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Apr 21, 2019
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The goblins looked in alarm as their leader fell down...yes, they were fearful, but the human was tired by the fight with the boss...but Cyra didn't seem to notice, or care. She had her own decision to make after all.

Yes, she would keep the oaths she had taken in her previous life.

Kindle the Light. Through your acts of mercy, kindness, and forgiveness, kindle the light of hope in the world, beating back despair.
Shelter the Light. Where there is good, beauty, love, and laughter in the world, stand against the wickedness that would swallow it. Where life flourishes, stand against the forces that would render it barren.
Preserve Your Own Light. Delight in song and laughter, in beauty and art. If you allow the light to die in your own heart, you can’t preserve it in the world.
Be the Light. Be a glorious beacon for all who live in despair. Let the light o f your joy and courage shine forth in all your deeds.

Her path had never been, and would never be easy...in fact, there were countless temptations of other, easier paths. Still, it was a path that had its own rewards for those who followed it.
Steering away from doubt and temptation, Cyra felt renewed. She had been able to use some of her divine powers before...but it was only now, that she really felt *herself*.

The goblins wavered for a bit. Sure, weapons and armor sounded tempting....but sadly it didn't look like that was enough. However, since the new Boss decided to let them go...they had no reason to fight, either. After confirming they were free to go, they went into their tents, and brought out what little they had. Cyra would also see female goblins, surrounded by young goblins, peeking out of their tents, as they were also preparing to leave.

However, not everybody left. Three goblins, two male and one female, seemed to think about staying or leaving...but the other goblins seemed to urge them to leave.

"Think humans are good? You only end up pet or dead!"

"Do you want to end up like them? Huh?" an other goblin would point to the severed heads


"Eh. You won, alright. Don't worry, I will keep my word. You want to brag about beating me to other humans? Hah. Well, either dying here or there, is the same, isn't it."

"But, sure, Cyra Darkbane, I am Ozorg and I will answer your questions."


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Hp 18/22

"Humans. Goblins. All can be good or bad. The decision is yours.. but remember, there are consequences if you attack without reason, you might be slaughtered without reason. I cannot promise your safety.. but then again, where you truly save before?" She cautioned the three, before focusing on the hobgoblin.

"You are quite strong Ozorg, I tested that myself. I't be a shame to kill you, although I will if I must. But yes, you are going to come along so the villagers have prove of my deeds, beyond his words as witness.. and on the way back, I want you to tell me of this mistress." She nodded, shouldering her pike.. and preparing to head back with Orzog, The Hunter and the three goblins, to the human village, if nothing stopped her on the way.


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Apr 21, 2019
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"I Grunu. I want see how human lives...I leave if I not like...ok Boss?" the female goblin asked.

22698 "Me and bro wanna leave goblin tribe...others always bully me and bro...humans bully us too?" the other goblin asked meekly, with the third goblin hiding behind him.

It seemed that perhaps there was more to goblins than the humans would want to believe...

The hunter just speechlessly spectated the situation, not sure how he was even supposed to react.

"I am not sure if the others will approve of this..." he only commented.


"Fine, I will come along. No need to keep me tied. I keep my word."
she shrugged

The journey back was uneventful.

Orzog explained that she had been send by a very powerful witch who had captured her in the past, and has been working for her since then.

She had been instructed to target that village, and wait until a hero tried to stop her. She was to capture that hero and bring him or her to the witch...or die trying.

"While you are stronger than me, you are not stronger than Mistress, not even close. I failed, but I can't betray her, so don't ask me for more."


The village was around the next turn of the road.

"I should go and warn them...marching in like this will not go well." Gelope suggested.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
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Jan 21, 2016
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"Sounds like a plan!" Cyra nodded approvingly to the female.. before turning to the other two.. "I can't promise that the bullying will stop.. but if Gelope takes you under his wings in defending the village.. yes he will do that." She decided for him.
"In time, the humans will come to accept you if you prove yourself." She nodded.

