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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Again, Adelle found herself in the bath, and now the number of people present had increased by one. It was good that Rachaela's place had a large bath, thus still giving them enough space to not feel the effects of crowding just yet. That would take a few more people. Clara seemed to be enjoying herself tremendously, as anyone would expect a homeless person to do when given the chance for something like this. She wondered about things for quite a lot, from how different the sisters looked once they were not all dressed up to the size of Adelle's boobs and the color of her hair. The girl had clearly found out that she had no need to be reserved around the older ladies, and the open curiosity seemed to amuse the sisters for a good bit.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

While she sat there thinking about things, Adelle saw that Clara seemed to be enjoying herself quite a bit. She found herself getting slightly teary eyed at the fact that this might very well be Clara's first time in such a luxurious bath or house of any kind really. Wiping her eyes so the others didn't notice, especially not Clara, Adelle looked around at the others and saw the amused looks on their faces at Clara's curiosity, hell she found herself a bit amused by it too really. Smiling at Clara, Adelle reached over and ruffled her wet hair a little.

"Do you have anything you'd like to ask me or any of the rest of us Clara? I'll do my best to answer. And you'll be sleeping here with us tonight too, we've got enough room here I think, and you can stay in the bedroom with me unless one of the others would rather you stay in there with them. It's a little too late to go in search of that guy tonight to find your friends unfortunately, and we've been doing things all day so we're a bit tired and need to rest some before we can go out again, as it isn't quite as safe in the night as in the day," Adelle asked Clara, rubbing her hand through Clara's now washed hair, letting the girl know she would be sleeping there with them that night in a nice warm bed.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I don't think there is anything special, but you ladies are interesting. We did not see anyone quite like you during the times we spent around the city. Sleeping in a bed will be great." Clara replied, looking pretty happy about the prospect. She knew the dangers of the city too, especially by night, so the little girl could agree with it being a good idea to not start venturing out just then.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Don't mention it kiddo, just sleep as much as you need or want tonight okay, to make sure you're well rested," Adelle told Clara, patting her on the head before relaxing back until the others got ready to get out.

When everyone got done in there, Adelle would dry off, and help Clara to get dried off too, asking Rachaela if she had another bedroom that Clara could sleep in, or if she'd be sharing her's with the young girl that night. It didn't matter to her really, but she'd just wanted to know and would say as much. Either way, when they were through drying off, Adelle would get her bed clothes on and see if Rachaela had anything that might fit Clara to sleep in for the night while Garagan washed her clothes for her. When Adelle got back to her room, she would sort through all of her new guns some more, cleaning them all up of the dirt, grime, and blood that might be on them, and taking her new alien gun and putting it up for now. She'd have to get some new rounds and magazines for each of her new guns most likely, but for now she decided to count up just how many pistols she'd gotten, thinking to sell a few of them to help pay for expenses for attachments and stuff on some of the others, as well as the new mags for the ones she kept too... among other things of course.
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"You'll have to sleep in the same room, I don't have all the bedrooms in the world, even if I have this big house. But I think we can find something for Clara to wear, both for the night and for tomorrow. That messy get-up is no good, however you look at it." Rachaela told Adelle as she took Clara with her for a while, giving the busty girl some time by herself before the child came back to her. The time was spent on getting some maintenance done on the new pistols and other guns, the handguns amounting to a pair of both nines and forty-fives. The nine mils were a Glock-type and a Makarov copy, while the forty-fives were a 1911 copy and a Beretta of some sort. Those would give her some options on what to keep and what to sell.

Eventually Clara would come to the room, wearing what was actually a pretty normal set of light red pajamas. While there was some sort of terrible dom living in the mind of the tiny Rachaela, at least she had not given some of the more strange deals that just might be hiding in her closets to this little girl.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Alright Rachaela, thanks, and I wasn't sure if you wanted her to sleep in there with you girls or what is all I was wondering really," Adelle told Rachaela as the smaller sister took Clara off to get her something to wear for the night.

