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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

After a few more stalls, the total number of bags that was raised up to eight from all the things that Amelia got. But like all things, the different stores ended eventually, leaving the princess looking somewhat melancholic even with all her newly-acquired items. Still, she appeared to have a solution ready as she turned to the two others once more. "You two have other places to tell me about? This is not enough! Tell me!" she almost came onto Adelle as she demanded more.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Following along behind Amelia like her personal bodyguard, which she technically was kind of, Adelle took the next couple of bags from the next shops, thinking to herself that she'd have to drop it all in a hurry if worse came to worse and something attacked. When the princess was done, Adelle noticed that she seemed to be a bit saddened at the market's stores having all been shopped quite thoroughly in. Watching Amelia turn and come over to her and Rachaela once more, Adelle listened to her question and glanced over at Rachaela to see if she had a suggestion before looking back to Amelia.

If Rachaela had nothing, then Adelle would suggest that they first take Amelia's bags to wherever she was to be staying at so they weren't carrying all of the stuff around in case anything happened, where she then suggested they go to Josephine's clothing shop. "Josephine's is a really good store, but we should probably drop these other bags off at wherever you're staying at, just in case I've gotta pull my gun or sword out, because you never know when someone will try something, plus if you get anything at her place then it'd be too hard to carry all of that and this here," Adelle would say after suggesting Josephine's.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

While she frowned in a silly manner at the idea of having to take a side trip to empty their load out, Amelia did seem to have enough desire to go into Josephine's store for the long round to happen. The place she had established her base of operation turned out to be Liliana's place, which they reached with some effort and walking through the city. Apparently the house was some sort of inn or hotel as well, a thing that was not all that difficult to imagine. The princess took the time to wait, letting the girls hand over their bags as the staff took their bags for safekeeping until a later time. Once the newly-bought items had been stashed away, Amelia asked to be taken into the wonderful new thing that was Josephine's clothing shop.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Taking Amelia's things to where she was staying at surprised Adelle yet again, as she was staying at Liliana's place, which Adelle had become familiar with by going there a couple of times recently. She should have figured that the place was also a hotel on top of the other things it was really, but she just hadn't until now took that into consideration. Handing them over to the staff of the place for them to take to Amelia's room, Adelle then led Amelia back to Josephine's place with Rachaela.

When they made their way on over to Josephine's store, Adelle gestured to the doors with a smile. "Best clothing store in the city, at least in my opinion anyway it is," Adelle told Amelia when they arrived. "She has fancier dress like clothes, more casual types of clothes, just about everything you can think of really in the way of clothes," Adelle added, heading on inside and holding the door for Amelia and Rachaela as she looked about for Josephine to introduce her and Amelia.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

It was as if Adelle's words had fallen on deaf ears when Amelia saw the the store, most likely missing out what she had completely as the princess hurried ahead of them at the sight of this new shopping avenue. By the time they managed to get inside after her, Josephine was already trying to hold the little lady back as she seemed to really want a lot of different things, but the structure of the store and the merchandise stored inside did not allow for such wanton behavior. If Amelia had her way, there might be a whole lot of different clothing articles on the floor by then as she had some picks that required getting things from lower parts of the clothing stacks and the piles just might have collapsed with all the tugging at them. "I can respect your interest in my products, young lady, but this is no place for such rushing." she scolded Amelia, who did not appear to be hearing her for the most part.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Watching Amelia hurrying on in ahead of the both of them, Adelle shook her head a bit with a wry smile on her face before following her on inside. Seeing Amelia being held back by Josephine made Adelle come over in a hurry to help her calm Amelia down a bit so she didn't rampage through the store and knock things down everywhere in her quest to grab as much as she possibly could. Adelle put an arm around Amelia and pulled her into a half hug, smushing her face against one of her big breasts a bit as she did so to try and calm her down a bit.

