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Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

The slime wiggles a bit, moving. Suri feels as though it's looking at her for a moment. It moves towards her hiding in the bush. Slowly, edging forward. It seems it found her and James...there's no way she can fight that thing, but what other options might she have.

She ends up freezing in fright for a moment, but maybe that's what saves her. The slime stops just a bit before the brush, turning. It seems satisfied now that no one is there.

It leaves, slowly. Making its own path through the forest, heading off to the horizon.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Suri watches as the slime wiggles seemingly at her, as if staring her way. Her eyes go wide, and she begins to sweat as it slowly edges towards her and James. I can't fight it... I can't fight it, we can't run because James can't move properly, shit shit shit what do I do!? she thought, frozen in fear as it approached. It stopped just in front of the two of them, though, pausing for a very long moment before turning and slowly oozing away. Suri was still rigid, not moving an inch until it was out of sight, and taking even longer after that to relax. When she couldn't hear the massive slime anymore she let out a sigh of relief, slowly crawling out of the bush and looking around tentatively to see if there was anything else around.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

The next half an hour seems to pass by extremely slowly for Suri, who's still trying to calm down from the massive scare the slime gave her. After the first couple of minutes, the sounds of the forest return to the air. Some of them calming, some of them not so much. Regardless, nothing seems to stick out.

Suri feels extremely tired after a couple of minutes, as she should, being so scared can take a lot out of someone without actually doing anything. It wasn't long before she dozed off, and the morning came.

James was still resting, but Suri was fully awake. The sun was still rising and the forest had quieted. It was time for her to make her plan for the day.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

After a while the usual forest sounds of birds and things returned, and Suri strained to hear more, to hear any more dangerous sounds. There seemed to be nothing around, however, which was a relief. Once the adrenaline from her fear wore off, however, she was incredibly tired. She was working on a massive sleep deficit, and the slime incident hadn't helped with her nerves. As a result she soon fell asleep next to James again, quite against her will.

When she woke up James was still sleeping, though she felt rested. The sun was just then starting to rise and peek through the trees. Hmm... We really do need to get up and get moving she thought, getting up and beginning to gather their things. When she had everything ready she walked over and knelt down next to James, gently shaking him and quietly telling him that it was time to wake up.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

James woke up after a few moments, seeming groggy and unhappy to be woken. After a few short grumbles and mumbling he crawled to his feet, still seaming in pain but apparently well enough to stand. Or at least, good enough at pretending he was.

He looked to Suri, somewhat questioningly. "...Which way do we go then?" He asked after a moment, rubbing his head as if trying to clear it of confusing thoughts.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Suri helped James to his feet when she could, though she let him stand on his own. He seemed to be okay, if groggy and unhappy. When he asked her which way they went, though, she got worried. "You're the one who knows where we're going. I haven't got a clue" she replied, raising an eyebrow as she looked at him.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

James frowned a bit. It still took him a minute to digest what Suri had told him. He gently shook his head, trying to think. "..Of course, right..." He closes his eyes in concentration, perhaps the sun was giving him a headache.

After a few moments he frowns again, opening his eyes. "I...don't know, can't think straight..." He rubs his forehead. "...Any direction...might work...difference is only distance...to road."
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Suri frowned darkly, her tail fluffing out and swishing behind her nervously. It seemed almost like James had had his memory beaten out of him. He certainly wasn't in good shape, or any shape to fight. "Are you okay, James? You still seem off..." she said, a worried look on her face. "If we're going, I think that's the direction we had been going in before we stopped for the night" she continued after they were done talking about that, pointing in the direction she thought they had been moving in, and she began to move slowly that way with James in tow.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

James shakes his head. "No, I'm...god this headache is killing me." He shuts up after that, closing his eyes and trying to focus on not feeling his headache. He only nods to Suri when she suggests continuing in the direction they were moving.

James isn't too hard to lift, trying to move under his own weight so Suri doesn't have to support him entirely on her own. The progress they make is slow, but steady. It's noon before they know it, about time to stop for a rest and to eat. Looking around for a good spot to sit down, Suri thinks she notices something odd though. It almost looks like some sort of building, so overgrown that the forest is hiding it. She'd have to get closer to tell for sure though.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Suri really was getting worried about James now. He had slept for most of a day, and he was still feeling the effects of being beaten up. Ideally she would be able to head towards a town and find him a doctor or a healer of some kind. Of course, this situation was much less than ideal. The two of them walked on in the direction they had been going for a long time, Suri carrying almost all of the gear they had in addition to helping her nominal master stay upright as they walked. They made only slow progress, but at least it was something. Soon enough it was noon, and they decided to stop for a rest and a quick lunch. Suri noticed, though, that there was a building of sorts up ahead, overgrown with vegetation, although she couldn't tell for certain that it was a building. "Hey, you stay here and look after our things, I'm going to check out that thing up ahead. There may be useful things in it" she said to James, though she took her axe just in case as she crept up towards the building.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

James just nodded slowly to Suri as she suggested going into the building to search. "Be careful." Is all he said, in a slight whisper.