"I'm sure you can convince them of the change of situation with there being no trouble on the roads anymore. You wanted helping hands, I got them." She nodded to the hunter, before turning to the female goblin. "Ever thought about being a witches apprentice?" She asked, quite cheerfully.

"I think I'll keep you tied until I trust you a little more though, sorry. It's also for your own safety, this makes you seem less dangerous to the villagers. They aren't going to fear Goblins.. you on the other hand.." Cyra noted to the hog-goblin, although she let her walk on her own accord.. but with the hunter in the lead, just in case anyone saw them and got.. panicky.

"Hmn... I feel like you aren't telling me everything, but I see. .. and I was a lot stronger, it's all like a fog, slowly fading away." She pondered.. before nodding to Gelope.

"Aye, you're propably right, go on ahead." She agreed with his warning-plan, before following, and, once she reached the village proclaiming: "Goblin-attack problem solved, plus I got you two new guards.. no complaints, you were happy with me solving the issue, so you gotta accept me solving it my way. I expect fair treatment for all.. So! Where's Sera?" She looked about. She was not done talking with the Hobgoblin first, but she recognized the woman wasn't willing to volunteer more.. yet. Not without some cajoling.


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Apr 21, 2019
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"Well, it could have gone a lot worse. Ok, I will look over those two. Even if my gut feeling warns me not to." the hunter replied.

"No, I didn't think that...only blue goblins become witch!" Grunu explained. Maybe Cyra should add a note in the book about that?

There was an old man waiting for Cyra at the entrance, along with two other villagers- one of them being the innkeeper, and Gelope along with Sera. They seemed to be talking among themselves, but they stopped when Cyra approached.

"Hold there for a moment, young lady. We didn't get a chance to meet before." the old man called to her.

"I am Valdir, the village's headsman. Nice to meet you."

"Genlope rushed me here...so what is going on? Who are those?" he pointed towards the goblins and the hobgoblin.

The Ozrog just rolled her eyes, while Grunu stepped forward.

"Hi, Valdir, I am Grunu! I visit your village!" she explained, with a bow.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Cyra chuckled at the female goblin. "You look kind of blue to me." She encouraged.

"Hello Valdir, Nice to meet you, I'm here to solve problems for Sera as a thanks and solve the troubles of Pretzels.

A visitor and Gelope's new apprentice-guardsmen. Your defenses are sorely lacking and I was told they are good with traps anyway."
She nodded to the two male goblins.

"This one is my prisoner though, I need to learn a little more.. turns out your village was targeted in particular by.. a witch." She looked over to Sera.
"So we'll have to talk more about this, can you get me your apprentices after I talked a bit with my prisoner here?"

She asked, before glancing back to the elder.
"On, in case this wasn't obvious, yout trade-route to the next city is free again, this goblin tribe will not bother you again, and if you take the help of the others, neither will future goblin tribes." It was a definite sucess, but the news of the witch cast a shadow over these things. Cyra felt a puppeteer in the backlines of this all...


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Apr 21, 2019
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"A witch? Sera...what's that talk about apprentices?" Valdir asked, turning towards Sera, his face darkening.

"Ah...not that kind of apprentices...I teach them about herbs and stuff...." Sera awkwardly tried to explain

"We shall talk about this later. Gelope, you wish to take those two goblins and have them guard our village? You know the dangers of that?"

"Uh...yes, elder...I will watch over them. I have a good feeling about them." Genlope also lied awkwardly.

"Very well then. You will be responsible for them, and their actions."

"As for you, young girl...shouldn't you give your name when you introduce yourself? No matter. You can keep her with you, but if she is to stay the night in our village, we will have to guard her. I advice not trusting monsters, like her." he pointed towards Ozorg.

"Careful, little man, I might bite your finger off."

"As for her...goblin visitor? You are aware of what your kind has been doing to us, humans?" he asked Grunu.

"If Sera hadn't guaranteed about her, I wouldn't have allowed any of your kind in Studwood."


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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"Well, I figured you'd known my name... err.. I'm Cyra and.. technically, I think I'm much, much older than you, if we go by birthdate, that is...

