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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Good. It would be silly if we had to rescue you from something in my own house." Rachaela commented about the pods in Adelle's possession still. It would remain up to her judgement what would happen to them as none of the sisters seemed to care all that much about the miniscule life forms.

Shiulin did not appear to be a familiar person to the girls, all of them just shaking their heads at the mentioned name. "Sounds like... we need to pay a lot more attention before we accept jobs... She sounds a bit dangerous..." Lacrimosa was the only one to say anything about the temporary manager person of the bounty hunters.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"If something does happen Rachaela and you do have to rescue me from these guys here, then you can do whatever needs to be done to them. Just... try and not hit me okay girls, and you can punish me afterwards for being a bad girl or something," Adelle replied to Rachaela as she closed the bag and backpack up so that the ropers couldn't get out... if she did want to keep them then she needed a storage place of her own, maybe her own house of some sort or something like that with a garage and or storage building. To get that though she'd need to make some more money first.

When she mentioned Shiulin to the girls a few moments later, she was a little disappointed in their reaction, as none of them seemed to know her any at all. "Aye, I mean she did give me my pay and whatnot, but she... how was it the other hunters there put it... she wasn't respecting anyone at all really. None of them thought that she deserved to have Samsons's seat because she hadn't proven herself and quite honestly... she seemed like some rich posh snooty woman that thought she was above being there, to me at least. Now everyone in there was getting a bit uppity and stuff when she gave me the job, and she didn't know what those ropers were either, but when everyone in there started speaking up and stuff, I tried to... you know be the voice of reason to keep a fight or riot from happening because of her, which I believe worked out in the end," Adelle said when Lacri finished after she'd asked them about Shiulin and who she was.

After she finished, Adelle told the girls that she was going to go and take a bath and get changed so that she could lead the two from the white tower out to the nearby alley when night fell completely on them, so she'd be clean and whatnot. Heading up to the bathroom, Adelle collected an extra set of clothes from her bag, then headed on to the bathroom to take herself a bath, soaking in there for a few minutes and scrubbing all of the slime away that she'd gotten on her. When she was done, Adelle wrapped a towel around her body and took her dirty clothes to the laundry room and put them into the dirty clothing pile or wherever she needed to in order to get washed, then she headed back to her temporary bedroom with her towel still around her to change into her fresh clean clothes. After she brushed her hair and all of that, she slipped into her clothes and the pair of comfortable slippers she'd gotten to go with her new outfits, then came back downstairs, to see if the girl from the white tower and her little brother were ready to go, and to see how close dinner was.

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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

With their discussion ending up, it was time to freshed up as Adelle went up to her temporary bedroom to set her stuff aside and make for the bathroom. She had to go back downstairs to take a bath, but it was not a problem at least then. The girl had enough time to do her cleaning, though she was briefly interrupted by Isabella, the gunner from the sister group telling her to not drain the water as she would go there once the busty girl was out. Once she did get out, there was the slight trek of going back upstairs with her towel on. While she did come across Garagan before the stairs, the big man was considerate enough to not stare at her while she was running around in a towel. After that, it was smooth sailing and she got to do the rest of her stuff without any hassle.

Going downstairs once she was redressed, Adelle saw that there was dinner waiting. It appeared to fajitas and burritos. Isabella was still missing from the table, a few splashes indicating that she was apparently still bathing as the busty girl came down.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

While she finished up with her bath and whatnot when Isabella came in and told her to not drain the water so she could bathe too, Adelle nodded and told her alright before heading on out to get dried off and changed. On her way up she bumped into Garagan before climbing the steps and after she took the dirty clothes to the laundry room, but he didn't stare or anything and acted the perfect gentleman for her, which made her smile.


When she came back down once dressed again, Adelle found that dinner was ready and waiting for them to eat. She grabbed one burrito and one fajita to eat herself once she came in and took a seat, eating them and savoring the deliciousness, taking a third fajita if there was enough left over after everyone had gotten some, while leaving enough for the still bathing Isabella to have when she returned.

After dinner, when it was time to go deal with the ghostly stuff, Adelle would look over at Lacri and then to the two that were going with them and tell them that she was ready whenever they were. If ready to go, Adelle would lead them all out and into the night, putting her gun holsters back onto her legs and her belt as well, just in case, as you never knew what sorts of people may lurk around and whatnot in an alley, even an alley inhabited by a ghost. "It's this way over here," Adelle said after leaving Rachaela's, leading them to the alleyway she'd encountered the thing at the night before.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Since she had known about the amount of people, Rachaela had prepared enough of the food to allow seconds as needed. So, Adelle could eat her third meat roll.

