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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

There was little enthusiasm in Terumi's reply to the handshake, but at least he did it. But it was he that broke out the info regarding Jet's abilities and equipment. "Jet is a melee combatant through and through. He got his nickname from this gadget that he utilizes which is basically a jetpack of sorts. He can't fly with the thing, but he uses the thrusters on that backpack to make rapid and unexpected movements that enable surprising and powerful strikes with the various weapons he uses. You should have ranged weaponry against him to level the playing field. And I do noticee that you have sufficient... guns to provide that support." the man explained, throwing a double entendre in there as well. The location of the reports was close enough to where Mariela lived, and not too far from the busty girl's home either. It did look like she might be almost neighbors with the man, as the location was near his home supposedly as well, and it was only a few blocks away.

There was really no need to tell Terumi to get going, and the guy did not go against the idea of taking a bike to the job. Still, he did do things his way, turning around on the back seat and went back-to-back with Adelle while holding onto the bike's frame. Once they got to the location, he was pretty quick to hop off as well. "Get what you need and lock the bike down, then we'll look for Jet."
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I see, well I suppose this is one reason you two wanted me then," Adelle said, looking at Samson and Shiulin. "Alright then Terumi, let's go. I'm ready when you are," Adelle told her new partner.

Hearing that Jet's place of residence wasn't too far from her own now or from Mariela's, Adelle headed out and hopped on her bike, scooting forward enough for Terumi to get on without any trouble. Revving up the engine of her bike, Adelle waited for Terumi to get on too and headed off to the location that Jet was last seen at. She hoped that it wouldn't come to a fight with Jet, but if it did then she meant to be prepared for it.

Driving off, Adelle took the quickest and safest route to where Jet was at, where she parked her bike in as safe a spot as she could and locked it down, grabbing her gear before doing so and following Terumi and keeping an eye out for Jet. "I hope we don't have to fight him if it really is Jet, but if we do then we do I guess," Adelle said as they set off, with her placing her key for the bike down in her pocket inside her coat.
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I doubt it will that easy, it is Jet. Leaving the bike here is smart enough as he might decide to use it as a cover or damage it for some other reason." Terumi said, not really agreeing with Adelle's positive thoughts but still stating why he had told her to leave the bike behind. The two headed out, going into surveilance mode to see if they could find the rogue hunter.

At a certain corner, there was a sound that was basically a small rocket engine activating which Adelle managed to her before something slammed into her back, almost tripping her up right then. As soon as the hit had happened, there was already groping going on as a pair of hands reached around for her chest. "You bitch..." was all that she managed hear in the few seconds that it managed to go on. Terumi was quickly on the situation despite being the one in front, the busty girl managing to catch a glimpse of him getting into action as one of the knives he had in his arm sheaths flew up and spun open in the air before he grabbed it pretty much without looking and still managed to get the grip ends together and not the blade. Without any warning, he turned around and closed the few steps between them, throwing a wild slash that went a mere few inches past Adelle's face and into the target behind her, most likely cutting a few strands of hair in addition to the target. It was a powerful strike that enough to dissuade the attacker from trying further molestation on the girl. "Fuck, owww!" she could hear the voice of Jet as he retreated a small distance away from the two. "As disgusting as ever, I see..." Terumi did not hold back his words as he met the other hunter's gaze with his own, idly flipping the knife in his hand into closed and open positions in turn as Jet himself produced a pair of telescoping batons and snapped them open. "SHUT UP! I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU! AND THAT USELESS BITCH TOO!" the rogue hunter flared at the two, apparently being too far gone for diplomacy after getting repelled. Even if the cut had only made a small nick on his face, the man was still furious after being denied his fun.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Yeah he does seem to be a loose cannon alright, and if he damaged my bike I'd have to break something before we drag him back to Samson... or jail, one or the other," Adelle replied as they set off on foot, a hand on her pistol to whip it out in a hurry if need be. "At best, we'll knock him the fuck out and drag him back, or to jail whichever he needs to go to more. At worst we kill him," she added

A few minutes later into their search, Adelle heard the sound of what could only be a rocket like engine firing up. Stopping for a moment as she was about to call out to Terumi if he'd heard it too, she was pretty much tackled from behind by none other than their target, who's hands immediately went to her breasts. Why did they always have to go for her breasts first? It easily gave her the time to counterattack them. Raising her left leg a bit to stomp Jet's foot into the ground, she stopped mid motion as Terumi spun around to help.