After checking out the pistols and figuring out about what kinds they were, Adelle finished her cleaning of them and put them away for now so that Clara didn't get into them, and she made sure none of them were loaded save her original pistol, which she put into the drawer at the bedside table for the night within easy reach, with the safety on of course. When Rachaela came back with Clara, Adelle saw that she wasn't wearing any of her stranger types of clothing thankfully, because that would have just been embarrassing Adelle thought. When Clara was back in there, Adelle smiled over at her. "Say you wanna hop in here with me Clara? These are fairly big beds after all. If not then you can take that one right there next to mine, do me a favor though and don't open that chest there, it's got some possibly dangerous things in it and I don't want you accidentally getting in trouble while I'm asleep or anything okay," Adelle told Clara, pointing her to the bed next to her own unless she'd rather sleep with her in her bed.

If Clara did get into the bed with her, then Adelle would pull her close and let her snuggle up to her for warmth if she wanted to, holding her like she used to do with her little sisters back home when she slept with them. Adelle would sleep pretty soundly throughout the night unless anything disturbed them enough to wake her, but she kept her sword next to her bed where it was within arms reach so she could get it up and out if need be.
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

While there were enough beds for Clara to use, three in fact, she still seemed intent on sleeping in the same bed as Adelle did. Maybe she was looking for maximum warmth or something like that. But she did know how to get the biggest benefit from the situation, and used the biggest assets she could find as a pillow, spending the night on Adelle's chest as a result. Had it been some other situation and another person, the whole sleepytime might have looked perverted, but not with this little girl. The two of them managed to sleep soundly and without disturbance, the busty girl maybe coming off a bit worse as she had been pillowed for the entire night.

Once morning came, Adelle found herself alone, getting woken up by Clara who had already done a bunch of things before she had even woken up. The girl had acquired a set of possibly something from Rachaela's wardrobe as it had similarities with the sister's get-up. "Breakfast is ready, the big man told me to say."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle had actually figured that Clara would decide to sleep in her own bed for the night, but she surprised Adelle and chose to sleep with her that night. Adelle just smiled and hopped in, pulling the covers down and letting Clara get in with her before pulling the blanket back up over them, giggling slightly as she let Clara snuggle up to her. She didn't mind Clara using her ample chest pillows for the night, pulling the girl up on top of her to let her lay there if she wanted, or just laying on her side and letting Clara snuggle into them as she saw fit. She didn't really feel too bad considering, because she used to let her sisters sleep like this with her when they were all a bit younger, though the next morning she was sure that she'd probably feel a little stiff around her back, but that was nothing a good stretch wouldn't fix.

Thankfully Adelle didn't have any naughty dreams through the night, as that would have just been embarrassing to say the least really. Maybe it was because Clara was there with her and her mind instinctively knew not to have dirty dreams like that. Regardless she was glad she didn't have any of them.


The next morning when Adelle woke up, she saw that Clara wasn't in the bed with her any longer, but was the one waking her up. She opened her eyes and looked over at her and saw the cute dress she was wearing and smiled warmly at her. She assumed that Clara had gotten her new clothes from Rachaela, who was near enough to the same size as Clara that they'd fit her well enough, though probably not for too much longer Adelle wagered. "Hey there sweetie, nice dress, you look really cute in it. And thank you for waking me. You feeling a bit better this morning?" Adelle said to Clara, yawning as she reached over and patted her on the head before raising up and stretching, her top popping up over her breasts and allowing them to bounce out as she arched her back. She finished her stretching before she noticed, quickly pushing it back down over her huge tits with a blush on her face. "Whoopsy daisy, maybe I should get a longer tanktop to sleep in, go tell everyone I'll be done in a minute or two okay, gonna head to the bathroom first and wash my face," Adelle said, giggling a little afterwards as she hopped out of bed, trying to make Clara giggle some at her silliness.

After she was up, Adelle grabbed some clothes for the day, deciding on her basic blue short sleeved T-shirt and daisy duke shorts. Then she headed to the bathroom and did her morning business before she brushed her teeth and hair, then she slipped her clothes on and headed downstairs, deciding to get her things ready to go when they left instead of beforehand.

