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Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger


Tentacle God
RP Moderator
Dec 30, 2010
Reputation score
Michael had flown threw-out the day only stopping briefly to slack his thirst. He was making great time and by the looks of the terrain about him he would be in the southern plains of Badaria before nightfall. Sadly besides the slowly increasing variety of scrub grass there was nothing of to much interest in his journey so far. Taking to the air once more with his beetle like wings Michael was on his way once more. The fairly boring landscaped changed about an hour into his flight as a nearly overgrown and buried road emerged. No doubt this would lead to a town or a ruin of a town.
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

Michael lands gently on the ground, looking around for something, anything, that might indicate just where he was. His sense of direction wasn't as good as it had been, and his head was still light from the swift journey over the dunes. He decides to follow the road, lifting off the ground with a buzz of his wings and flying along the road, his hands reflexively hanging near his revolvers, a bad habit he had developed long ago.
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

Michael continued on his way for awhile following the overgrown road. It seemed to stretch on for a long while but at lest it was a sign of civilization. Droning a head Michael nearly missed the call of help off to his right. Turning his head revealed nothing but with the varied terrain that didn't mean much. He could stop to investigate or keep going.
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

Michael's right hand twitches as he turns to face the direction of the screaming, hovering over the road as he debates his options. He decided it was high time he did something useful, so he began to fly off the road, both of his hands resting on the handles of his revolvers as he panned his view back and forth, looking for the source of the call for help.
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

Thankfully he didn't have to go far. No sooner had he topped the second of the two small hills that lined the road he spotted the trouble. Two Su-ku-Ta woman where running for their lives as three fleshy pods with numerous tentacles chased them.
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

Michael growls, yanking both of his revolvers from their holster and zipping towards the women, taking aim with both of his revolvers as he buzzes towards the beasts, firing off two shots at one of them before slowing and hovering in place, hoping to have gotten their attention after the sudden potshots, his revolvers still aimed at the beasts as he hovers.

Firing both my revolvers at one of the monsters, each with a +8 to the attack roll and a +2 total modifier on the damage. Also flying as close as I can get without being within melee range beforehand.
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

Michael attacks! 60 and 43 vs 40 HIT! 43 damage after armor. Grabber 1 dead
Girl 1 runs
Girl 2 runs
Grabber 2 chases
Grabber 3 chases

Michael HP: 46, PP: 36, EP: 34, Status: Fine

Not hesitating one moment Michael let his revolvers rip twin shots of spiraling death. Each round was right on target even though his aim had been thrown off by a little to much powder in one round. Greyish fleshy orbs paid little heed as the biggest of their number stumbled from the shots its fleshy body rent from the passing bullets.
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

Michael growls, flying ahead and attempting to overtake the monsters, hoping that setting down in their path might get their attention as he aims both of his revolvers at another beast, cocking back the hammers and extending his wings to either side with a loud buzzing noise, hoping it would intimidate the monsters.

Fly between the monsters and the running girls and stand in the way of said monsters.
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

Michael HP: 38/46, PP: 36, EP: 34, Status: Fine

Michale fires twice! 61 and 60 vs 35 both HIT! 27 Damage!
Girl 1 runs
Girl 2 runs
Grabber 2 attacks Michael 31 vs 29 HIT! 8 damage after armor (5 damage to armor)
Grabber 3 chases

Sprays of sand scattered to the wind as Michael flew between the girls and the alien spawn chasing them. Once more his revolvers spewed forth fiery death hitting his target dead on. Only this time it didn't drop instead the injured creature simply swung one of its tendrils slaming into Michael causing him to drift back a few feet. Thankfully his armor absorbed a good portion of the hit. Meanwhile the other grabber closed the gap between it and one of the running girls its tendrils flailing in the wind.
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

Michael drifts back a few feet, before planting his feet on the ground and turning, crossing his arms and aiming his right-hand revolver at the beast closing on the women, his left hand still aimed at the injured creature that had hit him. With a short breath and a squeeze of both the triggers his revolvers fire, though his stance has left him quite vulnerable to attack from the injured creature should it survive.

