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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The mud golem was as hard to get rid of as Adelle had expected, her struggles amounting to very little against the weight that was keeping her down, and the limb only spread further as more mud flowed around, which meant that more coverage was being applied as her body was getting buried more and more. Rosieta had a hard time as well, her attacks having almost as little effect as the busty girl's struggling against the mud monster. And even as it was holding Adelle down, the golem could still fight the maid, slinging some further mud onto her. It was a good thing though as the whole matter of getting dirtied appeared to annoy her a great deal. Giving the knife a rest and going to kicking produced results, the angry maid punt having enough force to tip the golem onto it's back as it collapsed into a pile that soon started reforming back into it's humanoid shape. Still, the damage was done, and the pin on Adelle had been broken, leaving the blue-haired girl in a small pile of mud that she could easily get out of and back onto her feet.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The sheer weight of the mud creature was making it difficult for Adelle to even move, let along get free from the thing. As she was being buried under the heavy weight of the thick muddy substance the creature was made from, Adelle was starting to get frantic in her struggles, as she didn't want to get buried underneath the thing completely and possibly smother or get crushed perhaps. The fighting continued while she struggled pretty much uselessly against the weight of the thing, with Rosieta managing to kick the thing hard enough to tip it back and off of the busty girl.

"Oh jeez... thanks Rosie, that fucker is heavy," Adelle said, scrambling to her feet once more and trying to throw some of the mud off of her before it tried to solidify or something to hold her in place.

Once she'd done that, Adelle moved in with Rosieta again and tried to slash the thing once more, going for the central mass of it where even though it was thickest there, that's likely where the core orb was at like with the straw creatures before, and that meant a good solid blow there might reveal the orb or even break it.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The combat proceeded after Adelle had picked herself off the ground, a whole lot of mud still weighing her down some as it remained stuck on her body. Again, she managed to cut some material off from the golem, which was not all that impressed about the hit. Rosieta brought some further leg power into the game, still looking pissed about the earlier splashing, but this time she was not quite up to the task. Instead, her foot got stuck into the creature's body, sinking in to ankle level. This was all that the golem needed, and it grabbed the stuck leg before the maid could put up further resistance, pulling her closer as the leg went in further. The situation might have looked funny if it did not have the potentially deadly price at stake, with the maid trying to keep her balance and not tripping which would only make it easier for the golem to mess her up.

From this point, the battle went on to not advance into one direction of another, neither side really managing to do anything as Rosieta's balance and knife flailing kept her from getting pushed around for a little while, even if it did not do any damage against the golem. Adelle had equally little impact in the grand scheme of things, her cuts being just as ineffective as any other combatant. Eventually some progress happened as the golem tripped the maid to the ground and began to engulf her into itself as the lower parts of Rosieta's legs were absorbed into the muddy form.

(Three rounds of no-one succeeding in anything '.')

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle finally managed to get up, but the mud was weighing her down still a bit, making her movements difficult somewhat. Glancing over at Rosieta, Adelle caught her trying to kick the thing only to get her foot stuck in its muddy form. Sensing the need to hurry up with this and take the beast down before it did something bad to Rosieta, Adelle swung her sword at the thing again, only to have it only slice off a small portion if that much, doing relatively little damage to it. Rosieta didn't seem to have any better luck against the thing either, and the mud thing was also having some rotten luck it seemed, as it couldn't gain any true leverage over them from the looks of it.

"Dammit to hell, this thing just won't go down. Hang on Rosie, I'm trying to get you out of there," Adelle said as she slashed her sword at the thing again and again pretty much uselessly.

When she saw the thing starting to engulf Rosieta though, Adelle stopped attacking as she let out a gasp. Moving over to Rosieta, Adelle hooked her arms under the maid's and pulled with all her might, hoping to get her free from the thing so she didn't need to fight alone. If she couldn't get Rosie out though, then Adelle would start hacking away at the thing as best she could, hoping to find the glassy orb core that animated it... if it had one that is. If her sword continued to be useless against the thing, Adelle would pull out her bigger pistol and fire a couple of rounds into the head of the thing and then into its center mass, though if it fully engulfed Rosieta before she shot into it then she wouldn't use her gun yet.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

