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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Their world is one with violence everywhere, and it does not specify victims. The bikers will probably bounce back after a while, surely they had plans made in case there was an event like that. It's kind of bad that their now deceased leader is gone, that man was a strange breed of biker, a peacemaker rather than the marauder their kind usually is." Samson shared what he thought as he got the main number out, the payment. It was good money, more than the average for Adelle was at that point. With that, she could certainly make an investment or two into some things and still have a good amount left for living expenses. Unless she figured something out for Luna, the busty girl would be needing to pay for her needs as well. "I am not familiar with such folk, but you can try to ask around here. Or maybe Isabella there knows of someone?" the older man suggested after he had dealt out the pay.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Yeah I'm sure they'll be back up soon enough, though the few bikers I've spoken with up until now all seemed mostly alright all things considered, though I didn't meet the whole gang obviously and only a handful at most. Soon as the shooting started at Liliana's I took cover while they all jumped up and fired everywhere, made my way to the elevator, then slipped to the dressing room and back into my normal clothes, then started out when the biker leader guy just fell to the ground literally feet in front me. Scared the living hell out of me so I ran back in and took some cover until the shooting stopped," Adelle replied when Samson handed her money over to her, which she noticed was quite a bit more than she normally got, which surprised her a bit... though she didn't say anything about it and pocketed it. "If you lot wondered where I got the assault rifle and sub machine gun at, that's where. I went back up afterwards and saw the gory mess left, decided to salvage what I could before anyone else came back for it all and got those two and a couple of working pistols. However Liliana came in while I was doing that and caught me, but... she let me take it all after we had a talk. You remember Rosieta, the girl I did that job with to acquire that briefcase? Well apparently some major shit is going down and her boss has employed Margaret to do some dirty work for him, and Margaret is the one that killed Liliana's sister. I told Liliana this too because... she seemed, to me at least, to be not anywhere near as bad as Rosieta's boss, Miguel... something or other. He wants it all from what all I overheard during that meeting, and he's trying to take Liliana's place from her, that briefcase apparently had the land deed or something to her place in it. I'm hoping I'm wrong, but these gangs might soon be fighting, and if the old boss of the bikers was really a peacemaker like you say boss, then I think that the streets are going to get messier soon probably without someone strong like him leading the bikers," she went on to say after pocketing her pay.

"Hey Samson, if they all do start a gang war, what will the hunters do in that case? Try to stay out altogether or what?" Adelle asked Samson after taking another drink of her second round of scotch. "And I'll ask around about someone who might be up for purchasing one of those robots I got from the scrapyard, thanks though," she added as she finished her drink down with another gulp and set her glass down to take in Samson's, Isabella's, and Mariela's reactions to her earlier words about the whole gang thing she talked about.

OOC: I dunno why, but Adelle's city here is reminding me a lot of Sin City. XD
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)


Somehow, the entire thing had the others looking a bit disbelieving, but were still buying most of it. Samson was looking quite concerned as well, his knowledge of the city and the powers behind the scenes most likely giving him a good image of what was about to come, and it did not appear to be too good. "No, we will not try to take part in any way. But we will defend ourselves and any innocents when we can. I hope most of us will, at least. Yet, I still fear that the hunters who hold allegiances to any of these groups might become troublesome. This is a job that attracts a lot of different folk, and we do not question anyone much. Jet was a good example. So, I am fairly certain that there are representatives from a few groups present right now." Samson told what the stance of the hunter cadre would be according to his vision, yet coming out with the fact that they might not be having the full membership on their side if there was some attack against them, even if that was unlikely. "I doubt there will be any action against us unless we somehow throw weight into this possible gang war and become an inconvenience to some group. Many of us are employed by them, after all. We should not count the police out either, as there's been occasional whispered talk of them having some secret project to make a more efficient police force."

The girls appeared to have little to say, the fact that there might be gang war ahead not affecting them that much. But as usual, the mention of Margaret managed to raise Mariela's ire, and she was looking less than pleased about the knowledge that the fifth sister had been a gear that had set the machine of possible intercity war going. "Now that you mention it, I've heard about there being some representatives of the different groups going around and looking for information about that attack. They are apparently looking for the perpetrator of that event, too. The weapon smugglers and the bikers especially, as they were the ones that lost their leaders. The assassins are on the list too, but they are still too skilled in keeping low profiles to be found."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

