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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

From behind her spot, Adelle could see into the small clearing at the other end of the warehouse. The middle group followed in her wake even without any need to urge them, the loud gunning had been enough to alert them. Some distance away from her, a huge hulk of a man had lifted the earlier captive into his arms, holding her close as there was a brief bout of crying. This man was well into seven feet of height, barrel-chested and muscular, sporting a bald head and a military-like get-up with flak armor and all manner of equipment. Some distance away from him, a still-smoking gatling gun lay on the ground, along with the shredded corpses of the three they were supposed to get back into civilization alive or dead. The man had not taken easy on them.

While the sight seemed amazing to the rest of the group, Mariela seemed concerned a bit. "Oh great, that guy is one of the top bounty hunters, Destroyer Kozlov. He's not one to be triffled with, especially if riled up."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Uh... this makes my decision very difficult you know. I really was expecting a fight against either a bunch of mutants or the marks, or both. Because I get the feeling that this right here isn't going to end well for Adelle and Mariela most likely.

Upon seeing what had happened, Adelle wasn't quite sure what to think as the others got closer and up to her. She saw a large gatling gun laying to the side still smoking, it was what she heard most likely, she thought. The man that wielded the large weapon easily made two of Adelle in all but height, save around the chest of course. Adelle noticed that Mariela seemed a bit concerned about this and Adelle listened to her when she spoke.

"Well what the hell are we supposed to do now then Mari? He killed our marks. I ought'a put a bullet in his head for that right now. I needed that money to live on, I think we all did," Adelle whispered to Mariela quietly, giving her a knowing look as to why they needed that reward, her eyes and face telling Mariela without words so they wouldn't be raped by their newfound companions.

Of course the thought crossed her mind that they could kill or knock the big guy out and take the bodies back themselves, as well as the girl of course, cause there would likely be a reward for bringing her back too, she thought. She'd whisper this to Mari as well to see what she thought before they decided on anything.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

There was a brief quietness as the pair pondered what would follow now. But, as a somewhat surprising turn of events, it looked like Kozlov was going to leave. With the girl holding onto him still, the huge man easily picked up the large repeater from the ground and proceeded to leave. This got a slight relief from Mariela. "Whew, looks like he was not here for the pay afterall. Maybe that girl was his beloved..." the dress girl pondered aloud, soon switching gears and coming back to the situation. "We can still salvage this, Adelle. The pay will be smaller, but we can get money still. The deal was not absolutely set on live targets, after all. Just a smaller reward for dead people."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Who knows she may have been his sister. And while I hope she wasn't raped or anything by those bastards, I wished he hadn't killed them and only wounded or maimed them. But at least we can still get some of the money out of this I suppose. Though it doesn't seem very sporting to me, but... you do what you gotta do," Adelle replied to Mariela when the big guy left with the crying woman.

Adelle turned to their new companions with an apologetic look on her face, saying, "Sorry about all of that fellas, I didn't think this would happen like it did, but we do still get paid some, just not as much, so it's not as bad as it could've been I guess. When we get back you all can split my share if you like. I'm going to have to take another job when we get back anyways after I get cleaned up." Adelle would simply wave a hand at any of them that told her she should take her own share and tell them not to worry about it, that she was taught to be able to do a lot with as little as possible, and she had plenty of ammo for her gun so she could easily get another job to get money from.

With that, unless their new would be companions turned on them, they would get the bodies of the dead men and take them, quite unceremoniously back up to the surface to collect the bounty on them.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

After hearing Adelle's declaration, Mariela bumped her with an elbow. "No, you are not giving all your pay. I will do my part so you still have something to live with. I can offer you a place to sleep in until you get enough wealth to afford your own home, getting out at night is not a thing I'd recommend, especially down here. The more dangerous inhabitants of the city come out during those times." she gave a brief warning, saving Adelle from needing to go on another hunt on the same day.

Since they were being offered their share despite the loss of some money, the three men offered to carry the dead people back to the authorities. After picking up the three, they joined the girls and started going back towards the entrance to join the two who had been remaining there to guard the rear.