With the sudden change of direction in the fight, Adelle set aside the attacking part for a while to see if she could get Rosieta out from her bind before it got too bad. Again, the situation went into something of a back and forth as the busty girl pulled on the maid and started to get her out, only for the golem to make up for it as it advanced forward to reclaim what had just been pulled out. The pissed-off maid was just about to pull out her gun again when a resolution came, Adelle making good effort as she managed to completely remove her from the body of the golem and creating some space between them. This was apparently not what the construct was wanting to happen, and it voiced disapproval by chucking a glob of mud at the two when they retreated, nailing Adelle in the face with the tossed mud ball. This only served to make her life even harder as the goop was not the best thing for one's eyes.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Pulling and tugging on Rosieta several times, Adelle got into a tug of war with the mud golem thing as it didn't seem to want to let the maid go at all. Finally after a minute or so of pulling back and forth, Adelle managed to get a good enough foothold to pull mightily, with Rosie's legs popping free once again finally. "Oh jeez finally got you out, you're welcome by the way Rosie, and... oof," Adelle began saying to Rosieta before getting smacked right in the face with a glob of mud.

Letting out a groan of pain as the mud got in her eyes, Adelle tried to wipe the mud away so she could see again, but while doing this she was pretty much defenseless. If she wasn't grabbed or hit while trying to clean her eyes out, Adelle would try to splash some water on her face from the floor assuming it wasn't too muddy to really help her at all. "F-Fuck me... Rosie... I c-can't see a thing. H-Hold it off a few seconds alright," Adelle said, a slight whimper in her voice.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Doing the sensible thing, Adelle took a quick moment to get the worst of the mud off from her eyes so she could make something out from the ongoing battle. Rosieta was getting back to her feet and had to take a sideways roll off the wet floor to get herself out from the golem's reach as it was still coming after her in frustration after losing the maid who had been in a prime position for absorption just a little while ago. Even with the limited space, she could avoid the further attention.

With both of the girls ready again, they could move back to attacking once more, success finding the two after having been on the side of the golem for a while. Both of them chipped the mud monster for some damage again, and the thing tried to jump onto one of them as result, but they were ready for it. The golem ended up as a heap for a little bit, but was soon back up again as it shifted itself upright.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Wiping her eyes clear of the mud, Adelle whined a little bit again as the backs of her hands went across her eyes. "D-Dammit that hurts... s-stupid bastard," Adelle cursed as she got the mud out.

Getting a handful of water, Adelle splashed her face with it and wiped the rest of the mud from her eyes before she gripped her sword again and went at the mud golem thing, the rest of her face still dirty with mud on it. Slicing off another bit of the golem, Adelle noticed Rosie managed to get a good blow in on the thing too and took some of it out, decreasing the thing's mass little by little as they whittled away at it.

When she saw the thing getting back up yet again though, Adelle groaned again and took another swing at the thing, still hoping she could get to the thing's core enough to damage it at the very least. "Come on you stupid thing, go down already," Adelle said as she went at it again.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Even with the frustration she was experiencing, there was little progress to be made in Adelle's case as the combatants spent some more time flailing at each other with blade and fist in a show of complete ineptitude. The mud was having some effect on the girls, while the golem appeared to have some issues keeping up with the two ladies and their relative speed. Eventually the girls started to make some progress as their swipes started to connect, and the golem did not not manage too much in the way of success after being cut four different times. The abuse was starting antagonize the mud creature though, and it came back at the girls after the four hits it had endured, chucking a shower of small mud splashes onto Adelle to disorient and bother her as the mud globs hit her, one of them even going into her cleavage to add insult to injury. Without missing a beat, the mudman raised a hefty fist and brought a thunderous right straight into the busty girl's forehead which knocked her to the ground a few feet away before she went into unconsciousness.

The next thing Adelle could make out was something tugging and lightly slapping her on the cheeks. Thankfully, it was not some unknown threat to her well-being, just Rosieta. "Hey. Get up already, it's not here anymore." the maid poked her verbally too as she tried to wake the busty girl up from her lie down on the watery dirt floor, having apparently defeated or at least driven the mud golem away.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle noticed that their attacks were practically just turning into them flailing wildly at the mud golem thing, which in most any other situation Adelle would have cackled out loud about and likely just fallen over in a fit of giggles. But since they were beneath the ground and all Adelle didn't like the idea of getting captured by this thing when no one other than Rosie was around or could get to her to help. When the mud golem flung more mud at her, a large glob landing square between her tits, Adelle couldn't help but shiver a bit at the feel of the mud there.

