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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Despite her best effort to shake the creature or at least get the pillow away, Adelle was having a hard time getting anything accomplished to combat the tenacious little bugger. Pulling on it did little, though she could get very slight shifts of position here and there. Even with the situation going as it was, the busty girl could hear Rachaela coming towards them. "Should I smack it? I don't think it'll hurt you any with that pillow there."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Struggling to gain ground on the thing and get her mouth freed enough from the pillow to talk just wasn't going to happen it seemed, though that didn't stop her from holding onto it and keeping it from getting away. When Rachaela asked if she wanted her to smack the thing, Adelle nodded her head enough for her to see as she clung tightly to the thing to prevent it from getting loose and causing Rachaela to bonk her on the head instead. She didn't think that this creature wanted to hurt her or Rachaela, but it was trying to steal her stuff from the looks of it before, so it needed to learn its lesson... and who knew maybe she could tame it if she and Rachaela defeated it.

She was starting to truly believe what she'd told Samson earlier that trouble just seemed to find her, as she would count this as trouble. She also idly wondered if the creature would listen to her if they defeated it, it was obviously fast and quite strong too, so it would definitely be helpful if they could gain its help, but she doubted it would actually work.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Seeing that Adelle was agreeable to the idea of striking the clingy cat-creature, Rachaela took her best shot, the only sign that reached Adelle being the sudden pressing of the creature against her face when the impact pushed pushed the invader against her. It had the expected result this time around, the creature detaching after being hit. It rolled a small distance away from the girls, getting itself together after the hard hit.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As she felt the creature pressing tighter against her face, Adelle let out a gasp as it flung off of her and she was able to catch her breath again. Looking over where the thing landed after Rachaela's blow to it with her magic, Adelle scrambled up enough to dive at it before it could recover completely and tackle it to the floor under her, figuring that since she was bigger than it she'd have more weight to hold it down with than it could push off of itself.

"Gotcha this time you little devil," Adelle cried as she dove at it this time, intent on capturing the thing now after all the trouble it put them through. Though what she'd do with it afterwards she didn't really know just yet, she'd have to see what happened.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Now that she had a better shot and a dizzyed opponent, Adelle managed to reach the goal she had been trying to get to for a good few tries now, finally managing to succesfully tackle and get her weight onto the small cat thing. The creature did start to go against her, but was having a hard time as it was face down on the ground.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"S-Stop struggling little guy, I'm not going to hurt you now... unless you make me. I was just a bit pissed off there for a bit, but now I'm calmed down now somewhat now that I've caught you," Adelle grunted as she tried to hold the creature down under her, using the heavy weight of her breasts to her advantage for a change to help do so.

She suddenly got the idea that since it looked kind of like a cat maybe it would respond better to her if she pet it like one, so while she held it down with her body weight and one arm, she reached up and pet the thing on the head gently in what was likely a doomed attempt to calm or tame the thing. "Were you sneaking in here because you were hungry little guy? Or are you just a little sneak thief that likes to steal money and enjoys throwing my sex toys at me?" Adelle asked the thing gently, glancing at Rachaela after speaking to the thing. "What do you think it was in here for? And did it come alone you think? I mean... it kinda reminds me a bit of myself sometimes with being a bit of a smartass like that," Adelle would ask Rachaela regardless of if the thing calmed down or not.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Now that she had gained the upper hand and a successful pin, Adelle found that the creature was far from the speed demon it had been before. It did look like it was not at home in these kinds of situation, being more suited to moving around and taking opportunities where they presented themselves. Petting the thing might have had some impact on it as the thing had stopped trying to escape after a little bit of the treatment.

"That is hard to say, but I'd put my bet on this fellow being a simple thief of some sort. Why something like it would want your belongings is something I do not understand." the mage told what she thought about the situation as she went to the window and took a look outside. "Doesn't look like it was here with anyone else." she said after a quick survey to the situation outside and not seeing anyone or anything out there.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"You got any leashes or rope or anything like that Rachaela? I'd like to offer it something to eat and see if that's all it was snooping around for. But I don't want to let him go because it'd take forever to catch him again I fear," Adelle asked Rachaela as the thing seemed to stop struggling for the moment, though she wasn't entirely sure if that was from her petting it gently or not so she didn't want to release the thing just yet.

