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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The leftover tentacle slime came off easily enough with a good wipe, the blood never quite getting onto the girl's coat. The smell of the transparent slime was faint, but it was a recognizable odor still. It was the smell of love. With the mildness of the smell, it should not remain on the coat sleeve for too long after being rubbed away. While the thing had pretty blatantly gotten on her case, Adelle found that she could whip her coat away and inspect the tentacle without disturbance. Much like the look of it, the pod could have been a plant but had warm and fleshy areas on it, while others were solidly rough and devoid of warmth. It was most certainly not a plant, appearing to be a possible ungrown form of something entirely different. The egg shape suggested as much, though one could only guess how a ball that was the size of a human head managed to produce such a long and thick tentacle.

Taking a look at the surroundings, Adelle could see two different corridors forward between the shelves, and some further paths beyond the two of them. All in all, it was four different lanes that headed towards the opposite wall. Similar egg spots could be seen on the shelves, not in any particular order or pattern. Most of them were still small, but a few that could be seen were about the size of the one that had just been dealt with. So there might be grabby happenings if the busty girl strayed too close. About halfway down the lane that was now at Adelle's right, there was something that resembled a small and thick tree trunk, standing about as tall as she was. It had holes along the lenght of it, no clear order to them, and even some roots. While the main body was brown, the roots were green, sharing a color with the egg that had just been poked. For some reason, Adelle could swear that she saw the roots twitch now and then.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Inspecting the plant looking thing after cleaning and taking her coat off and sniffing the slime that had come out of it, which thankfully hadn't been damaged by the blood that came off of the creature, brought to her attention that the thing smelled faintly of sexual juices, which was curious to say the least, Adelle thought. After looking closely at the thing and finding that it had warm and fleshy bits that were part of it, Adelle came to the conclusion that if it was a plant, then it was the strangest plant she'd ever seen, but it looked more like an alien life form of some sort than a plant, to Adelle at least.

Adelle then looked ahead to see the pair of corridors between some of the shelves before her. Lining the shelves, Adelle saw plenty more of the little egg shaped things, some about the same size as the one just a few moments ago and some smaller ones. Adelle, never having seen the things before, decided to grab a couple of the smaller ones, since they were littler and would be easier to handle most likely, where she then placed them into the front pouch of her backpack, then she would wrestle around with one of the ones that was like the one at the door until she wrestled it down into her backpack too, using a bit of rope to tie it up if need be in order to do so, though if it proved too difficult to get it tied down and into her bag, then she'd take her hat off and stuff it inside of it, then place that down into her backpack with her coat over it so that it couldn't escape, thinking to herself that someone should have a look at these things to see what they were exactly. She would grab a second one of the same size that grabbed her before if she could manage to fit two into her hat, but if not then she would move on with just the one larger one and the two smaller ones she'd grabbed instead.

Once that was taken care of, she looked around some more and saw where the larger tree like thing was at, which was on the last lane that she looked down. It was as tall as she was almost, and she could have sworn that she saw twitching from its roots, but she wasn't sure. She didn't think she had anything on her strong enough to cut that thing down with, or to destroy it without using her guns, which she didn't think was a smart idea as if there was anything else in this place then it would hear the shot and come to investigate. She decided to just leave the tree like thing for now, thinking to herself that she would take care of it one her way out, since it didn't seem capable of going anywhere very easily what with the roots and all. With that, Adelle headed down the lane adjacent to the tree thing, to see what was at the far end of this room and seeing if there were other rooms to check before beginning her cleanup of the place, keeping an eye out for more of the smaller egg shaped things like at the door and dodging them when possible, while slashing them down with her sword if they got too close or managed to grab hold of her.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Getting the small pods off from the shelves and wall was easy, the material that bound them them to the surfaces not really holding up against any applied pull. They were neatly gotten and stuffed away without any hassle, to await further inspection, maybe. It was not entirely sure what would happen to them.

