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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I think it should be enough. It is a last few items deal, after all." the woman told Adelle as they left for the changing rooms. Lacrimosa decided to remain in the store area, the last glimpse of her being something of a bewildering scene as the nun sister picked up a huge, bright yellow dildo with a shameful yet analyzing look on her face. It was all that the busty girl could see before they made their way behind the corner, where the changing area was. The man saw an opportunity though, and he could be heard talking to the sister as the two went along their way.

The changing room was actually surprisingly spacious, but that might be a thing to expect from an offshoot store that was related to something as big as Isolda's was. A triple mirror lined the wall, one straight ahead of the user and two in angles on the sides of the centermost one, enabling for some further perception. Even though Adelle needed to undress for trying on the clothes, the lady owner did not leave her alone, remaining in the booth with her as she took her heavier clothes off. It was not a simple perverted function though, as her clothes were neatly set aside in hangers, the woman doing all of it for her. Once the busty girl was in her underwear and bra, she was stopped. "You don't need to go farther, this is enough. Your other clothes will give enough way to show how well this one fits." she was told, and soon enough, she was trying out the skirt bottom. It was somewhat odd to see a bottom that was both a skirt and undies, but it worked. The garment was helped on by the owner after Adelle had gotten them halfway up, the rest of it going by the older woman's guiding hand. She adjusted the things on just right, making them feel very natural even as they were set on Adelle's underwear in a layering fashion. Still, she was not completely spared of unwanted attention, the woman holding her in a very sexual way at one point. It was first at her waist, and a little bit on the butt afterwards, but the skirt was there and they made no actual skin contact. Looking at the woman from the mirror, the blue-haired girl could see that her "assistant" was enjoying herself with the task.

From there, it went to setting up the top of the costume, which was pretty corset-like by itself. It was not designed to be restricting to the midsection however, and felt more natural than a corset most likely did. Again, there was some sexual motions in play as the top went on, the owner doing a thorough job to set the article onto Adelle. She was especially careful with the chest, as her customer had a considerable set to manage, and guided both of the melons to their place. Anyone who would have seen that would instantly called molestation on the scene, and it certainly felt like a case of molestation too, as all the hands going around on top of the cloth were giving the busty girl a hot and slightly bothered time. But before she could make a scene of it, the groping stopped. "Look at that. Like it was made for you." the owner told Adelle, now simply leaning against her with her hands on the girl's shoulders while she peeked at the mirror over her shoulder. And as she came to realize it, the girl found it was true. The costume really did fit her like a glove. "I knew it was good. Now, look at this here..." the woman spoke up again, in a lower voice that went directly to Adelle's ear while she slid hands down along the girl's body. It had a reason however, to show that there were further miniscule hooks in both parts that enabled them to be linked together. "With these, getting the clothes off will be a bit harder... I doubt you will need them, but... Just another thing that you might want to know..." she told the customer before taking a step back and let her do all the admiring and inspection of the clothes she wanted without further distraction.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As Adelle followed the woman back behind the corner towards the changing rooms, she glanced over her shoulder at Lacri to see her looking curiously, yet shamefully at a quite large yellow dildo, which made Adelle giggle a little bit as the nun did so. She faintly heard the man talking to Lacri as she went around the corner, likely trying to persuade her to buy the dildo, Adelle figured. Once inside the changing room, Adelle looked at herself in the mirror as she undressed herself, while the woman watched her and took her things and set them on some hangers for her to keep them from getting on the floor or anything. When the woman stopped her from undressing further, Adelle stopped and looked at herself in the mirrors, turning this way and that to see herself from every angle that she could manage, admiring herself in the mirrors.

"Okay, thanks. But I didn't mind undressing all the way if it would have been better. And thanks for helping me out here, I really appreciate it," Adelle said to the owner lady as she helped get the clothing onto the young busty girl.

As the woman helped her along with getting the skirt up and on Adelle felt her hands roaming a bit, which made her smirk a little as her butt was groped. Adelle glanced into the mirror to see that the woman seemed to be enjoying what she was doing to Adelle quite a bit, but it didn't bother her really all that much, as for one she was used to attention such as this over the last two to three years, especially when her breasts grew to the massive proportions they now were. When the woman's hands went across her belly and or sides at any time during the whole dressing maneuver, Adelle would giggle ticklishly, being unable as ticklish as she was around there.

