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Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Those two... I need you three to join them, but two is good enough if that is how you want it." the girl called back to her, not really agreeing to co-operate as it appeared she had played some part in the disappearance of the two hunters. Somehow, it still looked as if she was not completely sure she should be doing this.

The small break was still good enough that it allowed the girls to reload, Shiulin too replacing the bolts she had fired already to take her back into the max three shots. The two opened fire once again to break the stalemate, Adelle's shots on one gun puncturing the wall-mounted fire extinguisher, which began to spray the powder within onto the girl nearby. This was a good enough distraction, limiting what she could see and react to for some time. It affected her defenses right away, the diminished sight preventing her from anticipating how the two targeted her. While Adelle's other shot still failed to get anything done, Shiulin hit a second time with her bolts, the shield arms failing to intercept it as they appeared to be more tooled towards blocking bullets. The situation looked a lot bleaker to the girl now as she had a bolt in her thigh and shoulder both.

And to make things worse, Lacrimosa had gathered herself again, having recovered from the overhead fist faster than expected. Showing another feat of monster strength, the nun forced herself to all fours with the weight still pushing her down, somehow managing to do that from a completely downed position. Even better, she slid one hand out and gripped the side of the palm that was keeping her down, fighting against it with one hand before she pulled herself away from the pin and slid a few feet away with a roll along the floor. Quickly standing up, the nun looked like she was in pain, but did her best to not let it hinder her.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Hearing the girl's words told Adelle that she likely had something to do with the missing hunters, which told Adelle that they needed to apprehend her and question her. After reloading her bullets with the armor piercing ones, Adelle noticed the fire extinguisher on the wall near the girl, so when they shooting and whatnot started again she took aim at that and fired, puncturing it in a way that it sprayed its contents out and into the girl's face, where she finished off the rest of that mag of bullets from her old gun by firing them at the girl directly.

This distracted her enough thankfully for Shiulin to get another bolt in at her, this one hitting her shoulder. Lacri was able to take this opportunity to slip free as Shiulin's bolt struck its intended target, leaving Adelle to figure that the shielding arms were made to block bullets rather than crossbow bolts, meaning that she had little use here herself as her bullets would all be blocked most likely... but at least it gave Shiulin's bolts the chance to hit while she distracted the girl.

"Why do you need us to join them, hmm? And what have you done with them? If you surrender to us we'll go easy on you so long as the others are alright and you tell us where they are and why they were taken," Adelle asked the girl, not expecting a reply but doing so anyway for the sake of trying to end this without any killing. While telling the girl this, Adelle would reload her old pistol up again with regular bullets since the armor piercing ones were so expensive and she hadn't the money to replace them easily.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Again, the girls took time to reload, Shiulin needing to replace only one bolt. While she had initially thought that her volley was ineffective, there was one thing that the piercing bullets had done. The arms were too bulky to be penetrated, but Adelle could see a hole in one of the shields, which were nowhere near that thick. The crossbow bolts were too flimsy to do that, so it had to have been one of her bullets that did that. Lacrimosa steadied herself a little more as she was given the opportunity, not pushing the attack even though she was in a pretty beneficial situation now that the girls were on both sides of their opponent. As the busty girl had expected, there was no answer to her question as the sandwiched opponent began to take steps towards the nearest room, keeping her defenses up as best as she could while doing it, though the effects of the two bolts stuck to her and the extinguisher spray were hampering the huge-armed little lady a good deal.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle noticed that her bullets seemed to have put some small holes in the shield things that the girl had to deflect her shots, which brought a smirk to her face. The girl as expected didn't respond to her words though, which disappointed her somewhat, but not too much. Raising her bigger gun again at the girl, Adelle looked over at Shiulin. "Take her legs out enough so she can't run away any, try not to kill her, I'll handle those shields she's got up," Adelle mumbled to Shiulin, hoping Lacri would get the hint to apprehend the girl once they'd taken their shots.