As Terumi swung his blade, Adelle's eyes went wide as his blade went right past her face and forced Jet to release her. Gulping once after the attack that really saved her from any more molesting, Adelle recomposed herself quickly and spun around as well to face the rogue hunter as she drew her pistol and pointed it right at him. "What in the fuck is wrong with you, you crazy bastard? You wanna die today that badly? You keep acting like this and today you're going to die, whether by us, the cops, or another hunter of some sort, you will die. I don't want to kill a fellow hunter, but if you're too much of a fucking pussy to grow up and act like a real man, then I'll put a bullet right through your dick before I put one in your head," Adelle said to Jet with quite a bit of ice in her voice, not screwing around on this one and putting on her game face and aiming her gun directly at Jet's dick as she spoke and cocking it.

If he made any move to attack them again, or to get away, Adelle wouldn't flinch a bit and would quickly aim directly at his legs, though only in a way that she wouldn't hit any innocent bystanders, intending on putting a bullet through one of the two and slowing him down enough for Terumi to pounce on easily, and hoping that her companion would use her doing this to his advantage whether she missed or not to get in close to Jet. If her first couple of shots missed and Jet closed the distance between them again, she'd whip her sword out to defend in close quarters, parrying any attacks as best she could while moving back, taking a couple of swings in return if she saw an opening.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

(Because magnetits attract hands to feel them up. Also boobie magic.)

"SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP! I'M DONE WITH THIS SHIT!" the rogue hunter screamed at the two as he poked a button on his mechanical bracer with the other baton that he had, which provoked a series of sounds to emanate from it. While Adelle herself might have not understood what that meant, Terumi seemed to know as he sighed upon seeing it happen. "Oh dear me, that is a multi-drug injector unit, most likely loaded with a certain combination of chems that he likes to use. This... might not end good." the man alerted Adelle that they were dealing with chems now, barely managing to avoid the incoming blow from Jet, who indeed was pretty darn fast with the thrusters on his back aiding in the rapid dashes. Despite the shot that Adelle managed to score on his leg, the man barely seemed to register the hit as he and Terumi exchanged a few swings at each other, Adelle's companion somehow keeping his ground against two weapons with just one knife on his own hand. The scuffle between them ended with an exchange of hits, Terumi cutting a nearly forearm-length wound onto Jet while the rogue hunter came back with a back-handed clobbering to the head which most likely stunned Terumi a little in addition to knocking him aside some.

Having that opening caused a change in plan, and Jet pulled a sharp thruster step past the man and came straight for Adelle. Taking another shot to the same leg still did little to hamper the berserk Jet, and he closed the distance in a flash. With a furious double swing with both of his clubs, he simultaneously knocked away the gun that the busty girl had and smashed her in the stomach, sending the gun to the side and her reeling back as the pain was pretty hard. Thankfully, it did not appear that anything bad had happened, and Terumi was coming back to the situation after having a few seconds to recover from the clubbing. Nonetheless, Jet was still coming for Adelle with his weapons, and it was not sure how many berserk hits she could take from the rogue hunter.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Well shit," was all Adelle said when Terumi mentioned the drugs Jet had just used on himself, gripping her pistol a bit before Jet made his move towards them.

Quickly pulling her gun up and shooting Jet in the leg, she saw it had virtually no effect on him at all, aside from leaving an open wound on him that is. She tried to angle herself for another shot while the two in front of her exchanged blows, but simply could get a clear shot without risking hitting Terumi in the process. As Terumi was knocked down though, Adelle saw Jet coming straight for her and raised her gun again to shoot, but even though she put another bullet in his leg he didn't stop coming or even flinch as he swung his batons at her.

With her smaller pistol knocked out of her hand and then with the blow to her stomach, Adelle stumbled back a few steps, holding her stomach with her left hand. Looking back up at Jet, now extremely pissed, Adelle didn't waste any more time with this and pulled out her new sword in her left hand and her other pistol in her right as she stood back up. Spitting off to the side, Adelle braced herself as Jet kept coming, waiting for him to blast straight at her with his jetpack, and attempting to provoke him into doing so straight towards her.

"Damn Jet, that was pathetic. I thought you'd pack more of a punch than that. Guess you really are just an immature pussy," Adelle said to Jet, giving a cough as she got ready.