When the bottom of the outfit was done and on, Adelle grabbed the top part and let the woman help her to get it on, giggling again, though more playfully than anything as her breasts were groped by the woman. "Mmm, that feels kind of nice," Adelle cooed softly as her breasts were molested by the woman, even though she was helping to get them into a good position in the outfit, her nipples getting hard under her helper's fingers and probably making her smile even as Adelle blushed pink with both arousal and embarrassment at what she'd just said. "Um... sorry about that, that is kind of... arousing the way you're groping my breasts like that. B-But thanks for the help, I really needed it I'm sure, because my stupid breasts are so huge and all. I kind of wish they were a little smaller sometimes... but... well, my mom told me to never think like that, because they are a part of who I am, and that if they were any smaller really then I wouldn't the Adelle I now am," Adelle added after a few moments, still blushing a little bit while she laid her hands atop either breast and repeated what her mother had told her a year or so before when Adelle had said to her that she wished they hadn't gotten so large.

Shaking her head again as the woman stopped her groping, Adelle looked forward and back into the mirror again, admiring her new outfit as her helper spoke once more. "Yeah it does fit really well considering, from the looks of it I didn't expect it to fit quite this well honestly," Adelle said, leaning back when the woman whispered in her ear about the little hooks linking the outfit together. "Oh thanks, you're probably right though that I may not need them, but you never know. Knowing about them may come in handy somehow. Thank you miss. I'll probably be coming back to here to buy more stuff later on most likely, so when I do I'll ask you for help alright, because you've been so helpful to me so far. Is there anything else you might recommend for me perhaps? For whatever reason really, just wondering if you had thoughts on what I could do to improve my... look and whatnot, to make me look nicer and or sexier. Also... do you all have any books about sex here? I'm... not very experienced or anything and I'd like to learn more about it, find better ways of... well you know, pleasing my partner... or my opponents in the ring," Adelle added to the woman, smiling at the owner lady as she asked her opinion on her looks and whatnot and how she could improve them, and if she had any books she could learn more about sex from.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Hmm, well there is a little preparation there, as these particular pieces were designed towards bigger-than-average wearers when it came to the chest. Isolda and her sister got these, for example." the lady explained the reason why the costume went so well onto Adelle, even with the latter's almost absurd boob size. When it came to the confessions that Adelle had, she was did not come out with any real ideas right there. "I don't think I am the right person for that, being the kink type that I am. It's something that you have to find on your own. But I will be here to provide the clothing if our designs match." she replied, a thoughtful expression followed by a somewhat mischievous smirk when the latter part of the mentioned things came to the conversation. "Pleasing your partner? You mean that nun girl? Well we do have some books, but I think experience is a far better teacher in these things than a book can be." was the answer given, the sly expression still remaining there.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Cool, I honestly didn't imagine that these kinds of clothes were specific for a girl of my breast size really, or rather for girls with larger than average breasts anyway. And I apologize for asking such a silly question like that, but I've honestly got very little confidence in my own looks, I've been like this since my breasts started growing to alarming sizes and all now that I think of it, and being around so many beautiful women like I am and all makes me kind of envious and sparks a desire in me to make myself look better," Adelle said, shrugging her shoulders as the woman answered her first question and whatnot.

When the woman showed her mischievous smirk and answered Adelle's last question, about learning some about sex, Adelle blushed as the woman asked if she meant Lacri and told her that experience was a better teacher than anything really. "O-Oh no, not Lacri out there... I... well I mean I have had a couple of dreams and stuff about her, and she's really pretty I think... and I'm kind of a lot more attracted to girls than I am guys and all, but she's a really really big masochist and stuff, which I'm really not into all that much. I mean don't get me wrong, I'd be okay if you spanked me or something, or even got out a riding crop or whip or something, because a couple of my old friends said those things can be fun, but Lacri is... into some pretty heavy stuff, which would probably kill me if I tried, or they'd hurt me so badly I wouldn't be able to do anything for a month or so at least. But I was looking for something that could tell me the most pleasurable points on a person and stuff like that, things I could then maybe try out for myself as soon as I... you know found someone to practice them with," Adelle replied, stuttering a bit as she answered the female shopkeeper, blushing a bit as she imagined herself and Lacri again in the back of her mind, with Lacri being like that woman the other day that raped her.

