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ADV [ StudioS ] Sexual Oral Assault Kyousei Inkou 脅制淫口 RE040424 RJ040424

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Re: Kyousei Inkou

Ok after you got to the site.
There will be 2 options at the bottom.
Click the smaller one aka the 1st one.
Then there will be 3 options
Small, Mid, and Large.
Click one of them since it doesn't matter and the game will start.
Simple yet effective.

That's the problem. The first link wont open. It says that explorer can't open the page.
Re: Kyousei Inkou

would your firewall block it, and did you download it correctly?
Re: Kyousei Inkou

@Caramoor, ok try this. In the folder you'll see 2 more folders and a picture. Open the first folder with ONLY the html and data folder and put those 2 folders inside your 2nd folder. Then you SHOULD not get an error when you click the 1st option.
Re: Kyousei Inkou

Ok. The game seems to be loaded, but the screen comes up white. It seems like I'm hitting every obsticle in the way XD
Edit: I have already allowed scripts each time i try to load the page. Could it be that since i don't have it set to auto accept scripts that it's buggering the loading process?
Re: Kyousei Inkou

Honestly, skip the html file and just open the .swf directly.
Take your media player classic and set it as your default .swf player and open it with that. You'll avoid all of these issue and not have to worry about connecting to anything or firewalls etc since it won't be trying to connect to anything.
Re: Kyousei Inkou

Honestly, skip the html file and just open the .swf directly.
Take your media player classic and set it as your default .swf player and open it with that. You'll avoid all of these issue and not have to worry about connecting to anything or firewalls etc since it won't be trying to connect to anything.

How do you get to the .swf? And will that work with windows media?
Re: Kyousei Inkou

.swf files are flash, an internet browser will work if you don't have an actual player ;)
Re: Kyousei Inkou

Well it does open in IE, but the little window that the game is supposed to appear in remains blank. It's a right pain in the ass :(
Re: Kyousei Inkou

Anybody have the actual swf? Tired of dealing with this bullshit. Lagging like fuck and not working at all, no matter what I do.

And yes, I read the thread.
Re: Kyousei Inkou

If you've downloaded it, then it should be running directly from your computer regardless of the program used to open it. I suppose a flash player running the original swf might run a little faster, I don't really know that much about these kinds of things. I do know that windows is notorious for giving flash files very low priority and if you have much else running in the background it will be the flash that gets the short end of the processor.
Re: Kyousei Inkou

Can you (FOR FUCK'S SAKE) not necro threads that are over TWO YEARS old?

And you know what? I just found multiple links for this. It took under a minute, I'm apalled at the laziness you have displayed you putrid gob of smegma, and as such you can go fuck yourself.
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Re: Kyousei Inkou

Can you (FOR FUCK'S SAKE) not necro threads that are over TWO YEARS old?

And you know what? I just found multiple links for this. It took under a minute, I'm apalled at the laziness you have displayed you putrid gob of smema, and as such you can go fuck yourself.

Hmm, not sure what link to choose.
Re: Kyousei Inkou

General rule for fora and the internets: If a topic hasn't been posted in for two years, google relevant keywords rather than bumping.
Re: Kyousei Inkou

Perhaps he has problems with the hosting site that pops up? regardless, If its really that annoying just ignore him and the sooner the thread will float back down.

BTW, link

Editing in hopes people will read without bumping, Amusing as it is to necro a thread for discussion about necroing try to stay on topic.
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Re: Kyousei Inkou

Never understood all the crap behind the issue of "necroing" and all the people who are so damn uptight about it as if necroing somehow affects them adversely. Its like one of those stupid rules that makes no sense but people follow just because its the rule. At least necroing does serve some purpose vs complaining about necroing. Granted, 2 years is a long ass time. The only post worth anything in response to him is fatmancory's. Thanks for being the only few sensible non-angry people on the internet.
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Re: Kyousei Inkou

seriously...with this damn necro i discovered another funny game...seriously HOW COULD U NECRO THIS? HOW COULD U??????????
...don't flame the necro, just give him the link and tell him to stop necroing...
Re: Kyousei Inkou

Seriously, you want to talk about how people who don't like necros are complaining about nothing, then take your own advice, because surely complaining about people who complain about necros has even less substance.

The reason you can't see any problem with necroing is because it's uncommon because only inconsiderate people do it... if everybody necroed old posts with meaningless updates that merely illustrated how lazy they were, then there'd be little point to having a front page, because relevant and popular topics with new information would be scattered to heck and gone.

It's like complaining about the tyrrany of jaywalking laws without taking a moment to think what would happen to traffic if everyone crossed busy streets whenever and whereever they pleased. Only someone with a serious lack of imagination to go along with his big mouth would even bother complaining about such laws.

TL: DR version: Necro is considered impolite for a reason. You're not intelligent enough to understand that reason, else you would have taken a moment to consider what might happen should you get your wish.
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Re: Kyousei Inkou

Seriously, you want to talk about how people who don't like necros are complaining about nothing, then take your own advice, because surely complaining about people who complain about necros has even less substance.

The reason you can't see any problem with necroing is because it's uncommon because only inconsiderate people do it... if everybody necroed old posts with meaningless updates that merely illustrated how lazy they were, then there'd be little point to having a front page, because relevant and popular topics with new information would be scattered to heck and gone.

It's like complaining about the tyrrany of jaywalking laws without taking a moment to think what would happen to traffic if everyone crossed busy streets whenever and whereever they pleased. Only someone with a serious lack of imagination to go along with his big mouth would even bother complaining about such laws.

TL: DR version: Necro is considered impolite for a reason. You're not intelligent enough to understand that reason, else you would have taken a moment to consider what might happen should you get your wish.

Hahaha, wow. Down boy.
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