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South City

Re: South City

Sitting down on a bench near the station, Sen starts sketching alchemy circles in the dirt around random clumps of grass nearby and starts trying to convince them to change from green to odd neon colorings.
Re: South City

Jack, who followed James and Fuery all the time, took a look around. "It seems she's not here... I guess she's lost. Maybe she fell asleep in the train and didn't wake up." He glanced at Fuery. He seemed to be used to calling Mustang "colonel".

'Perhaps he was one of Mustang's subordinates once... Well, now he is one again.'
Re: South City

James sighed, then stated, "Great...Okay, I guess one of us needs to go find her. For the others, I'd suggest heading down to where the fighting is underway, and then spreading out to help as much as you can."

He looked over at Max. "If you would, you mind being with the group heading out to help? They might have wounded, and we're still trying to recover after Lior. We don't need to lose any more if we can avoid it, I'm thinking."
Re: South City

Miranda let out an irritated snort, "I'll go find her. Starting at the station and working our way back seems to be the best bet." and with that she turned and headed out.
Re: South City

"Yeah, I planned on doing that," Max says as Miranda left them to go find Sen. He then checked on his gear to make sure he had everything he needed. "Right, we all set then?"
Re: South City

James merely nodded, indicating that he was ready.

Inwardly, he was surprised. Both by the fact that none of the others seemed to step forward and ask questions during that, and his own actions. He'd actually sounded like he was in command, at least to himself...A concept he'd never really been comfortable with, leading others. He knew he'd have to, given his choice on 'career', but it wasn't something he thought he could do that well.
Re: South City

Jack was content with the situation. He didn't want to act as the leader right now - after all, James was doing the job good enough. "I suppose we could head out."
Re: South City

Having gotten bored messing with the pigment balances in the grass outside the train station, Sen soon starts using alchemy to color designs in the grass patches in similar fashions.
Re: South City

James give the other three from the group still in the room a quick glance, and then turns to Max. "I think we're as ready as we're going to be. Might as well head out."
Re: South City

"Yeah okay, lets get moving then." With that Max bid Kain farewell and ran out of the HQ and towards the battlefield.

As they near the battlefield they'd be able to hear the panicked voices of the surviving soldiers and gunfire going off erratically. Bodies litter the floor, and the stench of blood hangs in the air.

Max runs up to one of the soldiers who seemed to be trying to hide, his expression was of utmost fear, sweat and tears rolled down his face.

"Soldier, what the hell has happened here?" Max barks at the man as he pulls him to face Max.

"Thi-things...Creatures....att-attacked us...tore men..apart..." The man collapsed to his knee's, the strain of what happened quite obviously has gotten to him as his cries out. Just as Max tries to console him the soldier pulls out a gun, mutters 'Mother, forgive me..' and puts the barrel in his mouth. With a swift squeeze of the trigger the man blows his brains out before anyone can stop him and collapses to the ground. Max stands there in shock, unable to say anything.
Re: South City

Jack cleared his throat. For some reason, he really wanted to go back and have a drink. The Hellfire Alchemist looked at his companions - first at James, then at Max. "So..." For a moment, it seemed that Jack was going to continue the sentence. However, no more words were said.
Re: South City

James snarls a quick "Dammit" before he turned to the others. "We need to spread out, and get this situation under control. We can't afford to lose any more men."

When any of the alchemists reach the areas of fighting, the undead would be extremely easy to spot. The rotting on them was bad enough that sizable sections of bone were visible. Every now and then, a group would spot something, either on the ground, or an ejected shell, and yell "Shiny!" before chasing after it.
Re: South City

"Spread out? Are you insane? We'd be sitting ducks if we thinned ourselves out!" Max was almost hysterical, which would be considered rare for him. "And I have very little firearms training, it's the main reason why I don't carry a gun!"
Re: South City

"I agree." Jack's face was pale, but his eyes were burning. "If those things defeated soldiers, this means they were either well-prepared or armed, or simply very numerous. We can't face them alone."
Re: South City

James turned towards them. "From what I can see, they were able to defeat the soldiers because the soldiers' morale broke. If we can present a stable, strong image, they may rally...and that's what we need at the moment."

He turned to look towards the south for a bit, then back to the others. "Listen, I have a bit of a plan. Max, try to find and gather as many medics as you can. If they've already got an aid station set up nearby, the better. That's the role I think you can help the most in. Harrison, Jack, if you can try to find the flanks, support them as best you can. As dangerous as it is for me, I'm going to try to hold at the center of line."

He let out a sigh, then listened for a moment. Every now and then, a short-lived cheer would rise, before being overwhelmed by the sound of panicked battle. James turned back and smiled. "Sounds like they can hurt these things. Which means we've faced worse and lived to tell about it."
Re: South City

Jack growled. "Ugh... Fine." He didn't seem to be eager to talk at the moment. He seemed to be quite mad and willing to say something, but at the same time, the alchemist knew that it'd only make things worse. Besides, he'd be speaking in rage, which never helps. "I'll go look for the right flank. Harrison, you go left."
Re: South City

Miranda reaches the station and sees the multicolored grass. Groaning she calls out, "Sen! Come on, we need to get going."
Re: South City

"Right. Fine, I will. Though if they give me any trouble I'm blowing the bastards up." Max shoots off in a random direction in the hopes of finding some medics, or even better an aid station whilst trying to stay out of view of the undead.
Re: South City

As Max is running, a screaming is heard from a zombie that flies past Max, the sound of hands clapping together multiple times being heard "God damn freaks. They're abominations to Ishbala." a voice says, a man down the street sitting on a small block of stone just shorter than his knees "So. You're the reinforcements, eh?" the man asks, standing and chuckling
Re: South City

Max pushes himself up against a wall as the zombie flies past his face. He then scowls at the Ishbalan.

"Whats to laugh at? These things are killing your men!" Max says angrily, struggling to hold back shouting. "And yes, I'm one of the reinforcements. The others are trying to push back these bastards."