Waiting until Rachaela had replied and returned with a leash should she have one for her to use, or rope if she had that instead. Once she had a rope or leash, Adelle would have Rachaela help her to put the leash or rope around the thing's neck where once that was done she'd ease off of it and scoop it up and set it in her lap for the moment to see if it would try to attack her again to get free, though she'd have wrapped the leash or rope around her hand to keep it from getting away. "Now... can you do some sort of magic to find out what it was trying to find by chance? Or I suppose we could just try and offer it some food and see if that was what he wanted," Adelle asked after a moment while looking at the thing, still petting its head while sitting there.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"How unprepared you expect me to be? I should spank you for that, really." Rachaela replied as she began to fiddle with the eye socket of the skull that was topping her staff, pulling out a leash that she had hidden in the brain cavity after a few tries and handed it over. The creature had given up on trying to escape, but once Adelle got the leashed thing onto her lap, she came face-to-face with the most dissapproving look she had ever seen. It was clear as day that the cat did not have any interest towards this arrangement, basically saying "really?" with the look it was giving. While the creature was peaceful, Rachaela did not appear to be able to provide communication between them. "I'm no druid, and that is their realm of talents."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle just blushed when Rachaela pulled the leash from the skull on her staff and said what she had about spanking her. The look the cat like creature gave her upon her putting the leash around its neck actually made her giggle a bit. "Well what did you expect little guy? You did kind of break in here with intent to steal something, plus you hit me in the head with my dildo that I was planning on using tonight for some stress relief," Adelle said to the creature with a half grin, wondering just what it might have expected her to do other than leash it in order to keep it from running away. "Just think of it as my insurance that you won't run away as soon as I let you go from here, I don't take advantage of anything like this, I promise," she added to the thing before looking up at Rachaela when she answered her question of if she could find out what it'd wanted by coming in here.

"Well shoot, I'm just gonna bet on he was hungry then. I'll go grab something for him to munch on and see if that's what he was looking for, because I doubt he's just a little sneak thief that was looking for money. Or maybe a warm safe place to sleep perhaps, that's my second guess. Can you watch him for a minute while I go and grab something so we can find out?" Adelle replied to Rachaela, grabbing a blanket from one of the other beds to wrap around her until she returned since her clothing was in tatters.

She'd grab a bit of bread and a cup of water to bring back up, where she sat down on the foot of her bed and patted the spot beside her, offering the bread to the thing and then the water to see if that's what it'd wanted. If it turned out to be hungry and took what she offered it, then Adelle would chuckle a bit and pat the creature on the head, and while it ate she'd remove the collar as she sat there watching it eat. "Sorry about the room Rachaela, I'll help clean up in the morning, too tired to tonight," Adelle would tell Rachaela once she found out if the creature was hungry or not.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Seeing as she had an idea to follow, Adelle went around to the kitchen with her blanket, leaving Rachaela and the cat together in the bedroom. Garagan was still doing some of his work in the kitchen, not making any fuss about why the busty girl was there in a blanket or why she decided to take what she did from the kitchen, minding his business but giving a raised eyebrow at what he saw.

Back at the bedroom, Adelle came back to the sight of a rather cross Rachaela and the cat, the latter one being free from the leash before anything could have been done to it. The leash itself was now in a corner, having been chucked there after a quick release, which was most likely done with one of those sharp claws that the creature had. The cut that could be seen on the thing was pretty telltale that something sharp had been used to chop it, and the mage's frown only made it clearer. Just to drive it further into the ladies, the creature snagged up what Adelle had to offer and jumped into her bed to eat it, not giving a fuck clearly.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Yeah... some stuff happened, and a critter broke into my room. Shredded my clothes and stuff, but I think everything's okay now. Rachaela can explain a little more in detail shortly or in the morning," Adelle told the big guy when he raised his eyebrow when she entered the kitchen in naught but the blanket.

Sighing at the sight in the bedroom when she returned, Adelle shook her head a bit as the catlike creature took the bread. "Hah... I was going to take that off as soon as I got back little guy, I swear. I just didn't want you running off before I got back," Adelle said with another sigh as the creature took the bread and hopped into her bed to eat it. "Should have figured he'd do that," she muttered as an afterthought.

"Well little guy... can I trust you not to try and kill me in the middle of the night while I'm asleep? Because I'm very tired after all that you know. I think I can handle it from here Rachaela, sorry bout everything, just didn't really know what to expect when he slipped inside. Any magic you know to repair the window at least by chance?" Adelle asked the creature as she sat back down on her bed once more, tossing the blanket she'd had wrapped around her back over to its respective bed before asking Rachaela if she could fix the window with magic by chance, though if she couldn't then Adelle would merely suggest they stuff the curtain in the hole made in the glass until morning when they could do something more.