Well everyone!"
She declared, to make sure no one could.. linger on their animosities.
"Wise decisions! You're a wise man! Very wise! No need to thank me although if you have the gold to get myself a proper sword lying around... anyway! Let's go visit the village!" She smiled, putting a hand on Orzog's lower shoulder, another on Guru's upper and leading them inside, determinedly.. before wandering to Sera's place.... and apologizing.

"Sorry, didn't know that witching was a tricky topic, seeing as the Innkeeper used it so openly earlier. Now then..." She looked to Orzog.

"You don't want to tell us anything about your witch mistress, because you fear retaliation and think I can't keep you safe, am I right so far?" She mused, tilting her head and taking place in the book-chair.
"Yet I can't help being curious.. seeing how you almost told this as if -I- was the target, not this village. Sooo.. We're at an impasse. Can I change your mind about telling me.. nonviolently?" She asked, with a slightly dangerous subtone.


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Apr 21, 2019
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"Eh, it is ok. I really just show them herbs mostly, and some help I needed with the ritual. Only women are supposed to become witches..." Sera explained

"Witches are seen with suspicion...most of the villagers trust me, but he doesn't like me because I sell medicine cheaper than he can....also, maybe I know where you can get the big sword you wanted. But it is a long story...."

Sera will explain that around a year back, a knight passed from the village. He was looking for some ancient shrine or something like this, at the mountains to the west - deeper into the forest, behind the territory of goblins. He visited the village for a few days, and had asked her granny for information about the shrine. Her granny had told him where it was, but she also warned him not to go, because it would be dangerous.

It seems that the knight never returned. He did have a very shiny sword however, and it could possibly be magical...so maybe she could go looking for him. But she could also find a rusty nonmagical sword - if she even found the remains of the knight. Not to mention how dangerous that could be....


"No, I don't want to tell you about her, because I keep my word and I don't want to betray her. I can only tell you what I can."

"Yes, you were the target. We targeted the village because it would make you come to us - that was what Mistress predicted."


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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"Well, what I want is not just any big sword but my big sword. Pretty sure it was something flashy.

Quest to find me a shiny sword! I like it!"
She enthused, after hearing the story.. she had to check out that direction anyway.. that might be where the witch was.. although the next town also offered opportunity.. and pretzels.

"Perhaps wandering the forest I could also find some elves or a druid to get me a proper holy symbol. Still feel like that could come in handy sooner or later." She noted.
"I'll stay for another day or two, make sure the village is properly secure and everyone gets along with my.. sollution and oh.. read up on things a bit, then head out into that direction." She nodded, with a determined look.

"Your word? Didn't you say she sent you to die? How's that stack up?

Well, I guess your mistress got only half of the things right.. but I still don't know how.. why this is about finding me. I mean for starters, how could you possibly know reviving me would work at all.. can she like read the fut... ooh.. oh magic.. ooh.. yeah that might do it."
Cyra crossed her arms.

"So if she wants me to come to her, you can definitly tell me where to find her.. I'd also like to know what to expect... but I guess you'll need some.. convincing." She smirked darkly.

"Leave the two of us alone, can you?" She nodded, claiming Sera's hut for her own.
"See, I don't particularly care for words.. or rules.. if they get in the way of the greater good, like... my greater good of not being overpowered by evil sorceresses.

Soo.. I guess I'll have to motivate you to tell me more.. Pretty please?"
She tried.. but if that didn't help, she would reach out for a pillow, her light-blue eyes focusing on the hog-goblin with dangerous determination.
"Don't -make- me get nasty..." She warned, withdrawing a feather and wiggling it.


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Apr 21, 2019
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"What you would know. She told me I had to complete my mission, even if I died. That I planned to do anyway. But for some reason you claim you will let me live...I can't really beat you and give you to her, if I owe you my life, can I. At the same time I can't betray her either."

"Fine...I will tell you some more things I have picked about you. It seems there is some kind of prophesy about your coming. Mistress has been preparing to claim you as hers for years now...and if I had to guess, she isn't the only one."

