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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"That's the spirit." was what Rachaela had to say as the two went for the window. There was no need to climb over anything as the window was pretty much on Adelle's level anyway, and after sliding it to the side she could just step over and into the offices. Rachaela had to climb a bit as she was shorter, but it was far from anything that would hinder them in some major way. The offices appeared to be pretty much empty, a thin layer of dust coating things that had not obviously been moved or used in the recent past. The things that had been used included a few of the desks and an office closet in the side. Two doors were available for moving into opposing rooms, the first one leading to the shopside while the other went into the employee areas, which were a lot bigger than the small store.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Feeling a bit encouraged by Rachaela's words, Adelle led them inside, helping the smaller girl in through the window and bringing her pistol out and checking her ammo to make sure she was loaded up and ready to shoot if need be. The place was a bit dusty she saw, making it obvious that nobody had been using this place for quite some time, save whoever was here now that is of course. Creeping along through the place some, Adelle found the two doors and chose the one leading to the store front area, only peeking through at first instead of just barging through just in case.

If someone happened to be in there, like say the girl they were looking for and whoever had kidnapped her, then Adelle would take cover by shutting the door again before anybody noticed her, letting Rachaela know what was in there with a whisper.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Opening up the door to take a look-see into the store room, Adelle caught a glimpse of something moving under one of the beds in the middle of the room. What little she could see suggested that it was a set of tentacles or possibly a batch of big worms. Small amounts of translucent slime could be found near the beds as well. Rachaela agreed that it was likely a tentacle creature of some sort, using the store as a lair for itself. There appeared to be no indication that it had detected the girls, but it just might be waiting in ambush and trying to deceive them. Chances could also be that it was not the only one.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Checking in the room, Adelle noticed something moving around under one of the beds inside and tensed a bit, her fingers brushing the hilt of her sword, whatever it was looking slightly like a tentacle of some sort. She saw the slime around the beds and just kind of sighed, remembering the creatures from the other day at that warehouse she cleared for Shiulin. glancing over at Rachaela when the mage sister said that it likely was a tentacled being of some sort, Adelle thought to herself that at least it wasn't one of those from the other day, then she remembered having those two small ones in her storage chest over at Rachaela's place and thought that she needed to store them somewhere safer than that, deciding that she'd look for her own place over the next few days, maybe somewhere nearby to one of the sisters homes.

"We'll try and take care of those things later then after we rescue this girl, come on let's check the rest of this place," Adelle whispered to Rachaela, looking across the room to see if they would need to cross it in order to access more of the building, where if they did Adelle would just sigh again and look at Rachaela then nod towards the room.

If they didn't need to go in though then Adelle would just ease the door shut again and check the other door towards the employee area, with Adelle remaining as quiet as possible in the process. If it looked like this way would be a bit less cramped and dangerous than the one with the tentacled creature in it, then Adelle would lead them through there instead, but would attempt the other way if it led further on through this place.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The pair left the tentacle monster to it's own life as they shut the door and turned to look into the other way around the place. They were not about to get off that easy though as another one of the creatures tried to sneak it's way to them from the locker that had been left uninvestigated by the girls. Good thing that they had noticed, otherwise it might have caught them off-guard by sneaking about the desks and other office furniture. Rachaela was ready almost immediately, considering her options of neatralization.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Leaving the room for now and shutting the door, Adelle focused on the other door for the moment before noticing with Rachaela the other tentacle creature darting out from the lockers they hadn't taken a look at yet, with Rachaela preparing to fight it in an instant. "Damn, just can't get away from these things can we. No choice but to take it out I guess, but I won't use my gun, don't want whoever kidnapped that girl to hear us quite that easily," Adelle whispered to Rachaela, drawing her sword out in the process and reholstering her pistol. She'd really have to invest in a silencer soon, Adelle thought to herself as she prepared to fight this thing.

When it came closer, Adelle would swing at it, remaining ready to strike after it came at them, to make it fight on their terms and all. When it came close enough, Adelle would attempt to hack the tentacles in two to prevent it from grabbing them, remembering the Roper pod creatures from the other day and all of their slimy tentacles.

She shuddered slightly as she thought of what those things would have done to her had she not gotten away, but she imagined that since they attempted to strip her and feel her up it was something naughty and not something overly deadly, so that was something at least. Once she found out what all they could do exactly, and if it was something dirty and not life threatening or anything, then she might toss Rachaela into the room with her two after they'd grown up some to get a little bit of payback for what she'd done to her the other night.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The two prepared for a fight which was coming to them pretty fast, the tentacle creature crawling under and over the office furniture as it was allowed, managing to slip under a few surprisingly tight spots along the way as it slurped and slopped towards the ladies it was seeing. Adelle had little luck with her swing as it only grazed the mass a little as it rolled aside. It quickly came back in an attempt to jump onto her, but Rachaela saved the situation with a lightning ball from the back lines, which gave the advantage to the girls. The brief loss of control that the electric shock caused in the monster gave Adelle the opportunity she needed and the busty girl cut up a swathe of tentacles, both on the ground and the beginning of the second jump that was being aimed at her. The mage sister fared less good this round, not having a clear enough shot at the creature when it and Adelle were weaving about.

