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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The place was equipped well enough that Adelle could have a chair for herself. Asking about their captive brought a pondering look upon Rachaela. "Hmm, I cannot say anything entirely sure about that. It might be a few hours or it could be tommorrow. Should not still be too long, though." she said. Now that she was out from battle and more on a thinking mood, Mariela was gripping her glass furiously at the thought of this turning into cat and mouse. "Have to play with us... fucking bitch..." she muttered, only barely avoiding cracking her drinking vessel. The others noticed this too, and sighed at the sight in almost unison.

There appeared to be no real thing for them to do, so it was up to Adelle herself what she wanted to do.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

After finding herself a chair to sit in while she sipped her drink, Adelle listened to Rachaela's reply as to how long the nurse could be asleep, sighing as to how long it could possibly take overall for her to awaken. She couldn't help but notice how angry Mariela seemed to be, as she was gripping her glass so hard that it was about to break if she gripped it any harder. She also noticed that the others seemed to notice this about Mariela, with their mass sigh. She knew that it was none of her business, but she had decided in her mind and heart that because these girls here had helped her so much since meeting her, a complete and total stranger, that she would try and help them as much as she could when she could.

"M-Mari... it's alright, we'll find her. So please... don't let it get to you so much okay. It's playing right into her hand if what all I've learned about her so far is right, she's smart and she knows you all, which means she knows how to anger each and every one of you so that you'll not stop and think things through in a calm and collected way. I promise you that we'll find her, one way or another," Adelle said to Mariela, hoping to help calm her friend down somewhat so that she wasn't so angry about all that had happened with Margaret, because she knew that they all needed to be at the top of their game if and when they did finally fight Margaret, and Mariela being so angry about the games Margaret appeared to be playing with them would only cause her to get hurt... or worse, and Adelle didn't want her friends to get hurt. She would do just about anything to prevent them from getting hurt, including allowing herself to be hurt in their place if that's what it took and she knew there was no other way to do so.

If this worked and calmed Mariela down even a little bit, Adelle would then suggest that they all get something to eat for lunch, that they should go ahead and keep their strength up for later just in case they had to do some more running that day in search of Margaret.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

It was totally not enough to dissuade Mariela into calming down totally, but she seemed to diffuse somewhat. If nothing else, it saved one of Rachaela's drinking glasses from an untimely shattering. "...Fine..." she muttered, putting the glass down.

With the latter suggestions, Rachaela was first to act. "Not sure if it's lunchtime anymore, dinner seems more appropriate at this hour. Let's go." she told the others, leading them away and leaving Garagan there with the woman while the girls left. The burly servant would surely be able to handle any trouble if it came along. The group went into the kitchen, which housed a good deal more of equipment and foodstuffs than the other places Adelle had been in before, a thing to be expected from this majorly big house. "So, who wants to take part? I am decent enough at this, but it will be a project by myself. Also, I need some ideas as to what we should be making."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle watched Mariela as she spoke, and saw that it didn't completely calm the girl down, but it was a start at least, she thought to herself. "I know it's hard Mari, but you can't let her get to you that much. Or else it's just going to eat away at you until you go crazy," Adelle said to Mariela, turning to Rachaela after she answered her question.

"Yeah I suppose it's true that it's closer to dinner than lunch," Adelle agreed, following Rachaela along with the others into the kitchen. When Rachaela asked them all who wanted to help in the cooking, Adelle bounced forwards raising her hand like a little school girl trying to get the teacher's attention. "I wanna help I wanna help, and... something fried I think... or grilled if you've got a grill instead. If we've got a grill to use here, then I say we do barbecue something nice... maybe some chicken or steaks. If you've got them that is Rachaela. But if you have no grill then I say we fry us up some porkchops or chicken, and make all of the fixing for both of course, mashed potatoes, corn, and such," Adelle said as she bounced up and down, making her breasts jiggle dangerously, suggesting a couple of things to the others to eat, not really picky about what to eat and if the others all agreed on something else then she would go with them and help cook whatever they wanted instead.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Rachaela had an answer to things, like she always seemed to have. With a point, she directed Adelle's attention to a curious integrated grill in the kitchen machinery. It was probably not operated by gas, but would be able to perform what it was needed for. "I think we have both of those meats, Garagan buys a lot of food each time he goes out. He does eat as much as he looks like he would." the little sister told her as she looked into their sizeable fridge that was pretty impressively stocked, considering how the other sisters were."Pick whichever you want."

