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South City

Re: South City

The reply Cynder got wasn't exactly encouraging. The soldier merely shrugged, indicating that he had no idea who was in charge.

Max's situation was a little better. When he found where the medics were, there was an older man seeming to be in charge. As Max got near, the man was in the middle of muttering something. "...doctor, not a forklift."

When he saw Max, he half-snapped at him, gesturing at his aid kit, "Do you know how to use that?"
Re: South City

Jack sighed. He was quite annoyed, but didn't let that stop him. He wanted to get a fairly clear view of the situation. "For how long have they been attacking? Did they use any other route?"
Re: South City

"They've headed to the battle field, south of this building," Kain replies to Miranda before popping his head back down to continue with his paperwork.

"I should bloody hope I do know how to use it," Max snaps at the man, affronted by the mans question. "Who most urgently needs treating?" He asks as he quickly rummages through his medkit.
Re: South City

The soldier shrugs in slight confusion. "Less than a day...I think. And I don't think so..."

"How should I know?" The older doctor groused at Max. "These lazy fools can't get out and even try to bring in the wounded! What few I've seen to have either limped in themselves, or I've had to go out and drag them back myself!"

The other medics seemed rather scared, though it was hard to tell if it was because of the fighting, or guy in charge...
Re: South City

"Fine, fine....I'll start tending to those who are seriously injured." Max gets to work on fixing the soldiers up.
Re: South City

Jack nodded. It seemed that the situation wasn't very bad, but the soldiers were in a rough mental condition. This didn't bode well. "Those things. Do they have any glaring weaknesses? Any unusual strenghts?"
Re: South City

Miranda gave a short, curt nod, before she was out of the door again, "C'mon Sen."
Re: South City

Following Miranda, Sen speaks again. So what's being happening here, anyway?
Re: South City

"Apparently the zombie things have been raiding the camps of the soldiers fighting them." she replied "Stealing supplies and the like."
Re: South City

What is your obsession with calling them zombies anyway? The people back in central were just controlled, not dead already. Sen replies to the other woman.
Re: South City

"Aaaactually..." Miranda said, "They were dead. One of the others mentioned that. It's like their bodies were being used like puppets."
Re: South City

The soldier shrugged. "We've just been shooting at them. If they go down, that's basically it, they don't seem to get back up...Although they do decay rapidly once they're down."

James stood in the middle of the soldiers' 'line', gathering a small pile of large-ish stones next to him.
Re: South City

Jack sighed. "Doesn't sound bad... What about supplies? Weapons, ammo, stuff like that? Do you have enough to fight?"
Re: South City

The soldier nodded. "I have enough...And I think everyone else does as well."
Re: South City

Jack smiled, then moved to a position that allowed him to watch the undead. "Not the brightest tools in the shed... Were they more aggressive before?"
Re: South City

Once again, the soldier shrugged. "Not that I'm aware of..."
Re: South City

"Guess we'll just have to make sure they won't go any further... Can you tell me how many soldiers were dispatched?"
Re: South City

The soldier simply shook his head.
Re: South City

Yeah, right. Sure, I believe you. human transmutation of a swarm like that is totally possible and all that. Sen replies sarcastically, not believing Miranda.