"Hey hey, there's no need to rush Amelia. Besides, Josephine doesn't like having her clothing manhandled by anyone regardless of how rich or poor they are. We've got plenty of time to browse around alright, so let's take it a little slower so we don't knock everything in the floor on our way through, m'kay," Adelle said to Amelia to calm her down, telling her that she'd help her to look for anything she wanted, but to take it a bit slower so Josephine didn't ask them to leave.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Having been placed into the situation that she was in, Amelia flailed about before giving up the fight to go and do things her way, deciding that it would be less of a hassle to try and fight herself away from the boob hold, though she could probably have bitten Adelle on the boobie to get herself free if needed. Still, the princess had enough decency about herself to not do such a thing. Instead, she just let the situation quiet down and continued her shopping tour in more relaxed ways. The two guide ladies were given a new task to hold all the articles she decided to get, some more outrageous than the others.

Along the way, with small piles of clothes now on both Rachaela's and Adelle's arms, there was the sound of the door opening as another customer entered and caused Josephine to activate as she had been doing her things while the trio shopped. "Good day, miss Margaret. The dress you ordered is ready, let me get it for you right away." Adelle could hear her talking to the customer from the other side of the store. "Yes, that's good. I am in something of a hurry, after all..."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle let Amelia struggle against her hold for a few moments until she calmed down, thankfully seeing things her way and shopping a bit more relaxed like so Josephine didn't kick them out of the store. Adelle didn't mind holding her things for her as she shopped though and happily took it for her when asked to hold anything. While they shopped around and whatnot, Adelle heard the door open again and listened in as Josephine greeted the new customer. When she heard who it was though, Adelle glanced at Rachaela with widened eyes.

Leaning over to Rachaela, Adelle whispered in her ear so Amelia, Josephine, or Margaret none of the three would overhear her. "What do you wanna do? We can't just let her get away when we've got the chance to grab her or at least follow her and find out where she's staying at exactly," Adelle whispered to Rachaela quietly, unsure of what to do with Margaret so close to them and within striking distance.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The introduction of the new customer had not gone unnoticed from Rachaela either, who had tensed up visibly at the realization that they might be in for a fight all of a sudden. "Not entirely sure if this is the best place to start a fight, she is not exactly one we want to engage in these close quarters. And even though she was as much a melee fighter as Mariela is, don't go assuming that she would not have a firearm on her. Unlike the good sister, she has no personal code against them and will use one if needed. Doubly so with the heat that is currently on her." the mage told Adelle and peered out towards the counter from behind their current position that was on the other side of a shelving unit and a few cloth piles. "We could probably manage to cause some damage if we pulled a surprise attack on her, though I am hesitant to go for that, both for the risk of retaliation and the damages it would do to the store. She is not in dress, which only increases the chance of hidden weapons, though those look like they would be the least concern. That strange scythe thing on her is..."

"What are you whispering about over there?!" came a sudden disruption from Amelia, who had noticed the absence of her clothes carriers. That would not be a good thing in all likelyhood and most likely gave away their presence to Margaret. Still, it did appear that the assassin could not identify the two from just that, and was most likely focused on the princess anyway as she had been the one with the voice. Investigating was not a high priority, and the girl just continued to wait for her dress to get there.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Noting that Rachaela had also noticed Margaret's entry into the store, Adelle kept a close watch around them just in case since they had no direct line of sight on the other girl. Listening to Rachaela, Adelle nodded her head in agreement that they this likely wasn't the best place for a fight. She was about to speak up herself until Amelia interrupted Rachaela, which caused Adelle to tense up as that could very well have given them away and they might end up with a fight on their hands anyway.

"Nothing nothing, just browsing for some stuff for me too is all," Adelle said softly to Amelia to divert her back to shopping and away from worrying about them spying on Margaret.