If she pissed him off enough or if he used his jetpack to come straight at her, Adelle would stand her ground until he was past the point of no return, where she'd reposition her blade to point straight at him, holding the butt of it against her other hand while pointing her pistol at him, shooting into his side with one of her larger bullets as soon as he was at point blank range. Assuming her plan worked and he impaled himself on her sword, she would swing her legs around him to hold him in place for Terumi to clock on the head, locking them around behind him as she let her sword go since the handle would be pressed against her to hold it in, where she'd grab her new kukri and ram it into one of his arms to try and incapacitate him enough to surrender unless Terumi knocked him out.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Jet did not push himself blindly onto Adelle despite his drug-fueled rage, skirting around her instead and looking for a spot. It was a somewhat bad idea though as it enabled Terumi's participation once more, the man getting back into the thick of things in a rather unexpected way. Just as Jet was about to take another shot, the other hunter appeared to throw something, and a snake-headed chain made from green energy of some short shot out from his sleeve, the head connecting and biting onto the rogue hunter's wrist. After giving a pull to stop the attack, Terumi appeared to reel himself with the chain, which began to retreat back into his sleeve while pulling him through the air and towards his target. The force of the pull sent him straight onto Jet, both dudes bouldering past Adelle as they went down to the ground. Terumi's knife came down and pierced a shoulder, which might have looked like a successful pin, but the namesake equipment proved itself good enough as the berserk Jet punched the other guy off of him and used the thruster to almost rocket back up to his feet. Before the allied hunter could get up, he got nailed in the head for the second time, this shot most likely requiring a little bit more recovery time. And just like before, Adelle's shot to the side caused very little reaction, though it did blow off a chunk of meat and cloth from Jet's side. Again, the attention was on her, but now Jet was more than a little hurt, though it looked like it would take a moment or two for Terumi to get in there.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Seeing her plan wasn't working in that Jet didn't go blindly at her like she'd wanted him to, Adelle kept facing Jet and kept bracing herself for when he did blast towards her. This did manage to get her companion back in the thick of it thankfully and didn't leave her to fight the crazed rogue hunter alone, which considering his reputation and the fact he was hopped up on drugs she doubted she could manage it easily. Adelle watched the tussle between the two as they both went back down, with her getting ready to jump into the thick of it too before Jet knocked Terumi off of him and was back on his feet.

Shooting him in the side with her bigger gun did little to slow him down too from the looks of it at first, but she could tell he was hurting and winded. Holstering her pistol because she figured another bullet in him would likely end up killing him, Adelle raised her sword in one hand and grabbed her kukri in the other and braced herself again for Jet to come at her, attempting to get through to him somewhat now that he was as wounded as he was.

"I told you Jet, if you don't calm down you'll die, because you're losing a lot of blood. Now why do you want to kill us, and Shiulin?" Adelle said to the rogue hunter, wondering if she could get through to him at all and preparing to make a move of her own, though this was more to distract than anything.

If he didn't listen to her at all, Adelle made her move and hopped in to make a slash of her sword at his chest, though this was only a feint attack and not her real move as she kicked her leg up to nail him in the crotch with her knee, where she'd then hook the same leg around his and trip him up so she'd fall down on top of him as she pulled either of her blades up to his throat. "NOW CALM THE FUCK DOWN YOU PRICK BEFORE YOU MAKE ME KILL YOU," she'd scream at him, assuming her maneuver worked and she gained the upper hand.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

This time around, Jet came in full-force, though he did not stay in direct line of attack either. He used his speed to move around and take strikes from slightly sideways directions, which were still coming in pretty hard but Adelle could actually intercept them with her own weapons to keep from getting hit in the head or worse. Still, the erratic movement really put a damper on any nutkick ideas as Jet was barely in one place to line up a shot. With the force behind his attacks, the rogue hunter might overcome the defenses that Adelle mounted as he brought one attack after another against her weapons. Before any serious damage could happen, there was an interruption as a sudden flash of metal passed between the two of them, the end result being a pair of arms flying off. Good for Adelle that it was not her pair of arms that dropped to the ground. "Get back." she heard an unpleasantly familiar voice as a ripple in the air revealed that there was someone there, using a cloaking tech machine of some sort. And before she could make do of the command, the wierd tech hunter girl she had already seen twice before flickered into existence between the two hunters and shoved her back with a thrust to the chest. Even though he was high as a kite on the drugs, having both of his arms removed finally managed to break the pain threshold of Jet, who managed to scream a bit before being slapped on the face with enough force to flip him around in place. To follow up the beginning of the assault, the girl reached back to her blade after having sheathed it once already, going for a brutal series of cuts that severed the straps that held the jetpack on Jet. The pack itself appeared to be the main target here, the accuracy of the slashes indicating as such. Before the thing could fall to the ground, the girl grabbed it from the air, proceeding to impale Jet through the back and heart before kicking him down. The kick gave away another detail about her, revealing that she had some kind of metallic or cybernetic high heels on under the huge cloak.