But much to their chagrin, it was not to be that easy. For once they did clear the distance, there was another wrench in the works waiting for them. A trio of eight-limbed, lean-bodied creatures had apparently taken a liking to their buddies and were now feasting on their carcasses. They were nothing like spiders, more like long-bodied, black-furred cats with eight triple-clawed limbs that moved like spiders. Their heads were still more like a twisted wolf's, and their tails were almost as thick as their bodies. "Fuck... these things..." Hans cursed as he set down the dead body, beginning to get out his Luger. The creatures were not staying put either, two of them climbing on the box walls while one remained on the ground. "Watch out, they spit some sort of glue-type spittle." the leader of the men said then, having gotten himself ready.
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Upon Adelle saying what she did, Mariela gave her a light elbow to the side and told her that she would not give all of her pay, and offered to give her a place to sleep until she got enough money to get her own place.

"T-Thanks Mari, I really appreciate that," Adelle replied to Mariela's words, blushing slightly and shyly looking down at her feet.

Hans and the other two offered to carry the bodies back since they were still being offered their own shares of the money, which despite the marks being dead would still likely be quite a bit for getting all three of them together.

As they were leaving, they saw a trio of the mutants awaiting them and blocking the path. Adelle thought they looked somewhat like the same kind or mutants that she and Mariela fought earlier. Their two rear guards were dead and being eaten by the mutants, which Adelle wasn't happy about, but there wasn't really much she could do about it now of course, save kill the damn things that killed them.

"Yeah me and Mari fought a couple of these things before we ran into you guys. One of them about got me, it's why my shirt here has the purple stain across the top. If you all heard any gun shots a few minutes before we all met that sounded like they came from a pistol, then it was probably mine," Adelle said after Hans spoke, drawing her own pistol.

Adelle took aim at the one on the left wall, telling Hans to get the one on the right. That maybe their shots would knock them down to the floor for the others to deal with. She remembered when she and Mariela fought those mutants earlier that while they didn't seem to really have any weak points, if they could slow them down by taking out their legs then they'd have a much easier time about killing them, as they would be less mobile. So Adelle whispered to Hans to aim for the legs, while she did also, hoping to incapacitate them enough for the others to finish them off.

"Lets all hit them one at a time after me and Hans both shoot, you three gang up on either one of the two that me and Hans are shooting at and whichever one you don't go after, then me and Hans will try and keep you all covered from the other two while you deal with the one you chose. Unless y'all have a better plan, in which case hurry up and spill it then," Adelle said as they prepared to fight, giving a plan of action for them, which they could follow or not it was up to them.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

12 vs 18 Adelle misses | 1 vs 1 Hans hits due to players and allied NPCs winning on ties | 20 vs 11 Mariela is sure and hits the floor mutant | 5 vs 5 Jondar clubs succesfully | 19 vs 19 Garet also manages to kick well
16 vs 1 Mutant A succeeds critically and tackles Adelle down | 10 vs 3 Mutant C hits Mariela with sticky slime

"Not sure if these are the same kind as those slimy abominations, but the spitting thing seems to be a common theme among mutants..." Hans replied as he took aim towards the one mutant Adelle had instructed him to aim for.

If it was bad luck or the creature's fast movement, Adelle could only wonder as her shot went wide, missing the wall-climbing creature and breaking a hole in the boxes it scuttled on. The missed shot only seemed to encourage the thing, sending it pouncing from the box wall and straight into Adelle. The thing was bigger than a dog, so getting it's whole mass onto her was a harsh blow which sent the busty girl down onto the floor. The creature remained on top of her, holding onto her with four arms while it maintained it's ground with the other four. If the previous battle was any indication, the slime would likely be next unless she managed to get the creature away.

On his end, Hans scored a hit on the creature scaling the other side, dropping it down with a well-placed shot to one spidery knee. The thing dropped down, losing a chance to get into the battle right there.

The melee fighters went to town on the third one, each of them causing harm to the spider-like mutant with their weapons of choice. For some reason, Garet had gotten rid of his club and was now simply kicking the hairy mutant. The beast still wouldn't be outdone, recognizing Mariela and her blade as the most dangerous thing in the trio. Thus, it sprayed the restraining slime onto her, getting the dress girl into a sticky situation. It seemed like this was not something she had wanted, for there was an immidiate frown on the girl's features. Most likely she preferred keeping her dresses clean, and now one was quite heavily stained with the purple goo.

Adelle 3/5 FP 0/10 AP Grappled | Mariela 5/6 FP 0/10 AP slimed | Hans 3/3 FP | Jondar 4/4 FP | Garet 3/3 FP
Hairy Mutant A 4/4 HP Grappling | Hairy Mutant B 4/5 HP | Hairy Mutant C 3/6 HP
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

When Adelle pulled the trigger, it was as if she wasn't even aiming at the creature, for as soon as she shot, the thing jumped out of the way of her bullet and caused her to miss. Then to make matters worse for her it charged at her and slammed into her, knocking her to the floor and holding her down with four of its eight arms.