(What calibers are the 2 pistols she already had again? The one she started with and the one she got from Miguel.)
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

I'm alright. How could I be feeling bad in this place? Clara replied as she saw Adelle stretch and flash her, a thing that did not mean anything to the little girl. "You should, small clothes are bad. They don't keep you warm like they should." the girl replied afterwards, appearing like she might have been serious. To further enforce the point, she poked at the busty girl's bustiness with her finger. She had been curious about Adelle's hugeness before, and now used the opportunity to touch them and maybe gain some juvenile satisfaction.

But that one poke was all that it amounted to, and Clara was soon on her way again, skipping back downstairs to do whatever so the morning duties could be handled without any hassle. Once Adelle made her way down, she found that none of the sisters had prepared really, all of them still eating breakfast in their night-time clothes. The food was a bit more reserved that morning, but it still had volume as there was a pot of rice porridge along with bread, cheeses and deli meats to go with the juice and coffee that were ever-present.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Yeah I suppose you couldn't feel bad in a nice warm and comfy place like this. But in my defense, you seemed to be quite comfortable with the smaller thinner tanktop here," Adelle replied to Clara as she pulled her tanktop back down, just before the younger girl poked her breasts.

She could tell Clara was obviously curious about her huge tits, and saw it in her eyes. Smirking a bit at Clara, Adelle pulled her tanktop back up again, offering to let Clara sate her curiosity as she turned and skipped back downstairs. "I can tell you're curious sweetie, so just let me know when you wanna touch them and I'll let you okay," Adelle said with a little giggle to Clara as she went off back downstairs, and she herself went on to the bathroom to do her stuff in there.

When she arrived downstairs, Adelle saw the others were all in there, still in their nightclothes from the looks of it, save Clara of course. "Morning all, and I need some coffee, and some food," Adelle said as she came in, giving a wave to everyone as she took herself a seat and first got some coffee, and then some food to eat. "So Rachaela... I assume you gave Clara the dress. She looks really cute in it I think, fits her good," Adelle added as she got her plate ready and took a few sips of the straight black coffee, not bothering with milk, cream, or sugar in it really.

After she'd eaten a little bit of her food, Adelle looked around the table at the girls and cleared her throat after finishing another bite of food. "So girls... um... what are you all planning on doing today exactly? I'm going to see if I can find out about this... guy... thing, that hypnotized Clara and her friends so I can put a stop to it. Anyone want to help me out with that by chance?" Adelle asked the girls about ten minutes into breakfast after a little over half of her food was gone. "If we can manage to locate and take care of this whole problem sooner rather than later, then I'll probably see if Samson's back and has a job for me, or us, one of the two. Though if it takes a little longer than that I've got that wrestling gig I can do for a bit of extra money, plus I've gotta head over there anyway to collect my money from last night," Adelle added, taking another bite of food.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle had the freedom to take things that shit wanted from the collective gathering of foodstuffs on the table, so it was all up to her what she wanted to eat. Clara had apparently already done her part in the eating, going off to pester Garagan for some entertainment while the older girls ate.

"That is what I did, yes. I had no use for that particular one, so it could be put to use on a new owner." was what Rachaela had to say about the dress that now graced Clara. There seemed to be little planned among them, so getting a few of the girls along to look for info might be a possibility. There did not appear to be any opposition going against the idea of looking into the biker business again to retrieve payment.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle got a bit of everything, though not so much that she got sick or anything. She giggled when she saw Clara heading off to pester Garagan while they all did their eating, noticing that the younger girl must have already eaten her breakfast. "Thank you Rachaela, for giving her the dress. And I'll take any help I can get in tracking down where this bastard is at that hypnotized Clara and her friends, if any of you would like to help me that is. So... would any of you mind coming with or would any of you mind checking with any of your sources of information? I'll swing by the wrestling place of the bikers to collect me pay they owe me on the way back for the night," Adelle said to the girls after Clara was gone, asking if any of them wished to come with her and whatnot.