Once Amelia was focused back on shopping after Adelle took a couple of more items from her if she required some help in carrying some stuff, Adelle glanced back to Rachaela when Amelia wasn't looking. "Hmm, yeah I don't wanna cause Josephine any problems if we can help it, she's been too good a friend to me to do that to her. Should one of us tail her after she leaves then you think? To see where she's holed up at and then we can all go after her together," Adelle whispered to Rachaela after Amelia had left them alone enough for her to do so.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Alright, fine. But you have to, like, pay attention." Amelia announced before turning back to looking at all the things and deciding which ones she would be taking. This allowed the two other ladies to talk again. "That might be the best idea, even if it goes against our current objectives somewhat. Which one of us should go? I'm fine either way, though she knows me better than she knows you, we did work together for a few years after all. And as such, she will know it's me upon seeing me."

While the pair talked, Josephine came back from the other room, handing a folded dress over to Margaret. No doubt it was another one of the gothic lolita-style articles that Adelle had gotten familiar with during the time she spent with the sister group.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Of course my lady, I apologize," Adelle replied to Amelia respectfully before whispering over to Rachaela.

"Aye it should be me I guess, for that reason. Though how am I gonna get away from Amelia long enough to do this? And can you handle Amelia in that case then?" Adelle whispered back to Rachaela, wondering if the smaller sister could handle the supposed princess without causing a fight with her. Then a plan struck her and she went over to Amelia after hearing Josephine speak to Margaret. "Hey, she's gonna keep showing you around for just a little bit, I forgot I had to run and pickup something from a friend that I promised I'd meet. You mind if I catch up to you all here shortly? Because I really can't afford to let this slip out of my hands," Adelle said to Amelia after heading over to her, trying to convince her to not get angry with her leaving.

If Amelia let her go without complaining much or at all, then Adelle would slip out and wait for Margaret to head on, doing her best to be inconspicuous as she moved along and kept a close eye on her and the surrounding areas for any possible traps set by the girl. Assuming she found the place that Margaret was holing up at, Adelle would mentally mark it and make her way back to the clothing shop to meet back up with Amelia and Rachaela, or ask Josephine if Rachaela left a message detailing where they'd gone to after leaving there.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I suppose I could bear with it for a while. Let's just hope that she is not too far away..." Rachaela sighed as she looked at the princess and shook her head. A new interest had struck Amelia by then, and she barely acknowledged that Adelle would be taking a brief leave.

Trailing Margaret was not all that hard, the assassin having a pretty clear intention as to where she was going and not having any hesitation or interest towards the surroundings. The path was still not the best one might take, taking some rather unpleasant routes at times, from tight alleys to scrapped cityscape. On one long and somewhat tight path, a sudden gesture from Margaret revealed that she had not missed being followed. The girl waved back at Adelle but did not break her stride or turn, instead pointing a finger to the side after finishing the wave. And it was far from a meaningless gesture as a huge lump of a man came over from the side street, an obese male dressed in camo pants and a wifebeater shirt. No facial features could be made out as he wore a psychotically grinning baby mask and a boxing helmet over that. But the worst thing he had on him was a rifle-like weapon that he was carrying at hip-level, an axe blade mounted on the underside. A tiny flicker of light could be seen at the tip, so it was likely a flamethrower. In all likeness, this man was an associate of Margaret, and was not about to have someone follow her further.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"M'kay, I'll head on out then, keep an eye on her, and if I'm not back within an hour you'll know something went wrong and that you girls might wanna look for me," Adelle whispered to Rachaela before setting off, quietly slipping out to follow her target.

It seemed Margaret wasn't making much effort to not be followed, which made Adelle suspicious though she kept going. Following her down a few alleys and side paths, Adelle knew she'd been caught when Margaret waved to her side as a large fellow came out, which Adelle sighed about and figured it was best to give up for now while she was ahead. "Hah... well shit, looks like that's over," Adelle sighed and mumbled to herself.