Once the eating was dealt with, Adelle could carry on into what had been their task since the beginning of the day, solve the ghost issue. She could find Laviola and his brother Cutty at the backyard, where the two had been for most of the day apparently, by their own volition no less. Talking about it was nothing that the two wanted, as they came along wordlessly once being fetched. The four of them headed out, braving the streets during night time. For some reason, it appeared that the two inhabitants of the tower were now at their best, the night somehow empowering them. The alley soon came into view, but there was no ghost yet. Something was there though, as it soon became apparent that some wild dogs had designs for them. They began to appear from a few of the hideyholes that were suitable for dogs, about half a dozen of the animals eyeing them quite hungrily.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Thankfully Rachaela had made extra food for everyone, since she knew that there were going to be quite a few that needed feeding. Adelle was able to grab her extra bit of food to sate her hunger, where she then helped to clean up when the time came whilst her food settled in her belly and likely added that much more fat to her breasts.


Heading out with Laviola and her brother in tow, as well as Lacri, she took them on towards the alleyway she'd found said ghost the night before. Shortly after, they came to the alley, with Adelle noticing that the pair seemed to be in their element now that night had fallen, which was good maybe, as she didn't know if they had any real fighting capabilities honestly. When they arrived at the end of the alley, Adelle saw that the ghost hadn't appeared yet unfortunately, but in its place were a half a dozen wild dogs that came out, looking quite dangerous to Adelle. She pulled her newer big pistol out and her sword, ready to fight if the dogs didn't back off any.

"Go on get out of here!" Adelle shouted at the dogs if they came any closer, kicking a bit of garbage in the alley at them. Though if they attacked, Adelle would aim and fire her gun at the nearest one while at the same time readying her blade to stab another or the same one if the bullet didn't do the trick.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

While Lacrimosa seemed ready as ever to engage the dogs, the two others appeared to be passive and not really mind the hounds. Once Adelle began yelling at them and pointed her gun at them, Laviola stepped forward, pushing the barrel of the gun away with her hand. "Don't waste your deathbringers." she said, basically suggesting Adelle to put her gun away. "I would ask you to plug your ears as good as you can, I'll send them away." the mysterious tower dweller told her, a vague glimmer visible from underneath her hood as she kept herself fixed on the dogs.

Regardless of whether she was being listened to or not, the girl from the tower went on to initiate what she had planned. Adelle could hear a sharp and quick inhale, then all she could hear for the next few seconds was the loudest scream that she had ever been able to hear as Laviola reared her head back. The sound was truly gargantuan, everything in the vicinity shaking as the sound waves threatened their structural composition. A few bricks fell from the walls, trash cans toppled, all the remaining glass shattered as the raging tempest of sound wailed across the alley. Adelle felt herself vibrating in the storm as well, her hair messing itself up as the intensity of the vibration caused static build-up, and her boobs jiggled like jelly on a vibrator as well. Amidst all these happenings, it was not hard to guess that the dogs went into a panic and ran like they were on fire. Ten seconds later, the massive noise stopped as Laviola apparently ran out of breath.

While it was maybe a bit too much, the scream had apparently something more than just noise in it. Once she could focus on something fully again, Adelle saw that the ghost from yesterday was now there in the alley, near where she had come to meet it before. "I assume that is the one?" Laviola asked, not apparently too bothered about just having yelled out a storm only half a minute ago.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

When Laviola told her to put her gun away, Adelle looked a little incredulously at her, but did as asked, sheathing her sword as well and covering her ears afterwards, which was a good thing. As soon as her ears were covered, Adelle heard even through her hands literally the loudest scream she'd ever heard in her entire life. It was so loud and powerful that it shook her breasts, blew her hair everywhere, hell it nearly shook the buildings apart that marked the walls of the alleyway. Adelle giggled a little at the feeling of her breasts jiggling in such a way, but she kept her hands clapped over her ears until the screaming tempest was done, almost as if an actual storm had come out of the woman's mouth with the scream. She watched the dogs running away in fright, though she couldn't really blame them any at all to be honest, hell she almost ran away herself.

When she looked back up after the scream was over, pulling her hands from her ears so she could hear again, she heard Laviola ask if that was the ghost as she spotted the very same one from the evening before. "Y-Yeah that's it alright. Wow... I would hate to be on the receiving end of that scream in a fight," Adelle said in response, rubbing her ears as she told the woman yes it was the correct ghost. Adelle looked over to see if Lacri was still there and hadn't been blown away in the process of Laviola's scream.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Alright... I'll recover him then..." Laviola told Adelle as she began to approach the apparition, no fear to be seen in the girl. Most likely she had done this several times before as the possible danger of the ghost did not seem to faze her in any sort of way. Looking back to see how Lacrimosa was doing, Adelle found that the nun was going away from them, the reason being that her hat had been blown away and she was now retrieving it. It was one of those few moments that allowed one to see her without the ever-present habit. After retrieving and setting her headwear back on, she soon came back to the rest of them.