"Ahhhh! Get off you bastard. GET OFF!" Adelle cried as she was tackled.

Hans it seemed had a little better luck with his shot as his knocked the creature he aimed at to the floor and kept it at bay for now. The other three all pounced on the remaining creature, which pretty much left Adelle to her own devices with the one holding her down. She brought her gun up as best she could to the things head or chest, whichever was easier, where she would then pull the trigger and blow the thing off of her through the air.

Adelle was a little too busy to notice Mariela's anger at her dress getting pretty much ruined.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

18 vs 6 Adelle hits and breaks the grapple | 8 vs 15 Mariela misses her blade strike, hampered by the slime | 7 vs 13 Hans misses the shot | 9 vs 5 Jondar breaks off from the combat to assist Hans with the second one, clubs succesfully | 8 vs 2 Garet aids Mariela in disposing of the third one, kicks nicely again
1 vs 9 Mutant A attempts to leap back onto Adelle, but fails | 11 vs 9 Mutant B thumps Jondar back with a leg strike | Mutant C succeeds in sliming Garet too

Apparently getting her fill with all these grappling things, Adelle managed to bruteforce her arm into a more manageable position, setting it against the mutant's body and pulling the trigger. The blast was strong and painful enough to send the creature back, allowing the busty girl to get back on her feet. The thing seemed intent on getting to her, but she was ready and evaded the follow-up pounce, leaving them in a standstill with both girl and mutant having their backs towards the other.

The others fared against the two mutants with mixed success. Mariela's earlier sliming had left her a bit less mobile and accurate, causing her to miss the second blow of the combat, though Garet kept them in the fight with another strong kick to the face. Jondar broke off from the three, moving to assist Hans instead as the second mutant was now back on it's feet. The long club of the big man connected easily to the beast's side even as the glasses man missed with the Luger shot, sending it flying a bit. The thing came back with a rebounding leap, smacking Jondar's head with it's legs as it landed. The third one was sensing that it had made a mistake with sliming Mariela, and now squirted the goop at Garet, slowing him too down and hoping that the man would not boot him so succesfully.

Adelle 3/5 FP 0/10 AP | Mariela 5/6 FP 0/10 AP Slimed | Hans 3/3 FP | Jondar 3/4 FP | Garet 2/3 FP Slimed
Hairy Mutant A 3/4 HP | Hairy Mutant B 3/5 HP | Hairy Mutant C 2/6 HP
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle was a little amazed when her gun shot knocked the creature off of her like it did, she was expecting things to go badly for her like they had been for the entire day in this place. But luckily she managed to get free. The thing jumped at her again, but she was able to duck under and roll away from it before it could get back on top of her.

She noticed Jondar moving to aid Hans and Garet kicking the one he and Mariela were fighting, which left her alone against her foe. So Adelle turned to take a shot at it again, trying to aim as carefully as she could so she didn't miss and waste a bullet, cause they were costly you know.

"Take this you ugly son of a bitch," Adelle said as she squeezed the trigger.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

2 vs 8 Adelle misses, again | 2 vs 18 Mariela misses and gets countered, oww | 9 vs 6 Hans misses too, AGAIN | 1 vs 19 Jondar too gets countered, daym | 4 vs 9 Not even Garet's mighty punt hits
2 vs 5 Mutant A leaps past Adelle, she is used to these things by now | 16 vs 20 Mutant B misses it's follow-up against Jondar | 2 vs 15 Mutant C also fails at continuing it's counter

Girl and mutant exchanged another round of attacks at each other, the hairy thing jumping just as Adelle fired at it, evading the shot but also managing to fail in reaching her with the hasty pounce. The situation between them remained in a stalemate.

There was little success in the others as well, the attacks of the group failing all over this time. Mariela and Jondar even get some punishment for their clumsiness as the mutants smack them for slow recoveries, but there is little else that succeeds, the chaos of battle making things go all over the place.

Adelle 3/5 FP 0/10 AP | Mariela 4/6 FP 0/10 AP Slimed | Hans 3/3 FP | Jondar 2/4 FP | Garet 2/3 FP Slimed
Hairy Mutant A 3/4 HP | Hairy Mutant B 3/5 HP | Hairy Mutant C 2/6 HP
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle's shot went wide, though she managed to keep herself from getting hit or grabbed again at least. It seemed everyone had missed their next attacks on their respective foes.

