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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Somehow, it looked like talking to the strange bluish lady would not bring any salvation from the cold. Upon being addressed, she looked at the group for a while before their attention was turned to the snowfall that started to happen inside the house. Almost as if to confirm that she had done it, the woman smiled and bowed shallowly before resuming her other things at the place. "Hmm, that went nowhere..."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Well that was just... well... kinda rude. Come on miss, we're cold, and you apparently can make it not so cold so please if you aren't gonna stop the cold air at least tell us if there's another way to go through here other than the way we came in," Adelle said to the woman, stomping her foot a bit. If they still got no answer from the woman, Adelle would just lead the girls back out and through the door and head in a different direction in the maze room, heading to the left door out of that one.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

While the previous inquiries had not made any real forward progress, asking about the ability to reduce the cold proved a bit more fruitful. The lady approached Adelle after she had provided her question, her hand coming down onto the busty girl's shoulder for a few seconds as something a bit odd happened. In the blink of an eye, the snow lady had transformed Adelle's current clothing into a low-cut shoulderless kimono which somehow did not drop off right away, managing to somehow keep the girl's modesty intact while looking pretty sexy in that oriental manner. A pattern of light blue snowflakes and swirls of wind decorated the garment, a pretty high-class thing if one looked at it quickly. The boots she had worn were also shifted into socks and straw sandals. But somehow this new get-up provided unexpected protection from the elements, and suddenly the cold did not bother her at all despite the lighter clothing. Even the lack of underwear was of no concern as far as the weather was concerned.

Again, the lady did her bow and smile routine before resuming what she had been doing. "Oh wow, that looks... inappropriate for the weather..." Amelia remarked about the new get-up.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

When the woman came over to her after she'd asked what she had, Adelle took a step back in surprise and fright as the woman placed a hand on her shoulder, and let out a soft gasp as her clothing shifted form along with her new boots as well. Despite what her new outfit looked like and how little it actually covered her body, Adelle didn't feel cold any longer as the new outfit was providing ample protection from the cold somehow, though she didn't know how exactly. As the woman bowed to her, Adelle who had looked at her new clothing in amazement stopped and bowed back deeply in thanks.

"Um... it might not be covering me very well, but it's actually quite warm despite that. And kinda sexy too," Adelle replied to Amelia when she spoke up, glad that this woman had this kind of power, then she glanced over at Rachaela with a curious expression, giving her a look that asked if she had any magics that could do that, though she wouldn't outright ask the girl.

"Thank you miss, I... I apologize for my rudeness before. Could you please tell me what this place is exactly, and help my friends against the cold too? Um... s-should I make an offering of some sort perhaps in exchange for this? I don't know what I could offer in exchange though really, since I don't really know what you'd like," Adelle told the woman with another bow of her head as she trailed off, pulling her backpack around and looking inside for something she might offer in exchange for the information and for helping Rachaela and Amelia, though she didn't know what she could possibly offer.
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Even with the newly-discovered possible respect between the two parties, there just was no getting any verbal answers from the strange lady. But there did appear to be some measure of co-operation between them as the homekeeper did not appear to have any qualms about sharing the power she possessed. Going over to Amelia, she did the same thing to her, producing a suitably regal-looking robe on her. Unlike what Adelle had, the one on the princess was far more traditional and conservative a piece, though it was likely not any different in terms of potential. "Huh, not really my style but thanks."

When it came to Rachaela, the sister was not as ready to accept this change. Using her staff, the mage held the woman back from going over her. "I'll just stick to my own dress, thank you." she told the other, who seemed to understand and backed off in a relatively calm manner after a bit of trying.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The woman still didn't give any actual answer to Adelle she noticed, making her think that the woman couldn't talk, or simply didn't wish to. But despite that she seemed peaceful enough and was helping them, so Adelle had no reason to distrust her any longer really. Watching Amelia's clothing be changed, Adelle nodded in approval at the change, thinking they looked nice on her, though she was a bit disappointed that her own clothing didn't cover quite as much, but so long as they kept her warm she didn't really care overly much.

"How come Rachaela? If we're gonna be in this cold area for long we'll need some sort of protection, and she appears to be nice to me, and her magic is working its charm for sure, I'm not cold at all anymore, and it's sexy as hell I think," Adelle asked, sounding cheerful again as she went over to the woman again and bowed her head in thanks, then she leaned up and kissed her on the cheek if the woman didn't stop her before heading out of the snow hut and looking around. "And Amelia I think you look good in that myself," Adelle told the princess with an approving look as she looked at her new outfit again.

