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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"The pleasure is all mine. I don't imagine you'll be trouble." was Boris' reply. The man was a different kind of being than his more famous friend, not being as tall or broad as Kozlov, but still had enough muscle and presence despite his average height. It was a physique that perfectly suited a professional soldier, and the way he dressed and carried himself suggested that Boris was most likely a mercenary soldier as well as a bounty hunter. He had a chunky pistol on his belt, most likely a Glock or some derivative of one, along with a combat knife. And while Kozlov had some quirks in his speech that suggested that he was still not fully proficient with English, Boris did not have the same problem, the accent being the only thing in his speech that might stand out to people. While Kozlov certainly had more credit to his name, Boris just could be a more skilled and professional individual than his friend.

"You'll have to tell us, I do not know about magic girl's home. But sure, we can wait a bit, it's not like the barrels will come out of basement by themselves." Kozlov told that they could manage with a little wait as they had to get the food containers out from the basement. There really was no space for Adelle to get into the barrel lifting action in the cellar stairs, and one the barrels were up, the Russians had little wheelcart that moved the barrels for them with little effort.

The living area had little besides the obvious furniture and the TV, making it a necessity to get a lot of things. Only a few towels and a change of sheets to the bed were there already, which left a lot of more and less important materials in need of picking up.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"No I try not to be trouble for anyone around me, but trouble just seems to find me instead. And wow, that is a nice piece Boris. I think we'll be good neighbors," Adelle said, eying Boris's gun that was holstered on his belt for a moment before speaking.

Seeing that there wasn't really any room for her to squeeze in to help the two in the cellar, Adelle decided to check the house out for what all she'd need to get for the night. Looking around, she took stock of all the things she lacked at the moment and wrote it down on a scrap of paper so she wouldn't forget it any. Jotting down some various foods and essentials for the fridge like milk, a few extra changes of sheets and blankets for the bed, as well as a couple of extra pillows, and some extra clothes of course just in case which would be only if she felt she needed it then, as well as an extra battery or two for the key remote to the house, and of course her bathroom essentials such as soap and shampoo as well as toilet paper.

Checking the kitchen out, she'd see if there was anything in the fridge that was still good that she wouldn't need any of yet and then the cabinets to see if there were any dishes there already so she'd know whether or not she should get some more. Quickly jotting down a few dishtowels as well to the list unless she found some there already, Adelle would return to Kozlov and Boris to let them know she was done taking stock of what all she would need to get.

"Alright, I'll give you some directions to Rachaela's place from here Koz, we can stop by there on the way to get these barrels to wherever you're staying at now," Adelle said to Kozlov once she was done taking stock of what all to get, loading up in the truck with them and directing him as they went.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

There barely was anything left in the house, so there indeed would be some need for getting items that one used in daily activities as well as food. Even with the minor task, Adelle was slower at it than the brawny Russians, who had managed to take away the two barrels and get them into the back of the Defender to wait for transport. The cat appeared to be on top of the situation as well, taking it's leave before the group and settling down to lounge on the busty girl's couch. It did not look like she would get rid of it just like that. And just maybe it thought that it was better off not being with them right then. It could have joined her on the back seat of the car, but apparently saw some reason not to.

The house that Kozlov now lived in was a more grand one than the modest establishment that Adelle now occupied, located near the rich folks district. The menfolk unloaded the barrels in a rather quick manner, which then took them into heading towards Rachaela's place. With the car taking them, it took almost no time at all.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

With her list in hand, Adelle prepared to head on out when her new companion hopped off of his perch on her head and went over to the couch her new place had. "Alright you can stay if you want to, but don't get into any trouble and don't mess the place up any okay," Adelle told it before heading on outside to meet up with Kozlov and Boris. Who knew, maybe he would come in handy to have around.

Seeing that the two guys already had the truck loaded made Adelle feel kind of bad for making them wait, but they didn't seem to have minded much or they'd have either come after her or said something she figured. Hopping into the backseat of the truck, Adelle looked around for any signs of trouble, namely Margaret or something of that sort, though with Kozlov she doubted anything quite that dangerous would come after them, especially with Boris there as well. She was rather glad that the other Russian guy was her new neighbor, having him next door made her feel quite a bit safer since Kozlov seemed to know him rather well and obviously trusted him else he wouldn't have offered the place to her surely.