Going for the bigger one was another matter. The one that Adelle grabbed had somehow stayed inert despite her approach, even letting her pull on it. The binding between it and it's chosen shelf surface proved to be much tougher a bond to break, requiring some extended effort as the girl's mighty pull succeeded greatly, still only managing to take the head-sized clump off only partially as it was not apparently happy about the attempt of relocation. Before she could pull again, the top of the pod opened up, the tentacle coming out rapidly and wrapping around Adelle's head with quickness. It wound around her forehead, not apparently having enough sense to set the tentacle over her eyes to cause temporary blindness and have a better chance at keeping her down. It was still a fast and surprising maneuver, ending up with Adelle's face pulled right against the opening where the tentacle had appeared from. She pulled back reflexively, avoiding a second tentacle that tried to poke at her from within as she got away from the slimy entrance. This one was smaller, not reaching too far, but it had tried to poke into some place in her face, most likely the mouth or one eye. Despite the succesful retreat, Adelle was still being pulled and had acquired slime on her face, the tentacle that still grabbed her adding some more of it with each second it kept a hold.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Grabbing the smaller pods was relatively easy to get and stow away, the sticky substance holding them down almost like glue in a way. Once she'd stuffed them into her backpack for safekeeping for the moment, Adelle then went on to attempt getting one of the larger ones. The larger one she picked out to try and get into her pack amazingly didn't try and grab her like the other one by the door did... at least not at first anyway. Pulling on the thing proved to be difficult, as the stuff holding it onto the shelf was a bit stronger than the smaller ones had. For all of her pulling though, Adelle was only able to get the head sized bit pulled off a little bit before the thing appeared to not like what she was doing to it.

She began to give another pull on the thing to get it loose from the surface of the shelf when its tentacle came out and wrapped around her forehead, which Adelle tried to shake off at first, while attempting to pull the thing again to stow away for safekeeping and later study, figuring that Rachaela may wish to study the thing. She had to pull herself back as hard as she could though as the thing tried to pull her face down into the opening of the pod, where a second tentacle was waiting for her, which she thankfully managed to avoid that one for now. She was still being pulled towards it though, and she may have to destroy it before it did something to her that she may not wish to happen, which was that second tentacle it had likely shooting into her mouth.

"Eeew! Stop that please. C-Come on big guy, just calm down alright, I'm not going to hurt you, I just want to take you to my friend okay. So just come... loose... and get... into my bag for now alright. I'll play tug of war with you later," Adelle said a she struggled with the thing as it rubbed the slime all over her face, using one hand to pull the tentacle from around her head, while using the other to gently caress the thing's main body and even reaching in and caressing the inner tentacle to see if that would work to pacify it for long enough to get it and wrap it in something like a sack to put into her backpack to stow it in there for now so it didn't get slime all over the inside of her backpack. However, if the thing wouldn't relent with trying to pull her in and calm down, allowing her to remove it from the shelf and put it away, then Adelle would have no choice but to stab it with her sword just as she had the other one by the door, which she would do readily and without a second thought.

Regardless, once that was dealt with one way or the other, Adelle wold head on down the corridor towards the end of the shelves to look around for doors leading to other rooms, avoiding the tree like mass on the farthest aisle by going down the adjacent shelf aisle.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

While it was not exactly sure what the pod felt about being talked to and petted, Adelle managed to exert enough force with her neck and arm to pull away from the tentacle, which did not try to grab her again. The touch on the inner tentacle felt as slimy and warm as the one that had grabbed her head and the one from before. The main tentacle retreated, somehow coiling back inside the pod it had emerged from. Before Adelle could move into her next idea, she had her arm stuck inside the pod as it closed to prevent any further interaction between them. She probably looked pretty silly if someone was there to watch, though that was very, very unlikely. With her arm almost up to the elbow in the strange mass, the girl could feel the warmth and the increasing slime secretion that was happening inside. She would have a pretty slimy hand once it was out.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Hah... come on you, give me my arm back, I need it. And be a good little... whatever you are and get in my bag," Adelle said as she attempted to pull her arm out of the pod when it closed up upon her caressing the inner tentacle, making her feel a little silly at the moment with he arm elbow deep in the thing.

