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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Yes, I expect performance. It does not involve trying to hide my target from me." Rosieta came back with a remark of her own, not seeing much fault in her own actions apparently. Adelle was given the chance to empty her pack, but the maid was not giving her any opportunity to turn as she was still considering it a possible threat in all likelihood. The mere suggestion of the idea that she was trying to rob the busty girl made Rosieta scoff at the notion. "Don't be ridiculous. As if I'd act like some street thug looking for money to get his fix. You have nothing I want besides the plans. Just do as I tell you and there will not be any trouble for you. I will let this slide, and will even give you the payment." Somehow, the quickly made strap deal managed to keep the one hidden gun she had go unnoticed, though the maid had not looked too hard at what had happened during the opening process despite her otherwise stern observation of the situation.

But it was not going to be that easy. As Adelle was about to sling the pack up again, she could feel Rosieta grabbing it. "You don't need that. Drop it." the maid told her, giving the huntress an opportunity to let the pack go peacefully, but she would use force to remove it if too much time passed. "It is not my place to question the master and his desires. And if you people think you will stop working for us after this, we will just use other intermediaries to make the jobs happen. Even the hunters do not know everyone in the city, and master has a lot of people he can influence to make simple matters like this happen." she spoke up some more, probably telling the truth as there were plenty of people around that could come around and have the hunters work for the Hispanic leader's ends without them realizing it. Assuming she got the pack away, Rosieta had some more things planned for the busty girl since she probably had seen where things ended up. "Take your clothes off. You are not going to hide things from me. And while you are at it, tell me about the meeting. Master never mentioned that you were there. So, I'd prefer if you came out with everything you know about the events there. And just who are you working for? I knew everyone else from waitress crew but the fact that the bikers replaced theirs went past me."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Well again, you never said exactly what your target was. For all I knew it could have been those machines or just anything," Adelle said, chuckling at how pissed the accusation of trying to rob her made Rosie.

When she tried to sling the backpack back up on her shoulder she was stopped, which miffed her a bit, but she set it aside on the table on top of her money and other things, rolling her eyes in the process. "Actually Rosie it is your place to question him, it shows you're looking out for what's best for his family as a whole and his business, and not just being blindly loyal to him alone. And I doubt that he'd want to rouse the ire of the folks that we're taking these plans from, because I doubt this is their only weapons plans storage place, and they probably won't like it... and they may even come after his daughter to hurt him. And I like Emily, she seemed like a nice girl, and doesn't deserve to get hurt because of her father's actions," Adelle retorted before being ordered to undress.

"Heh, didn't know you swung that way Rosie, but alright... most people like to see my breasts anyway," Adelle replied when Rosie told her to take her clothes off, and when Rosie told her to speak about the meeting Adelle chuckled a bit. "Heh, well he saw me well enough surely, I mean I did serve him his drink after all. I guess he doesn't trust you as much as you thought though huh, not enough to bring you to such meetings or tell you who was there and what went on. And I went there because I did a fight or two at the bikers wrestling place and they were fully booked that night, but they asked me to take their waitress's place. I work with the Hunters though, just did some stuff with the bikers for the extra money. When all that crazy shit went down, I ran for the elevator and got my stuff then got the hell out of there," Adelle said with another chuckle, trying to sow a bit of doubt in the maid's mind as she answered her and took her clothes off, setting them down on top of her backpack, holding the set of plans that she'd hidden in her pants.

"This one here looks the most dangerous of all the ones I saw though. A big old grenade launcher that could blow up everything and everyone Miguel doesn't like. I don't think anybody needs this," Adelle said after a few moments once she was fully naked, and if Rosie grabbed them Adelle would not leg go for a few seconds, threatening to tear that particular paper in two on the maid until she reluctantly released it finally after a few seconds. She had been trying to waste time some, actually kinda hoping that the ones this place belonged to came in and caught Rosieta in the act of taking the plans so they'd know who did it... then again she was there too so they might try and do something to her as well. But Rosieta was probably going to knock her out before she herself left, meaning Adelle would get caught anyway and possibly tortured for what she knew. Gods everything is such a risk at the moment, Adelle thought to herself.
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The two remained at a standstill for a while, Rosieta not paying much attention to the questioning that she was being indirectly being subjected to. Undressing was a smart idea as the maid was starting to get visibly more agitated each passing moment that things were not progressing as smoothly as she might have wanted. Still, she was paying careful attention to what was being said about the meeting, most likely looking for further information to get enough clues for a possible identity or location to look into.

