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Susan Summer (plmnko)

Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Ehm thanks, Andrea . I feel really great after have a nice rest... Susan answer to Andrea trying to dont remember mre of her possible dreams or her throughts than she had just some moments ago. Her attempts to get up soon started and she take a towel before get inside the bathroom, leaving the others follow her and wash at the same time if needed, looking at them cleaning the remains of the last night was really disturbing for Susan who never expected to have some kind of adult relashionship with Andrea or a futa, these days had been so crazy for her.

Once she allow Adria to help her a little she just get completely at the mercy of the serious maid.

No thanks. I dont have that kind of need. She answer shyly. She in the instant calm herself to continue Yes... you are right about the last night....and is good to heard than all will be fine, between both of you. She add in some way jeaulouse about dont be able to sattle the succubu's needs. She was thinking in this and then she get surprised in the invasive than Adria is as the maid help her. The silver girl make a little ekk. Is this really needed? i can do it for myself... her nearly begs werent maybe heared and soon she get completely cleaned by the maid, maybe it feels in some way good but she feels really violated after that complete bath.

Once she dry herself, the hour to dress come and she accepted to wear the not so fancy clothes. Wow, they fit me like a glove, how Elise manage to get my sizes? She mutter nearly in a whisper to herself fearing to dont heard the worst case scene.

Once ready and dressed the three went to eat a breakfast and as it was early, Susan expected to dont see the dinner room so heavily filled as yesterday. Unfortunately it was even most full and soon Susan found her seat.

Good Morning. She said with an smile to all and then sit at her place. There was not much to talk after the little meeting at the night and certainly Susan would love to dont had talked so much at that night. Thanks for that little meeting the last night Elise and sorry for leave so early, i was really exhausted after all what happened yesterday. She said to the matriarch and then after the answer she started to get ready to eat her breakfast as she decide if she sould ask for a potion or not to Hazel.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"The matriarch had your sizes done while you were still asleep my lady and had some clothing brought to suit you. These are some of the most recommended things to wear under armor for women such as yourself lady Susan is why I chose them for you. There are some other things to wear if you wish to look at them later when you return, they are in the closet over there whenever you decide to look at them all," Adria said to Susan, appearing to have overheard her whisper as she helped her to get dressed.


"Ah yes, it is just fine Susan, don't worry about it for now okay sweetie. We left to our respective bedrooms only a couple of minutes after you did so, where we..." Elise said, trailing off a bit as she looked over at Hazel and gave her a wry and naughty smile before continuing. "Where we had plenty of things to occupy our time for the rest of the night," Elise added to Susan, to which Hazel and some of the other queens giggled a bit at Elise's words.

"Yes we did have some fun last night after you left Susan. Did you get to have any fun? Relieve any stress that might have been building up in there hmm?" Hazel said to Susan in a teasing tone.

"Oh Hazel, leave her alone. I'm sure she doesn't want to talk about it if she did," Alluria said to Hazel, who pouted a bit.

"I was just teasing her Alluria, no need to be so mean about it," Hazel said, still pouting slightly, though it was obvious that Alluria hadn't really hurt her feelings.

Not long after that, regardless if Susan answered or not, the food was brought out, bacon, sausage, and ham for meats. And eggs made any way you can imagine, hashbrowns, toast, biscuits, and pancakes for the rest of the things to go with the meats. Elise she would see slapped on a large helping of hashbrowns, some bacon and sausage, eggs and three pancakes, where she poured syrup all over her pancakes. The others all got different assorted things to eat, Elia virtually the same thing as Elise had, save ham instead of sausage. Once Susan had her food, Andrea and Adria both got something as well and they all ate breakfast together. If Susan was going to ask Hazel for some more potions then she would probably need to do so before breakfast was over and done with and she went on her way to check out this temple she was supposed to go and check out.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

There was not way than Susan could not feel more than raped once she heard what Elise has made to make all these clothes fit her perfectly, the fact than she was naked all that time only made her worst, as Elise has show until where she could try to do to acomplish something thanks to the statues than she made for her family. Dressed she moves quickly to open the closet where she has noticed from where Adria has taken her clothes.

Sigh...Fine, i guess than i will try each of these when i come back from the temple. The silver girl said to her handmaid, mostly trying to hide her problems to had show all to everybody as she was sleeping for days, she just hopes than Elise would had not tried something even more naughty at her or perpetual like the naked statues in her new manor.

