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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Throwing the switch upwards to fire up the machine, Adelle got it to move at pretty much the expected quickness, showing some potential as a forklift driver if she somehow got the opportunity to work on that job. Maybe. The mechanism that altered the gap between the spikes of the fork did not seem to work, but as she hit into the first of the creatures, the girl found out that she had a pretty much perfect space in there anyway as the cylinder-shaped body fit into the space exactly. Once she was near the second, some turning had to be done in order to get that one into the fork as well. At the end of the lane, she hit the machine squarely into the opposite wall, not managing to slow down in time and breaking small bits of concrete from where the spikes settled into. The machine would still be able to pull out, but Adelle was probably better off leaving it where it was at the moment and not let the creatures free to come after her.

Having pulled off her pinning operation, the busty girl retreated away from the controls, the tentacles of the monsters still trying to reach her even after being pinned. Just as she got out, one tentacle managed to reach her and hooked itself into her shirt. It tried to pull her closer via the shirt, the scene coming off quite perverted even though no-one was there to see it as the shirt strained a bit.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Quite handily managing to steer the forklift into position rather quickly, making her think she was a natural at driving one, Adelle drove off towards the creatures, though the forks didn't seem to work any properly for some reason... maybe they needed to be repaired or something, but they at least raised up for her which was all she needed. Slamming into the nearer creature, which had been the second one to come out and play, she continued driving towards the farther creature, turning a bit in the process to re-angle herself to hit properly in the process.

"Ha gotcha!" Adelle cried as she pretty much scooped the two things up with the forklift, where she then slammed into the wall, leaving a couple of spots in the concrete where the forks of the machine had hit, burying them into the wall slightly and pinning the two creatures there for her.

Jumping out of the forklift, Adelle flipped the brake so the thing's couldn't push it back, and then she turned key to turn the thing off too, unless she couldn't reach either of them that is before the tentacles snatched her out of the cockpit of the machine. She turned to see tentacles still trying to grab her as she backed away from the forklift, the slimy things flailing about. One of them managed to hook itself down into her shirt and wrap around the cloth, pulling and tugging on it in an attempt to pull her closer, making her breasts bounce out from under her shirt as it crumpled the cloth with its long slimy length when it coiled about it.

"N-No let go... c-can't let you have me now," Adelle grunted as she played tug of war with the thing, unable to take her shirt off without first taking her backpack off, which was what she did. She pulled against the tentacle as hard as she could, sliding her backpack straps down her arms and letting it drop to the floor where she kicked it back and out of the tentacles reach. Then once her gear was out of reach of the things, Adelle would release her shirt to the thing, bending over towards them a little to allow her shirt to slide over her head and be taken by the creature holding it. As soon as it had her shirt, Adelle would back away and grab her backpack, moving back to be a few feet out of their reach where she'd sit down for a minute on the floor to catch her breath after all that, looking around to see what else may be lurking around in the room other than those two things and the smaller ones.

After resting a little, assuming her plan worked and she wasn't snatched up, Adelle would make he way to the end of the room and see if this large room was all there was to the warehouse, looking for doors leading to other areas now that she wasn't being chased by those wriggly tree looking things.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Not apparently feeling like it was necessary to try and free herself with force, Adelle went into another path that would set her free. Pulling back at the eager tentacles, she dropped off her backpack first, which would logically make for an easier shirt removal. Losing the shirt would be less risky, after all. There was no guarantee that she could actually manage to fend the thing off with her sword without getting grabbed even worse, considering the amount of the things that were still being flailed towards her. So, it would be like this, the shirt would have to sacrifice itself to the monsters.

But there was a development that the busty girl had not taken into account. As she bended over, the tentacle managed to hook itself between her mommy melons and around the middle part of her bra. So, once the pull came, Adelle lost her bra and shirt both as the creature claimed both articles and left her with some slime between her boobies.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Smoothly dropping her backpack and kicking it back as she pulled against the tentacle, Adelle then leaned forward as per her plan, which almost as smoothly slipped her shirt up and off of her as the tentacle pulled on it. As she bent forward though and her shirt started to come off, the tentacle managed to slip in between her breasts and around her bra, pulling it with her shirt and taking it as well in the process, leaving her shirtless and braless. She stumbled back and fell flat on her butt as the tentacle took her clothing, causing her breasts to jiggle deliciously a couple of times.