There was a brief staredown between the two when it came to the plans of the grenade gun, but since Adelle was not adamant enough about it, the maid eventually claimed the paper for herself. Before anything further could go on, the sound of doors opening alerted both of them as a young man of about Adelle's age clad in black church robes stepped inside, cocking the assault rifle he had on him as it was raised up to acquire a target. While there were two people, he had the proper target acquisition skills and drew a bead on Rosieta first as the maid had a visible gun that was only a few dozen degrees away from pointing towards him. The gun rang out in a controlled burst, the true nature of the gun turning out to be a shotgun instead, and it was a fully automated one with a massive drum for the mag. The maid caught the entire burst with her torso, five beanbags subduing her rather easily. As she went down, the gun was turned to Adelle. "Stand down, please. Lay down and keep your hands where I can see them. the man ordered her despite her obvious unarmed state.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Sighing as she released the grenade launcher plans, Adelle knew that she had no way out of this unless Rosie turned so she could grab her Isabella special out of her backpack. As she debated what she could possibly do to get out of this predicament she'd gotten herself into by simply coming with Rosie, Adelle grit her teeth a bit, glancing around to maybe find something to give her an advantage, though while she was naked and had literally nothing to use in her hands she just didn't see anything she could do, she was beaten.

Just as she was about to brace herself for what she figured was the coming blow to the back of her head, Adelle heard the doors burst open and her head shot around to see if the guardian had somehow detected them. It was a man however, in church robes like that of a priest or something. Adelle had the good sense to hop aside as the man blasted Rosieta square in the chest and stomach, covering herself as best she could with her hands as Rosie took the hits and went down... though Adelle had a sneaking suspicion that the maid might not be knocked out and faking it.

As soon as the man looked over at her and turned his gun on her, ordering her to lay down, Adelle threw her hands up to show she wasn't going to try and resist. "Okay okay... just don't shoot please. C-Can I at least put some of my clothes back on first? I swear I'm not gonna try anything, I'm not stupid, I know I can't outrun that and I got no cover. But come on man, I'm butt ass naked here, at least let me retain some dignity here... please," Adelle said quickly to the man before he simply shot, where if he listened then Adelle would grab her panties and put them on first before grabbing her shirt if he allowed her it too, but if he said no then Adelle would obediently do as told. As soon as she'd gotten what of her clothes on that he allowed, she'd look down at Rosie a few moments, holding her hands up still, where she'd kick her in the side as a sort of revenge, whether she was allowed to put some of her clothes on or not.

"Backstabbing bitch, you deserved one in the face," Adelle growled at Rosie's hopefully unconscious form as she got down for the guy. "All the stuff on the table is mine, and the sword over there too, just don't want it mixed up with that bitch's," she added from the floor as she pulled her hands up onto the back of her head.
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Your dignity is not something you need to worry about. Shut up and do as you are told. I am the one with the gun here, do not push your luck, girl. the man told Adelle without any hesitation, in a firm and authority-filled voice, not having any patience with backtalk apparently. Considering he was being extremely direct about it, trying to get dressed was likely not a smart thing to do in the face of the auto-shotgun, even if it was nonlethal. Trying to give the planned kick to Rosieta was the last mistake to do, and as the busty girl tried to turn around, she got a pair of bags right into the stomach. The hits were one of the most painful experiences she had ever dealt with, and the combined effect of the wind getting knocked out from her did not make it any easier to tolerate. "Just had to be difficult... the man muttered as he watched Adelle double over from the pain and shock before starting his approach towards the two. The busty girl did not see it clearly, but the man was preparing some zip ties to get the process of capture going proper.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"A-Alright then, no clothes," Adelle replied, kicking her leg out at Rosie to get at least some measure of revenge on the bitch.

The guy apparently didn't like her doing this for some reason, even though she was butt ass naked and obviously no threat to him and even going so far as to hit her apparent accomplice, as he fired at her now. Feeling the two beanbags hit her square in the stomach was probably some of the worst pain she'd felt since coming to the city, Adelle thought as she doubled over clutching her stomach. "F-Fucking hell... was just kicking her for getting me into this mess... because she's a bitch. Wasn't trying to be difficult," Adelle groaned from the floor as she clutched her stomach, her breathing very ragged as she coughed a couple of times, now another asshole being added to her list of people to knock the hell out of when she had the chance. There was little she could really do at the moment, as she was completely out of breath and could barely breathe at all, and the pain was a bit debilitating at the moment too, so she'd need to recover for a moment or two at least before she did anything.
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Even though she was still talking smack to the guy, Adelle thankfully had no further bags to experience as she was apparently considered suitably disabled by the church soldier. The guy came over to her first, probably just because she had been talking to him, while Rosieta had been practically unmoving the entire time. Shouldering his gun, the man was in no hurry as he pulled the busty girl's arms behind her back and cuffed them together with a couple of heavy-duty zip ties. "There we go, don't get hard on me now so there's no need for further violence." the fellow told her as he got up, preparing to get Rosieta secured next.

