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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"He has his store at the outskirts of the market area, can't miss it." Mariela replied as they started making way towards the mentioned place. Some time passed as they navigated the market, the masses of people slowing the process down somewhat. But after they got out of the central business area, it was a lot easier to get around as the population was less concentrated. Along a large building, there was a row of stores in a line on the street level, the group's destination making itself quite obvious as Adelle's gaze happened upon it. Large plates of metal hung over the windows, painted with bright red kanji. Over the door there was a larger one, the same red paint spelling out the store's name in the most attention-seeking way as possible. Without too much hassle, the girls entered Raijin Blades.

Inside, there was a rather unique facility for making weapons. Old time blacksmith tools and facilities combined with advanced machinery, making it a somewhat bizarre yet still effective workshop for a good enough worker. And this is what Raizan himself looked like, a short and tightly muscled Asian male without a shirt. Like a silly anime stereotype, he also had a long bandanna and spiky black hair, but would most likely be an opponent one didn't want to deal with when he got angry. Despite the store's name, there were other types of weapons available besides swords, a whole variety of different melee combat weapons being stored on racks around the place. Most prominently, two whole racks of naked katana blades stood near the forge, not having any real handles or crossguards to speak of. Everything was tagged with prices, little bits of paper that were wrapped on the weapons showing the prices.

When he saw the girl group, the man was quickly there to meet them, though his attention was firmly focused on Mariela. "Oh Princess! It is good to see you again!" Raizan addressed her, most likely being pretty familiar with the blade sister. Even so, he was very loud. "How are you doing?! Did you come for something particular?! Or just looking?!" he went into business right away, the following show of the broken katana totally freaking him out. "Whaaaaat!? You broke it?! Princess, please! I do sell my blades and it is up to the user how they use them, but dammit, show some respect towards my work!" he flailed and sputtered, grabbing Mariela by the shoulders. It took a decent amount of apologies from the blade sister to calm him down even a bit, and the whole deal with Adelle's tech knife just seemed to go totally past him as she tried to bring the subject up.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Okay then let's go girls. Also do any of you mind helping me shop for some new clothes? I think if we're going to get as dirty as we have been in the tunnels and stuff, then I'm going to need a lot of clothes," Adelle asked the others as they traveled to Raizan's shop.

It took them a little while to get there, but it was nothing Adelle couldn't handle as they moved through the crowd in the streets. When they arrived at Raizan's shop, Adelle saw the sign with the bright red kanji wrote on it as she followed the girls into the shop. When they met Raizan, he kind of reminded Adelle of one of those anime lovers or something she'd met before in real life. She saw more than just swords and other blades for sell in the shop and was looking at them as they walked over to Raizan.

Adelle was actually thinking about buying a sword and was busy looking at prices while Mariela talked with the Asian man, thinking on a nice katana as she looked at them. When she started to show the man the strange knife she'd taken from the thief girl from before in the tunnels, her question was lost as he flailed about, sputtering about Mariela's broken blade.

"Hey... I think I can shed some light on why her blade got broken in the first place. It's because of the one who had this knife sir Razian," Adelle said to the man, cutting in before he hit Mariela or something for breaking one of her swords, continuing once she had his attention, "I believe the sword that girl was using was just like this knife, and that's why it cut through Mari's sword like butter. Can you tell us anything about it sir Raizan?"
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

After a couple of minutes spent in what looked like soul-crushing lamentation about the broken blade, Raizan's attention finally shifted away enough for him to notice Adelle and the laser knife on her hand. "Aah, one of these things. I've seen other samples of this knife before, but they've always been busted and nonfunctional despite my best efforts to repair them. Finally I get to see a working device." the blacksmith said as he took the thing from Adelle and started looking over it. Flipping the switch on and off, he continued speaking shortly while trying to figure out how the laser edge was projected and made into a cutting implement. Like some of you girls might be expecting, this little tool is something from the city above. They use these smaller ones for day-to-day things, or so say my sources. Really high-tech stuff. Also, the earlier eyeing of the things around the shop had not gone unnoticed by Raizan, and he quickly turned on the business mode at the busty girl."Might you actually be interested in trading this in? I'll give you... two... no three picks from my selection if I can have it." the enthusiastic blacksmith threw his offer onto Adelle.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

When Raizan finally stopped complaining to Mariela about her broken blade and turned to Adelle, she showed him the laser knife and passed it to him to allow him to inspect it closer. She watched him fiddle with the laser knife by switching it on and off while saying he'd never seen a working version of one of them. Adelle could almost tell where he was going by saying that, but she said nothing as yet on that matter.