"Oh man, now what am I gonna do when leave? I guess I'll just button my coat up and head back to the bar to get my money and unbutton it to let everyone see what all happened and get my money," Adelle said to herself as she grabbed her backpack and hefted it back onto her shoulders, her chest now feeling feeling the full weight of her breasts once more now that her bra was gone.

Making sure that the forklift had the things held to the wall good enough for now, Adelle reloaded her guns and moved on for now, figuring that the forklift would or at least should hold those things for a while anyway, giving her time to explore the rest of this place and see if there were any more rooms or anything to check, if there was anything else that is.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

While the move seemed to cause little actual harm, the monster that had claimed Adelle's clothes still saw it fit to taunt her by flailing the garments around, almost looking like it was telling her to come and get them.

Moving to investigate, the girl found little of interest around the place. On one corner, there were a few rooms, one that appeared to be the supervisor's office while the other was a combined social and dressing room. If the lockers were of indication, there had not been all that many workers here, only eight lockers suggesting that it was probably that number. Both places had enough pods to warrant carefulness, though Adelle could try to look into them in more detail if she wanted to risk being grabbed and pulled around. In the final lane, she found a washing spot, where an old power washer sat. It had been there usused for a long time. Additionally, there was a hole on the floor, a metal grate lying nearby. The grate had most likely been pushed away, and the slime trails on the walls of the hole suggested that the monsters had entered from here, having crawled their way up from some area of the sewers that underneath.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As she saw the tentacled creature flailing her clothes around at her, taunting her, Adelle gritted her teeth and flipped the bird at the thing. "Kiss my ass you prick, just hold onto them for me, I'll be back to get them soon," Adelle said to the creature as she turned and began exploring the rest of the place, almost regretting her words because that thing probably would love to do just that with all of those tentacles.

Making her way through to a corner of the place where some rooms were, she found that they were just the workers rooms and offices, likely where some records were kept about the goings on around here. On her way through those rooms she carefully picked her way, as there were many of the smaller pods in this one, but while she did see somethings that could prove interesting, she left them for now and opted to finish looking around. Leaving that all for now, she made her way over to the lane with the washer and noticed the hole in the floor with the metal grate moved off of it.

"Well now, I guess they got in through here most likely. Need to close it off before more come," Adelle said to herself as she tried to move the grate back over the hole and into place.

If she couldn't get it back into place without something to help her, then she'd look around for some sort of tool that could help her to do so, but if that too proved difficult for her, then Adelle would look around for a crate to push over the top of it instead, where she would then check to see if the washer worked, so that she could use it afterwards maybe to clean herself off.

Once the crate was there, she'd check on her two big friends to make sure they were still pinned to the wall before going back to the locker room and the supervisors office in greater detail, to see if there was anything in there worth getting and putting away for herself that might help her later, or if there was something she could use on the two big creatures to get rid of them so she didn't waste bullets on them, since they were so tough to hurt and all. If any of the smaller pods in either of these rooms reached out for her, Adelle would have her sword and her old pistol both ready to slash, stab, and or shoot them as they sent their tentacles out at her, though surely there wouldn't be so many in either of these rooms if there wasn't anything worth getting from them.
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The grate was previously attached to the surroundings with thin bolts, though those things were not anywhere to be found and apparently not enough to contain a strong beast, so Adelle looked around for an alternate solution. There was a set of welding equipment some distance away, but upon closer inspection, it could be seen that there was no gas in the canister anyway. So a crate had to do, adding some weight on top of the grate after it had been replaced. The washer itself had no power, but the removed hose still worked upon the opening of the valve in the wall. So, there was water if the girl might need it later.

After taking a visit back to the other end and confirming that her one-time stalkers had not gone anywhere from the pinning position, she moved onward to do a little further investigation. It looked like the forklift was a bit too much for even two of the creatures, and they seemed to have limited intelligence and could not really manage to co-operate in a meaningful way. At the supervisor's office, she took carefulness into consideration and armed herself before entering, a smart move even if the things was fighting did not really have the ability to harm her. Unless they managed to completely subdue her, it might be different story, but that was highly unlikely considering the lack of strenght they had from longer distances.