Kozlov's new place was quite... well there was no other word for it really, it was practically a mansion, at least in comparison to what he'd given her to live in. "Nice place Koz, helluva nice place," Adelle would tell Kozlov when they arrived at the place. While Kozlov and Boris unloaded the barrels Adelle kept an eye on the truck just in case, a little unsure if she should go in really, though if Kozlov invited her in then she would come on inside. Once they were done there Adelle would guide them to Rachaela's house to pick up her things there to bring them over to the new place.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Doing the two trips around, the group arrived to the magician sister's house next, collecting what belongings Adelle had left in there into the back of the truck. This time around, it was even less of a bother as Garagan added himself to the available carriers of stuff, almost making Kozlov and Boris look meager with his superior strength. Kozlov was big and Boris had enough muscle on him to make him look strong, but they were just no match for the gigantic servant. The busty girl had not seen him in combat, but if his looks were any indication, Garagan was most likely a beast in all aspects. And it only made it more baffling how he had ended up with Rachaela, considering the fact that he could most likely break the mage's every bone completely if he ever got a hand on her.

After the trip back, the menfolk helped Adelle take her belongings in as well, the chest containing her little friends going into the basement while everything else was up for her to decide. No matter what she decided, the Russians made it so. The shift did not take too long, and soon enough, the guys were about to leave. Unless Adelle had a further request or two for them, Boris would take off to the house next door while Kozlov drove away in his Defender, most likely back home as well.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Once they made their way back to Rachaela's place, Adelle had even more help in the form of Garagan, whom she was glad was there to help with getting her things out. Grabbing her packs from the bedroom she'd been staying in, she had Garagan grab her clothing bag from his room, and got another bag or two to throw the rest of her clothes and things in for Boris and Kozlov to carry for her along with the two chests containing her... pets as she called them, while she herself got her weaponry along with her packs. Once everything was loaded up, Adelle thanked Garagan for the help and promised that she'd come over at least a couple of times a week or more for his delicious dinner, because his food was really good and some of the best she'd ever eaten, and she'd tell him as much too.

Hugging Clara bye, she promised to come by to see her too when she could and to play, and she told Rachaela that once she had everything put in place at her new place she'd run to the market to collect some essentials before heading to the bar for a quick job before nightfall. "Should probably ask this also. Does anyone know where I can gas up my bike at by chance? I haven't really been on the lookout for any gas stations since I've been here, the thought hadn't even crossed my mind until now really," Adelle said before they left Rachaela's house.

After leaving and making their way back to her new place, Adelle helped Kozlov and Boris take her stuff inside, placing the chest down in the basement area to be taken down into the cellar later on, and her bags and packs put into the bedroom closet or on the bed for now. When Koz and Boris were both about to leave, Adelle caught Boris and thanked him for the help and looked to Kozlov with a slightly hopeful look on her face.

"Say Koz... do you have anywhere to be right this minute exactly? Or do you got some free time? If you don't mind helping me out just a teensy bit more, I could use a ride over to the market to grab some groceries and things for the place. Just asking if you had say... maybe an half an hour to an hour or so to give me a ride over there and back at most, and would be easier for me to get it all without having to make more than one trip. If not I'm sure I can manage it by myself, was just asking," Adelle asked Kozlov, though she wouldn't be a pain for him about it and wouldn't keep asking if he had somewhere else to be at the moment, but stopping him long enough to hand him a small wad of cash that would amount to a tenth of what she owed him if he went on for now. "I figure I'll pay you off in tenths as I can if that's alright. Might be a couple of weeks or so at least until I get you another payment since I'll need to cover expenses from ammo and cost of living and stuff, but hopefully with a couple of good jobs from Samson I can save up a hefty bit to pay you back with, and still have enough left over for myself," she added as she handed it to him before he either left or when she got back with her bag to go shopping for her groceries and stuff after putting her things away a bit better, such as her clothes into the drawer in the bedroom and in the closet for what needed to go in there, and after putting her bag of toys in the closet as well and hiding half of her total funds under the mattress for now unless there was a lockbox of some sort she could hide it in.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

There was no Rachaela to ask things from, the sister already having departed in the time Adelle had been away, but that did not stop her from getting information from Garagan. According to him, there were indeed a few places where one could get gas, old stations and some stores where they tinkered and sold vehicles being the primary subjects.

