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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Hmm... this guy seems rather unusual for a raider. While I would not be against fighting them, I'm not sure if I can keep myself from being overwhelmed. Maybe we should hear what he is proposing. But no, Samson did not want us tp just scout, he wanted us to clear any unwanted people out. Mariela expressed what she thought about their situation. Isabella appeared to share the sentiment for the most part, but reminded that they might get surrounded if they dallied for too long. If there were more than the dozen raiders or so they had seen already, the possibility was more than likely, and there were robots too.

For their part, the raiders were preparing for a fight, getting into positions. But the leader was not as interested about the idea, remaining where he was as he hollered at the girl trio again. "Make up your mind, ladies. I can't guarantee that they won't start a fight after too long a while!"
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Yeah I know, but I don't think he meant to risk getting captured just to do so. But you're right we ought to try and get them out of here," Adelle replied in a whisper. "Alright I'll talk to him real quick, just... get ready to run if you need to okay, and come back to get me if you can if you end up having to leave me," she added before leaning around a little bit.

"I hear you pal. What do you want to talk about? I hope you'll forgive me if I don't step out from cover," Adelle called back to the guy before looking over at the girls. "Hey, find a better overwatch position to cover me from, if they loop around like I think they're going to, then they'll have us all surrounded okay. Best not let them get that opportunity right, and try to not let them see you alright," she added in a whisper to the girls.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The other girls moved, taking up positions somewhere behind Adelle as she prepared to deal with the leader of the raiders and his proposition. "Whatever, stay there for now." the leader dismissed the idea of the girls staying hidden, but he still did carry on to make the proposition he had talked about. "Since you nor me are probably not thrilled about the idea of a prolonged firefight, how about we play a game? You people come out and fight my creation, no interruption from me or the boys here. If you win, we'll leave and not come back, and I won't hold a grudge for destroying my creation. But if you lose... well, I think you can imagine what happens to little girls in the wasteland, can't you? Come on, I want to test this thing out and see what needs to be improved. It'll be fun!"
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Yeah I can agree on not wanting a prolonged firefight if we can all help it. Can I see what it looks like and take a few moments to think it over before I decide at least? Your creation I mean," Adelle replied to the guy as she sat there against the container she and the girls were at, then she looked over to the others. "Well it might be easier than taking them all on I guess... if you girls want to risk it at least. I'd rather fight one thing than a dozen or more myself. But then again there's no guarantee he'd keep his end of the bargain. I don't think he knows exactly how many of us there are exactly either, so one of us could sneak back off to the city and inform Samson and the others while the other two try and take on his... creation," she then whispered to Isabella and Mariela, waiting for their answers and the leader guy's before she said anything more to him.
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The mention that he should reveal the creation now caused the leader to go rather disappointed at his possible "testers". "Really now, reveal the big surprise before any actual agreement? Such a spoilsport, but fine, whatever." he agreed to reveal the creation, calling it out with a very specific whistle. From one of the containers underneath at ground level, a large mechanical spider stomped it's way out to the opening. It was a dark robot made from blackened, dirtied metal, only really having colors other than black or metal on it's abdomen and eyes, the latter of which were made from a single slit rather than a set of individual eyes. Otherwise it was a rather accurate replication of a tarantula, at least as accurate as a robot could without any additional materials. It had little pincers near the tips of it's feet, all eight of them, and a set of fangs that appeared to be more for grabbing and holding things than actual biting. Besides them, it also had a pair of strange gun-type attachments on the sides of the fangs, which had nozzles made from what looked like small nozzles from fire hoses or similar. It had enough size to make it a threat, the leg span going farther than your average car was wide by a good distance. "Here we are."

"That might be an idea, might. If they have a lot of guys back there, it could be a bad decision too. Since you obviously intend to remain here yourself, which one of us should go then?" Mariela questioned the idea of one of their number heading out, though she did not appear to go against it.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Thank you sir for agreeing to show me. Give me a few seconds alright, I'm thinking," Adelle called back to the guy politely before looking back to the girls once she had taken a look at the creation.

