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Susan Summer (plmnko)

Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

There was not a single idea of what could happen now at Susan mind, her expectation for the reward werent so high and she really was not interested in it, except for the idea than she must live for herseñf in this world without the need of the help of the Matriarch. Then the door get opened and soon Susan get up to show her respect to Lara's parents, however the mother rush toward her and hug her. The Silver dressed girl just smiled and let the woman kiss her as much as she want, as she hug her too. Thanks, im so glad than this family is together again... Susan smiled as she get interrupted when the woman change of cheek and the father talk to her. Susan cant stop to blush, she feels so happy to know than Lara has returned untouched and unharmed, she just hope than the kidnapings stop one for all after had take care of the vile slavers and the persons behind them. She then wave to Lara. Hi Miss Lara, well i really would had loved to help more that time, also all of you helped a lot that time. She said as she accepted the hug from the young lady, she loved this moment and for her this was enough reward for her job, however Lara's father returned soon with a chest than as this open reveal two bags.

The moment when the father explain what is inside was like a hard hit to Susan, she get white and get stunned by the huge quantity of money for had saved Lara at time. She nodded and turn to Andrea unsure of what to do now, she wanted to say something to try to avoid get so much money, however she even dont have a house to live and she needed baddly the money to make a live her and also to give to Andrea than the slavers taken for her.

T..thanks i apreciate this... but see all so happy is the best part of the reward... Susan then heard than she would not only have the money but also a WARHORSE.

It wasa a great surprise, Susan has dreamed to have her own horse sometimes at her childhood, they were just dreams but this time even when it was just a game, she feel amazed by the huge news. Her feelings of be doing bad to receive all this money slowly fade a little as all went to meet the horse.

Its so cute... it have a name? she answer as she slowly move to touch the horse side, of course than she havent rided a horse but maybe someone could teach her, also she know than she cant now with her long silver dress.

Thanks for all, i feel like i dont reserve all this gratitude, but i will do my best to do it. She said sure than this must be a step than she must get in order to help as must than she can this city and the people than live her, she will then hug the three of them and say them than she will stay at this city to help as much as she can, wishing them a long and happy life, as she will be ready to help them if needed. After pass a brief time with them, the time to leave come and Susan suppose than the warhorse could carry the money and also Andrea if she want as she guide them to the castle, maybe a little worried than she could fall from the horse.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"No please, you really do deserve this reward miss Susan. You brought my baby back to me, still pure as well. This actually isn't enough of a reward for you in my opinion," Lara's mother said, bowing her head to Susan after accepting Susan's hug.

"Yes lady Susan, you deserve much more than we're giving. But the matriarch told us not to give you too much, that she was giving you a couple of boons to go with what the bounty was. In all honesty we didn't expect anyone to be able to bring Lara back to us still a virgin if they were even able to bring her back," lord Typherion said, nodding his head in agreement with his wife that what they'd given Susan wasn't enough in their opinions. "And we didn't actually give him a name yet to be honest, as soon as Lara was back safe and sound I went out and bought him from the royal guards stables to give to you, so that you may be able to travel and help other people in the same manner that you helped us," he added after Susan asked what the horse's name was, which meant that she could name him herself as he seemed to be quite young.

"Thank you again Susan, for rescuing me from that terrible place. I dread to know where I'd be now if you hadn't gotten there when you did," Lara told Susan when she hugged her, kissing her on either cheek and telling her goodbye, that she would see her in a few minutes, as her and her parents were about to head on up to the castle for the little ceremony for her.

With that, Andrea gave a little tug on Susan's arm, almost pulling her along back to the castle while Susan held the warhorse's reins. It didn't take them long after that to arrive back at the castle, where after one of the gate guards had someone take Susan's warhorse off to the stables and assuring her that he would be ready for her whenever she wished to go out on him, Andrea then ushered Susan on into the great hall once again, which was starting to fill with people. Elise she could see was standing to the side with both Elia, and the red skinned man from before. Alluria, Hazel, Serafina, and Tana were all sitting around on their thrones, which were all arrayed around Elise's central throne which was larger than the rest, signifying who she was exactly to all that were present. Alluria's throne was set directly to the right of Elise's throne, while the rest were set up with three on either side, though two of them would be vacant at the moment, as Elise's other two wives weren't there at the moment. Alluria was waving Susan over to her and the rest of them all.

"Go ahead and head over to them Susan, I'll be over here watching," Andrea said, urging Susan over to the others.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Lara's parents werent sharing the same opinion than Susan have about what she has acomplish at her mission, she nodded trying to hide how bad she feel for take so much as a reward. The mission dont went free after all, as her own virtual virginity has been lost by the were cats.

Heard than the horse dont have a name, it make her get a smile, of course than she is really bad naming things, at her last game she had an offpring of wolves, at the end Tess and the mushroom princess were the ones than name nearly all, she just name one, the silver cute wolf puppy than never get away of her, the creature smart blue eyes and love to her make her feel even more the hard hurt of lost her game, it nearly looks as a real bay to her and her name was Moonlight, maybe a very common name but that shining fur was more than a proof of how good that name fit her.

Please Miss Lara, you dont need to hurt yourself trying to think about that place anymore or what could had happen, now you are safe with your family again and that is only what count. Also Thankyou so much i never expected to get all this, i will try to think in a suitable name for this young one.

She hug Lara in return and after that she went to Andrea side, bowing to the happy family before leave, giving a wave after all was told. The path was really short as Andrea press at her to move faster, it really make Susan wonder if Andrea was just worried by Susan reach late for the ceremony or there could be another motive for the rush, the silver girl calm herself and just suppose than Andrea looks like a young girl pulling her mother to a shop or something similar instead the leader of a lovely pair of lovers.