Once the ghost had noticed that there were potential victims, one that was approaching it even, it began to approach the nearest one. That proved to be a mistake, as Laviola was ready for it. Once the spirit was within physical range, the medium moved onward and pulled off something that Adelle thought was impossible, grabbed the ghost into her embrace. From there, it almost looked like she pushed the thing into her body with a hug. Not before long, there was no ghost anymore. But something did happen, as now both of Laviola's eyes were red, the ghost apparently causing her to gain her second eye back.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle nodded as Laviola spoke, saying that she'd recover him then and all. Adelle watched as the girl stepped forth towards the ghost without even a hint of fear present in her demeanor. It was doubtful that this was the girl's first time doing this thing here and that she was pretty good at it simply from the way she carried herself as she approached. Glancing over at Lacri she saw that the nun's hat had blown off her head from the scream, which made Adelle giggle to see her going to grab it for some reason.

Looking back to the ghost and Laviola, Adelle saw the thing coming towards her, which was probably the wrong thing to do in its case really, as she opened her arms wide for the thing. She watched as Laviola grasped it and pulled it in against her bosom, where she began... absorbing it into her body was the only word that Adelle could use to describe what she was doing. As soon as the ghost was gone and Adelle stepped forward to check on the girl, she noticed that both of her eyes were red again, which was a little strange to say the least, but nonetheless okay she guesses.

"Wow... that was kine of cool actually. S-So what happened to him there exactly? Are you okay? Is... Is he at peace? And are we done here? Kind of don't like being out at night usually unless I've got to be," Adelle said softly, remarking how awesome the whole thing had looked to her before asking what had happened exactly and if Laviola was alright.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"What happened... Well, I just took him into my own body for a while, it is what we mediums are able to do. We use our own bodies to trap and transport these lost souls, and can use their abilities while they are within us, though we don't usually do that as it can be a drain on them. He'll join the others once we get back to the tower, where there will be peace. This is nothing to me, I have done this for a few years." Laviola explained briefly, not apparently having any trouble with her own health while housing the ghost within. "But I suppose you are right, we should probably leave. Who knows what kind of rogues there are prowling the streets at this hour. Maybe we will just head back home." the girl continued, agreeing with the idea of leaving and heading somewhere more secure.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Oh... wow, that's kind of... cool, though scary to be honest. But you know what you're doing better than I do, so I'll trust your judgement on the matter," Adelle said to Laviola, bowing her head some in the process. "Um... would you two be alright heading back to the tower at this hour then? I'm sure that Rachaela could put you up for the night if you'd like. So that you can leave when it turns light out again and finish up with your job," Adelle added, figuring that Rachaela wouldn't mind letting them sleep until morning so they wouldn't have to risk going out through the night to get back to the tower, which was on the outskirts of the city and probably a little dangerous most likely to reach. She looked over at Lacri and asked if she thought Rachaela would mind just after that.

If they did decide to come on with them at Adelle's offer, then they'd head on back to Rachaela's place for the night, where Adelle would ask Rachaela if she minded if they stayed until the following morning so they didn't have to try and go back during the night. Assuming Rachaela didn't mind, then Adelle would smile and tell her that they could sleep in the guest room with her if they wanted, that she didn't mind any really. Adelle would have a glass of wine before bed in that case, asking for a box of some sort or something that she could lock the roper pods in for the night until she could find a better place to store them at, which she would then do so. After that she would then go on upstairs to the bed she was using and take her clothes off then hop in as she liked sleeping nude most of the time and just didn't feel like slipping into her pajamas.

If the pair decided to go back to the tower though then she would look over at Lacri and ask if she thought they should escort them there to make certain they arrived without incident.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"No, there is no reason to be concerned over the two of us. We can make it back to our home just fine. I have my duties, and do not wish to break the order of things with my absence either. We can go our respective ways, potential dangers I can usually deal with, especially right now. The powers of night and death are our shelter, so I do not think we have anything to fear." the tower girl spoke up at the suggestion of heading to Rachaela's, not looking overly concerned about the threats that might come to her and the younger brother. Without making any further hassle about it, she strode forward with Cutty following closely behind, both of them turning transparent and almost invisible once they had gotten some distance from Adelle and Lacri. Seeing that the two were going to be alright, the nun shrugged before turning to start making her way back to Rachaela's.

Once the two had made their way back, other things were waiting for them, like drinking wine. Garagan could also provide for the other request, going away briefly to look for a suitable box from the very same basement room that housed Adelle's bike. He came back after a bit, delivering what was a pretty average storage box to the room where Adelle was living at the moment. While it did not have a keylock, there was still a lock system in the wooden box, so it could be relied on keep the contents inside. Once she had gotten enough wine, Adelle could go and enjoy some peaceful sleep, this time by herself as Lacri seemed to have no concerns about anything tonight. It had been a strange day by any standard.
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Oh... alright then, you two be careful okay. Would hate if something happened to you both," Adelle said to Laviola after she said that they were going on and that they should be alright. Adelle then watched them head off into the distance, becoming nearly transparent by the time they reached the edge of her vision, which was a little strange but she wrote it off as part of Laviola's powers.

