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Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Suri manages to evade the mans wild swings again and again as she waits for the right moment. It doesn't take to long, and she finds her axe in a low, heavy arc. It bites into the man and he topples, the wound was deep, but probably not fatal if treated. He writhed a bit on the ground, clutching his side. The other guard was still nowhere to be heard from. She can still hear the footsteps approaching, but they were probably a minute or two off. Suri had a few minutes to figure out what she was going to do. Miss Chey and Alice were probably still in the room, or she could just wait for whoever it was that was approaching.

Stat Block
Suri 1/5 FP 0/10 AP
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

The guard continued to flail wildly from beneath the tapestry, his sword swinging side to side dangerously. Suri watched carefully, waiting for just the right opportunity to get in her attack… after a minute or two he gave her an opening that she gleefully took, slicing into his side deeply. The man began to writhe about on the ground in pain, clutching at the wound, which made the catgirl kick him in the back. "That’s what you get, you bastard" she growled quietly, her ears still perked at the approaching footsteps. Whoever it was was a few minutes away, so she had some time… "Miss Chey, Alice, I’m coming in" she said quietly, opening the door carefully so as not to disturb the two. "Someone else is coming, we need to either set up an ambush or get you two out of here, I probably can’t keep this up much longer on my own."
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Suri hears the door unlock as she heads into the room. She can see that Alice and Miss Chey had been working to barricade the door, but thankfully her victory saved them the need and trouble. The footsteps got closer and they all hurried inside. They were about to discuss what the plan was when the noise from outside stopped. Someone spoke, it was quiet, but the group could make it out. "Well...I'll be dammed." It seems as though James had finally woken up.

As if to confirm that the encounter was over, Suri was treated to a small popup.

Your mastery of the axe has improved.[/FONT][/center]

The group consolidated themselves, double checking to make sure there were no more intruders in the house. Alice and Miss Chey had wandered off from the other two, apparently having important things to discuss. They did ask them to wait for them though, because they might require their help.

Having little else to do, it was time to retire for the evening. All of them were tired, and a little worked up, a normal rest was best, Suri knew she needed one.
The morning came and Suri woke up, a little groggy. She could see that James was still sleeping, as always. The man loved his sleep.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

The door is soon unlocked, and Alice and Miss Chey let Suri in. They seemed to be barricading the door, which was probably a good idea even now that the soldiers were done for. After all, someone was coming… The catgirl held her axe firmly in hand as she crept to the side of the door, waiting for someone to open it so she could swing it at them, though before that happened she heard a voice outside as the footsteps ceased, and it turned out to be James. She breathed a sigh of relief, and soon thereafter she got a little popup in her vision telling her that she had leveled up her axe skill. That was good, and it made her quite sure that the combat was over for now. The four of them got together for a while, talking and reviewing the situation. Suri had to explain somewhat sheepishly that she was a “battlemaid” (her words, of course), who had trained not just to serve James as he maid, but also to protect him should the need arise.

There was a quick check of the house to ensure that there were no more intruders, and then the two who lived there went off on their own, either to discuss or do something, and asked Suri and James to wait for them. It didn’t take long, and at the end of it it was time to finally try and get a good night’s sleep. Suri was so damn tired still, so she took almost no time at all to get to sleep and slept straight through till morning. When she did awaken she was still a bit tired and groggy, and she took a moment to wipe the sleep from her eyes… of course James was still asleep, that wasn’t even in question. The man seemed to sleep more than he was awake. The catgirl looked him over briefly, thinking over how to wake him… and ultimately decided that there was a bit of an opportunity to be had. She slowly slipped herself under the covers, trying not to wake him, and then began to gently rub at his crotch, to see if he reacted. If not she would try to slip his pants down without waking him up, licking him hard. If that didn’t wake him up, then maybe nothing would…
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

James groaned a bit in his sleep as the maid started to press against his croch through his pants. He tossed and turned a bit, trying to escape, but Suri didn't relent. She even managed to slip his pants down without waking him. Though shortly after she started to lick him he started, jolting awake and withdrawing the lower portion of his body away from her eager tongue.

He blinked a few times at her, frowning. He crossed his arms, staring at her unhappily before looking down and realizing his pants were missing. His face quickly turned red and he pulled up his pants. "..I'm just going to pretend this never happened."
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Suri watched James carefully for his reaction as she rubbed his crotch, and he didn’t seem to be waking up. He just groaned lightly in his sleep, rolling around a little bit in the bed. Seeing that he wasn’t awake yet, she began to pull down his pants, amazingly doing so carefully enough that she didn’t wake up, and then began to slowly, teasingly lick his cock. That got him awake in a hurry, and he bolted up. He seemed embarrassed and unhappy, which was kind of weird. He hadn’t been embarrassed to fuck her earlier, or to watch his tentacle pet do the same. "What’s wrong, master didn’t want a wakeup call?" the catgirl asked playfully, sitting up in bed. "We’ve slept pretty late. It’s probably breakfast time already."
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

