchy of Gallione until my sister has a child. And my companion here is Susan, she's from the adventurers guild and is a very capable warrior as you just saw no doubt," Sibella replied, introducing the two of them to the pair before they went on their separate ways.

"They should be alright Susan, so don't worry about them for now, we need to move on quickly and quietly if we're to rescue any others that are still able to be saved," Sibella said to Susan, where she gestured to the steps leading down into the cellar, holding a hand aloft with another of the mage light's in it like before. "Go ahead and grab one of those lanterns real quick before we go on down, would be better if we both have a light source just in case we're separated by some chance I think," Sibella added, suggesting something that was likely the smartest approach to the situation.

When Susan had grabbed herself another lantern from the entrance hall, of which there were several more, then she could follow Sibella on down into the darkness below at her leisure. Once down in the cellar and after searching around a bit, they'd see what appeared to be a normal basement with one addition however, a large gaping hole in the far wall through a door that lead to a side room of the cellar.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

To be honest i dont see myself fighting these things alone. Im glad to dont had try that mission at the guild to explore the deep roads for myself, is not wise fight alone these creatures. Susan said to Sibellla to make her know than it was mostly a tem work, yet she is sure than Sibella made mostly all the work.

Please take care both of you. Susan said to both guard and priestress once Sibella ask them for check the remain places left to search around. Thanks for healing us. She manage to say between the Priestess words and the elven introduction, Sibella's words made Susan get blushed because maybe the elven nobel was expecting too much for her.

After wave and see than both were oka s they leave, Susan get a lantern and nod to the elven mage. I will do my best to stay closer. Said smiling softly before deep breath before open the door using her key once again and going inside the creepy place
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Oh you wouldn't have gone into the deep roads alone, it'd have been with a group of people most likely or at least a few. Anytime there's an expedition into them they never go it alone, for various reasons, the main one of which is because of the aberrants and the fact that pretty much all of them would attempt to kill you on sight, for whatever purposes they like really," Sibella whispered on their way down into the cellar. "I've... honestly never been into the deep roads myself, the last noble or nobles rather to do so were princess Adriel, my older sister, and the clan elder of the Kusanagi neko clan to the north all three led some forces into them a few years ago to rescue some people from the illithid, eradicating the majority of the ugly bastards at the time. Apparently though more entered the deep roads from the Far Realm," Sibella added as she began looking around the cellar.

After a minute or two of looking around, they eventually came to the big hole in one of the adjacent rooms. "Yep, this is our way down, and their way up from the looks of it. We could just collapse the whole thing, but then they would just find another way up," Sibella said, glancing over at Susan. "So let's go and put an end to these terrible beings okay Susan," she added with a nod as she climbed into the hole.

When Susan followed, the two of the began to make their way down at a steady slope until they came out at another opening, this one down in a deep dark tunnel. Stepping out and into the tunnel, the two could see it stretched in both directions before them, the one to the right curved a bit until it curved out of sight, while the left path stretched on for eternity it seemed. "Well... which way you think? And only talk in whispers down here okay Susan, just in case something is lurking nearby," Sibella whispered to Susan.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Sibella's words arent making this easily, each phrase was making this look so terrible and dangerous. Soon Susan started to be so nervious and softly white, of course than heard than Adriel has manage to succeed her quest without any damage, of course than she has faced some foes than were ready to kill her if she lost at the past but nothing like this. Edward given me some info from the mission zone and these creatures, but nothing like this. She wishper as they goes down, not really wishing to know more tales of how terribles were these creatures. But i dont remember to had heard about that Far Realm

They continue walking going deep inside the dangerous place, the silver hair girl continue all the path with her guard up and ready to strike any monster with her weapon or cover herself if any upcoming attack appear. The path looks to be really huge and another one is at the right. She frown not sure which one to choice and she frown as she point to the one than goes to the right, as going deep inside that continuous tunnel would make them get very far from the temple and of any possible rescue than they could earn with luck if anything bad happen.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Well the Far Realm is really where most if not all aberrants come from, not just the illithid, If we find a rift or portal leading to there, don't step into it... you'll go insane in seconds. I can close any rifts or portals though, so don't worry too much. Let's just see if we can find the other missing people and can save them, or at least take care of whatever it is doing this... most likely illithid," Sibella replied to Susan in a whisper.