Adelle's gaze lingered on for a few moments before she followed Lacri in heading back to Rachaela's, shaking her head and bounding off after her. Catching up to Lacri after a few seconds, Adelle stayed beside her the whole way back to Rachaela's house. Inside when they'd gotten back, Adelle sat down to have herself a glass of wine or two with the others that were drinking some before she headed on up to bed, just chatting a little with them about the day's events. Adelle also thanked Garagan for the box when he brought it for her after she'd asked for it, where after he was gone she placed the roper pods into it, locked it shut, then undressed herself and hopped on into bed, naked as a jaybird and not really caring, especially since Lacri hadn't joined her in the bedroom.

When she'd laid down in her bed, all alone in the bedroom, Adelle felt more than a little tired, but at the same time she felt restless and her body ached for something... something that she couldn't quite place. She lay there for a short while and tossed and turned in her bed, unable to get comfortable as she thought about what the woman at Isolda's told her earlier that day about she sounded like she needed to get laid. As she thought of this, her thoughts then drifted to her bag she'd left here that had her clothes and her sex toys she'd gotten from the factory a few days before during that job as she looked over at it, the top of it sitting open a little bit. Adelle raised up and leaned over the bedside to grab the bag up where she rummaged around in it until she found one of her vibrators she'd gotten from the factory the other day, the pink one to be exact. Clicking it to check and see if it still worked even though she hadn't used it since she found it, Adelle then set it down on the bed beside her and pulled the covers back up over her.

Laying there, Adelle used her left hand and began softly and tentatively running her lower lips with her fingers. Jerking her hips slightly at the pleasure her mere fingers brought her, Adelle stopped for a moment at the overpowering sensation, but instinct drove her to do it again as her hand approached her honeypot and began rubbing again. "Oh gods... I can't believe I'm doing this... but it feels so good," Adelle whined in a whisper as she pushed her middle finger inside of her, causing her to thrust her hips forward and into the air. Adelle continued going with her middle finger sliding in and out of her increasingly moistening passage where after a minute or so of doing so, she flicked her index finger across her love button as it hardened up and began poking out from under its protective hood.

After a few moments of doing that, Adelle's index finger joined her middle one in her slit as she began fingering herself in earnest now, her right hand joining the mix as it reached up and groped her left breast, squeezing and rolling it around as she fingered herself some before switching to her other breast to keep it from being left out. Slowly, as she alternated between breasts, rolling and squeezing them both with her hands and tweaking her nipples every now and then, Adelle felt her climax building closer and closer, her first one really since the factory ordeal. Kicking her legs around in her lust for a better position from which to pleasure herself, while at the same time seeking to cool herself off from how hot her body was, sweat glistening on her soft smooth skin as it slowly slid down her frame as some mixed and mingled with the wet spot that was steadily growing as her juices leaked from her slit, Adelle kicked her blanket off of her as she planted her feet upon the bed and braced her legs to better give her leverage with which to thrust her hips into her fingers. The entire time she went at it, soft moans would escape her lips every now and then as she tried and failed to fully keep her voice down so the others didn't hear her in the adjacent room.

After nearly 5 minutes of fingering herself, Adelle felt her climax very near now and so her instincts took over completely to spur her on down the final stretch towards her sweet release. Biting her bottom lip as she approached her orgasm, Adelle's juices leaked out of her more and more, leaving the spot on the bedsheets even larger than before as she drove her fingers into her tight wet love passage, her internal muscles instinctively squeezing and relaxing as her fingers slid in then out again, only to slid in as deep as they could once more. Flicking her thumb against her clitoris, which was as hard as her nipples were if not harder, both of them being hard as diamonds, Adelle felt the knot about to burst as she prepared for the wave of pleasure to follow. Grabbing her pillow and burying her face in it with her right hand after releasing her breasts, Adelle pinched her clit between her thumb and index finger as her middle finger drove as deep into her as it could go, the ensuing wave of euphoria overwhelming her and causing her to let out a loud lewd muffled moan into the pillow covering her face as her girl-cum squirted out of her and drenched the bed further, leaving Adelle laying there panting with her eyes glazed over from the pleasure as she pulled her right hand away from her face, pulling the pillow with it.

"W-Wow... t-that was great," Adelle panted aloud as she lay there, her head falling to her right where she saw the vibrator she'd gotten out of her bag to use on herself. She'd forgotten all about it really, she thought to herself. She felt a dull aching throb from her pussy, an ache that just wouldn't subside as she found her left hand moving of its own accord as she pulled it up to her face, her middle finger slipping out of her tight wet folds where it went into her mouth and she sucked her fem-cum from her digit, the sweet taste driving her into another frenzy of lust. "M-More... n-need more, need t-to cum... again. J-Just one more time," Adelle panted as she rolled over onto her belly with her butt sticking up high into the air for anyone to see if they came in on her, but at this point she didn't care, her needs were too great to stop now.

