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Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Tanya sat listening to Sara speak nodding her head after the story. "Well I suppose she can stay here after all I did kinda bring this on. Besides once you work at Tanya's your always welcome. Asha can stay but once the baby arrives she will have to work a little waiting tables or what not. Hope is a good babysitter after all so once the baby arrives things should go smoothly." Tanya smiled at Sara. "Im so happy for you and Asha!" Tanya got up and hugged Sara warmly. "I do have one request though." Tanya's voice adopted a serious tone as she looked into Sera's eyes. "Can I be the god mother? I know its an odd request comming from... well comming from a demon but please consider it."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Bowing her head gratefully, Sara responded with a smile, "Thank you! That is a huge weight off my shoulders. I'm sure Asha won't mind waiting tables." At the mention of Hope, Sara remembered she had some questions about Tanya's relationship with the angel, but decided to hold them while she hugged the succubus and waited to hear her request. Her eyes widened when Tanya asked to be the godmother, and then she broke out in a wide grin. "Well Miss Tanya, I'll have to run it by Asha, but I think you would make a fine godmother for our girl! And for the record, you being a demon doesn't matter in the slightest. You're a good person, and that's what's important."

Sara waited for Tanya to end the embrace before releasing the succubus, and godmother hopeful. "I have another question if you don't mind. What is the story with you and Hope? Is she really an angel? How did she end up working here for you? I know you're a good person, but I still didn't expect you to employ an angel, or at least for an angel to accept your employment."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Tanya smiled as she sat back down. "Well lets put it this way. Hope was hanging around no matter what so I decided if she was going to be here she might as well earn her keep." Tanya looked up and saw that this wasn't a good enough answer for Sara. "Hope's father was an angel sent to keep an eye on me. You see I had made an agreement in order to spare my life. I won't go into those details though so don't bother asking. Anyway while he was here he fell for one of my girls. Their realationship caused him to be recalled and I got a more strict angel overseer. However Clair revealled she was pregnant which caused an up roar. Needless to say she was devistated when they took Hope away from her. They where worried that she would be tainted by my pressence. This devistated Clair and it wasn't long after the poor thing took her own life. Hope arrived many years later and was asking about Clair. I of course told her the sad tale and then she left. Needless to say I was surprised when she came back almost a month later. She told me she was sent to keep an eye on me and to make sure I wasn't causing any trouble. So there ya go the story in a nutshell." Tanya leaned back and spun around in her chair to look out a window. "Anything else I can tell you dear?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Wow...that wasn't what I was expecting at all...how very sad...to have never known her mother." Sara frowned sadly. It was sad to think about, she felt bad for Hope. She had to wonder about her being the one to keep watch over Tanya though. Surely the angels could have sent someone else? She wondered if maybe she was drawn back because Tanya was the closest she could get to her mother. She kept those thoughts to herself for the time being.

"I do have another question, actually. It is rather personal, I hope you don't mind. I've been thinking about the much earlier conversation you and Aya and I had. You say you adopted children from time to time, and you were so often lonely, but I never heard you mention anything about actually bearing your own children or taking a lover, mate, or husband. Was it personal preference that lead you to adopt, or are you...unable to have children? I ask because after all you've done for me, I know you would make a great mother and I want you to have that chance if you want it."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Tanya's eyes twinkled "Thats quite a nice offer dear." Tanya looked at Sara seductively a moment the air around her getting slightly sinister but it passed quickly. "In truth Ive never really been a woman to be locked down with one partner. As for children well... they would all be born carrying my umm nature." Tanya looked away a moment muttering something to herself. "Anyway I wouldn't want them carrying around that stigma. They should be free to chose their own path and not worry about the sins of the mother."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

The way Tanya looked at Sara made her realize she might intend for her to have a more...involved role in the conception than just procuring a fertility potion. While the aura did seem a bit sinister, Sara wasn't actually worried. She knew Tanya had a good heart, despite her urges and her status as a succubus and demon.

Kneeling beside Tanya after she told her why she didn't want to have children, Sara gently laid a hand on top of the woman's and said, "Well for what it's worth, I don't see there being any stigma to being a succubus, or a demon. No one can help what their born with or as. And I certainly don't think you being a succubus and demon is a poor reflection on you, or a reason to deny yourself children if you want them. It doesn't matter if they're demon, angel, human, or something else. As long as you raise them with love and affection and teach them right from wrong they won't have to worry about any sort of stigma."