"Well... No, not really. I do have the intent to get job, but I am not in a terrible hurry. Still, only this one more time." Kozlov agreed to the idea of taking Adelle around for one last trip since she could use a lift. Packing things into a big old truck was certainly easier than loading them onto the saddle packs of the bike that had pretty limited capacity. After accepting the first payment, he climbed back aboard the car, letting the busty girl take the second front seat now that Boris was no longer around to occupy it. Once more, he assured Adelle that there was no hurry to pay him. The pair soon reached the market, where one could get practically anything in a house and then some more.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

After finding out where she could get some gas for her bike from Garagan since Rachaela didn't seem to be there any longer, which she was almost sure she'd still be there, Adelle hopped on into the truck and headed for her new home.


"Well in that case I won't take too long and grab what I'll need for the next couple of days or so, because I wanted to grab a job today too and that way I could take the day off tomorrow and spruce the place up some," Adelle said to Kozlov after handing him the money. "And I know, I just feel it best to be on top of things like that. Besides I had enough to give you that and still have plenty left over to live on for now, so I figured I'd go ahead and pay you a bit now, and thank you again big guy, this'll be much easier than trying to stuff a bunch of stuff on the back of my bike or walking," she added.

When they got to the market, Adelle hopped to it as quickly as she could, getting some hand soap for the bathroom and dishwashing soaps for the kitchen along with a couple of sponges and dishtowels to actually wash and dry the dishes. She then looked around for some toilet paper and some coconut scented shampoo for the bathroom along with a few extra towels and washcloths so she'd have some to use after a nice warm shower, and she also grabbed a loofah, a scrubbing brush to reach her back with, and some cotton swabs to clean her ears with after her showers. Then she grabbed some detergent and fabric softener for the washer and dryer, and a bottle each of rubbing alcohol and peroxide for cleaning cuts and whatnot along with a first aid kit or two to have just in case before bringing that load back to the truck, all of this taking her about 15 minutes or so.

With the toiletries and whatnot out of the way, she headed for the foodstuffs and grabbed herself a gallon of milk, a bottle of juice that was preferably orange, a bag each of flour and sugar, a small sack of potatoes, onions, and tomatoes if she could find any that weren't too costly so she'd have some basic vegetables for meals, some snack type foods like crackers, potato chips, and a couple of different kinds of chocolates for a treat when she was hankering for some, and some icecream if she could find any, didn't matter what flavor really. Then she grabbed a loaf of bread, some butter, and a jar of peanut butter before she looked at some meats to get. For meats, she'd grab enough of both sausage and bacon for breakfast meats to last her a week or so, and for dinner meats she'd grab some chicken, beef, and pork of various cuts so she could make a variety of different meals for herself over the next week or two.

Once she had all of this, Adelle would grab the last couple of things before heading back to the truck, which was a pack of beer to have to kick back and relax with after a hard day of work, and some sodas of some sort to have for herself and or guests so they didn't have to just drink water, and a bottle of scotch for when she needed something hard to drink. Once she had that, she felt she was stocked enough for the next few days unless she thought of something more to get later on. With her purse considerably lighter most likely than it had been when she left her new home, Adelle brought the last bit over to the truck and loaded it up, hoping that she hadn't taken too long a time, but making sure to take enough that she got good quality in the items she did get.

"Alright Koz, this should be it for now. Anything else I might need can wait until tomorrow which I can come get myself. And thank you again for bringing me here," Adelle would tell the big Russian guy when she made her way back to the truck.