"However I was ordered not to kill you. So whatever the reason, you are needed alive. As for finding my Mistress...you can let me tie you up and take you to her, if you wish to meet her. But you will meet her sooner or later anyway."

"...I have been living in the Bogs of Arsandel since I was born. I can only feel pleasure in my pussy, and a slight sence of pain from wounds. And that's all. This feather can't do anything to me."
the hobgoblin denied, rolling her eyes.


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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"Well, I might have just left you alive to squeeze information out of you." Cyra posed. "That said. She didn't really seem to care if you're alive or dead. How much loyalty does such a person really deserve?"
"I'm having a bit of an identity crisis, what with spending a third of my current life laying on a stone slab waiting for the chance to scratch my nose."

"Errr.. w.. wait hold on.. I knew there was a prophecy but I thought it was less.. err.. about me.. oh you'll make me blush."
She crossed her arms.. also bad news. She needed a better armor and a proper sword. And a holy symbol. And a plan.

"Feel like I ought to check out this prophecy soon. And focus on restoring my full powers..." She glanced over to Sera's books.

Then she narrowed her eyes at the offer to tie her. "Yeah no. I'll find her on my terms and whilest you go on about honor I am not sure just how far I should trust you. Prolly not far enough for hardcore bondage.

.. also.. now you challenge me.. we will see about this! Tell me more about your mistress abilities!.. Tickle tickle.. tickle tickle tickle!"
She made, fluffing the feathertip over the hobogoblins exposed chest and side-boob.

"Hrmnn.. tickle tickle tickle!" She determined on. Although if this didn't have any result after another few moments, she'd give up her tickle-torture.


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Apr 21, 2019
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The hobgoblin didn't laugh, remaining silent, but she did try to avoid the feather...maybe she was a bit ticklish?

Cyra did go on, but Ozorg fell back on the bed, to avoid the tickling. With all the tickling spots out of reach, Cyra could either give up....

...or jump on top of the hobgoblin, to continue the tickling attempts.

Suddenly...Cyra found two sturdy, hobgoblin hands hugging her tightly!

"Hmmm...your tying up skills suck. So...wanna have sex? You have something that makes me wanna fuck you."

"Don't worry...I won't attack."
she declared, trying to steal a kiss from Cyra right after!


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Cyra smirked, twirling her feather threateningly when she noticed the hob-goblins retreat. "Feel nothing but pain do you hrmnnn..." She grinned.

". woah?" She made, suddenly on the defensive when she noticed those hands grabbing her.. only to be silenced by a kiss -technically the first kiss her body had ever experienced too- making her blink with suprised at.. the whole situation. Her cheeks flushed.. was she even into women? Well it definitly froze her up long enough for Orzog to enjoy the kiss.. and do more if she so pleased, Cyra's lips soft and smooth, far moreso than what Orzog was likely used to, her clothing slightly torn from the whip, leaving only an ill-fitting chain shirt covering her up.... somewhat, a hint of pink shining through the linking of chains now that the goblinoid got a closer look at it, with Cyra shifting with uncertain hesitation atop of her.

"Ah .. uh... wait what? .. We're both girls though?" She tried, white hair falling down almost upon the woman beneath her.


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Apr 21, 2019
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The hobgoblin certainly enjoyed the kiss. She started by kissing Cyra's lips, but when she found no resistance, she went for more, luring the paladin into a passionate and steamy exchange of fluids.

"So, what...you only fuck for breeding? You seemed to enjoy it..." the hobgoblin noted.

"Come. You shamed me before my tribe. You should have fucked me right then and there, to establish your dominance."

"That would have been so hot."
she licked her lips "At least you can fuck me here...make me your bitch. Hmmm..." she went for an other kiss, dashing through Cyra's hair...

"Or do you want me to be on top? It feels weird, since I didn't beat you...but whatever you want." she offered, passing her hand under her chainmail, to grasp Cyra's soft chest, and rub her nipple.