Trying to dont think more about that and just suppose than Elise never had impropers throughts to her, she soon reach the dinner room forgetting all and just do her best to have a calm breakfast out of the lewd things from the last night and her mind has make her remember.

Oh, im glad than all had a great night. Susan said as the others women started to giggle, she was all fine and in some way used to how Elise and her family likes to enjoy their free time, after all its very usual for the normal people to love these activities. However Hazel sudden words werent expected and fall really hard on Susan who blushed and remain unable to say something as the two queens continue talking.


She suddenly wonder if someone has been spy them the whole night or if her moans had been noticed by them. OMG... what should i say...?... SAY SOMETHING...QUICKLY!!! she started to say to herself at her mind as she pressed her lips softly and turn to a side.

Well... after the wine and all that long day, i really loved the time at my bed, i sleep like a baby. She tried to say betwen her attempts to dont turn in vain to where Andrea and Adria are, but she fail completely in that.

I get so exausted after drink all that cups of wine, it was a really great night, isnt Andrea? im sure than you also loved it, so much like me, right? She said trying to get out of the topic and return to the little party from before she went to her room. Turning to Andrea as she wide smile and blush heavily, not really thinking bad in what she was saying to do it.

Once all this happen the food come and Susan tried to eat as much as she could to forget all, unless all were looking her, if that was happening then she will try to remain her manners as she eat until sattle her feelings and calm herself and then say good bye politely to all and wave before get all ready to leave really fast.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Um... very well my lady, though you don't have to try everything on if you don't wish to. And... have I displeased you any with my service my lady, or have I overstepped my bounds? I-If I have then please inform me and I promise that I won't do it again, but you seemed... a little displeased with my words, so it concerned me," Adria said to Susan, looking a bit concerned and unsure... and a little scared that she'd done something wrong.


"Well that is very good Susan, it's nice to get some good sleep like that I think, and good for your body to sleep like a baby every now and then," Elise said, not even showing a hint of having spied on them, or like she meant anything more with her words, sounding... quite sincere to say the least. "And wine can have that effect on some, so there's no shame in having to get some sleep soon after drinking some. Well not to me at least," Elise added, still sounding sincere and respecting Susan's privacy in front of so many people.

"Aye, we slept quite well after we got undressed and in bed. And... oh the food's here, time to eat," Andrea said after Susan turned to her and after Elise spoke, effectively changing the topic for them.

Alluria for her part was quite respecting of their privacy, Hazel though looked a little let down about not being able to find out more about the previous night, though she didn't press them for any more information about it right then and there, letting them eat in peace. The other queens barely even joined in this conversation, having other things to talk about with Elise about war preparations and things like that, well at least from Elia and Tana anyway, while the others just ate and gossiped about other things.

After half an hour or so, breakfast came to an end and everyone was full, where everything was quickly cleared away and the tables moved back to the sides of the room and out of the way. Before Susan could leave though Elise called her over to her and motioned her closer. "Susan, here. I have arranged a couple of maps to lead you to the temple and to give you a layout of the temple, as well as the keys so you need not have to try and break into the old temple. Now we don't know exactly what's going on there, so be careful, you never know what could be lurking around in a place like that. Though it's not that big of a temple or anything like that, but... well just be careful alright. If you aren't back before sundown then I shall send somebody to search for you okay," Elise said as she handed Susan two rolled up maps as well as a large keyring that had 4 keys on it.

"Aye be careful and good luck in there, I'd like it if you were able to join us tomorrow for the supply run, plus I mean fighting some orcs is always fun, and you'd not be alone in doing so either, plus you'd get to keep any loot you take as well as get paid for your services... paid quite a bit considering, since you'd be contracted technically speaking to help us out, unlike a regular soldier who gets paid specific wages to do battle with our enemies," Adriel said, also coming over where she patted Susan on the shoulder and wished her luck.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Adrai words were heard by Susan who turn really concerned about the poor handmaid tone and her questions about if she had made something wrong. Oh no, dont worry Aria. You has made all right, sorry to had made you get worried. Im just a little upset by someone else. The silver girl said as she get close and hug her handmaid to make her get calm. Look i will love if once i come back you and Andrea could help me to check each of these dresses, just to have some not sex related fun together. Once said this she turn and smile to Andrea trying to dont make them get worried about her and all what she have at the mind in this morning.


At the dinner room, Andrea looks to had find out what Susan wanted than she say to turn off this shameful topic, a really good touch from the succubus as the many innuendos than the youn warrior has said by mistake could had made her get the wrong idea. Even then Susan get white by the close than this has happen, a little more and all would had understand what she had done the last night and the last words before Andrea has pinted to the food were really traumatic for the poor silver girl.