Before she could really even make a comment on that though she felt the thing pop her right in the forehead with large muddy fist. She fell back from the blow, smacking her head back against the floor a little in the process, but she was already out cold from the blow pretty much and felt nothing really. Her last thought to herself before going out was that she should have tried harder against this thing, and maybe then her and Rosie might have beaten it.


"W-What is it? N-No Rosie I'm sorry I... oh," Adelle said with a start as she raised up fast, pulling her fist back to punch whoever was slapping her face to wake her up.

Seeing that it was Rosie though stopped her instantly. "Oh... Rosie... what happened? And... sorry about that. Damn thing got me good and... ow my head," Adelle began saying before grabbing her head and rubbing it a bit where she'd been struck by the mud golem.

Once she'd recovered a bit, Adelle got back up, wiping as much of the mud off of her as she could before sheathing her sword again and taking her shirt off to shake the mud and dirt from it, letting her large breasts hang free while she did this. Once her shirt was clean of as much dirt as possible, Adelle got a few handfuls of water and washed her tits and face off of the mud on them, likely giving Rosie quite a show. If Rosieta asked what she was doing, Adelle would tell her that she was at getting her face and breasts cleaned up first before doing anything, that the feel of the mud on her like that was just something she couldn't stand. When she was done with all that, Adelle would put her shirt back on, despite it being wet and probably cold enough to make her nipples perk up underneath it, and then move on, taking the lead again as she was supposed to be protecting Rosieta here and all.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"You went down, I continued to fight since you would probably not have woken up fast enough to make waking you up into a valid course of action. So the mud creature and me continued to fight for a bit, and I got it to retreat after a few more slashes. It just kinda melded back into the ground, so it is probably not dead. More likely just injured or demoralized, could not tell you exactly what it was since I am not an expert in these things." Rosieta explained the situation as Adelle picked herself off the floor to get back up and operating again. Despite all the cold professionalism usually making her act quite uncaring, at least the maid had enough decency to not mind the busty girl doing her wash-up operation. She took it all in stride, turning around to keep a lookout and let Adelle have as much privacy as the situation would allow her to have. Even if they had to stop for a while, it appeared that Rosieta understood that having that short break would restore some efficiency to her escort when the huntress would not need to lug all the mud around.

After a little bit of scrubbing and scooping water to chuck onto herself, Adelle would find herself in a decent enough state to carry on. No mud was weighing her down anymore, only a fair amount of brownish-gray stains reminding her of the encounter in addition to the wetness of her clothing and hair. The pair made their way forward shortly after that, the corridor turning another two times before a longer stretch of it was before them. The long part had nothing to surprise them, fortunately enough. The golem still remained as a possible encounter if what had happened was of any indication, but the creature was not showing up. At the other end, another three corners were waiting before the path started to show differences. The watery dirt ground was replaced by the regular tiling after the turns went into another brief straight, which in turn took the dynamic duo onto another multi-path area. From the look of things, it was an exact clone of the area where they had fought the straw sentries, another pair of square paths with one inside the other and connecting paths in the middle of each side. Of the straw creatures there was no sight of, nor any others either.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I see... I'm sorry Rosie. I'm not a very good body guard I guess," Adelle said before she began washing herself off some.

Once she was cleaned up again, her breasts still soaked along with her shirt and bra both which revealed her erect nipples unfortunately after she got her clothes back on, Adelle looked over to Rosieta and cleared her throat. "Hey... I'm ready now, thanks for waiting for me," Adelle said to Rosie when she was ready to move on again, her body still stained slightly with mud in places, but at least she was now mostly clean again.

Her head still throbbed a bit from the punch to it, but it was subsiding for the most part now thankfully, which was good as they moved on again. Looking around as they went onwards, Adelle kept a close eye out for the mud golem or anything else for that matter that might try anything against them, as she didn't want to get another punch to the head since it was already hurting enough for her liking. At the end of the corridor they were going down, Adelle felt the water sinking away as she felt the cold stone tiling again under her feet, the sounds of water dripping off of her and Rosie as they got out. Adelle shook herself around a little bit to try and get some water off of her, which had the added effect of swinging her hips back and forth as well as her tits for anyone or anything watching, and then she reached down to wring her shirt out some more with a twist.