James sighed a bit, taking a breath to clear his head. "Sorry. Just...wasn't having the best sleep." He didn't take the chance to elaborate any further as he got up. He started to rub his eyes, still waking up when Suri mentioned breakfast time. "We should probably go eat then. We need to make plans for what we're going to do. I don't know if it's safe to stay anywhere at this rate."
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Suri frowned a little bit at James' reaction, getting up out of bed. She was still in her clothes, but they were ruffled and wrinkled. She would need to take care of that later somehow. "Fine then. What's wrong?" she asked, actually a little bit worried, which was weird for her. "Yeah, this place doesn't seem very safe after last night. They didn't seem to be after us, though... Why do you think they'd be after Miss Chey?" she continued, getting herself ready to go out to breakfast.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

James signed a bit, rubbing the back of his head. "Honestly, I don't know. I'm hoping we might get a better idea when talking to them today. Anyways, let's go."

A brief thought hung over Suri's head, that things were only going to get a whole lot worse before they got better. She brushed it away though, following James out of the bedroom as the pair of them tried to locate the dining hall. It didn't take them forever, and they managed to make it there before all the food was eaten. Alice and Miss Chey were sitting there, eating quietly as their food. There were a couple of serving plates and some empty plates set aside for the pair.

Wordlessly, James sat down to join them, and Suri felt inclined to do the same, being hungry. Apparently talking would come later. The food itself was good, eggs, toast, bacon, what looked to be waffles, and bacon. After everyone had finished, the silence hung for a few more moments. Just before Suri felt the need to break it, Miss Chey did.

"I'm...sure you're both curious as to what happened last night. At the moment, it is not proper for me to share the details, so I will simply share the result as it applies to the both of you." She paused a moment, Suri could tell the girl was paining at something, but was putting on a strong face. "I have been betrayed, and I must flee the country. However, I don't expect to be able to do it with just you. I require your assistance, and will do what I can to reward you. Will you accompany me?"
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

There wasn’t much to be gained by idle speculation as to what had gone wrong, so Suri and James headed out into the mansion, trying to find the dining room. There was an ominous feeling in the air, something the catgirl couldn’t explain, but she was certain for whatever reason that things were about to get worse. There was thankfully still food by the time they got to the dining room, though it was a tad bit cold considering how late they had slept. Miss Chey and Alice were already eating in silence, plates of bacon, eggs, toast, and some sort of waffles laid out and ready. Their hosts seemed to want to eat in quiet, and Suri and James obliged them, sitting down at the table to eat quickly. It had been a while since the catgirl had had a proper breakfast, and even if it was a little bit cold it was excellent. She scarfed her portion down and then some, eating maybe a bit too much and then sitting back, rubbing her stomach happily.

It took a minute or two after they were all done for Miss Chey to speak up, but finally she began her non-explanation of what had happened. Apparently she didn’t think it would be right to give out details, which was annoying. She seemed really upset, though, so Suri didn’t immediately question it. The girl explained that she had been betrayed, and would have to leave the country. She then asked for their help. "Well, we’re already on our way out of the country, aren’t we master?" the catgirl said, nodding a little. "It seems like if we were going to help you it’d be nice to know what we were getting into, though."
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

The proper young lady in front of Suri frowned as the catgirl made her case for requiring more information. Chey sighed deeply, looking down. "I would still believe it is better if you don't know the details. There will be time for those later. For now though I will tell you that there will be a larger number of people after us. There will be a lot of fighting, and if we can't stay one step ahead of them, it will end very badly for all of us. If you don't wish to come with us, you can be on your own way, I won't stop you."

James took a few moments to ponder this, thinking deeply. He looked over at Alice, Suri could tell that if nothing else, James wanted to help them to help the servant girl. Well, she was pretty sure that was the case anyways. James turned back to Suri after a few moments. "Well, I'll leave it up to you. We might be able to make it out quicker on our own, but greater numbers might work out in our favor. Both options have their dangers."
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Suri listened to what Miss Chey said carefully, mildly annoyed at her insistence on hiding the circumstances from them. Apparently helping them would be dangerous, though, she didn’t try to hide that at all. James thought for a few long moments, the catgirl watching him, noticing that he seemed to focus on Alice every so often… What was that about? She was starting to get just a little bit jealous of those looks he was giving her. Finally he turned back to her and told her he would leave it up to her, which must have been suspicious to the other two. A slave with the final word on such an important decision… not that the noble could really do anything about it even if she discovered that Suri wasn’t a slave. She needed their help. "Well… We’re in danger even if we don’t take them. And they helped us out when we needed it. So we might as well. Besides, I’ve already killed people for them. Why not more?" she replied after some more thought, running a hand through her hair and tugging on it a bit.