"Well I don't like one of you heading out alone, but I don't see a whole lot of options here honestly girls. There's just too damn many to fight easily, unless one of you can get a good position and take out a whole bunch of them. Damn I wish we had Lacri here for this one, she could just rush out there and obliterate them without batting an eye," Adelle whispered to them, debating which of the pair to send back. Isabella would be the more likely to make it back to the city without any worries, as she was a bit more enduring than Mariela, but then again Mariela was probably quicker on her feet, so Adelle was torn on which of the pair to send. "Hmm... which of you two is quicker? I'd say the best thing would be to send whichever of you is the quickest. But we have to have two of us here, because they know there's more than just me here obviously. I'd like Isabella to stay since our guns will obviously do more to that thing than your sword Mariela, if you're both okay with that. You think you can get out and back to town quickly and quietly Mari and bring in the cavalry?" Adelle then asked the girls quietly, leaning back around to make sure none of the marauder goons were trying to sneak around on them.

If the girls agreed, then Adelle would nod to them and tell Mariela good luck before leaning around a bit to talk to the leader guy again. "Alright, we'll fight the thing. But I would like to talk just the two of us for a moment before we do... if that's alright. I have an offer of my own I'd like you to consider too," Adelle called to the guy once Mariela was on her way, or Isabella if they decided between them both that she should be the one to go instead.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Make it quick."

The girls were quick to agree, though it was probably a bit questionable if Mariela was really the quicker at this point, considering she had a large sword with her. Still, she was the one that would retreat, as per the selection that Adelle made. Back with the group of raiders, the leader had some more faces to make when he was actually being questioned back, but he also appeared to like this type of prey as well. "You are one strange girl, having such balls. But I kinda like that. Fire away, I'll give it a listen."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Coming out with gun in hand, Adelle looked around and warily moved off to the side to speak with the leader guy alone, keeping an eye on her surroundings as she spoke with him "Alright then, my offer. Well I was sent out with my companion there to scout this place out for some company that wants to use it. I don't know why because I don't ask questions about that sort of thing when I'm being paid not to ask. All they want is the place to be cleared out when they send their people out here to take up residence here. And just so you know others are to be sent out here if we don't return soon to check up on us, and I'd like to avoid any bloodshed on both sides if at all possible, especially my own and that of my friends," Adelle said in a low voice so only the leader man could hear her. She glanced around again and took a drink from her water canteen and clearing her throat.

"My offer is... win or lose, I'll have sex with you... willingly and without a fight or struggle, and just you... though I doubt you could really tell all of them not to rape me and have them all listen, but if you can then that'd be nice, especially if you can tell them not to mess with my friend there either win or lose. Anyway though, If I win, I can take the top, while if I lose I'll do your favorite position or whatever. And after everything is said and done, you and I will both be happy... in more than one way, and you go wherever and we go home... both parties win. Oh and I'd also need some sort of little trophy to show that we managed to drive you off, if that'd be acceptable, doesn't... really matter what I guess though so long as it does the job of assuring our employers that you're gone and this place is clear for them," she went on to say, making her own offer to the guy and wondering if he'd accept any parts of that, as she was open for negotiation on most of them.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The first bit did not appear to be much of a surprise to the leader. "I thought as much. There's been a bunch of those company guys snooping around the vicinity recently. But we kinda like it here, so they'll have to think of something else. So they sent you guys. Not the best move they might have done, but it's not that I mind the entertainment you can get from a few ladies. But others too... will just see about that." he replied, taking a brief moment to ponder before telling one of the many thugs to go keep watch near the front gate and inform them about any other people approaching the place, numbers and equipment level included. Grabbing a walkie-talkie from a nearby table, the guy went on his way, looking a bit disappointed about this task but missing out on the fight between these intruders and the robot for the common good of the raider unit. There did not appear to be any of the marauders in the vicinity ready to jump the girls.