Adelle 6/6 HP 0/10 AP Rachaela 4/4 HP 10/10 MP 0/10 AP
Tentacles 3/6 HP

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Swinging her short blade only managed to graze the creature as it went past her, but Rachaela struck it with a lightning spell which saved Adelle from getting grabbed by the thing as it came back for her after going past, likely thinking she was the greater threat at first or something she idly thought. With the tentacle creature dazed slightly from the lightning spell of Rachaela's, Adelle took that opportunity to slash it, though this caused Rachaela to not be able to attack without fear of hitting Adelle in the process, which was good really, though Adelle didn't realize she was actually in the line of fire just yet.

"Why do all these damn tentacles want to grab me? I said no dammit," Adelle growled as she and the tentacle creature went at it, with her attempting to dive onto the thing and stab her blade into whatever might be its core, still not realizing that she was in Rachaela's line of fire.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The attack that Adelle had in mind proved to be effective as she dove in and impaled the mass in the middle. Despite the stab, the thing still managed to coil around her lower legs before Rachaela stepped in and delivered a hammer blow with her staff, bringing the fight to a surprisingly quick and effortless conclusion.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Slamming her sword down into the core of the writhing mass of tentacles, Adelle felt that she'd pinned the thing for Rachaela to finish it off, but that didn't happen before some tentacles managed to coil about her legs somewhat, but thankfully Rachaela stopped it before it could manage to wrap her up much more than that. With the thing now dead, Adelle pulled the tentacles away to see what the creature itself looked like, or if it was just a mass of tentacles or something of the sort. Once she'd satisfied her curiosity about what the creature looked like, Adelle would glance over at Rachaela.

"I hope that these things aren't what kidnapped this girl we're looking for. Because I dunno if we can tangle with too many of those at one time, I mean that one was already tying me up before you stepped in, though I probably could have stabbed it a second time to stop it," Adelle said as she got back to her feet.

Once they were done here and she'd cleaned her blade off a bit, Adelle would lead on for them to continue exploring the direction they were going there before that creature came in and attacked them.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The monster looked something like a starfish, though it had a lot more tentacles than the simple five that the fish did, and these were simple round limbs that produced slime. There was a small orifice that could be a mouth in the middle, but it was far too small to be useful for eating a human. The tentacles of the creature appeared to have a good deal of stretch behind them as they had showed more lenght than the amount they were now in death. Rachaela seemed to agree, probably feeling that it was a good idea to avoid causing much of a commotion anyway, no matter what caused it. These creatures certainly could manage to cause it.

Behind the second door was a stairwell with stairs going both down and up, in addition to a second door which was labeled as a janitor closet.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

After having her look at the creature and her curiosity sated, Adelle saw that at least these things were rather small and would be tough to take on in numbers, so it was best to avoid a fight like that if they could help it. After speaking with Rachaela, Adelle and her made their way through the doorway and found the stairs leading up, as well as ones leading down, along with a janitors closet, which she figured they might as well check first since it was there and all.

"Might as well check in the closet here I guess, you never know what might be lurking about in there, and if there is anything inside I'd rather confront it now than to have it jump out at us later," Adelle whispered to Rachaela.

Adelle reached for the handle of the janitor's closet door and turned it, opening the door up to see what was within, for there could be some goodies inside that might be useful, which was always worth looking for in her opinion. If nothing turned out to be behind the door in the closet, then Adelle would suggest heading up first to make sure all of the above floors were clear before heading into the basement, to prevent them from being trapped between the hammer and the anvil as it were.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

A small hmm was all that Rachaela had to say as the two of them opted to raid the janitor closet, a move which just might be smart enough when all things were considered. There just might be a tentacle monster hiding there, as the previous one had shown them with the hiding spot inside the office supply closet. But it proved to be a worry that they would have not needed as the only thing that came forward from the closet was a rogue mop handle that had been leaning against the door and now ended up patting Adelle on the shoulder as it came down with all the fury of an abandoned piece of cleaning equipment. Besides the angry mop, there was nothing out of place, buckets, mops and brooms, cleaning chemicals of various kinds and a small vacuum cleaner.

After dealing with the terror of the cleaning supplies, the two headed up the stairs, logic dictating that it would be good to clean up any stray creatures that might be lurking around. The stairwell was quiet as the dead, so they had to mind their steps to avoid causing too much noise. A similar platform as the one on the below floor awaited them on top, having the exact same janitor closet door and the other door that went to the main area of the floor.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

When they opened the door up, Adelle was surprised only by the mop handle that fell over and slapped her shoulder and thankfully not by any strange creatures like the tentacle one earlier. After making sure nothing was going to lurk in the janitor's closet and jump out at them later, Adelle shut the door back and fixed the mop handle so that it didn't fall out the next time the door was opened and they headed upstairs. "Well nothing in there thankfully, let's move on," Adelle whispered as they shut the door to move on.