The maid did not appear to want this though, and suddenly shot up from her previous position. Going for her gun right away, she got more than she was willing to chew though as the church ganger stopped the idea dead in it's tracks by quickly getting his own gun back into readiness, slinging the thing out and taking a quick snapshot that was a rather impressive one to say the least. The shot was not aimed directly at Rosieta, despite the man's earlier action being rather direct. Instead he shot at the maid's gun while she was still picking it up, directing the bag to hit the cocked hammer of the 1911 and breaking it off with that one casually aimed shot, thus making the gun inoperable. A string of bags followed shortly after that awesome shot, but Rosie was already on the move and avoided the barrage somehow, taking up position behind one of the many machines in the room. It did look like Adelle had been right about her not being out from the game yet, though she was one weapon short against the automatic non-lethal fire of the church guy, and the man more likely than not had some further firepower to even out the situation if it was called for.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As she lay there groaning in pain, Adelle really couldn't do much but lay there as her hands were pulled behind her back and cuffed with a set of zip ties. "Heh heh... ow... you'll wanna be careful with her pal... she's a feisty one," Adelle called to him in warning as he approached Rosieta after leaving her there with her hands tied behind her and leaving her virtually helpless, the pain still very present in her gut.

Watching as Rosie jumped up and went for her gun, Adelle couldn't help but laugh as the guy shot it and broke the damned thing so she couldn't use it any longer. As Rosie retreated though, Adelle decided it was time to move out of the way so she didn't get stepped on or tripped over... or attacked by the maid for that matter. "Well suppose I can rule out getting paid for any of this shit now most likely... dammit. Fucking Rosie... and fuck her boss more so for wanting to start a goddamn gang war just because he's not happy with what all he's got," Adelle mumbled to herself as she rolled away from the two and towards her sword, which if she was able to grab she would pull her legs up so she could swing her arms to her front before moving over behind some cover herself to keep from getting shot while keeping a weapon on hand just in case, depending on how the standoff went.

If she was able to get behind some cover with her sword, Adelle would watch how things played out a bit before she made a move on either party. She was still hurting pretty good from the beanbags, and didn't want another one to hit her, so she figured it best to stay back for now instead of saying some of the things she was thinking about, and if she saw an opening to grab her gear and backpack she would take it by creeping over to the table it was all on and grab it before ducking back behind some cover, not bothering with her clothing because it wasn't as important. Adelle would also keep an eye on the doorway too, just in case someone or something else decided to make an entrance.
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Even with the sudden standoff situation, the church man was not doing anything drastic, keeping his position for the most part but still taking some slight cover that a nearby machine provided. Before anything else, he whistled to signal someone or something else, which prompted Rosieta to take a pot shot at hím. The maid still had her second 1911 which had gone unused for the duration of the trip, but was now in her hands again. The huge flab creature from the hall actually rolled itself into the middle of the room after the sound of the maid's gun had died out and maybe fortunately missed the church man, the earlier whistle probably having alerted the thing to join in. Suddenly, the situation was starting to look even less likely to fall into Rosieta's favor.

Adelle reaching her sword was not very likely, considering the blade was near Rosieta's hiding spot and there was a fair distance to cover, with all three participants of the combat having sight to the spot. The church man was probably not going to outright kill her, but given the situation, Rosieta just might take a shot at the busty girl in an attempt to silence her. Going there was probably an idea best forgotten. Still, she could get into some suitable cover behind a small pile of raw materials and a machine to keep herself from catching the worst of the fight.

And the idea of staying away proved to be a wise one as the flab monster started to move, leaking the same fluid it had before as the stitches on it stretched and snapped to open the huge scar partially, a storm of red tentacles spurting out from the hole that appeared to house a meaty space inside. It was certainly looking like it was made to capture things as the area inside would be able to store a person inside the the tight confines, and the tentacles were numerous and long enough to grab just about anyone. Rosieta had no desire to experience that though, Adelle catching a glimpse of her pulling out a grenade from who knows where and chucking it inside the huge creature. The thing could contain the explosion within itself, though it flexed out a fair deal with the burst of the explosive, and would probably need some time to pull itself back together. Using the opportunity, Rosieta dashed forward, using the huge bulk of the creature and the distraction that the grenade had caused to make a mad dash out from the room, unfortunately managing to scoop the box of papers along as well. The church man moved out from cover to chase her, but the maid had probably slipped behind the corner of the hallway as he aimed down into the corridor but never fired his gun. Somehow, the maid had pulled out a getaway and even taken the papers with her against some heavy odds, leaving Adelle there naked and bound with the church man. "I suppose they will have to get the full story out from you now." she could hear him say, the tone suggesting that this might not be the most pleasant of experiences.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Seeing the standoff between Rosie and the guy, Adelle thought she had the opening she needed, but then she got sight of where her sword was and thought better of it, as it was right in the open and near Rosie's hiding place to boot, right where she had hoped it wasn't. She couldn't risk rolling over to it, not with her's and Rosie's earlier disagreement. No, Adelle's best bet at survival now she figured was, like it or not, with the church guy and his group... though she'd still have to convince them not to kill her or do anything bad of course.