Perhaps not surprisingly, the pods seemed to stay out from the action this time around, or so it seemed. Once she was better in the room, all five big pods burst into action at once. Their tentacles came for Adelle, who shot one of them back to it's shell right away, but was then beset by the remaining four. It took some effort to fight four of them at a time, especially since the kind knew to pull at the girl's limbs. Two pulled at her arms, one on her right leg and the final one coiled itself just under her boobies. A few shots and some struggling and chopping released the girl from her predicament, but she ended up with more slime on her as a result. A search around the office revealed little besides some old cargo papers and similar, not even a hidden gun in the drawer was there for her to find.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Not able to really bolt the thing back down because of the lack of equipment and materials to do so, Adelle just pushed the crate on top of the hole over the grate after she pushed it back into place, hoping that if there were more of the things down below that they couldn't push both things off this time. Finding that there was a little water if she needed to shortly provided she remove the hose, which she likely would do, Adelle moved on back towards the office and locker room, checking on her two friends pinned to the wall along the way. Seeing them still trapped against the wall with the forklift, Adelle smiled that her plan had worked and she went on into the office, ready for more action.

She was a little surprised that the things didn't immediately jump out after her, so she crept into the room, thinking at first that they may be scared of her now. Her hopes were dashed though as the things sprang out at her when she got deeper into the room, but even though she jumped in fright at the sudden action, she managed to plug one of the pods with her gun, though the rest managed to grab hold of her in different areas.

"Aw dammit, come on... let go... little curious things," Adelle grunted as she pulled against the tentacles that grabbed a hold of her in different places.

She had one on either arm, which she pulled and tugged at until she got her sword around to free her arms, where she then slashed the one from her leg, saving the one that had itself right under her mammaries for last since it would be the hardest to get a good swing on. After the struggle with them was over and she'd freed herself once more, she rummaged around the office only to find that it was empty. Drenched in more slime now, which didn't really disgust her so much because she didn't mind getting a little dirty for her job, Adelle figured that at the very least the slime might help to keep the other tentacles off of her a bit easier in the locker room as she went and checked it,doing much the same as she did in the office just moments before.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Not really bothering with a cleaning or anything as she considered it might be beneficial to have the slime on her, Adelle moved into the room next door, which was the somewhat bigger social area of the workers. Much like before, there were a similar number of pods waiting, and they reacted pretty much the same as their kin from the previous room. This time around, the girl was ready for them, and had much less trouble with the pack. Only one of them managed to grab her and was quickly disposed of with a swipe of sword like it's buddies. Only a little further slime was added onto Adelle's left arm.

With the initial search, the girl could find stray tools, old worker uniforms that were coveralls of different sizes and a stack of porn mags on the table. The items spoke clearly about the gender of the workers that had once used it, a clear male domination. Apparently the garbage had been eaten by the pods or the bigger monsters since there was no sign of any kind of food anywhere.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Dealing with the pods in the locker room rather handily, with only one snagging onto her left arm, which was quickly dealt with by he sword, Adelle looked around to find some old tools and uniforms laying about along with some porn mags on the table, which told her that it was more than likely a lot of guys that had worked here. Taking the porn mags as trophies of her job here, Adelle grabbed a pair of the coveralls that were in there and used them to wipe herself off of the slime she'd accumulated, then she looked around for the biggest pair that would fit around her and at least cover her breasts so she could leave without having to be so embarrassed about people seeing her. Once that was done, she headed back to the main room where she began taking care of all of the rest of the smaller pods, saving the two larger ones for last as she stabbed the smaller ones with her sword and or shot them one by one, until she'd cleared the entire room out, though the smallest little pods that didn't even open up yet she gathered together in one of the garbage bags which she then tied up and set aside by the main door for now.