As the dead body of Jet slammed into the ground, the girl turned attention to Adelle, having the same visor headset on as before, which really did make it hard to make any sort of identification possible on her. "You again..." the girl remarked as she saw Adelle, one hand holding the jetpack while the other had the bloodied blade held firmly in it. Flicking the sword quickly to the side, she removed the blood with the sharp motion, some of it ending on the busty girl's shirt and cheek. "Somehow you are here, but I do not have anything regarding you." the tech hunter coldly announced that she was not here for anything that Adelle had, turning to start her departure as Terumi began to gather his senses again.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As luck would have it, Adelle wasn't able to get her nut kick off before Jet was able to move out of the way, but amazingly she was able to hold him off with her defenses. As he rained attacks down on her, Adelle took a few steps back as she held her defense as best she could, but just before he managed to break through, she suddenly saw something flash out and cut into her opponent. Adelle was already jumping back before she heard the familiar voice telling her to get back, gasping at Jet's loss of his arms, but she was shoved back before she could complete her hop back, which caused Adelle to stumble and nearly fall flat on her ass.

Watching the strange girl she'd met twice before yet again as she pretty much took Jet apart, Adelle quickly hopped over to retrieve her pistol Jet had knocked out of her hand and holster it before the chick finished with the rogue hunter. "Yeah me again," Adelle replied curiously before the girl turned to leave. "W-Wait... who are you anyway? Why did you save me there? Because I doubt I could have managed to take him one on one... though I'd have preferred not to kill him if possible. I think that you actually do care at least somewhat or you wouldn't have helped me," Adelle asked the woman, less coldly than the previous times and trying to stop her and get a straight answer, because she did kind of save her this time around, and acting coldly towards her didn't help the last times so maybe, just maybe acting in a more kind manner would. She kept her sword in her hand though just in case, even though she doubted she could take her in a fight.


Once the woman was gone, Adelle went over to Terumi and offered him a hand to help him up with, looking back over at Jet's corpse as she did. "You see that? Crazy girl has to be from that place up there in the sky," Adelle asked Terumi as she helped him back up.

She then headed over to Jet's body and pushed his arms back against his body, nobody deserved to go out so gruesomely, save some vile creature like those aliens from the other day. Adelle would then check Jet's gear to take it all back to Samson so that no one came by and took it, setting it aside while they decided what to do with Jet's body. "What do we do with him now? Will someone come along shortly to collect him or what?" Adelle asked Terumi after she'd gotten Jet's gear all set aside to take with them.
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I am the enforcer of the Council's will, and I am not here to save you... it was a coincidence that you happened to be where the target I was looking for was." the girl replied as her gaze went to the jetpack that she had cut off from the now-dead Jet's back. The blade that had ended the rogue hunter's life went back to the sheath as she began to walk away, not paying much attention to Terumi as she passed by, soon breaking into a run and switching the cloaking unit back on. It would be almost impossible to track her by then.

Despite having been clocked on the head twice, it appeared that Terumi was more or less alright, if a little bit unbalanced and bleeding from the head, which he applied a cloth onto. The man actually had green hair, needing the remove his hood in order to reach the wound with his cloth. "Don't worry about it, it's not as bad as it might look." he calmed Adelle, urging her not to worry too much about the bleeding. "But that girl... I did not know that whatever people lived up there on that plate cared about us surface dwellers. I always imagined they were content to remaining there, looking down on us and dumping their trash down here." he shared some of his mind and knowledge about the sky city. Dragging along Jet's remains did not appeal to him, and the man took out a small camera and snapped a quick picture of the body. "The police will handle the rest, I'll have no part in dragging that around."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"If you say so miss. But still the same you did save me, so I think you really do care at least a little, or you'd have killed me too without even thinking about it in order to get what you want," Adelle said to the girl before she cloaked herself and disappeared from view.