In addition to Rachaela, there were the three others, but only Lacri was willing to or decent with the kitchen to volunteer as further aid.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Hearing from Rachaela that she had a grill of sorts, and that she had lots of meats and other foods, Adelle perked up a good bit and hugged Rachaela, just scooping her up and spinning her around a time or two before setting her back down, where she then headed over to the fridge. "Alright then, let's see if you've got any chicken wings and I'll barbecue us some up just like my dad always showed me how to. Just gotta get the spices and sauces to add onto the mix after we marinate them for a few minutes and we'll have us a helluva meal going," Adelle said, moving over to open the fridge and see if there was an abundance of chicken wings for them to get out and cook, though if there wasn't enough wings for them to use and barbecue so everyone could eat some, then Adelle would fix up some chicken tenders and barbecue them instead on the grill, but she was sure they would have the wings if Rachaela's words were any indication.

Remembering what Rachaela said about Garagan eating as much as he looked like he would, Adelle would get out a bit extra so that he could have plenty as much as he wanted as well and that there would be a bit left over for them to pick at in the morning for breakfast or as a midnight snack. When Lacri offered to help out with the cooking, Adelle told her to get some potatoes out and wash them good and slice them into chunks with the skin still on, and for Rachaela to get some good fresh corn on the cob if she had any, as well as the necessary things to make some fresh bread to eat along with the rest to complete the meal.

After that, Adelle would work on the chicken first and foremost, getting it prepared to put on the grill while Lacri worked on cleaning and slicing the potatoes and Rachaela worked on getting the corn out and starting on the bread. After getting the chicken in to marinate for a few minutes, Adelle moved to help Lacri finish up with the potatoes, getting some aluminum foil to wrap up several portions of the potato chunks, which she then slapped onto the grill to cook after placing a small chunk of butter in each foil wrapped portion, then she go the corn cobs set up in a similar manner, wrapping each with a small chunk of butter and placing on the top rack of the grill to cook. Then once she had the rest on the grill, she finished preparing the chicken wings and the sauce on them, placing them all on the grill and getting them cooking as well alongside the potatoes and corn cobs. After she had everything on the grill and going good, she would move to help Rachaela out with the bread, moving back and forth between there and the grill to check on the rest of the food while helping the smaller sister roll the dough and fix it up to put in the oven. Adelle was thinking that none of the sisters had ever eaten a meal cooked in such a manner before, so she was wanting them to eat some of the good home cooking that her parents used to make when they could do so, since she wasn't as good a fighter as they were and all, she could at least make them a good meal to have.

Adelle kept a close eye on the grill and the food therein, checking it every couple of minutes after the bread was baking in the oven. When the food was all done, Adelle fixed the table up with any of the others that wished to help if they hadn't already done so that is, and then she would serve them the food. "Now you girls get to eat a good country style meal from where I came from. I hope you like it, as I did my best to cook. Also Rachaela, what sorts of drinks do you have? If you've got any of it, then a good beer goes well with this type of meal, but to each their own and all that," Adelle would say to them as she got the platter of her chicken wings out onto the table, getting a beer if Rachaela had any, but taking anything else if she didn't. She wasn't the best chef in the world by any means, but having helped her parents cook sometimes over the years, she did know how to do so quite well herself and was quite good at making something delicious with little to work with.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The whole spinning thing had Rachaela cast some silly looks at Adelle, but she was on top of the situation like always. "Not sure what that was all about, but good that you got it out from your system." There was no massive wingpile to be found, so they had to mix and put some tenders in addition to them. Aside from that, things were pretty much as the busty girl planned and she could execute the ideas without any real lack of ingredients needed. The only real thing that needed to be looked after was Lacrimosa, as she accidentally cut her finger and was somewhat fixated on taking a lick at her finger when blood came out. It was a distraction big enough to warrant the others left out to see that she had a bandaid but on it to stop the obsessive behaviour.