Gods why couldn't she get the thoughts of that night out of her mind? Sure it had been a terrible situation and all that. But had it really affected her that much? Had she really been idly thinking about sex and being dominated by a woman like that since that night? Now that she thought about it, deep down in her mind, Adelle was even now thinking of what this woman here might do to her had she the chance and time, and Adelle remembered that she thought about what Prixy had wanted to do to her had her and that guy beat them the other day. Why was she thinking this? Blushing, Adelle looked up at the woman and asked her if she could help her out, where she would then tell her about these thoughts... all about them. "What does it mean miss? I mean you seem fairly... experienced with sex and that kind of thing. Ever since that woman hermaphrodite woman raped me the other day, I've been having these thoughts. They've been ever so subtle though, hitting me when I'm least expecting it, or while I'm dreaming. I mean just last night I dreamed that Lacri out there was like that woman and had a penis and all, and that she climbed into my bed with me and... then she had her way with me for hours on end and I enjoyed every second of it. Am I... becoming nothing more than a sex crazed slut?" Adelle said a few moments after she finished explaining all of the lewd dirty thoughts she had been having since she was raped, blushing as she spoke.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"That harsh? Hmph, I don't think we are a good store for her then. The things we sell are not really usable for that kind of enjoyment." the woman said as Adelle informed her about how Lacrimosa had fun, apparently now back in full business mode and away from the semi-rapist she had been just a little while ago. But the further confessions seemed to draw the rapist out again, the mention of getting raped and the dreams causing some further discomfort for the busty girl as she was grabbed from the back again. "Sounds like... You need to get laid..." she said, going back to the earlier low, seductive tone of voice while grabbing Adelle's sides. It was another feint though, and she backed off after a slightly teasing minute or so. "Buuuuut, that is nothing I have here. We deal only in associated items and clothing. Maybe find somebody later? Sounds like you need a strong and commanding dom." the owner suggested, most likely not missing the mark too much.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Yeah, she has her manservant do some... quite harsh things to her, but I can kind of understand why somewhat at least. She's losing the ability to feel things, her sense of touch and whatnot. She told me the only way she can feel... well, anything really is through pain. Which is sad I think, because nobody should have to endure pain just to feel pleasure or anything for that matter, plus she's got it in her head that she deserves it for some reason... I don't know why. I've been telling her ever since we met that she doesn't deserve it and that she's helped me more than just a couple of times so far since I came here, but she won't listen to me unfortunately. Please don't say anything to her that I told you about this, because I wouldn't want her to hate me for it or anything, even though I don't think she'd get that mad about it," Adelle said as the woman said what she did about Lacri and them not carrying items for her kind of pleasure or whatnot, shrugging her shoulders. Though she felt a little bad about telling about Lacri, but she figured that the woman here would be discreet about it and whatnot.

Adelle had noticed that the woman seemed to be going back into her business mode again as they talked about Lacrimosa's... pleasures or whatever you'd call them. Though when she continued on and spoke more about her rape and dreams over the past few days, she felt the woman grab her from behind again, which Adelle sighed softly at, enjoying the closeness somewhat. When the woman said that it sounded to her like Adelle needed to get laid, Adelle's cheeks turned red with embarrassment as the woman let her go. "S-So what should I do then? T-To find s-someone that I prefer I mean... like, a-another girl. I mean... if at all possible, maybe it would be a good idea to find a girl like the one that raped me the other day, t-to get these lewd and dirty thoughts out of my mind I mean. But I doubt I'd find one like that very easily most likely. Do you know of anyone that could help me out perhaps? Either like that girl from the other day that raped me, or otherwise, j-just someone that could help me with these dirty thoughts that wouldn't mind helping me out. Because I don't really know anyone in this city that well yet myself," Adelle asked the woman as she glanced over her shoulder, still standing in front of the mirrors as she looked back to them and turned around, keeping her eyes on the mirror so she could see her backside in them and liking what she saw.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"That sounds like a story alright. I have a sneaking suspicion that your friend might have been involved with some heavy-duty cybers in the past. With the commonplace nature of those things at this age, there have been reports of bad side effects and worse happening to some of the users. Or so I hear." the store owner threw in what she most likely thought was the case with Adelle's curious friend. Considering what the busty girl herself knew, there might be some truth in there.

As to Adelle's further questioning, there seemed to be no answer to be found in the owner lady. "It is not my place to do that, but I could always direct you towards the main business in this very same building. I am not intimately familiar with the people there, even if Isolda was a friend of mine. Basically I knew her, her sister and a few select men who liked some punishment. We had a few times where I punished them and discussed matters, but that is all I can say." was the reply given concerning that.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Hearing the woman tell her that she suspected that Lacri was involved in cybernetics in the past and what they can do to people made Adelle quite curious to say the least, as she hadn't expected that in all honesty. Though now that she thought of it, the cybernetic implants that Lacri had that dulled her pain and allowed her to regenerate from damn near any injury making her unable to feel much else did kind of make sense. She didn't say any more on the matter and just thanked the woman for bringing that to her attention, that it hadn't been something she had thought about all that much really.