Once the two reach the castle, Susan let the guard take care of her new horse, maybe soon she could try to practice to ride him after the ceremony end, she let Andrea hold the money if needed or leave it at the horse if the succubus decide it. Susan was not ready for the next, all were waiting her and she really dont feel so secure with her new dress on her, just then she remember than she only have her dress on her, if she would know than her things were at that chest then she would had dressed some before go to the metting at the morning, like a deer blinded by the car lights, she remain stunned by how important all looks, she tried to calm herself as much as she could. Ok...i will go now, thanks Andrea... The girl face her shame and fears and move to where the others point expecting to dont mess in this important meeting.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Andrea took the chest of money for Susan, telling her not to worry about it that she would hold it for the time being and watch. Then when Susan made her way over to Alluria and the others, the queens all smiled at her as Alluria waved over to one of the castle servants who came over and asked what she wanted. Alluria whispered something to the servant woman and she left and then brought a smaller chair over and placed it beside Alluria's throne, which Alluria then patted and told Susan to please sit in it.

"Come Susan dear, please, sit beside me," Alluria said to Susan.

After a minute or two, Elise finally came over to them and sat down in her own throne. Elise sighed softly and shook her head a time or two before looking over to Susan and smiling. "So Susan, I hope you've decided what to take with your boons from me, because we're about to begin. Now there are us here of course, as well as the Typherion family, but there are also three other noble houses here to witness this little ceremony of yours," Elise said, lounging back in her throne a bit.

A short time later, after the great hall was filled with pretty much everyone that Elise said it would have, Alluria and Hazel both stood up and gestured to Susan to come with them. They led her back around the room as a couple of servants rolled out a red carpet towards Elise's throne, where they slipped Susan's arms around their own, leading her up the carpet towards Elise. Once they got six feet in front of her throne, Alluria and Hazel stepped to the side as Elise sat up straight in her throne.

"Susan... you helped us rid Crimea of a dangerous and terrible threat to the peace and serenity of it. You even did this despite being afflicted with a debilitating condition that would have many people either in bed recovering or their minds broken to the point that they would have been unable to help us. For this deed, I, the matriarch of Crimea present you with not one but two gifts, I give you two boons, or favors if you would. Have you anything that your heart desires? Anything at all that I have the power to give you, I shall, be it lands here in Crimea, enchanted armor and or weaponry, even a place of honor here in my court if you wish," Elise said, beginning the little ceremony of sorts for everyone to witness.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Susan return the wave to the queen, then tried to calm herself after give the chest of money to Andrea. The silver dressed girl take a deep breath and then move to where Alluria is waiting for her, all this looks to be a really huge ceremon and she really wished to at least be wearing her ussual clothes. Thanks Queen Alluria... but i was expecting a smaller event. Say Susan giving thanks for be close the woman so she dont feel herself so drowned with all the noble people, as the warm aura coming from the queen was calming her a little.

The Ceremony dont take too much to start and the young human wonder what she will do now or how she should talk. She nod and give a quick yes to answer to Elise about if she have her boons ready, of course than Susan still have some doubts about if she could ask these kind of things to the Matriarch, but she should try it. Each minute more people join the event and Susan just wished than she dont spoil all this or at least than the quantity of persons dont increase so much, the last one looks to dont had been fulfilled and she soon find the chamber filled with what looks to be nearly all the important families of the kingdown. Alluria and Hazel soon invite her to follow them and the young warrior give herself courage, remember herself than this was for her old friend, for Tess and her old partners.

Susan let the two women take her and guide her toward Elise, as she was not sure about the protocol, she then was placed 6 feet close the matriarch throne, she was not sure if she should bow or knee, so she remain giving a bow, more focused on Elise words and looking to the queens if she needed to kneel or something more, yet once she heard about the reason about the gifts, she just get alarmed by what the critical effect of the werecats placed on her that time. Sweating cold after understand it, she then take a second to recover her mind and answer.

Yes, i have a huge dessire at my heart, Matriarch. But is more a request than a wish. The truth is than i come to these lands to find some beloved friends than i lost some time ago, after a terrible event. Im looking for a young farmer woman named Tess, she had red hair, petite body and green eyes, yet she could had changed after all this time; I also meet a Sporling princess named Balgia, her usual form have a milky white stem and a pink cap, yet she looks like a normal human girl with purple hair and a funny hat thanks to a spell; I also meet a gold enchanted armor named Aurumel than i give her my word about find her others parts and finally a silver wolf named Moonlight. My first wish is have your help to find any information about them, i will be completely in debt.

Susan take a moment to recover her breath and then continue after turn for a moment to where Andrea is. My second wish is a land where i could start my life in this amazing kingdown. The silver girl said thinking more about Andrea than herself
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Elise sat there on her throne and listened to Susan's requests quietly and patiently, looking very attentive as she spoke. When Susan finished with her requests, Elise smiled and nodded her head at the young silver haired girl, then she glanced over to each of her wives and then to her children in turn, a smile on her face the whole time. "Susan dear, you are very modest indeed, because you ask so little of me and Crimea for the help you gave us. And also, you need not waste a boon to ask for help finding those dear to you, we would do our utmost to aid you in that quest regardless, because I hate to see dear friends torn apart. So I give you that boon back, the lands though, I can give you in exchange for one of the boons you've been given. Just tell me if you'd like it inside the city limits or outside them, and how much you'd like. There are a few empty manors inside the city that you could have if that's what you'd like," Elise said, apparently leaving Susan with at least 1 of her boons. "I'll have a painter sit with you shortly so that you can describe your missing friends that are humanoid and we'll put out the word for them, giving copies of the pictures to some of our people that'll search for them. However it may have to wait for some time before we can risk sending people out to look for them, as we are still in the middle of a conflict after all. But... I can send copies to some of my friends and they can begin the search for your friends instead. I'll inform you of any leads we might get about them, but for now Susan, please just stay here in Crimea and relax," Elise added, nodding her head again.