So they use these knives to like... cut bread and toast it at the same time or something then?” Adelle asked when he stated that this particular kind of knife was used for everyday things.

A minute later Raizan went into his business mode after catching her eying some of the swords and such in there and subsequently asked her if she wanted to trade it in for three of his items, she saw how enthusiastic he seemed to be to maybe get his hands on a working laser knife and couldn't help but smile at him. She glanced over at Mariela's broken sword and thought about his offer for a few moments before thinking up a deal that he'd probably go for as long as she let him have the thing.

How about this sir Raizan. If I let you have this here and now, and you can manage to replicate its technology into a laser sword. Then me and Mari both get a working copy for free when you make them, and you replace Mari's sword here and now so she isn't totally weaponless. However if it turns out that you can't replicate it, then let's just say you'll owe me a couple of favors that I can call in at anytime. Is that a good enough deal for you?” Adelle said to the Asian blacksmith in as diplomatic a tone as she could as she gave him her counteroffer, which she hoped would turn out that she and Mariela both ended up getting a laser sword.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Most likely, there is no need to maintain any cleanliness or hygiene with this, since the blade doesn't collect any dirt. It's excellent for menial usage. But it's not like they only use them for food." the blacksmith confirmed Adelle's initial ponderings. However, he seemed a bit uncertain as to accepting what he was being offered. But after a brief pondering, he spoke up again. "You know I can't guarantee any success with finding out the trick? And I'm not sure how expensive the materials will be. But you do realize that Princess here is hardly weaponless if she loses one blade?" he asked, reminding Adelle about the fact that Mariela's little home was literally littered with sharp instruments of combat. "But sure, I will replace the broken one. You want this same set-up or another style?" he said, taking the remains of them blade and the scabbard from Mariela, who seemed to be content with the oddly bright color and design of her weapon. She didn't want to change it, so that's what she was going to get. "Silly Princess, so girly. But if that is what you want, so it will be. Will take a little while for me to put the guard and handle together, as usual." the blacksmith said as he set aside the remains and went to the katana rack to pick up a select blade.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Oh I know she isn't weaponless completely, I just meant that she is at the moment is all. You know now that I think of it, I could use a decent close quarters weapon myself for when I run out of bullets in the middle of a fight and don't have enough time to reload. Would you part with another of your blades perhaps for me to have one too? Not a long one, but one I can use with just one hand would do... maybe something like Mari's there, though I'd prefer sapphire blue myself if you've got one that color,” Adelle said to the blacksmith after he took Mariela's sword, wondering if he'd part with one of his swords for her too and maybe still get a free laser sword, should he manage to replicate the technology for cheap of course.

If it turned out though that he wouldn't give her a laser sword and a regular sword too, then Adelle would tell him that she'd help him get some of the stuff to make it if he needed some help doing do to try and persuade him otherwise. She'd even ask Mariela if she wanted to help, as she seemed to love swords and stuff, so Adelle figured she may like the idea of having one of them.

Once Adelle got herself a sword, or once Raizan started fixing her one up along with Mariela's if she managed to persuade him to part with another one, they could leave once their business was concluded, with Adelle asking the others if they minded helping her find a good place to get nice clothes for a good price.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Another moment of consideration was given to the suggestions that Adelle had. "Hmm, right. If I get there and the things turn out to be expensive, I'll make you two ones for free if you track some of the materials down and bring them to me." he replied, sitting down with the naked blade that he had picked earlier. As he started putting together the various parts for the one that Mariela would soon have, he simultanously dealt with Adelle's request. "So you want a wakizashi. I think the average katana is usable in one hand, even Princess there does it. But I do recognise that not all have the necessary skill or strenght to manage that in a competent way. Might get into a dangerous situation if you can't return your strikes in a timely manner." the blacksmith told her, pointing to a pair of charts on the wall. "Find a tsuba design and handle wrapping color that suits you there." he said then, lettin the busty girl make some decisions on her own. Two poster-sized charts compiled a whole lot of colors and designs for the guard, and indeed there was a sapphireish blue among the color. The guard designs ranged from the basic shapes and simple round ones to more outrageous designs that were obviously Raizan's own inventions.