When they emerged from the hole and into the Deep Roads proper, Sibella decided to follow Susan, tapping her on the shoulder and having her wait a moment. "Let me make a marker for us so we can find our way back out okay," Sibella whispered to Susan, a soft faint blueish glow coming from her left hand before she touched the wall next to the hole, leaving a small set of blue glyphs there that quickly faded and left the wall the same as it'd been beforehand.

With that, Sibella followed Susan's lead down the right tunnel, staying close and bringing her mage light back up again, which coupled with Susan's lantern filled the whole tunnel around them in every direction about 30 feet or so with light enough they could read by almost. Traveling some way, the two came to a slightly larger area of the tunnels that had what appeared to be ancient words in a language that Susan didn't know. "Hmm... it's dwarven... a really old dialect at that, but I can still read it for the most part," Sibella whispered when she noticed the writing on a large stone set beside the path. "It says... Merrach taig, one hundred leagues north. Wow, so the dwarves had holdings this far south, I didn't know that to be honest... it's actually kind of amazing to know that," Sibella added in a whisper, obviously quite surprised but more curious than that.

After a minute or so of Sibella studying the apparent sign, she looked around, muttering that there should be some sort of outpost around if there was a sign there. They did indeed find the outpost that Sibella mentioned after a minute more of looking, finding the thing cracked open slightly where Sibella pushed it open. As soon as she'd opened it up and stepped inside, nodding to Susan to follow, a blueish tentacle shot down and snatched Sibella up, curling around her waist and pulling her up towards the ceiling as she let out a yelp of surprise. "Oh gods... let go. Susan help," Sibella cried, panting a bit as she struggled with the tendril holding her.

As soon as Susan stepped into the room, she'd see a strange blueish creature hanging from the ceiling that looked kind of like a jellyfish with a dozen or so tentacles, with a couple of its tentacles holding it up. Sibella was now snagged with three tentacles by the thing and didn't looked to be getting free alone, though it had left Susan alone for the most part, with only a single tentacle straying anywhere near her in the doorway before retreating to silence Sibella as the slimy tentacle shot into Sibella's mouth, muffling her cries for help.


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Ehm sure, i will have that in mind to do my best to avoid any path to that creepy place or even know more of it Whisper Susan mostly checking the place better in order to avoid any portal to that realm even when she dont know how looks a portal, fortunately Sibella looks to be a expert in magic and aberrants for what it looks. Maybe she will ask to the elf how she know too much of this but this is not the moment to try to make a chat than could make them get spot by any of these creatures.

The walk continue and it was starting to be frustrating to get every time more far of the temple and get inside the dangerous lands of these creatures, the hopes to find any survivor also slowly fade and she just hopes to dont spot any remain of any of the priestess's bodies at the floor. Soon Sibella made some kind of spell than write some kind of mark at the cave, it soon fade make the silver girl have something more at her mind than the whole scary predictment moment than is happening, the young warrior made a fascinated weak sound Wow How this spell works? she whisper looking at the mark fade and maybe trying to dont let Sibella return to the illith topic.

