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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Hmm, I think I can make that happen, no mushrooms around though. I'll make it tomatoes." the man told Adelle and turned his attention to Rachaela next, who had her order to make as well. The mage's order of the day was pretty fishy, for she basically chose to make a seafood pizza. Clara had probably eaten already or Garagan knew about her order, as the big guy did not ask her at all, retreating to the kitchen after getting the order from Rachaela.

Hearing that she had no further reason to be worried about her friends appeared to be a thing that Clara liked to hear. "That's good. I did not have anyone who was like really my best friend, but they are all nice people despite that. I kinda miss them, but the big guy has promised me to have a talk with that other lady right there if she allows me to stay around and help him work, which means I do not have to go to the streets again. I'll want to see them again sometime, maybe."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Eh too bad about the mushrooms, tomatoes will do though, thanks big guy," Adelle replied to Garagan as he went off to make their food.


Adelle smiled at Clara as she spoke and gave her a hug and kiss on the forehead. "I'm sure that she wouldn't mind you staying here Clara, and of course I'd come over often to see you after I move into my new place. You're a good girl, and smart too," Adelle told Clara before kicking back to relax for a bit while the food was cooking, deciding to wait for taking a bath until after dinner so her food didn't get cold.

"Hey Rachaela... do you by chance have any way of contacting your old mentor? To talk to him about that girl from before," Adelle curiously asked Rachaela as they waited for their pizzas.

After she'd answered Adelle would get her guns out, as well as her blades, where she'd clean them all up and do some regular maintenance for her weapons. Once she got done with that, Adelle would go wash her hands up before putting her pack and everything upstairs in her bedroom, getting all of her money out to count it and see how much she had before putting it back up in a safe place and coming back down to eat.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"No, not really. It would take going to visit his house to get that information to him." the mage told her, looking at the sudden maintenance operation in a slightly questioning manner, but did not stop Adelle from doing it. The busty girl just barely had the time to do it as she heard Garagan call them as she was taking her equipment upstairs. The day's haul was looking good, being way more than she had earned from any of the other jobs up to that point. If she decided to do so, a part of it could be a good starting sum to pay for Kozlov. There was certainly enough to do many other things as well if she wished, the big Russian man had not given her any concrete schedules for payment after all.

Back in the kitchen, the pizza was waiting, as were the other members of the household at the time. Clara had made her pizza pretty sparse, as it had few toppings. Garagan's was a big one, most likely as big as the oven could take. Strangely enough, it appeared to be entirely vegetable-based.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Aw that sucks, we'll have to handle that when we come to it then though," Adelle said before heading on upstairs once her weapon cleaning and maintenance was done with, where she heard Garagan call to them that the food was ready.


While she counted her money, Adelle found that she'd gotten quite a bit rounded up now and decided to put away what she'd promised to Kozlov in two halves in case she needed any extra for other things. Once she'd divided her money how she wanted, Adelle came on back downstairs to eat dinner, where she saw what everyone else's pizzas looked like. She was a bit intrigued to see that Garagan had what appeared to be a vegetable pizza instead of one with a lot of meats in it, but she said nothing about it really.

"Garagan... this looks delicious, and I'm starving after everything we did today and all the walking around," Adelle said as she sat down and dug into her pizza.

After dinner, Adelle would head to take a bath and wash away the dirt she'd accumulated throughout the day. Adelle would relax in the bath for a while before finishing up and heading upstairs for bed dressed in nothing at that point but her panties and small tanktop, not really feeling like doing a whole lot until she'd gotten there. Heading to the bed, Adelle would hop in and lay there for a couple of minutes, tossing and turning a bit as she tried to get herself into a comfortable position until finally she sighed and felt her left hand tracing down the curves of her stomach towards her panties as she felt the sudden urge to play with herself, unless someone came in to shake her mind away from doing so that is.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Just like before, the food that Garagan had prepared was as good as it looked. One could only imagine why he was acting as a servant to Rachaela with his skills. He could most likely start a restaurant of his own or get to the payroll of some place like Liliana's to earn fat pay and live well, but had chosen not to, instead opting to act as a housekeeper under one small wizardess.

After the meal, it looked like the fatigue had caught up with Rachaela as much as had with Adelle, as the mage too sought to get rest as fast as possible. Most likely, it would mean that the busty girl would not get a visit in the night, even if she wanted it to happen. Both of the ladies went to take their baths at separate times, not out of anything shameful or like that, both of them most likely just wanting to have some time to themselves. With everything said and done, the busty girl flopped into her bed to prepare for the night after getting dressed appropriately and putting all her stuff into their chosen place.