Giving a soft sigh she tried to recover herself and smiling nodded to Andrea. The food time passed without problems and Susan eat what she needed for her trip before get her attention turned by Elise who looks to want to say her something. The youg woman went to her side really curiouse by all this sudden action from the matriarch and then she really get amazed and slighty confused. It was so strange than Elise had the keys and the map, ahe tried to avoid her game thorughts out and just suppose than Elise decided to aid her a little more collecting all this for her. Dont worry Elise, i will be careful this time and be ready to act as needed when i get there, im sure than i will return safe before the sundown. She then with respect take the keys and maps, placing them in a safe place. After this and how Elise has acted before eat it had made her forget all that naughty day and any idea than Elise could had done something bad to her the last days.

Soon Adriel come and the silver human nod with a cute giggle. That is exactly why i want to have this little adventure, i need to get in shape before join all of you there and also because explore a temple sound really exciting too. The silver girl gives a soft hug to Adriel and Elise before walk close Andrea and Adria to give them a group hug to both.

Once out and with all what she need for her trip, she decide to go first to the guild to accept the mission and then go to the Temple who maybe would not need than she use her horse if this is not so far.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Um... very well my lady, if you say so," Adria said, not looking like she really believed Susan's words, but accepting them for the time being and trying to not worry about it much.


"Alright then, just be careful okay, we could really use you for our mission," Adriel said, patting her on the shoulder as she turned and went on her way to continue preparations for their resupply run for the armies to the southeast.

With that, Andrea and Adria, as well as Elise and the queens and princesses that were still in there bid her farewell for the time being as Adria went back up to her bedroom and helped her to get her armor on as well as her sword belt so she was ready to go. Once Susan had her pack and was on her way, she made quick time heading to the adventurers guild where she saw Edward.

"Ah hello again you. Here for that temple job eh. Well you're in luck, nobody else took it yet by themselves and you've got a partner to help investigate it. She's right over there. Lady Sibella Hathesar of house Hathesar, one of the great noble families of Crimea, and she's pretty good with magic, comes to work for us quite often in fact, though I don't know why when she's rich as hell already. Maybe she just likes helping people I don't know, I told her that someone else would be by here today sometime early on most likely that wanted the job too and she said that she would be willing to go with you," Edward said to Susan, directing her to a table where an sat in a beautiful dress, though it didn't look to hinder her movement any really.

She waved Susan over when she noticed Edward talking to the young silver haired human. "Ah hello there, you must be Susan. Edward told me about you, said you'd wanted this job as well. I am Sibella Hathesar, the younger sister of the duchess of Gallione. My family has long been very close friends with the Matriarch and her family, helping them when we can and whatnot. I was in town with my sisters and saw the job and decided to try and handle it for the matriarch since they need all of their soldiers for the war and all and can't spare any to handle it," Sibella said to Susan as soon as she came over, reaching across the table and shaking Susan's hand as she introduced herself.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Susan was clueless about if Adria has believe her or not, so once she leave the others she dont ask her anything as the handmaid helped her to dress her armor. Once ready she make her best to reduce the time and reach the guild, mostly because she wanted to dont miss this job or loss the time than she could use to be at the temple. Recovering her time she get inside and looks to Edward. Nice, is great to heard than the work is still available and someone will come with me, it makes all this even better. She answer really happy to still have the job and then she focused on remember the whole name and the noble family, something really hard for her and mostly will just reach to remember the girl name, as she remember than many of the noble houses were there when she say to Elise what she wanted and maybe any of these nobles could had heard of her werecat problems, she soon hopes to dont meet other werecat in her whole time here. Lady Sibella sound to be a very kind person and a skilled mage. Of course than Susan never expected than Sibella could be there, as she was guided, the silver girl tried to see anything like a mirror to see if all was right before meet her possible partner, completely clueless about the possibility than she had heard all.

The woman dress looks really gorgeous, what made Susan feel a little more as an amateur on this after also heard the woman info than Edward has given to her. Surprised a little to heard than she has heard her name from Edward she answer smiling and waving. Hi, yes im Susan, nice to meet you Lady Sibella. She soon take the chance to shake the hand of the woman before continue after a nod. Im a little new at this city but i had heard about this war and after meet many people of this town has made me decide to help as much as i can, that is the main reason for take this job, as also the emotion of find out what is inside that new discovered temple. Susan said with a shine in her eyes, sure than all must be fine as it is a temple made for the godness of love, or smething like that.