Rolling out of the line of fire from Rosie's other gun which she quickly pulled up, Adelle laid as near the church guy's position as possible while staying behind her own set of cover. When he whistled and the big thing from outside rolled in, Adelle just kind of watched it come in, feeling glad now that she hadn't tried to do anything to it before, especially with those tentacles, which looked like they might be tough to escape from if they grabbed someone. Hearing the clicking sound of Rosie pulling her grenade out, Adelle gasped and rolled as far from it as possible, keeping her head down and wishing she could have put her arms over her head at least.

When the dust settled, Adelle looked over to the door as Rosie darted out and the guy stood up to fire after her, but he never pulled the trigger though, leaving Adelle to believe Rosie had gotten away clean, though she didn't think the maid had managed to put away the three she herself had tried to grab, so maybe those three were safe and not in the clutches of Rosie and her boss. When the guy turned back to her and spoke to her, Adelle sighed a little and thumped her forehead against the floor.

"Well... not like I have much choice I guess. But you won't hear me trying to defend that heartless bitch because it's in my best interest not to withhold anything from you. Hell I'm not even gonna get paid for this. Bitch didn't tell me we'd be stealing shit from someone," Adelle said from where she lay on the ground, grumbling about Rosie mostly in the last couple of sentences and just everything that had happened leading up until now.
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Considering the situation, you will probably be defending your own life instead of her, since you have broken in here. But that is not my decision to make, the higher-ups will be the judges of that." the church man told Adelle as he shouldered his gun again, producing a bottle of some chemical and a cloth rag from his robes. Pouring out some of the stuff onto the rag, he came over to the bound girl and lifted her up to her knees by the shoulder before pressing the chemical-drenched cloth against her face. Considering the situation, we can't just have you moving about like that. See you in a few hours, if I see you that is... the busty girl could hear the man say before the smell of the chemical got to her, fading away her consciousness as the true nature of the chloroform became apparent.

...get up... was the faint call back to reality that Adelle could catch before a sharp pain across the chest called her a little more harshly, something hitting her in a rather strong and unrestrained way. "Wake up, ya tit monster! Ain't got all day to wait for ya!" she could hear the same voice call her again, a somehow familiar voice even. The surroundings started to come into view slowly from the chemically-induced unconsciousness, the room she was in at the moment being a small chapel of sorts, most of the light coming in from the stained glass windows high on the walls. As for herself, she was not quite in the situation one might want to be in, which was hanging on the large cross of the place with a set of shackles on her wrists keeping her up. She could still touch the ground just barely without needing to stand on her toes or anything, but it was still a hard spot to get out off with the shackle chains being wrapped around the upper part of the cross. While she still felt mostly naked still, a quickly applied waistcloth had been set onto her waist to keep a small degree of modesty going, though everything else was still exposed and it would not take much to get past the cloth. There were a few other people in the room, the familiar blonde nun from the meeting who had been acting as a waitress being one, and most likely the one who had just hit her as she was holding a sturdy wooden stick on her. The guy who had caught her was there as well, a young fellow with a good amount of charm to him in that pretty boy sort of way, though there was a fair degree of somewhat unsettling empty glint in his eyes as well. The third one was not as friendly, most likely a guy who looked like he had been pulled straight from the middle age with a whole ensemble that the plague doctors wore on him. A long robe that covered his body, heavy gloves made from brown leather and that eye-catching beaked mask that those people had worn during the days of the black death. He was looking like he was the least focused on the situation, he had a doctor's bag brimming with tools of the trade near him that he was off-handedly fiddling with.