The whole suggestion that she was giving out made the leader look even more dumbstruck by the general show of outright disregard that the supposed prey showed towards him and his earlier proposal. But even so, so appeared to only show more interest towards Adelle and her apparent bravery and willingness to make a sacrifice or two. "Well... now that is something else. I am the leader around here, but they are a bunch of violent rogues. One should not tease these guys, they might not like that. But if you are actually willing to take that risk... alright then, we'll go with that. If there's some elite unit coming to clear us out, we might want to leave soonish." he somewhat surprisingly agreed to the whole thing without too much pondering. This was not too pleasantly accepted by the other guys, who were starting to look rather displeased by that point, though they were still not making any hostile moves. A few of them glared at the leader with barely-contained hostility, the idea of him hogging all the delicious ass that was being willingly offered to himself clearly bothering them a great deal.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Yeah we were the only ones really that were willing to take a risk to come out here. No one else would. And hey, it's nothing personal we're just doing the job we're getting paid to do," Adelle replied when he mentioned it being a bad idea for 2 girls to have been sent out to investigate the place. Then she smirked at him. "What? Just because I look young doesn't mean I haven't had sex before. I mean hell, as long as you don't go out of your way to hurt me or anything and don't plan on it I can make a sacrifice or two to get the job done like that. Besides, sex should be fun and make you feel nice, not like shit. And I see they don't look too thrilled about my offer either from the looks of it, so maybe I ought to offer them a little something to keep them all in good spirits, so they don't try and kill us or anything whether we win or lose, because I'm not in the mood for dying today. Don't really want to be raped either, but I've been raped by worse than guys before... you get the idea I think, and being raped is better than being killed," Adelle went on to say to him in a low voice so the others wouldn't hear before turning to the rest of the men there, giving him a wink.

"Alright look boys, I'll make a deal with you all too that on good faith you'll leave us alone afterwards and that you won't hurt us just to be cruel or anything. After I fight the robot thing here and have some fun with your boss, should I win at least, then the two or three of you that get over to me first can have some fun too if I win the little fight here and I'm not too hurt afterwards. Just... don't get any cum in my hair alright, if you've never had someone cum in your hair before, it's really fucking hard to wash out. And so help me god if any of you cum in my hair I'll rip your dicks off and slap you in the face with it so you'll regret you were the ones that got over to me first. Now if I lose though... well then that's my own fault for losing I guess. So all I can really ask is that you at least not be rough please so that I can enjoy it too and all, and if you'll do that for me then you'll find me a bit more willing and compliant should I lose," Adelle said to the guys around them before glancing over to the boss man. "Alright, where's our arena then I guess? Best get this show on the road eh. I hope you all enjoy the entertainment," she added before gesturing for the head guy there to show her to the fighting arena where she and Isabella were supposed to do this at, the busty girl ready to get this over with one way or the other as she figured that this was likely the best means of getting out of this without killing anyone, especially her and Isabella, since she knew that they were way outnumbered and likely would have been treated much worse by this point had they opted to fight instead and lost, which was the most likely outcome unless they had some more backup.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Somehow, the suggestion that she was making appeared to work better than Adelle might have expected it to, and suddenly the other raiders were questioning if they should even fight at all. "Boss, are you sure the fight is even necessary here? We could avoid any risks here by skipping that part all together, just go with the sex since she seems rather agreeable. Fucking this girl senseless would not make me miss the fight at all." one of the guys came out with how he felt, and it the boss appeared to have some interest towards this idea when he gave some thought to it. "Now that you mention it, that does make some sense. While I would like to test the robot out, just having some fun time does appear pretty much as good."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Well why don't we kill two birds with one stone then? I have some fun with some of you, while my friend there fights your creation. That way you get to see what it's made of and get fun with me at the same time. If you all agree to not be too rough at least, and again please... don't cum in my hair," Adelle suggested, figuring that this would at least get Isabella out of any sex... unless she was willing to and didn't mind any herself. But this way she was getting her friend out of the dirty job and hopefully was buying plenty of more time for Mariela to return with help, so that at the very least if these guys went back on their word and all then they'd be pretty distracted with the big jiggly boobies to notice the men and women coming up behind them with big powerful assault rifles and stuff.