"Yes and if you choose one of the manors in the city then we can have some help hired and sent to it to help you with keeping it up as well," queen Alluria said, a kind smile on her face. "Also dear, what is your full name? Or if you don't have a house name, then you can always choose one for yourself, as you've been basically given the status of a noble for your actions in helping to bring my daughter back to me," Alluria added, looking extremely thankful and relieved, though not openly showing just how worried she might still have been about it all.

Everyone that was witnessing the whole ceremony clapped their hands a little and murmured amongst themselves, seeming to agree with Elise's decisions. The other queens were smiling as well, as well as all of the princesses, all of whom were sitting a little further back behind their respective mothers, Allie behind Alluria and so on. After that, Elise seemed to be awaiting Susan's answers to her's and Alluria's suggestions about the lands within the city as well as the hired help and such.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

The Matriarch answer has been even better than what Susan was expecting, she was so happy to know about how Elise would help her to find her friends than she would had hug her and kiss her in the cheek if they were in a more private place, instead she smile and bow again, leaving free a pair of joyful tears from her eyes and answer after Elise ended. Thanks Elise, thanks for all, i will wait until the conflict end and also if is possible i will be glad to help you and this country as much as i can. Answer Susan not only trying to find a way of not only pay for all what Elise has do it to her, but more likely she wanted to help this kind people and avoid as many lost lives as possible, yet she know than she is not strong enough to do as many things as she would want.

I think than a house inside the city would be the best, also i guess than i could be a long time out the city, so i will need some help to clean The silver girl said a little blushing, amazed to hear than she would have a manor, also a person to aid them will be the best so Andrea could have company, yet certainly the young succubus could come at the palace in any moment. However when Susan heard about be like a noble and have her own house name, she remain quiet for a second, she feel than this is really too much, she was close to shake her head, yet when she remember how Lara show how glad is of had recovered her daughter, it make her suppose than it could be the same for the royal family, even when she would not be so needed to save her. My full name is Susan Summer, i guess than a house name is not needed, but if not that, i will love to receive it from Andrea She said turning a moment where Andrea is, expecting to let Andrea know than she could be her family if she want. Then she take a moment to decide her last boon, a place in the royal hall was too much, so not having another choice she answer than a sword was fine.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Well some of my friends may be able to help you out with finding your lost friends, then again though they may not be able to. I would have to contact them to be certain," Elise said, nodding her head again as she reached out and wiped Susan's tears from her eyes.

"House Summer... I believe it's a good name. I shall take you around the city and show you some of the empty manors to choose from in this case, since you seem to be wanting to make Nevassa your base to look for your friends," Alluria said with a motherly smile, coming out of her throne and embracing Susan.

"Yes, and I shall go too I think," princess Allie said, standing up from her seat and joining her mother beside Susan.

"Alright then sweetie, help our new friend here find herself a good manor to have that she can live in, and here shortly we can send a few handmaids to her new abode to help keep it up and then we can all do something together, as I've just been so worried the last few days about our new friend that I've not been feeling well," Elise said, giving a slightly naughty wink at Alluria as she hinted at something naughty, which caused the mature succubus to blush slightly though it was almost unheard of, however Elise seemed to have some sort of power over both Hazel and Alluria, or they just simply loved her that much, though from the way they acted towards Elise it could only be that they simply loved her that much.

"Susan, you don't have to ask for a sword right at this moment exactly unless you just want to. You can respectfully decline to spend the last boon for now if you really want to, my mother and papa are just wanting to make a bit of a show of it all to help make some of the people relax a little bit what with the war going on and all, to let them know that the court can continue going like normal," princess Allie whispered to Susan. "Just tell them all that you respectfully wish to think on your last boon, so that you don't waste it or anything," Allie added under her breath.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

I understand, thanks Elise Susan said smiling softly when the matriarch come close her. The young woman tried to calm herself, Elise is just so kind for her, as also her whole family, than this stressful event was starting to feel as a really kind family meeting, the Queen Alluria helped even more to make Susan feel it. Not completely sure if really her last name could fit the manor, the silver haired girl decided than Alluria certainly know more than her about House names, so maybe she should just accept her sugestion. Thanks, certainly check the manors will be more fun if we go together, i suppose than with Andrea we will be four but if more come, it will be great.

Of course than i had decided to live here, this whole city has earned my heart.
Then Elise words make her get surprised by how the Matriarch looks to have a great need to have a private moment with her wives, the silver haired girl blushed yet accept than Elise must need badly a way to take away all that strss. After the warm talk, Susan was close to say her last boon, but Allie words stop her, she accept the sugestion as the young warrior dont need really a new weapon and repeat the princess words after bow to Elise.

Elise, thanks for all what you has given to me, i respecfully wish for some time to think about it
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"You're welcome Susan dear, now henceforth, you are Susan of house Summer... I suppose that you are technically a landed knight now, or at least you have the same rank as one anyway. And yes, take all the time you need to choose something that's just right for you. In the meantime, I shall contact the leaders of Archanea and the overlord of the Netherworld, both of whom are my close friends, and I shall see about finding your missing friends. If they can't do it themselves, then I and the overlord of the Netherworld can both call on beings that have much greater powers with which to locate them. No go Susan of house Summer, and may you always be ready to lend your sword in Crimea's defense, and Crimea shall defend you in return," Elise said, continuing with her kind and gentle smile as she waved Susan on to go about her business, officially ending the ceremony.

"Alrighty then Susan, come with us, we'll take you and Andrea around the city to show you around the more... noble sections of the place," queen Alluria said with a smile, taking Susan's arm and leading her out to the front courtyard where a carriage was awaiting them, which Alluria stepped up into with a little help from the driver, who then offered to help Susan and then Allie as well.

"Yeah, we'll just ride around and you can tell us when to stop at which manor and we can go inside to take a look around and see if it's to your liking," Allie said, nodding her head as if that was what they'd do.