The warmth was rather pleasant to say the least she had to admit, but the slime... not as pleasant really. Wondering yet again what these things might be, Adelle pulled her arm out of the thing, or tried to at least, where she would then look around for a sack of some sort to put it into which she'd place in her backpack for later study, unless she had a sack of some sort in her backpack she could use that would fit the thing that is, in which case she'd use it instead.

If it came down to it however and she couldn't get her arm out any other way, then Adelle would hit the thing with her free hand, slapping it a couple of times to encourage it to release her, then if that didn't work she'd draw her blade, stab it and be done so she could move onward and check the rest of the warehouse for more rooms and whatnot that she may need to clear out, after cleaning her hand and arm off a little first that is.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle gave the pod a pull to try and get free, but there was no compromise. Instead, the thing just sucked her in a bit more, now reaching the girl's elbow. As she was not having her way, she began to slap the side of the pod, the violence only encouraging it further and leading the two into a strange tug-of-war with one side managing to get their way only to be returned to the stalemate the next moment. This went on for a minute or two, and Adelle most likely got bored and maybe a bit disgusted as the slime inside was increasing each passing second. Once she drew her blade, the pod had completely submerged her arm in the warm slime. But before she could poke the thing, it gave up, slightly opening up the top to allow the girl her arm back. Unfortunately, it also released a large gush of slime with the arm, the stream of fluid ending up on the floor and splashing onto Adelle's feet and lower legs. Now, she had slime not only all over her arm, but on her feet as well. Once the release had happened, the pod sealed up without the need to poke it any.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As she played tug of war with the pod, as it didn't wish to release her arm any at all, she saw it trying to pull her arm in more than it had. Slapping the thing a couple of times seemed only to encourage it to suck her arm in even more, which made her grunt at the effort to try and pull herself back out again. They tugged back and forth on each other a few times until Adelle drew her blade to jab the thing, feeling that she needed to end this as she went to stab it, but just as she was preparing to do so it released her arm, a massive rush of the slime within the thing pouring out all over her feet, drenching both them and her arm in the process of it.

"Ugh... well that's not very nice, and he didn't even buy me dinner first, little bugger," Adelle said as the slime poured out all over her, trying to at least remain cheerful somewhat despite being drenched in the fairly sweet smelling slime. "Well at least I don't gotta kill it, but you are going in my bag whether you like it or not," Adelle muttered under her breath, looking around the warehouse for a sack to stuff the thin in, unless she had one in her backpack she could use as she checked it first, surely she could find an empty sack to use in a warehouse like this.

Once she found a suitable sack, Adelle came back with a determined look on her face, where she would toss the sack over the thing, then force it into it, which she would then stuff down into her backpack after tying it shut so the thing couldn't get out inside of her backpack, finally moving on to explore the rest of this warehouse.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Despite getting herself a slime splash, Adelle did not seem to give up getting this strange pod home with her. Going back to the entry room, she could find a roll of black plastic bags, the ones that usually were used for trash. Putting one of them into another would give her a solid enough bag, and once she had secured the bag, the girl went back to her weird prize. It took some further yanking and pulling to get the pod loose, but eventually it was in the bag.

With the bag shut and her specimen collected, Adelle only managed to find herself in a new situation. What she had assumed to be a tree turned out to be something completely different, having moved from the earlier position and was now only a some distance away, coming from behind the gap in the shelves. The "roots" appeared to be what it used for legs, the things moving it along on a slow slide. The thing shook it's top around, looking like a silly bobblehead almost, and made a garbled khee hee sound as it approached. Once it was completely out in the open and not between the shelves, the holes along it's body spawned tentacles, exactly like the ones Adelle had dealt with already. There was something around 20 of the appendages present once it had completely used up the holes along the body. The body, along with the number of tentacles, were now coming towards Adelle, something clearly attracting it towards her.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Finding a roll of some black garbage bags at the front, Adelle grabbed a couple and shook them open, then stuffed one into another to make it a thicker and more secure bag, which she then took back to get the pod thing and put it inside. Pulling and tugging on the pod, she got it into the bag and tied it up, leaving a very small bit open so that air could get inside just in case it needed some air to keep from dying.