The stairwell was quiet... almost too quiet Adelle thought to herself, like something was lurking around inside them waiting for some unsuspecting person to come along to get grabbed by it. Adelle looked around carefully every few steps, but saw nothing out of the ordinary really, so they merely needed to stay as quiet as they could around here it seemed. Making it upstairs they saw another janitor's closet similar to the one below and Adelle looked over at Rachaela when she spotted it.

"Hmm, another janitor closet. What's behind door number two then?" Adelle whispered, reaching for that doorknob to open it as well and see what was inside, her sword in her other hand as she prepared to catch another mop that came falling out at her.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Upon opening the door, Adelle was assaulted again, not by a furious mop but a raging vacuum hose and pipe. Fortunately, the thing had no power going on so it could not suck any dust off from the busty girl's form. Whoever it was that had had organized these closets was not doing a good job, or had been paranoid about the contents falling to wrong hands. The items contained inside were pretty much identical to the ones in the previous one, though there was one less mop and cleaning solution bottle.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

What assaulted her this time was a vacuum cleaner of all things, though thankfully it didn't have any power with which to do anything naughty to her or anything like that. "Gods whoever put these things up did a piss poor job of it you know," Adelle mumbled to Rachaela as she stuffed the thing back inside the closet and shut the door back, the busty girl barely even noticing the missing mop and bottle of cleaning stuff.

After shutting the door once more, Adelle nodded to Rachaela and they began their search of the second floor of the building, with the busty girl taking point and checking every corner carefully for signs of anybody inside.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Leaving the assaulting cleaning equipment behind, the pair headed into the main area of the floor, which was a large open office. Again, there could be signs of some recent activity as well as slime to be seen on the immediate vicinity of the door as well as the farther reaches of the office. On the other end of the room, another door was waiting, most likely the office of the one-time boss of the place. Reaching the door would require going through the office though, and the pair had not detected any signs of life yet, so it could be a gamble.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Super Moderator
Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

When they reached the upstairs office, Adelle looked around inside and noticed the slime around the door and in a few places further off in the office, and she also noticed the door leading to another room on the far side of the office. It was a tough decision, but they had to check the next room over for the girl they were seeking, because she could very well be in there and it wouldn't do to leave her in captivity any longer than necessary. Looking over at Rachaela, Adelle nodded at the office ahead, specifically at the doorway ahead of them.

"Well we've come this far, so we might as well go all the way. In for a penny in for a pound. Besides this girl may be inside that room across the way, so we kinda have to check it out to make sure, but let's go as quietly as we can m'kay," Adelle murmured to Rachaela before stepping as softly into the office as she could, her blade at the ready to slash at anything coming for her and Rachaela, not really liking the fact they had to cross the office here to check the far room and wishing the door had been open so they could just see inside instead of having to risk going across the way.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Stepping into the office proved to be harmless at first. The slime trails were not totally fresh in all areas, but there were a few that could have been made only a few hours ago at best. Some concern could be drawn from the fact that there were a few missing ceiling panels, a sign that there might be life above them as well. The pair managed to get into the middle of the room until things happened, a file folder dropping onto the floor as Adelle went past the desk it was on, her coat brushing it just enough for the accident to happen. As soon as the sound was made, a pair of the tentacle monsters appeared from select spots in the office. One was on the left while the other was on the right, making a loose pincer formation. A third one could be heard going about on the ceiling panels as well, most likely looking for a good spot to make a drop onto the imminent fray as it was sizing the situation for the right hole to select and use.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As they picked their way across the office, Adelle noticed several of the ceiling panels gone, but it was hard to tell when they'd been moved, then Adelle's leather coat bumped a file folder that was on one of the desks in there and knocked it to the floor, making more than enough noise to have woken the dead in her opinion since the room was already deathly quiet. As soon as the folder hit the floor she saw a couple more of the tentacled monsters coming out from elsewhere in the office, as if an ambush had been set just for them, and then she noticed a third one coming along the ceiling at them.

"Well I'll be damned, an ambush. Who would have thought you know," Adelle mumbled to Rachaela as she drew her sword out, though she refrained from pulling either pistol out too, figuring that would only alert more to their presence that might come running to help their comrades. "Let's go back to back, I'll take the one on the ceiling and the one on this side of the room while you take care of the other one over there, hopefully I'll be able to draw them to me so you can blast them," Adelle added to Rachaela, slashing at the one closer to her, whether it was the one on the ceiling or floor that was coming at her, the busty girl trying to draw as many to her as she could to free Rachaela up to use her magics easier, even if she had to let them grab her she would keep them off of Rachaela, because she knew that her companion wasn't as strong physically as she was and would need all the cover and help she could get.