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Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth

Yeah, this'll be the OOC thread and dont give me all the praise, without Dark I'd still be procrastinating now. He PM'd me most of the work.
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth

Grats to Dark, then, too for the info. And the cattle prod.
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

Kyo's gonna have his own room... he's all for hanging out with people, but he has to have someplace he can call his own.
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

Siphon and Ian, along with Aya and Sho will be sharing rooms in their respective dorms. I'll wait on room numbers til a bit later to go over them with her, so in the meantime take the ones you want.
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth

Grats to Dark, then, too for the info. And the cattle prod.

... T-the cattle prod?
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth

Yeah, this'll be the OOC thread and dont give me all the praise, without Dark I'd still be procrastinating now. He PM'd me most of the work.

Don't get all excited there, DF. Just figured 'cattle prod' was also a good motivator against procrastination.
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

I-I wasn't excited!













*Is moist*
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

So... do we just make up our own room number, I guess? :p

And where's the room for detention? That's where Kyo will probably be spending a bit of his time, given that he can't sit still >.<
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

Yeah you just make your own, the dorms are only two floors big but they are plenty wide for a lot of rooms. And lol, the detention room will be whatever classroom the teacher decides it to be :p
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

You mean three floors right? Ground, first, and second. Despite the relaunch were still basing the general layout on Nunu's old flash map aren't we?

I do like that map. Though the characters are out of date of course.

Man, just trying to keep up is such a strain on my batteries. Though that's how it should be. I may have had the breakthrough I need to get my own internet. Hope so. I'll tell you if.
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

If it comes to rooming, Barry would prefer to be alone. He doesn't like people too much.
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

Kyle is likely going to be on his own in a room, at least at first. Not that he'd have anything against a roommate, but his...random...collection of personal belonging, including his coat, might bother some...

Clubs, he'd likely be in the book club, and if there's one for the "shop class" kind of stuff, he'd also likely be in that. He tends to likely working with tools. Probably tends to try to fix his own bathroom before calling the janitor, that is if the student rooms have their own.
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

Yeah they do. And that's actually a good idea, a woodshop club.
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

Actually, I had one class that was pretty much just a "DIY" class...

Also, would there be any objections to Kyle having a few AirSoft pieces? They would be unmodified and clearly have the bright orange safety tips.

In explanation, I had the thought of making Kyle's personal belongings collection look like that of a friend of mine's dorm room. He was a theater major, and had several for props. Kyle would have them as something to keep himself busy with when he wanted to do some kind of mechanical work.
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

That's one lenient boarding school, but if Matt can have firearms, I don't see why airsoft is out of the question.
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

Actually, it was a college, and they made him disable most of the pieces.

Still, I'm going to wait until Bartnum or Oni makes the call before including them.
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

It's a-okay with me, Wolf.
Re: Super Boarding School: Rebirth Noticeboard and OOC

Well, I've got to make an edit, then...Gotta add some of the toys to the description.