When they came to the squared paths that were identical to the first ones with the straw sentries, Adelle looked around and back to Rosie. "Huh... nothing here it seems, but I don't believe for a second that this area is unguarded when the previous two weren't. And I'll bet that where we need to go to get out of here is the center of this little maze like area, so stay ready," Adelle whispered back to Rosie, creeping along the path cautiously with her sword at the ready, wondering what this place would throw at them next.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The middle area had no place to go into, so the pair would probably need to make it across the to the other side like before. The idea that place was not going be unguarded turned out to be true as the two entered the inner square to go around it, a few turns later revealing that there was a guardian around, and it was lingering on the fast path yet again while the way they would likely need to be heading into was beyond the three-direction fork it was occupying. Just like before, the destination was at the opposite side if the area where they had been, and there were corridor-wide double doors at the end of the brief straight, which was more than a good indication that they were close if not right outside their destination.

The guardian was still there though, in the middle of the intersection before them and facing the doors. It was a grotesque thing to say the least, looking like an morbidly obese person of huge stature, standing some ten feet tall and just about the same width as well. There were things wrong with it as it had only small stumps for arms and supertiny legs, which would probably make walking difficult. It had no head either, only a small hole in it's place. The entire flabby form was slightly green-hued, reminding Adelle of a decomposing body more than anything. The two could engage it, but there was the chance that it might not notice them if they went around the outer path and tried to keep as far away as possible since it had not noticed them yet from the looks of things.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Finding the middle of the path to not be where the exit was or anything else for that matter, Adelle sighed and shook her head, remembering that they hadn't entered the other squared off area in the middle of it. Heading back and around the corridors, Adelle led Rosie around until they caught sight of another guardian of some sort. Adelle put a finger to her lips and kept a watch on the thing, trying to determine its path and if they had an opening to get through.

It didn't seem to be moving at all though unfortunately from what she could see. Shaking her head slightly, Adelle glanced back to Rosie and whispered in her ear. "Hey, let's see if we can double back and go around the other side of the path. It's facing the doors, but it might not see us since it's so far down the hall and all. And I dunno if I want to go fight that big zombie looking thing," Adelle whispered to her companion before heading off to go far around the other side of the corridors.

Once around, Adelle would creep up to the corner and peek around it to check if the guardian thing noticed her. If it didn't, then Adelle would nod to Rosie so the two of them could head for the door. If it did notice her though, then Adelle would gulp and tell Rosie to run, where she would lead the thing down the long outside edges of the corridor and hoping it would be very slow thanks to its size, where they could double back again through the center area and get to that door before it found them.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"If that things is anything near the level of annoyance the other buggers have been, I do not want nothing to do with it." Rosieta expressed her approval towards the idea of sneaking around and avoiding the huge fleshy creature if they could help it. Going back a little, the two circled around using the outer square of the mini-labyrinth to avoid drawing attention to themselves. Coming to the critical fork, they kept to the opposite side of the wall, managing to sneak by without alerting the guardian. On the way, some further detail about the creature came into light as they could view it from the front. A long, Y-shaped surgical scar was visible on the front of the belly, stitched shut with thick string the entire way as best as the surgeon had managed. Still, some clear liquid dripped from certain parts on the stitching, a tiny puddle of it right there under the flabby thing.

Leaving the guardian to stand there, the two retreated to the corridor, where they reached the doors in short order. Rosieta opened one of the doors in a calm and careful manner to avoid any mishaps and slipped inside after opening it just enough to allow herself entry. Adelle too could follow, the sight of the room inside being just as the maid has promised to be indicative that they had reached what they had been looking for. The large room was a carefully maintained workshop, and even with her minimal experience in the making and maintaining side of things, the busty girl could make out the fact that this place was dedicated to the making, customizing and maintaining of firearms. The many pieces of larger machinery shared similarities with Isabella's equipment, and there were tools and plans everywhere. As much as one might have been hoping to find actual weapons in there, it was a disappointing place in the matter since there were none, only raw materials to make them. But the target of their trip appeared to be the plans as Rosieta found herself the biggest portable container she could and started gathering the papers in there. Thankfully it was not a ridiculous box made entirely from metal or anything, just a metal-framed hard plastic one with a handle that could still be taken around by one person with one hand.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Aye, agreed. Let's head around and see if the other direction has any better look to it," Adelle whispered before leading the way around to the other side of the corridor area from the strange guardian creature.