Andrea meanwhile had given the chest to someone to take to Susan's bedroom upstairs, since they'd be living there at the castle for at least another day or two, where it would all be safe and sound until they got back from their trip to look around the city for Susan a suitable manor. They passed by a few manors that Alluria said were empty, pointing each one of them out as they went by, stopping to get a better look at any of them that Susan wished to look at better.

(Just give me a relative idea as to what Susan wants, though as it is a manor and all, and since Alluria doesn't do half measures, she's going to try and get her to take a larger manor regardless.)
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Susan's eyes shine brighty when she heard than she is now something like a landed knight, she know than she is not so good atm to have that tittle but at least she is not a noble, she could see herself on a beautiful shining armor having adventures in wonderful places, ridding her warhorse to save the day without ask anything in change. My sword will be always at your service to protect Crimea, Matriarch Said the silver girl completely inside her role now than all has ended. However soon Alluria make her return to the reality once the ceremony has ended.

Frowning softly and with a little whimper by how fast she needed to choice a manor, Susan follow Alluria and Allie outside, not expecting to already see a car waiting for them. She was close to get up by herself, but she suppose than would be insulting the man if she refuse his help, so at the end she leave him help her to get up, then she wait for Andrea and then both the queen and princess start a talk with her.

Soon the car start to move and each house was just perfect for Susan, as each of them were bigger than her house The truth is than any good house with all the needed will be enought, ehm i suppose than one close the castle and in a safe zone will be fine. Said blushing until her mind have a little idea about her dream house. Is there any manor with an interesting story? of course than i dont want a really dangerous or creepy mansion, but a place with secret places yet not scary will be amazing, maybe one with a romantic story or mysterious tunnels or dungeons. Said Susan leaving her adventurer side talk for her.

[So it will be a mansion close the castle, in a safe zone and filled with mystery yet looks beautiful and safe, yet maybe it could have an underground with traps and monsters, maybe in tunnels or portals, just than these cant hurt or surprise Andrea. ]
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

As they traveled, Alluria and Allie listened to Susan's questions about making sure that the manor she chose was close to the castle as well as in a safe area, and if any had a story behind them. Alluria was quick to answer, wasting not too much time before she replied. "Well... there is one manor that has a romantic, yet slightly tragic story behind it. It was where this one young human girl had moved to not long after the city was starting to become an actual city and began to flourish and build up. She was always roaming around Crimea as well as many other places besides, helping her friends and seeing to the people of Crimea as well as anyone in Midgar that she could help. She didn't like leaving her family behind there in the house without her, but she had a great responsibility that she couldn't shy away from and she knew that," Alluria said, beginning a story for Susan as they traveled to the said manor in question. "Her family hated that she kept having to leave home so often, but they knew that it was for the greater good and they kept their mouths shut about it all and didn't try and prevent her from doing what she loved. Every time she returned though, the girl's family showered her with love and always did things to make her feel good, though the girl could tell that they were very saddened by how little time they were getting to spend with her and it in turn mad her very sad... so sad to the point that every time she had to leave after their second year in that manor she cried when she did so. In the end, the young woman finally got to the point where she could trust others to aid her in her work and duty, and she didn't have to journey all across the world and planes any longer, which gave her the chance to stay home with her family more and more," Alluria continued with the story, her eyes getting sad at the appropriate parts, though when she finished talking her eyes looked dreamy and happy.

"Mom's day dreaming again and talking about our first couple of years here in Crimea actually Susan, the manor was built to house us until the castle was completed, where we then moved into it and out of our old manor," princess Allie said, rolling her eyes a bit at her mother as she shook her head from side to side a bit.

"Uh... Allie sweetie, you ruined the surprise. I was hoping to have Susan try and guess who it was that had lived here before," Alluria said, puffing a cheek out at her daughter.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

As they travel acroos the street, Alluria started to talk about a certain manor than she looks to know its story, soon Susan remain silent to heard the whole tale, soon this make her feel like it was the story of a young human warrior like herself than looks to also have something for fight, the many similarity of the girl of the tale with herself make her wonder if Andrea would suffer the same as the family of the girl, making her get a little sad even when the story looks to be ending fine for the protagonist and her family. She was not sure about the identity of the girl until Allie interrupt the story.

The young silver girl has been so busy thinking on the story problems and also how sad Alluria was in some parts than she never expected than this was the tale of how Elise helped the city. Its ok, i suppose than i would never expected than this is the story of Elise and all of you, thanks for the story, it helped me and make me think in many things. Can i choice this mansion? Ask the young swordswoman, not completely sure if both women would accept it, yet she just cant think in a better place where both she and Andrea could start theirs lives inside the city, also she wanted baddly to see where Elise and the others had lived, her curiouse side call her to choice this mansion and she turned to Andrea to see if she was fine with the idea.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Of course you can stay here dear, I don't mind any, and I know Elise wouldn't mind either," Alluria said with a kind gentle smile, actually seeming to like the idea of Susan choosing this manor.

"Yeah I don't mind either and I know none of my sisters or other momma's would mind either," Allie said with a nod of her head, smiling as she did so.

The carriage soon stopped in front of a rather large manor that had a few statues fixed up in the yard and one fixed up over the gates leading into the yard. The one above the gates leading in was that of an angel that looked suspiciously like queen Serafina. As they went through the courtyard of the manor to the front doors Susan would see several more statues, one that looked like Alluria and Hazel were to left and right along the path as they went inside the grounds, and up ahead Susan would see a fountain statue of a human female that had a large twelve inch penis between her legs with the water squirting out through said penis and into the fountain basin. To the left and right of the path once again there were two other statues, these looking like Tana and Elia, the former on the left and the latter on the right. All of the statues were completely nude models of each of the woman, scaled to their exact proportions.