So how far is the temple? if needed i could run to get my horse if or we could walk as we meet each other if the path is not so long. To say the truth i hope to explore all before the night come, as i want to take another job.
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"It's nice to meet you too Susan. And I honestly don't know a whole lot about this city myself really. My sister though the duchess, she is here in Nevassa often, leaving Gariland in my care or in the care of our youngest sister. Also I was going to see about what I can do to help in the war effort myself after this, but one job at a time I say," Sibella said to Susan as Susan sat down with her at the table. "Would you like something to drink before we go? Ale, wine, liquor of some sort? Something to steel the nerves. And the temple isn't too far away, but it is a ways off, will likely take us an between forty five minutes to an hour or so to get there on foot, but I can hire a carriage to take us out there and we can make our way back on foot," Sibella added, letting her know how far away the temple was and offering to get her a drink of some sort.

Susan would see that Sibella was drinking a glass of wine herself and if Susan decided on a drink then she would call a waitress over to take Susan's order, sipping her wine along with Susan before they finished up and left the adventurers guild.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Susan take a seat and heard her partner, trying to endure the anxiety of go the temple to know her more, for the moment the noble lady looks to be a good person so soon the silver girl trust completely on her. That is so nice for your part Lady Sibella, i also want to help and if all goes right i will take the guild job to aid to deliver some help at the kingdom soldiers, i suppose than you will take it too. The next part was a little frustating for Susan she dont wanted to lost too much time walking as this could make her dont end at time and then all would be worried for her. Of course, i will be glad to drink with you. I guess than i will take a glass of Ale, i have curiosity of how it taste. Also, can we take the carriage? In that way we cab have more time to explore the temple.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Ah well do be careful then with that Susan, I however shall not be helping to take the supplies myself, for I must lead the duchy of Gallione's forces in battle against our enemy since they are on our borders now, so I shall be on the battlefront," Sibella said to Susan, sounding a little sad by the fact that she had to do this, but at the same time proud that she was to be leading troops in battle. "Ale is a kind of beer though, but don't worry I won't order you a strong one, just a light one. And yes we can take a carriage, I agree that it would give us a little more time to explore the temple and find out what's wrong inside of it," Sibella added as she waved a waitress over to their table.

After ordering Susan a light ale to drink, where the waitress nodded and took a silver coin from Sibella and minute later brought Susan's drink over to their table where they sat there together and drank. Sibella called a toast with Susan when they got to their last drink of wine and ale. "To us having a good safe journey," Sibella said to Susan, raising her wine glass while Susan did her goblet of ale, where she then tipped it and downed the wine while Susan did her ale. "Ah... now we can go, I have the carriage out front. You may have noticed it when you were coming in, I'm not sure exactly," Sibella went on to say, standing up as she finished talking.

She then led Susan out through the doors where they then came up to a carriage that Susan did notice before, it just didn't strike her as the one that they may have been going to use. There was a man waiting for them at the carriage door, who opened the door for them and helped Sibella up first, then Susan, offering a hand to her to do so, where as soon as they were both inside he shut the door and climbed back up to drive the carriage for them, with Sibella telling him to take them to the temple outside of town and gave directions. "So Susan, would you like to talk about anything while we're on our way out to do our job?" Sibella asked a they set off.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Hearing than Sibella would be in the batlefront really sound dangerous and soon the young human feel worried for her. Ehm, it will be all fine, this realm is already getting help of many others. The Matriarch also have a lot of strong soldiers and her family is so strong, beside i will maybe also join, so we could help each other. The silver girl just hopes than her words could make the noble feel better, but heard than the orcs had get so close was really alarming, she needed to help but she needed to focus first on this mission.

Drink beer has not been one of her talents and she just hopes than she could taste a good drink and resist the bitter taste. Susan gives the thanks to her and then waited for the beer as she stay with Sibella, the wait was not so long and the young woman stay looking at her goblet for an instant, she needed to end it soon to go out at her adventure. Rising her drink to answer to Sibella words, she made the usual manner to anser to this and then tried to taste the ale just the enough to pass it as much as she could, what she hopes were all the ale drink. Once ending she nod to Sibella. Yes, i saw a carriage outside when i come here, so we will use that one? It was sure than she never expected to ride it and she even dont put too much attention on it as she was very focused on accept the mission and get here as faster as possible, even then when they get out she noticed how great this carriage is and she suppose than she will enjoy the trip.