After she ate, Adelle could head back upstairs and get her coat and backpack, collecting both of the 9mm pistols and all of the stuff that came with them, putting them into her backpack for now to head by the gun place Isabella had shown her the other day to see what they might be worth. Then she'd grab her hat and her main gear, her two .357's and the leg holsters for them, as well as her outfit for the wrestling place in case she decided to do a match later when she went by, then she'd come back downstairs and laze about for the others to get ready, figuring she had plenty of time in case she forgot anything here to run back upstairs if need be.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

After some discussion among themselves, the girls decided to split up as there was still some work that they wanted to do in order to fund their future endeavors. Three of them would go take the job while one would come with Adelle to help her out. Not seeing how to make the split themselves, they decided to let the busty girl decide herself which sister she would want to take along. It took them a bit longer than Adelle to get ready, but it was something to be expected. All those clothes and the make-up did eat up some time to prepare, surely. But given enough time, they did get ready. Adelle's decision was the thing that would decide who would go where after that.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

When the others decided to split up for the day and told her that they'd leave it up to her to choose who went with her while the others went and did their job, Adelle looked a little surprised that they'd leave that sort of decision up to her. "Um... well, I'd say once he goes down it'll break any hold he's got over the children, but bullets didn't appear to do much good against him, though he might have just been faking that somehow, I dunno. Rachaela, I'm thinking your magic would be our best bet in finding this guy and finding a weakness in him somewhere to take him down," Adelle said to the sisters, nodding to Rachaela since they all seemed to want her to take her pick of who to bring with her.

While they got ready, Adelle did remember one other thing she wanted to take with her, a bit of spending cash, enough to buy herself a few new clothes to wear out on jobs that were expendable, something cheap but comfortable, and she intended on buying Clara a couple of outfits, maybe some pants and shirts, since it seemed that she was to be with Adelle for a while, so Adelle intended on making the best of it and making sure Clara was well taken care of to the best of her abilities.

Adelle went on back downstairs and stayed ready to go, putting her shoes on and waiting for Rachaela to get ready and come along so they could head on out. Thinking about it when she looked at her shoes, Adelle though she really needed to get herself some new boots, so she grabbed a bit of extra money with which to buy herself some new ones if they had the time to stop at clothing store, and she could also check to see if her outfit was done yet, though it'd only been two or three days, so she doubted it. When Rachaela came on down, Adelle slung her sword over her shoulder and strapped it on good and followed the smaller sister out to head to the closer of either the gun store or the clothing store.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The groups headed out to their respective paths, the three other sisters breaking off from Adelle and her chosen companions after a bit of traveling together. The two different stores were not all that far apart, so it was pretty much a trifle to pick one over the other. Yet, as was the thing with Adelle, it was guns first.

The store looked as it had been the previous time, a few other customers drooling and pawing at guns, the huge hulks of men looking over the place in the corners, the Santa-like owner behind his counter doing some business with a customer. The customer happened to be a rather rough-looking lady, but the two appeared to be possible close associates, just like Isabella was with the owner.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle went back upstairs one last time a she remembered one last thing that she'd probably need, where she grabbed a single bullet from each of the new guns she planned on keeping, so she could remember what kinds she needed for them all. Then on her way back down, she bid farewell to Clara, kissed the young girl on the forehead and told her that she'd be back later and to stay there for a while with Garagan. Shortly after that, she bid farewell to the others when they parted ways after walking a little bit, leaving her and Rachaela by themselves, and Adelle to wonder what sort of job the three of them might have taken up. She and Rachaela headed for the gun shop after that, where she saw it was pretty much the same as before. This time she saw another lady, a rougher looking one that was talking to the old guy at the desk like Isabella had done before, apparently knowing him just as much as the gun sister did.