When they got back to the house, Adelle would unload her stuff and wave bye to Kozlov before putting everything up and checking her bike to see how much gas was left in it and if she had enough to use it today perhaps to get to the bar for a job a bit quicker than walking. Once that was checked, Adelle would take a look around the house for her new cat companion to see where he was at before deciding on what to actually do next.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As unexpected from a post-apocalyptic world as it might be, there was literally nothing that Adelle could not find within the time she searched and bought stuff. In the world before, there would have been all sorts of fancy labels of things, but this appeared to be a mostly dead tradition by this time in history. After having gathered everything she had planned to and loaded them up to the truck, the busty girl took off with her move-in materials, leaving the market behind until the next time she needed to be there, which would probably be in a few days unless she opted to do some eating out at times.

At home, Adelle could get to doing what needed to in order to get the house into proper living condition, throwing everything in proper order. Not too long after, it was starting look quite decent indeed, if maybe a bit bare at places. But that issue would surely fix itself in time if she started to bring in different decorative items or possible trophies from different places and missions. Looking at the tank, she found that the level was almost full, not making it a necessity to get any in a little while. Thankfully, the former owner had apparently been kind enough to refuel before that fateful encounter with Adelle and the sisters that had allowed the bike to fall into other hands. For his part, the cat creature had done little, the only thing that came to view being the move from the couch seat onto the top of the back rest, where he laid on his back in a silly position and looked as Adelle did her things.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

With everything in order after Kozlov dropped her off, Adelle bid him farewell before putting everything away that she'd gotten. With the stuff all put away, Adelle looked around and took a look at her new house. It looked a bit bare in some ways, but in others it was more than good enough for her. She'd definitely have to get a few plants to adorn the place and perhaps a painting or two so that it didn't look so... empty, and maybe a couple of other things to go with it all, but that would come later.

When she went to the garage to check the tank, Adelle was happy that it showed it was near full, which meant she wouldn't need to stop and get any anytime soon thankfully. After coming back upstairs when she'd checked her fuel in the bike, Adelle got a drink of water and while drinking it she spotted her new companion lazing on the back of the couch. Walking over once she finished her drink, Adelle reached out and pet him on the head as she plopped down on the couch.

"Whew... well bud, we've got us a good place to stay now," Adelle said as she sat down on the couch. "So what's your story hmm? Would you keep the place safe while I'm gone? if you do I'll make us both something for dinner or bring you something back when I come back from my job if I decide to eat out, which tonight I'm probably gonna do. Or if you want to go out yourself just check back with me if you ever need anything buddy and I'll see what I can do for you, because I'm about to leave to go find work, so if you want to go out now is the time to let me know m'kay buddy," Adelle then asked her new cat friend, petting him again if he allowed her to.

If he seemed to want out then Adelle would let him out before she left, but she'd leave a bowl of water out for him and a couple of pieces of bread to munch on while she was gone if he stayed inside. She then went to go and grab a bit of money to have, about a couple of hundred bucks or so, hiding the rest under her mattress, then she grabbed her submachine gun and both of her swords, taking the strap off her old one and fixing it on the one that Amelia gave her and swung it and the gun over her shoulders after slipping her leather trench coat on, while putting her old sword on the back and tying it down if it wouldn't fit in the trunk of the bike. Once she was ready she pulled out, locking up before she left the driveway, and rode off, first stopping by Raizan's place to ask if he could repair her sword before heading to the bar, carefully navigating the city roads on the way to the sword maker's shop.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Like before, there was little that that could be said between girl and cat, as the cat creature did not appear to be capable of talking. But it did not appear that talking to the cat was a complete waste as it did appear to understand Adelle quite well despite it's own inability to communicate in any verbal manner. It did not appear to want to go out or anything, being quite satisfied with staying in the house for now. It rolled back down once Adelle got up, reclaiming the couch for itself once more. As she was leaving, the cat waved at her, in a honest if somewhat lazy way.