Adelle noticed this and decided to try and break the stalemate. She turned from her foe and rushed straight the one Mariela was fighting, getting within point blank range of its face before squeezing the trigger to finish it off, giving Mariela and Gared both the opportunity to focus their attacks on the one Hans and Jondar were fighting.

"Take this you ugly shit spitting bastard!" Adelle cried as she got right up in the her new target's face to shoot it.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

10 vs 5 Adelle manages to hit, for a change | 7 vs 14 Mariela fails at cutting the creature, again | 13 vs 8 Hans scores his second hit of the day | 11 vs 3 Jondar follows up on Hans' success with a clubbing, almost killing the beast | 5 vs 20 Garet's boot fails to deliver this time, only earning him a counter smash
19 vs 19 Mutant A comes after Adelle, fails in glomping her | 2 vs 20 Mutant B is too predictable with it's leap, gets clubbed to death by Jondar | 13 vs 6 Mutant C capitalizes on an opportunity, knocks Garet out

With her new plan, Adelle moved to the melee in the center, leaving the one behind her to itself as she did. While the busty girl quite couldn't make it to the low-moving creature's face, she still did manage to score a hit on the thing, leaving it almost dead with all the damage it had taken. Mariela, still apparently taken aback by the slime covering her, failed at hitting the creature and simply cut through air. Garet fared even worse, his attempted kick ending totally avoided before the spidery thing smacked him repeatedly, managing to knock the man out. Adelle's former opponent came after her, but missed the jump and the opportunity to glomp the busty girl, coming to it's partner's aid.

But it was not all downhill for the group. With a combined effort, Hans and Jondar both layed the smackdown on the second mutant, the huge man taunting at it afterwards to jump at him. For some reason, it did, which only ended badly as the man's club smashed it to pieces, sending bits flying all over the place.

Adelle 3/5 FP 0/10 AP | Mariela 4/6 FP 0/10 AP Slimed | Hans 3/3 FP | Jondar 2/4 FP | Garet 0/3 FP Slimed & Unconscious
Hairy Mutant A 3/4 HP | Hairy Mutant C 1/6 HP
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle managed to shoot the creature she was aiming at, though it wasn't enough to kill it and it was able to knock Garet out in the process, though one more hit on the thing should finish it off she could see. Hans and Jondar finished off their opponent also it seemed and were turning to aid their companions.

Adelle decided to try and finish off the one that knocked out Garet, aiming directly at the thing's side so she wouldn't miss. "Die you fucker!" Adelle shouted a ferocious curse at the creature, intent on killing the ugly thing for hurting one of their new companions.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

A whole bunch of rolls, basically Mariela finally hitting and killing the wounded mutant, Jondar succesfully clubbing twice, Adelle getting slimed before hitting the last mutant and killing it.

The battle between the groups carried on feverishly, Adelle's initial shot failing to hit anything. Mariela finally got enough accuracy in the slime's restraining grip to hit the opponents, the girl driving her huge blade straight into the face of the creature. It was the only time that Adelle had heard her making sounds in battle, but during the skewering she did curse the creature for dirtying her. The one remaining mutant was quickly under attack, an attempted leap at Mariela going awry and leaving it near Jondar where the burly man smashed it twice and sent it flying again. There was a brief recovery, the beast moving out of the way of Mariela's blade and Hans' shots before managing to spray a torrent of slime onto Adelle too. It was almost as if she was a magnet for attention. But the sliming helped little since the blue-haired girl's next shot was the final one of the round, blowing the creature's head as it teared through. The group had won, though it took a good deal of effort to accomplish.

Hans was quickly reloading his gun, apparently quite relieved that they won. Mariela's blade was flipped back to it's folded state and she flipped it back into the sheath. Quiet cursing could be heard as she lamented the fate of her fancy lolita dress.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The fight went on quite chaotically after that, with Adelle missing her next shot, though she watched as Mariela drove her blade through the creature's face with a curse for ruining her dress. Adelle couldn't hold back a smile as she saw the first sign of anger from her companion since meeting her.

The remaining creature jumped at Mariela and missed, while Jondar knocked it away. Then it came back and drenched Adelle in its slime, which made her quite angry as she was getting a little tired of having to clean herself up. She put a bullet through its head and finished it off in her anger, then reloaded her gun while Hans did his, muttering about having to clean herself up again and giving a angry look as she reloaded.