She listened to what Samson had to say on the matters she spoke of while finishing off her second drink, opting to not take a third despite wanting to somewhat. It seemed to her from the way Samson was talking that if it did come to a fight, then at the very least the hunters could possibly remain neutral, assuming the group as a whole didn't throw in with either side, or any of the sides if it turned into an all out gang war between all of the different factions. There was still the trouble of Margaret to deal with as well she thought to herself. Margaret was obviously a wild card in all this, one that she was sure Miguel would play as often as he could to get what he wanted. Either way she was thinking that hopefully they wouldn't have to worry too much about it all and that a gang war didn't come to pass, but then again there would be little they could do to stop it most likely... unless she herself came out and spoke up to all of the other gangs that weren't with Miguel and she had the proof that he had Liliana's sister killed. Then that would make her a target, as well as her friends, and possibly her family if Miguel's operations extended out of the city and whatnot.

Looking over at Mariela when she started talking, Adelle listened to her next intently. She thought of speaking up that she knew that it was Priscilla who had done the killing deed at Liliana's, but she thought better of it. Too many prying ears were in the bar and she didn't want to give away her friend that had saved her and thought that any of the gangs, especially the bikers now at least, would kill the homeless children and folks that were harboring Priscilla, and she refused to give her up. She'd take her secret until death and would spit in the face of anyone that tried to torture it out of her that's how thankful of the tall powerful girl she was.

"Well, what time is it? If it's early, I might try and see about rounding up another job before nightfall. Can never have enough money to pay for things... like my new home and whatnot. Speaking of which I ought to go see if I can find Kozlov and check with him about maybe helping me get that big robot out of that scrapyard before those people take up residence there, before I do anything else. I mean we did kill the thing after all, and if neither of you girls wants it, then I do. Maybe I can tinker with it or sell it or something, make it useful," Adelle asked, looking at the clock in the bar before looking around for the big Russian guy to see if he was there or not.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The sisters had not met Priscilla, so they would likely be unable to provide any sort of hint to anyone looking for her. The only exception was Rachaela, who had visited her before. Regardless, the entire group still had no idea about the main area where huge lady lived, since she apparently did not share the info with anyone else.

"It is somewhat late, would not head out on a job myself unless there was a bigger group. As for Kozlov, he has not been around today. Something about personal life and things and maintaining the home. Not that I'd pressure him to work of course, not going to ask anyone to work and risk their life and health every day. Sometimes, you have to maintain other aspects of your life as well. And most importantly, he has a fiancee who needs him now and then. Samson told Adelle about the situation at the moment.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Oh... I didn't know he was engaged Samson. I'll uh, I'll leave him alone then. I mean his truck might not be able to manage such a big robot anyway. But I suppose you could pass along the word that I've laid claim to the big now busted robot by the main gates to the ones who hired us. Though that's up to them obviously if they'd let me have the thing. In that case though I'm off for now. I think I'll head home here in a couple of minutes or so and get some rest. That did tire me out a bit walking all that way out there and back," Adelle said when Samson was done, showing surprise at hearing Kozlov was engaged and stuff, as this was news to her.

With that, she nodded to the others and went over to the bar and asked to see the healer lady in the back. Once back there, Adelle would ask her if she had any concoctions or anything of the sort to act as birth control and to check for any possible diseases as well, just wanting to make sure and all she idly thought to herself. Once she was checked out, Adelle would thank her and head on out, grabbing her bike key from the barkeep on her way, where she'd drive on home for the night, waving bye to the girls as she went.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The sisters would take up on Adelle's intentions, leaving ahead of her to make for their homes. The barkeep pointed her towards the door at the end of the counter which she knew went to the kitchen in the back, having seen the waitresses come and go with food and empty plates all the time.

The first sight she came across was not Elise the healer though. She could barely make it in there when a real big momma blocked her way, a huge, fat woman who probably had more than 300 pounds to heft around all day. She was quite intimidating to say the least, even if she did not appear to be a combatant in any way, only having the clothes that would suit her and an apron. "No customers in here, thank you." she rumbled at Adelle, her face tightening a bit more as the seconds passed by. Thankfully, the barkeep had anticipated this, sliding the connecting window open and quickly telling the slab of a woman that Adelle was there to see Elise. The tightening eased up then, and she called for the healer, who was a little further in. Setting aside mop she had been using to clean, Elise came over, taking Adelle out from the kitchen to avoid further ire from the assumed main chef.

