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ACT [スフィーミキャッツ / SFEMY KATS] August Arm (RE196362, RJ196362)

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Re: August Arm (ACT game)

The final bosses H-scene contains guro as well. And if you knock out the boss during the mini game it's suppose to appear in the CG gallery, if not then your game is possibly bugged.

Ending was cute, in a weird way and they make nods at a possible sequel.

Yeah I saw what you mean, it was pretty obvious in hindsight when you see her.

Also I meant the extra boss KO animation, so as cloudk mentioned, have the extending whip arm (or maybe even deal the last blow with) on the first boss, blowtorch on second etc. My bet for last boss extra is beam sword, but I'm kinda scared of what might happen if that's it.
Re: August Arm (ACT game)

Yeah I saw what you mean, it was pretty obvious in hindsight when you see her.

Also I meant the extra boss KO animation, so as cloudk mentioned, have the extending whip arm (or maybe even deal the last blow with) on the first boss, blowtorch on second etc. My bet for last boss extra is beam sword, but I'm kinda scared of what might happen if that's it.
Last boss isn't the beam sword. Not sure what weapon it is, might be one of the cannons from the tanks. I looked at the content that it displays, looks like a group of guys cumming on her or something.
Re: August Arm (ACT game)

Last boss isn't the beam sword. Not sure what weapon it is, might be one of the cannons from the tanks. I looked at the content that it displays, looks like a group of guys cumming on her or something.

I see, any word on whether or not they appear in the CG gallery ?
Re: August Arm (ACT game)

Yeah I saw what you mean, it was pretty obvious in hindsight when you see her.

Also I meant the extra boss KO animation, so as cloudk mentioned, have the extending whip arm (or maybe even deal the last blow with) on the first boss, blowtorch on second etc. My bet for last boss extra is beam sword, but I'm kinda scared of what might happen if that's it.

Wow, didn't even know those existed. *sigh* Now I have to play the game again...that and I'm missing 2 arms.
Re: August Arm (ACT game)

Oh? Saw this one but overlooked it.
Comparing a game to MMZ is very big talk, you know? I'll have to check this later, guess you can't judge a book by it's cover
Re: August Arm (ACT game)

So I confirm, the extra KO animations seem to not be in the CG gallery, unless they are hidden. I got stage 1 and 2's, stage 3s 's gonna SUCK if the weapon needed is really the little satellite's weapon, because unless you have a decent weapon equipped on the other arm, this one is worthless.

I wonder if the animations can be extracted ?
Re: August Arm (ACT game)

Oh hey, thanks ! Interestingly enough, there doesn't seem to be any indication for what triggers the special animation for the last boss. Oh well, looking at what is seen here, doesn't seem that worth it. Thanks.
Re: August Arm (ACT game)

I hope we see more of this guy
I would really appreciate a PM for the full game as well. It is very hard to find.
I'm going to poke my head in here and say that this developer is a mad genius and I'm honestly shocked that his games don't have higher sales figures (especially the most recent ghost one). If you like his games and have the means, consider buying if only because he might make more.

Now I'm going to go work on my own game, in the hopes that someday I'll be half as good as this guy.
Do not ask for a game for ANY reason. This includes asking for download links to the games or asking where to find a game (especially if it is already purchasable). Failure to follow this rule will result in an immediate 1 week ban.
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