"Ah I see, well... maybe when I'll come back through when my friend isn't with me then and... take a look around, see what or who rather I could find that would be able to help me out. Though... I've heard that the area around this place can be a bit dangerous, so I'm a little scared to be around here at night honestly. Plus I have a lot to do today and all, but thank you anyway miss, for helping me with the clothes here and everything else. Um... how much do I owe you now for this outfit and the accessories that came with it?" Adelle replied to the woman, starting to undress again and change back into her old clothes, where she would carry her new outfit out to the counter to pay for it, where after she did that, she would ask Lacri if she had anything she'd like to go and do now.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Suit yourself." the woman replied to Adelle comment about going over to the main building that housed Isolda's business. She left before any further things could be said, leaving the busty girl alone for a while so she could exchange clothes in relative peace. Once the issue of payment came up, there was a realization that she had paid less than expected yet again. Maybe the fact that she had let herself be molested or the talking time had made the owner drop the prices a bit more. The accessories had the same basic designs on them as the dress itself, making for a complete set quite handily. Despite her earlier weirdness, Lacrimosa had not gotten anything from the place, not even that outrageous dildo. The man looked a bit grumpy, most likely dissappointed at the idea of not managing to make a young and undeniably attractive nun buy some sex toys.

"Well... We might do well if we visited Zacharias. I don't know..." was Lacrimosa's answer. She seemed to have a bit of hesitation going on, maybe something that the visit they had done caused.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"W-What do you mean by that exactly? Should I be worried?" Adelle asked the woman hesitantly, sounding a little tense as to what she meant by what she'd said, though Adelle didn't press the matter if the woman didn't wish to speak further on it.

Once she was changed and all and had paid for her new outfit, Adelle realized that she'd paid a bit less than she had figured she would have to pay for this particular outfit, which was good indeed, as she'd have enough left over to get some lunch and still have some left over after that as well to shop some if she wished. Perhaps the woman hadn't charged her as much because she'd talked so much to her and or that she'd let her grope and molest her a bit earlier when she was changing into the outfit. Regardless when she'd come back out and got everything, she saw that Lacri had apparently put the dildo back up, likely too embarrassed to get it. Adelle would tell the man if he tried to sell her any toys that she already had some to use when and if the mood struck her.

After they'd left and everything and Lacri had told her that they might want to go visit Zacharias, Adelle nodded in agreement. "Yeah we probably should head over there and let him know we're alright, and to see if he's heard anything about Margaret. But... is something wrong Lacri? You seem... a little on edge about something," Adelle said in response to heading back to Lacri's place, noticing the hesitation in the nun about moving onward. "Is it about that shop Lacri? If you really wanted one of those toys then I wouldn't have minded getting you one Lacri... if that's what's wrong that is. I'd like to know what's wrong so that I can help," Adelle added as they headed off towards Lacri's place, with Adelle taking Lacri's hand and holding onto it as she spoke kindly to the nun, leading acri back to her home so they could speak with Zacharias about what all had been going on.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"It's... nothing." was the very brief response that came from Lacrimosa. The rest of the way went relatively quiet and peaceful, even in the more secluded areas they had to pass through in order to reach their destination. The cathedral home seemed to be as it had been before, and entry revealed it was indeed the case. Zacharias had been doing his duties even in Lacri's absence, keeping the place spotless, even as the activity around there had been pretty much non-existent during her time out. The two of them started a brief and to-the-point discussion about what was going on, both explaining what they had been doing before the nun took the discussion into the facts that they were staying at Rachaela's for at least one night more. Like before, there seemed to be little concern in the servant, who was most likely used to his Lady's eventful life.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Are you sure Lacri? I really don't mind listening if there's something wrong. I mean hell, as much as you've helped me, I feel more than just obligated to help you in return, you're one of the closest friends I've got here in the city. So please if there's ever something bothering you or you just want to talk about something, anything at all, don't hesitate to come to me... okay," Adelle said to Lacri as they headed towards Lacri's place, letting the nun know that she could tell her most anything and she'd be willing to listen no matter what.