After these events they continue walking until suddenly they found what looks to be an ancient message, Susan dont wasted the time and tried to read it or at least see if she could identify any word but all the whole writing looks to be really hard for her and completely unknown for even be a mix of the many idioms than she has heard than exist. Nice, maybe we could ask for help if we have luck to find any of them. She said in a whisper glad to know than know than in some way the dwarven warriors had check this place, but this also make her fear than they were going deep inside the dangerous zone. Ready to help in what she could she soon aid her partner to find the outpost so at least help her in some way. After all Sibella has made most all the work and she was starting to feel herself out of place. Soon they find it and Susan would had jump of joy but there was the problem to be noticed by the monsters so she contain all expecting to find any info than could aid them on this place. However they found just more problems and suddenly a bunch of tentacles take the elven girl toward the inside of the room, Susan tried to maintain her mouth shout but she quickly get inside and tried her best to fond out what was happening, soon she notice how Sibella was grapped by the creature and soon the warrior feel the needs t end this creature once she free the noble girl. Soon finding any way to reach the distance enough to cut the tentacles with her sword so Sibella could get free once this has happened she will then cut and maybe attempt to kill this creature with a direct hit to the core of this monster.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Susan - 7 vs 4 MJF, hit but didn't free Sibella
Sibella - 6 vs 7 MJF, miss with physical attack

Milk Jellyfish - 3 vs 5 Sibella, miss

Susan - 19 vs 19 MJF, hit because of tie, breaks Sibella free
Sibella - 6 vs 13 MJF, miss with magic

Milk Jellyfish - 16 vs 17 Sibella, miss

"It'll just allow me to easily find my way back to this place Susan, it's actually a fairly easy spell to do. Even most novice wizards, witches, and sorceresses can manage it. Think of it as leaving a trail of breadcrumbs in a way, but only I can see them... I guess is a way of looking at it," Sibella replied to Susan as they set out deeper into the tunnels.


Susan was able to slash at the tentacles that drifted towards her and then shot into Sibella's mouth, cutting it off from the creature as Sibella spit it out and grunted as she struggled against the thing, the creature shuddering from the pain. Sibella struggled and kicked her foot out at the creature's main body as it held her, but her foot only met with the creature catching her foot as well. The creature however managed to fail to wrap Sibella up further in its tentacles though thankfully.

Susan's next strike however was able to cut Sibella free as she hit the one around her waist, cutting her free where she fell to the floor because the other two tentacles didn't have a great hold on her enough to keep her up. Sibella recovered quickly though and sent forth a blast of lightning at the creature, but it missed and struck the ceiling instead, which was solid as hell and didn't even crack at the blast. The jellyfish then attempted to grab Sibella again, but she nimbly dodged it this time as she saw it coming, where she dove to the side to avoid it.

"You won't have me again so easily you fiend," Sibella growled at the creature as she stood back up, a dagger in her hand as she prepared to attack again.

Susan - FP: 5/5, AP: 0/10
Sibella - FP: 5/5, AP: 1/10, MP: 3/4

Milk Jellyfish - FP: 8/10


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Damn... Susan mutters to herself once her slash dont caused the enought damage to the creature so Sibella could get free, her needs to act faster soon make her get in a closer position as the monster tried to maintain the grape on the poor elven girl. Looking to have a better chance now, the silver girl cut at one of the three tentacles and glad notice how Sibella weight was enought to get released from the vile creature's apendages.

We must end it as fast as possible before this get worse. Susan whisper as she get between the beast and the noble, but still giving to Sibella the enought space to hurt the creature with her spell.

Susan will first slash the creature once more to make it fall and then Sibella will have a lot of time to strike the confused creature, maybe a pair of these attacks will makke them get rid of this thing.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Susan - 10 vs 17 MJF, miss
Sibella - 1 vs 12 MJF, miss with magic

Milk Jellyfish - 19 vs 6 Sibella, hit but no grapple

Susan - 11 vs 6 MJF, hit
Sibella - 11 vs 9 MF, hit with magic for 2 FP dmg

Milk Jellyfish - 11 vs 10 Susan, hit but no grapple.