With everything ready, they went to the next room, which was a dining hall of some size. The only one of the four who actually wanted beer was still Mariela, the others refraining from it and taking something else with their BBQ. And then, the eatings began in relative silence as the girls began to take whatever they wished from the pile that was waiting for eating.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

While she didn't find all of the chicken wings she'd wanted, she wasn't all that sad about it as there were some of them to go with the tenders thankfully, so it all worked out in the end. Then, as they were doing the preparations and Adelle noticed Lacrimosa cutting her finger, she stopped and helped her clean it off, while the others got her a bandaid to put over it, to keep her from licking it afterwards.

"Gotta watch out when peeling potatoes like that, I've cut my fingers up a bit before too," Adelle said as the others doctored Lacri's finger.


Once they were all sitting at the table with the food sitting in front of them, Adelle grabbed a beer for Mariela and herself, while the others got whatever they decided to drink, where she then began piling on some of the chicken wings and tenders, taking a few of each and making certain there was plenty left for everyone else as she then piled on all of the fixings that she and the others had made to go with it all. As soon as Adelle had her plate full of food, she began demolishing the food there, tearing into the first of her chicken wings after popping the top on her beer and taking a swig.

"Should one of us go and get Garagan now or wait until one of us gets through eating? So that miss nurse in there doesn't perhaps wake up and sneak out on us. I suppose I could fix him a plate and drink and take them in there for him real quick if he's hungry though," Adelle asked Rachaela, willing to get up and do so for the big guy if Rachaela said that Garagan might be hungry.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

There was a kind of reverse size/food ratio going on with the sisters, as Lacrimosa was the one to eat least while Mariela was outdoing the others with her stack. Rachaela was out from this though, and stayed at the same levels of meat and drink as Lacrimosa did. "If you want to do that, sure. I think he would be thankful." the mage replied as Adelle pondered the option of taking some food out for the bulky man still looking after their so-called captive. While it was almost certain that the nurse would not be able to escape, there was always reason to be careful.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"M'kay then, I'll be right back then," Adelle replied to Rachaela as she got up after finishing off her first wing, getting a plate to put Garagan some food on.

She piled on a half a dozen wings and tenders onto the plate, a large serving of mashed potatoes, corn, and a couple of large pieces of the bread they'd made, taking him a beer and a bottle of water, as she wasn't sure what he'd prefer to drink after all. When she got in there to him, she'd hand him the plate of food and set the two drinks down on the coffee table or something. "Here you go big guy, I thought you might like some of this delicious food too, but I wasn't sure about what you'd prefer for a drink so I brought some water and a beer for you to pick from. Hang on and I'll get you the coffee table over for you to use," Adelle said to Garagan with a wink, sliding the coffee table over for him to set his plate down on and use to eat.

Once Garagan had begun eating and had everything he wanted, Adelle told him he was welcome once he thanked her for the food, and then she went on back to the dining room to continue eating her own food. Once back, Adelle tore into her food once more, devouring all on her plate quite voraciously. "So girls... do you like it?" Adelle asked them as they all ate, a slightly hopeful look on her face.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

It appeared that Garagan was as not too picky about what to devour, and was actually willing to have both of the drinks offered. "Much thanks. Do not worry about her, I can subdue her with one hand if need be. Go on and eat in all due peace, you did seem to be the one to make this food." he told Adelle as the first bits of meat began to vanish into that huge hole of a mouth. "Lady Rachaela would not make something this... simple. She always seems to want to do things in difficult and time-consuming ways when it is about food."