"Beautiful isn't she? That's Elise in all her glory, and yes that is a scaled model of Elise. It's just as tall and proportioned as Elise is, and yes her penis is a large as this magnificent one here, well when Elise is all horny anyway," Alluria said as they made their way to where the statue of Elise was, giggling a little as she finished speaking and reaching out to run her fingers up the length of the stone prick, which was a full 12 inches long and at least an inch to an inch and a half thick give or take.

Allie just giggled about what her mother did and gestured them both on towards the manor itself. "Those two statues up ahead now are two of papa's wives you haven't met yet, the one on the left is momma Hitomi, and the one on the right is momma Alyene, and the one above the doors there is momma Gwen. Momma Gwen is currently leading some of our forces out in the field at the moment with her eldest daughter, and the rest of her children are elsewhere. Momma Hitomi and Alyene I'm sure you've already heard where they currently are at the moment," Allie said, pointing out three other statues that were up ahead. The one she named Hitomi was an okami (wolf) woman, with wolf ears and a wolf tail, and she nude just like all of the rest of the statues, her body had a pair of nice sized D-cups breasts that weren't too large nor to small, and she was about 5'4" if the statue was correct, and she looked extremely strong as her statue had a huge sword in one hand with the blade resting over her shoulder. Alyene was a high elf woman that stood there with about the same size of breasts that Hitomi had, though she was much taller, being 5"10, and her body was quite slender, yet not too thin, and she had a longsword in one hand with the point sticking into the ground almost like a walking stick, and she had a staff in her other hand leaning against her. Gwen looked like a human, though it was hard to tell if she actually was, the statue of her was 5'9", had DD-cup breasts, she had what looked to be a bellybutton piercing with a chain that wrapped around her, and she had what looked to be a double sword with a blade sticking out both ends of a long handle that connected both blades together, which her statue was carved to have over her head as if she were spinning and twirling it.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Susan thanks both women, she was so happy to know than all will be glad to lend her theirs old home, she wait eagerly as the car move toward the manor, meanwhile she cuddle at Andrea, trying to wonder what she is thinking at the moment.

When the car stop, she let all go down first and then she jump out the car, looking everywhere, trying to catch each part of the amazing place, wondering what she will see inside. She was expecting than the manor could have statues, as this could be a possibility, she dont get surprised by the celestial statue at the start, she has saw many naked statues in museums so this could be looked as normal, however as she get more deep inside with the others, her eyes wide open and blushed. There is just a huge group of statues, she tried to dont say anything when she notice than two statues were very similar than Alluria and Allie, all this mean than these statues were the whole royal family, naked and really realistic in front of her, they even looks like all of them had been petrific by something. She already is blushed, yet then Elise statue was just too much, she even half covered her eyes after stay stunned by a second looking at it.

Susan cant endure it, she just cant stop to see that dick and how continualy is flowing water from the statue, this art is so naughty and Alluria words with her soft touch at the statue big manlike member only make her worse, Susan place her hands out of her face for a moment before try to turn away, she wonder why she wanted to touch the member too, maybe she should just focus on something else, maybe think in this in just a way of love than all feel for Elise. Uhm...yes, she is beautiful. So each statue is more likely a perfect representation of each of you... how the artist was able... oh nevermind. Susan decided to just dont ask, as this could be a bad idea, she certainly can bet than this will only make her have even more unneeded throughts.

She then turned to Allie and heard her when this inform her about who are the unknown figures. At least these nude figurs looks more normal, yet Gwen one make born a pair of question from Susan. The silver girl noded and turn to Allie, not sure if ask the next could be a good idea. So Queen Gwen is a human too as Elise was? Asked not sure yet if Gwen was also bleesed by the gods as Elise was. Uhm... Im glad to know of them even by just looking at theirs statues, i suppose than this could be maybe a gift than each of you give this to Elise a long time ago and if that is i must say than is really a charming touch. Say blushing the silver girl wishing than they only made this as a special gift and the whole house werent filled with similar art, she at least suppose than succubus like Andrea love this kind of art, at her part Susan maybe could get used to see these statues each time than she get inside the mansion, but maybe she could need time to stop trying to turn to see again Elise's statue.
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Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Andrea was indeed staring at the statue of Elise, seeming quite enchanted by it and the sight of Elise in all her naked glory, though she didn't seem to be so much a lover of art as she was simply quite taken with it. Alluria finally tore herself away from the statue and giggled at Andrea and Susan both for their respective reactions to Elise's statue along with the rest of them.

Allie couldn't help but giggle at Susan's blushing, seeming to think it was a little funny and cute that she'd blush like that and cover her face in embarrassment. "Hmm... well no mamma Gwen is actually a Genasi... a stormsoul genasi to be precise... well a stormsoul and an earthsoul mix, you just can't see any of her energy lines until you get close. She's... well technically speaking she's an elemental being, but to us she's just momma Gwen, her full name though is Gwendolyn," Allie said in response to the part about Gwen.

"Yes and Elise is still a human dearie, I don't know what you're meaning by like Elise was. She's simply been ascended, making her immortal and much more powerful than pretty much any mortal here in Midgar. And Elise was actually the one that commissioned them all to be exact, not us. We all simply stood there naked and had did the modeling for our respective statue, and yes before you ask we stood there naked," Alluria said, correcting Susan about Elise still being human.

With that, Alluria gestured them onwards towards the front doors, gently pulling Andrea away from the Elise statue with a soft giggle. Once inside, they saw a very beautifully kept foyer, with a set of marble steps leading upstairs to the second floor, with the stairs stopping at a landing and splitting off to the left and right and continuing on up a few more steps as they curved back around until they were facing the same direction as the main steps. At the landing there was a painting of a human woman that looked like she was in her mid 30's or so that looked remarkably like Elise, save this woman didn't have the 2 red strands of bangs mixed in with the rest of her black as night hair. To the left were 3 doors and a hallway leading through the house, and on the right was the same setup basically.

