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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Flipping the dead man over revealed that he was a young half-Asian, in his mid-twenties by quick estimate. Other that the unusual color on his skin, there really were no signs that he had taken a hard impact, though the pool he had been laying on did stick to his coat and pants like a paint job. A wallet was easily accessible in his pants pocket, but before Adelle could get the thing open to look for something to identify the corpse, she was stopped as the presumably dead person grabbed the wallet and the girl's hands with both of his own. He just might not have been as dead as the group resumed. The other two girls started beating up on him, but there just was no getting the grip off.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Poor guy, who were you so I can perhaps tell your family what happened hmm?" Adelle said softly after rolling the man over.

As she knelt there and reached into his pocket and got his wallet out, she was startled quite a bit to say the least as his hands grabbed her own while she was checking for his identification. Letting out a yelp as he grabbed her, Adelle tried to fall retreat away from him, but his iron grip was too strong for her to break free easily it seemed. Even Rachaela and Amelia hitting him didn't deter him from grasping her hands it seemed.

"D-Dammit man, let me go. I wasn't trying to loot you, I was checking to see who you were," Adelle said as she struggled to get loose from the guy, pulling a leg up to push him off that way if she could, as she didn't want to cut his hands off if she didn't have to.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Going into more effort eventually let Adelle free from the grip, but she could not manage to take the wallet, which the dead person held onto somehow. The thing remained on his person, going back to the pocket it had been in as the guy put it back before assuming his previous state of lying down again, leading the girls back to square one as far as identifying the man was concerned.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Freeing herself from the guy after pushing him with her foot, Adelle grunted as she fell back and landed on her butt with a grunt. "Okay you know what, he can keep his damned wallet, I say to hell with him then and we keep going," Adelle said a bit angrily as she got back up and dusted herself off, then stomped onwards a few steps before going back to her normal walk, glancing over her shoulder at the guy to see if he'd stayed there and wasn't following them and motioning for the others to follow along.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The sentiment seemed to be a shared thing between Adelle and the guy both, the man rolling around back to lie on his face again as the trio took off. Apparently, he had no interest in dealing with others in any sort of manner.

The road stretched on for quite a while, looking pretty much the same all the time. Eventually, there was something else besides road and eyes, but it was not a good thing. The dead guy came into view once more, suggesting that they had somehow gone and wrapped around the place, which appeared to be another anomaly, considering that they had only gone straight to one direction on the road.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

After traveling for some time, it appeared that they had somehow looped around, because Adelle saw the man that was laying there come back into view once again. Stopping dead still when she saw the guy again, Adelle looked back in the other direction behind them, then back to the body, then over to the girls.

"Okay... what the hell. Alright then let's go this way and see if that makes a difference," Adelle said in a frustrated voice, heading back the other way and wondering if that would work or even make a difference.

If it didn't help any at all and they ended up back where they started next to the guy here, then Adelle would just growl angrily and frustratedly before stomping her foot on the ground, completely out of her element here with magic and temporal anomalies and such. "Okay I've got nothing now girls. Rachaela you got anything?" Adelle would say after stopping, should this happen.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Might as well try that. Spacial distortions like this can have specific paths that they wish ones trapped in them to go." Rachaela agreed with trying the other way around. That was what the trio did, Amelia looking quite puzzled about the situation. Yet she had not complained any, not about the place, having to walk, or the rain that was drenching them. Maybe she was actually getting some enjoyment out of this strange place.

Going the other way appeared to be a good move as the forest began to dissolve into darkness as they switched direction, leaving only darkness at the side of the road. The eyes still remained to scrutinize them, not being as kindly as the forest to go away. Some ways into the darkness, the group could find that there was a door in the distance, but there was a slight problem reaching it as a creature blocked the road. Almost blocking the road with it's wideness, the humanoid thing was squatting in the middle, quite grotesque as it had a body composition that was hardly ordinary. With no head, the creature saw things with the one big eye that was smack dab in the middle of it's chest, right above a monstrous pot belly. Other than that, it had the normal hands and feet of a human, though it was much larger than any normal person.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Well I don't really know the first thing about magic or spacial anomalies or anything like that," Adelle said to Rachaela as she glanced over at Amelia, who was looking a bit confused but wasn't complaining.

As they went the other way, Adelle noticed a change as the forest started to fall away around them, leaving only darkness to either side. Honestly she'd rather have the forest around them still since the eyes were all still there watching them, but at least this meant that they were getting somewhere she figured. Adelle being in front spotted the door in the distance first, which had a humanoid looking creature in front of it as if guarding it from intruders.