Adelle aimed directly at the shield she'd already damaged before shooting 1 bullet as far down towards the base of it as she could, then another shot at the second shield limb, again as close to the base as she could manage, hoping her larger bullets would do the trick of taking them out of commission for Shiulin and Lacri to get the take down.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Quickly moving to make precautions against the girl's attempt to leave, the group all went into action at once. Adelle's shots managed to cause some effects this time, one of them jamming a shield limb as she hit the root of it with a good shot. A crossbow bolt followed suit as Shiulin brought her weapons to game once more more as well, causing a direct hit to the girl's ankle and almost stopping her on her tracks. But it was Lacrimosa who performed the final move, grabbing the immobilized shield limb and pulling back on it to get the girl to stop leaving. Before she could do anything about it, the nun sister had already pulled her back into the corridor and tripped her into a sitting position, where the fight stopped as the tips of her tungsten claws stopped just inches away from the girl's eyes. Realizing that she would not have a way out, the girl stopped trying to go against her, accepting her defeat.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Working in almost perfect harmony it felt like, Adelle fired her shots off as Shiulin did her's at the same time, both having the desired effect as Adelle worked as the support and distraction while Shiulin made the main attack along with Lacri, the latter of whom got off a good attack herself and managed to trip the girl to the ground. Seeing the girl surrender, Adelle lowered her gun, but only to switch the last few armor piercing rounds out for regular ones again, then once both guns were reloaded accordingly she holstered the smaller one for now and knelt next to the girl, stepping closer to do so.

"Alright miss... now sit still and please answer my questions. Where are the two girl hunters? Why did you take them? And why did you want us as well? Tell us what you know please. Afterwards we'll take care of those wounds," Adelle said to the girl as she knelt beside her, taking a look at the wounded areas where Shiulin's bolts hit her to see the best way to remove them afterwards.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Even as they had just been fighting, the girl appeared to be a little more willing to co-operate than the fighting would have hinted. But all things considered, she looked like she had no means to get the bolts off from her body by herself, considering her arms were monstrous metallic things that could never do even the most basic things that required finer motor skills and dexterity. If she had no way to get any other sort of more realistic-sized arms onto herself, it looked like she depended on others to do the basic things she needed to perform in day-to-day life. "They are up there, on the roof. There's a small shack there, I didn't take them. Raksha did that himself, him and Kali have businesses with some other folk which involves young girls. I was one... but Kali had some interest towards me, so she bought me away. She has ordered me to catch any girls I find sneaking around here, since they can usually make money with any girls that look pretty."

The bolts could be removed by pulling them out, the things did not have any notches or hooks to keep them in harder. They were designed for clean entry and exit after all. There was still the matter of the wounds that they had caused even after the shafts and heads were removed.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle stayed next to the girl a she spoke finally, seeing as she had little choice in the matter at the moment. "So slavers eh... should've figured it was slavers. Was it the guy that hired our girls or do you not know? And why didn't you fight back with these big old arms huh? Soon as you got a hold of them both they wouldn't be able to break free and you could crush them like you threatened to do to Lacri here, which by the way I didn't figure you would or at least if you did end up doing so it wouldn't have done too much good," Adelle replied to the girl, giving her a bit of a stern look, yet there was pity in there too that the girl might see if she looked at her. "Now what do they have up there that we'll need to worry about hmm? Weaponry, goons, anything you can tell us will be better for you, because you'll be free now too," Adelle then asked the girl after a few moments, noticing that the bolts could be easily removed thankfully, though it was going to sting quite a bit to say the least.

"Now I haven't got much in the way of bandages right here on me... at least I don't think so anyway. Maybe I put my first aid kit in my pack here though..." Adelle said after they'd finished talking, looking around in her pack for her first aid kit she'd bought the day before, which she remembered putting into her pack for a just in case type of scenario so if she ended up getting hurt while on a job. If she found it she'd pull it out and get some bandages out of it, then remove each bolt, cleaning and disinfecting the wounds and bandaging them up as best she could, telling the girl that would do until they got done here and could get her to somewhere else for better treatment. The whole time she was bandaging up the girl and talking to her, Adelle had thought up a plan with which to catch the two mentioned by the girl off guard.