"Something like that? What do you think I am, an alchemist?" the healer asked from Adelle as she requested some things, giving her another long look, one that was way more pleasant than the one from just a minute ago. "Indeed, I am not one. Buuuuuut... I do know someone who is, so I can help." she retreated back to the kitchen again, coming back in a hurry after having picked some things up. "Take those as soon as you can. Doctor's orders!" she told the busty girl, handing her a pair of pills. One was a pink heart while the other was a more traditional blue and yellow capsule. "Take care now." were the final things she had to say before retreating back to the kitchen with a cheery expression.

With that, Adelle received her keys as well, now having her freedom to head back home with the medicines. The barkeep held out a glass of water for her in case she wanted to take the pills before leaving.
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Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

When she was stopped by the large cook lady, Adelle tried to explain what she was in there for when the barkeep told her what Adelle was there for. Telling Elise what she was wanting after the lady came out, she listened and scratched her head and fidgeted a bit as Elise asked what Adelle thought she looked like. She was about to speak up and apologize when the kind healer lady spoke again though and continued. She smiled at Elise and nodded when the healer lady told her that she knew someone who could help and Adelle waited for her return.

"Thank you so much miss Elise, and I apologize for bothering you. But... could you tell me who I could get these from and stuff so I don't have to bother you any and every time I might need them? I don't want to interrupt your work and all too often and stuff," Adelle told the healer lady with a bow as she took the pills and held them in her hand.

Once she had an answer of either no or yes followed by where to go to get the pills elsewhere, Adelle would take the glass of water from the barkeep and down the pills before taking her key and heading quickly on home. She would make sure not to run anyone over of course on her way home, but she would go quickly, figuring that she ought to get back sooner rather than later, so that she could talk to Luna a bit before she cooked dinner for them, maybe find out if the witch girl had any healing like spells or any that would be a substitute for what she'd asked of Elise.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"I can give you his address. Tell him that I sent you, that will make him a little easier to deal with. That guy can be somewhat paranoid about who he sells his wares to." Elise told Adelle and wrote the address of this supposed alchemist person on a post-it note for later use.

Back at home, things were as peaceful as before. Luna had not summoned any familiars or made any hassle around the house, but she had managed to arrange things in a more orderly fashion, what little there was to arrange at least. Of her familiars, only Banie was there in his inanimate form, lying face down on the couch table. "NO. Those kinds of spells are not my field. Like I told you, my fortes are curses and summoning."

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Alright Elise, thank you and I will," Adelle told Elise as she waved bye to her and prepared to leave the place, taking the note with the address on it to head over to tomorrow.


"Ah, well that sucks. No biggie though hon, was just wondering is all. I wonder though, could you re-purpose one of those curses or hexes or something to do a thing like that perhaps? Or is that something that simply can't be done with a curse or hex? Just curious," Adelle replied to Luna when the girl replied to her questions of if she knew any healing types of spells, with the bust girl sitting down next to where Banie was laying after taking her boots and coat off, picking him up and setting him in her lap for the time being while she waited for Luna's answer.

After that, Adelle would turn the television on for a few minutes while she sat and relaxed, propping her feet up onto the coffee table to rest for a bit before she went to make dinner a little earlier that night so she could get in the bed earlier and sleep longer. While relaxing she'd debate on what to cook for them, and in the meantime she'd also ask the witch girl what she would like to eat for dinner that night too while seeing what all was on the TV.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Luna appeared to find Adelle's question about the nature of hexes somewhat silly, if her expression was of any indication. "No, silly tits. Have you ever seen or heard about a benevolent curse? They are a bad thing to the target, it is the very nature of these things. I could probably study and learn blessings, but don't wanna."

Even when picked up, Banie did not activate, remaining idle on Adelle's lap as she switched the TV on to see how things were. Again, the only thing that really was of importance in there was local news, most other channels being old-time TV programs and music videos. As of that day, the news did not have any bigger conflicts or acts of violence to report, which was probably a good sign. If the criminal groups were in a war, the conflict had not started just yet. Luna was not having much to say about the food, letting Adelle decide what she wanted to do. "I don't really mind what you make, just as long as it is food."


Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Alright Luna don't worry about it, I was just curious if you could control the curses and hexes and stuff," Adelle replied as she sat down.

Sitting there with Luna watching the TV, Adelle nodded at the girl when she replied to her question of what she wanted to eat for dinner and all. "M'kay, was just wondering if you had any preferences about dinner and all. If you have anything you'd like to eat though Luna, then don't hesitate, let me know alright and I'll get some next time I'm out and about okay," Adelle told her housemate as they watched the television for a bit.