Suri would find the area around the building was slightly cleared. The building itself was a slightly broken down tower shape. Jaggedly sticking up out of the ground. Nearby she noticed where parts of the tower had fallen, now overgrown by moss and undergrowth. Perhaps at one time this was a watch tower. She notices a half rotted wooden door, leaning on one hinge. It's open enough that she can look inside, finding a small room with a spiral staircase going in two directions. Up, and down. There's nowhere for it to go up of course, due to decay. Small amounts of sunlight filter through the trees above, giving a sort of eerie look to the scene. In the room there is a table and a chair, an area that looks like it might have once been a makeshift kitchen, and a few iron cups and pots on the floor.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

"I will" Suri said, creeping towards the building. It turns out to be a ruined tower, the tower bits having fallen long ago, now overgrown with moss and plants. It was a little bit creepy, but also beautiful. She decided to look around inside, checking for useful things, and if she didn't find anything she would carefully test the spiral staircase, making sure it was still solid before going down into the basement.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Suri carefully searches the room, unfortunately, anything of real use or value was probably taken a long time ago. She decides to check the stairs next, carefully testing them. They were carved out of stone, so they weren't weak, she felt as though the steps were solid. She carefully makes her way down, not wanting any of them to break and fall out from under her. But she hears a click on one of the stairs. She hears some old grinding noises, but nothing happens...apparently whatever trap that was here had broken long ago.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Suri hadn't really expected to find anything useful, not in a place like this, but it was still a bit disappointing. The stairs seemed as solid as ever, though as she carefully descended them she heard a click and nearly jumped out of her skin, her tail going bushy behind her. There were grinding noises, but nothing happened. She let out a sigh of relief; whatever trap had once been here, time had taken care of it. She continued on into the basement, trying to be a little more careful this time.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Suri makes her way down as the light level decreases. Her eyes not quite adjusting to the darkness yet. Her feels her footing slip as she goes to move down another step. The step was angled, causing her to slip, and fall to her bum. It hurts a bit, but she didn't slide down the stairs, probably what that trap she had tripped earlier had intended to do. If she'd still continue, she'd find the basement. It was a hallway, dark, but with enough ambient light from above for her to make the basic shape. There appeared to be three doorways, one on the left, one on the right, and one at the end of the hallway.

Each door was sort of half hanging off it's frame, letting her see inside, though she couldn't make anything out, since it happened to be pitch black.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Suri kept going downwards, the light getting dimmer and dimmer, until she slipped on an angled step, falling square on her butt on the hard stone steps. She grumbled, rubbing her tush as she got up and continued down, thinking that surely that was the aborted trap; funneling her down the stairs. When she got to the bottom she saw three different doors, though they were hanging off their hinges. Inside it was clearly pitch-black, and she decided that she wanted no part of exploring any further, opting to go back up the stairs and out to James again.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Suri managed to make her way back up the stairs. It was a little tricky in the dark, but she managed to get back up. The sunlight was still there, allowing her to find her way back after she got up the first couple of steps in the dark.

She made her way outside, finding she hadn't spent a real noticeable length of time inside. It wouldn't take her long to find James, who was sleeping, leaning back against a tree.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

It was a little bit difficult getting back up the stairs in the semi-darkness, but Suri managed it, getting out and into the forest once more. Almost no time had passed, but James was already sleeping under a tree. The catgirl rolled her eyes, but went through their things to try and find the travel food he had packed, getting everything ready. She would let him sleep for a few more minutes, but not long, wanting to get some food in them and move on if at all possible.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Suri felt like she needed a short rest herself, leaning against the tree while she waited to give James a few more minutes. Fortunately she doesn't fall asleep or anything. She wakes James up, him giving a slight grumble before looking at her.

"Find anything?" He manages after a moment. Suri can see him moving his arms, stretching his body to try and work the pain out. He does look in pain, but it looks as though he's getting better, or at least, she hopes so.
Re: Suri Dahan (Tiffanian)

Suri enjoyed her little rest. This past day in-game had been long and difficult, and it was starting to catch up to her. She didn’t need to sleep just yet, though, that could wait for later. Much later, if she knew herself well enough. When she finally woke James up he grumbled a little before asking if she found anything. "No, there’s nothing worth anything in there. Unless it’s in the basement, but there’s traps down there, and it’s too dark to see down there" she replied, handing him his portion of the travel rations they had packed. He looked to still be in a good deal of pain, but perhaps a little bit better now than he had been before. Maybe all the sleep was doing him some good, as he at least seemed to be moving a little bit easier now. "Come on, eat and we’ll get going again" she said, watching him as she started to eat her portion quickly.