"That fair enough guys? No roughness and hurting me and in exchange we all get some enjoyment out of it, while your robot there gets to be tested at the same time. That seems like a fair trade to me, and... then you all leave and... don't come back. M'kay? Although... I'm sure that if you all could show you can be trusted, the people wanting this place could be convinced to hire you themselves as the muscle to help guard it if I put in a good word or two for you, and then you wouldn't have to leave... perhaps, and then everyone wins, you, me, and them," she then asked and said to the guys around, looking pointedly at the leader man as she made one additional suggestion to give them a reason to not be rough and all.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

After taking a look around to see how the others were thinking, the leader found out that the guys were pretty satisfied with the idea being presented. "I guess it's settled then. Think you can take him, little lady?" he asked from Isabella, who looked almost a little set back by the doubt towards her, most of the other stuff being mentioned not really affecting her all that much, not even the parts where Adelle was offering herself up as a sex toy. "This will not be a problem, you'll see." she told the leader straight away, not having much doubt herself apparently. Taking some distance from the group, she assumed a waiting position, even sheathing both of her guns. The raiders also took to the sidelines, taking positions that would hopefully shield them in case there was a stray bullet coming towards them.

Once the leader gave the order for the robot to get her, Isabella drew her huge revolver, took up a quick firing stance and shot once to hit a certain spot on the robot. The shot appeared to be the mother of all shots as the mechanical spider began to flail around and shut itself down in a matter of seconds. "Open control unit, not a good idea." the gun sister announced as the leader looked at the scene with easily detectable dismay.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"M'kay, well let's see what she can do then. But um... we should probably take some cover just in case some bullets ricochet," Adelle said, taking cover behind some of the stuff next to the leader guy while they watched, ready to duck down if any bullets flew their way. Just as they took cover, Adelle looked to the leader guy and tilted her head curiously at him. "Say... what do you think about my other suggestion hmm? Could you and your men be trusted to guard this place with whoever else the company that wants it sends in if they hired you on? Like as mercs or something. It might give you a bit of access to some resources you can't get outside the city," she asked him quietly as Isabella prepared to fight his creation, trying to sweeten the honeypot as it were to see if she could persuade him and his men to possibly change their marauding ways, which would be the best outcome in her opinion, as everyone would live, and everyone would be happy.

Watching Isabella pull out her bigger revolver to fight with, Adelle saw the gun sister take aim as the spider looking thing started towards her, where Isabella fired her big pistol directly into the unprotected control unit of the thing. Moments later the creation shut down completely and fell to the ground, the whole fight turning into a bit of a anticlimactic thing all things considered. Adelle found it impossible to hold back a laugh or two, glancing around at the leader guy. "Well she's not one of the best gunners in the city for nothing I guess. I suppose now it's my turn then. So um... who's first I guess? And is there any comfortable place to go to for this by chance? Hell just a blanket on the ground would be acceptable really, just don't wanna get any dirt or anything like that in there you know," Adelle said after a couple of laughs at the leader guy's expense, likely her laughs would be mixed in with some of his subordinates if she had to guess
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Passing by the robot that had just been disabled, the leader took a few long looks at the hole that was now in the middle of the area where some critical components had been before, sighing at the whole thing before turning attention back to the main issue at hand. "I knew I should have made something about that... maybe we should have skipped the fight and you could have told me about this. But, what has happened, happened. Can't do much about it now besides repair the thing, if there is some use for it." he briefly mentioned the mechanical creation, apparently not overly bothered about it being wrecked while still probably not appreciative that the testing had to be done like this. Regardless, he did not lose his temper or anything, and was pretty prepared for what was to happen next. "I am the leader, and I will be first, that is certain. Nothing that bad is necessary, even if it might be expected from this place or us. This is where it will happen." he told Adelle as she questioned the spot for them, going to one of the containers nearby which already had a slightly opened door. He grabbed the handle and pulled the door open a little further to reveal that the container had been turned into a makeshift home, most likely his personal space as there was only one bed and an array of mechanical parts and tools around. The bed appeared to be made from what was once a bunk bed with the top bed now removed, the bottom being usable despite the lack of a mattress. Instead, a bedroll had been laid out on top of it to make a somewhat comfortable base, and an array of about six or seven different afghan blankets of varied colors and patterns further increased the comfort levels and allowed one to cover themselves while sleeping. "Not the hotel one might want, but a decent enough little spot for some fun. Come on in." he called out to the busty girl as he got inside.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Kay, better than I was expecting to be treated honestly, no offense. I guess I'll see some more of you shortly... depending on how long this takes and all. Why don't you all draw lots or something to see who's next hmm," Adelle said as she followed the leader man inside, giving the others a wink before turning her head back around and sighing a bit as she thought to herself a bit, wondering what his answer to her previous offers would be.