"Uh oh girls, door ahead... and something else," Adelle said as they came up to the door and its guard. "You think we can just go past it without it grabbing at us? I doubt it myself, but either way we need it to move, so maybe I could make it move for us and we dart past it," Adelle asked the other two curiously as she drew her sword and remaining pistol both out while giving a suggestion on how they could get through, wanting to save her submachine gun just in case something stronger was later on.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Hard to say. If the previous areas are of any indication, I doubt that thing has any real interest towards us. But I could be wrong. This place is by far the most hostile-looking one out of the ensemble we have already visited, so maybe he too is not all that friendly." was what Rachaela had to say about the creature and their situation. "You can try to move it with any ideas that you have in mind, but if it becomes hostile, I will not hold anything back. Remember that."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Maybe, but you never know. Best not to piss it off if we can help it though I'd say, because I doubt we could go toe to toe with this thing," Adelle said, inching closer and ready to move back in a hurry just in case as she tried to move around the creature to reach the doorway and make sure if it was safe for the others, since they seemed to be following her lead. "Believe me, I wouldn't want you to hold back if it comes to it Rachaela, take it down if need be," she added as she began moving through to try and skirt around the thing, hoping that the thing wouldn't try anything, and if she made it through completely without incident she'd motion for the others to come along.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Opting to go for it, Adelle sought a way around the monstrous humanoid, which looked very much doable if she went from the very edges od the road where the thing's body did not obstruct the path. She got into the creature's proximity without any reaction, but as she was about to go across, the thing sprang into action as she was present in it's field of vision. With speed that looked almost impossible from it's huge bulk and gangly limbs it snatched the busty girl off the ground, pinning her arms against her body as it grabbed her inside one big fist. It had even planned something ahead as it turned in place to keep Adelle between itself and the others, a tactic that was usually effective in causing hesitation in Rachaela, and it worked again. Still, the thing did not take the action any further. It just looked at the trapped girl, squinting it's eye at her, almost as if it was frowning at her.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Noticing the thing hadn't reacted much to her approach, Adelle continued forward as the others watched to basically wait for the okay to go through there themselves. As she got closer though, Adelle seemed to spark a reaction from it as it snatched her up faster than she could blink just about, which considering its size should have been very hard to manage.

"W-Whoa shit... put me... down dammit," Adelle grunted as she was snatched up where the thing then put her between itself and Rachaela before she could get any magic off on it. "Well... hell," she added, blowing a strand of her hair out of her face as she hung there in its grasp.

Looking back at the eye staring at her with what looked almost to be a frown of sorts, Adelle sighed. "Why did you react to me of all things when just about nothing else in this place has huh? Can we please go through? We've got things to do, and I'd like to avoid a fight if possible," Adelle asked the creature with an almost pleading look on her face.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The creature looked at Adelle a bit longer as she basically pleaded it to let her go, turning one side a bit more towards her as if it had been turning it's head. Shuffling around a bit to make more way in one direction, it basically gave them way before dropping Adelle back to her feet and pushing her forward a bit with the back of it's hand. But it did not end there as it crossed it's arms and shook itself as if to try and tell them to not go there, not outright trying to deny them entry though. The door did not look inviting at all, which only served to further the idea of what was being suggested, one made from old decrepit wood and sported rusty hinges and frames. The large blood stain in the lower parts did not add any ideas about safety either.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

When the thing set her back down, Adelle was quite amazed, as she figured she'd get tossed away like a piece of trash because of it's amazing strength, but she wasn't thankfully. The way it was acting was like it didn't want them to go there, but more for their own good than anything it seemed. After looking at the doorway beyond it, she could understand why honestly and felt a chill go up her spine.

"Um girls... you know... maybe it's trying to tell us not to go through there for our own good. That crappy old door doesn't look too inviting with the blood all over the bottom of it like that I think," Adelle said after looking at the door once she'd been set down, glancing over her shoulder at Rachaela and Amelia as she spoke. "I mean he could have just as easily chucked me through there if it was a trap I think. But now where the hell do we go? We go the other way we come back to the beginning, or near enough as makes no difference, we come this way we can't go through because I really don't wanna know what's on the other side of that door. Because whatever is through there I'd wager did whatever to that guy back that way," she went on to say, looking around for any other paths before heading back the way they'd come, or trying to find said path rather unless the others had any suggestions or if they wanted to try this path anyway, in which case Adelle would follow... though she'd protest against it.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Hmph, again I have to say that I am pretty much in the same mindset. That place looks like it could be a massive bother." Rachaela agreed with Adelle's ideas about the door. But even with that, Amelia appeared to be having other ideas. She went straight past the two and the creature, going right for the door. "And I say we go in there right now. This place is getting boring."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Aye it likely won't be anything easy to say the least... then again I have been wrong before," Adelle said with a shrug of her shoulders as Amelia stated her opinion, which seemed to be either fearless, or stupidity... and considering what she knew of the girl so far, Adelle couldn't help but think the latter.