(Basically pick a color for the handle wrappings and a design for the tsuba or cross guard. The tsuba design is something you can come up with yourself. Mariela's is a somewhat silly heart design.)

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

(Adelle's new wakizashi Nothing too fancy really, but she's trying to find one that's as long as it can possibly be while allowing her to wield it effectively in one hand.)

"That seems reasonable enough sir Raizan. So Mari, would you be interested in helping me track down some of the stuff? Assuming we'd need to that is," Adelle asked Mariela, giving her a little wink and a smile at what she thought was a fairly good and reasonable business deal.

"Really you'll let me have one? Cool. Yeah I think a long wakizashi would probably be for the best until I get more used to using a blade, cause I've never really trained to do so. But I'm a fast learner, so if you've got a whole set with the color I want, then just keep the others in it on hold for now and I'll be back later to actually buy them," Adelle said when Raizan told her she could have a blade as well, thanking him with a bow as she looked on the posters for a design she liked.

After a minute or so and much debate in her head, she picked one out and told the blacksmith which she wanted to get out for her. Once he'd gotten it for her, she waited to see if he was going to finish Mariela's before saying she was ready whenever they were. When they left, she'd ask the others about going shopping for some clothes with her.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"No, I have nothing against it. A blade like that is something I'd definately like to have among the more mundane ones." Mariela replied as she was asked, apparently not one to pass up on an invention like this.

Raizan finished Mariela's blade in a reasonably fast manner, as getting the handle and other bits onto the naked blade was something he had probably done hundreds of times already. "Set? No missy, that is not how I roll. All of my blades are kept without any handles until a customer decides to get one. When they want one, I'll put it together with the parts they want. I don't keep ready-made ones at all. Or that is the case with these here katanas, the other types of sword I sell when they are ready. If you want a set later, come back and pick a longer blade and tanto with the same parts. That's how it works. I won't run out of these." he told Adelle, picking up the choice parts that she had picked from their respective racks and drawers. Not too long after, she too had a usable sword, just not as long as Mariela's standard long one.

When it was asked, the other girls didn't seem to mind going to the market again, since they had to pass through there anyways. Rachaela also suggested that they could visit a person she knows who makes clothing.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Okay then Mari, we'll find the stuff together when he tells us what he'll need," Adelle told Mariela.

"Alright then sir Raizan, I'll just come back and get them when I have the money to do so," Adelle replied to the blacksmith when he told her he didn't have any in a set like that.

Once he was done with both of their blades, Mariela and Adelle took their new weapons and Adelle got hers fixed up on her belt so she was wearing it on her side opposite of her gun. Adelle perked up a bit when Rachaela spoke of someone she knew that made clothing they could go to.

"Really? Well show me the way. What kinds of clothing does she make by the way? I'd like some silk but I doubt I could afford that with what I've got now, but I've lived with using regular cotton and stuff all my life so it doesn't really matter to me what it'd made out of as long as it's nice," Adelle said to Rachaela gesturing for her to lead her to her friend she knew.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Many kinds. I had her make one of these dresses, but that is not where we have gotten these. All the the average and more quality materials can be found in her lists, so that part shouldn't be a problem." Rachaela answered as they made way towards that place next.

It was barely ten minutes away from Raizan's shop when the girls arrived to this other store. While vegetation was pretty sparse around the city, this particular store had whole lines of vibrantly blooming red roses in front. But the roses were far outshined by the woman tending them. A red and white dress was her attire of choice, so outrageously frilly and ornamental that it made even the gothic-style garments that the sisters wore look restrained and normal in comparison. It was almost amazing that such clothing could exist, but there it was. White hair that had been arranged into two swirly buns stood on her head as the woman watered the plants with a can of water. It was hard to say how this one's body was, since the dress was everywhere, but she didn't seem to be in bad shape. "Hey, Josephine." Rachaela greeted her as the group closed.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Oh well that's good, at least I'll be able to do it all at one place you know,” Adelle replied to Rachaela.

As they walked, Adelle looked around at the city. It seemed rather dreary to be honest, but there was really nothing she could do about that at the moment. But it had it's beauty in other ways, like how most of the people she'd met so far from the city were rather nice and helped each other out, or at least she had found a few people who did, smiling as she looked around at the girls.