"Say Rachaela, do you think you can mark this area with your magics or something so we can easily find our way back? That way we can explore this area a bit more without worrying about getting lost," Adelle asked Rachaela once they were back outside and ready to move on, with Adelle looking for anything interesting to investigate or another way to go other than back the way they came.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I'm not going to break the code. Never." was what Rachaela had to say about the denial of wardrobe exchange. Looked like she would not give up on the choice of clothing that the group had decided upon, not even when it would obviously be beneficial for her to do so. There was no reaction to getting kissed from the snow lady, who simply went on with her chores.

When it was asked for, Rachaela did a simple gesture which ended up with her staff leaving a glowing red trail on the ground as they walked along. Losing the way was not going to happen as the red stood out from the glowing ground like nothing else possibly could. A short walk into another direction brought them into contact with a small hamlet of igloos.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Very well then Rachaela, just don't hesitate to speak up if you get cold alright," Adelle said to Rachaela as they set out, finding Rachaela's adamant stance on wearing her certain kind of clothing a bit silly when she could freeze or catch a cold or something, though she didn't voice that to Rachaela figuring that she wouldn't be that silly about it.

Setting forth from the snow hut, Adelle led the way as Rachaela left them a trail of sorts to find their way back, where they soon came to a small village from the looks of it. "Huh... this is actually kinda neat looking. Let's check some of them out and see if there's anything worth finding here. I'll take a couple over here and you two check a couple over there and we'll get done quicker, it shouldn't be too dangerous since we're all right here together after all and within talking distance from each other," Adelle said, heading over to the first couple of igloos on the right and leaving them to pick some others on the left to investigate. Who knew, maybe they'd find someone in here that could answer a few questions, though she doubted it considering they were in some sort of warped space and whatnot.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Since there were very little potential threats around, the crew could split up to look at the nearby igloos, which numbered around two dozen. The low entryways demanded that the girls enter them on all fours, and that was what Adelle did as she went to the first one of her selected ice houses. Upon reaching the inside, she was greeted with the sight of a hole in the middle of the floor, one that opened up to icy waters below. The other thing present was a pretty tall penguin, which stood in place and looked about as she came in, pondering the newcomer once it realized she had entered. The penguin was tall enough to reach up to Adelle's chest, most likely a member of the emperor species.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Crouching down on her knees and crawling through the hole in the igloo while Rachaela and Amelia both did pretty much the same to a couple of the other igloos around them, Adelle made her way inside the one she'd picked to check out. Once inside she found a hole leading down into the ice and the water below, as well as a quite large penguin that looked at her curiously when she came in.

"Well hey there big guy. I'm not gonna hurt you, I'm just looking around. And it doesn't look like there's anything in here anyway," Adelle said to the penguin before she came all the way inside the igloo, looking around a little before backing on back out and heading around to check another igloo to see what they could see. If she didn't really find anything in any of the igloos, then Adelle would meet back up with the others and continue the search around the area to see if there was anything else to find in the close area around the igloos.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Like pretty much everything up to this point, the penguin too did not seem to harbor any ill will toward Adelle. The only things it did were giving her a squeak and diving into the hole to do what penguins do. With a more precise look around the small igloo, the girl could find a few fish tails, leftovers from the things that penguins did. Going into the other igloos revealed similar scenes, with penguins or not as a few of them were out fishing. It was a strange place, since penguins were usually not capable of building houses for themselves like this. But considering what the other rooms had in them, it was a minor weirdness. The others soon came back as well, reporting nothing besides penguins in igloos as results from their search. "Looks like it is only a penguin village. Was not expecting to say that today, but here we go."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Finding nothing more than other penguins, or their messes when she checked the other igloos, Adelle made her way over to the others with a puzzled look on her face as penguins weren't normally capable of building. "Huh... this is weird to say the least. Maybe that lady back that way built these igloos for the penguins. Does it look like there's anywhere else to go around this area girls? If not then I'd say our best bet would be to head on back, unless you wanna try heading off in a random direction to see what we'd find," Adelle said after Rachaela was through talking once she'd met back up, still puzzled about this whole place.