Once Rachaela and her had talked it over and the mage girl went on back to her room, Adelle would flop back into bed after putting her things back up thinking it best to it all elsewhere and carried her pack with her valuables to Garagan's room and set them down where she usually did when leaving them in there, figuring he'd understand why she put them there. She would however leave her bag of toys under the bed for the night, and her clothes in the closet where they'd been. Other than that she put her weapons away and watched the catlike creature finish eating its bread before raising an eyebrow at him.

"Well? You going to sleep here in the bed with me or what? If you do... and you can understand me that is... you should know I toss and turn a bit in my sleep sometimes," Adelle told the thing, trusting that it wouldn't try to hurt her really or it already would have done so and wouldn't have accepted the food. Closing her eyes, Adelle wouldn't go straight to sleep, but she'd lay there for a few minutes in an attempt to see what the thing was going to do, whether it would try to leave or stay and sleep in a nice warm comfortable place since it'd been offered. Despite what she'd said earlier she held no bad feelings towards the little guy, he was an animal of some sort, so she didn't feel she really could. After about 15 minutes or so she'd start to snooze away, and true to what she told the creature if he stayed in the bed with her for the night she'd have rolled around a bit by morning and likely would have pulled him into her arms to hug like a pillow.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Again, it did not appear that Rachaela had anything prepared for this specific need, which made her leave for a bit. But she came back soon enough, having a roll of duct tape and small plate of cardboard, which she used to patch the window up before retiring to her own bedroom. Now it was just Adelle and the cat.

Despite being offered a place to sleep in, the creature was not up to sleeping around with Adelle, climbing up on the cupboard where she had stored her clothes instead and setting up shop on the top. With that particular issue made up, it looked as if it would be sleep time. And indeed it was.

Being woken up the next morning was a little less pleasurable experience than the ones before, something hitting Adelle on the head and forcing her awake. It turned out to be the cat, who was still camping out on the top of the cupboard. It had gone sneaking while the busty girl was asleep and dug up some items, wearing some of her looted panties on it's head for example. After another chirpy giggle, it dropped another dildo that came into a collision course with Adelle's forehead.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle helped Rachaela fix the bit of cardboard over the window, holding it in place while she taped it down for the time being. "Eh suit yourself then little guy, but I'm getting some sleep," Adelle told the cat creature before going on to sleep as it hopped up onto the cupboard.

She didn't worry about being attacked by the thing in the middle of the night, or it would have kept attacking she figured. Snoozing rather soundly through the night, Adelle woke with a start as something bonked her right on the forehead, making her jerk awake. "W-What the... you little devil. And give me those panties, I don't have a whole lot of them to begin with so come on. And was that my payback for putting the leash on you last night?" Adelle said, rubbing her forehead with one hand while gesturing to the thing to give her the panties back, moving out of the way when it dropped another dildo at her.

Getting up and out of bed since the cat thing seemed to want her to get up, Adelle climbed out and grabbed herself some clothes to put on, one of her plain blue short sleeved T-shirts and a pair of her Daisy Duke shorts. "Alright buddy, what'cha gonna do now? You gonna just trash my things, or do you want a bite to eat? If you ever need a safe place to sleep you can stay with me, just don't trash my stuff alright and I won't mind and don't bug Clara any either alright," Adelle asked the creature, not really expecting a real answer, but saying it anyway as she dressed herself.

Once she was dressed, Adelle would head on out to do her morning bathroom business before going downstairs to check on breakfast, leaving her new companion to follow along if he wanted to, but not making him. After finding out what was for breakfast, she'd look around for Rachaela and Clara to see what they were doing at the moment before waiting around for breakfast, taking a bit up to her cat companion when it was done if it hadn't come down.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Once she asked for the panties, Adelle got them back as the creature chucked them at her face, which was not a harmful thing in any way. The little bugger did not see it needed to move away from the top of the closet until she was about to leave, which prompted the cat thing to jump onto her head and travel around on there.

Looking around to find the different folks was not hard, considering they were both in the same place, which was Rachaela's frog room. It looked like the time was right to feed the animals again, and that was what the two were doing. Even with the earlier than usual wake-up, Adelle had still not managed to outdo the mage in the waking department. As for breakfast, Garagan was halfway done with doing the usual breakfast of eggs, bacon and the works.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Catching her panties as they were thrown at her face, Adelle dusted them off of any hair that might have shed off the creature onto them and slipped them on. Then she let out a bit of a yelp when it hopped down off the cupboard and onto her head, as she hadn't quite expected that. "Alright then you can ride there for a bit if you want, I don't mind," Adelle told the thing as she headed to the bathroom to do her morning business.

