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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The remaining journey back towards Rachaela's went uninterrupted, the only other person coming across Adelle's path being a real homeless person, and they did not try to do anything to her. The scruffy man just peered at her from the shelter of his hood, but did not say or do anything to attract attention, probably just wanting this strange boobie lady to go and leave him alone.

At the house, it was easy enough to twist the body and push at the doorbell with her elbow, which Adelle did. Eventually Garagan was there to open the door, looking at the sight he was faced with in somewhat a curious look, but still did not try to block them from coming in or anything. "Even more visitors... It sure has been lively these past days."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Passing by an actual homeless man along the way seemed to be all that was in store for her until she got back to Rachaela's thankfully, as she didn't want to have to fight again and try to protect this poor girl at the same time, hell she'd just end up even more hurt than the bump on her head Adelle had given her earlier. She continued on her way, leaving the man in peace.

When she arrived at Rachaela's place and rang the doorbell, after a bit of maneuvering around to do so, she looked up at the big guy when he opened the door, giving him a smile as she stepped inside with the girl, chuckling at what he said. "Yeah... I'll explain in a minute. Can I set her on the couch for now though so I can go put my stuff up and come back down to tell you all what happened while you keep an eye on her for me? And is Rachaela the only one here right now of the girls?" Adelle said to the big guy as she came inside, taking the young girl to the couch for the time being and laying her down on it and covering her up with a blanket if there was one to be had on the thing.

After that was done and she made sure the girl was comfortable and resting peacefully, Adelle took her stuff upstairs to her bedroom and set her backpack down, taking all of the guns out and laying them on the bed after taking their magazines out to keep them from going off on their own for some reason or another, where she would take stock of all she had now before putting them up, still leaving their mags out of them though. Once she was done with that, Adelle would put her money she had on her up into her purse that she'd left there the whole day that had the majority of the rest of her money in it. Then she took out that strange alien like gun to look at some more and to take downstairs with her to show the others when she told them about her job earlier with Kozlov.

After she had everything put away for safekeeping for the evening, Adelle would head back downstairs to talk to Rachaela and Garagan, and whoever else was there of course, because she figured that Mariela might want to know about Miguel and Rachaela and Isabella both probably wouldn't mind learning about what'd happened at Isolda's place... and hell Lacrimosa may even want to know about the one group that wore the nun habits, so she intended on telling the girls everything that'd happened after they parted ways with one another at the bar.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"But of course. Even with Lady Rachaela and the rest of them there, space should still be available for one more young lady." Garagan answered what Adelle had to ask, just like that. While there were curious looks abound, the sisters did not break into questions just yet, letting the busty girl gather herself and take a load off before that happened.

After doing the stockpiling to manage her current belongings and finances in the bedroom, Adelle found herself to be in possession of a few additional semi-automatic pistols, in the rather common 9mm and .45 calibers. The assault rifle was another common tool, an old AK model with the appropriate ammo model, but the small Russian submachine gun had a strange ammo cartridge that it used. Still, it appeared that using 9mm was possible without too much hassle. Probably would require more maintenance if she replaced the ammo with regular nines. All of the guns had a spare magazine, and those were full, though the guns themselves had varied amounts in the clips that were on after the encounter with Priscilla.

The alien weapon was strange to say the least, appearing to be a living thing all by itself. There was no real way to open or take it apart. A hole on the underside was located on the same place where a rifle would usually have the magazine, and Adelle would have to place her hand inside the back cavity, where the handle and the trigger were located. While it appeared more than a bit suspicious, it was a thing she would probably have to do in order to get the weapon working. The bag with the black balls in it was most likely a magazine, and had a fleshy ring that kept it together. It also appeared to be a similar size to the assumed magazine hole in the bottom of the gun, which only served to further add into that being the thing. Once she held it however, there was a response as the gun grew out a pair of small tentacles that curled around her wrist. This way, she would not drop it all that easily. An eye appeared in the top of the thing as she held onto it, looking at the girl for a while before a switch formed underneath it, soon giving out an indication that it could be switched into four different positions. The bag was still not attached, so it could not be fired, but the configurations would not be revealed until Adelle tried them out herself. The weapon was not talking to her or anything, but the eye was keeping itself on her all the way.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Well I figured since Lacrimosa and Mariela were heading back home and all tomorrow I figured it would be okay to bring her here," Adelle told Garagan as she went on upstairs with her things.