When all she had left were the two largest creatures, Adelle looked around for something that she might be able to use with which to actually deal some damage to the things, though if there was nothing then she would set her backpack down about 6 feet out of their reach and look down into it for her armor piercing and incendiary bullets, which she would choose some of her armor piercing ones and load a mag of them into both guns, leaving her with a couple of more mags for her pistols just in case. She would then take careful aim with her guns and fire at the creatures, hoping that her armor piercing rounds did the trick so that she could go and get cleaned up some before heading back to the bar to collect her pay.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

After doing some monster clean-up and looting of what little there was, Adelle could find one huge set of coveralls that managed to hide her jubblies, though it was pretty oversized everywhere else. It made her feel vaguely like she was dressed in a huge bag. Doing the sweep on the pods was a job unto itself, and had her sweating slightly afterwards, which was not helped too much by the follow-up collection of the smaller ones.

Going for the primary cause of the trouble, Adelle found her armor piercers to be proving handy, as was the fact that she had her target pinned against the wall with no chance to wriggle around and distort her aim. She had to empty six-round cylinder into each of the monsters to finally stop the from flailing their tentacles around. For some reason, she could not find her clothes on the grabbbier one anymore. But once she looked more carefully, she could see a small bit of bra strap at the top of it, and a hint that it actually had a hole in the top. Maybe the top of the body opened up like the pods, which would give the creature some ability to eat things. Apparently, the clothes seemed to be just fine a thing to shove in there.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Getting rid of the pods was fairly simple, though time consuming to say the least, and the coveralls she'd found were large, probably a fat man's clothes that worked here. By the time she gathered the smallest pods into the bag she'd gotten out she sweating like mad, making her breasts stick to the inside of the coveralls a bit in the process. After she cleaned up with all of the smaller pods of both kinds, Adelle loaded her guns up with her special ammo and put a full mag from either gun into both creatures, taking care of them once and for all.

"Well where's my clothes you stupid thing... oh there they are. Eww man, I won't be able to wear these out of here without cleaning them," Adelle said, as she saw her clothing, where she moved over and reached over into the hole on top of the creature that had her shirt and bra, pulling them out so that she could take them over to the water and clean herself up some.

She took her clothes back over to the water, reloading her guns along the way with some of her regular bullets again where she holstered them and took off her backpack, setting it down on the floor next to the washer thing. Pulling the hose connecting the washer to the water tap, Adelle turned the water on and took the coveralls off along with her shorts and panties which she set aside to prevent them from getting wet, where she used the coveralls as a rag of sorts to wash herself off of the slime and sweat she'd accumulated in here, then she rinsed shirt and bra off and and put them back on after putting her panties and shorts back on once she dried herself off a little bit.

"Okay, now to go and get my pay and see how late it is... maybe I'll have time to go over to the wrestling place before I need to take those two to the alley near Rachaela's," Adelle said to herself as she redressed and headed for the door, snatching up the garbage bag full of the littlest pods she'd gathered and disposing of all save a single one of them, which she would take and show to Shiulin when she got back to the bar to collect her pay. Then she looked in her backpack at the ones she'd already collected and made sure that she had just 2 of the smallest pods and the one she'd stuffed into the garbage bag earlier, disposing of the rest that she may have gotten before.
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Pulling out her clothes, Adelle found that they had been thoroughly slimed and would need to be washed if she wanted to wear them and not feel all icky. Luckily there was a hose of watery rescue just on the other side of the hall, and she could use that to make wearing them a bit more plausible. The tops were still a little moist after the cleaning, but at least Adelle got to do things in more familiar clothes and not in a huge canvas bag. After cleaning herself, the girl took the bag with all the small pods that she had gathered and dumped it into the drainage hole, briefly moving the box off so she could do that. After seeing the bag vanish into the dark and hearing a combined splash and thump, she decided to move on after collecting what little she had decided to take along, namely the trio of small pods in the backpack and the one big one still in the other bag.

Approaching the bar, Adelle pulled out one of the small pods to prepare and show it to the haughty replacement manager. The gathered hunter clientele showed little sign of acknowledging her entrance, though a few gave her nods and raised glasses at her, along with a few of the usual long looks. The fact that her shirt was moist would surely only be an encouraging factor to those. Once she had taken a seat and showed Shiulin what had been the issue, the girl gave the pod back. [COLOR="DarkRed]"Eww, those. Not sure what they are, but I don't want to deal with it."[/COLOR] she said, going for the stash box and getting out some cash that was handed over to Adelle. It was a fairly small pay, but her job had not been all that big either. [COLOR="DarkRed"]"So, how is the place now? I assume the hostiles are taken care off?"[/COLOR]
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Her clothing was still quite damp after washing them off, but it was better than the coveralls she'd found and was wearing at least. Dumping the garbage bag into the drain hole after moving the box from over the top of it that she'd moved to hold it down, Adelle got rid of all save one of the little critters, which she held onto as she got her backpack back up and hefted onto her shoulders which held the other three critters she'd collected and was going to keep for now.