When she finished and found Rachaela and Clara both feeding the mage sister's frogs, Adelle was a bit disappointed that she had yet again failed to wake before her, but oh well. Heading on downstairs to find what was for breakfast actually made her mouth water a bit, as she was starving for some more of Garagan's good food. That was one thing she'd miss more than anything when she left, Adelle thought to herself, Garagan's food. She wasn't too bad a cook herself because she'd helped her mother a lot before she left home, but Garagan's cooking was definitely better than her own.

With nothing else to do really other than wait for breakfast, Adelle sat down in the living room on one of the sofas until it was done and ready after going back upstairs to grab her gear and weapons, taking enough money to pay Kozlov half of what he'd asked for if she ran into him and he asked about it and enough more just in case to shop around a bit at the weapons store and see if she could find her something new that she liked. When breakfast was ready Adelle would fix an extra plate with 2 or 3 medium sized pieces of bacon and a biscuit if there was any onto a small place which she'd set aside for her new companion, if he would eat it that is, if he didn't or wouldn't then she'd just put it back for the time being.

"Well Rachaela, what sorts of plans did you have for today? I was thinking about shopping around for a few essentials before moving into Kozlov's old place, well checking to see what I'll need first and then doing so. After that I'll be heading out to find something to do to make some money," Adelle asked Rachaela while they had breakfast, keeping a bit of an eye on the cat thing to make sure he didn't cause any trouble as they sat there and had themselves a rather peaceful breakfast.

If I recall correctly she already paid Kozlov half of what she owed him for the place, though I could be mistaken, if she did then she'll still take the other half of what she owed him just in case she makes enough that day with whatever job she gets to get back some or all of what she'd give him. Also what kind of currency is it that she has and about how much would she have of whatever it is?
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

(No, she did not pay him, you cheaty cheater. I suppose the money could be dollars or something, Adelle has mostly paper money on her. She has an amount of it that enables her to live out a few months of time without needing to work any right now and even have some fun on the side. Still, if she gives half of her current money to Kozlov, it will only amount to about a fourth of what she owes him. If she gives more, she will get near the halfway mark. Might not be too nice-sounding, but she is getting a generous deal nonetheless. Houses, vehicles and guns (especially) are expensive, food, clothes, other amenities and fun not so much. It's a messed-up post-apocalyptic world we live in. Also, the expense factor is one of the major reasons why everyone is not using a gun and there are so many melee weapon swingers and martial artist types around. Should probably take that biogun out when she can, if Adelle wants to save up on ammo some.)

It did not take too long for Garagan to finish, and the other females of the house were back to join them after a short while as well, having finished up with the frog feeding duty. The man looked at the sight of Adelle coming in with her new headgear, but again did not question any of it, still having all the events of last night firmly in memory no doubt. While she did set up a different meal to it, the creature was not going to leave it's perch that easy, picking everything up and scurrying back onto the busty girl's head to eat it. Rachaela had already seen the thing in more detail than she most likely wanted to, but Clara had more interest towards the cat. She did try to approach the thing, but it prevented such behavior with flailing it's claws at the little girl's hands when she did.

"Hmm, no idea. Maybe we will just head out as pairs again to do some work. We do meet at the bar and get to it as soon as the entire group is present. If you need to get your new place in order, I'd recommend that you actually made a proper effort on it and not worry about work. A home is important, be it a base of operations or a place of rest." was the mage's reply as she plucked a bacon strip and ate it.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

(Oh I thought she'd already given him a bit of the money when they went to check the place out. Just went back and checked that set of posts and noticed she did indeed not start paying him yet. Also she doesn't have a whole lot of ammo for the bio-weapon is why she hasn't taken it out any yet, I believe it only had enough for like 10 shots, and she's got no way of knowing how to get more yet, but she will take it to the gun guy to see what he thinks about it and if he can get her some more ammo for it maybe. I do remember she had the keys to Koz's place though if I recall correctly.)

Looking up at her cat hat as it hopped back up there with its food she'd made it, Adelle chuckled a bit. When it swatted at Clara as the young girl tried to reach out to pet it she guessed, Adelle looked up unapprovingly at the thing after grabbing her plate of food. "Hey, she's just curious no need to swat at her, and if you hurt her I'll bonk you one," Adelle told the thing as she went back to eating her food.