A man was at the carriage door and soon do his best to help both to get inside, of course than Susan could had get inside alone, but after meet Adria and how the headmaid loks to enjoy her job, she decided to accept the help, as dont do it could be like an insult to this man, even if he was not a worker. She made a sweet thanks and then get inside with the man help. The trip should be short and soon Sibella asked her something about what they could talk.

Sure, i was thinking than as both of us dont know too much of the city maybe if we return soon from our mission we could go around the city if we had time, or i could invite you to eat something. Maybe was too early to make plans, but Susan really is expecting to dont get so nervious with this and focusing in something really helped her the last time. Also, i was wondering if you could talk me a little more of Gallione and your family.
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Yes she does have many strong and capable soldiers doesn't she. But the more help we have the easier it will be to make this war come to an end, so that our children and grandchildren needn't become involved in it," Sibella said with a serious tone, but also with a smile, appearing glad that Susan mentioned wanting to help with the war effort. The ale Susan would find was a little bitter, but overly so, preventing it from being too strong for Susan's liking.


Once the driver had helped Susan up and onto the carriage, smiling at her as she went, she would find that he seemed quite pleased to have helped both her and Sibella with this as he shut the door and climbed up to start them along their way.

"Hmm, perhaps if we have the time we can explore the city a little better, though I do know a place we can get a bite to eat to celebrate the completion of our job. It's called the Blue Moon cafe, some of the best food you'll ever have in my opinion, and some nice eladrin red wine to wash it down," Sibella said, seeming to enjoy the idea of sitting down and relaxing with a nice meal with Susan's company when their job was complete. "And sure I don't mind talking about my family, I mean we've got time to kill and all. The Hathesar family has been a part of Crimea since its founding over two hundred and fifty years ago, our founding parents I guess you could call them were Dorea Hathesar, who is like Elise, and Daisy Lotus, youngest sister to queen Hazel. Dorea was a powerful elven sorceress who was being trained by queen Hazel when Hazel's sister Daisy came back to Melior after departing for some time because of... well because she was immature at the time really," Sibella said, taking breath and a drink of water before she looked back over at Susan.

"Well anyway, when she came back, she and Dorea got to know each other and started hanging out with one another, going to bars and drinking, dancing, and gambling, just having a good old time. Well they grew closer to the point that they began to use some of Elise's potions that allowed Dorea for a short time to... become a futanari like Elise, and they continued using them for quite a while in fact. Eventually Dorea finally felt that she wanted to be in a true relationship with Daisy and asked Elise to use her magic amulet that was a gift of the goddess of love herself Sehanine, that she used on herself for the ability to make love to her queens, turning Dorea into a futanari as well for Daisy's sake, because Dorea wanted to be with Daisy instead of just having sex with her, to hold and love her. Not too long after they decided to be together and got married, Elise offered Dorea and Daisy the duchy of Gallione when she was still building Crimea and trying to make it strong enough to stand on its own. Dorea and Daisy accepted her offer and gift, then became the first of the Hathesar's of Crimea," Sibella went on to say after her drink of water, smiling a bit before continuing. "But I don't think you were wanting a complete family history, so I'll stop there about that. Dorea was chosen to lead Gallione with Daisy because she was a sorceress, and Gallione is the seat of the primary magical school in all of Crimea. Myself and both of my sisters, our parents... all of us have magical power of some sort and are trained in one of the magical arts. I myself am a sorceress like my great grandmother Dorea, though I'm not a futanari like her, and neither is my little sister, but my big sis is one, which is why she's the heir. Our family goes by the same way the matriarch's family does, in that the heir to the family and house must be one. More out of personal preference than necessity though," Sibella added, telling about Gallione itself a bit now while they traveled, the carriage hitting a bump in the road every now and then which rocked the carriage a little bit.

Sibella fell silent for a couple of minutes after that unless Susan attempted to engage in conversation some more, with the elven woman taking a drink of water again as she looked out of the carriage window at their surroundings. If Susan did so herself then she would notice that they were out of the city now and well on their way to the temple. "So Susan... what brought you to our fair Nevassa? And where did you come from exactly if you don't mind me asking? Any family around here or anything like that?" Sibella asked, seeming curious and eager to hear Susan talk about herself a bit after telling the young silver haired human about her own home and family.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Sibella words still resonate at Susan's head, the way than she said it looks make her suppose than that whole orc army should be really mostly like a countless horde if this war could last for generations. As she thinks on this Sibella soon started to talk more about her land and family, of course than Susan tried her best to remember all but of course all sound so new for her and maybe she would not remember to much if Hazel name would not show up, that help her a lot to understand the whole topic in general.