With that done now, Adelle cleaned herself off some of the slime, as best she could anyway, where she then looked around and prepared to move on with her exploration of the place. However, she now found herself with the large tree like thing at the end of the row of shelves she was between in front of her, blocking the way she was going, making her jump with a start as she saw it. It was coming towards her as she took a step back for every move it made towards her, and as it moved towards her, Adelle saw the holes had tentacles like the one she'd just gotten through tangling with in the littler pods, all but telling her what they grew up into at least. She saw nearly a score or more of tentacles coming out of the holes she saw on the tree thing's body, which scared her slightly, as she doubted she could handle that many.

"Oh damn... don't think I can take on that many, one was hard enough but... twenty. Damn, I guess this was one of the things Shiulin mentioned I needed to get rid of, but... it doesn't really seem that dangerous honestly. I wonder what these things are, with this many of them around like this they've got to be plants of some sort surely," Adelle muttered under her breath as she stared at the thing coming towards her, taking a few steps back in the process.

Adelle, not knowing anything else to do, drew both of her pistols and took aim at the thing, waiting until she got a clear shot at it before squeezing the triggers on her guns, aiming at the holes that the tentacles were coming out from while trying to stay out of its reach so she didn't get grabbed, as she figured she probably wouldn't get free once grabbed by the thing.
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

With the strange creature slowly sliding towards her, Adelle knew better than to just stand there. She fired at the thing, the loudness of the gun not apparently too much of a bother to the monster. While she aimed well, the rampant wiggling that was going on managed to cause enough of a bother to not make her hit accurately, the shots hitting relatively harmlessly onto the creature's tough body instead of the tentacle holes. All six of the bullets ended up doing only slight damage to what might be the outer shell of the creature. The monster kept on coming, closing towards Adelle in a slow but steady pace, tentacles flicking little trails of slime into the air as they flailed around in what was possibly excitement of sorts.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Firing all six shots from her pistols, Adelle just couldn't manage to hit the holes she was aiming for because of the writhing and flailing tentacles whilst the body itself wriggled around almost as if it were swaying out of the way of her shots. Her bullets did relatively no damage to the thing like she'd wanted them too as well, and the thing kept coming at her slowly, really making her more frantic as it didn't even really slow the thing down. Adelle checked her guns to make sure she wasn't out of bullets in their mags as she kept backing up as much as possible in the process, to buy time as she went down another of the shelf aisles, luring the thing along the whole way and keeping a close eye on it, just barely glancing behind her to make sure she didn't bump into the shelves or the wall or something else.

"Damn, come on, what is this thing made out of?" Adelle asked under her breath as she took aim once making sure she still had bullet left.

Taking careful aim again, Adelle fired at the thing again, the first two shots from either gun directly at the creature's center mass to try and make it stop wriggling around for a moment, and then at four of the holes, one shot each, hoping to at least scare it back a little while she looked around frantically for something that she might be able to push over on top of it, like a stack of boxes or something.
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Not before long, Adelle would come against the wall as she backed away, but there were other lanes she could go to in order to create more space between the two of them. But she managed to cause some harm, hitting two tentacle holes and disabling two of the limbs with accurate shots. It was still only a minor setback apparently, as the monster kept on coming despite the wounds. The girl was now out of bullets on both guns and had to do something besides stand there. On the current lane, there were no real usable objects, all of the boxes remaining neatly on the shelves instead of laying around on the corridor. The adjacent lanes might not be as clear, though Adelle could not say for sure from the current position she was in. The tentacle thing had arrived from the one corridor on the right, while the other was still unknown to the troubled girl as she had not had the time to peek there yet.