Getting to Raizan's with the bike was easy enough, but the amount of people present everywhere did limit the speeds that Adelle could go in most of the time. There were no roads that were really dedicated to vehicles anymore, and everyone moved where they could. Inside the swordsmith's store/workshop, the busty girl found herself not being the only customer to the man. Another person was there, a wiry thin man of average height dressed in a mostly formal suit. Black pants and vest over a white dress shirt made him look pretty sharp, but his coat was somewhat less proper as it was more of a long trench coat, also having a large hood and some ornamentation on the back and sleeves in form of light green tribal designs. In addition to those, he had wrapped up the sleeves of his coat with white bandages and mounted a sheath on both of them. What normally was in those sheaths was most likely in Raizan's hands at the moment, a pair of larger than average butterfly knives that were curved in addition to their size. There was no seeing the man's face right then as he was sitting on a chair, the upper part of his face obscured by the hood. The smith was grinding the knives on a machine at the moment, most likely doing a sharpening for the man.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Seeing that her cat companion felt like staying inside for now, Adelle smirked a bit and pat him on the head before putting out a bowl of water and a couple of pieces of bread on the table for him. "Alright then bud, here's you some water and I put some bread on the kitchen table for you to munch on if you get hungry, it's on a napkin," Adelle told him as she laid the bowl of water down on coffee table in front of the couch and then pointed at the kitchen table.


Pulling to a stop in front of Raizan's shop, which took a bit longer than she might have liked because of the clustered streets, Adelle looked around before pulling her key out of the ignition and stuffing it down between her breasts for safekeeping for the moment. Heading inside after grabbing her damaged blade, she spotted the man there ahead of her and waited patiently for her turn, though she did take in what she could of the guy, having little else to do other than browse Raizan's wares, which she did after seeing everything there was to see of the guy ahead of her. She did however attempt to get a better look under his hood if she could do so without seeming too obvious about it, kneeling down at a shelf to look at anything there and glancing over at the guy.

When it was her turn, Adelle would present her damaged blade, which would be a bit different than the last time Raizan had seen it most likely, since she'd gone into that factory with Rosieta. "Hey Raizan, I need you to repair my sword you gave me here. A couple of things happened and by accident it's a bit... damaged unfortunately," Adelle told Raizan when it was her turn for service from the sword maker.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Much like she had seen before, Adelle found that the smith's selection told a tale about a generous love towards both Western and Eastern weapons alike as both were for sale, though he did have leanings towards the Eastern when all things were considered. Looking over to the guy from her position near the shelf, she found that the man waiting for his knives had not missed her presence, looking square at her as their eyes met and cracked a smile that was not unlike the cat currently in her home. It was a somewhat unnerving one compared to the cat creature though, which ended up causing a minor disturbance in an otherwise handsome face. Before they could gaze at each other for too long, Raizan broke the event up with his announcement that he had finished up the process of polishing and re-sharpening the guy's knives, which prompted him to get up and get his blades sheathed on both arms before leaving the place after giving a final look at Adelle.

The mess of reactions that Raizan gave to the sight of one of his creations coming back in such a chipped form was a sight to behold. But he did not explode onto Adelle with any sort of reaction like he had done to Mariela before, most likely cutting her some slack because she was a newer customer. "Yes, I can fix this. It will not happen just like that though, as I will not machine these pieces. They require more love than that to remain at their best. I'll have to add new metal to the blade, and that will take some time to do."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

While she browsed and tried to steal a glance at the guy that was there, simply out of curiosity really, Adelle thought that she'd look for a knife to keep on her just in case and looked around for a kukri, as that was one of the kinds of knives that her father kept on him when he went out anywhere. When she looked over at the guy waiting for his knives to be sharpened, she saw the guy was looking back at her, apparently not fooled by her move.

She stared at him just as long as he stared at her, the smile he cracked reminding her of her new feline like companion back home. When Raizan spoke, Adelle was shaken out of her reverie of looking at the guy just as he was with her, though she did catch the last glance he gave her, wondering what that might have been about. Shaking her head a bit, Adelle looked back to Raizan as she handed him her damaged blade and expected a telling off from him, but was glad he didn't do so.