Moving around as quietly and quickly as they could, Adelle noticed the stitching on the creature's front, which gave her a shiver as she tried not to imagine whatever could have happened to the thing. When she noticed the fluid dripping from the stitching though, Adelle nearly felt the urge to vomit, but she swallowed and held it down. Creeping along, Adelle followed Rosie to the door and sucked in as much as she could as she opened the doors a tiny bit more so her breasts would fit without her having to grunt as she squeezed inside.

Upon entering the room beyond the guardian's corridor, Adelle looked around and saw a workshop of sorts similar to Isabella's own workshop. Poking one of the machines gears a time or two, Adelle looked around for any weaponry that might be in there. Unfortunately though she saw nothing of value in that regard, only empty shelves or boxes that they might have been in earlier. Seeing Rosie taking all of the weapon plans in there and putting them into a small container to carry them all, Adelle smirked a little bit and thought to herself that maybe she could procure a couple of these while Rosie wasn't looking, to give to Isabella so she could build them for her maybe.

Looking around the room, Adelle quietly looked for any of the plans that Rosie might have missed or any she hadn't got to just yet, where she'd put them into her backpack ever so subtly so the maid didn't notice as she made it look like she was looking around for anything else of value, even money that was laying about perhaps. If she saw any of the plans that might be dangerous in the wrong hands she would definitely make sure Rosie didn't get them as she rolled those up and stuffed them down into her pants in the back where Rosie couldn't see them.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Looking around the varied papers as subtly as she possibly could, Adelle could find some plans for highly destructive weapons such as a rapid-fire grenade launcher thing that was a completely unknown design to her with a quick look. The rate of fire was simply astonishing on the thing, so it was probably a safe bet to keep it away from Rosieta's boss. A few similar instrument plans slipped away as best as Adelle could manage, their existence probably best being kept secret from the leader of the Hispanic group.

When she was trying to hide the third one of the potential huge threats, Adelle was alerted as she felt herself being poked in the back of the neck with the barrel of a gun. "And just what are you doing with those?" the cold, stern voice of Rosieta questioned her. She had been caught in the act despite her carefulness, and now the maid was onto her game. It would likely be best that she chose her next words and actions real careful.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Looking at the various plans that seemed to be the most dangerous to everyone, especially the innocent bystanders that would end up caught in the crossfire, Adelle found some that were worth keeping out of Rosieta's hands, or at least Miguel's anyway. Adelle thought that the grenade launcher seemed to be the most destructive at the moment of the ones she could see, so she quietly and subtly slid that set down into the back of her pants before moving on to the next set of plans.

As she was tucking the third set down into her backpack, Adelle felt the cold steel of the barrel of a gun pressing against the back of her neck. Adelle thought quickly, thinking to herself that maybe Rosie had only seen her take the one set of plans here, as she'd glanced over when putting the first two in and didn't think she'd seen her doing so. She had to say something, and she couldn't very well tell Rosieta the truth... at least... she didn't think she could anyway. Who knew, Rosieta could possibly dislike Miguel herself for all she knew, but she doubted that at the moment. No her best bet here was to either trick Rosieta or convince her that there was no reason to kill her and no cause for concern with her taking some of the plans herself.

"Well... I'm taking them Rosie. There's so many of these laying around I figured finders keepers, as some of these look quite valuable. A girl's gotta make some money somehow you know. Plus you never specified exactly what we we're down here to take in the first place, all you said was that I'd know it when I saw it. I was figuring some sort of super gun or something myself to be honest," Adelle said calmly after taking a breath to still her nerves. "You know I came with you because you pay well, but when I see an opportunity to make some extra money, I take it. Besides I like weapons too, and some of these look pretty interesting and could be useful in my line of work. And I wouldn't mind having some powerful weaponry to fall back on for protection after everything that happened the other day at the big meeting, considering I barely made it out of there alive. I think you can appreciate and understand that surely Rosie," Adelle continued in a calm tone as she willed herself to not start panicking.

