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Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

The two younger woman threw themselves ontop of the hrose blocking any clean shot Michael would make wailing. "Sir.... my family has lost enough already I don't need ya to kill my girls favorite pet. Besides... he might be able to make it if I could get the bullet out and seal the wound." The woman who spoke was older though not so much she was unattractive. If Michael had to guess she was in her late 30's the younger girls seemed to be just in the blossming of their woman hood.
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

Michael sighs, holstering his revolver and crossing his arms. "I can't leave you ladies out here alone in good conscience. If you think you can save your horse, then I'll stand guard and make sure nothing else happens." the man says, turning and keeping an eye on the road while he let the women do what needed to be done.
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

Given Michael's words of protection the older woman wasted little time. "Julia get a small fire started. April grab the old fireplace tongs." The girls quickly jumped to action at their mothers commands and soon enough a small fire was started and the tongs fetched. "Julia get the old soup pot and boil some water. I saw a creek just a small ways off the road back their." The older woman turned to Michael and looked at him a moment as if pondering something. "Sir... would you mind escourting my daughter to the creek and back? I fear for her safety." The woman was fairly tall and carried herself in a authortive manner. She had black hair done in a loose bun and steely grey eyes. If Michael agreed he would soon find himself accompaning the blonde sister who had sky blue eyes and a well perportioned figure. Her breasts where breaking a large B and her waist and hips drew the attention of men. She wore her hair in a loose ponytail. Occasinally as they walked she would eye Michael when she thought he wasn't looking. Though from his experainces it wasn't a gawking stare more of a curious look.
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

Michael agrees to follow the daughter, his right hand resting on the handle of his revolver the entire time in the event of more bandits. When he notices the woman sneaking curious glances at him, his mandibles click. "Does my form intrigue you, girl?" he asks, not even turning his head as he continues walking. "I may not look like the rest of you, but I'm still a Badarian at heart." he says, his wings buzzing for a split second before settling back down behind him.
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

The girl blushed madly as Michael noticed. "Its just.. I've never seen a bug person before." They walked along for about 10 minutes when the small babbling of a stream caught their attention. Heading down the found a small clear creek running fast. Heading down the small embankment Michael saw that this creek usedt to be a failry large river. "Ah here we go!" The young woman ran to the water at a small pool and set her bucket in. "So... whats it like being a bug person?"
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

Michael clicks his mandibles as he looks around. "It has good and bad sides. For starters, I no longer look anything like my countryman. Most Badarian survivors will likely want to kill me on sight." the man says, crossing his arms and looking around, his antennae swaying and bobbing with every motion of his head. "Though, the ability to fly sort of makes up for that. Being able to scare off superstitious bandits is also a plus." he says, chuckling as he looks down at the creek, waiting for the woman to finish gathering the water.
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

The girl looked up at Michael bringing her bucket up out of the stream. "Well to be honest most Baridians kill strangers on sight now adays. The glorous empire is in shambles. So much infighting and bandits. Its why we are leaving our farm. A neighboring Lord damned the river and our farm failed due to the ensuing drought." The girl strightened her dress out and looked to Michael. "Aliens to the south Orc's to the norht and bandits everwhere else. We are heading to Lockbrie or some such, There Crolian and Bardian forces are holding back the orc menace and who knows maybe we can slip into Crolia and find a settlement that would take us." Clearing the nealry dried up creek Michael and the girl headed back to the wagon.
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

Michael sighs as he follows the woman back to the cart. "Badaria sure has fallen on hard times, hasn't it? It makes me wish I hadn't fled Artmirst when the demons invaded." he says, his right hand coming to rest lightly on the handle of his revolver. "Then again, I'd likely be dead if I hadn't fled to the desert. Still, it seems dishonorable for a Gunslinger to abdicate his people in their time of need." the wasp-man says, hinting at just why he was skilled with his firearms.
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