As soon as she reloaded her gun, she went over to check on Garet to make sure the guy was okay, shaking him gently to wake him up. "Garet, you alright?" Adelle said to the unconscious man as she tried to shake him awake.

Once making sure he was okay, Adelle would curse at having to clean her shirt again. "Uh, guys... do you mind turning your heads please? I need to wring my shirt out again," Adelle asked the men with them.

Once they turned their heads, Adelle would lift her shirt off and clean herself off a little before wringing it out, too intent on cleaning herself to worry if they turned to peek or not.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The men respected Adelle's request, partially out of respect and partially out of concern towards Garet, who they helped back to his feet after the girl had gotten him back to his senses. While Hans was decent enough, Adelle could question Jondar and his lust getting the better of him. Either way, once the girl turned back to them, all three were looking backwards and away from her. "There goes my bullet stock, hardly had any left..." Hans muttered as he set his pistol back into his coat holster. "But they were used for a good cause, so I'm not that sad."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I've got plenty of bullets. What kind does your gun use? If they're the same I'll give you a few to use while we get back to the surface," Adelle said to Hans as she put her shirt back on and turned to see that amazingly enough the men weren't looking and ogling at her.

Adelle and Hans would check their gun calibers to see if they used the same kind of bullet and if they did Adelle would loan him enough for a clip to use. "Also boys... thanks for not ogling at me when I pulled my shirt off," Adelle said to the men, suddenly acting very girlish.

Once they had recovered a bit and got ready to move on again, Adelle would lift the dead man Garet had been carrying, telling the hurt man she'd carry him for now while he recovered, that she didn't mind. They would head back the way Adelle and Mariela came down, taking care not to let anything ambush them again by sticking together. When they got to the ladder that they needed to climb up, Adelle would find something to tie off so they could haul the bodies up, then when they got to the ladder Adelle and Mariela climbed up after their first fight, Adelle would just toss the dead body down to the floor below and climb down. Then they would continue onwards to the surface to collect their bounties.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"No need to, yours is a much bigger caliber, I can tell quite easily." Hans replied, nonetheless thanking Adelle for the offer afterwards. Amd it was true, the Luger being a 9mm weapon while the girl's own stocky revolver was a magnum bearing .357 cartridges in it's cylinder. Of Adelle's remark, they made no real fuzz.

With that past them, there was little to mind as they travelled already cleaned areas and made it back to civilization after a good deal of effort spent on getting there. It was a good enough time to spend on travelling such a remarkably small distance, and when the five of them did reach the city, the sun was well on it's way down. "We'll have to go and meet the representive of the authorities at the station. They shouldn't trouble us, since I don't think you guys are wanted or anything, considering you lived down there. They don't care about the dwellers of the lower levels, only the main city." Mariela explained as they walked across the streets, drawing more than a few gazes. It must have been a sight, three dead people being carried by a slimy girl in a fancy dress and her companions.

When they did reach the station, a short identification process was done and the party were soon let go. This lead them back to the Watering Hole, where Samson paid them their rewards for the hunt. "Bad luck there on your first hunt, having Kozlov's girl involved. Well, it was not something you could have helped, so I consider this a good first hunt." the old man congratulated Adelle as Mariela went through the events with the marks. She didn't tell anything else, skipping the bits with the initial encounters with Hans and the crew.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Well I didn't figure that it was the same caliber anyway, but my gun can shoot bullets from yours, but you can't shoot mine. Bad luck I guess." Adelle said to Hans.

The way back was fairly uneventful as they went, they ignored the stares they got after getting back up to the surface, or at least Adelle did, she wasn't sure about her companions. After getting back, they headed to the station and everything to identify the bodies, then they headed back to Samson to collect the reward and explain what had happened, keeping to themselves about their first meeting with Hans and his friends.

After getting the money split five ways for them all, Adelle blushed very girlishly for a moment, then she leaned in and pecked the three men each on the cheek, "Thanks you three, there's your reward from me specifically. I'll be here tomorrow at noon or so to check for another job if you want to work with me again," Adelle told them after kissing them on the cheeks, then with her face red as a beet she retreated to the bar to get a glass of scotch before telling Mari she was ready to leave when she was, that she really needed to get cleaned up and some sleep if her offer still stood about staying with her for a while.

I've have to ask. Which one was it that grabbed Adelle and groped her up? Was he one of the two that got killed?