Susan's strike was well aimed at the creature's body, however it wasn't enough to hit and the jellyfish looking thing just evaded her attack, floating away from her as it did so. Sibella followed up Susan's attack with one of her own, but ended up missing as well, the blast of lightning just hitting the ceiling behind the creature as it soared past. The jellyfish thing though then darted towards them, swinging out a couple of its tentacles, which slammed Sibella away and right into the wall near the door, where she hit with a grunt of pain as her shoulder slammed into the stone wall.

"Oof, bastard. You'll pay for that," Sibella said with a growl, looking quite angry.

Susan would see her opportunity then as the thing's tentacles were still nearby after the blow to Sibella, where when she swung her sword this time she'd catch one of them, hacking it completely off of the creature this time, leaving it now two tentacles short of the full dozen it started with. Sibella followed up Susan's attack again, but this time she blasted a ball of fire at the creature instead of lightning, catching it directly in its center mass, blasting it back and into the wall a ways back, leaving it looking a bit singed and ragged after that. The thing swung out a tentacle in a last ditch attempt to hurt one of the girls though, the long slimy appendage managing to swat Susan right across the backs of both legs with enough force knock them out from under her where she landed flat on her ass, a slight stinging coming from her butt from the fall.

Susan - FP: 4/5, AP: 0/10
Sibella - FP: 4/5, AP: 1/10, MP: 1/4

Milk Jellyfish - FP: 5/10


Tentacle Smut Lord
Nov 10, 2008
Reputation score
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Susan was starting to curse the monster's speed, how easily could dodge her sword and even when she get away for Sibella to strike the creature, the tentacle monster just avoid the lighting and then send the elven to impact the wall. Sibella! are you fine? said Susan worried for her partner before turn and make the monster pay for what it has done.

The creature soon saw lost another tentacle of its body and then intense flames from Sibella's spell surround it, making the silver girl to expect than this could be an easy victory. but then the monster nearly blinded made her fall at her cute rear. Oww... you will pay for that she whisper and caress her rear before get up soon and then continue trying to cut the monster core.
Mind Flayer

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
Staff member
Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
Reputation score
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Susan - 13 vs 6 MJF, hit
Sibella - 11 vs 2 MJF, hit with magic for 2 FP

Milk Jellyfish - 12 vs 5 Sibella, hit and grappled

Susan - 16 vs 6 MJF, hit but didn't free Sibella
Sibella - 2 vs 14 MJF, miss

Milk Jellyfish - Choking Sibella, Susan now has 2 turns left to free her before she's knocked out of the fight.

As Susan attacked again, the jellyfish creature quivered in pain as she hacked off another tentacle, though she wasn't able to get any closer than that really just yet as it still had 8 or 9 tentacles remaining and they all writhed around wildly to keep her back. Sibella blasted it straight on with another ball of fire though, searing its body even more so than it had previously when she blasted it, leaving a black area on its blueish body from how badly it was burnt now. Despite its wounds though the creature still managed to retaliate against them however, swinging another two tentacles at Sibella again, this time catching her around the waist and neck as it lifted her up into the air and slamming her into the ceiling, where it began choking her and squeezing her neck, cutting off her air supply as she flailed her limbs wildly to get free.

Susan was able to stab her sword into the thing's main body around where Sibella had already burned it pretty badly with her magic, but the blow just wasn't enough to free Sibella as the thing tightened its grip around her neck. There was a look of terror in Sibella's eyes as she clawed at the thing's tentacle around her neck, clutching and pulling at it, but she just wasn't able to pull it loose enough to catch her breath, and from the looks of it she was fast running out of oxygen as far as Susan could see, and she appeared to have exhausted her energy reserves for the moment as well. The jellyfish continued to constrict Sibella's neck with its tentacle, her face beginning to turn red as she struggled futilely to break free from its grasp, and it looked to be moving Sibella around to make it harder for Susan to hit it without hitting Sibella in the process.

Susan - FP: 4/5, AP: 0/10
Sibella - FP: 2/5, AP: 1/10, MP: 0/4, taking 1 FP dmg per turn until she breaks free.

Milk Jellyfish - FP: 1/10