Heading back to the bar without much trouble, save the breeze hitting her top and making her nipples erect in the process, Adelle got back and went inside. Nodding in return to those that nodded at her first, and smirking at the few that stared at her wet shirt, she went over to Shiulin and placed the little pod on the desk, where it was promptly handed back to her.

"Yeah it's taken care of, found quite a few of these things, along with some larger ones, and a couple of huge ones. Weren't very troubling to deal with, but they were fairly tough to hurt, but they were slow so it worked out. The huge ones nearly got the better of me, but I managed. The drainage grate is how they got into the warehouse by the way, ripped it clean off the bolts in the process of entering the place. I pinned the two huge ones to the wall with the forklift, so you all may wish to clean it off before using it again, and I put the grate back over the drainage hole and put a crate on top of it to hold it down until it can be repaired," Adelle said, informing Shiulin of what all had happened over at the warehouse, and that she'd cleared it out, and that while the bigger one were tough they weren't too hard to handle.

With that, Adele took her pay and looked around over at the clock to see the time, checking to see if she'd have time to head over to the wrestling place before time to show those two to the ghostly wraith thing that chased her the night before.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Alright, good job. I'll send out a cleaning crew tomorrow to see what needs to be done and deal with it accordingly. There is probably a whole lot of the leftover matter remaining that needs to be removed before that place can function normally again. They will know what to do." Shiulin told Adelle after the busty girl had given her report, writing something on a notebook afterwards.

Checking her watch, Adelle saw that she had a few hours before dark remaining, though it was kind of late still. The books at her other place of profession had likely been closed by the time, and she would most likely not get a match even if she went to ask for it today as the spots had been filled already in all likelyhood.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Nodding her head to Shiulin as she spoke, Adelle smiled and got up, shaking the woman's hand before turning to leave. "Yeah I didn't think I would manage to get rid of the larger ones by myself so I did kind of just leave them. Now tell them to be careful too because it's possible I missed one or two of the little buggers, because they were all over the place and all, but the smaller ones shouldn't be much of a problem really for anybody really," Adelle said as she got up.

Checking the clock she saw that the booking was surely closed by now and that she wouldn't get a match in before she needed to leave for the other matter to attend to later that night, so she decided to head on back to Rachaela's for now and check the wrestling place the next day or something. Waving to everyone in the place, Adelle headed for the door and went out, heading back to Rachaela's to see if everyone was back yet or not from their day's adventures and to see if Rachaela and the others learned anything about Margaret in their travels that day.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Leaving the bar for that day, Adelle headed out after finishing her dealings with the hunters for now. She made her way back to their temporary base of operations, Rachaela's home in the wealthy district of the city. The trip was uneventful and the people were beginning to get less and less active towards the approach of the night.

Eventually she got home, and found everyone there, though Lacrimosa had not brought Sho back with her. Maybe it was a good thing, and maybe the dragon cyborg had his own things to attend to. He did mention that he too was a bounty hunter, so maybe he had some job to do for them and collect the pay to maintain his body. Something that precise would surely need regular maintenance, after all. "No, there were no catches. It's like we are looking for a needle in a huge city..." Mariela grumbled about their inability to find clues as to where they should be looking for Margaret or her associates. But more pressing than that was the attention that Adelle's bag was getting. All of the sisters seemed to be quite curious why she had brought a big plastic bag into the house and what it contained. Rachaela even asked for the thing, while the remaining three did not come quite that far with their curiosity.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Making her way to Rachaela's was relatively easy and uneventful, with nobody accosting her along the way thankfully. Upon arriving there at the richer girl's place, Adelle went on inside and found that everyone had returned from the day's travels and whatnot. She noticed that Lacri hadn't brought Sho back with her which was probably a good thing as he was rather large, but then again Garagan was pretty huge too. When she asked if they'd found anything out once she got inside and Mariela answered her, Adelle nodded her head at her friend.