"Alright girls, I've got a plan. Now do you think you could walk and carry me in one of those big old arms miss? And could I trust you to go along with us? If you do then you won't be punished for helping slavers, since I'd say these wounds are punishment enough I think. Remember... you do this and you're free of those bastards that prey on people and sell their freedom away, the same ones that took your freedom away from you. If you prefer though we could just knock you out and take you to jail with them if you'd like to not help us recover our missing hunters," Adelle said directing her gaze over at the girl for a few moments as she spoke before looking over at Shiulin to see her reaction as she pretty much offered the girl a pardon for helping out in freeing their hunter companions before continuing on with her plan. "My plan is fairly simple, she carries me in with my guns at the ready, but where the slavers can't see them, you two sneak up close as best you can. Then all four of us jump them and take them down, hopefully capturing at least one of them so we can find out where any other girls they might have are or who they might have sold them to. Once we have what we need from them, we take them in or whatever, doesn't really matter to me what we do to them after we have all the information they can give us and all," she went on to say, laying out her plan for them to attempt unless one of them had a better one and if the girl was willing to help for her freedom that is, if she wasn't then once she'd been bandaged up Adelle would just bonk her on the head with the butt of her Colt Python hard enough to knock her out and they'd come up with another plan not involving her.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"They are much more capable fighters than I am. I did not have these arms when I was initially caught, Kali had me fitted with them when she got me out from there. The original cyber limbs I had were thrown away as she put me into that operation, and she has been taking care of me since that. Even if she did this... I can't deny how much she has done to me since then... " the girl told about her past a bit before going into what she knew was waiting on the roof as Adelle patched her up. "I know that they keep a container with some of those tentacle creatures on the roof area, and they will set them loose if pushed. Kali is partially cybernetic, she has metallic limbs, but her body and head are still natural, I think. She uses a back harness similar to mine, though it has a set of ten normal robot arms that she uses to wield weapons. If you go there, I think she'll use her tools of restraint which include whips, clubs and stun rods. She'll most likely equip two of each on her arms and possibly carry other similar things too. Raksha I am not sure about, I've never seen him fight, but I always have a tingling feeling that he is something else than a normal person. As far as I know, he did bring over the two girls from earlier. At least that is what I heard them talk about."

The girl seemed to be willing to go with the plan, though she stated it clear as day that she would not harm this Kali person, no matter what. "Raksha I don't mind, I never liked him." But as the others heard this idea, Shiulin noticed a rather glaring flaw that would instantly give their surprise attack away. "This is not going to work with those bandages on her. She could not put them on by herself, they'll notice that right away if they are paying attention. And if the bond between her and this Kali is genuine, she at least will pay attention to that."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle sat and listened to the girl explain what she knew of the two above that she'd mentioned, with the busty blue haired girl nodding a couple of times as she made her plan, which Shiulin immediately told of the flaws which Adelle hadn't taken into consideration until just then. Sighing and shaking her head, Adelle nodded to her.

"Yeah... didn't think that far ahead, damn. Sneak attack then?" Adelle replied to Shiulin, suggesting in the meantime another method of attack, which may also not work really, but Adelle had nothing else in mind at the moment so it was really up to Shiulin and Lacri to formulate their plan of attack if they didn't want to just charge right into battle with the two and try to catch them unawares. Then she looked back over to the girl. "And if you really don't want us to then we won't kill this Kali, or at least we'll try not to do so anyway. But she's still a slaver who takes away peoples freedom from them, she can't be allowed to keep doing so even if she did do some nice things for you, she's still using you to put other people through the same enslavement that she has you under. You do understand what happens to the girls that they sell don't you? So if she surrenders and frees the girls, as well as helps to free any others that she's sold in the past then she may get off easy. I'm Adelle by the way. What's your name?" Adelle then said to the girl, holding up a hand and introducing herself as she asked the girl's name.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Seems like the best plan we got in these conditions..." Lacrimosa agreed to the changed idea of a sneak attack. Shiulin had little options to present, so it looked that this would be the plan that they'd use. "I know... and while I don't wan't to hurt her, that doesn't mean she is not responsible for those things. I don't care how you do it, just have her arrested, but please don't kill her..." the girl expressed her feeling about the situation, raising one huge hand as a response to the attempt at handshaking. "I'm Yomi... that is what I've always been called, even if I am not of Asian descent."
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Indeed Lacri, I wish they weren't on the roof and were in the basement instead, would make things so much easier as we could just break the floor out and dive down on them. But I doubt the roof could be broken out as easily as any of the floors themselves to drop them down and jump them, unless you all think it could be done that is," Adelle said as Lacri agreed with the sneak attack proposal, unsure if they could manage to drop the roof out from under the two above as she didn't know how strong this structure was exactly.

