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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Did not pay attention to it really, but... it does look like it's everywhere." the mage sister confirmed that Adelle was not imagining things, her sight too having the crow on a roof, no matter the direction. The animal turned more focused as it noticed it was being looked at more than just in passing, now looking down on the two from it's rooftop perches which shifted as quickly as the girls' gazes. When they paid more attention, a faint sound of wind could be heard from their surroundings, despite the surrounding fences.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"It's like it's teleporting across the rooftops almost. And where's that wind coming from? You feel that?" Adelle said, then asked about the breeze they felt.

Adelle had an eerie feeling run down her spine as she stared at the crow and felt the wind blow through. "Let's check the other buildings real quick," Adelle said after a few moments, moving over to check each of the other buildings in the same manner as the central one.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Despite the ominous crow staring them down, the girls got a move on."There is a breeze here, that's for sure." Rachaela replied as they went around the premises, each side building remaining as quiet as the larger main house upon knocking. It was creepy levels of quiet around the compound, and the crow was not making things any easier with it's constant observation and shifting around.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Finding nothing else about the little compound, Adelle looked over at Rachaela with a worried expression on her face. "Well, I guess she's not here then... maybe. You want to break inside and have a look around then?" Adelle said to Rachaela curiously, pulling her kukri out and preparing to try and pop the lock on the door to the central building, though if Rachaela told her no then she would head to the relief center Samson mentioned before and ask around there.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Maybe we should take a look inside. I don't think this silence is natural, I feel like something is going on here, and it isn't good." Rachaela agreed to the suggestion of breaking in for a bit as they had no idea of what might be happening inside the building. As she poked her blade into the tiny gap of the door, a sudden great gust blew at Adelle, physically moving her to the side a little. Once she could make sense of things again, she saw her blade was now on the roof, held by the claws of the crow, which was no looking downright scary and focused on them with gleaming red eyes.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Aye, it does seem very unnatural. I got a question though. Do you think Lucrezia could take on Margaret?" Adelle said as she pulled her kukri out to force the door open.

When her kukri was blown out of her hands though and she was blown aside by the powerful gust of wind, Adelle gasped and looked around. "W-What the hell? What happened?" Adelle asked as she righted herself and found where her blade was now at. "Hey... give me that back you little thief," she then said to the crow before moving around to climb up and retrieve her weapon.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I think it would be real close, but it would require Margaret not having her guns. If she has a clear field of view, she will stop any spellcasters dead on their tracks before they can recite the spells. It would take quick and dirty minor spells without incantation times." Rachaela stated what she thought about the possible hostile encounter between Lucrezia and Margaret.

With Adelle opting to climb her way up, Rachaela kept watch on the ground, her gaze firmly fixed on the crow to keep it from moving around. The edge of the roof was low enough for the busty girl to reach if she hopped up and grabbed the edge with her hands before pulling herself up. It took a bit of effort as she had her gear and assets to lift up, but she could certainly manage and get herself onto the shallowly angled roof. The crow had taken a few hops back, still keeping the blade in it's talons though and not looking particularly distressed about the fact that it was being chased to the roof.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I see, well let's hope that we can take Margaret down soon. Because she's causing trouble for everyone," Adelle replied before her kukri was taken.

Hopping up, Adelle grabbed the side of the roof and pulled herself up after a bit of work as she went to get her blade. After getting up, Adelle moved over to the crow carefully and reached for the kukri. "Hey, come on now little guy. Give me that back. It's mine, not yours," Adelle told the crow as she reached for her kukri.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The crow actually looked like it was listening, letting go of the blade and taking a couple more hops backwards on the roof. As Adelle bent over to retrieve it, she suddenly got stomped on as a tall, awkward-looking wood heel of a sandal landed onto her hand and pushed it down onto the handle of the kukri. The crow had vanished in a small poof of blackish mist, now replaced by a winged humanoid dressed in long, loose robes that looked fairly similar to a Japanese open-shoulder kimono. It was a black garment with patterns of white clouds on it, as far as she could make out. The offender had elegant, clearly Asian features, a shoulder-length bobcut that looked like it was trimmer with a ruler on the forehead and purple eyes. The ensemble was completed with a tiny pyramid-shaped hat that had a pair of trailing cords on it, the cords decorated with white puffballs at regular interwalls and in her hand was a fan that looked like it was made from stiffened leaves. She was moderately endowed, but her feet were clearly a point of pride as she had no socks or pants, preferring to go with her legs exposed from the slits of her kimono. The being giggled as she pushed down on the busty girl's hand a little more, grinding the heel on her some. "That's a good position for a human... bowed down and at my feet."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Thank you. Now to find out where Lucrezia's at," Adelle said as she stooped down to get her weapon back.