Adelle 5/5 FP 0/10 AP
Roper 6/8 HP
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As she backed up more and more, Adelle bumped against the wall and stopped, where she panicked a little and took her shots at the thing, a pair of which slammed into a couple of the thing's tentacle holes, taking them out of commission for now. Now however she was out of bullets in her guns and needed to move... now, before the thing caught up to her since it barely slowed down ever with its wounds.

Panicking a little more, Adelle figured that surely the other corridor would be clearer than this one, and she needed room to maneuver so that she could reload and dodge at the same time. Rushing over to the other corridor as the thing followed her, Adelle began reloading her guns with her speed loaders that she had, trying to keep the distance between her and the creature as she looked back upon making it to the other corridor, backing into it as she finished reloading and taking aim at the thing again, taking more careful aim so she didn't waste her bullets this time.

"Come on, gotta hit it," Adelle whispered as she squeezed her triggers again.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The retreat gave Adelle good time, the roper not only having less speed but more mass, facts that did not do it too well when a chase was conducted. She could almost load up in peace as the creature worked to close the distance, doing it pretty darn ponderously. There was no line of sight between them once Adelle entered to the yet unknown lane, taking her out from danger for a moment. This new lane still did not have any stray box piles, but a forklift was parked on the opposite end of the corridor. Unfortunately, there were some hinderances along the way as well. A whole slew of the larger pods had made their nests here, about a dozen of them residing on the lower shelves of the lane. Getting across could be a huge hassle, and another big monster just moved towards the lane where it's friend was making it's way towards Adelle. This second one was not apparently aware where she was, but had somehow been alerted by the first one.

Adelle 5/5 FP 0/10 AP
Roper 6/8 HP
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The fact that the creature was quite large was working well in her favor Adelle saw, the thing being much slower than she was. She had plenty of time to reload, finding that she didn't even need her speed loaders to do so in fact as she made her way around into the new lane, leaving its line of sight for the moment... or what passed for its line of sight at least.

"Whew, can take a breath and calm down now for a second," Adelle muttered under her breath as she turned around to look down the lane she had entered.

Looking down the lane, she saw the forklift at the far end, which she thought she might be able to use to take on the bigger creature, maybe run it over with the thing or pierce it with the forks on the machine. However she saw that this particular lane was filled with the larger pods like at the door all along the bottom shelf, which would probably try and trip her up as she went through. Peeking back around the corner of the shelving, Adelle saw a second of the big tree like creatures shambling out into the lane with the other one as it came towards her, apparently not having spotted her just yet at least.

"Oh come on, another one," Adelle whispered, shuddering at the sight of the new creature though as she peeked back around at them both, not wanting to know what they would do should they grab her.

Dammit, she thought to herself, she wasn't told that she'd be fighting something that's damn near immune to bullets, and she doubted that she'd get close enough with her shortsword to deal much damage to the things before getting snatched up. Sighing softly, Adelle looked to see if she could make it back around the corner of this shelf aisle and around the adjacent one, assuming the new creature wasn't coming from there that is. If she could make it around there before they got to her, then Adelle would slip around the corner and rush down it towards the forklift to check and see if it worked or not. Though if she couldn't make it to the adjacent aisle before the creatures, then she had no choice and she would rush through this aisle as quickly as she could, jumping over the tentacles as they reached out to grab her as needed.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Doing some quick looking, Adelle could find out that she was still indeed being followed, the first monster still coming after her and slowly pushing itself into the space between the back wall and the shelf. It would be upon her soon, as soon as it would make it to the same lane. Seeing no other way out of it, the busty girl took her change with the tentacle corridor and dashed onwards.