After a few more minutes of relaxing with some TV shows of various sorts while she flipped through the stations, Adelle got up and stretched, setting Banie back down and heading for the kitchen to make dinner, telling Luna she was. She decided on making some porkchops that night and a baked potato for each of them, giving the smaller bits of porkchop to Buddy and a smaller potato, figuring that he didn't want too large a portion for himself so he didn't overeat or anything.

After she was finished cooking she called Luna and Buddy in there to eat and sat down herself to dig in, devouring her food hungrily. She would chat with Luna and tell her about her day, leaving out the sex parts obviously and the talk with Samson after the job, afterwards though she asked Luna what all she did as they finished eating and she cleaned up the dishes.

After they were done eating, Adelle would head over to the garage and check her two little robots out, seeing what all kinds of battle damage they now had on them after their fights earlier. She'd dig out the bullets from her's and Isabella's guns as best she could, putting them aside in a bowl or pan of some sort, and then she'd start opening the control panels of the things up and resetting them to have no objectives or fighting protocols, which shouldn't be too hard to manage if she was able to even bring them back online that is. Once she had the things fixed so that they weren't hostile towards her or Luna if she came in there to watch or anything, Adelle would tinker with them for about an hour to an hour and a half or so, seeing what all she could do with them before she took a shower and got ready for bed.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The food worked itself up quite handily when Adelle got to preparing them, the three beings actually doing eating gathering in the middle table/counter thing to eat, though Buddy was not content to sit around. The cat/weasel thing quickly gathered up his food and scurried on the top of the kitchen cupboards to eat up without the girls. Why he did it was something that Adelle would probably never know, but it was not a thing to be bothered about. At the least Luna was not doing anything silly with her food, a thing that might have not been completely unexpected from her, given how her mind worked. The hexer certainly was keeping tabs on the busty girl, taking in everything she had to say about the past day in relative silence while she ate. "Are all your days this way?"

Down in the garage, the look on the robots was not good. The one that Isabella had riddled with bullets was almost as wrecked inside as it was on the out, ans it gave no response. The other one still had the control unit intact, and Adelle could even get it to light up, but there was a problem with access as the thing started to ask her for a password in order to access any controls. Besides that, it would not power up as the circuitry was damaged and that prevented the power from reaching a few important bits that enabled the actual physical operation.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle saw Buddy take his plate and drink and hop up on top of the cabinets in there, though she didn't know why he did. She doubted that she could really ask him why he did this either, so she just decided that he probably just didn't want to sit at the table or something like that. When Luna asked her if her days were normally like that when she told her about what all had happened, Adelle nodded a bit.

"Eh, they normally turn into a fight of some sort, but not always. Sometimes it's just a regular job that we've got to go around and take something to someone, or find something for someone, but generally we end up having to fight something. Like my little critters in the cellar," Adelle told Luna with a shrug.


Heading downstairs after finishing dinner and cleaning up, Adelle took stock of the two robots she had down there, one of which was heavily damaged and its computer console shredded pretty much, while the other had taken some lumps too but was still functional somewhat. Though when she saw that she'd need a password, Adelle sighed a bit and knew that she'd need to talk to someone that knew what they were doing in order to figure out what to do.

So with that, she went and grabbed the scraps from dinner that weren't fit to keep or simply wouldn't keep for very long, and she took them down into the cellar and tossed them into the little fenced in areas to her critters before heading back up, taking herself a shower, and then kicking back on the couch until her hair dried. When her hair had dried enough, she'd tell Luna that she was going to head on to bed early that night and then head on in there unless the witch girl had anything she wanted to chat about, with the busty girl undressing to nothing but her cute little pink panties she'd grabbed to wear after her shower.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The basement dwellers were holding their own despite the lack of freedom, and they had no problem with food. The squid creatures were still a little bloated from yesterday and had gained some size since then, but that did not bother their appetites any.

Afterwards, Adelle could go to do her own things, which was taking a shower right then. Luna let her do it first, but once the busty girl was out, she too went in there to clean up. She got into some lighter clothes afterwards, ditching the thick garment she usually had for some t-shirt action instead. By the time Adelle was looking to get into bed, she had switched into studying an older tome that had appeared from somewhere during the day. "You do that, I'll need to read up a little. Magic and all that." she told what she would do as Wick appeared on the table near her to provide the eerie ghost-light that the hexer appeared to be completely comfortable with.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As Adelle fed her little critters, she noticed the little squidlings had grown larger and decided that she might want to extend their space down there a little bit soon if they were going to continue growing at this rate. If the little roper pods got larger like the big ones back at that warehouse then Adelle knew that she'd probably never be able to let them out of being all penned up else they'd just slither over and likely scoop her up and pull her inside their bodies like the ones at the warehouse did, and though one she might be able to handle she knew she could manage two of them. So she decided that tomorrow she'd look for a good place to release one of them... or maybe both. Heh, perhaps she'd even see if Liliana wanted them for her deviants to play with or for her to use to sexually torture some of Miguel's people or something.