Adelle grasped one of Yomi's metal fingers and shook it in a handshaking gesture. "Alright Yomi, I promise I'll do my best to bring her in for her crimes instead of killing her. But the other guy whoever he is, well girls sounds like he's free game if we can't take him down in any other fashion. And damn I'm gonna need some more armor piercing rounds after this," Adelle said to Yomi, not too happy on having to use her armor piercing rounds earlier. She then looked around at the other three for a moment. "So... any ideas on how to sneak attack them girls? Say Shiulin... do you poison tip any of your bolts by chance? Anything that isn't deadly would do I'd say. If not we'll just have to sneak up as best we can and try to knock them out quick I think," she added, looking to Shiulin to see if she laced any of her bolts with poisons of any kind.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"We'll need to get to the roof... up the stairs is how we'll have to go." Lacrimosa stated the obvious as the trio pondered the ideas to make their surprise assault. Unfortunately, it did not appear that Shiulin was equipped with toxins to make things easier. "These are not made for strats like that, I'd have differed types of tips for that stuff, and I don't generally like to do that." the female taskmaster told what she had at the moment. Unless the trio wanted to deal with Yomi somehow, they were free to advance. The huge-armed girl seemed to be reluctant to make any moves against her mistress, even though she did not feel that way towards the other slaver that was waiting for them.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

"Well damn, was hoping for you to have some bolts laced with something to maybe hit them with to knock them out but oh well," Adelle replied to Shiulin with a shrug of her shoulders, then she nodded her head as she got ready to move upstairs to deal with this problem for better or worse. "Alright then, best get this over with one way or the other I guess. Yomi, let us deal with Kali, you can take down the other guy with whoever gets the best shot at him if you feel you can fight with us. It'd probably me or Shiulin to get one close quarters fighters in with one longer range supporter. I've got only one mag left of armor piercing rounds that I can use for my Colt here, and I think another mag for my other gun too, hopefully would be enough to disable anything Kali or the other guy can throw at us, I'll load the Colt with those for now just in case since it's got more power, but I'd say our best bet is to sneak up on them and take them down quietly," Adelle then said to the others as they laid out their plan of attack, with Adelle loading the last armor piercing rounds that she had for the Colt into said weapon.

With that, Adelle would lead the way upstairs, creeping as silently as she could and checking each corner and step carefully to hopefully get them up close enough to drop the two without a fight if possible. She'd motion the others to follow along behind her unless Lacri or Shiulin wished to switch to the lead at any point since their weapons were much more silent than Adelle's.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

With the best plan they could make up at the moment now planned, the group made their way forward, Yomi too coming after them even as she still appeared to be reluctant to fight. It would remain to be seen if she would actually do anything to make their fight easier, but it did not look like she would be betraying them either. Better still, she too managed to sneak her way about, even as she had gargantuan metal hands.

Going up the stairs with the best of their sneaking ability, the group managed to avoid making noise as they went. The door to the roof had been removed, much like the one in the basement, leaving the path open. Checking outside from the stairs revealed that there was indeed a small, ramshackle shack with basically no walls built on the roof. A thin-featured man lazing about on a table that had been set there, minding his own business and eating a sandwich, dressed in boots, jeans and a featureless denim vest. If Yomi had been providing them with correct info, this guy was Raksha. Kali could be found a little farther away from the shack, leaning against the railing on the roof and checking out the view. She was not hiding her cybernetic legs in any way, though she had shoes and a pair of short jean shorts on regardless as she still had her natural body and did appear to care about not flashing people. The backpack harness was pulled over a leather jacket, and a whole bunch of different tools of control already hung on her belt, ready to be used in case there was trouble. What Adelle could see from their current location, she had light pink hair that had been styled to one side, so it most likely covered her other eye. The various arms on her harness were at rest, hanging limply on her side.