"Still the same man, don't need to let it bleed. We can stop back by my place on the way back to the bar, I've got a first aid kit there. If you'd like to stop and let me patch you up a bit first, if not we can head straight on back to the bar," Adelle told Terumi as she looked at his wound before he covered it and she made to collect Jet's gear while Terumi took a picture of the body and stated he didn't want to drag the corpse back. "Alright then, I really didn't want to drag him around anyway, damn creep. We gave him every opportunity to give up but he didn't take it. And that chick... that is the third time we've run into each other, and other than that they've got a lot better technology up there than we've got I don't really know anything about them," she added after grabbing all of Jet's gear, carrying it back to her bike, which wasn't too far away thankfully.

Once back to the bike she'd put Jet's gear into the trunk box on the back and locked it down then climbed on and started the engine. Waiting for Terumi to get on, Adelle revved the engine a couple of times before setting off, heading to her place to patch her companion's head up if he opted to take her offer of first aid, but heading on back to the bar if he didn't.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"No, let's go to the bar. There is someone there who will take care of this better than a first aid kit can. I don't mind if I have to keep the rag on my head until then." Terumi told Adelle to skip going into her home as there appeared to be some kind of healer present in the bar. And much like before, the man did the reverse seating again, with a somewhat less stable grip this time as the cloth was keeping one hand off from the bike frame.

Once they did come back, Terumi was quick to get himself into the bar, but it did not stop Adelle managing to keep up with him. As soon as he was in, the man poked one of the waitresses, who could see what the situation was without any words, but he said it anyway. "Get Elise in here, if it is not too much trouble." he told the waitress who was already on her way, eventually going into the kitchen. After a moment she came back out with another woman in tow, who immediately went for Terumi with a pair of glowing hands that radiated a soft, white-greenish glow which took care of the wound in a few seconds. She was a pleasant-looking young lady, if a bit wide and meaty in places, but not in overblown proportions. In fact, she was quite appealing if one liked a bit of meat on their lady. And there was no hiding any of that as she wore something that was basically a full bodysuit made from thin orange fabric and pretty thin, a garment which did not leave much to the imagination, especially when she did not appear to have any underwear on. But she still had a sense of modesty about her as a large kitchen apron covered her form on both back and front, not giving her body away completely to anyone looking with the coverage it provided, just a teasing side view. A pair of bright blue eyes and shoulder-length dark blue hair were featured on her as she turned her round face to Adelle after finishing the quick and painless heal on Terumi. "Did you need anything? Any hurtsies?" she asked in the kindest lady voice one could imagine, almost radiating goodwill as she asked it.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Alright then, to the bar we go, hop on," Adelle replied, starting the engine and revving it up, then once he got on she set off back to the bar.

She went a bit slower than last time to make sure he didn't fall off, since he was holding onto the back with only one hand now and all, and she tried to make sure they stayed on as straight of roads as possible to help with that as well. Pulling up to a stop, Adelle kicked the stand out and turned the engine off while Terumi went on inside. Making sure the bike was stable on the kickstand, Adelle followed him on inside the bar.

Adelle sat down next to Terumi as he asked for a woman named Elise, where she waited for a moment until she came out, where Adelle took in what she looked like. Watching with a slightly amazed look at how quickly she'd healed Terumi up, she almost didn't hear her when she asked if she needed any healing herself. "Oh um... I kind of got bonked on the head a couple of times and fell back on my ass, but nothing too bad that won't heal on its own within a day or two. If you insist though then sure I don't mind," Adelle replied to Elise, feeling quite relaxed with her around from the simple aura pouring off of her. If she healed her up, Adelle would thank her graciously before she went back to the kitchens.