About ten minutes later or so Adelle found herself in front of another shop, this one with whole rows of roses in front of it, which was something Adelle hadn't seen anywhere else in the city, at least not that many roses at one time. A few moments later after admiring the roses, Adelle noticed the woman tending them, she was wearing a red and white dress that Adelle thought was just simply breathtaking to behold, she actually thought it put the girls gothic style dresses to shame a bit. She saw the girl in the beautiful dress had white hair arranged in a couple of swirly buns on her head as she watered all of the plants in front of the shop. Adelle actually thought she looked like a real life princess that she'd read about and heard of from her parents when she was younger.

Adelle was trying to figure out just how big the girl was under the dress as Rachaela called out to her, which drew Adelle's attention away from trying to guess her weight. Adelle stumbled a little when they got closer as she'd taken her eyes off of the ground and tripped over one of the rose bushes though it did nothing to the bush it did scratch her leg a little. After she managed to catch herself she looked up at the girl after catching herself with a bit of a meek look.

I-I'm sorry about t-that m-miss Josephine... i-it's just you're s-so p-pretty that I uh... I w-wasn't looking w-where I was going,” Adelle stuttered out a bit panicky to Josephine, hoping she wasn't mad about her stumbling over one of her rose bushes, she actually gulped in fear.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Since it appearead that nothing had happened to the roses, Josephine remained calm as she had been, not apparently minding the little stumble too much. She set aside the watercan as Adelle offered her apologies, looking somewhat amused by her words. "You told her I like flattery? You sly devil." the woman said as she elbowed Rachaela in a friendly manner. "Well, don't be so flabbergasted next time. Will save you some scratches." she carried on, opening the front door and letting them in since Rachaela's presence was a clear indication as to what they were there for.

The inside of the store was mostly taken over by clothes racks, so much of them that some areas were tight to travel through without touching anything. But they didn't have to go poking into those places, as the main area was almost right there. A table was positioned on an open part, which they gathered around of. "So, you are here for business. What is it going to be?"

(Again, designs.)

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle was glad that Josephine didn't seem to have gotten mad at her as she set aside her watering can, looking rather amused by Adelle's stuttering. "I... sorry about that miss Josephine, I won't, and thank you," Adelle said with another bow of her head, going into the shop when Josephine opened the door for them.

Once inside, Adelle looked around to see all of the different clothes racks filled to the brim with clothes, and some of the areas of the store so packed that they wouldn't be able to maneuver through without bumping into all of the different clothing. She followed the others to the main area where she saw a table that they were gathering around.

"Yes, yes I am looking for some clothes to buy miss Josephine. I'd like to buy something silky like a dress, but I doubt I've got the money for it... and I wouldn't look very pretty in a dress anyway, c-cause I'm not really all that pretty compared to all of you and I probably wouldn't be able to fit into a pretty dress anyway, so don't worry about any real fancy clothes," Adelle replied to Josephine with a wistful smile, belittling herself a bit as she found herself in front of so many other beautiful girls, pushing her long blue hair over a little to partially cover her face because she thought they were all so pretty that she didn't even deserve to even be in the same room with them all.

"So just some simple clothing will do fine, it can be any kind of material though, I'm not really allergic to anything at all, but it needs to be stretchy some because... well I think you can see why,” Adelle went on to say, gesturing sadly at her overly large breasts as she started looking around the room at what all Josephine had for sale.

While looking around after speaking, she saw quite a few outfits that she liked and wondered if Josephine had them in her size, still not looking like she was very confident in her looks all that much as she started counting her money to see if she would have enough to pay for all she wanted to get, because she didn't want to have to ask the girls for help buying the things she wanted like this, she thought it was embarrassing to ask the them to help her pay for all she wanted after she'd asked them to show her a place that sold good clothes.

In case you haven't noticed yet, Adelle has a very low self-esteem and doesn't believe herself to be all that pretty, and she holds the girls in very high esteem as she thinks they're much prettier than herself, and also because they're so rich and she's so poor. And the fact that they've helped her as much as they have has something to do with her regarding them all so highly as well. Really in short she admires all of them.

In regards to clothing, Adelle is going to get a couple of pairs of shorts and shirts to go with them ( ). And she's also going to get a few little outfits like , , , she'll also get a pair of shoes that go good with pantyhose if she can afford them, I'm assuming she can pay for all of this what with the money she's gotten from both of the last two jobs, but if you think it works better for her not to be able to pay for it all with the way I wrote it, then go ahead and roll with it.