She really didn't want to try and fight the big man with the flamethrower, because she didn't wanna get burned or anything, so she backed out of the alley while keeping an eye on the two and attempted to get out of this peacefully, though if forced to, Adelle would whip out her submachine gun and hose the alleyway as she retreated. Once out of the alley one way or the other, Adelle hotfooted it back to the clothing store, taking the most populated streets that she could in order to prevent someone from giving chase and attacking easily.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Trying to engage the man would probably not be a good move, even as he moved pretty slow with all of his mass and the strange flamer. He did lumber onward in Adelle wake while blocking the view of Margaret with his body. As Adelle retreated, she saw that the man did come after her, but only for a short while. All that it amounted to was that he came after her to the far end of the alley, but stopped at the corner to see that the girl went along her way and did not try to pull any smart moves on them. He even thought about the possibility of throwing a rag-topped bottle, which would most likely had resulted in an entirely different kind of burn, but a burn nonetheless as molotovs are what they are. The distance was enough of a deterrent to keep him from trying, luckily.

After shaking off the lumbering chaser, Adelle had no trouble heading back to the store, where Amelia and a pile of clothes were waiting. For some reason, the pile of clothes talked with Rachaela's voice and asked how things went.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Despite his slow movements she doubted that she'd get past him in the confined alleyway and figured it best to retreat for now and live to fight another day, because if she got licked by those flames even once she doubted that she'd be able to continue a fight. The guy did give chase, but she was easily able to outrun him because of his large size, which prevented him from running long distance compared to her. Once she returned to Josephine's store she found her companions still there with Amelia waiting with a large pile of clothing that was walking around.

"Hmhm, went good until a few minutes in, lost her in an alley where some big guy came out after me, didn't wanna fight him because he had a flamethrower," Adelle giggled to Rachaela in a whisper when she found out that she was underneath the clothing. "Here let me take a bit of that off your hands," Adelle added and took half of the clothing, making an effort to grab the heavier and or larger things for the smaller girl.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Oh, serious firepower. Good thing that you opted to not engage, I don't have enough skill in all likelihood to fix a whole-body burn back to what it formerly was. That would have resulted in a trip to the hospital and a cyber surgeon, if the grave was avoided as an option." the mage confirmed what had happened as she let Adelle take half of the things before they went over to the counter, where a long and tedious checkout process started as Josephine processed all of the needed numbers in her head before Amelia could pay. But like she had before, the princess produced a wad of bills to give in as payment from her silly purse.
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Aye, I didn't know if you have the ability to repair quite that bad a wound or not, so I didn't wanna risk it. Though I'd say with the way the guy looked he'd probably have tried to knock me out and rape me," Adelle whispered to Rachaela, shuddering at the thought of being wounded too badly to recover.

Helping to heave the things over to the counter for Josephine to add it all up for Amelia to pay for it all. Adelle was again amazed at the amount of money the girl seemed to have on her when she produced it all to pay for the stuff, feeling that she would likely get herself in trouble if she were alone most likely. Once done inside, Adelle would take up as much as she could and help her carry it all over to Amelia's room and ask if she'd like to go anywhere else, that she was willing to continue the tour until sunset at least, at which point she'd warn that it would be good to get back since it can get a bit dangerous around town at night.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Again, the trio took a trip to Liliana's place, causing some strange looks as the staff had to take a second load of items to the princess' room. The lady at the reception told Amelia that she would have to rent another room if she intended to keep this up, but there was just no getting to the girl, who already had other things in mind. "I think that is enough shopping for today. What I need now is excitement! Provide me!" she told the two about the next thing on line.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Helping Amelia and Rachaela take the things back to Liliana's, Adelle handed over the stuff for them to take on upstairs to the girl's room she had there. When Amelia stated that she was done shopping for the day, Adelle was kind of glad, though it wasn't all that hard to do really, just lots of walking. "Well... I've been mostly going to the bar. If the wrestling place was still open and you didn't mind seeing... slightly more naughty types of things, I would have suggested it since I go there sometimes myself," Adelle said to Amelia, then she glanced over at Rachaela. "Rachaela do you know anywhere else to have fun at by chance?" she then asked.

If Rachaela had something in mind then Adelle would let her lead the way and follow up along behind as a rear guard for them, keeping a close eye on their surroundings in case Margaret tried to retaliate against her for trying to follow her.