The nun was the one doing most in the situation, the stick on her hand giving Adelle's tit another slap as her wakefulness was noticed, this time in a more forgiving and less painful manner. "I've seen ya before. You were at the meetin' with us, representin' them bikers. Ya might wanna explain yaself right now. Sneaking around on our properties ain't the thing we are most tolerant off, specially when our materials get stolen." she demanded right away, the stick moving to poke the busty girl on the cheek as she lit up another cigarette with her left hand. "Doc there says he's mighty interested in having some fun with ya, so we better have some light on the situation here, girlie."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Hah... doesn't surprise me any really. Just do me a favor if you would please, and make sure my stuff stays together. I'd be grateful... if I live of course. And... try to be gentle too please, those beanbags hurt like hell ya know," Adelle said with a sigh as the guy got the rag out and poured the chloroform onto it, the busty girl trying to feel optimistic about her situation as much as she could. "Well... you guys are probably better than her people at least. If I hadn't rolled out of the way she'd have shot me on her way out I'm betting," she mumbled as an afterthought before the guy put the rag over her face, with Adelle being forced to breathe it in really, which she did obediently and quickly so she could get it over with instead of dragging things out. Her vision faded and went black soon enough and she was out cold, her last thoughts of anything being curious if whoever Samson had sent to follow her knew what was going on or not or had maybe stopped Rosie at least.


Adelle woke to a woman telling her to wake up and her breasts being slapped by something... not a hand, but something else. A dick maybe...? no, wasn't warm and was too thin to be that surely. "O-Ow... I... I'm up I'm up. Ugh... how long was I out?" Adelle said with a bit of a groan when the woman said she didn't have all day to wait for her, with the busty girl leaning her head over and rubbing her eyes as best she could against her arms.

The woman's voice sounded familiar to her actually now that she thought of it, and opening her eyes a little bit so they could see her surroundings and get adjusted to the light, her face came into view and Adelle recognized her as the waitress girl from the bar that night when Priscilla attacked. Looking around as her vision focused, Adelle saw she was chained up to a cross with her feet barely touching the floor, and looking around further she found a skirt of sorts had at least been wrapped around her waist and that the guy who'd knocked her out was there too, as well as some stranger in a creepy mask with a bag of tools that she'd rather not be used.

Shaking her head a bit as the woman slapped her tit again more to get her attention it seemed than anything, as it wasn't quite as harsh a slap, Adelle looked at her and listened. "Aye... that was me, but I'm not with the Bikers gang, I swear... I'm with the Hunters guild. I was just at their wrestling bar place to fight that night but they were all booked up and asked me to take their regular girl's place. They never really told me why she couldn't be there and said the pay was good, so I figured I'd do it since it was just waitress work, which I've done before. As for why I was down there underground with Rosieta though... hah where to start...." Adelle said, sighing and slumping her head a bit as she gave it a shake.

Seeing no other choice but to tell all, or at least most, if she didn't want to get the information tortured out of her, which she didn't want to happen and leave any scars, Adelle took a deep breath and let it out slowly. "Well... since I don't really want to know what your doctor over there has in store for me all I'll talk, you might want to pull up a chair though, there's a bit to tell that began with the first job I did with Rosie, the other girl, a week or so back. And since Rosie double crossed me and everything, I feel like telling all I know about her and her boss, and there is quite a bit I know that she and her boss probably won't much like me telling... and... will probably try to kill me if they find out how much I really know. So... yeah. Anyway, here goes," Adelle said, gathering as much saliva in her mouth as possible to swallow to wet her throat before looking back to the woman.

"Rosieta's boss is Miguel first of all, and a week or so back, before that big meeting, Rosie came to the Hunters bar and was looking for someone to hire to escort her supposedly through this old abandoned sex toy factory of some sort. I was there and took the job, went with her there, got what it was she was looking for, and afterwards she took me to Miguel's place so I could get my pay, which was quite a bit actually," Adelle said, telling a little about the first job with Rosie without going into too great of detail to keep things on track, hopefully with the woman listening to her story patiently. "Anyway... to make a long story short, while I was there I saw the woman who killed Liliana's sister there in his home and was told she was there to do a big job for him, and those papers he produced at the meeting was what Rosieta and I had apparently gotten at that factory," she went on to say, clearing her throat a bit before continuing, obviously not wanting to be tortured for any information she had and looking all too happy to talk about her companion.