Once inside, Adelle pushed the door part closed a bit to block them from view some, where she then followed the guy on over towards his makeshift bed. "Eh better than nothing. The blankets are a plus though for sure. Hope you don't mind some of them getting a bit dirty. I'm Adelle by the way," Adelle told him with a shrug after he called over to her and invited her on in, where she introduced herself to him after pushing the door so it was only cracked a bit. "Also boss guy, just so you know, this is... actually my first time with like... a real man. I'm no virgin or anything, fucking strange monster things with tentacles which I won't go into detail about, but I've never actually had a man before. So... it'd be nice if you and the fellas out there could make it a nice memory and not turn me off from guys altogether on my first go around with them... please. Oh yeah while I said no really rough stuff, I'm not made of lace, so you can be a little rough with me, like some spanking and some rougher thrusting or what have you, just nothing that'd outright hurt me if you'd be so kind is all I meant, and I haven't had a lot in my ass before, so it'd be good if you didn't just slam right in there without preparing me first. Not sure how much the others out there will listen, but you have up until now at least... thank you," Adelle went on to say to him in a lower voice as she flipped 3 or 4 of the blankets over to lay on top of to make it more comfortable, where she then set her stuff down and started undressing.

She stopped just before she pulled her shirt off or pulled her pants down though as she laid her coat to the side down by her things, which she put over in the corner where it wouldn't be bothered. "Do um... do you want to undress me? I've heard guys like to do that. And can you also please make sure none of them try and take any of my stuff, I'm not wealthy by any means so losing that equipment means I can't eat because I wouldn't be able to make any more money by doing jobs. If you can do that... well you can be take my ass's virginity and I won't mind one damn bit," Adelle asked the boss guy, her fingers grasping the bottom of her shirt on either side, and it would be obvious to the guy that Adelle was frightened somewhat, but that she was trying to be brave and whatnot for her's and Isabella's sakes in front of all of the other guys outside, and that most of her talking was half her trying to make sure that she wouldn't be hurt and the two of them raped half to death, and half trying to maintain her calm and composure and not just fainting or something.
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

For his part, the leader appeared to be content looking at Adelle and how she was doing the start of this little act between them, leaning against the wall of the container in a rather casual manner, though he did unzip his worn leather jacket at one point. "Jarvis. Usually I'm called Techie or Wrench by the others, for obvious reasons." he too revealed his name, apparently not having much reason to hide it. What Adelle revealed next really seemed to catch him by surprise, the whole idea that she had not yet been in bed with a dude really raising his curiosity and interest towards her. "That is really hard to believe, a fine-looking thing like you? Maybe it makes me all that much luckier, so I can't really complain any about that. I had some ideas that you might be a dyke, but maybe not." he said, taking mental note about what else was being said and looking like he was not sure if all of this was really being said by some random girl who could actually be his captive or similar, yet was not.