Just as she was about to get busy however, there was a faint sound that appeared to be scratching at the window of the room. Taking a look, Adelle could see that a panel had been cut into the window, and something that resembled a walking cat slipped inside through the gap. It was not terribly big, only standing about three feet tall, a thing that enabled it to get inside so easily through the small gap in the glass. The creature had a sideways crest on it's head, the ornamental part standing out as it was dark pink while the rest of the creature's sleek body was a lustrous dark gray color. The tool that enabled it to do what it had just did was clearly visible as well, a trio of large-ish hooked claws on both it's feet and hands. It was not sure what the creature was intending to do and if it had noticed that the room it had just broken to was occupied or not. Nonetheless, it would have likely gone unnoticed had Adelle not been there in the room as the thing appeared to have considerable skills in stealth.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The food was as delicious as she'd expected it to be, though she did wonder why Garagan only served Rachaela when he could obviously get a job anywhere really, and likely make much better money than he did here. Adelle thought that Rachaela had looked rather tired after the day's events, but she hadn't expected her to be quite so tired to the point that she didn't wish to bathe with her.

Laying in the bed and starting to feel good and riled up enough to play with herself, Adelle's hand was just starting to slip into her panties when she heard a scratching on the bedroom's window. Her eyes shooting open, Adelle looked over to see what it was making the noise where she looked at the thing as it came in through the hole in the window screen. Her heart beating a little faster at something managing to slip inside her room so easily, Adelle quietly reached out from under the covers to grab her new sword which she'd left standing beside the bed against the bedside table and raised up to get a closer look at the thing. Seeing the gray colored cat looking thing better now, Adelle slipped out of from under the covers and over to the edge of the bed to see if she could get closer to it, though she didn't make any threatening moves towards it since it was just an animal, and was possibly only looking for a good hiding place to sleep for the night, which in this city she couldn't really fault it for... but it paid to be cautious about these things and she didn't trust something that slipped in so stealthily on her like this.

"Now what are you doing in my bedroom here I wonder?" Adelle said softly as she sat on the edge of her bed in her tanktop and panties, holding the sheath behind her on the bed and out of sight where she could easily whip it out in a jiffy if need be. "It isn't nice to break into someone else's home you know, especially when they're tired," she added, waiting to see what the thing might try to do before drawing her blades to defend herself.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

( )

As soon as it noticed that something was happening, the creature did a twirling jump from the spot it had been on after entering, landing low near the bed that was farther on the opposite side of the room and slipping under the bed. But as it was spoken to, it realized that the jig was up and did not act as stealthy as it had before. Going for a move to another place, it crawled across the floor on all fours with surprising speed, looking somewhat like a spider as it went. It ended up under the bed that was on the other side of Adelle's, peeking out from under the end of the bed at her. It was dark, but the busty girl could see the thing's eyes as they had a pinpoint of dark pink light that trailed off when it moved.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Hmhm, I'm not going to hurt you little one, so long as you don't try to hurt me that is. In which case I'll defend myself as fiercely as I can. But where did you come from exactly? Are you Rachaela's pet or something?" Adelle said curiously, giggling at the thing as it scuttled across the floor when she spoke the first time, which likely scared it a good bit to cause it to do so.

Standing up from her bed, Adelle walked over to the door, intending on going to get Rachaela to ask her to come and see what the thing was just in case, figuring since it was her house and all that would be the best thing, since it did break in and all. "Hey Rachaela, something... kind of broke into my room through the window. Looks kinda like a cat... but not exactly one. Grey fur, pink eyes. Doesn't look very dangerous or anything, but figured you'd want to know that something snuck inside. Come here and I'll show it to you," Adelle would tell Rachaela when she got to her bedroom, bringing her back to her own room and pointing at where the thing was or had been, assuming the thing didn't attack her or anything, in which case she'd cry for help as she tried to hold it at bay.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Much like before, the creature did not speak or vocalize in any way, perfectly content with following what Adelle was doing from under the bed. In the current standstill, it was the girl that made the decisive move, opting to go and get Rachaela in order to share the sighting with her. The mage was still reading, so going to her room did not disturb her too much. "Hmm, that sounds odd. Let's see what that is about." she said as she got out of bed, grabbing her staff along the way just in case she might need it. But once they got back, there had been some development in the situation as the vaguely cat-like creature was now rifling through Adelle's belongings, having scattered some items around the room already as a result of the search it had been doing.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Come on, it's under the bed across from mine, at least it was when I left the room," Adelle said as they returned to the bedroom, hurrying back to make sure the thing hadn't tried to escape.