"Amelia... you do realize that whatever is through there could be highly dangerous don't you? I mean just look at the blood there on the door. Plus it's our job to protect you remember. And whatever is back there might try to kill us, which would make protecting you a bit tough. I mean I'm up for a good tussle with something, but not if it's vicious enough to cause that... at least if I can help it that is," Adelle said, reminding Amelia of her and Rachaela still supposed to be protecting her, which going into the next room could complicate that.

If Amelia insisted on going through though and neither her nor Rachaela could dissuade her with words, Adelle would wait to see if the creature tried to keep her from going through after noting that she and Rachaela didn't want to enter that particular room before stopping Amelia herself, telling her there would be other battles to fight later before trying to lead them back the way they'd come to try one of the other paths. If she'd been alone or something like that, heading through this door might have crossed her mind, but with her friends she just didn't feel that they should risk it.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

For all her reasoning, it appeared that Adelle would have little effect on Amelia's intentions. "I do realize that. But it's exciting. Now get in here ladies." she told the two, not retreating one bit from the scary door. Instead, she kicked it open, as if to invite anything in there towards her. Once the door was out of the way, she headed straight in, the creature not doing anything to try and stop her or the other girls for that matter. "You can come, looks pretty freaky but there does not appear to be anything thirsting at my blood." they could hear the princess call from the other side.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"But... hells bells. She ain't gonna listen is she?" Adelle began saying before Amelia went inside before she could stop her, glancing over at Rachaela, then the creature, then back to the doorway as Amelia called from inside.

Adelle sighed, looked at Rachaela and the creature again, letting both know that she didn't wish to go inside, then she shook her head and went on in to find Amelia. "Alright Amelia, you've gotten me to come on in. Now what's in here that's so freaky?" Adelle said as she followed Amelia on inside, drawing her blade and pistol back out as she did just in case.

She wondered what they'd find inside this particular room, though at the same time she was a bit scared. The thought had occurred to her of course that the creature might have just tried to stop her from going inside before because another reason of some sort, but what that might have been she didn't know and wouldn't until she explored the place. "Alright Amelia, first sign of big trouble though and we're out of this room... okay," Adelle told Amelia as she came up beside her.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Not a strong point, looks like..."

Crossing over to the other side of the door revealed a new landscape, one that perfectly matched the door that lead up to it, no matter how much Adelle would have preferred to not see it. The area was basically a corridor-like dungeon, stretching and slowly curving into both ways, somewhat suggesting that it was a round space. But it was not the kind of dungeon that Adelle had developed likings toward recently, instead looking pretty bleak and outright unpleasant. There were no windows in the place, all light coming from candle-powered lanterns that we placed about in a neat and equal-distance manner, which still left the whole place a bit darkened and shadowy. The construction material was dark rock and mortar, stained with unidentifiable substances in quite many places. Loads of strap-lined tables and tool racks with nasty-looking instruments of pain were the primary furniture of the area, and high in the arced ceiling area, large hooks and gibbets hanging from rusted chains decorated the upper spaces. There were a few shriveled lumps and shapes to be seen in the gibbets, most likely former people. The smell of dust and dried blood permeated the air, completing the creepy torture dungeon perfectly.

Even with how the place looked, Amelia was not having much hesitation. "Oh please, this place has to have something around besides these things, and I want to see it." she told the others while testing out a pair of old and stained blade shears that she had picked up from a nearby rack of painful tools.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Ugh, this looks horrible. I hope that whatever is in here isn't what did all of this, because I'd hate to have to take on whatever it is. But we're already in here now, so there's no reason to not explore a little bit at least I suppose, even though I'd rather not be in here," Adelle said as she saw the many different tools and contraptions around the room, the sight of some of them making her stomach do a flip or two.

"Alright then, Rachaela mark us a path back to here just in case, and I'll lead the way again since we're all in here now," Adelle said before heading off down the dungeon hallways to see what they could find.

She had her blade in her left hand and her pistol in her right as she led the way, easing forward step by step and moving against the walls when they came to a turn of any sort to peek around the corner so they didn't walk right into a trap or anything.