Once she was done if she went ahead and healed her too, Adelle would head on back over to Samson's table with Terumi, a look on her face that would likely tell Samson that all didn't go as well as they'd wanted. As she sat down, Adelle told what happened to the old hunter and that Jet was dead, though not by their doing, detailing what happened after Terumi got knocked back the second time and when the tech hunting girl did to Jet. "I brought his things back here so that nobody went along and grabbed them, didn't know if maybe anything he had was really valuable or the guild's property or what that you might want, it's all on the back of my bike out front," Adelle would say as she finished up.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Hmmm..." the healer girl pondered what she had been said, looking over Adelle's body with a gaze that looked somewhat different from the one she had been giving before. "You little liar, you did not get hit it in the head, I can see that. What got hit was this..." she revealed having some sort of ability to detect pain as she was drawn away the top of the head to give the shiny light treatment to Adelle's midsection instead, where Jet had indeed slammed his batons into. Just like the hits on Terumi, the light took any kind of damage away which might have been visible, most likely a bruise but Adelle could never get to see it now as it was banished. All the pains went away as well, in addition to any old ones that were lingering in other places of her body. After the treatment, Elise let Adelle go to her post-job brief, but not before giving her a little chop to the head. "Please don't think that I am stupid, I can see what bothers you if I want..." she told that she was not to be underestimated. "Oh... also, don't hesitate to call for me if you need help for lower back troubles!" was the final thing Adelle managed to hear as the healer went back to the kitchen to carry on with her other duty.

Terumi had broken in most of the news, and it looked like Samson had been prepared for it, knowing fully well how the former hunter was when he went into a rage. He did ask Adelle for Jet's belongings, having the pay for her ready when she came back from the bike. "I'll think some use to those. It might be hard for us to do, but I'll tell our lookouts to keep an eye out for the girl with that description." While Samson looked a bit sad about the whole ordeal, Shiulin seemed almost happy about it. Maybe the girl taskmaster was relieved about the man not being there as a threat to her anymore.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Well maybe not the head earlier, but I've been hit on the head before now. Though yeah that area got hit a few times," Adelle said as Elise healed her up. When Elise bonked her on the head, Adelle flinched a bit. "Sorry, as fast as everything was going I thought he had hit me on the head honestly. And don't worry, I didn't even know you were here or I'd have been coming to you this whole time, thanks," Adelle told Elise before she headed back to the kitchen.

After heading over to Samson, she and Terumi talked to him and Shiulin about what all happened, with Adelle nodding when Samson asked for his things and going out to get them. Bringing them back in, she set it all down on the table for Samson to go through, save the jetpack of course, as the girl took it. "That girl took his jetpack for some reason, which doesn't seem all that technologically advanced honestly," Adelle said as she took her pay from Samson. "I'd hoped we could have gotten through to him, but he didn't want that it seems," Adelle added with a shrug, noting that Shiulin wasn't overly bothered a whole lot over his death.

Heading over to grab herself a drink, Adelle counted her pay to see how much she'd gotten before getting a quick shot of anything hard. While waiting her drink, Adelle checked the time to see how late it was, where she would decide where to go next. If it wasn't too late and the sun still high in the sky, Adelle would head by the gun store after finishing her drink, thanking Terumi for working with her and all before heading on. If it was starting to get dark though then Adelle would head on home for the evening to put a few more things in order before dinner.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"That pack was not particularly common technology, I'll have you know. The only one anyone around here has seen was the one on Jet, and he had not shared where he got it." Shiulin broke into the conversation a bit, with Samson confirming what she had said. "Indeed, and he did not start his career with us using that thing. He found it on one job some time, and never really told anyone the story behind it. If that agent of the upper city took it, he just might have found some sort of hideout of those people or looted it from another possible agent. Or maybe he somehow made it himself, we'll most likely never know now."

The pay was nothing spectacular this time around, netting some additional spending money but not really accounting for anything significant by itself. Judging from the location of the sun, it looked like evening was not far away, and getting to the gunsmith in time might require some hurrying as the owner closed shop pretty early. Thus, it was probably better to head on home and see what was happening over there.

The journey home was nothing spectacular, the people of the city preparing for the evening as the busty girl zoomed past them on the bike. At home, she found the cat creature on the couch still, though it had done some things during the time she was gone. The creature was lying on the sofa, chugging the last bits of a beer can it had claimed from the fridge and stared at the TV, which it had turned on. Despite the handy little metal parts that helped one open a can, the little guy had used an alternative method and poked it open with a claw.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Oh, I didn't expect that honestly. I mean sure it must have been somewhat more advanced than anything we've got just about, but didn't think it was so advanced that they'd kill him for it," Adelle said about the jetpack. "Maybe we could find out about it someday, though I'd say that would involve questioning one of those from the sky city, and I doubt they'd give up that info easily without some sort of incentive," she added with a shrug.