"Hey... what the... get out of there you little sneak," Adelle cried at the thing, moving quickly around the room to come at it from the window to cut it off as they came in, scooping the thing up in one arm as she drew her longer sword from its sheath with the other hand. "Those are my things, not yours, now drop them," Adelle then told the thing, glad she'd taken to hiding her money under the mattress for now since she'd begun to accumulate as much as she had, though it had strewn her clothes all around the bed now unfortunately, meaning she'd have to clean that up.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Can't say that I've seen one before. Let's stop it before something vanishes along with it." Rachaela supported the idea of taking the creature away from Adelle's bags and preventing it from stealing anything from her possessions. As Adelle moved around, she saw the creature looking at one of the many dildos that she had scavenged before from the factory. The first time it would be used was not quite what she had expected as the thing was thrown at her when she approached to grab at the little bugger, the quick turn and the trail from the eyes giving an alarm that it was not lost in thought and indeed very aware of what was happening. The plastic penis nailed the busty girl right between the eyes, and she was distracted enough by the sudden conk to allow the thing a follow-up. Abandoning the search for anything valuable, the little creature stepped up as Adelle flinched from the surprise attack, jumping at her with claws ready. But it appeared that it was not going for harming her, the incoming swipe cutting down her clothes instead of causing physical harm as a long gash split both panties and tanktop alike in two. Before she could retaliate, the creature jumped onto the nearby wall, clinging onto it with the claws and climbing around like a monkey of sorts. As if to further antagonize Adelle, the thing laughed at her chirpily, grinning like the biggest smartass there was as it scuttled across the wall.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Ouch... stop that right this... (gasp)" Adelle said to the thing as the creature flung the dildo it had in its hand straight at her face, catching her right between the eyes, where she then let out a gasp as the thing's claws slashed her clothes to bits while she reeled in shock a bit from the bonk on the face.

Looking down to see her clothes in tatters now as the creature jumped up to latch onto the wall where it scuttled about and... laughed at her it sounded like. This really ticked her off as she felt her left eye twitch in anger slightly as she stared at the thing. Taking a few steps over to one of the other beds, Adelle snatched up a pillow with one hand while at the same time grabbing the blanket of said bed with the other, where she then chucked the pillow at the creature's far side to get it to jump towards the side closer to her, where she'd then quickly yank the blanket off the bed and jump at the thin in an attempt to grab it.

"Alright you little prick, I'm gonna get you now... and when I do, I'm gonna... fuck I don't know, but I'm going to get your ass," Adelle growled at the thing as she flung the pillow at it and then attempted to snatch it up in the blanket, though if it jumped away from her she'd attempt to tackled it should it land on the floor or one of the beds, but if it remained on the walls she'd chuck another pillow at it, her breasts jiggling with every movement.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Throwing the pillow did not really appear to be effective against the creature, the thing taking the incoming pillow put with a slash of the claws that unloaded a large cloud of feathers into the room. The storm still did not prevent Rachaela from taking part, the mage girl firing a force bolt at the clinging creature and managing to knock it off from the wall. Adelle quickly moved in to try and finish the job as the tiny home invader landed onto the bed next to her own, but the thing was quick in recovery, already on it's feet again once she was within reach. A quick maneuver caused it to roll onwards and go under the busty girl's legs, where it proceeded to pull the remains of her panties away completely as it legged it towards Rachaela this time, most likely intent on getting revenge on the mage for blasting it down. But with all the moving it was doing, the creature managed to not only throw the magician sister's aim off-target completely, but also baited her into a reckless cast which ended up hitting Adelle on the back and throwing her onto the bed in front of her and then on the floor behind it. While collecting herself from the floor, Adelle could hear more ripping sounds, most likely Rachaela losing her nightgown to the razor claws of this tiny menace. And it was correct, which she found out as she got back up enough to take the sights in again. Now the thing had clambered up to the ceiling and was analyzing the situation, almost as if it was deciding what to do next. Regardless, it did not forget to smirk and taunt the girls.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Seeing that the creature didn't take the bait she'd thrown its way kind of pissed Adelle off even more than she already was, but she wasn't about to give up yet. When Rachaela shot her magic bolt at the creature, Adelle dove at it on the bed it landed on hoping to get it before it could get back up. It quickly darted between her legs where she felt the last thread of her panties torn off of her body, but she was fuming too much to care. This thing was really starting to annoy her at this point as it shot for Rachaela, and as Adelle was getting up off the bed she'd dove at the thing on, she felt Rachaela's next force bolt catch her right in the back, knocking her forward and causing her to hit the bed and roll across it and into the floor.

"Ouch... alright you little fucker, come here," Adelle cried as she got back to her feet, her hair a mess as she scrambled back to her feet as quickly as she could to the sound of more clothing being torn where she saw Rachaela's nightgown shredded off of her.