When they arrived back at Lacri's place, they saw that Zacharias seemed to have been doing his job regardless of Lacri's absence. After a brief discussion of what all had been going on with Margaret and what the two of them had been doing since they left the little church, Adelle looked over at Zacharias. "Have you been okay here by yourself Zacharias? Just come over to Rachaela's place if something happens around here and you need help alright," Adelle said to Lacri's manservant, hoping he was alright here by himself and that nothing would happen to him. "Yeah I may stay at Rachaela's for a while after this is all over, since I procured myself a nice bike from one of Margaret's assassins the other day," Adelle added to Zacharias.

Once they had explained everything to Zacharias and all, Adelle waited for Lacri to get ready, without rushing her or anything. When Lacri was ready to leave, Adelle would head back to Rachaela's place with Lacri in tow to see if the others were back yet and had managed to find anything out about Margaret while they were out, asking them what all they'd found out once they got there. If they weren't there when Adelle and Lacri got there though then Adelle would tell Lacri that she'd be back shortly as she got her new outfit and about a third of her money in her pack, then she'd hoist it up onto her back and head over to see Samson and talk to him and see if he had any work for her to do that day, something easy that shouldn't take too long but paid fairly well.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Of course, I have my duties. While it is somewhat less enjoyable to perform them without my Lady around, I will bear with it and not falter." the man told Adelle, pretty much confirming his unwavering loyalty to Lacrimosa. It would likely take a something ridiculously big to shake that dedication. The girl pair eventually departed, starting their trip as there was little to do besides stop by at the nun's home and tell Zacharias what was going on.

Before they got too far, Lacri stopped her walking. "There... Is actually a place I'd like to visit..." she said.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Heh, that's actually something like what I figured you'd say to be honest Zach, Lacri must be proud to have someone a friend and helper as loyal as you," Adelle said to Zacharias when he said what he did to her.

Once they had finished there and were ready to go on, Adelle would lead Lacri out and start heading on down towards the bar that Samson was always at. When Lacri stopped her though and told her that there was a place she'd like to visit actually, Adelle smiled and nodded to her friend. "Alright Lacri, just lead the way and I'll follow," Adelle replied to Lacri, gesturing for her to take the lead and not really asking any question save one. "How far is it? If it's too far I suppose we could take my new bike," Adelle added, following Lacri on to wherever she wanted to go.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"No... There is no need, it is not overtly far away from here..." Lacrimosa mentioned about the place they were heading towards, but saying nothing further about it.

The two of them spent a decent time navigating the streets once more, the path keeping them mostly on the poor sections of the city, most notably the outskirts. It began to rain as they went, but that seemed to have little effect on Lacrimosa, even as the sister was wearing her dress of the sisterhood. Adelle was probably a bit less bothered with her leather coat and hat. Eventually they turned to a tight alleyway between some abandoned buildings, one that had just enough space that the two of them could walk there side-to-side, though that was not the case as the nun went first. Thankfully for them, there was a flimsy-looking metal roof over the alley, one that still managed to hold of most of the rain. At the end, there appeared to be a dead-end, but one side had a similar metal panelling on it as the roof was. Lacrimosa moved it aside, knowing that there was something on the other side. Since there were no real signs of others, it could be assumed that there had been no real human activity in this particular alley for a while now. No words seemed to be needed as the nun went ahead and entered the other side via the gap between the two obstructing plates of metal.

On the other side, there was a small space that was about the size of your average prison cell. A shoddy bed had been dragged there, along with a bookcase that held some literature on it still. On the far end, the semi-roof was broken away, the open space underneath being occupied by a simple wooden cross on a mound of dirt. A simple iron pendant hung on the middle of the monument, and as Adelle could possibly guess, Lacrimosa made her way to this grave. The rain that was falling over it seemed to have little effect towards her, and the nun settled in front of the makeshift burial monument, once again having the need to pray.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Very well then, lead the way Lacri. I'm right behind you," Adelle replied to Lacrimosa as the nun lead her through the city streets and down some backroads along the edges of town.

While they walked on, Adelle felt a couple of raindrops land on her hand and looked up to see that it was quite cloudy as the rain began coming down, though it bothered her little as her coat and hat protected her from it and prevented her from getting wet much at all really. She followed Lacri on further until she led her to a place in a wall that seemed like a dead end where Lacri moved the wall a bit which allowed them entry to another area. She looked into the area that Lacri had revealed and followed the nun inside where she saw a grave within, which Lacri immediately went over to and knelt at to pray. She wondered who it belonged to, this grave. It must have been someone important to Lacrimosa to have gotten her wanting to come here all of a sudden like this. She wanted to ask... but she was a little scared to do so, as she didn't want to stir up bad memories for the poor nun, so instead she moved closer to the grave and looked closely at it to see if it had a name on the cross as she knelt beside Lacri.