After getting her drink Adelle went on home instead of the gun store since it was starting to get late, and she didn't want to be caught out at night really. Heading home, she sped down the city streets and pulled into the driveway, opening the garage door with her key and pulling the bike in and turning it around for a quick getaway just in case. After turning the bike off, she put the key in her pocket for now and went on upstairs where she saw her cat companion drinking one of her beers.

She smirked and went to grab her own beer before coming back in and sitting down on the sofa with her little friend. "Well friend, got paid a bit, and after I clean myself up some dinner shall be served," Adelle said to her companion as she popped open her can of beer, taking a look at what was on the television with him. "You know, you're obviously smarter than I gave you credit for. To be able to get into the fridge and grab a beer like that I mean," she added as an afterthought.

After a few minutes, Adelle finished her drink and crumpled the can before heading to the bedroom, putting her gear down and cleaning it up before then heading to the bathroom with a fresh change of lounging clothes to relax in to get into after a quick bath. Once her bath was finished, Adelle would dry herself off and get dressed, then she headed to the kitchen to cook some dinner, deciding on making something to celebrate her new home by cooking up some steaks, one for her and a slightly smaller one for her cat friend, baking a couple of potatoes so they'd both have one, as well as making herself a small salad, and toasting some bread up to go with it all.

After dinner was done, Adelle would sit down at her table and eat up, getting one of her sodas for herself and offering both a glass of water and a soda to her companion, putting the one he didn't take away. After dinner she did her household chores that needed to be done, putting her dirty clothes into a basket to be washed later, then she headed downstairs to move her two chests with her other pets into the cellar with a couple of pieces of bread to see if they would eat it or if they even needed to really eat, though if they didn't take the bread she'd get some of the scrap bits of meat and fat from her's and the cat creature's steaks to see if the little squid like things ate that when she opened their chest up to check on them, then she would shut the chest back down and do the same for the roper pods to see if they'd take the food offered or not.

If any of her pet's got a little frisky with her before she could put them up for the evening, then she wouldn't stop them unless they tried to strip her and force themselves on her. "If you can wait until tomorrow evening then I'm definitely having some fun with at least one of you, because I need some stress relief honestly, especially after earlier, I just got cleaned up though and I don't want to have to take another bath," Adelle said to her little pet critters, though thinking about it she doubted that the little roper pods would be able to do much right now anyway.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The cat had little to say as usual, but it did kinda reply with a thunderous burp that came from chugging a can of beer. Once that brilliant discussion was over, Adelle could see that the cat had chosen an infomercial channel of all things, and that was not too interesting to say the least. After that, she got to do her various things and see that the cat was not particular about meat, but did appear to have some dislike towards soda as it selected water over it.

Feeding the basement dwellers was almost as easy, with all of them gobbling down whatever was being offered without any questions. Getting them back into the containers proved to be a little more of a challenge as they did not appear to want to do that anymore, most likely having had their fill of being trapped in a box by now.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

While drinking her beer with her new companion, Adelle decided to turn channels a couple of times just to kill time while she drank and see what all she could actually pick up on here. After she'd gotten dinner done and everything was cleaned up after the two ate, and she'd gotten down to the cellar, she found her other pets not so eager to be locked back up.

"Well I can't have you lot messing everything up down here alright, or fighting each other for that matter. Definitely going to have to get some sort of big cages or something, or maybe some fencing to keep you all separated, and perhaps a mattress or something to rest on after having some fun," Adelle said to the little squid like creatures she'd collected with Rachaela the other day. "If I don't put you little guys back in the boxes, please don't mess anything up down here okay. If you can do that for me I'll be sure to bring you all some extra food to munch on later, since you don't seem too picky about what you eat and all," Adelle then said, holding one of the squid like creatures up in front of her face for a moment before setting it back down on the floor to explore it's new surroundings.

With that, Adelle would let them roam about and head back up the ladder, closing the cellar up behind her and heading back to sit down and watch the television for a little while before bed time, where after another hour or so she'd head on to sleep after stripping off her lounging pants and laying them on her dresser, also stopping by the bathroom and brushing her teeth and whatnot along the way. As she lay in bed, Adelle remembered how large the other roper pods she'd had to kill had gotten and thought to herself that maybe it might be best to get rid of one of them since two were probably too much. The squid like creatures however were another matter altogether, they were small and likely never to get much if any larger than they already were, and they could hit all the right places, so she was definitely keeping them. Either way she had time to think about it.