After getting upstairs, Adelle saw that the majority if not all of her pistols were of two different varieties, either being a 9mm or a .45 caliber, which she enjoyed greatly to have more of really, because more pistols were always good to have. After checking the assault rifle and submachine guns, the latter of which used a bullet type she didn't really know and would likely need to speak with Isabella's gun guy she bought ammo from, while the former she could tell was an AK47 from the looks of it.

When she took up the alien weapon, Adelle looked it over to see if she could find a handle of some sort or just how she was supposed to hold it. When she located the hole in the weapon where the magazine apparently went, and she then saw another place that she noticed that was where the trigger was inside of it. As she held the weapon in her hands while looking at it, she saw a couple of tentacles come out of it and wrap around her wrist to secure her hold on the gun, and then she saw an eye on the thing open up and begin to look at her.

"Whoa there, what the hell. So now I've got a gun that can look at me huh. Well this is strange to say the least," Adelle muttered to herself as she looked at the weapon. She decided to try out the different positions the gun had, just to see what all it could do, but she didn't put the magazine in just yet to keep from damaging Rachaela's house.

After she checked out the different gun positions or whatever they were supposed to be, Adelle would head on back downstairs with the thing in hand to show the others what she'd managed to recover on her mission with Kozlov earlier. She wondered what the girls would think when she showed them this alien technology and who she'd met in their spaceship.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The switch turned around the eye in a circular fashion, each cardinal direction changing the color of the eye until another position was set on the switch. Each color most likely had a purpose, but it would not be revealed unless Adelle actually fired the gun, or at least that was how it looked to her. The respective colors were red in the up position, blue in left, yellow on right and green at down. Since Adelle did not try to get it off, the thing still held onto her when she returned downstairs.

Again, it appeared that there would be more questions as Adelle got to the others with her outlandish new weapon. As expected, Isabella was easily the most interested, considering it was a gun that appeared to be a living thing as well. The other three had their share of curiousity as well, but were not quite on the level of the gunner sister. It had to be about the fact that there actually was alien life around, and that it had not been too far away from where they lived and did their things. "Still... I feel like it is better that it ended like this... Those things did not appear to be ones for peaceful co-operation..." was what Lacrimosa had to say, apparently not too keen about encounters with the aliens after hearing how they had treated the humans that had the misfortune of encountering them. "Could still have liked to learn more about their weapons, who knows how awesome these bio-guns could be. Maybe they would even have biological blades." Isabella was the next one to talk, trying to get something of a response out of Mariela surely with that last thing. "Hmph, I'll take my steel over some strange bone device any day."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

She watched the eye moving around as she checked the different positions, the color changing around a bit as she did. It amazed her just how strange and different this weapon was, and she was still a little too scared to load it up and shoot it just now inside of the house. Taking it back downstairs she showed it to the girls and to Garagan and told them of how she'd gotten a hold of it. "Yeah I agree with you on that one Lacri, we saw this one guy... gods he was torn up bad, I shudder to think that that could have been me and or Rosieta the other day when we went into that factory and found that one of those things," Adelle said when the others were done talking about it. Adelle took the thing off of her arm and handed it to Isabella after that. "Here, go ahead and take a look at it Izzy, I've got this bag looking thing that looks to be a magazine for it upstairs, but I was too scared to load it up at the moment to be honest. Didn't want it to maybe discharge on its own when I don't know what sort of blast it'd be or anything," Adelle told Isabella after handing the weapon to her, letting her look at it for a bit.

"Now girls... after that... well it's a bit of a story, so forgive me if I seem a bit long winded about it, but it's something I think you all should know just in case..." Adelle said, where she launched into telling the girls about what all had happened, giving as much detail as she could about every bit of it, down to the girl that her and Kozlov ran into inside the alien spacecraft whom they'd run into before, what happened at the wrestling place and then on at Isolda's place when she'd gone there... everything, even about Priscilla.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Getting the gun off from her hand required a specific thing to do, namely having Adelle place her hand over the eye for a few seconds to suggest that it was time to go into standby, or sleep if one wanted to think of it like that. Only once she did that did the tentacles let her wrist go as the eye shut itself and the thing went dormant. Handing the gun over to Isabella did not go too well though. The sister gripped it, the eye woke up again like it had before and analyzed what was happening. Seeing Isabella at the trigger did not seem to go with the ideas it had, and soon enough there was a yelp and the thing flew across the room as some sort of punishment was given to the gun sister. "Ow ow OW! The darn thing bit me or something!" she explained the sudden reaction, a look indicating that there indeed were a few small holes on both sides of her hand, now bleeding a little as a result of the retaliation. It was nothing that Rachaela couldn't fix though. Upon taking a look at the gun again, Adelle found that eye was looking quite angry and flared in bright orange color, a set of teeth had appeared around the handle and trigger assembly as well. Apparently, this thing had a personal identification mechanism as well as an anti-theft measure.