"Yeah I'll head over there first before I do anything else and see what all I'll need to get fixed up and stock up on like food and things," Adelle said in between bites of her food. "I'll meet up with you girls at the bar then shortly. I figure I'll head by the gun shop first and show that weird alien tech gun me and Koz got to the guy to see if he can replicate the ammo for it, and take my bike on over to the new place since I'll have a garage to keep it safe in and all," she added as she finished up with her food.

Once she was done she wiped her mouth off and looked up to see if the cat thing was done eating yet or not before standing up. "You want to come with me little guy or are you going to leave us now? It's up to you if you. If you're not then hop on down please because I've got places to go and people to see," Adelle asked the cat thing before going to get her things she was taking for the day.

Grabbing her pack, a bit over a quarter of her entire set of funds, her guns and stuff, as well as her swords, Adelle went down to Rachaela's garage and mounted up after grabbing the keys. She started the bike up and sat on the seat to rev the engine a couple of times, waiting for the cat creature to hop on behind her if he was coming with her, then once the door was opened up she'd head out and towards her new place, making a stop by the gun shop along the way if her new little cat companion didn't join her.

Driving through the streets at a leisurely pace, taking care to keep from wrecking along the way, Adelle would make her way to the new house if the cat came with her and pull up to the garage when she arrived, using the key to open the garage door if it could and driving the bike in and pulling it around so that she could drive out in a hurry if need be. If the cat thing didn't come with her, Adelle would make her way to the gun store first, parking out front where she could easily see her bike, and going in and looking around for any matching pairs of pistols that were inside, specifically a pair of Desert Eagles if there were any, or a pair of powerful 45's if there weren't any of the Desert Eagles while she waited for anyone that might be i line ahead of her.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Do what you have to do."

There was no real need to look at the thing, it had finished before Adelle had even gotten halfway with her own meal. It did not come down either, apparently intent on keeping her company for now. It went along with her the entire time, following how she gathered her things from it's perch. Even when the bike was about to take off it did not come down, clinging onto the girl's head even in the wind that the speed caused.

At the house, Adelle had people waiting for her. Namely it was both Kozlov and and her new neighbor Boris, along with an old Defender truck in front of the garage door. The man had come around like he had said the day before to collect the barrels of pickles in the basement. "Do you need help with moving? We could help with that after gherkin are taken out." the Russian asked her as the busty girl rolled down to meet him.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Seeing as the cat thing decided to be her helmet as she drove the bike along, Adelle let him stay there if he wanted to with the wind whipping against him. Heading on to the house since the cat thing came with her and she didn't know whether or not she could risk stopping. Waving to Kozlov and the other guy as she pulled up, Adelle pulled to a stop and climbed off her bike and went over to the two.

Shaking Boris's hand when she came over, Adelle glanced at Kozlov when he asked if she required help moving her things in. "Actually that would be helpful if you don't mind, because while I don't have a whole lot of things I do have enough that I couldn't get it all on the bike in even a couple of trips. You know where Rachaela lives at? That's where all of my stuff is right now. But we can get it shortly after you get that stuff taken to wherever you're taking it. I was gonna go inside and see what all I'll need to stock up on and all in terms of groceries and things like that before I brought it all over. So you should have time to do that if you want Koz," Adelle told Kozlov at his questino, then as she finished shaking Boris's hand, she looked over at her new neighbor. "I'm Adelle, Adelle Ashlyng. You must be Boris, my new neighbor. It's a pleasure to meet you, and I hope that we can get along alright," Adelle then said to Boris, introducing herself to him.

"I'd like to get my baby here into the garage though real quick, so hang on a sec and I'll help you to out a bit," Adelle then told Kozlov, hopping back onto the bike and pulling it around to the garage and getting it inside and turned around with the front facing outwards in case she ever had to make a quick getaway from the place.

Once that was done she came back over to Kozlov and Boris, helping them to get the stuff that they were loading up into the truck unless they were already through doing so. "If you don't mind waiting a bit until I check out what all I'll probably need here Koz, I could ride with you and help you unload this stuff, then we could grab my things from Rachaela's place to bring back over and I could grab the rest of my money that I left there and pay you some of what I owe you," Adelle said to Kozlov once she had the bike parked safely in the garage.

If Kozlov didn't mind waiting for her, Adelle would hop on inside the place and give it a quick look around to see what all essentials she'd need to pick up today such as food, bathroom things like soap and towels and things like that, as well as a couple of other things she'd look for as she thought of them. Anything nonessential could wait until the next day.