"This manor was modeled after out old one in Melior, which is now our embassy in Archanea now actually," Alluria said, looking around for a moment until she pointed at the painting. "That is Elise's mother there Susan. A long time ago Elise lost her when she was only five years old, as her father sacrificed her to a demon for power, and would have done the same for Elise as well had her cousin Cosimo and his friends not come to save them, though they were too late for Brianna her mother. Elise's memories of the event were sealed, but have since been unsealed of course. But for seventeen years Elise thought about her mother and where she'd gone until one day after her memories were unsealed she and her friends managed to find a way to rescue her and reclaim her soul from the demon. They battled against her father and his minions and allies until finally they defeated them, with our friend Evangeline ripping Brianna's soul from the demon and taking it to the goddess of death whom she serves, the Raven Queen. The goddess of death gave Brianna back to Elise, giving her life back to her with her body at the same age she'd been taken at, and ever since then she lived with us until she grew old and naturally died of natural causes at an old age, surrounded by all of her family that Elise had made while she fought so hard to get her back. We were so glad when Elise got Brianna back, because she'd been worrying herself sick over her for so long. (sigh)... but I won't bother you with all of that now, how about a tour of the house," Alluria then added, giving a short story about Elise's mother to Susan before gesturing her on inside and offering to give her and Andrea both a tour.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

It was the first time than Susan heard about elemental beings, stormsouls and earthsouls, so she just suppose than Gwen come from one of the many planes. I see, so i guess than Gwendolyn can use elemental magic mixed with her attacks. Answer the silver haired girl before heard Alluria answer and shake softly her head in answer. Sorry, i had heard than she has ascended, but i havent know exactly what ascend could mean... oh Susan tried to say trying to apologize by her mistake, however heard than Elise was the one than have the idea of the statues and also how the artist get the sizes make her blush and stop talking trying to recover herself for a moment just nodding, surprised by the sudden revelation.

They then walked, meanwhile she tried to recover herself, thinking if Elise could be that free mind by being futa, by this world or because the ascension. Once they reach the foyer, she follow both succubus, turning to Andrea, smiling and getting close her, thinking on how much Andrea has get stunned looking that statue, that should mean that Andrea is now more healty than before, she just hope than the young succubus dont ask her to find a way to turn into a futa, because Susan cant see herself having a manlike member at herself, it must be so troublesome walk with that thing between her legs, pressing against her clothes.

They walked, looking the place until she notice a painting, the woman on it looks similar to Elise, yet maybe a little more mature and her hair with others little differences make her doubt than this was the matriarch, soon Allurie start to describe what she was and the story about Elise's mother. The young warrior remain in silence hearing it, building more questions at her head as names and events were said, amazed to know than this world could have such things as a goddess of death, know than Elise's mother has died again make her get a little sad, but she suppose than she had a peaceful live and dead around her loved ones, a good end for her tragic life.

Its fine, thanks to make me know about Brianna, im glad than Elise could pass a life time with her mother after all what she passed to recover her. Can i ask about Elise's friends than help her to recover her mother, are they still alive? Answer Susan cleaning her eyes of a little teardrop than wanted to get out of her eyes after the kind story, but Alluria was right, they must continue walking to meet more of this house
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Don't worry dear, there's no need to apologize really. You just didn't know until now is all, so no problem," Alluria said as they went on inside.

"I-I'm alright I think Susan... just... well the royal family invited me to join them in the bath yesterday evening, so... I saw Elise naked and that statue's... thing is identical to Elise's in everything save the color," Andrea whispered to Susan as they walked inside, the young succubus still blushing slightly as she shook the lewd thoughts from her mind.


"Yeah, I miss nana... but she was exalted when she died, thanks to papa's pull with the gods. She's got lots of favors and called in one of them for it, so anytime we go to Celestia for any reason we still get to see her," Allie said, putting a hand on the painting of Brianna with a smile on her face, then she leaned in and kissed the painting before they moved on, with Alluria leading the way.

Alluria led them onwards to the master bedroom, which was straight down the hallway overlooking the steps and the rest of the foyer, which had 2 rooms connected directly to it other than the closet and bathroom, and the master bedroom also had a balcony set up to go out onto which had patio furniture set up on it. The bed inside the bedroom was absolutely huge, fit to hold 10 people at least, likely for Elise and all of her wives as this used to be their home, at least until the castle was completed.

"This was our bedroom Susan dear, and yes before either of you ask, Elise, myself, and my fellow queens made sweet love here many times. Oh just the thought of all of us together in the bed and that magnificent stamina of Elise's, gets me all riled up and ready for action," queen Alluria said, looking deep in thought as she thought of her, Elise, and the others having sex from the looks of it.

"Okay mom, snap out of it, I really don't wanna know about you and papa having sex honestly, and I'm quite sure that Susan here doesn't wanna know about it either," Allie said, trying to snap her mother out of her reverie.

Alluria shook her head slightly and apologized to Allie with a little laugh, pushing the lewd thoughts from her mind for the moment. With that she then continued the tour of the house, first taking her to the two adjacent rooms. "Now as you come out of the bedroom, to the right and left are the two adjacent bedrooms, which are normally meant for house maids and such, but we used them for the kids ourselves. Faye and Nimisa used the one on the left, and until they grew enough to where they needed to have their own rooms Leah and all of the others had the other bedroom over on the right. But after the others got older and wanted their own bedrooms for privacy, it became just Leah's," Alluria explained as she led them out of the master bedroom.