The storytime had appropriate reactions to the things being told, Mariela getting a bit incensed upon hearing about the second meeting with them girl from the upper city. She had not forgotten how the first meeting went, oh no. "That little hack, I had to pay far too much for the repairs..." she still remembered the need to fix her blade afterwards. After that, it was relatively calm and the busty girl could go through everything without further interruption. "I have to say, that is quite a day."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

When she did finally get the alien gun off of her arm, which Adelle figured out by placing her hand over the eye for a little bit, she handed it to Isabella and started to continue her story. She saw that the gun didn't seem to like Isabella's touch from the looks of it for some reason, and what it did next surprised Adelle quite a bit in fact. The thing biting Isabella made Adelle's eyes go wide with amazement that the thing did what it did, and when she saw her companion's hand after she chucked the thing across the room, Adelle noticed it was indeed bleeding from bite marks. While Rachaela fixed up Isabella's hand, Adelle would grab the gun and look it over, noticing that it appeared angry as the eye was flaring in a bright orange color which was different than earlier.

"Hey buddy, calm down okay, it's alright now nothing's gonna hurt you. Isabella is my friend okay, and I say she can use you if she needs or wants to, now calm down," Adelle said softly to the gun, trying to calm it down, because she knew had to be able to hear and understand her at least to some degree anyway.

If she needed to, Adelle would attempt to slide her hand into it again so it would calm down if that's what it took, but after she calmed the gun down one way or the other she would continue with her story, telling Isabella she was sorry about that. "I honestly didn't know it was gonna do that Izzy, I'm really sorry. I'm kind of amazed it did actually. I guess I'll have to find you another one and not stick my hand into it before I do," Adelle said to Isabella before starting her story again.

When she got to the part about the girl they'd run into before and gave more detail about her encounter with her, Adelle nodded to Mariela after her friend spoke. "Yeah I had some heated words with her this time, but no fighting. I doubt I'd have survived a fight with the bitch," Adelle said after a minute or so.

After that she returned to the story and finished up telling everyone what all had happened, ending on how she'd left Isolda's and started on her way back to Rachaela's place. "Yeah Rachaela it was quite a day indeed. But that's not all, on the way back here is where I ran into that girl over there. She was possessed is the only word I can come up with to explain it..." Adelle said to Rachaela when she spoke up about the day's events. Adelle then explained everything she could remember about her assailant in the alleyway on her way back here and as detailed a description as she could manage of the thing, and that he'd spoken telepathically to her as well because he had no mouth, as well as everything else leading up to her taking the poor girl and bringing her here because she couldn't in good conscience leave her there after what had happened. "I mean yeah I bonked her on the head and all, but I didn't want her hurt or anything, and I couldn't just leave her there or anything like that either, because I'm not a cold hearted bitch that does that. And that bastard said he could get more children that were easy to coerce into helping him, meaning he needs to be stopped before he gets some kid killed or something. And he also said he'd be back for me and that he'd have his way with me when we next met," Adelle added as an afterthought to her story about her assailant on the way back here.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

While she had her ideas about who could use the gun, Adelle found the gun to be not agreeing with her. Still, it behaved like it did before when she picked it up again, securing itself onto her wrist with the tentacles and changing to the color that the dial was in, red at the moment.

"Looks like you have a stalker. Not a good thing, even less so if they are skilled in the magic arts to that degree. I can't pull off such teleport maneuvers at that speed, nor can I use hypnosis fast or estabilish a telepathic connection without a need to have a brief ritual with the other person. They are definitely focused on their chosen aspects, or it is a natural skill. Nonetheless, this person or creature is not something that can be taken lightly." Rachaela was the first one talk, as possibly expected due to her magic skills connection to the creature. "They are probably another victim of the after-effects from the wartime explosives and chemical weapons... We do know how there's been cases of people losing their humanities and gaining strange forms and abilities from exposure to radiation and worse..." Lacrimosa carried on, offering what she had to think about it. "Some people suffer, and other get powers to bring their own dark desires onto others... The good side has barely shown up from these cases..."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

When she picked it up, the alien gun seemed to have calmed down a bit from the looks of it, but not before she did so. It did secure itself onto her arm again though and the color of the dial turned to red again from the orange it was. Hopefully she'd figure this thing out soon and would be able to utilize it to the best of its abilities. Who knows, maybe a shot from this thing would dissuade her knew stalker as Rachaela called it.