The concerns that Adelle had towards her gear were most likely unnecessary as the man waved his hand at the idea of something vanishing while they were going at it. "Nah, they don't usually bother me or each other when there is something private like this going on." he told how things were, probably trying to further dismiss the concern and fear that was bothering the busty girl, things which he had apparently figured out without any need to mention them. And just like she was guessing, the idea of undressing her did appeal to Jarvis. "But of course we do. Most of us do, at least. I'm not an exception, so hold your horses." he stopped her from taking any further articles of clothing off, laying his own jacket aside while he did, now only having a simple tank top on his upper body. Despite his average stature and somewhat peaceful-looking face, Jarvis still had a decently rough and muscular upper body build, his arms showing clearly that he had spent a lot of time over the years doing more or less heavy mechanical work which kept him fit. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he gestured Adelle over to sit on his lap. Once she did, the blue-haired girl could feel the bandit leader's hands on her hips for a while before they came up a little to peel her shirt upwards with a continuous motion. He did not take it off all the way though, going just far enough to leave the somewhat tight shirt over her tits where it would not be in the way too bad. One hand sought out a breast to feel up, which was not all that hard now that the shirt was out of the way, while the other started to unzip and open the button in her jeans to get started on that area as well. Not before long, the hand finished it's task and went into Adelle's pants, but again Jarvis showed that he was not in a hurry by simply going over her panties and feeling her up with a light and somewhat analytical touch through the fabric of the undies while the other hand proceeded to slide into her bra and approach the breast within in a similar fashion. "You do know how bad this situation could be for you, right? How easily this could turn into a woman's nightmare?" the man asked the busty girl in a low voice before giving her cheek and neck a light kiss. Maybe he was just curious, but maybe Jarvis was looking to mess with Adelle a little, and this was one easy way to do it.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle gave an incredulous look at Jarvis as he'd named himself when he mentioned that he thought she was a lesbian, unable to suppress a little smirk. "Heh, well I'm not one, though like I said I do like girls too quite a bit, I've just never... how should I say... had the pleasure of having a man before. Though the opportunity has arisen before, I just never jumped at it, was too busy with other things at the time," Adelle replied, unable to keep from giggling a little bit.

When Jarvis motioned for her to take a seat in his lap, Adelle did so, her bountiful butt squishing against his lap as her breasts jiggled slightly as she did. She took in the sight of the man in front of her, finding that despite his size he was rather muscled up, not that that bothered her any really. She sat there in his lap for a moment before he started feeling up her hip, which she glanced down to look at as he did so, the feeling being rather pleasant actually. It seemed to her that he was at least going to be gentle at this point, so perhaps her first time with a guy would be a nice experience, despite the circumstances... though she did kind of talk herself into the situation when she thought about it.

When he pulled her shirt up, Adelle was not surprised by the action any and leaned back slightly so that it came up and over her breasts easier. As soon as Jarvis popped the button on her jeans and began unzipping them, she took a shaky breath and let it out slowly as one hand groped one of her breasts through her bra, where she began pulling her shirt off the rest of the way, unless he had any objections to her doing so at least, her right arm afterwards laying around his shoulders so her hand was laying on his right shoulder. When his hand wormed into her pants and his fingers brushed across her most sensitive and precious place through the cloth of her panties, Adelle gasped aloud and visibly tensed some, her right hand that'd been on his shoulder gripping him some, and after that as his other hand went inside her bra, he'd see Adelle's eyes go half lidded as she sat there in his lap, pretty much all exposed and ripe for the picking as it were, her left hand going up and laying over his hand on her breast and squeezing it softly to make his fingers sink into her soft tit flesh.

As he spoke again and told her what he did, he'd feel Adelle's right hand grip his shoulder differently than when his hands touched her breasts and honeypot. It was a frightened grasp, but she didn't resist his advances any, but her body was very visibly tense now he'd notice. "P-Please... I just steeled my nerves and got relaxed enough to do this without regretting my decision.. A-And of course I know how b-bad this could be for me. B-But this is better than the alternative... which is why I... m-made the deal with you, to keep my friend and I from being hurt or killed, and to keep her from the worst of it if I could... even if that means I have to do the dirty stuff," Adelle replied to his words, looking away a bit with an obviously frightened look in her now shimmering eyes as she audibly gulped. "I-If you've got something specific in mind that you want me to do... I'll try to do it alright. I'm being willing and all, so you don't have to be mean and scare me to get me to do what you want you know," Adelle went on to say, sighing and trying to not let his words bother her any as she put her brave face on again, though the stuttering in her voice made it obvious that she was still affected by his words at least somewhat, though her grip on his shoulder eased a bit as she finished speaking. She was tilting her head a bit away as he kissed her cheek and neck, trying to enjoy the sensation of his lips on her soft skin, all of the things combined that were going on for her causing her skin to flush pink with arousal as his hands continued their work on her and under his palm he'd feel her nipple beginning to perk up a bit too as he kept going, while her panties began to dampen as his hand down there went to work further on her.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Getting the answer from Adelle made Jarvis chuckle as he continued to feel her up for a little while, not having much cause to hurry, apparently. "Just messing with ya. I'm quite sure that none of the guys out there would kill a lady unless they killed some of us first. You females are far better to keep around when you are alive, for a few different reasons that you might be able to imagine. I don't think anyone of them disagrees, unless there is some sick corpse fucker or two among them that I have no idea about." he mentioned that he was just playing around with her, probably getting some cheap yucks from scaring her a little. Still, one could assume from his words that Isabella was most likely not under any danger, even as the two of them could not see what was going on outside. No sounds of horrible rape were coming either, so the assumption was further enforced. Not long after he had finished speaking, the bandit leader made a small move to further the ongoing act and moved Adelle's bra out of the way by pulling it up just like he had done with the shirt. From there he could enjoy the released breasts without further obstruction, which was exactly what he did with varied methods of groping that ranged from rather shy to the outright savage. The efforts inside the busty girl's pants went along with similar variety as well, though the man never went to her pussy directly, staying on the outside and having the fabric of the panties there for some reason. He would go on for a while at this, making sure that Adelle was prepared nicely for the immediate future.