On the other side, some feet behind Raksha, there was a metal container about the size of a car with two separate compartment with their individual doors. A tentacle briefly slid in and out from an air hole, so it was safe to assume that the stored tentacle monsters were hidden there, in the other compartment. As there was no sign of the girls, it was probably a safe bet to assume that they were crammed into the other space. It was not a comfortable place for sure, but that certainly did not matter much to any professional slave collector.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Adelle kept an eye on Yomi on the way up, noticing the way she was able to stealthily make her way along without giving them away. It amazed Adelle quite a bit actually to see her manage it actually. "Man why does it have to be slavers? Sorry bastards, taking our people and all those other innocents... fucking unforgivable," Adelle muttered quietly to herself as they went.

Once they reached the top of the steps they found the door there had been removed and it left them an easy and clear path on to take these two down. Peeking around, Adelle got a good long look at the two they were to be fighting soon, looking over at Lacri and Shiulin and nodding them up to get a look too at the situation. She looked around also for any cover that they could move to in order to hide out of sight, so if they decided to creep up and try to get stealthy take downs.

"Well... me and Lacri can take that Kali there since I've got armor piercing rounds, might be able to disable her legs with any luck so she can't run, but let's see if we can get in close enough to take them down with stealth. Remember to try and not kill them. Yomi... after this you can do whatever you want to do... not what she wants you to do, remember that," Adelle whispered so quietly that even she could barely hear herself, hoping to give Yomi some inspiration to fight harder for her freedom.

Nodding to the others, Adelle would wait until both of their foes had their backs turned before moving out, stepping as silently as she could for any cover out there to hide behind in order to get a closer shot on that Kali's legs. If there was no cover out there, Adelle would move in quickly and quietly as close to Kali as she could without alerting them, nodding to Lacri as she went for the nun to move in for a quick take down of the guy Raksha. In the meantime, Adelle would aim her pistol at the other of the pair, likely being Kali where she would take a quick shot at the woman's left leg at the knee joint in an effort to take away any way of her running away. Hopefully their attack would hit the two too fast for them to react and would give the girls a swift victory for them to free the other hunters.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

With their plan clear, the ladies went to executing it, having the advantage of surprise on their side. Lacrimosa stepped up, taking a slightly indirect path of dashing towards the woman near the railing to allow Adelle her shots before she would be obstructing the way with her body. The shot was nice and clean, hitting where she wanted it to and causing some sparks and an amount of visible damage as the back of the cyber leg's knee joint began to cause some problems for it's owner. Simultaneously, Shiulin opened up with her crossbow, firing a trio all at the same time at Raksha, who was still enjoying his sandwich. One of the sharp bolts missed him, only hitting the sandwich, but two others hit the man on the shoulder and side. Considering that he had just been hit with two bolts, the man was taking it pretty well, not really reacting to anything else besides the loss of his sandwich. Maybe thankfully for him, Shiulin had to reload to keep it up. Lacrimosa's attack had been given away with Adelle's initial firing, which enabled Kali to react to the oncoming assault, the resting arms activating in a flurry of wavy limbs that caught the nun's oncoming leg before it could reach the woman and cause damage. Coming back with a kick of her own, the female slaver roundhoused Lacrimosa back to give herself some room. The fight was on, though Yomi was still looking on, most likely having a whole lot of inner turmoil right then.

"MY GODDAMN SANDWICH!" the girls could hear Raksha yell as he sprung to his feet, flipping the table towards them but not really reaching any of the ladies to make any impact. A visible change began to happen on him then, his muscles beginning to swell and his skin darken as the lower part of his pants began to tear apart to give space to the increasing muscle mass. Hair started to grow as he changed form, the earlier words that Yomi had provided turning out to be true as he assumed the shape of a humanoid tiger, one with black stripes on white instead of orange. The vest he had been wearing burst away near the end of the transformation as well, leaving him with only what were now shorts. Completely transformed, he was much bigger and had the usual weapons of a great cat, the claws and teeth as well as increased strength. With the space allowed to her, Kali too made preparations to fight, the lower arms on her harness beginning to pass the weapons on her belt to the ones higher up in a remarkable fast and dextrous way. Quickly enough, the woman was armed with a whole bunch of weapons. The uppermost arms on both sides sported whips, the middlemost arms on both sides held stun rods and the lowest ones wielded blackjacks. Even so, there was still a few different things left on the multi-armed woman's belt, so she was not completely out of surprises just then. And there were two pairs of additional arms free as well, besides the ones that belonged to her own body. As the sight of the battlefield made itself clear to her, she took out a pair of handcuffs as well, using her own left arm to twirl them around a bit. "Ooh, this looks like a lot of fun... a whole group of little girls... " she almost purred at the scene, licking her lips in anticipation. She was not bad in looks, and apparently enjoyed the varied aspects of being a slaver, something just giving that away from the mere sight of her.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Moving in and taking aim a carefully and quickly as she could manage, Adelle fired a couple of shots into Kali's leg, doing some considerable damage from the looks of it to the knee she'd aimed at. However her shooting had the terrible side effect of preventing Lacri from getting her sneak attack in properly unfortunately. "Dammit, should have let her hit first. Fucking stupid Adelle," Adelle screamed to herself inside her head, knowing that may have cost them the fight right there.

