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ADV Ci-En [Super Dimension Awakening Laboratory] Succubus Reborn

Unless something was fundamentally changed in the last few patches she ramps up super quickly.
First turn big breasts, second turn Dragon Ball and another squeezer means you can summon your 2 energy dragons. Third turn you have two dragon balls, two regular squeezers, and you can summon 2 energy dragons for free, and a 4 energy dragon. On the forth turn you have three dragon balls, and with three regular squeezers you can summon your 6 energy dragon, or several 4 energy dragons.
Few decks can deal with such powerful guardians this early.
Unless something was fundamentally changed in the last few patches she ramps up super quickly.
First turn big breasts, second turn Dragon Ball and another squeezer means you can summon your 2 energy dragons. Third turn you have two dragon balls, two regular squeezers, and you can summon 2 energy dragons for free, and a 4 energy dragon. On the forth turn you have three dragon balls, and with three regular squeezers you can summon your 6 energy dragon, or several 4 energy dragons.
Few decks can deal with such powerful guardians this early.
You are correct in my opinion.

Hungry Dragons is so ridiculously strong that the dev doesn't know what to do. Instead of nerfing dragons they added niche cards like dragonbane bow that does nothing if the enemy deck has no dragons in it.

Hungry's currently the best squeezer on a consistency and power level.
In my opinion though, Nun is probably second place.
Thanks to the almost endless dragon ball creation engine you can even counteract Maria, which is probably the second most consistent deck.