She took the pink vibrator in her wet and slightly sticky left hand and clicked it on, using her right hand and spreading her lower lips apart where she placed the vibrator at her entrance as it hummed and buzzed softly against her flesh, causing her to shudder from the sensation. When she pressed the thing into her tight wet slit as she held her cunny spread open, the vibrator slid right in without much trouble at all really, her juices from her previous orgasm being more than enough lubricant to allow such. With that, Adelle began fucking herself fast and hard with the vibrator, laying her head on the pillow she still had a hold of from earlier during the throes of her first climax, but without burying her face in it this time, letting her moans carry throughout the room and likely into the adjacent ones if her earlier moans didn't, as these were a bit louder than before. Her pussy squeezed the vibrator's length as it slid in and out of her, the buzzing thing causing her eyes to roll up every time it hilted inside of her. While her left hand controlled the vibrator the whole time, her right hand wasn't unused any at all, as Adelle was using it to rub, tease, and pinch her clit all the while as she practically raped herself with the sex toy as it buzzed within her.

Soon enough as always happens, all good things must come to an end, and Adelle approached her second climax, which struck her fast and hard, causing a lewd squeal of pleasure to erupt from her lips, as well as causing her juices to squirt from around the vibrator's length as it continued buzzing inside of her, her muscles spasming as her climax waned away. Just as her climax was beginning to fade, Adelle clicked the power switch on the vibrator and let it fall from her tight wet folds down onto the bed, the thing glistening with her fluids as her body collapsed now, where she lay there on the bed panting for a couple of minutes while her body slowly relaxed as she thought about what she'd just done... finding that she didn't really care all that much because it'd felt so great... she was going to have to do this more often, Adelle thought to herself. While she rested her body, she closed her eyes to rest them for only a moment, intending to just rest a little before cleaning herself up a some, but her body simply shut down when she did and she was sound asleep before she could do so, her body not even covered at all with the blanket as she lay there sound asleep in the same position she'd collapsed in, on her stomach with her left hand cupped over her pussy slightly and the fairly large pink penis shaped vibrator still glistening with her juices laying a few inches further down on the bed between her legs which were spread more than enough to see everything and then some, a damp trail leading up from the vibrator to her moist pussy, which was still quivering slightly from the pleasure as she lay there all tender and exposed.

For anyone entering the room, it would be obvious what she'd done of course, though if at any time during her fun someone came in to see what all of the noise was, they would hear Adelle panting quietly to herself as she either fingered or fucked herself with the vibrator, "G-Gotta c-cum, pussy... aching so b-bad," which may entice whoever to do something to either help her out a little or to tease her some if they wished as she was ripe for the picking, and if whoever came in did attempt something on the busty horny girl, then Adelle would of course stop whenever they came over and did whatever with a start as she rolled over, her cheeks flushed pink with arousal and embarrassment, though she would make no attempt to resist if they did anything sexual to her.
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Breaking into a sudden fit of masturbation as she tried to get sleep, Adelle got to play with herself all she wanted. If her noises had been heard elsewhere, there was no indication of it to be seen or heard. Eventually she would shut herself down after getting a wanton second climax, drifting into sleep land. While that was what she did, there was a brief alert given to her as she heard the door of the room close and a quiet, elegant giggle. She had not gotten any warning of it, but apparently someone had been watching her from the slight crack that they had managed to sneak open without causing the intensely self-loving girl to notice.

But that would not be the end of Adelle's night. Someone pulling on her hair waked the busty girl up from her coma, and it was still dark. Most likely she had not been asleep for longer than an hour at max. Getting up proved to not be possible all of a sudden as there was weight on her back, and it quickly came apparent that her hands were behind her back as well, affixed together at the wrists with what felt like leather cuffs. Hands grabbed her face from behind, the scene starting to work itself out as the sleepy girl realized that someone was sitting on her back and now leaned in to speak with her, doing it very personally to her ear. "Enjoying yourself there, hmm?"
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As Adelle lay there snoozing after finishing with her masturbation, she faintly heard what sounded like a door closing, though... maybe she was dreaming something about doors, it was hard to tell. When she heard the giggle coming from somewhere in the black void of her sleepy mind, Adelle really had just written it off as herself giggling from her earlier fun. Suddenly, as Adelle slept there, she felt a weight on her back as her hair was being pulled back a bit that jerked her from sleep, her bleary eyes opening. She started to try and roll over to see who or what it was but found she couldn't, both because she had whoever it was sitting on her back, and because her wrists were bound behind her by what felt to her like leather handcuffs.