Crazy gunslinger stuff, one attack for each creature, and Michael is now on his feet on the ground.
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

Michael HP: 30/46, PP: 36, EP: 34, Status: Fine Resistance 10/17

Michael fires twice! 2 rounds left each gun! 52 and 46 vs 35 HIT! 16 and 12
Girl 1 runs
Girl 2 runs
Grabber 2 dies
Grabber 3 turns and attacks Michale! 41 vs 29 HIT! 8 damage after armor (armor takes 5 damage)
Michael takes 7 resistance damage ( 1 from last attack I forgot to write down)

Planting himself firmly Michale let loose with two more twined shots. The first plowed into the enemy chasing the girl getting its attention while the second blasted away most of the fleshy pot that made up the creatures body. Spinning to face the remaining attacker Michale was hit with more slimy tendrils that thankfully seemed to lose most of its energy on his armor. Though what little goo did hit him made his cock start to stiffen.
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

Michael stumbles back when the goo makes contact with his skin, his bug-eyes squinting as he takes aim once more, trying to ignore the small soldier in his pants trying to snap to attention. With a buzz of his wings, he fires his revolvers once more, hoping to end this quickly before his own lust overtook him.
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

Focusing his effort Michael fired two more shots each one hitting home and downing the the foul beast. Looking about hes saw the last of the two girls dip behind the hill not even looking back to see the fate of their savior. The creatures themselves started to dissolve after a moment with the biggest of the creatures leaving behind a nasty greyish heart.
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

Michael inhales a deep breath before exhaling, holstering both of his revolvers and walking over towards the grey heart left on the ground, squatting down and examining it. "Now, what the hell are you?" he says aloud to himself, reaching his left hand out to pick it up and examine it, his curiosity piqued.
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

Picking up the organ Michael felt the thing pulse the dark energies of the the heart still causing it to beat. What he did with it was his own choice but he could tell the sun was hot and the two woman he tried to rescue likely long gone.
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

Michael stares down at the beating heart, wondering just how much like it his own heart must be by now, before crushing it in his hand and dropping what remained of it, lifting off into the sky with a buzz and continuing his flight towards Acheron with a scowl on his face, the fight having left him in a bad mood.
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

Crushing the organ Michael took to the air heading once more for the Demon City of Vice. It was doubtful that he would make it in one day but he at lest had the comfort that most of lands he had passed had slowly become greener and greener. Still flying was draining and sooner or Later Michael would have to rest. He had plenty of choices as he could see plenty of abandoned farm steads.
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

Michael sighs as he sets down outside of an abandoned farm house, his wings slowly buzzing to a stop as he forces the door open, panning his view to make sure the building was actually empty. Seemingly satisfied it was, he began searching for a bed or chair left behind by the previous owners, tired from his flight.
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

Forcing the door open Michael found a simple if rather large home. The part of the room he had entered was floored with stone and mortar; however this seemed to only cover a cooking and eating area. Most of the furniture seemed in place if a little knocked over and dusty. A central fireplaces seemed to serve as both cooking location and heating as it was open to air on both sides. The rest of the room was wood floored with long torn and ruined hides acting as a carpets. This part of the room had its furniture as well though given the general disarray something had obviously happened. Still what ever it was had happened some time ago if the dust was any indication. Exploring a little further Michael found a stair case leading up to the second story. Having not found a bed on the ground floor his only recourse was to head up and investigate the upstairs though the moment his foot touched the first step he felt a sense of foreboding.
Re: Stomping Grounds (Caulder) GMed by Ranger

Michael's mandibles click as he explores the house, his curiosity getting the better of him before he realized whatever happened here had happened a long time ago. When he set his foot on the first step however, his wings flaring out and buzzing as he reaches down and draws both of his revolvers, remembering what happened the last time he had such a feeling. With caution, he slowly creeps up the stairs, his revolvers held up at ready positions near his head, his antennae bobbing slightly with each step up the stairs, his view slowly panning around as his view passes the top step, careful not to be caught off-guard.