Shiulin's bolts all struck something at least, with one hitting the guy's sandwich while the other two hit his side and shoulder. But his transformation took her by complete surprise, and worse still Kali began bringing out her weaponry. Adelle looked over to Lacri for a moment. "Lacri, don't hold back alright, do what you have to to knock her out," Adelle said to Lacrimosa, narrowing her eyes at Kali as she spoke.

"Release our hunters and surrender and maybe the guild will go easy on you. Don't... well I can't say what might happen then, but either way it won't be pretty in the end for anyone," Adelle then said to Kali with no hint of fear in her voice, the fact that she was less armed and all likely looking laughable, and Adelle seriously doubted that she'd surrender anyway, but hey she's gotta try at least. If Kali said anything but "Okay we surrender," Adelle would aim directly at the woman's arms as soon as she did and fired one armor piercing round into each one holding the whips, in full serious mode and ready to do whatever was necessary to free their captive hunters. In the meantime she could only hope Shiulin could handle the big guy... cat... thing over there alone unless Yomi finally decided to help.

Once her last 4 AP rounds were gone from her Colt, Adelle would reload, taking stock of the amount of damage she'd done, and if it was little to no damage at all then she would load up her pricey incendiary rounds into the Colt as she drew her other gun out, figuring that all the extra firepower they could get would be needed in order to win.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

Even with all the serious, it looked that Kali and more obviously Raksha were not going to even think about something as absurd as giving themselves in quietly. The battle would go on just as it had started, Adelle going for her double shot next to aim at the whip arms of Kali. Both shots were on target, the beginning of the fight curse apparently not bothering her in this one as she disabled one arm as it was severed from the elbow joint and damaged the other, the disabled arm losing it's whip as the one arm underneath it claimed the weapon for itself before it could drop to the ground. The slaver woman and Lacrimosa continued to fight, the multiple arms holding the nun back pretty good, though the latter managed to avoid getting poked with the possibly tide-turning stun rods that were wielded against her. Even as she spaced herself to avoid grappling, the sister got herself whipped by both of Kali's whips, and the woman was already having a blast.

On the other side, Raksha had initiated a dash and was now coming for the two ranged fighters, Shiulin still being too busy reloading to delay him. He would soon descend upon them, and it might get messy from there as he looked to be pretty darn capable once he was within arm's reach.
Re: Steel Sky (Adelle/Mind Flayer)

As she took her shots at Kali's extra arms, Adelle saw one of the arms she hit go completely lifeless as she damaged the next one a good bit, likely hampering its mobility. Seeing the stun rods being dodged by Lacri made Adelle change targets right then and there as she aimed her last Colt AP rounds at the pair of arms holding the stun rods to disable them from the fight and maybe to drop one into Lacri's hands to use against Kali.

Shiulin she noticed was reloading her crossbow and it seemed that Raksha was aiming at them both and came charging at them, so Adelle using her other gun aimed at him and shot directly at his head, knowing that they'd be in some deep shit if he got too close, as he was much bigger than they were and a beast besides. If her bullets at him did little to nothing, then Adelle would dive out of the way and reload her Colt with the incendiary rounds she had for it and prepare to fire a couple of more at him once they were in the gun, unless Yomi finally stepped in to help against him.