Before she could grab and sheath her kukri however, Adelle suddenly felt something on her hand and looked back to find a large wooden clog sandal pressing down on it. It was a little painful because of the weight, but not something she couldn't handle of course. When she looked up and saw the girl standing on her hand, she was at a loss for words actually as she saw the wings on her. It didn't frighten her or anything, but it was an odd thing to see on a person.

"O-Ow, that hurts. And... who are you?" Adelle said to the woman now standing on her hand, grinding the heel of the clog sandal into her and causing the pain to increase enough that she very much wanted it off of her now.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The winged lady didn't appear to be too keen on letting up as her grind did not falter. "And what might a human do with the information that is my name, hmm? I don't think it's anything relevant to the situation we have here." she came back with a question of her own as she appeared to be shifting attention between the busty girl and Rachaela on the ground level, who was probably preparing to cast if she saw signs of hostility.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Well, it gives me something to call you other than just, hey you, or lady. But come on, get off my hand, that's starting to hurt. I'm not trying to be hostile here and start a fight or anything," Adelle answered the winged woman's question, gritting her teeth a bit as her hand was smashed against the roof. "What are you then?" Adelle then asked, ready to grab her pistol if need be to free herself, but trying to not do so.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Is that so?" the winged lady asked about the whole statement, a look of slight amusement on her features. "Even if it is inferior humans, I do take the attempt of breaking in as a sign of hostility. This is my place."

While the being had been relatively calm in it's behavior so far, the questioning of what she actually was appeared to cause some irritation. With a flap of those black-feathered wings, she kept up her balance as she raised her other foot too, the tall sandal heel landing square on the back of Adelle's head and pushing her face against the roof as well. "I should not be expecting it, but it's still the height of human ignorance to not know a tengu when they see one in all of her brilliance." she replied, all of her weight now on the blue-haired girl's head and hand. It was a little bit odd as this tengu could probably have gone more hostile and harmful on them already if she wanted to, but was apparently content on humiliating the available target at the moment.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Well, there's a woman named Lucrezia that lives here too apparently. We're looking for her, because she's been missing from the Hunters for a while apparently and Samson wanted us to see if she was okay. I didn't know she lived here with others, so I apologize for trying to break in, but I'm just trying to do the job I was asked," Adelle replied to the woman, who explained that she was a tengu.

When she pushed Adelle's face down against the roof too, Adelle sputtered and yelped a bit as her forehead smacked against it. "O-OW! If you didn't want us trying to break in, then you could have said something to us when you heard us calling out for Lucrezia. Now I don't know what a tengu is honestly, but I don't really care because we're not here for you. Now please get off of me, this hurts dammit. If you know where Lucrezia's at, then you could tell us and then we'll leave," Adelle shouted out, pain obvious in her voice. If the tengu woman didn't let up, then Adelle would reach up with her free hand and pinch the girl's leg on her head as hard as she could, twisting as she did, and if that worked to free her, then Adelle would jump up and grab her in a bear hug to keep her arms pinned at her sides as she squeezed to get a little payback.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Is that what her name is? No, she does not live here anymore, it's my place now. The others had something to do with her, so they they made her go along with them. Not that it matters to me." the tengu let out some fairly interesting information. "Not sure if I should have said that..." she thought out aloud, assuming a pondering position for a bit. "Ah, what does it matter? I got this house to lounge in, and that is all that matters. As if I care where those brutes went."

"Why would I do that? You are a good human for stepping on, so I think I'll keep you there for a bit." she eventually replied to the question about her remaining standing on Adelle. Since she was not apparently willing to let her go, the busty girl had to make the first move herself, which did catch the tengu lady off guard. It was fairly easy to pinch her, considering her legs were as exposed as they were. The "attack" repelled the winged humanoid off from Adelle, who could get up and grab her target with relative ease. The tengu was not taking it sitting down though, and used the advantage she had over the blue-haired huntress, stretching her wings out and quickly raising both of them about two dozen feet above the rooftops and rising. "Let's see what you do now."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Yeah that's her name. Come on, tell me who took her, please. I'm asking nicely after all," Adelle said before reaching up and pinching the tengu girl's leg.