Before she could orgasm or anything, Jarvis stopped with what he had been doing for a while and withdrew his hands before spreading his legs a bit and letting Adelle slide to the floor, keeping the descent slow so she would not slam onto the floor or something. Ushering her to turn, the man unzipped his cargo pants and released his own equipment, which was rather big to say the least. If the girl's quick visual estimation was not lying, the dick she was facing was somewhere near the nine-inch mark in length and had enough girth as well to make an impression. Maybe the nickname of Wrench was not entirely made up from his mechanic skills, after all. "Hopefully I do not have to explain what you are to do now." he told Adelle, giving her a little poke to the cheek with the tip of the member as encouragement while looking down at her with some degree of anticipation visible on his face.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

When he stated that he was just messing with her, Adelle lightly punched his shoulder, nowhere near hard enough to hurt and almost... playfully. "I'd expect you to be a gentleman and protect a pretty lady from some sicko like that Jarvis, and afterward receive your reward, being a kiss from a maiden fair, hmhm," Adelle replied after he finished up and after her light punch to his shoulder.

With that he went back to work and pulled her bra up to allow her large jiggly breasts to bounce free from their prison of cloth, at which Adelle let out a sigh of relief. "Hah... that feels kinda nice. And in case you haven't already noticed, yes my breasts are sensitive. Though you could probably guess that just from their size I suppose," Adelle said after her breasts bounced free, her left hand coming up to pull her bra off the rest of the way over her head and tossing it over to where she'd set her shirt at, leaving her top fully exposed. When he began teasing her breasts directly with them fully exposed now, he'd get a good response from her as she let out a soft gasp as he rolled her voluminous tits in his hands and felt them up as much as he wanted, and when he inevitably kissed and licked her pert nipples she'd let out a soft moan as she tilted her head back a bit. "Ahhh... yes. That feels really nice," she sighed pleasantly as she felt his hand delving into her pants and rubbing her across her flower through her panties, where she pressed her body against his as he went, and soon enough he'd feel the dampness spreading on her panties as he pleasured her.

She felt her own pleasure mounting as his hand continued rubbing her sweet tender folds through her panties and bit her bottom lip to try and withstand it before she was overwhelmed as her breasts were groped and teased even more. When he pulled his hand out of her pants, Adelle whined a bit but didn't stop him and slid herself down with his help. She sat there on her knees in front of him as he unzipped his pants and pulled them down to release his cock. Gulping a bit as it flopped out right in front of her face, Adelle stared at it with a mixed look of curiosity and surprise, with a hint of an impressed look in there as well.

"Wow... um... heh, first guy's dick I've ever had in my face to be honest. A-And yeah... I know what you're wanting. I know enough to know that at least. I've never done this willingly though under my own power, so I hope if I'm bad at it you won't hold it against me," Adelle chuckled apprehensively as gulped again and steeled her nerves and answered him as he poked his member against her cheek.