Other than that, she's not going to get anything else, unless she can somehow afford a nice blue silk dress, which is a bit frilly, though maybe not so frilly as Josephine's is. I'm also assuming that the girls and Josephine will probably say something to her about downing herself like she did, so I'll wait until after that to specify any other clothes she'll buy.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Hmm, I sure can see why. But that shouldn't be a worry, my clientele includes another lady with similar proportions to your own generous assets there. Go and have a look, and stop being a silly moper. It doesn't suit someone like you." Josephine told Adelle before setting her loose on the piles of clothing. The sisters seemed to agree with her words, silently nodding at the last bit. While Adelle went about with her business, the other girls too decided to take looks around and see if there was something to buy. The only exception was Lacrimosa, who remained true to her earlier words about not being one to shop around for clothing all that much.

After she had collected everything that she wanted, Adelle brought them over to Josephine, who took up a pen and paper to make the calculations on how much it would be. It didn't look too bad, especially after a few random percentage drops that appeared there. No doubt this was Rachaela's doing, the amount of things possibly accounting for it as well. While she could possibly have managed to get a dress too, Isabella's words from across the room reminded the busty girl about her current situation. "Should get some bullets too Adelle. Those will likely be the biggest cut on your finances, and it looked like you were running short."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"You mean mine aren't the only ones around here that are this huge? I didn't think anybody else had any this big, cause I haven't really seen anyone else yet with ones this big here, or even from my old home town," Adelle said when Josephine told her about another large chested girl in her clientele, wondering how large the other girl was exactly. She didn't say anything about what they said about her moping just yet, thinking about what was said as she went off through the store.

Adelle walked off through the store and started looking at some of the stuff in there. She took about fifteen minutes or so and chose six different outfits to get, and while she was heading back to have Josephine tally up the price for them all, she stopped when she noticed a beautiful blue silk dress on the wall. She stood there for a minute or two and admired it, wishing she could afford to get something so pretty to wear, she looked in her money pouch to see how much money she had, but told herself that she shouldn't try and get something like that yet, that she needed to wait until she had more money before trying to get something like that.

After looking at the pretty dress she noticed, she brought what she had over to Josephine, after trying it all on of course to make sure it fit her. She watched the woman take up a pen and piece of paper as she started calculating how much it'd all be. While she waited, Adelle noticed Josephine was apparently giving her a discount and she told herself to thank Rachaela afterwards. She heard Isabella call out to her from across the room a moment later about getting some more bullets for her gun. "I know Izzy, I planned on stopping on the way out to get some more bullets," Adelle called back to Isabella.

"About what you said earlier miss Josephine, when you told me to stop being a silly moper and that it didn't suit someone like me. Were you... saying you think I'm pretty? Is that what you all meant?" Adelle timidly and shyly asked Josephine while she finished adding the costs of her clothing together, while rummaging around for however much money she'd need to buy it all.

Once the others were ready to leave and after she'd paid for her new clothes, which she would hug to her after paying for them with her own money, they could head on out where Adelle would get some more ammo for her pistol, then she supposed they would go to the tavern and ask Samson for another job, she would ask the others what they planned on doing that day before deciding on what to do herself.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I think it could be that one lady who manages the biggest bar around this city. She is a real fancy dresser and actually works with the other waitresses there, unlike most manager types. Rachaela spoke up from her spot as Adelle and Josephine dealt with the money matters for her clothing pile. Eventually it was done, the whole ordeal leaving Adelle pretty good in the financial department despite her selection of bought things. She would be able to manage herself in the gun store and still have a decent amount left, until something came up for her to buy. "Well, I can't say that you are look bad in any sense of the word. You need to be a bit more positive." Josephine remarked at the question that was asked from her.

It looked like the others had simply been looking, since none of them got anything from the store. It was at this time they moved on, soon finding themselves at a gun store. This place was not as eccentric as the last two places had been, pretty much being your average shop for firearms. But it seemed that anyone could buy the weapons, for there was a lone child there amoing the few other customers.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Hmm... oh, maybe I'll go there and meet her later when I have some free time. It'd be nice to see someone else who is as big as I am for a change, it'll make me feel a little better about myself knowing I'm not the only one with breasts this large, it gets a little embarrassing sometimes, and they can be really sensitive at times too,” Adelle called back after Rachaela called out to her as Josephine finished adding up her price for her clothes.