Looking up she saw the thing on the ceiling now and went over to her bed and reached into the bedside table drawer and drew her old pistol out and aimed it at the thing. "Get down here right now you little prick. I don't want to hurt you little guy, but you really need to learn some manners," Adelle said as she aimed her pistol at the creature, pointing at her lap as she sat down on the end of her bed.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Even after Adelle pulled a gun at it, the creature seemed unfazed, keeping up the mocking act as best it could. Turning around on the ceiling, it switched to going backwards so it could look at the girls a bit better, making way towards the window. Despite the cockiness it was exuding, the tiny invader obviously recognized what the gun was and was not going to risk taking a bullet from it. It still had enough gall to not be in any hurry even when faced with the gun, it's speed being slow enough to cause more possible annoyance as it went.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Oh no you don't you little asshole, you're not getting away from me, not after all you've done to me... and Rachaela now too. And you need to learn some manners," Adelle growled to the thing as she darted over to the window to cut it off before it could escape, not because the fact that it had shredded her clothing and all, but that it was acting so smartassed about doing all of this.

She'd quickly place herself between it and the window, moving as close back against the place it had cut its way in through to prevent it from escaping, where she'd point down at the floor in front of her this time. "Now get down here right this instant. I promise I won't kill you, but I am gonna bop you on the back of the head for all that trouble you caused," Adelle told the thing once she'd cut it off from its route of escape.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

This time around, there was some success to be had as Adelle made her way near the window, using the creature's purposefully slow going against it. As it noticed that the busty girl was going to block the window, the thing stopped, letting her go as she pleased. Rachaela remained near the door to keep that part blocked, though she had much less bulk to make a barricade. For some reason, the strange animal did come down as Adelle called it to, but it did not look like it was doing it out of obedience or respect towards her. Indeed, the same cocky attitude continued as it landed like a cat would, standing up and giving a taunt that looked somewhat like a thing that some ancient martial artist had done in his movies. It was one of those "Come at me bro" types of taunt, certainly.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Smirking as she got ahead of the thing and blocked it off, Adelle looked up at it as it hopped down upon her command, though it was obvious that it wasn't doing so because she'd told it to and rather because it felt like complying. Adelle glanced up at Rachaela as the thing taunted her, trying to nod to her to have her cast a spell of some sort to capture the thing or tie it up, or even just trip it up long enough for her to tackle it and pin it underneath her. "So you wanna throw down eh, well I suppose I can. Wish we could actually communicate with you," Adelle said to the thing's taunts.

Should she be able to get her attention to get her to do so, Adelle would attempt to tackle the thing if she got the chance to do so. If she couldn't get Rachaela's attention to do that though, then Adelle would step forward a couple of steps, grabbing another pillow as she did. "Here, you might need this just in case I win," she said as she tossed the pillow at the thing in a way that it wouldn't be able to see her for a moment or two. As soon as it raised its hands to either swat the thing aside or grab it, Adelle would dive at it while she had the advantage of this to tackle it to the ground under her, which would have the added effect of smushing her large tits right into its face, but Adelle didn't care as long as she managed to capture the catlike thing.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"If you are suggesting what I think you are, no. I have not memorized one, and it would require touching him too." Rachaela told about not having any kind of imprisonment or hampering spells prepared. It would leave the two with having to do any captures the old-fashioned way. Throwing the pillow to initiate her new method of attack, Adelle was in for another surprise as she found the pillow kicked right back at her, square in the face no less. Just make things more interesting, the creature had apparently decided to come forward itself, clamping onto her face with the pillow still there between the two. It was a strange situation to say the least, a practically naked girl with a pillow on her face being hugged by some strange cat-type being.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Nodding at Rachaela in acknowledgement to the unsaid question, Adelle tried her other idea. However she was again left stunned momentarily by the thing's reaction to her tossing the pillow at it when it kicked the thing back at her. When she felt it latch onto her face with the pillow between the two of them, Adelle felt a bit scared actually, but oddly enough she felt a rush of adrenaline surge through her at this.

An idea sparked through her head that since the thing was close enough to attack her like this, she was now more than close enough to retaliate. Dropping her sword and gun, Adelle quickly swung her arms around while the thing was clamped onto her face from the other side of the pillow to grab hold of it now that she had the chance. She figured that because she was larger than the creature that she was obviously going to be stronger than it, but then again she couldn't know that for a fact of course, but regardless she had the chance to grab it and she wasn't going to pass it up, and she wasn't about to let go as soon as she had hold of it either. As soon as her arms flung around the creature and grabbed it before it could get away, Adelle would roll over to place herself on top of it, her shoulders working furiously to shake the pillow out of her face for now so she could look at the thing and talk again without being all muffled.