"Alright Luna, I'll see you in the morning then. Take care okay, and don't stay up too late or anything either so you can get some sleep too. Just come on in with me when you get tired and want to rest, I'll probably be snoozing too soundly to be woken easily unless you bump into me hard or something like that," Adelle told Luna as she passed her to head on to bed, waving to Wick as she went past and hopping on in bed to get some well needed rest, and hopefully some nice pleasant dreams.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Hmm..." was all that Luna really had to say, the book and the strange writing in it having her attention more than Adelle did at that time. Wick could not really wave back as it lacked the arms to do so, but it kind of bent it's upper part at the busty girl in a nod of sorts still. Even that was somewhat awkward-looking as it was not a particularly long candle-spirit thing.

There were no particularly strange dreams to be had, mostly just a rewind of the past day's most notable events that Adelle saw from a third-person perspective and not actually from her own eyes, which was somewhat strange but not all that alarming. She also had a brief vision of walking with Luna on a dark path lit by countless little candles that appeared to be similar to Wick in looks, the two of them traversing a nearly endless, silent dark for a good while. Nothing really happened there, until a flash of light snapped Adelle back into the awake world. She was still alone in bed, and the time appeared to be early morning, just a little time until 7 am.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

The odd dreams or rather the odd perspective in the dreams stayed with her through the majority of the night and through morning, the scene in her mind where she and Jarvis had sex causing her to blush quite a bit, but otherwise the dreams weren't overly worrisome. Then the strange dream with Luna came and creeped her out a bit. She was suddenly woken by a flash of light though before anything could happen other than them walking along the dark path.

"Whoa... that was strange, wonder what that was about," Adelle mumbled to herself as she woke and raised up.

Stretching as she lay there naked on her bed, Adelle just lay there and relaxed after that for a little while. Adelle finally got up after a few minutes and went to go get all freshened up for the morning, peeking around to look for Luna in the meantime as she went across the hall to her bathroom. Once she was done freshening up and using the bathroom, Adelle got dressed and came back out to look for Luna if she hadn't found her yet on her way to make breakfast for them both.
Guan Yu

Guan Yu

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Sep 4, 2009
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Once she got out of bed, Adelle would find Luna at the kitchen table where she had studied her book in the evening. But she had probably not studied to the best of her ability as the hexer was now snoring, having fallen asleep with her face firmly planted on the pages of the tome. Wick was not there anymore, having retreated to the ghost realm sometime in the night. Buddy and Banie both were laying around on the couch, their small size enabling them to fit and have plenty of space still. Other than the somewhat awkward sleeping position of Luna's, nothing really appeared to be wrong around the house, and the busty girl could go to the bathroom at her leisure.

Mind Flayer

The Sexy Futanari Admin Goon
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Mar 31, 2012
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Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Spotting Luna, Buddy, and Banie all in the other rooms as she went by, Adelle chuckled a bit at Luna who'd fallen asleep with her face planted in one of her books. She decided to go ahead and get finished up in the bathroom first before she tried to wake her, then after she got through she'd head back in there and wake Luna up, a bit more cautiously than last time, for she didn't think that she'd be able to work easily with a dislocated shoulder or anything like that.

"Hey Luna... hey, wake up. You never came to bed last night I'm assuming, because you fell asleep in your book," Adelle called over to Luna to try and wake her with her words rather than a shake like she'd done yesterday, which only earned her some pain.

If calling to Luna didn't work, Adelle would pull up one of her skillets and then she'd clang a ladle or something against it to try and wake her up that way, figuring a loud noise ought to do it if calling out didn't. Either way, once Luna was up and everything, Adelle would tell her that she should really come to bed instead of sleeping with her face in a book, that it's more comfortable and if she continued to sleep like that then she'd end up with a bad crick in her neck.

Getting some food out as she spoke, Adelle made some breakfast, keeping it mostly simple and just making some bacon, eggs, and toast for her, Luna, and a bit for Buddy.