"Well, earlier today Rosie came by the bar again, asking for someone to come with her on a job just when I went by there to talk to Samson about some work too, and she saw me and asked me if I wanted to come with her. She never told me exactly what we were coming to get, nor did she tell me we'd be stealing it for that matter, only that we might have to face some things that might try and stop and or hurt us. And she sure as hell didn't tell me we were coming to a place owned by a rival of Miguel's. I agreed to come with her more to see if I could try and keep Miguel from getting whatever it was, but she caught me trying to hide some of those weapons plans and put a gun to the back of my head," Adelle then told the woman before looking over to the guy that had shot her earlier with the beanbags. "And that's when he came in, right after she'd put the gun to the back of my head and made me strip down to nothing, to make sure I hadn't hidden anything else. And speaking of that, you didn't have to beanbag me, I just wanted to kick her for putting the gun to my head and not telling me that we were sneaking into one of your hideouts or whatever it was to steal weapons plans, I was gonna get down after that. And if I'd have known she wanted me to help her steal stuff like that from the beginning I'd have never come along with her... I swear it, because I don't want Miguel to get those kinds of weapons, hell who knows what he might try and do with them. And I also swear the next time I see her I'm gonna knock the shit out of her or put a bullet in her one of the two," Adelle finished up, waiting to hear what the woman had to say in response to what all she'd said, unless the woman stopped her in the middle of her story that is.
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Lil more than I would have wanted. Late afternoon now, if it matters that much for you to know." the nun woman told Adelle as she asked about the time she had spent unconscious. The church trio were somewhat less hostile as she started to spill the beans about all the things that had happened in the recent past and the present day, each of them most likely paying careful attention to keep what was being said in mind for later use and possible reports to others since it did not appear that the nun or the plague doctor were the higher-ups of the organization. Perhaps a little surprisingly, the nun actually did get herself a chair when it was suggested, sitting down on the thing the wrong direction, leaning on the back rest instead of sitting on it normally. While it was certain that she was taking everything in, the nun took it upon herself to fiddle around with her gun while the talk was going on, something that looked somewhat like the average Glock but was not one as it had some slight differences to the famous Austrian gun.

After everything was said, the nun got up from her chair while the two men looked on still. "That is certainly something alright... if you speak the truth that is. That Miguel fella is one of our better clients, buys lots but usually keeps to the lower-end stuff. This maid is something we had no information about either. If all of this is true, it might be really bad for the church and business, and worse for the city. Somehow I don't think we can approach this situation with too much haste." the nun spoke about what she thought briefly as she set the chair back to the side of the room. "This info must reach the Grand Priest. Ya get to keep your life until he has heard what's going on. He might want to see you himself, since he is big on personal interaction with all folk, even trespassers and thieves." the nun gave a somewhat easing statement about the situation after Adelle had finished talking. Setting aside the stick, she moved back to the busty girl, still keeping her gun out. She reached for the other shackle that was tightened around Adelle's wrist, fiddling with it to open the thing while poking her gun to the huntress' boob. "Just in case ya thought to pull something funny. Doubt it though, figured ya were smarter than that, despite what Richard there appears to think." she explained the gun poke, switching to the other side to get the other side free as well. Once Adelle was down, she pulled the whole chain ensemble down, with the man who was apparently called Richard coming in to remove the shackles from the long chains and attach them together to make what was basically handcuffs. For the second time in the same day, this man was restraining the busty girl, this time with some heavier equipment than zip ties. It was less of a difficult situation than before since her arms were now bound in front of her, but trying to go against the church folk was likely not a smart idea when there was no sure way to figure out where her equipment was, if it even was in the same building.

"We'll go see the Grand Priest. He'll probably not be here until tomorrow, so I trust you'll look after our guest." the nun spoke up again, her words directed to the doctor in the room, who stepped up as he saw himself addressed. Richard took hold of Adelle's shackles, guiding her forward a little and handing the shackles and the control over to the doctor, who took them firmly. There was a brief exchange of looks between the nun and the doc, a curiously long and intense one too. "Make sure she doesn't escape, even if those tits and shackles might make it more difficult than usual. Give her some food and water..." there was a brief silence after that, which was broken with a sigh from the nun. "...and you can have some fun with her, I suppose, she needs to learn a lesson from this, even if the Priest lets her keep her life. Keep it reasonable though, so no bloodshed, she might be needed to have a conversation with the Priest tomorrow. We'll see that you get punished if you let your desires get the better of you." she reluctantly gave permission for some freedoms to the doctor, who appeared to be rather satisfied with the decision as some quiet chuckling could be heard from the inside of his beaked mask.

The two more normal church folk remained in the room while the doctor started moving Adelle away from the chapel, taking her to the back. A small stairwell was waiting, and the man took her down the steps, a pair of doors waiting at the bottom. The other door was one made from bars, the room on the other side looking like it had been a larger cleaning closet one time, but now it was a makeshift cell with a thin mattress and an old blanket being the only things there besides a drain on the floor. And that dingy room was exactly the place where the man deposited his prisoner, not giving her much chances by leaving the shackles on and locking her up in the tiny room. "I'm going to get your food now, since it was asked for. A little later, we can have some quality time together. I'll make sure you'll enjoy all of it as much as myself..." the doctor finally spoke up, his already raspy voice even further distorted by the mask he was wearing. If the voice was of any indication, he was at least middle-aged, and appeared to have something wrong with his throat or voice box. If Adelle wanted to say something to him, now was probably the time as he was about to leave for the food.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle listened to the woman's reply after she was done, and grimaced a bit when she pressed her gun against her breast and threatened her. "H-Hey, I'm not stupid. I know when I can't win, especially when I have none of my equipment and I'm also chained to a cross completely naked. But... I am with the Hunters, and Samson knew I was with Rosieta today... if you need someone to vouch for my sincerity you can talk to him because he's the one that sent me out. My friends that work with the Hunters can also vouch for my sincerity too, mainly because Margaret, the one who killed Liliana's sister, used to be one of their sisters in their group, Mariela, Lacrimosa, Rachaela, and Isabella, and I also know Kozlov and a few others as well who could vouch that I'm not a liar," Adelle replied, hoping that dropping some of their names might either spook them some or get them to hurry along and maybe keep her safe from harm... and from whatever this doctor might have in store for her as they got her down.