"Its called Acheron now and its full of demons and other nasty folk." The girl paused a moment as they walked. "I for one am glad you came back now. No doubt my sister and I would be on our way to the whore houses their as slaves." Hefting her bucket once more the girl continued on her way. It didn't take long for them to reach the wagon once more where they found the mother had started a small fire. "Good good get the bucket over where and empty into the pan we need to clean these tools if we are to save our horse."
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

Michael simply shakes his head, not knowing what to do in the situation, crossing his arms and keeping watch, though he stayed somewhat aware of what was happening in case the women needed help.
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

"Its a good thing I used to be a healer at the old fort." Kneeling down the older woman took the tongs and placed themin the now boiling water. "This is gonna hurt loves hold her down." Taking the steaming tongs out the mother quickly dove in and yanked the bullet out of the horse causing the beast to buck and whinny. "HOLD HER STILL HOLD HER STILL!" Despite the two girls it seemed the beast would break free endangering the woman and Michael.
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

Michael hears the commotion, turning about and moving to use his own strength to help hold the horse down, praying with all his might that all he had just done wasn't for nothing.
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

Michale hold the horse still withe help 60 vs 64 fail
Throwing his strength in with the girls Michael at first thought they would win out, but then the mother pulled the offending bullet free causing the horse to Jerk once more. Thankfully no one got kicked as the horse now on its feet bounced around agitated with the two girls trying to calm it down. Moving over the mother reached out a hand to help Michael up. "Thank you sir. Its good to know some people of Bardia are still honest and good." The woman sounded earest in her thanks and now that all was farily much well Michael could leave if he chose.
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

Michael dusts himself off once he's back to standing, straightening his duster and nodding his head. "With any luck, there are more like me. Both of you ladies, take care, and never lose hope." With that, he stepped back and began to buzz his wings, lifting off the ground. "Long live Badaria." he says, before turning and flying off, resuming his flight towards Artmirst, now known as Acheron.
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

The woman waved him off leaving Michael to his own thoughts about what they had shared with him. No doubt his trip to Acheron would take a few days leaving him to ponder what he might find ahead. His homeland was in chaos. Local lords fighting each other and orcish invaders to boot. Still not all them had to be bad right. Though what may be more troubling is the fact that none of the local lords where able to purge Acheron of its demons. As he pondered these thoughts and what ever else may have crossed his mind the day quicky turned to afternoon and a familar burning in his back let him know it was time to rest. Landing in a long overgrown field Michael looked about. A long winding road lead off in the dirction of the city while an old burned out homestead sat nearby. Other things of note where a signing a voice comming down the road. Unfortantly the owner of the voice would remain a mystery for now as it seemed distant and echoed from around a bend in the road shrouded by trees.
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

Michael sets himself down in the field, his wings tucking in against his back as he looks around, noticing the singing voice, his antennae twitching at the sound. Hearing how far off it was, he decides to investigate the burned out homestead, hoping to find something of value, granted, he does so with one of his pistols in his right hand, after the encounter with the ghost woman.
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

Checking the burned farm house Michael finds nothing but ashes. Of course he wasn't sure what he would expect though from the looks of it this event happened some time ago. Thankfully no ghostly woman came forth to assult Michael. The singing however did get a little closer and if anything the burned out ruins would provide decent cover.
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

Michael takes cover behind one of the burned-out walls, his eyes peeking out just over the edge of the wall, though that also meant both of his antennae were sticking up and visible, as he waited to see the source of the singing voice, his curiosity getting the better of him.
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

Peaking out from the cover Michael's gaze wandered to the road where a woman made an apperrace. She was still far off for a good look but from what Michael could make out she was riding in a wagon drawn buy a very very large and mean looking dog creature.
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

Michael tilts his head slightly, eyeing the giant dog and holstering his revolver, before moving around the wall slowly, hoping to find cover amidst the tall grass, just in case the creature wasn't all too friendly.