Adelle leaned back slightly and reached up tentatively with her right hand and gently grasped his length around the base of it and slowly ran her hand up from base to tip and then back down, knowing the basics of what to do here at least, which was get him ready just as he'd done her. She repeated this process another 3 times, taking about 10 to 20 tense seconds in her mind, though likely very pleasant seconds for Jarvis if she had to guess. Her eyes locked on his length as she stroked him to full readiness, she let out a soft surprised gasp as he hardened up in her hand. Letting her instincts guide her, Adelle then leaned in, and feeling a bit nervous about what she was about to do, which was give her first willing blowjob, she opened her mouth and closed it until it was nearly shut again, her hot breath tickling his meat rod as she hesitated a bit. Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, which at the same time as relaxing her allowed her to smell the thick scent of his cock, Adelle slowly let it out and leaned forward once more, opening her mouth and licking the crown of his member along the underside of it, getting her first taste of a man's cock.

After that first lick, a second and then a third came followed by several more, all along the same spot as the first, though going further down his shaft each time until she was at the base of it. "Heh... gods I can't believe I'm doing this," she chuckled nervously as she pulled her head back slightly and idly remembered the taste from the previous times she'd tasted cum, be it one of the various creatures or the girl that raped her with her dick, though she didn't stop stroking his meat while she idly pondered these things. Leaning back in she licked some more, running her tongue up his length again and stopping at his tip and swirling her tongue around and around it several times before bravely pushing her head forward and taking his entire crown in her mouth and gently sucking on it as her tongue worked it further, swirling around it the whole time and not ceasing while her cheeks dimpled ever so slightly for him to see as well as feel that she was sucking.

Moaning softly as she went, Adelle let his length slip from her mouth and ran her tongue back down and up his length a couple of times before her lips wrapped around his crown again and she sucked some more. Then while she sat there with his cock in her mouth, Adelle took another deep breath and slowly let it out to calm herself again as she was starting to feel a bit... giddy of all things. Adelle slowly started sliding her head down onto his hot hard dick, gently sliding inch after inch into her mouth until she felt his tip poke the back of her throat, at which point she gagged slightly and pulled back a bit. She went down again and the same thing, she gagged a bit and was forced to pull back. So instead of forcing herself to further just yet, Adelle started sucking him off and taking his shaft in her mouth as deep as she could without gagging, her tongue ceaselessly tickling and teasing his man flesh as her left hand held her hair back while she went at him, the whole scene likely looking very sexy and arousing from his point of view or from anybody else's, and when she moved herself up to get into this position her breasts would rub softly at the insides of his legs and on occasion a barest of caresses against his shaft or balls. She'd keep going like this until she felt him begin to twitch, at which point she'd pull back and gently stroke him to keep him as close as she could while looking up directly into his eyes.

"W-Well Jarvis... do you want me to finish you like this, o-or with my breasts? Or would you rather... you know, take me? I'm up for anything really, and willing to finish however you like. Though I'm getting pretty... you know, ready myself," Adelle asked nervously as she softly stroked him, her left hand sliding down her own body to rub at her pussy through the thin wet fabric of her panties, a heavy look of arousal in her eyes he'd see as she panted softly, her body obviously desiring some stimulation itself, but it was up to him really whether he returned the favor and pleasured her some more.

Only If he didn't answer her though within about 10 to 15 seconds or so, would he feel her breasts wrap around his shaft where she'd begin bouncing them up and down the large twitching member as she squeezed them together around him, soon after which she'd drop her heavy breasts down his length as far as they'd go and take his cock in her mouth again. She'd suck hard on it to try and coax his seed out of hit testes, alternating to licking from sucking every little bit and from basic bounces of her breasts to lifting one and then the other as the first slid back down and swinging them to the left and right to provide more than ample stimulation to bring him to climax. If he did finally explore for her, her instincts would guide her as soon as he did where she'd relax her throat and deepthroat him as he came, her mouth making lewd slurping and sucking noises as a few gagging sounds came from her as well before she finally pulled back to let the last couple of spurts fall on her face and or chest.

Otherwise she was ready to change positions to whichever he desired, her own body aroused enough now to have no more nervousness about this whole thing.
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