"So, what is it?" Ozrog asked, demanding an answer...
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Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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"Gmnnmnn?" Cyra made, leaning back just a little.. which had her lean into those strong hands instead, cheeks flushed as she tasted the Hobgoblin's lips and tongue.. there was a certain.. roughness to her that a human lacked, she decided. She also didn't truly dislike it.

"Eh.. ah.. listen, humans don't really do.. breeding." She clarified to protect her dignity.
"Uh.. I don't really.. fuck to show dominance." She tried to explain.. naturally this was because she did not want to take advantage of defeated foes, not because she wasn't that into being in charge.. right?

"Ah uh.. I mean if you want, I can certainly try." She nodded at the encouragement. "Cultural differences, I guess and.. hmnn..." She sighed at the kiss.. the thought of making out with this strong, exotic lover was kind of tempting, she had to admit, in a primal, lustful kind of way.

"Aahmnn?" Cyra made then when the Hobgoblin barbarian reached out to caress her breast under her dress unashamedly, startling.. and her nipple hardening under the touch, soft and yielding yet pliable, as Cyra cleared her throat. "Yeah, I did win. And that doesn't mean I have to fuck-dominate you... or.. discipline you with the whip or whatever you are into, sorry.. I.. I mean. You are kinda hot, yeah so.. uh.." She shifted, subtly exposing her neck and lowering her head as her eyes wandered over Ozrog's powerful body with curious interest, her hair soft and almost silken in the Hobgoblins hands as she reached out, on top of the other woman but certainly lacking her confidence, reaching out for the goblinoids whip, before hesitating, clearly.. struggling with her choice, moreso under the lewd caress of her breast.


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Apr 21, 2019
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"It means that you can do whatever you want to me. You could have killed me. Or you could have fucked me. Don't tell me you think fucking is worse than killing?"

"If you had humiliated me in front of my tribe, I wouldn't be able to become a tribe chief, ever again. Isn't that what you would want?"
she smiles at Cyra.

Wait, her vows...it kinda made sense, right? But is also sounded like a temptation to stray from her path...but it did sound somewhat reasonable....

"Fuck...no, not the whip, we are too close for that. And I am still wearing my armor." Ozrog rolled her eyes, reaching for her pouch.

"I have a knife here. Take this and shred my armor apart first. What? Don't blame me that you didn't search me." she smiled teasingly.

"Meanwhile you should sit on my face, and force me to lick you. I will have to do my best, because you can easily stab me if I try something." she suggested, offering her knife, and shifting in a more comfortable position, taking Cyra along with her.

"Don't pretend to be meek. I have seen you fighting, warrior."

Cyra could see the well defined body of the hobgoblin...she could grab the dagger, and shred the armor apart, like a primal beast clawing its pray...she could teach Ozorg a lesson...and maybe persuade her to tell her more...?


Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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"Well, obviously not, but I can't just.. abuse my prisoners either." She nodded. .. and then shrugged. "You have little reason to go after me again. ... and perhaps I can motivate you to not use goblin tribes to hunt down humans.. oh wait would the err.. fucking do that?" She mused. Perhaps she could have tried but something like this never had crossed her mind.

If she dominated someone for a good cause.. -and they enjoyed it- would that still strain her vows? She was not entirely certain. She looked at the once warchief with hesitation in her eyes.
"I.. ah.. err.. I'm really not sure about this, I'm just not that.. rapey..." She mused, taking the knife.. well.. it wasn't that, usually the victim wouldn't give any instructions, certainly.

She gritted her teeth a little.
"I am not meek. And you are not in control of me." She declared, before stretching, pulling the armor off of herself.. it was uncomfortable and in the way. Soon, Ozrog could see Cyra's soft, white, lush breasts falling free, as she twirled the dagger.. seeming to have practiced ease with whatever weapon she held.. before holding it dangerously close to the hobgoblin, smirking down.