"I understand, and sorry about this. I kind of... well tried to force a lock open but was unsuccessful in my attempt, and a couple of things I swung it at needed more than the blade could deal in terms of damage. I got a backup sword here though from a friend yesterday, so I won't be without a blade at all thankfully. Amelia... something or other, don't remember her last name. She gave me this one here to have as part of my payment since my blade there got damaged. I'll definitely take better care of that one though once it's fixed," Adelle told Raizan, bowing apologetically as she produced the other sword for him to look at. "In fact what could you tell me about this one here while I'm here? Also do you have any good strong kukri's for sale? I'm looking for one like my dad's that's got the little hole in the hilt that I could put a bit of rope through or a chain like he did to give it some range when he fought. He taught me how to swing it around so I wouldn't hurt myself though, so don't worry about me cutting anything off," she added, ending with a chuckle as she laid the new sword Amelia gave her on the counter and looking around the place for the kukri's if there were any.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"THESE THINGS ARE NOT CROWBARS!" Raizan yelled and flailed as he heard the reason for the damages on his work. "USE ONE OF THOSE INSTEAD!" he carried on with it a bit while pointing at the trio of warhammers that he had in a corner rack before coming down from the blacksmith rage to inspect the reward blade instead. With a small rotation, he produced a blade from one end of the stick and then did the same for the other end, showing a second one as well. After a brief look over the blades, he gave a brief analysis. "This is a fine product, if maybe a little gimmicky with the double scabbard thing for both blades. It should serve you well enough IF YOU TAKE CARE OF IT." he gave his opinion about the piece before handing it back. Of the kukris, he knew enough and apparently had more than a passing interest towards them. "But of course. The Ghurkas were a most interesting group of soldier in the past, and I have done my reading and work on their blade of choice. I have a few models that were specifically requested by another customer to have a metal ring mounted onto the pommel. The chain you need to get from somewhere else though, I only have this needlessly chunky chain at the moment and that is not good as it weights a lot."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle cringed back a bit as Raizan began yelling at her when she told him how she'd damaged the thing. She started to tell him that she had little choice in the matter but to use the sword, as there were no crowbars or anything like that around, but she dared not utter another word about it and maybe anger him further than this. After showing the other sword to him and letting him look it over, she again flinched and cringed a bit as he said what he thought about it and about her showing the proper care for her blades.

"I... I know I know, I won't let it happen again. At least I won't be the direct cause of it again anyway. There are some things that I can't account on happening, but I promise I will take good care of them from now on," Adelle replied, slightly scared of pissing him off again so making sure to let him know that she'd take good care of the blades from now on. "On to other business though, they are good blades the kukri's. My dad's always had one for as long as I can remember anyway, and it would kind of give me a piece of home I suppose you could say to have one or two of them. I'm not overly picky about designs for the pommel or anything though, so just one of the best you've got of them please, and don't worry I'll take good care of it, I promise. By chance do you have a sheath and strap for one that I can hide under my shirt without anyone noticing it right off?" she added as she took her other sword pair back and fixed the sheath over her shoulder again.

Once her business here was concluded and she had her new kukri, she'd fix it up underneath her shirt if she could, but put it in the back box of the bike if she couldn't, then she'd head on to the bar to see who all was there and if there were any good jobs she could grab before nightfall.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Try to make it so." the smith replied as he set aside the sword that would be repaired. Picking up a kukri from the racks, he offered the thing up with the sheath that each of them had already. "It has a belt strap, but that is it. You'll need to figure out the hiding on your own. Maybe sew a special bit into the inside of the coat? I don't make the sheaths myself, but I could suggest that as some sort of improvement for the future product. I'm not sure how you'd hide it under your shirt though. That sounds... a little bit silly." he told the busty girl as they exchanged money and commerce. The one that she got had a metal ring on the pommel, which would actually enable a more safe attachment of a chain. A simple hole at the bottom of the handle would not likely have the space for a chain, so this was the option that she should go with if she really wanted to use it as a flail.