Unless the other two wanted to stay a bit longer, and or unless they noticed another direction to go that looked promising, Adelle would suggest they head on back to the door they'd come in and see about checking one of the other rooms before that.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

While Amelia thought that penguins were fancy and all that, the group would most likely be better served doing something else besides look at the penguins do what they did. As they had gone into this direction some distance already, Rachaela thought that they should just continue onwards to see what there would be to find beyond the penguin village.

Going farther revealed yet another new door, this one being a little bit unnerving as it had a trio of eyes embedded into the woodwork. Those things did not appear to be decorations either, as they followed the trio with their gaze.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Heading further onwards since Rachaela suggested that they continue exploring around this area, Adelle led the way until they located another door further along. The eyes were very disconcerting to say the least when Adelle saw them embedded in the door, but she tried to not look at them much to keep from getting spooked by them. She reached out and opened the door once they got to it, glancing over at Rachaela and Amelia before doing so and leading the way inside, wondering what they'd find this time.

"Wonder what we'll find through here girls," Adelle said as she opened the door and stepped through, ready for anything and keeping a close eye around the area.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Slipping through the door brought the girls into another strange space, a forest similar to the one they had just departed from. There was no snow or cold to bother them as it was a nice and temperate place rather than a frozen land, but there were eyes everywhere. On the trees, on the ground, wherever they looked. Even the sky had several huge red eyes floating about in the far atmosphere, and all of them were fixed on the girls. It was not a pleasant place at all, despite the lack of hostility that still appeared to permeate the landscape.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Heading inside the next area, Adelle was glad to find that it wasn't a cold area like before and was more warm, but the eyes that were all around them were quite spooky to say the least and Adelle kept looking around at them. "Okay these eyes are spooky as hell and I don't like them. We need to hurry on and get out of here I think. Come on let's go," Adelle said, nodding to the others and trying to not focus on the eyes watching them so much so they didn't give her the creeps as badly.

Leading the way Adelle followed any path that was there, or if there were none she'd start heading in the best looking direction to find anything, hoping to find a quick way out of here.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"That... I have to agree with." Rachaela appeared to share the dislike towards all the staring eyes, and the group got a move on as suggested. The forest slowly began to tighten up as the treeline appeared to get more and more dense as they went deeper, eventually getting reduced to a 10-foot wide path in the middle of a nearly impenetrable swath of trees that bundled up right next to each other. As the progression happened, other things began to happen as well. The day seemed to shift rapidly towards the evening, and soon enough it was both dim light and raining as clouds gathered. The eyes seemed to not care however, lighting up as the continued their constant stares. Eventually the path came to a junction, with a paved road going into the distance in both left and right. It appeared to be small highway of sorts, one that travelled through an oppressive forest setting like a snake.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Moving along, Adelle shuddered as the eyes continued staring at them despite the changing of the day into night as they went along as well as when the rain started, which made their staring even creepier to Adelle. The tighter the path got the tighter Adelle's chest got that something would suddenly jump out and attack them in an attempt to grab her or one of the others and make off with them. Thankfully though nothing of the sort happened... at least not yet anyway.

"Alright girls... left... or right?" Adelle asked the others when they reached the road, avoiding the eyes as best she could as she peered down both directions of the road. "You know what I'll leave it to fate this time, heads we go right, tails we go left," she added before the others answered, pulling out a coin from her pocket and flipping it in the air.

Snatching the coin out of the air, Adelle saw it was on tails and pointed to the left. "Left it is then ladies, and if there's nothing in this direction then we come back," Adelle said after showing the coin to the others so they could see it was on tails, then she led the way down the road.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The other girls had little to say if they disagreed with the idea that Adelle had, and soon enough they were all going against traffic on the side of the road. It took a while to see something besides trees and paved road, but eventually they came across a scene. A dead man lied sprawled out on the road, surrounded by a few traffic cones in a pool of blood that was presumably his own. He had probably been there for a while as there was some green hue detectable on his skin. "Ewwww... he's like, dead and stuff..."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Moving along the road, they didn't see anything save trees, more of the eyes, and the road itself for quite a while. Eventually though they came upon a dead man laying in the middle of the road surrounded by traffic cones to mark where he'd fallen from the looks of it. "Yeah he is... been so for quite a while from the looks of it," Adelle said, squatting down nearby the body to look at it a bit closer.

After checking the body, looking for anything that she could use to identify the man with such as a wallet with his identification or something of the sort, Adelle would get back up and lead on since there wasn't really anything they could really do for him unless Rachaela had anything to say or do.