"And you should not underestimate me. Your life belongs to me, remember?" She declared, pulling her dress away, her well toned body shifting back ontop of the barbarian ontop the bed, as she brought the dagger down.. twisting it only in the last of moment to hook it under the hob-goblins armor, cutting away at it and freeing her breasts.. before cutting lower, panting slightly, shifting to present her sweet, slightly wettened, white pubic hair crowned pussy to the woman below her, even whilest cutting her clothing off, taking in the sight before her with a lustful grin.
"You want to become my bitch, hrmmnn?" She questioned, "Perhaps I ought to teach you whom you should pay fealty to then, me, not your witch."


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Apr 21, 2019
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the hobgoblin smiled back, not looking worried about the dagger. "But are you in control of me?"

"Hahah! Now we are going somewhere!"
she shouted excited when Cyra started tearing her clothes apart. Ozrog didn't have huge breasts, but they were well defined and her ebon nipples were already rock hard.

"I want you to make me your bitch, not to just become your bitch..."

The hobgoblin didn't hold herself back...she grabbed Cyra's butt, and after getting a good grope of them, she pulled her down on her face. First she showered the paladin's pussy with greedy kisses, as her hands reached up to play with Cyra's soft breasts. Her fingers burrowed in the soft flesh, and only her hard nipples resisted under Ozrog's passionate grip...suddenly, Cyra felt a warm, wet tongue...it was licking along the folds of her pussy...yes, it felt nice...

Meanwhile, the dagger was making short work of Ozrog's leather armor. Her chiseled body was slowly revealed...it was no wonder that she had managed to stand up against Cyra, and even almost beat her with just a whip...noumerous battle scars could be seen on her skin, along with Ozrog's tattoo...

Cyra felt a subtle urge to touch those muscles...maybe even lick them a bit...or at least touch them...

Finally, Ozrog's pussy was revealed. Black hair, in contrast with Cyra's white...a touch would reveal that the hobgoblin was already wet...

Cyra would now feel the tongue slowly starting to lick deeper into her pussy..while Ozrog's lips sucked out the wetness greedily...maybe she was a succubus, after all? It felt great...Cyra felt the need to push her pussy down, to make Ozrog's tongue go deeper...yes at the same time, she wanted to draw away, to avoid getting satisfied too soon...
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Dances with Girl-Cocks
RP Moderator
Jan 21, 2016
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Cyra chuckled at the hob-goblin clearly getting into things when she got a little forceful, curiously extending a hand to cup and explore those dark nipples, getting an exploratory feel in.
She was no expert at making anyone her bitch, but... well, seems her prisoner was into it, so.. what was the harm?

Well, if she had an answer to that, Ozrog's tongue distracted her from it as she gasped and sighed out, briefly closing her eyes.. before obliging the Hob-goblins desires, lustfully pinching both of those dark nipples. "Hamnn..." she sighed out, gripping her hands into the womans armor when she felt that tongue lapping at her.. and tearing away what the knife hadn't removed before.

She couldn't help but be fascinated by the sight before her, soft, slender hands.. not weak, but certainly not as well-trained as the barbarians caressed along that muscular body, Cyra licking her lips... she could own all this strength, this beautiful body.. she wouldn't mind someone like Ozrog having her back, she did seem reliable, after all.

Her sex and wetness rocked and bucked against the lustful tongue as she rode her captives face, moaning out lustfully, pushing her warm, wet pussy up against the hobgoblin, whilest Cyra bent forwards, to lick along that muscular lower belly, suckling on and tasting the barbarians skin and sighing lustfully, her legs spreading to give Ozrog better access to her sex, whilest Cyra moan-demanded: "Hamnn.. lick me more.. yees... do it!" She panted out, drawing her tongue down along the hobgoblins belly, over her dark hair before finally inhaling the scent of that dark, inhuman sex, her hand reaching out to cup her, squeezing and massage-rubbing Ozrog's outer folds encouragingly when she felt that tongue lick her just right and nice enough, her warm wetness giving Orzog a sweet taste of the human warrior.

Cyra both bend back towards that lustful tongue and pushed her chest into those squeezing hands, her hands half steadying herself ontop of the barbarian woman, half playing with and exploring her feral lover. Yes, it was a bit of a daunting task to tame such a mighty beast.. but she was up for it.. she had won and was now on top after all, wasn't she?