First two pods failed completely as Adelle sprinted onwards, their slimy grabs having little effect in the overall scheme of things. The third one got her, pulling on the girl's wrist as she strayed too close, but ultimately did little as the first tug against it loosened the hold and let the captive go. Her stumble led Adelle to being grabbed again by the next one as well, this one managing to hold her for some ten seconds before she broke loose again. After the fourth, she made spectacular progress through the majority of the grabby limbs that came after her. She could see the second monster coming between the middle hole on the shelves, and the first one had arrived on the lane as well, but that one was on the far end of the hall. Only on the last one dis she have real trouble, as this particular one managed to trip her and hold on as the girl landed on her boobs. While it was a minor setback, it might turn out to be a huge one if the delay was too long. The second big monster might catch her, after all.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Seeing no chance of ducking into the adjacent aisle, Adelle knew that she'd have to take her chances with the smaller tentacle pods. Starting her sprint down the aisle, she dodged the first pair of tentacles sweeping out at her, jumping over them completely, while the third one managed to grab onto her wrist as she passed. She grunted and pulled at the thing to break free, which let go on the first tug as she broke free. However her breaking free caused her to stumble a bit where the next one grabbed her. It took her a few seconds to break free, and after that she managed to make very good time against the rest of the tentacles coming at her as the second of the larger creatures slipped its way through the gap in the shelves towards her while the first one entered the far end of the aisle. The last small pod's tentacle snatched her legs out from under her though just as she was about to make it out of the aisle, causing her to land hard on her chest, though thankfully she had some nice large cushions to keep from hurting herself too much.

"No dammit... let me go, come on come on," Adelle said frantically kicking her leg in a panic as she aimed her guns at the nearer of the two larger creatures to try and hold it back long enough to break her leg free to continue onward to check that forklift. She would unload all but one bullet from her bigger gun into the creature, which if she hadn't broken free by that point she'd pull her leg to make the tentacle pull straight that was holding her leg, and she'd put the barrel of her gun to it and pull the trigger, splitting the thing in half as she broke free, where she would quickly reload her guns while making her way to the forklift to check it and see if it was in working condition.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

In her panic, Adelle began a frenzy of activity, firing and struggling. She had little success with struggling, but managed to hit and slightly delay the oncoming monster with a succesful shot. After the third bullet, she managed to nail the tentacle against the floor with her heel, giving her the much-needed release as the bigger tentacles from the approaching monster were almost on her. In fact, she actually some slime drops onto her, the flailing appendages coming that close to her before she could scamper onward and get up before getting into the open control space of the forklift. The keys where there, and the machine started surprisingly smoothly. She would have to make a further decision soon, as the tentacles were slowly approaching her and would eventually reach her even in the cockpit as there was no solid set-up of walls around the controls, and by that way her either.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Struggling with the tentacle around her ankle, Adelle pulled and tugged her leg to try and break free, while simultaneously firing some rounds into the creature coming at her. At first her struggles were for naught as the tentacle was holding her quite securely and didn't seem about to release her, but as her third bullet came out of her gun, she managed to get her heel around over the tentacle where she slammed it down, forcing it to release her ankle so that she could roll back and away from the creature that was nearly on her, which barely slowed down from her bullets... though it seemed to have been enough to give her the chance to get away for the moment.

Scrambling back to the forklift, Adelle climbed on board, wiping the few droplets of slime that had fallen on her from the creature's tentacles before she'd managed to get free in the process. She found the keys in the thing thankfully and cranked it up, the machine coming on without any trouble as a result. Looking back at the creatures, Adelle saw that she had them both lined up perfectly in this lane, giving her the chance to maybe take them both out at the same time perhaps if she aimed right.

"Alright you stupid things, gotcha right where I want you," Adelle muttered as she eyed her targets, which were lined up perfectly for her in the aisle together, sounding sure of her plan.

Pulling the forklift out from where it was parked, Adelle backed it up a little bit so that she was angled properly, where she then drove it right towards the creatures in the aisle, aiming the forks around about the creature's midsections as she went towards them so that she could at the very least pin them to the far wall if the forks didn't pierce the things, as she didn't plan on stopping until she reached it, whether the forks of the machine pierced the creatures or not in the process of her driving. As soon as the forklift reached the far wall down at the end of the aisle the creatures were in, Adelle would jump out and back off if she could and had managed to either pierce or pin both creatures.