"And what kind of fun? I'm not going to just sit there and let him rape me," Adelle asked the nun before she gave the doctor her shackles, an eyebrow raised and a serious look on her face before she was led away, though she did cover her breasts with her arms as best she could once she was able to.


After she did get taken away, unless her dropping the sisters names or Kozlov's or anyone else's names helped any, then she would simply walk silently until getting to the cell that the "doctor" was taking her. When the doctor spoke up when they arrived and she stepped into the cell, Adelle blushed a bit and looked away, still covering her chest with her arms and hands and moving over to grab the blanket and wrap it around herself to at least stave off the chilly air down here, which was already making her nipples perk up, and it was of course also to give her some form of coverage over herself so she wasn't totally naked pretty much. She wasn't expecting too much in the way of hospitality, but she didn't expect an almost completely bare room, so she quickly looked around while the guy was turning around to leave, hoping to find something in the room that could be used as a weapon aside from her shackles in case she needed it, thinking to herself that surely there was something that she could use in there to stab someone or something.

"W-What do you plan on doing to me?" Adelle asked from her cell as he shut the door, sitting down on the bed and pulling her knees up against her chest so the blanket covered her completely.
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Yes yes, you can tell those things to the Grand Priest. He is not as bad as you are probably imagining, and will probably take most of that into consideration." the nun told Adelle as she was getting taken away, not having anything to say about the whole rape part she mentioned. Thus, the busty girl ended up in the cell regardless.

In the cell, there was quite literally nothing else to be found besides the mattress on the floor and the blanket, the rest of the room being barren as there were no light fixtures or heating, both being provided by the stairwell side. The only real thing there was the drain on the floor, and even that was probably quite hard to remove, not to mention that the uses for a round metal plate full of holes were rather limited. The space there was hardly any better, just big enough that three people might lay down on the floor next to each other, and even then would likely be some close proximity to each other. If something was comparable, a solitary confinement cell in a prison might be similar, except one of those would likely be better equipped than this tiny place.

As possibly expected, the strange plague doctor did appear to be willing to enlighten Adelle on what he had in mind for her when asked. "Hmmm... well... I had a few machines over at the dungeon that need some performance data, so we are going to try those out. Don't worry, they are not the type that will cause physical damage, just a little something else. But I'll probably do a check on your body first... just to get all the information right, considering I have not handled anyone with similar... proportions as yourself. I'm not allowed to go too deep, so the knives will stay in the bag for today, unfortunately. I'll just have to figure something else to try out besides taking a blade to your soft body... but I think I have something else to test the extremes that a female form like yours can reach..." he answered the question, leaving parts vague probably on purpose to keep Adelle guessing, and maybe for instilling some psychological effects as well since it was always a little unpleasant to not know what was going to be done, especially when it was a thing that would take her to an extreme in some way.

After he had explained himself and the plan, the doctor took his leave for a bit, not giving Adelle any explanations if she asked him while he was leaving. It took the man some ten minutes to return, a surprisingly decent plate of food coming along with him. The things he had on it included a small pile of white beans in a red sauce, a trio of cheap-looking sausages and another small pile of salad with a touch of dressing on it. In addition to those, he handed her a bottle of water and a few napkins, but no tools to eat with. Most likely they were considered a risk and thus not allowed as all of the stuff on the plate was eatable by hand, even with the shackles on. Again, the man remained there for a while to look that the busty girl actually ate the offered food, which was another time to ask a question or two if there was something in her mind. If she did not, the blue-haired girl would see the man head into the bigger door on the stairwell, most likely the place where she would be going with him sooner or later.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle had hoped the names she spoke would have carried some weight, Isabella's being one that she'd hoped most for, as she was a gun maker, these people were gun makers, so surely they'd have had some dealings in the past or possibly Isabella knew some of the higher ups or just anything. But alas she thought, maybe she could find some other way out of this, and though he was spooky as hell, Adelle figured that one on one she might be able to take on the weird doctor guy.