After she completed her transaction, Adelle saw that she still had quite a bit of money left even after buying six different outfits, and a pair of good shoes to go with her pantyhose that came with her skirted outfits. She saw she still had plenty of money to get bullets with, and still have plenty left over, which was good because now she could save some money for maybe getting her own place later on.

Y-You really think I don't look that bad? Nobody's ever really told me I'm pretty before except my mom and dad, and my grandparents... at least I don't think anybody's ever told me and meant it before,” Adelle replied to Josephine, shyly smiling and blushing a little at her kind words as she hid her blushing face behind one of her blouses as she held it up. “Thank you so much for the clothes... and... for being so nice, it really means a lot to me,” Adelle added after a few moments with a deep bow to Josephine, still blushing red as a beet, then she started placing her things in a bag to carry it all in and waited for the others to get ready, feeling much happier than she did when they first got there.

It seemed that the others didn't actually get anything and had just been looking around while Adelle shopped for her clothes. As they all started out the door after Adelle had all of her things, she waved goodbye to Josephine as she exited, telling her that she'd likely be back later on once she got some more money. They quickly made their way towards the gun store after that, with Adelle holding her bag of new clothes close so nobody tried to steal it. When they arrived at the gun store, Adelle noticed it was nowhere near as odd as the previous two stores they'd been to so far, and really it just looked like a normal little old shop. She also saw that it looked like anybody could buy weapons regardless of age, as long as they have the money to do so, because she saw a kid in there amongst the other customers when they went in.

She and likely Isabella as well went to find a couple of boxes of bullets for their guns that they could buy, with Adelle looking around at the other guns that were for sale as well, just to see what kinds of guns she might be able to get from the place that she could afford and still get the bullets for her pistol also and maybe have a little left over, though she probably wouldn't bother with actually getting any new guns just yet, but it was good to see what she could.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

It was a relatively easy deal to find ammo that went into the gun that Adelle carried, Isabella too picking up some of them for her older pair of guns. The big gun apparently was not lacking for rounds, as she passed the bigger caliber section. When the busty girl looked for the different guns, she could find mostly handguns of all varieties, from your cowboy revolvers and average .45 and 9mm semi-automatics to much bigger and exotic-looking deals of high calibers. Shotguns and rifles were also present in decent numbers, but automatics seemed to be more rare. In addition to these, maintenance equipment and accessories like scopes, additional clips and laser sights were also available. At each corner of the place there were massive slabs of men looking over the place, keeping everything going in an orderly fashion and eyeing the customers in case of thieves. They had bulletproof vests plainly in sight as well as their stun rods and large guns.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle easily managed to find a couple of boxes of bullets for her pistol that would likely last her for a good while, depending on how many shots she'd have to spend on the next couple of missions that is. She glanced around to see Isabella did indeed get some more bullets for her older guns, though her larger one she seemed to have plenty of ammo for as she didn't get any. Once she had the ammo for her gun, Adelle began looking around the store for other guns that she might like, and after seeing all of the different pistols for sale, she finally started finding rifles and shotguns, and she found a few automatics for sale as well.

She looked at the prices and stuff for each of them to see if she could afford any of them as of right now, while still managing to get the bullets for her pistol too, she decided that she most likely wouldn't be able to easily afford an automatic but checked the prices anyway, just to be certain, and though she wanted a sniper rifle she could buy for cheap with a decent scope she could aim far and short with, she doubted she could afford one of them any easier than an automatic, so unless she found one for a manageable price she was going to get a shotgun if she could manage. (Preferably a pump like .)

"Aw man... I'd love to have that thing right there," Adelle said to herself as she eyed the shotgun on the wall she liked.

She also saw all of the different maintenance equipment for sale as well and decided to see what the prices and stuff were for them as well, looking in particular for a laser sight for her pistol, which she'd try to get if she couldn't afford a whole new shotgun and shells for it too and still have a little bit of money left. After that, regardless of whether or not she could afford the shotgun she was eying or the laser sight for her pistol, she was done shopping so she could save what was left of her money.

(If she can afford the shotgun she'll take it and and some shells for it to go with her pistol bullets, if not then she'll take the laser sight for her pistol if she can. Though if she can't afford either one without having very much money left at all, then she's not going to get anything other than just her bullets for her pistol.)