Wow, so your family is related to Queen Hazel
. She manage to say before Sibella continue, after all Susan wanted to know all about this, even if this could not be useful at her adventure. Oh dont worry i loved it all, it was so charming how Doria change herself in order to place her relashionship with Daisy in another level. Also i guess than mostly all the warriors at Galliore are mages or know how to handle some of magic. If that is right then i wonder if anyone could use magic. Susan said changing of topic in some way to stop thinking in the so named futa potions, as it was starting to look like you need to be a futa to have some relashionship with a succubus.

The talk continue for a moment and then Sibella asked about Susan past what made her get softly in a quandary. Oh, i come here from a far land in order to find some old friends, it has been a while before i saw them and mostly i feel like it was my fault for dont be so strong to aid them as i wanted. About someone closer to me, i have Andrea, someone than get rescued at my first guild mission, i want to protect her and stay at her side to be like her family as the slavers kill her whole family, well it was my throughts some days ago but now she is really a lot more than a relative or a friend and of course a relashionship lot different. I also have what could you name a daughter at these lands and is one of the... persons than im looking around, she is so smart and cute for her age...ehm she is not exactly a human but her way to act is so kind, i call her moonlight as her fur have the same color as my hair and she also have my color eyes, she was always at my side in the few days than we were together before i miss her and my others three friends a lot. But im sure than i will find them with the Matriarch help. Some tears were starting to drop from Susan's eyes and she soon clean them and smiled, before turn to a side.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Aye we are related to the Lotus family, through Daisy, who was the youngest of their second generation. Queen Hazel's second daughter Lilia is a succubus and one of the queens of the Netherworld, so the Lotus family is a very noble and powerful family to have as an ally. Her husband Andrew Ashford is the overlord, and he's very strong, I've met him a couple of times in Hespera when I was there on vacation to the beach, which it is very beautiful and you should go there sometime if you get the chance," Sibella said before Susan began speaking of herself somewhat and explaining why she was here and whatnot.

Sibella listened to Susan talk without interrupting her, so that she could finish speaking. "That's said to hear about Andrea's family, I hope she is alright and can make it through such a difficult time, but with you as her friend and with the matriarch and the queens looking after her, I'm sure she'll be just fine indeed. About your... daughter you called her, and your other friends, I'm sure that with the matriarch's help that you can find them all, or at least some of them. You just need to give it some time, since you don't seem to have been here for very long, well at least from what Edward told me anyway," Sibella said, encouraging Susan not to give up hope about her friends she was searching for. "Who knows, we may end up finding one or some of them at the temple we're heading to, because Edward told me that it was abandoned a couple of weeks ago because of something strange that began happening at it, so it could be anything to say the least," Sibella added as they went along their way.

After some time, they made it to the temple, where the carriage stopped and the driver got down and opened the door for them. "My ladies, the road is blocked from this point on, the gates are locked and even if they weren't I doubt that the carriage would fit through them, since it is a rather big carriage and all," the driver said, gesturing to the gates.

Sibella hung her head out the door and looked ahead of them and nodded with a sigh. "Thank you Wallace. Well Susan it looks like we're walking from here on out, but it isn't too far to walk thankfully. The temple is at the top of this hill, you can see it from here though of course so you didn't need me to tell you that I guess. We can climb over the fence right over there, see," Sibella said as she climbed out of the carriage, while Wallace helped Susan out of the carriage as well and shut the door behind them, where Sibella pointed over at a portion of the fence around the place that was bent downwards that they could easily climb over and inside the temple grounds. "Stay here with the carriage okay Wallace, if we aren't back by sundown go and get help okay," Sibella added to her attendant.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Ah yes, i had heard of him and the beach, we should go with some of my friends to pass a relaxing time there. Susan answer happily, sure to had heared something about that man and that place at the palace.

Talking about Andrea's family was really sad, certainly it was not a god topic for Susan and she just answer as she cleaned her teardrops after remember her friends, but nodding and feeling better after heard about the possibility to find one, even when the chance was not so high. Dont worry she is a lot better now, we will do our best to just bring happines to her live and i will try to protect Andrea of anything than want to hurt her.