"Hmm, well I also put two bullets into the thing's gut too and it didn't seem to bother it too much from the looks of it. Do some of these mutations give you resistance to pain by chance? Anyway though, after I bonked that girl over there on the head because she grabbed me and tried to keep me from getting away from him, I thought I could use her for an escape measure, but that backfired and he just levitated her over to him away from me and started choking her before he threw her at me and teleported away. So I took her and carried her here, mainly because I didn't know what else to do with her, and like I said I couldn't just leave her there," Adelle said when Rachaela, Lacri, and Isabella all spoke, then she went over next to the little girl and sat down next to where she was laying, reaching over and gently brushing her hair out of her face. "The poor thing looks like she hasn't had a decent meal in days or weeks, and she can't go back out there or that thing might hurt or kill her just to spite me. And I am not about to let anything happen to a child if I can help it," Adelle went on to say, quite protectively in fact of the little girl laying next to her.

"Anyway, what's for dinner girls? I am starving. And yeah Mari it seems that Margaret is or was working for this Miguel guy of the... latino gang, hell I don't know what it's called exactly to be honest. But he's the one that I worked for the other day and the one that gave me that poncho and new pistol. And Isolda's sister Liliana now knows this too, because I told her about Margaret and the fact that she had to have been working for Miguel when Isolda was murdered, though I didn't say anything about you girls other than I knew some people that knew her from long ago and were after her, so no names," Adelle said after a minute or two, her belly growling a little out of need for food. "I figured she may be able to help us out a little bit in finding Margaret, maybe," Adelle added with a shrug of her shoulders.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"The mutation effects are many and there's a huge list of documented effects from both hostile and co-operative mutants. Personally I would not find that to be out of the realms of possibility. But it was still the right thing to take her along, I'd say." Rachaela told what she knew, the silent nods of the others confirming that they agreed to taking the child to safety and out of the streets after that scene. The information about the schemes that Margaret was involved in had less of an impact on them, though Mariela was as incensed as usual about anything related to her one-time true friend.

But for the food, it was all that much lighter. "Garagan has given us some of his best, goulash and lamb shashlik, along with some varied root veggies. I love those sweet potatoes..." Rachaela was the one to tell it, not a surprise at all as she was the mistress and best knew what was going on in her house. Garagan himself happened to be walking by then, and was not sure if he agreed with his Lady. "It's not that special, you know. You give me too much credit sometimes, my Lady." the man told her, offering to get Adelle some food as the others had eaten a while ago.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Aye, it was for the best I think, and I'll handle this mutant bastard somehow when the time comes I'm sure. Hopefully while keeping this poor girl out of his reach for good... I can't in good conscience send her back out there girls, so I guess I'm stuck with her for now. But that's alright, I'm willing to keep an eye on her," Adelle said, agreeing with the girls and stating that she couldn't let this little girl go now that she'd rescued her from the mutant... whatever it was that seemed intent on raping Adelle.

When Rachaela spoke up about the food that Garagan had apparently made earlier, Adelle perked up at the prospect of it. After Garagan spoke again, being modest about his cooking that Adelle was sure would be more than good enough to please her and fill her belly. "Please Garagan, I would love some of it if you don't mind getting me some, and get a bit ready for the little lady here too if you don't mind please, so when she wakes up she can have something to eat before getting some more rest. I'm sure she'll need some more rest after eating after all she's probably been through," Adelle said to Garagan, asking him to get another dish of the stuff ready for the girl, where she would attempt to wake her up a couple of minutes later to see if she would awaken and get a bite to eat, and maybe talk to them a bit about that mutant bastard she'd met earlier.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Hmm, alright then. I'll be back in just a moment." the big man said before slipping into the kitchen to make some food again. Getting the girl up did not work just then, but there did not seem to be any threat to her life or any potential serious harm present, so it would hardly be anything to worry about. And Adelle's attention was diverted soon enough as Garagan came back with a bowl and a plate, the bowl containing what appeared to be a meat stew while the plate had a pair of skewers with mixed meat, carrots and sweet potatoes impaled on them. Some sort of sauce had been slathered onto the skewers as well, but with moderation so it would not totally dominate the flavor palette. "Here you are, I'll make her a portion once she gets up."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The young girl just didn't seem to want to get up just quite yet it seemed, perhaps her bonk on the head had been a little more hard than she'd originally thought it was. She didn't seem to be in any life threatening danger however, so that was enough for Adelle to leave her alone for now and let her sleep some more, figuring the poor thing probably needed as much as she could get. As Garagan returned with her food, Adelle found herself idly stroking the little girl's hair in a motherly way as if trying to make sure she had sweet dreams by doing so, which the girls would probably notice. Whether or not they commented on it or not though was up to them as Adelle took her food from the large man as he handed it to her.