As the fog cleared from her eyes, Adelle heard a voice whispering in her ear as whoever it was leaned down against her. "Y-Yeah... I was. W-What o-of it? I... I was... so h-horny." Adelle said in a slightly frightened tone to whoever it was on her back as her face turned red in the process as she answered, not struggling to get free at really, her fright preventing her from putting two and two together and figuring who's voice it was. "W-What are... you going to do to me?" Adelle then asked quietly in a slightly scared yet slightly aroused tone as her nipples hardened up from finding herself bound in such a helpless position, the thought that it was one of the girls on top of her never really entering her train of thought until it dawned on her that Rachaela's house was locked up tight and that it could only be one of them, and she doubted Mariela was in the mood for it and that Lacri most likely wouldn't do it because of her personality, which left only Isabella and Rachaela... or Garagan and she sincerely doubted that it was him, so Isabella or Rachaela. She couldn't tell just who it was though right off whilst still a little groggy from sleep, but it sounded sort of like Rachaela to her.
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Hmm, not much. Just a little play, for my amusement." the assailer replied to Adelle as the distressed yet aroused girl asked about what was going on. She seemed to have a plan going strong already, a leather mask coming out as soon as she had finished speaking, getting set over Adelle's eyes to prevent what little sight she had in the dark. "Just a little more..." the person who was most likely Rachaela said after securing the straps of the mask on, following it up with a ballgag that was set into the victim's mouth to prevent speaking as well. It looked like she was not going to be needing those for what would happen afterwards. Devoid of her senses, the busty girl could only feel the weight of the assailant and hear as some rummaging went on, most likely in her toy bag. "This is an interesting bag for sure, didn't even need any of my own devices for this. Somehow I thought you might not be one of these kinds of people, even with how your body is like, but looks like I was wrong..." she said teasingly, poking Adelle's cheek with a vibrator. "You are a huge pervert after all, Adelle~" the captive boobie lady was taunted as the digging around in her toy bag continued.Adelle had some time to imagine and think as she heard things being set onto the nearby nightstand, obviously in preparation for some grand idea of torment.

"Heee, the only thing I need to use from my own is this tape..." the assailant chuckled as the captive girl was turned onto her back. There was some sound of tape being ripped before a pair of small egg vibrators were set onto each of Adelle's huge mommy zeppelins and then taped on so they would stay on to tease her nipples relentlessly, four of the tiny toys coming together to perform the duty. "I swear, I could probably put four vibes on each of these huge things..." the busty girl was taunted again, but not yet given into the pleasure as the vibrators remained off for the moment. Then, some movement happened as the assailant turned on Adelle's belly where she was sitting, soon lifting up both of her legs. "I can't forget these perverted holes now can I?" she issued another taunt as something was set onto her legs and pulled down. It was not hard to know what this was, as the busty girl had already experienced these particular panties pretty intimately during her trip to the haunted factory where all the things in her bag had come from in the first place. Not before long, she was plugged up like before, the familiar feeling coming back as the leather undies were set on properly. Not a moment after the panties had been fitted on, a second pair of leather cuffs were attached to her captive form, this time around her ankles. There would be no escape, it looked like.

"Almost done here... This needs a final little touch of a lady to make it perfect." the assailant admired her handiwork as she declared that there would be something still to be added. With a snap of fingers, all the pleasure devices activated at the same time, hitting Adelle hard with their simultaneous attack on her pleasure bits. "That is not all, of course. There is still one thing you crave, you perverted girl. I can give it to you, of course." the attacker said, the last trick she pulled pretty much identifying her as Rachaela. Surely none of the other sisters could switch the devices on without touching them at all. The smallest sister was another story, with her skill at magic making something like this pretty much elementary. Still, it was a surprise to realize that there was a dominating and somewhat sadistic side to the normally polite and soft-spoken Rachaela. Going from words to action, the attacker grabbed the sides of Adelle's boobs, holding onto them for a while as an incantation was read. A throbbing began in each milk machine, not really doing anything besides causing a small increase of heat. From there, one hand went over to cover her stuffed crotch as the incantation continued, a similar hotness coming into her lewd holes as well. Shortly after that, the incantation stopped as the pressure on Adelle's midsection went away, Rachaela leaving her perch. "I think I am done here. Where we go from here, I do not know, hee hee..." she giggled again as she appeared to be collecting stray toys back into the bag of pervy things. Once the tinkering with the bag finished, the busty girl could hear the sound of heels going towards the door and the door opening along with the buzzing of toys. "I will see you in the morning. Try not to break too much." were the final words of Rachaela before the door could be heard closing. The girl's steps could be heard going away and towards the room she was sleeping in, another snap of the fingers cutting the steady pattern of clicking heels. And after that snap, the captive girl could not hear much more as she was completely overwhelmed by a surge of pleasure, almost titanic in proportion. The incantation had been a delayed spell, and the mage sister had activated some kind of pleasure curse that it had left with her second snap. The suggestion to avoid breaking was not something she had been kidding about, since the increase of pleasure was pretty much tenfold, and there was no way for the captive busty girl to escape it. Only after what felt like hours upon hours did the automated rape stop as the toys ran out of battery power to maintain their functionality.