With everything done at the store, Adelle headed out to find some work at the bar next. There were the usual guys present who were there most of the time, along with the staff and the hunter taskmasters. But there was the man from before as well, the one who Adelle had seen just moments before in Raizan's workshop, sitting on the couch at Shiulin and Samson's table. And it looked like the busty girl would get to meet him, for once she was noticed by the two leaders, they began to gesture at her to come on over to the table.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Eh I'm sure I can figure something out myself, and if I can't then surely Mariela would know someone that could help me out, or Isabella maybe. Thanks Raizan, you're a big help," Adelle replied, handing over the money for the kukri fixing it to the right side of her belt for now beside her gun holster which was a bit lower down and strapped around her leg. "Oh yeah, have you learned any more about that laser sword thing by chance? Or is there anything you might need for it you'd like me to keep an eye out for?" Adelle added before heading out, making a note of anything Raizan said he'd might need.

Heading on to the bar after that, Adelle parked her bike and went on inside, looking around and seeing a lot of the usual faces about. When she looked over to Samson's table where he and Shiulin had been every time he saw them here, she noticed the guy she'd seen in Raizan's shop only a few minutes before sitting there too, so she was apparently going to meet him now as Samson and Shiulin were waving her over. Waving back to the two when they waved her over, she headed that way, stopping by the bar and ordering herself a small glass of scotch to sip on while talking to them.

"Afternoon you two. What's up? You seemed to want me to come on over an awful lot," Adelle said as she took a seat with them.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Haven't had much luck, unfortunately. But I have called in favors from a scientist friend, so there should be some development coming soon enough. I also have a few people out looking for those materials." was all that Raizan had to share right then.


"Well, you happen to be there for us to ask about this job. The man next to you is Terumi, he is not all that much more experienced than you, having joined us only a few months ago." Shiulin stated the intension that they had towards Adelle while introducing the man, who did little to do it himself. Samson was pretty fast on the output as well, and had no real intent on hiding what was going on. "We have received a few reports that someone matching Jet's physical description has been committing assault on innocent passerby in a certain area of the city. Since no-one here or any of the other hunters I've spoken to during the day have not seen him after what happened yesterday, there might be a good chance that it really is him. While we usually don't do things like this, we have to maintain order among the ranks as a positive reputation as this is not the best or most moral job one can have, even in these times. You two need to get in there and find that crazy guy. I don't want him to ruin himself like this, he has done a lot of good work and I'd hate to see it all go to waste over something like this. But... if it comes to it, do not hesitate to defend yourselves if he decides to attack you too. If he is completely lost at this point, then we don't need him back." the cowboy stated the business that was going on while puffing on a cigar. "A few other hunter teams are on the lookout as well, but they have their own missions going on, you two we actually selected especially for this." Shiulin broke into the conversation as well.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Well that sounds better than nothing I suppose, just be sure to not speak too openly about it okay, that crazy bitch that I got it from has got some issues and she might come after you if she finds out about it. She's the one that destroyed Mariela's sword the other day in fact with a sword of her own that was like that dagger. I'll be back in a day or two to pick up my sword there unless it'll take longer than that to repair," Adelle told Raizan before heading out of his shop.


"Ah, I see. Well, it's nice to meet you Terumi, I'm Adelle," Adelle said, looking over at the guy and introducing herself, holding her left hand out to shake his hand while taking a sip of her drink with her right hand.

After introductions were complete, Adelle listened to Samson and Shiulin explain the situation to her of what they wanted of the two of them. "So Jet eh, I figured he was pissed over what happened yesterday, but I wouldn't have figured him for doing something like this. Could be drunk or something I suppose if it is actually him, then again though we won't know until we get to whoever it is," Adelle said, not liking the sounds of going after one of their own, but Samson was right they had to deal with it and keep their reputation in good standing with everybody out there. "Alrighty then, I suppose the sooner we head out to find him the better. What sorts of weaponry does Jet usually use? And where was he last seen? I suppose that'd be helpful to know actually," she then asked curiously, wondering what to expect if it was really Jet and he attacked them.

When they had all the details and whatnot to locate Jet, Adelle would look over at Terumi curiously. "I've got my bike out front if you'd like to ride over to wherever Jet is at. But I don't mind heading over there on foot. It's up to you really," Adelle would tell Terumi before they left the bar. If he would rather head out on foot, then Adelle would ask Samson to keep an eye on her bike out front, pointing it out to him and Shiulin before her and Terumi went on to carry out their job.