The cattiage cant go closer and soon both girls needed to get out to walk toward the temple, the silver girl wave to the man and then follow the noble girl to their adventure, ready for anything than they could find there
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Ah so you've already heard of the Hesperan beach have you. Hopefully we'll have the chance to go there when all of this business with the war is over and done with, as it is a very beautiful beach," Sibella said as the carriage rolled along, smiling at the thought of going to the beach. Then when Susan started to sniffle a little about Andrea's family, Sibella produced a handkerchief and handed it to Susan to dry her eyes and blow her nose with, waving for her to keep it if she tried to give it back.


Wallace boosted the girls up onto the fence so it was a bit easier on them and all they needed to do was hop down on the other side, where he waved them on and said to be careful, that he'd be waiting for them. As they walked up the hill towards the temple, Susan would see the both stories of the dark empty building looming over them, giving it the creepy abandoned feeling. As they got to the front door, Susan would remember the key that Elise gave her to use in order to unlock the place a Sibella prepared to blast the door open with her magic, though she would stop if Susan told her to so that she could unlock the door with the keys.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Susan accepted the handkerchief, even when she could not need it so much, softly using it to dry her eyes and just blowing a little her nose as she really dont need it to calm herself. Thanks, yes i heard of the beach yesterday and i was plaining to find a job than could give me a chance to meet that place as i made an adventure but if we go in group then we could have some free days at the beach. The silver girl ended to say as she tried to return the hanky, but keeping it stored at her clothes once Sibella decide to leave Susan stay with it, what was fine as the thing was not really used.

Thanks Wallace, Susan said with a smile as the man help them to get up onto the fence and easily they get down what was really skilled for Sibella as she have a dress. The time walking was short and soon they reach the temple's door, the whole place looks to had been abandoned a long time and Susan was looking around when she notice than Sibella was close to use her magic. Please stop, Sibella. I have the keys, so you dont need to use yours powers If this stop Sibella then the silver girl will take the key and open the door, once opened she will check around before get inside, trying to have cautions when she get inside to avoid any trap. Hmm, i wonder if we should use the map at the start... well, we should check the whole temple as that in part is our mission. Susan end to say ready to show the map if Sibella want to see it, but this could maybe spoil the fun of spoil if the map is well datailed
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Oh... I didn't know you had the keys. I suppose that they were given to you by Edward or someone then. Well go ahead then and unlock the doors, makes it easier to not have to waste energy," Sibella replied to Susan after taking her gloves off as she stood there with her left hand outstretched while Susan stepped up and unlocked the door for them. As she stepped up to unlock the door, Susan would notice that Sibella's left hand had scars all over it that looked to have come from a knife or dagger, which was probably why she wore gloves while out and about in public.

As soon as Susan had unlocked the door and opened them, Sibella followed her inside where they couldn't make out much at first save what was bathed in the light from the sun shining through the opened doors and the stained glass windows. "Hang on, I'll give us a bit more light to work with here so we can take stock of the surroundings and find out what is haunting this place. It started haunting the place around a month or so ago, with everyone leaving about a fortnight ago or so," Sibella said, explaining what had happened a little bit as she pulled a dagger from her hip that she took the point of and pricked her index finger hard enough to draw blood, where a small ball of light blinked into existence as the blood disappeared, which Sibella then tossed into the air at the ceiling, lighting the entire room up for them.

The entrance hall to the temple was quite large, and there was a path leading straight forward through another door, and an assortment of rooms down halls to the left and right. There was also a set of stairs leading up as well. In the entrance hall they were in, Susan and Sibella could make out the grey walls now by Sibella's mage light, as well as the slightly dirty marble floor at their feet. Other than that, the entrance hall had a couple of small tables and a small door off near the main doors leading out which seemed to lead to a closet of sorts, as well as a couple of stone statues and a few paintings, one of which was of Elise, and one of each of the queens, including the ones Susan hadn't met yet, one a fairly human looking woman that appeared somewhat like Cassie from the other day, though instead of the smouldering fiery red hair this woman had brown hair with blueish tips, sky blue eyes, with the name of Gwendolyn written on the bottom right of the picture. Another was an okami girl with wolf ears and a wolf tail, sandy blonde hair, and forest green eyes, the name Hitomi written just like Gwendolyn's name was on the bottom right. Then the last was a high elf or one of the eladrin with beautiful golden blonde hair, deep blue eyes, the name Alyene on the bottom right, who Susan would recognize the name as who Idryll and Adriel said was Idryll's mother was.