In the morning, Adelle woke up to all kinds of afterfeelings. Most likely she would not feel all that lusty anymore. She was still held in the set-up that Rachaela had made on her nightly visit, but found out that the cuffs on her wrists were loose. She could free herself with some clever maneuvering of hands, and be able to get everything else off from herself afterwards as well.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"F-For your amusement? What sort of... hey what the. Rachaela is that you? What are you doing... mmph," Adelle asked as the mask was placed over her eyes, then she finally placed the voice and figured out that it was Rachaela who was doing this to her now, though only just before Rachaela put the ballgag into her mouth and strapping it on so it wouldn't come out.

She could hear Rachaela rummaging around in a bag... her's most likely, where she heard things being set onto the bedside table next to the bed. As Rachaela spoke while she did this, Adelle submissively nodded her head at Rachaela calling her a pervert. "Mhm..." was all Adelle could really say at Rachaela's words a she nodded her head, admitting that she was indeed a huge pervert, and after what she'd done only just an hour or so before when she'd conked out she couldn't really deny it.

When Rachaela rolled her over onto her back and said that all she'd need of her own things was her tape and then taped some of the small egg vibrators which Adelle had snatched from the factory the other day, she whined pitifully as two were placed on either side of either nipple, which were still slightly tingling from her pinching them earlier during her fun. After that, when Rachaela had turned around on her belly where she'd been sitting and then began sliding the pair of the leather panties up onto her, Adelle let out a muffled gasp as it dawned on her which ones they were, her eyes wide underneath the blindfold she had on. As the second pair of leather cuffs were placed on her ankles, Adelle whined pitifully again, but made no real attempt to stop Rachaela, knowing that it likely wouldn't do any good for her to do so.

Laying there as Rachaela spoke again, waiting for the coming pleasure that would follow as the pleasure toys were turned on, Adelle tried to prepare for it and ultimately failed as Rachaela snapped her fingers and activated them all, which brought a muffled squeal from Adelle as her body tensed, almost giving in right then and there to the pleasure and cumming. Adelle had no idea that Rachaela could be like this... as perverted as she herself seemed to be, and that she liked to be the dominatrix type as well threw Adelle for a loop... or maybe that was just the pleasure from all of the vibrators buzzing that was throwing her for a loop it was hard to tell really. Adelle fiercely nodded her head in a pleading almost begging way when Rachaela said that Adelle still craved one more thing and that she could give it to her, letting the dominating Rachaela know that she was in control here as Adelle gave a few muffled grunts as she tried to tell Rachaela that she wanted it.

Rachaela grabbing her breasts a few moments later and muttering her incantation as she pushed magic forth and into her breasts, which warmed them up even more so than they were and caused them to throb slightly, caused Adelle to shudder slightly as her body gave in and tensed again as she climaxed a third time for the night, unable to hold herself back any longer. When Rachaela did the same to her lower lips, increasing the heat and causing the dull throb in her loins, Adelle just twitched as it happened, her body being overloaded with pleasure for a few moments. When Rachaela giggled and said she was done there and got up to leave, her pleasant weight leaving Adelle's belly as she put all of the rest of the things up, Adelle lay there wriggling around, her body trying to instinctively grind against the leather panties and the vibrators inside of her to better pleasure her, while her mind was wanting to tell her to stop and try to get away by wriggling around... in the end her body's needs won that short battle. She wanted to ask... no she wanted to beg Rachaela not to go and to stay in there and make her feel good now that she'd gotten her so worked up again, to tell her that where they went was up to her... just anything to get her to stay and pleasure her more. However, as Rachaela began leaving the room and spoke her last words, Adelle shuddered as the door closed shut and she heard Rachaela's footsteps heading away and back to her bedroom, wondering what she meant about not breaking too much.

Just then, she heard another snap of fingers and the pleasure she felt from the delayed spells that Rachaela had placed upon her totally flattened her as she rod out an instant climax, her juices squirting out of her as milk beaded up on the tips of either nipple and leaked down her chest and tummy as the pleasure she'd been getting increased... a lot. She now knew what Rachaela had meant about the breaking... it felt as if her mind were about to shatter and there was nothing she could do about it... she'd been tied up and was being sexually tortured, and the thing was... she was loving every second of it, because she'd already been so worked up over the previous day and all. The pleasure barely gave her time for any coherent thought other than melting from the pleasure, while at the same time letting out lewd muffled moans of pleasure that likely carried over into Rachaela's room enough for her to hear, or into the hallway for her to hear if she'd stopped out there to listen some, likely letting her know that she'd done a good job on Adelle and had all but turned her into a drooling fuck toy for her to play with at her whims, at least right now anyway while she was so sensitive and horny.