Reaching up, she pinched the girl's leg and then jumped up when she lifted her leg off to get Adelle's hand off of her. Grabbing her target was pretty easy, though the tengu girl flapped her wings and began to fly up with Adelle still holding tightly onto her. "Okay then, this is what I'll do," Adelle replied when they were up in the air and her foe said what she did.

Adelle reached down and undid the girl's robes, yanking them open as she did. If the tengu girl tried to use her hands to stop Adelle, then the busty blue haired huntress would lean up and kiss her on the lips to completely throw her for a loop as she did something totally unexpected. Adelle was hoping that she could embarrass this tengu girl enough to take her back down safely, and maybe even get her to talk.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Somehow, the thought of her getting disrobed by the clinging Adelle appeared to mostly amuse the tengu, the being easily noticing the attempt. "We'll just see about that." she said as the busty girl attempted to struggle her way into the stripping action somehow. It was certainly a dangerous enough proposition to attempt as the tengu was not having any part in keeping Adelle up in the air, just keeping herself airborne. Simply moving her hands was risky as she had to loosen her grip on the floating lady. She could try to go forward with it, but the risk of falling was very real and the two were up at 50 feet by then. It was not a complete long shot to assume that the tengu might help her if the fall happened, but it was a choice that Adelle was being forced to make at the moment.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle growled softly as she found the tengu girl wasn't actually holding her up with her own arms, which was keeping her from doing her stripping attempt as easily. Adelle pulled her legs up and wrapped them around the tengu girl before she began trying it again, keeping her legs wrapped enough around the girl' waist to ensure she didn't fall. "I'm not letting go. I'm already committed to holding on at this point," Adelle said.

If she simply couldn't manage to strip the tengu girl, Adelle would simply look at her for a few moments and sigh. "Look, why won't you help me out? I gotta find Lucrezia. So come on, please tell me what you know. Maybe I can make it worth your while somehow. Is there anything you want, or would like to have maybe?" Adelle would say to the tengu girl if her stripping failed to work or coax her back down.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The initial amusement on the tengu turned into a look of disappointment once Adelle hoisted her feet upwards in an effort to cling with her legs as well. "Aww, I was expecting more." she remarked, letting the busty girl fiddle with her sash for a little. Before it got anywhere, a sudden smirk formed on the flying girl's face as she started to fade. "Are you ready? Going down." she stated what was about to happen before her body turned back into that of the familiar crow, which Adelle could not hold onto and was left to a free fall.

But even as she started to fall, Adelle would soon find out that the tengu was playing with her as she saw her chase after her. Midway along the fall, the crow caught up with her, shifting back to the tengu form as she grabbed the busty girl and pulled back with her body the send them both into a crazy flipping fall. Just before the land caught up to them, a gust of wind slowed their descent, making the fall survivable but still a fairly painful experience as Adelle hit the ground back and shoulders first. The tengu had set the landing up to her own desires, avoiding the tiles that made paths across Lucrezia's yard and aiming for a softer spot of sandy dirt instead. The position had been clearly planned too, with Adelle on her back and shoulders, legs up in the air and spread out by the tengu's hands. The tengu herself was standing over her, feet on top of the busty girl's arms so she couldn't really move them without some struggle. The whole thing looked like a fairly lewd scissoring position, which was probably all planned by the tengu. "Gotcha."

(Basically position, except more upright and spread out, plus tengufeet on Adelle's arms.)
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Expecting more of what?" Adelle asked as her legs swung around the tengu girl to hold on so she didn't fall.

Struggling to get the tengu's robes open, Adelle had forgotten that she could turn into a crow, which was exactly what happened. Adelle gasped and flung her hands up in a vain attempt to grab the crow, but of course with such a small target, there was little chance of grabbing hold, and even less chance of it helping her any had she done so.

"O-OH FUCK!" Adelle cried out as she fell.

As she fell, Adelle panicked and flailed about, but she was saved by the one who'd dropped her. The tengu grabbed her and a mighty gust of wind blew them both back upwards a bit and slowed her descent down some, though they continued to fall. Adelle felt the wind knocked out of her as she struck the ground flat on her back, and let out a pained grunt as she hit.

"O-Ouch... that hurt," Adelle groaned as the stars in her eyes vanished and she saw the position she was in. "Oh... I seem to be caught. Won't complain about the positioning now at least. Do I at least get to know your name now?" Adelle said after shaking the dizziness away from the landing, though her body still ached a bit.