"Don't worry Mari, I'm sure we'll find her soon, I can feel it," Adelle said to Mariela, hoping to cheer her friend up somewhat, as she seemed kind of pissed that they hadn't found Margaret just yet, though she couldn't blame her that much really from what she'd heard about the woman.

When Rachaela asked her what was inside of the garbage bag that was in her backpack, Adelle set the pack down and looked up at her. "Yeah I found a lot of these things in one of the hunter's warehouses that I was tasked with clearing out earlier, said it was infested with them. I didn't know what they were and I was curious, so I brought a couple of them back to see if you knew what they were exactly Rachaela. Careful though, he likes to latch onto you and play tug of war, but I believe he's too small to actually do much harm, I've got a couple more of them that are even smaller than this, because I thought they were interesting," Adelle said to Rachaela, pulling out the garbage bag and untying it just a little to let Rachaela peek down into it at the creature inside, asking her friend if she could identify the thing for her. "There were a couple of huge ones even bigger than me with a score of tentacles each give or take, but I took care of them fairly easy all things considered. I'm assuming that they came up from the sewers, but I've never seen anything like them before," Adelle added to Rachaela, shrugging her shoulders a little as the smaller girl took a look at it.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Oh yes, Lacri did say that you went to take a quick job. Looks like you managed alright, though it appears you had to get wet." Rachaela remarked as she waited for the explanation of the bag and the contents, apparently not being one to miss little details. Once she got a look, the girl tilted her head. "Oh, that is a roper pod. I don't know much about them, but some sewer missions have gone into encounters with them. Since they looks somewhat threatening with those tentacles, they have always just destroyed everything that these things produce and the creatures themselves before any real contact could be made. I could not tell you how they are since all the encounters with them that have been reported back to the guild have been pretty much ones that ended in their quick elimination." she continued, Isabella breaking into the conversation with something from her own experience. "I remember encountering one of those when I was out on a mission with another guy from the guild. It was in the sewers alright, and the thing had little chance as we riddled it with incendiaries before it got anywhere near us. It was that slow."

Having told what she knew, Rachaela went back to her seat. "I'm not sure what you plan to do with those, but that is your business. You can store them here in the house for now, but see that they do not make a mess while you do so. Garagan will frown at you if they cause a mess."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Yeah I kind of got soaked from the slime that these things got all over me, and one of those huge ones managed to snatch my shirt and bra off of me, drenching them in the stuff, which I washed off with some water at the warehouse," Adelle said when Rachaela mentioned the fact that she'd gotten wet, then she nodded as she continued on about what the thing's were. "A roper huh, well as long as it has a weak point I really don't care, just in case I run into some again later on, because I had to plug these bastards with a full mag of armor piercing rounds just to take them down all the way, thank the gods they were slow as a snail. And I'm not entirely sure what they were going to do had they grabbed me, but if what they did to my clothes was any indication at all, then they seemed to want to eat me... I think," Adelle went on to say after Isabella joined in, looking unsure really about the things trying to eat her.

"Oh don't worry, I won't cause a mess, have no worries there. I just thought they looked interesting is all and was wondering what they were, so I grabbed a couple of them or so to show you and see if you knew what they were exactly is all," Adelle said to Rachaela when she asked Adelle to try and not make a mess with the creatures, as she didn't want to be kicked out by her and especially not by Garagan, as he could probably throw her halfway across the city from the looks of him. "Oh yeah, also there was this woman there instead of Samson today. The bartender said Samson's been on vacation for a couple of days and wouldn't be back for maybe a couple of more or so. Her name was Shiulin. You girls know her by chance? If so, what can you tell me about her, because she seemed like a bit of a bitch honestly, as if she didn't really care what happened to me when she gave me the task of dealing with these little guys here and stuff, and the other hunters seemed to not like her much either," Adelle added, gesturing at the roper pods when she mentioned Shiulin to the girls, where she then retied the bag and placed it into her backpack for safekeeping for now, perhaps to dispose of it the next morning or when she got back later after the ghost in the alley.