Adelle was subjected to this pleasure hell until the batteries in the toys ran dry and they turned off from it, cumming at least another dozen times or more in the process, her body tensing and relaxing greatly every few minutes in climax and only a little in between orgasms as her body worked itself towards the next one. When the toys finally did stop, which seemed like a few hours at least even though it was likely only one hour or so at most maybe two, then her body practically shut down instantly and she fainted from the overwhelming pleasure, her body unable to keep her awake any longer as her eyes shut and she stopped moving, her head at the foot of the bed now as she lay there from where her body wriggled and thrashed around during the entire time, and she was sure that she had to have kept the girls awake with all of her moaning even though she was muffled the entire time, but she didn't really care now... because the pleasure... it was just too good.


When she woke again, Adelle wasn't really sure what had happened to her or anything, as her head wasn't laying on a pillow at all and she couldn't move her arms much or her legs for that matter, and she was sure that it was the next night because it was so dark and she couldn't see even though she'd opened her eyes. Then she started to remember Rachaela coming in on her the night before and cuffing her hands behind her back and her ankles together to keep her from moving them around much. Her lust had been sated, for now at least, but she was sure that it was still present somewhere inside of her, ready to strike and leave her unable to fight whenever it pleased. Feeling the cuffs were loose around her wrists, Adelle thought to herself that maybe Rachaela had come and loosened them at some point because they were tighter than this before. She was a little sore from the previous night's events, but not so much that she couldn't move or anything, she just didn't want to move really, wanting to savor the good gentle ache of the pleasure she'd gotten last night for just a little bit before freeing herself to get cleaned up, and to clean the toys up some as well. She decided to wait for Rachaela to come and free her after a couple of minutes, figuring that she wouldn't be too long... hopefully she wouldn't be too long anyway. If it turned out though that she would be more than half an hour or so though then Adelle would start to wriggle around to get free, a few muffled groans from the dull ache in her loins, but it was a damn good ache she thought... one that she would love to have again, maybe after making Rachaela have the same ache at least to get a little revenge... as she did have those strapons after all.

While she waited for Rachaela, Adelle idly thought about some things, like why she'd been so horny that she had to masturbate. Then why she'd been so submissive and willing to let Rachaela do what she did without even trying to really stop her at all. Lust and need must really be a powerful feeling indeed to overwhelm her mind so much that she couldn't stop herself, or even put up a fight any at all, Adelle thought to herself. Gods she wished that she could be paid for that, especially after what Rachaela had done to her, as it was harder than some of the jobs she'd done so far... but that would only make her a whore, and she couldn't do that. Could she? Could she accept money for doing those sorts of naughty things? It was a question that was hard for her to answer at the moment, what with her predicament. But she did know that it felt really really good, so that was a big plus at least... but maybe she should wait until after she got cleaned up and stuff before thinking about that any more.
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

In her sleep-dazzled state, Adelle waited to be released and pondered other things despite having a way to get out of the situation herself. About ten minutes in, she got an answer as the door to the room opened up. But it was not going to be as easy as that, apparently. The voice calling for her was Rachaela's, but it was not the same determined and assertive one that had spoken to her last night, the usual soft-spoken voice being the one to address her. "Come on now, sleepyhead. You'll miss breakfast that way. And clean up what you mess up, that smell might start to linger." the mage girl told her from the door, soon closing it up again and leaving back to her businesses. What she said was kinda true, as there was a strong smell of sex to be found in the air. After what had happened during the night, one should not be surprised about that.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As she lay there thinking to herself, Adelle heard the door open and Rachaela call out to her in her normal usual soft tone of voice she had. Hearing Rachaela's words, Adelle found that she'd get no help from her to get free, so she began shimmying around to wriggle her arms free of the cuffs holding them. Her stomach rumbled a bit at the thought of food, especially after last night, and she could smell the strong scent of sex in the air... mostly her own... hell all her own really. As soon as she was free and had gotten all of the gear off of herself, Adelle gathered all of her toys that had gotten dirty in the process of her fun the night before and took it with her to the bathroom to get it and herself cleaned up, taking her clothes she'd taken off the night before with her to dress in after getting clean.

Once she was done with cleaning herself and her toys, Adelle would dry off, take them back to her bag of goodies and put them away, shuddering at the mere thought of that again. As she put them away, Adelle would catch sight of one of her strapons and a wicked naught grin spread across her face as she imagined herself holding Rachaela down and pounding her little ass with it until she could barely move and was well satisfied. Thinking of doing that brought a blush to Adelle's face. Gods what was she thinking, she was turning into such a lewd and naughty girl more and more since coming to the city here. Shaking those thoughts from her head for now, Adelle went down to the kitchen to eat, blushing as soon as she saw Rachaela and met her gaze, her cheeks staying red for a few minutes while she ate, not speaking much unless spoken to as she ate her breakfast. To Rachaela, Adelle would look quite... satisfied when she saw her for the first time after getting free and bathing herself, as if she'd had a great time.

"S-So what are you girls doing today? Anything specific planned? Or just more of the same as yesterday?" Adelle asked the girls with a slight stutter as she began speaking, which caused her to blush again as she looked around at the others.