"Well, where to first Susan? Or would you like to split up and cover more ground?" Sibella asked curiously as she looked around the entrance hall at their possibilities.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Im sure than we would not really need these keys, as you could had taken down that door easily, but i doubt to be able to do the same alone, so i will stay with them just in case. Susan said once she opened the door, sure to had need them if Sibella werent there with her, she was close to continue searching at her pokets when she notice how Sibella have many wounds at her hands, the curiosity invade her and maintain her thinking how the noble woman could had getting wound at her hands, as she think in this she stored the keys at her pocket without notice than she has drop the map at the floor out the temple as she do it, the map fall in some huge glass than dont caused any noise to call the girls attention as they get inside the temple.

The place is really huge, more of what Susan has expected, just the first room could fit nearly a full house for what she could suspect and the art made her stay looking at it for a moment, having a lot of problems to see it until Sibella talk again. W..why do you hurt yourself?...oh amazing the silver girl said as she notice the mage using a knife to cast this light spell. Very well, then we must look around and find what caused all that hunting stories. The young warrior tried to focus but she just cant stop to know something. Ahm, maybe im a little nosey, but do you need some of your blood to cast an spell or is an special magic technique? She know than maybe it was not her business but the sudden spell really was something new for her.

Once a moment they continue walking and they noticed a lot of many paths than they could choice. Maybe i should ask to Elise about these new persons, i havent heard of Gwendolyn, Alyene and Hitomi. Susan said in loud voice to herself, mostly focused in her attempts to try in vain to remember these names and characters.

...Oh yes, well the place looks to be not so big so we can split a little and check all these rooms to earn some time without real danger. But just in case we must have caution and ask for help if needed. Susan said slighty blushed by had lost herself looking to the portails and statues, trying to calm herself and looking at the sides in a softly confused way. Lets...check the rooms first, they arent so far of each other. The silver girl prepared her weapon and as Sibella get ready she will start to first open the door without make noise and after give a peek to be safe than all were fine she will then get inside and check around the room trying to find any clue than could guide them to the guilty creature of all this panic among the citizens
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Heh, I'm a sorceress as I told you, I use blood magics to power my spells. Makes them much stronger than normal wizardry, but at the cost of having scarred hands and wrists like this. My spiritual energies are much stronger than a regular wizard or witch and the like, but it's more chaotic so I can't focus it as easily for spells and whatnot and it takes a lot more concentration to do so. So using blood magics like this is the best way for a sorcerer or sorceress to use their powers to their fullest," Sibella said at Susan's question about her magics, looking a little saddened at having to do such a thing just to empower herself, but proud that she could do it. When Susan went on to say that she'd have to ask about the three new faces she saw in the paintings, all of whom were clothed in their pictures, Sibella smiled over at her. "Those are three of the other queens of Crimea. Alyene is princess Idryll's mother, Hitomi is an okami from the Kita clan that Elise gave sanctuary to a long time ago to give them a safe place to live after the first war against the Fomorians, because they lived like right on the edges of their territory and whatnot. Queen Gwendolyn was once a Janissary of one of the Isfalian city states a long time ago, who fell in love with Elise and they ended up getting married after a while," Sibella said, explaining who the three women in the paintings were to Susan before they started to move on.

"Hmm... we probably should split up to check the first and second floors, would make things go much quicker I think. Plus we're easily within screaming distance of one another so we'd hear if something went amiss and would be able to help each other within a minute or so. We can check the basement out together when we get done up here. I'll head upstairs from here if that's okay with you Susan, so you can check the first floor out while I check out the living quarters upstairs. Most of the rooms down here were for either storage, for the shrines to each deity, or the kitchens and such. Oh, and here, you may need this to see with," Sibella said, agreeing with Susan about splitting up for the time being and pointing over at a lantern that was sitting on one of the small tables in the entrance hall, which still had some oil left in it to use. Sibella squeezed her finger again to make another droplet of blood bead up on it, where she then muttered an incantation which caused the lantern to spring to life with the flames shining plenty of light out for them to see by.

Unless Susan had anything more to say on the matter, then Sibella would head on upstairs after handing Susan the lantern she'd lit for her, telling Susan that she would meet back up with her in a few minutes after she checked out the upstairs a bit to see if anything worth mentioning was up there. As Susan went to the nearest room, which was down the left hallway, she would see that it was indeed a storage room of sorts with several boxes inside, all closed of course so she would have to open them to find out what was inside if she wanted to know. Now that she was in the hallway, she could see that both hallways had a total of 4 doors down both, each connecting to a room. One of the other doors on the left hallway was standing open about halfway, while two doors down the right hall were opened, one halfway and the other just barely cracked open.