Once she got back, Adelle found that Mariela had already gone well over half of the pile she had picked up. By the time she got to ask the question, a loud burp was pretty much the answer that told the blade sister's opinions about the meal in the best way possible. For their own parts, the others were liking the fare, though Rachaela was a bit unsure if the greasy stuff was good for her. Still, she did not seem to mind eating the offered fare, and had no problem with downing any of it.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Alright Garagan, I'll trust you to keep an eye on her, and yeah I made it mostly, but I had Rachaela's and Lacri's help to do it to do a good bit of it," Adelle replied to Garagan, watching as the big guy started devouring his food. "I kind of thought she might like some fancier foods and the like, and while I don't mind them and all, I figured that since all that had happened earlier that we should try and get some good food in our bellies a bit quicker," Adelle added to the big guy as she headed on back to finish eating.

Once back and eating some more and after asking her question to the others, Adelle smiled as Mariela was destroying her food, and barely suppressed a giggle as Mariela let out a belch in answer to her question, the sound bringing joy to Adelle as she knew that Mariela at least liked it a lot. When Rachaela voiced her thoughts on it, seeming somewhat unsure as to how good it was for her, Adelle nodded her head knowingly. "Yeah I suppose that it isn't as good for a persons health to eat greasy foods and the like, but every once in a while is alright. Besides, the meat is the only really greasy part of the meal and since it was grilled and barbecued there isn't quite as much grease as there would have been had I fried it instead. But I'm sure it'll be fine Rachaela," Adelle said, trying to ease any fears the mage sister might have about the food.

Once they were all done eating and full, Adelle would help get the dishes up and taken to the kitchen where she would set about washing them, figuring since she was the one that made most of the mess with the dishes and all that she should be the one to clean it all up, though she welcomed the girls help if any of them offered to do so. Other than that, there wasn't really anything else to do other than wait for the nurse woman to awaken.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Hmm, I suppose that is true. I should not really be that concerned, all things considered. This kind of food finds itself on my plates pretty scarcely, anyways." Rachaela pondered, eventually reaching the end of her food pile. With that, Adelle was free to do dishes, Isabella volunteering to take part in that chore since she had not previously done any real work towards their dinnertime. Mariela stumbled away to a side room to fall down on a couch and snooze off the pile she had eaten while the mage sister remained to see how the dining hall was after the dishes had been taken away.

Some time later, in the early evening, it finally appeared that there seemed to be some signs of life coming back in the nurse.
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Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I can understand that Rachaela, no worries at all really, it's just that this is the kind of food my family always cooked because we couldn't really afford fancy steaks and stuff like that," Adelle replied to Rachaela as they ate, understanding that Rachaela likely wouldn't eat stuff such as that very often, what with her living in such luxury as she did and all.


Taking the dishes to wash them all, with Isabella's help, Adelle washed the dishes, while Mariela went off to take a nap, and Rachaela cleaned the dining room up some after they ate. Adelle would go and check to see if Garagan was doe with his food too before finishing up with the dishes, cleaning his as well along with the rest. Once they were done with that, Adelle would head on back into the living room to sit and wait around for the nurse to awaken.

A little while later after dinner, the nurse woman looked to finally be waking up somewhat, and Adelle almost jumped out of her seat, calling for the others to come in there, that the nurse woman was awakening, and that they could ask their questions soon. She then turned back to keep an eye on their captive until the others arrived in there with her.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