"Thanks big guy, and alright, I'm sure she needs just as much sleep as she does food anyway. Poor thing probably doesn't sleep very well or very much out there, likely needs to sleep with one eye open and looking over her shoulder at all times," Adelle said as she took her food, her soft spot for children showing itself for the others to see, though she didn't really care all that much since she was among friends at the moment. Hell she figured that the girls would all most likely have done the same thing in her position earlier, probably with Lacri having killed the bastard for what he did to the poor girl because of her regeneration ability and massive strength, meaning she was pretty much unstoppable when she wanted to be.

"To be honest girls... if he'd have threatened to kill her back at me after I knocked her out and stuff, I probably would have let him do whatever he wanted to me so long as he didn't hurt her. Do... do you all think that makes me weak?" Adelle said to the girls just as Garagan brought her food, so he would hear her to as he brought her food out and could comment on it as well as the others.

Adelle took her food and used the coffee table to set it on so she could eat, getting herself a glass of water to wash it down, as she didn't have much of a hankering for anything else at the moment really. When she was done eating, after having savored every bite of the food Garagan had made of course, Adelle would take her dishes and clean them up unless Garagan insisted to let him do it and all that is, where she would sit around with the girls and chat while her food settled, waiting around a bit for the girl to wake up long enough to eat some was mainly what she was doing, as she herself was quite tired. If the girl got up to eat, then Adelle would stay in the living room while she did so, asking if she was alright and everything while Garagan made her a dish of his food and sitting next to her while she dug into her food that the big guy brought her, waiting until she was done to ask any actual questions about earlier.

"I kind of bonked you on the head earlier sweetie, I'm really sorry about that sweetie, but you didn't leave me much choice in the matter, you kept grabbing my gun arm and messing my shots up at that... thing that had possessed you. Anyway though, are you okay? Do you feel alright now? Also what's your name sweetie? I'm Adelle," Adelle would tell the little girl while they waited for Garagan to bring her something to eat if she woke up before everyone decided to head on to bed, asking the girl's name and introducing herself in the process. Though if she didn't wake up, Adelle would ask the others if anyone was going to take a quick bath with her as she headed to there to do so herself so she could clean up before bed.
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The girls loafed about while Adelle ate her foodstuffs, mostly chatting small bits of conversation among themselves but mostly staying pretty quiet and enjoying some drinks. Only Lacrimosa had moved away from the circle, now standing by the window and looking into the night outside. "No... It just makes you a good person... One who is willing to lose something for the benefit or protection for another... It is... nice..." she was also the only one to answer the question that was asked.

Eventually the girl did wake up, some time after Adelle's food had vanished into her hungry mouth. Surprisingly, she did not appear to be in too much fear, despite being in completely foreign surroundings. "I did what? The last thing I remember was strange man who showed me and my friends a shiny coin with a hole and then I got all sleepy and now I am here." she answered once talked to, showing herself to be a calm and collected individual despite her age and sudden relocation to a strange place. "I'm Clara. Do you know about my friends?"
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle smiled at Lacrimosa'a words on what she'd said about protecting the girl even if it'd meant allowing something to happen to herself. "Thanks Lacri," was all Adelle said back to the nun girl on the matter, smiling at her companion as she went back to her food.


The girl did start waking up a little while after Adelle finished her food, and it came to a surprise to Adelle that the girl didn't seem too scared or surprised about being in such an unknown place. When the girl spoke back up after she asked her questions, Adelle looked over at her with a soft expression on her face as she introduced herself as Clara. "Sadly no sweetie, I don't know anything about them other than maybe he's still got them under his control somewhere... where though I don't know, because you were the only one there. Which no offense I'm kind of glad was the case, because if there'd been more of you I doubt I'd have managed to get away from him if he made you all stop me from shooting him. And it sounds like he hypnotized you and your friends to me, if I had to guess at least. What do you think Rachaela?" Adelle said to Clara, reaching out and laying a hand on the girl's back, patting it gently while they sat there as she asked Rachaela what she thought on the matter of hypnotizing.