If she didn't spot any names on the thing, then Adelle would glance over at Lacri, feeling the need to do what she was about to as she gently wrapped an arm around the nun's shoulder. "I don't want to ask who this was, in case you don't want to talk about it, but if you do want to talk Lacri and tell me who this was... then please don't hesitate. You're my friend, one of my closest friends here, so if you want to talk I'll listen... I don't mind," Adelle said softly to Lacrimosa, only when the nun was done praying though and not before.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

There was no detectable name to be found on the makeshift cross, so Adelle could not really make it out that way. Only the pendant was there, and it was not something she could use as an identifying tool. Most likely only a select few knew about the bearer, Lacrimosa being one of the surefire suspects since she had actually gotten the two of them there, to this well-hidden former abode and now grave site. Eventually, the busty girl could have some of her curiosity satisfied as the nun came back up from her prayer posture. "The one who rests here... in this back alley soil... was once my master... For combat skills, that is... He lived here... and died here too... he had a vow of poverty and did not desire much in the way of worldly possessions... this is all he had back then... Still... he taught me hand-to-hand fighting..." was the reply. The vow part made a lot of sense, considering how sparse and small the little hidey-hole house was.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As she sat there beside Lacri while she prayed, Adelle merely continued her silent pondering as her friend took her time to finish her prayers. When Lacri was finally through praying and answered her questions, Adelle gave her friend a sad smile when she told her who the grave belonged to.

"I'm sad over his loss Lacri, I really wish I could have known him in life. He must have been a really good person to take a vow of poverty like he did, and for you to look up to him like you obviously did, and still do I'm sure," Adelle said to Lacri, trying to give the nun some words of comfort for the man that she apparently looked up to greatly. "Whenever you're ready, just let me know alright, I'll leave you alone for a few minutes if you want some time alone," Adelle added to Lacrimosa, letting her friend know that she didn't mind staying until Lacri was ready to leave.

When Lacri was ready to move on, then Adelle would follow her out of the area, asking her where she wanted to go to now, and if that happened to be back to Rachaela's place then Adelle would bid farewell to her friend for now, telling her that she was going to go and see about maybe trying to get some work, where she would head over to see Samson. If Lacri wanted to accompany her however then Adelle wouldn't say no to her and would lead the way over to the bar to talk with Samson about any good work about, as well as asking him if he or any of the other hunters had spotted Margaret around the city.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

After a brief waiting period, the two of them were in a position to move out. It appeared that Lacri had done enough to appease her mind about her one-time mentor who now rested beneath the city soil. It appeared that she was happy to have him at such a peaceful spot. Maybe there could have been a better final resting spot, but the nun seemed content about this.

Once they came out, there appeared to be something that might be trouble. There appeared to be someone waiting for them, and they did not appear to be human in more than the humanoid frame. The being seemed to be vaguely dragon-like in appearance, sporting a complete set of mechanical armor that included claws on both feet and hands, along with a set of snappy jaws. It was not easy to say what they were doing or what they thought about the two, for the expression on the robotic dragon head was hard to analyze for mood or expression.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As Lacri finished up within the grave sight, Adelle saw that the nun seemed to be quite happy all things considered, and that she didn't appear to dislike her mentor's final resting place. Adelle knew there was more to the story behind what Lacri had told her already, though she didn't know what of course, but she was sure there was something.

As they exited the place, Adelle looked up to see a strange robotic looking dragon like beast of some sort that was just sitting there in the alleyway they'd come down. She didn't know exactly where it came from, or if it even was a robot, but... whatever the hell it was, it was creepy to be sitting there waiting on them to come out from where they'd been. "What the hell is that thing?" Adelle quietly asked as she stared at the thing while it sat there. "I don't really like the looks of this, something all but waiting for us to exit that place. Maybe we should try and sneak around it, unless you know what the hell it is or something. Regardless though, I'll follow your lead Lacri, since you are the better up close fighter after all," Adelle said, suggesting they sneak around the thing unless Lacri knew what it was exactly, though regardless, Adelle would follow Lacri's lead on whatever the plan was to get out of there, assuming it didn't turn into a fight... in which case she would point her pistols at the thing and fire a round from either pistol into its legs to immobilize it.