Finding nothing she could really use as a weapon, Adelle figured that she would only have her shackles to use instead, but they had a chain she could use as well, and that might be even better than anything else she might have found in the cell. She was a bit troubled and disturbed by what the "doctor" had said in response to her question, especially when he mentioned being unable to use his knives, which led her to believe he was some kind of sadist that got a thrill off causing pain to people, but she didn't let it show on her face and merely grunted a bit as he went off.

When he returned with the food, Adelle was surprised at what was brought indeed, though when she saw there were things on the plate that couldn't be easily eaten without a spoon she gave him a bit of a flat look with a raised eyebrow. "Way to torment someone. Give them beans and no spoon or anything resembling one to eat them with," Adelle commented on being given no spoon to eat the beans with.

She did eat though, simply dipping the sausages into the beans and gathering as much as she could before taking a bite, though she did smell the food first to make sure they hadn't laced it with any drugs of some sort. "What sorts of extremes we talking about here? I think I deserve to know at least a little of what's going to be done to me," Adelle asked while she ate, finishing off her first sausage and starting on the second, saving the salad and the dressing for last for now, and she ate slowly, keeping a wary eye on the guy watching her.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The comment about the spoon went unnoticed or simply was not worth going into for the doctor, who appeared to take some slight about the suspicion that Adelle was having towards the food. "No, I did not put anything extra in there. It is just the food and nothing else." he commented, not particularly taken by the gesture by the sound of it as it was hard to tell what he was thinking by looking at the mask. And he was still not particularly eager to share the specifics, simply stating that it was a natural extreme that the female body could undergo in certain circumstances and that he would simulate it with her body through artificial means to see how much she could handle. "I find your proportions interesting, so this will be a one-of-a-kind deal for me to see how much you can handle. It should not be particularly painful, as far as earlier tests suggest." he finished the brief explanation that he was willing to share. Since he had seen the busty girl eat, the man left her alone for a bit to finish up and possibly prepare as he went to the big room for a bit.

As she ate, Adelle could hear some mechanic and metallic sounds from the room next door, probably some of the machinery that was mentioned earlier being prepared by the spooky doctor person. After about half an hour, the man came out from the room, not bothering with closing the door after him as it was apparently time for the two of them to go in there together. "It is time. Come with me and forget any stupid ideas that you might have for resisting. It will be better for us both that you don't try anything like that." he told the busty girl as he opened the door of her cell, gesturing at her to get up and move into the next room as he watched from a position in front of the stairs just in case.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle couldn't help but feel a bit peculiar that the doctor here felt a bit slighted at her suspicions of her food possibly being drugged. "Well can you blame me in this situation? Surely you can understand where I'm coming from," Adelle replied to him as she started eating a bit of her food slowly.

When he answered her question of what he planned on doing though, Adelle simply sighed and continued eating, figuring there was nothing much else to do really and that she ought to at least keep her strength up. When he finally returned a while later, Adelle had been laying there after eating, bidding her time and thinking of how she could fight if it came to it, and also secretly hoping against hope that her help Samson had promised to send after her knew where she was at and was doing something to get her out of this. Or that this grand priest or whatever he was was there and would have her brought straight up to talk.

Adelle got up when he came in again, but didn't take the blanket off and kept it wrapped around herself, mostly to cover her body from the elements, but it also served to keep her hands hidden some which could be handy. She didn't verbally reply, but did as told and walked to the next room, not trying any sudden moves as she went, but she did look around as quickly as she could while he was in the hallway to see what the machine in there could have been, and also to see how the door opened, thinking to herself she might be able to use it and slam it right in his face possibly to daze him before diving atop him and pummeling him with her shackled hands, which would be a bit heavier thanks to said shackles.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"That's a good girl... Now keep away from the stupid stuff and I'll treat you right." the doctor told Adelle, somewhat pleased by the fact that she was going along willingly up to that point. At the door, Adelle could make out that the first thing she saw in the room was not really a machine but a simple square metal frame mounted onto the floor that had a whole array of loops on it for attaching other shackles, a few of which it had there already. There was a table nearby as well with some measuring tools and a clipboard with a paper on it, but no really scary things that one should be concerned about. The calipers looked a little suspicious, but even they did not appear to be sharp or anything like that. The door would be hard to use as it opened outside rather than inside, reducing the options that the busty girl had for her resistance if that was what she opted to do.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Seeing the door opened outwards killed any thoughts of using it to slam into his neck or head or anything to either daze, kill, or otherwise incapacitate him. When she saw the array of tools she was a bit... curious as to what this guy planned to do to her with these things. Was he... taking her measurements or something?

"Um... you gonna take my measurements or something? I mean yeah I know I got big tits, but I've seen girls with bigger ones before. And if that's all you're doing then we don't need these shackles or anything," Adelle asked curiously as she saw the different tools on the table, an eyebrow raised.