Unless Rosieta stopped her from doing so, Adelle would very slowly and deliberately turn around to face the maid, the one rolled up set of plans still in her right hand as she slipped her backpack back over her left shoulder as she raised her hands up to show she was merely talking and not going to try something. "So Rosie... what are you going to do with those? I mean you asked me what I was doing after all, and you pull a gun on me... I think I deserve at least that much," Adelle asked curiously after a few moments, whether Rosie let her turn around or not, and still in a calm manner. She idly wondered just how quickly she could spin and draw her pistol, mentally calculating her odds as best she could, though she was never very great with math, so she just assumed that if she tried something without at least a distraction to turn Rosie's attention away from her that she was probably dead.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Despite having drawn her gun on Adelle, Rosieta was still relatively lenient as she did let her talk without too much interruption, up to a certain point at least. "You might like them or whatever, but no. I am taking all of these to Master as I have been instructed to, and it will happen with or without you since I have no real need for you at this point. You have been paid for this job, and I expect some proper performance for the good money that your group is getting. Considering your position right now, I would not make matters worse with suspicious acts like this." the maid came out rather directly to contrast with her earlier silence, the barrel remaining firmly pressed against the busty girl's neck as she spoke up, with a little push given to indicate that she was very much serious. The attempt to start turning was quickly stopped as the blue-haired girl could hear the sound of the 1911 hammer being cocked back, the maid only driving the point further in with another firm push of the barrel against her bare neck. "Do not think of anything funny, you are not going to come out on top."

Having said that, Rosieta came forward a little, never moving the gun any as she reached out for Adelle's guns. Taking one out from the holster with her free hand, the maid emptied the revolver onto the floor, kicking the bullets to the back of the room just to make sure that no attempts at her would have much in the manner of firepower without some time-consuming moving and fiddling. Thankfully she returned it to the holster afterwards, even if it was empty, not throwing the whole gun away or taking it herself. The same thing happened to the other revolver, which was promptly emptied and returned in a swift and decisive manner as well. The maid even got rid of her sword, tossing that to the back to keep company for the bullets, just to make sure. She did not know of the Isabella special in Adelle's pack, but going for it would be suicide unless she somehow managed to buy the time and get it. Rosieta was not going to give the opportunity though as she ordered the huntress to drop her pack off. "Dump the contents out."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As Rosieta pressed the pistol against the back of her neck when she tried to turn, Adelle stopped her turn. Listening as Rosie took her guns and emptied her bullets out, Adelle inwardly grumbled, remembering Isabella's shotgun pistol tucked down into her backpack, but getting it now was likely going to be hard without getting shot.

"Hey I haven't been paid shit just yet. I don't get paid until we get out of here. And you expect proper performance when you pull a gun on me? That's kinda funny actually," Adelle replied when Rosie spoke, deciding not to say anything further just yet as her guns were emptied of bullets and even her sword taken and tossed aside.

When Rosie ordered her to dump the contents of her backpack out, Adelle sighed a bit and shook her head a little. "I'll need to reach inside then, because there's straps that prevent shit from falling out and a flap too that's locked down," Adelle replied, seeing this as her opportunity to get her shotgun pistol maybe if she could just turn around so she could aim it at the maid. "Look can I turn around? That way you can watch me do it. Aside from what you saw me put in there I only have stuff like extra clothing and my money anyway. Are you gonna rob me too?" Adelle then asked, glancing around to see Rosie out of the corner of her eye as best she could while waiting for the maid's reply.

Whether Rosie let her turn around or not, once she'd answered, Adelle would pull her backpack down and start fumbling with the straps as she's said, making sure to loop one around her Isabella special so it didn't fall out, where she'd then turn the backpack upside down so her money and clothing fell out for the maid to see. "You do know that you'll probably never have any work with the Hunters guild again for this right? I mean pulling a gun on one like this when you never exactly specified what the items to be retrieved were. Don't get me wrong, you paid well last time, but this is some dangerous shit that is only going to get a lot of innocent people killed if in the hands of your master, because he's a power hungry man that wants to control everything and everyone," Adelle said to Rosie as she dumped her money and spare clothing out onto a table if there was one close enough, so it didn't get all over the floor at least, and once everything save her Isabella special was dumped out, she slung the otherwise empty backpack over her shoulder again. "There, my spare panties, shorts, and shirt, and my money. And a couple of boxes of bullets for both guns which you already emptied, oh and your precious plans," Adelle then said once everything was out.
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