After that she led them down and around to the left from that hallway, where there were a couple of bedrooms as they came around the bend and down the other hallway, which was on the right side as they'd come up the steps. Down this hall were three bedrooms on the left lining the hallway, as well as another larger one at the end of that hall, as the right had windows overlooking the edges of the roof area of the lower portions of the house along with the front and backyards slightly. "These three on the left are, or were guest bedrooms mostly until Mari and Allie grew up some, then this first one here on the left became their bedroom, while the next one became Adriel's bedroom shortly thereafter. The bedroom just around the corner there behind us became Ayla's and Lalah's room. The one at the end of the hall was Brianna's room before we moved into the castle, and the last one on the left was Lyrindel's room, she was Elia's sister and one of our handmaid's," Alluria said, continuing the tour as she went and opened the bedroom at the end of the hall, which was quite large, though not as large as the master bedroom. Allie called it the secondary master bedroom when they entered it.

After that they went to the hallway on the far side of the steps from where they now were, where they passed 2 more bedrooms on the wall facing the steps before turning the corner. When they rounded the corner, Susan would see 3 more bedrooms along the right side of the wall this time, rather than the left side, which on this side of the house there were windows there instead. At the end of that hallway was another large bedroom, which upon entering it, Susan was informed by Allie that this was the tertiary bedroom, where Elise's cousin Cosimo and his wife Vivian lived until the castle was completed, with Hope taking the first bedroom on this side, Ivy taking the next one down, and Idryll took the one further down after that before getting to the tertiary bedroom. All of the bedrooms upstairs had a small bathroom and closet attached to them as well.

Then they were taken downstairs to continue the tour, where Alluria stopped at the foot of the steps and gestured to the left of there, which lead into the dining room and just beyond that was the kitchen, pantry, and what she called a freezer room, which was meant to hold meats and keep them fresher for much longer periods of time, something all but unheard of where Susan had come from before coming to Crimea. Back out into the hallway and leading in from the dining room as well was the den. which had a smaller room attached to it that Alluria said used to be the children's toy room when they were younger. Further on down the hallway was a showroom for paintings and other such pieces of art, then a turn to the right down the hall a ways was a training room that was large enough to hold many different types of training equipment, and the training room had a bathroom attached to it. Then at the end of the hall was a sliding glass door leading to the backyard, which had a stone and metal grill built just on the patio area.

After that, Alluria took Susan and Andrea back to the foyer and gestured to the first room over there, which was a library. The library had a door leading to another adjacent room just like the dining room did with the den, and the room connected to the library was the living room of the manor which had a good sized fireplace built into the wall. Right beside the living room was another room, which Alluria said that their masseuse Rina had used as her office to give massages for everyone, and down the hall from there was a door that she said led to the basement and wine cellar. Further on down that hallway were 4 more doors, 3 on the left and 1 on the right, the ones on the left were all bedrooms for the house staff, while the one on the opposite side of the hallway all by itself was the large house bath, meant for any and everyone in the house that wished to use it. After that all that was left down that hallway was another door leading outside to the patio and backyard.

"And that's everything inside of the house really. All of the larger bedrooms upstairs, the main, secondary, and tertiary master bedrooms all have a balcony, though I believe you'll be using the main master bedroom for yourself, as you'll be the lady of the house here. And also if you wish, I can have Rina come down and give you a massage later on tomorrow after you move in here and all, and I've already started talking to a few girls about coming down to help keep the place up for you whilst you go about in your adventuring and stuff," queen Alluria said to Susan as they stood in the foyer of the manor, the tour now over now that Susan had seen all of the manor's inside. Andrea had stayed with Susan the entire time during the tour, clinging to her arm a bit as they went along.

"I... kind of want to sleep in that big bed with you Susan... and maybe we could find someone else to live with us as well soon," Andrea said a little timidly as she stood there with everyone.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

Of course than Susan couldnt had expected than Andrea has meet Elise in her birthday suit, the whole scenne come at her mind thanks to the statues and Alluria memories of her private time with Elise. Exactly like the statue? Susan whisper, thinking than if that was ecaxtly Andrea has said, then Elise was really exited that moment, maybe taking a family bath could be hiding exactly the possible orgy there or maybe Elise had a personal service of her wifes.

Hearing than they could still visit Elise’s mother even after this has died a long time ago, was more than awesome, the Silver haired girl cant hide her happiness to know than Elise and her family can see Brianna in any moment, maybe more people could do the same in the realm. Im so glad to heard that, so i suppose than all the good souls go there. Ask at the end Susan in order to know more of this and others planes.

However they needed to still see the large mansion, it was a really long tour, one than dont escaped from the Queen’s daydreams when they reach the main master bedroom, but fortunately Allie stop her mother before she could inform too much of her past moments here with Elise and the others queens. Susan nodded after Allie words, trying to dont start making her imagination roll with Alluria memories. I… supose than all of you have really good memories of this room, but maybe we should just continue looking around. Susan leave Andrea hold her arm, she dont have anything against that and it is really a lovely touch than Susan enjoy, however she needed to take note of the many rooms and who sleeped there, maybe with the time she could remember all.

Once the tour ended, Susan nodded to Allurie after this ended. Thanks a lot, Allurie, the truth is than this house is so huge and i think than clean it all could take me more than a week, but over all having more persons living or coming here would make all better. She then turn to Andrea and caress her softly before answer her. Still thinking as herself as a mother than a lover for the young succubus. You are right, Andrea. The best will be to sleep together at the same room every night and dont worry, im sure than we will meet someone more soon, as also i will love to invite my old friends to live with us when we find them.