There was no need to tell the others twice, as they were quite soon there when called, Mariela especially. Within the next few minutes, there was a barrage of questions aimed at the recovered nurse, who didn't seem quite as threatening now that she was unarmed. Despite the volume of questions and the blade sister's occasional near-physical method of approach, there didn't appear to be too much they could get out from this person. No matter how many times it was asked, she claimed to be a prospect member and not privy to even the guild's hideout location, much less to something like Margaret's personal hideaway. "I've just been on call for them. Whenever there was contact, I went with my orders or followed the other members. That's all I can say."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The others were in the room quite quickly when Adelle called for them all, Mariela being the first pretty much. Adelle let the girls all ask their questions to the nurse woman, listening intently to see if she gave away anything that she was trying to keep secret, trying to commit everything to memory for later use. She also noticed that Mariela was being quite rough in her questioning of the woman, with Adelle thinking that Mariela might soon throw a punch at her or something for not giving them what she apparently didn't have, which was Margaret's location.

"Well then where were you and that guy supposed to go after getting rid of us? Surely you would have been paid for it and all. So you must have a place where you were supposed to meet in order to collect said pay. And what other members exactly? Are you with some sort of guild?" Adelle asked, this being her first questions to the woman, and some things that she noted the others never asked, with them all mainly focusing on trying to get Margaret's actual location out of her instead of the location the nurse woman was to be paid... likely by Margaret or someone that knew where she was or would be.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"The payment was supposed to be handled by Ray, I did not have anything to do with that. They don't trust prospects enough to deal with them directly until the one member guiding them feels it safe to introduce us to full membership." the nurse told Adelle as she asked. "What did you expect? I am, or more likely was, a prospect member of the Assassin's guild here in the city. Not that I ever had real contact with others than Ray and Margaret."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I see, so you have no idea where Margaret is or where she will be then, also I'm fairly new to this city myself, so I wasn't sure if it was an assassins guild or the adventurers type guild I work for with the girls here," Adelle replied, having her questions answered, she thought for a moment more before glancing back to the nurse, another question having popped up. "And you weren't supposed to meet up with Margaret anywhere afterwards to tell her you'd completed your mission?" she then asked, after which she really went back to the listening position she'd been in before that, letting the others speak with the nurse some more if they wished while she tried to think to herself where exactly Margaret could be, assuming the nurse girl didn't tell her where Margaret could possibly be after she'd asked her second question.

Adelle of course knew that it could probably be thought of as her just rewording one of her previous questions, but she was thinking to herself that she might either be able to catch the nurse girl in a lie, or she might respond differently instead.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Most likely I won't be at this point. Once Ray's death is found out, there won't be further contact with them, unless they decide that I need to be silenced. I assume you did kill him?" she asked back, the question getting quickly and bluntly proven true by Mariela and her grumpy mood. "Oh well. Like I said, there was no intention on Margaret's part to meet me. She said that she would find Ray at some later date to pay him both of our parts, but that is not going to happen if he is dead and they know about it."

The other girls seemed to have little else to ask, and soon there was a silence hanging in the room. "This is soooo annoying. What am I going to do now..." the nurse broke the silence, rolling on the couch.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle listened to the nurse girl talk, nodding her head a little sadly when they were asked if they had killed Ray, who must have been the biker guy that the others were fighting. After everyone seemed to have finished asking their questions and Adelle thought about it for a moment, she honestly felt kind of bad for the girl. She of course knew that it was kill or be killed in the situation earlier, and that she couldn't afford to have just surrendered to them or anything like that, but she still felt bad, especially when the nurse rolled around on the couch, seeming to almost be asking them as well as herself what she was going to do now that her link to the assassins guild was gone and that she likely wouldn't be allowed in.

"I'm Adelle, in case you didn't already know somehow. What's your name?" Adelle said after the nurse girl spoke again and rolled around on the couch a bit. "You could always work with the adventurers guild like we all do. It's sometimes quite hard but honest work, and you get paid pretty well too. Because you obviously have skills of some sort, and you're fast as hell too, because I could barely even touch you earlier," Adelle added, feeling the need to at least say some kind words of some sort to the girl... because who knows, she may turn out to be a trusted ally after this, since they did spare her life and all. At least Adelle was hoping she could be an ally now maybe, it was really up to the nurse girl after all.