Once Rachaela answered, Adelle would look back to Clara. "Are you hungry sweetie? Garagan, can you get Clara here the food you put aside for her please?" Adelle first asked the Clara, then Garagan if he'd get her food he put aside for her earlier. "While he's grabbing your food for you, I'd like to ask a couple of more things for now. How old are you Clara? And where did you meet the man that showed you and your friends the coin exactly?" Adelle asked after Garagan went to grab Clara's food for her.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"It could not be anything else really, so yes, I'd say it was hypnotism. A skilled user can gain control of a group of people at a time if they can keep their attention." Rachaela told what she knew, pretty much acting as a simple confirm to what Adelle already knew with her answer. Garagan was ready as he saw that their young guest had come back to her senses, thus needing little prodding to go prepare the food he had set aside earlier.

"I'm eleven. That man approached us when we were preparing for the night in one of the abandoned houses. Somehow, our lookout boy did not warn us about him, and we were unprepared. He did not seem too bad, but then the coin came out and now I am here with you ladies."
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle merely nodded at Rachaela's confirmation on her thoughts of hypnotism, then turned back to Clara as she spoke up again, listening to her while garagan brought her food back out. "Hmm... well I'd say he probably hypnotized your lookout first if I had to guess, then since he had the drop on all of you after that it was fairly easy to manage the rest. Sorry bastard, picking on kids like that for his own gain. How many friends did you have there with you sweetie?" Adelle said, asking how many friends she'd had with her as Rachaela's manservant brought the food in, with Adelle pulling the coffee table up for the girl to use like she'd done for her own food earlier.

With that, Adelle would just sit there while the girl ate her food, not disturbing her much while she did so unless she wished to engage in conversation, same with the others as well, she wouldn't talk unless they sparked up a conversation about something, as she was thinking on what to do the next day with this new information about Clara's friends and whatnot. She did know that she wanted to head over to the biker's place to collect her pay from the night before, but she also thought to do a wrestling match tomorrow too, while taking the day off from the hunter's guild unless the girls got a good job that they required her help with.

Adelle stayed there thinking about what all she could and might do the next day until Clara was done with her food, at which point she would ask the young girl if she wanted to take a bath with her and any of the others before bedtime.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I think there was like...a dozen? A bunch of homeless boys and girls, we had to stick together to keep ourselves out of danger." Clara replied after a bit of pondering. Garagan came back soon enough, having a smaller bowl and a single skewer for her to eat. The girl had a hard time believing what she saw, looking at Garagan for quite some time before turning to the food. The huge man was most likely a sight that she had not quite prepared for among the more or less normal-sized ladies. "That mister sure is big..." she made her observation known to the rest of them before the food started vanishing from the bowl and plate. The pace at which Clara ate looked almost scary when one considered her age and size, she was only somewhat smaller than Rachaela in stature and still could most likely out-eat her and a few of the others when it came to speed.

The idea of a bath seemed to be favorable, both the sister group and Clara herself appearing to be accepting of the plan. Maybe it was for the best, who knows how long the little girl had gone on without a proper wash.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle nodded when Clara told her about how many was with her and how they stuck together to keep out of danger. When Garagan came out, Adelle couldn't help but giggle softly at Clara's reaction to him and his size as he handed her food to her. "Yeah he is big alright, but he's a good guy," Adelle said to Clara about Garagan.

Shaking herself out of her thoughts as Clara devoured the food, Adelle couldn't help but marvel at the speed with which she consumed it all. She smiled as Clara finished it up and got up and asked about the bath, which most everyone thought was a good idea, including Clara. Heading to the bathroom, with Adelle getting herself a fresh pair of panties and a small white tanktop that she liked sleeping in before entering, she slipped out of her current clothes and helped Clara to get in where she helped to wash her up, scrubbing her back for her and washing her hair for her too, just like she used to do for her sisters back home when they were younger and before she left. After she'd helped Clara get washed up, Adelle then focused on herself, cleaning the dirt and grime from the days events off of her body and then washing her hair after that. When she was through with bathing herself, she relaxed back against the side of the large bath, washing quickly so she could do so for a few minutes, where she would start thinking again on how to help Clara's friends out of the mess this bastard had put them in the middle of.