Adelle waited until the other lady was done at the front desk with the owner of the place before heading up there herself, where she'd step up and smile at him. "Hello there again sir, I've got a couple of guns here that I was wondering how much I could trade them in for, they've got a magazine or two with them, and bullets enough to load them with. Was thinking of trading them in for a shotty, but if these two wouldn't be enough by themselves then I may hold off on it for now. Regardless though I need some more ammo, for a submachine gun, an assault rifle, and a couple of forty fives... hang on I brought one of each kind of bullets I need for them so that I could remember," Adelle said to the gun shop owner, pulling up her backpack to get the two pistols and their accessories out, as well as the extra bullets for the ones she planned on keeping to show him so he'd know which boxes of bullets to get for her.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Eventually the other female took off, apparently having had some maintenance work done as she was handed some custom-looking guns before leaving. The santa man did not seem to mind going straight to the next customer, turning attention to Adelle right away as she stepped up to the counter in order to do business. He took some time to inspect the guns that were offered, taking them apart and looking at the parts before putting them back together and give the estimation about the two guns. "I don't think these two plinkers are worth that shotgun, to be honest. Maybe another one, but not that one." the man told her, still remembering that she had been looking for that one particular gun. "The ammo I can provide though. How much do you want?" he continued, going to the ammo boxes as he looked for what was being asked. Apparently, even the stranger Russian nine-mils were available in his stockpile.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Aw well shoot, don't fault me for getting my hopes up about it though. And... I dunno, maybe enough for say five or six full mags for both the sub machine gun and the assault rifle, and five mags worth of bullets for both the forty fives. And I'll also need some extra magazines for them all too, to put my bullets into, because I only had one or two of them," Adelle said, telling him what kinds of magazines she'd need for each one and showing him the type of bullets they had. After this, she started thinking about it for a moment or two before continuing, deciding to try and trade the two pistols for something else that'd be helpful instead. "What are these two worth then with all I've brought with them? What say I trade these two pistols in for the ammo and magazines for the forty fives and the other two guns I spoke of? And maybe say... a few good attachments for the other four guns if I bring them in at a later time, since I've got things to do today and all I mean," Adelle went on to ask the older guy, seeing what all she could get for the two pistols she'd brought in instead of trying to haggle for the shotgun she'd wanted.

Adelle would put on her best smile as she spoke, seeing if that would help out along with the fact that Isabella was a friend of her's to persuade him to go along with this deal, because while she was certain that the pistols would trade in for the bullets and magazines, she was not entirely certain that he'd give her good attachments for all four of them, likely a couple of attachments for one or two of them. It wouldn't stop her from trying though.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Again, the owner paused for consideration about what to say as he went about the ammo boxes. But in the end, he did appear to be willing to agree with the options given. "I suppose that is alright, but nothing outrageous, alright? And not on all four, that is a bit overkill for something like this." he told what he would offer as the boxes came down to the table between the two. After some fiddling, the amount that had been asked for was laid out in front of Adelle.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As she waited for his reply to her request, Adelle looked around the place, eying the shotgun she wanted. "Don't worry girl, you'll be mine eventually and in the hands of someone that'll appreciate you real good," Adelle said in her head to herself as she eyed the shotty.

When he gave his answer, Adelle smiled again and nodded her head. "Alright, a couple of decent attachments on a couple of them then, maybe a flashlight and a red dot or laser sight on the sub machine gun. And a flashlight, and one of those small switchable night vision acog scopes for the assault rifle if possible. Would that stuff be alright? If the switchable night vision is too much to ask for then just get me a red dot sight and or a laser sight for it. And... you know I'll probably need an ammo belt for the magazines for them too, so I'll buy it separately, just point me at the best one for those two types of guns that I can use it for both," Adelle said to the old guy, nodding her head and naming off a couple of attachments she wanted for her new sub machine gun and assault rifle.

When she got her ammo belt picked out, she'd lay out enough money for it and put it, her ammo, and her magazines all into her backpack, as well as the attachments if he gave those to her too, but she didn't mind bringing those two guns back the next day for him to fix them up for her if he'd rather do that instead. Once she had everything put into her bag that was to go with her and had paid the man for the extra bit she got, Adelle smiled and waved bye to him, telling him that she'd be back soon for that shotgun, then she headed on out with Rachaela towards the clothing store to check on her new outfit that was to be made.

(You know, I can't remember exactly if Adelle already paid for her new outfit or not. Do you remember if she did by chance? I'm thinking she did, but not entirely sure and felt I should check to see.)
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