Once said this, Susan and the rest would certainly leave the mansion and return to the palace, Susan need to start making the picture discription of her friends and also she must change her clothes before pay to the guild for the work, but maybe look around the palace or pass the time with Andrea would be the best, maybe they could talk with Elise or her family, yet a walk around the city to see what to do with the money could be the best too.
Re: Susan Summer (plmnko)

"Well yes we do all have good memories from in this room, as some of our children were conceived here, but some of our children including Allie here were born in our old manor in Melior city back in Archanea a long time ago now. And to answer your other question, yes people go to Celestia, but not all good people do. There are other planes that the dead are exalted and sent to, Celestia is merely one of them, Arvandor is another and most if not all fey mortals go there upon death, or at least those that follow the fey gods, like Sehanine whom we mostly follow here in Nevassa, as Elise is a favored of her's. Some though go to Hestavar as well to Bahamut, Moradin, and Kord. And then there is of course the Raven Queen, who has her own domain for those that follow her teachings, and people go there too. But anyway, the gods in Celestia consist of Pelor, Erathis, and Ioun, the ones in Arvandor are Sehanine, Corellon, Avandra, Melora, and now Lolth once more, as the sundering has ended between both her and the other fey gods, as well as the sundering between the Eladrin and Drow, in which Elise was a pivotal part of," Alluria said, answering Susan's questions as they came back down the steps and into the foyer. "And I do hope that we can find your friends, though I wouldn't get my hopes up too quickly... as the world, as well as the rest of the planes are a large place to search for a few people. If you had something of theirs then Hazel could scry for them, but I doubt that you do," Alluria added as they prepared to leave the house, looking a little reminiscently back at their old home as they left.

"Of course Susan, I would love to meet your friends, and they could sleep with us as well," Andrea said a little shyly as she clung to Susan.

With that, they headed back to the carriage, which went on back up to the castle without any other stops along the way, save one, and that was for Allie to get something at some place, which she came back out of the building carrying a package of some sort that looked quite large. It was too hard to tell what it was without opening the package, but Susan would be able to tell that it was a little heavy whatever it was, but it didn't seem to be hard for Allie to carry it any.

After getting back to the castle, they made their way through the gates and the carriage pulled up to the front gate like doors, which a pair of guards opened for them and shut behind them. Once there, Allie bid Susan farewell and went off carrying her package to somewhere. Alluria gestured for Susan and Andrea to follow her, and she then led them off in a different direction than the great hall, going in the same general direction that Allie went, but they turned and went up some stairs that spiraled up one of the towers of the castle. After making their way up to the top of the stairs, which had several landings to stop off at different floors, Alluria led them down the hall towards a room at the end of it, then she turned to smile at Susan and Andrea, gesturing with a nod of her head for the two of them to follow her on inside the room.

They entered said room to the sound of two women moaning and when they looked inside, they would see Hazel sitting in Elise's lap facing them, swinging her head back and forth and making her hair swish along every time she did while she rode Elise, who was busy holding Hazel's legs spread wide for all to see while she bounced Hazel up and down over her hard throbbing cock, which made Hazel's massive G-cup breasts bounce and jiggle every time the slammed their pelvises into each other. Both women looked like they were in complete bliss as they had each other, and when she saw the two of them, Alluria looked a little upset and puffed a cheek out. All but forgetting that Susan and Andrea were still with her, Alluria flapped her wings and soared over to the bed, sliding up behind Elise and reaching forward to grope Elise's own quite large E-cup breasts, which caused Elise to let out a slight squeal of pleasure as Alluria pinched Elise's already pert nipples.

"You promised Hazel that you would wait until tonight so that we could both enjoy some fun with our Elise," Alluria said rather crossly to Hazel who merely shrugged as she went, then Alluria pinched Elise's nipples again and twisted them. "And you promised to try and hold yourself in check Elise, for the same reason, so that you could store it up for us all," Alluria then said to Elise in a slightly needy tone, looking slightly hurt.

"Please forgive me Alluria, I... I just couldn't hold it anymore now that... Susan's feeling better and up again. And I came in while Hazel was changing... and I... I had to have her. We've been going at it for the last twenty minutes at least, and my cock just won't go down, even though I already came three times," Elise panted in reply, whilst Hazel merely continued moaning and bouncing with Elise's help, sweat rolling down their bodies along with their sexes both dripping copious amounts of their feminine juices. Before Susan would be able to pull Andrea out of the room, who's eyes were glued to the two, they would hear Elise and Hazel both let out a joyous squeal of ecstasy as they reached their climaxes, with Elise's seed spurting out and filling Hazel up, who merely contentedly caressed he belly as Elise's seed poured into her, both of their eyes looking full of bliss.

Moments after, Hazel would lift up and Susan would see Elise's member was indeed just as large as the one on the statue, though of course skin colored instead of stone colored, though Elise's was now slick with both her seed and Hazel's juices, but hard as steel as Hazel maneuvered down onto the floor on her knees, where she then wrapped her breasts around Elise's cock, giving Susan and Andrea both a full view of Elise's body. Her skin was flushed pink with arousal, her nipples were hard as diamonds, and her eyes were full of lust.

"Susan dear, um... go on back downstairs to the great hall and find Elia or Tana, they can help get you someone to draw the pictures out for you, and I apologize for this, but our little Elise here just can't hold herself back sometimes when she gets really horny, and it sometimes takes hours to calm her down when the mood catches her," Alluria said Susan, apologizing for the scene before her, waving a hand at her and Andrea, as if dismissing them... unless they wished to join in the fun, which Andrea seemed to want to do as she was licking her lips hungrily. Alluria seemed to notice this as well and merely smiled at Andrea. "Well... I know that Elise has plenty more stamina if you'd both like to join us instead. But don't worry, there's no risk of pregnancy for either of you if you'd like to join us. Also Andrea, we don't mind you feeding a bit on our Elise, she has plenty of energy for both of us as well as you and a few more afterwards even," Alluria added in a seductive tone, reaching around Elise and groping her breasts and tickling her tummy, which caused Elise's body to quiver as Hazel began noisily slurping the head of her cock whilst she bounced her massive tits up and down on the rest of her cock. Alluria then winked seductively at the two of them, beckoning them over to the bed with them if they wished to come on over, Alluria slipping out of her dress very quickly and leaving herself totally nude in about 5 seconds while Susan probably thought it over in her mind what to do here. Andrea was already grabbing her own breasts and squeezing them slightly, looking quite horny as stared hungrily at the scene before them.