Sara leaned up and pecked Tanya on the cheek, smiling warmly at her. "Besides, I wouldn't be willing to name you as the godmother of my daughter if I didn't think you could be the best mother that any child could ask for."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Tanya smiled at Sara. "You are far more open minded than some I've encountered." Tanya sighed an gathered up some paperwork. "Well I got some work to handle Sara was there anything else?" Unless Sara had anymore questions Tanya would shoo her out saying she had work to do. Either way this left Sara in a lurch. It was just after noon and the mid day shift had started and the bar was filling up quickly.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Just this..." Sara abruptly leaned in and gave Tanya a deep kiss on the lips, in addition to coping a generous feel of her large breasts. After a moment she backed off with a smile and a playful wink. "If you change your mind, let me know when I get back from Endus. I'd be more than happy to make a certain...contribution, especially for you! Bye Tanya!" She blew Tanya a kiss and stepped out the door.

Seeing the bar start fill up, Sara wondered if it was already time for her shift, or if she should see about finding Aya. If she had time she would go look for the succubus, otherwise she would go get her uniform and report for duty.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sadly after giving Tanya a generoys grope the succubus wasn't content to let Sara slip away. Feeling a tail wrap around her waist and pull her back slightly. If Sara didn't fight it she would soon feel Tanya behind her breathing on her neck. The elder succubus's arms wrapped around the girl. "You think you can tease and run humm?" Sara felt a tender lick across her cheek as two hands grabbed her breasts and started to masssage them. "Ya know its dangerous to tease a succubus with such delights." Tanya's voice was heavy but not meancing and Sara felt that her bluff was being called.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Rather than fight the tail, Sara let herself be pulled back, shivering in anticipation and arousal as she felt Tanya's breath on her neck. "Well it...seemed like good fun at the time...I never was one for running away though..." Sara replied with a seductive voice of her own.

Uttering a soft coo as Tanya licked her cheek and massaged her breasts, Sara arched her back to press her breasts more into the demon's hands and felt a flush of arousal, having fantasized about just such a scenario where she teased Tanya and fell into her velvety-soft clutches. The succubus made surrender seem so sweet. So of course Sara planned to hold out as best she could. That would make it all the sweeter in the end.

"Well you were playing so hard to get yourself...I offered myself to you but then you just turned me down...what's a girl to think when that happens, hmmm?" The young spirit wielder gently pressed and wiggled her ass against Tanya's crotch. "I was afraid you lost interest...in what I have to offer." Her hands worked their way down behind Tanya to help themselves to her lush ass.

"I mean, mmmm....I offered to make you a mmmom, to knock you up, get you pregnant, put a little Sara-Tanya bun in your oven...I don't know how I could have been more direct, how I could have offered such...delights more obviously." Sara wanted to show she wasn't afraid to talk the talk with the succubus, to maybe gain a bit more respect from the matron-demon. Hell, she wasn't entirely sure what direction Tanya planned to take this, making it somewhat risky as another unplanned pregnancy may not be the best thing right now. That said, Sara certainly wasn't about to let up and admit any sort of defeat to Tanya. She was going to give as good as she got, whatever sex may come.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara felt the tail tighten around her as Tanya breathed heavily against her neck. Hearing a soft rip from behind Sera saw the light dim slightly as the window was blocked. "Oohhh Sara... you have no idea how much I wanted this the moment I smelt you." Suddenly the hands where gone from her breasts as she felt them trail up to the top of her shirt stopping on her shoulders. There they rested a moment as Tanya leaned in and kissed the back of Sara's neck ever so slightly. A moment later she felt the hands move as they began to slip her upper garment off her shoulders ripping it off if the shirt refused to budge. This of course wasn't the only thing she felt as a certain hardness began to press against her ass cheeks, clearly the sign of a growing erection.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

As Tanya drew the shades to darken the room, Sara felt her excitement quicken. Even more so as the tail tightened and Tanya kissed her neck. When her shirt came off, she flushed with arousal and swiftly removed her own bra, letting it join her top on the floor. She did feel a tinge of worry though, as Tanya manifested a cock which promptly hardened against her ass. She trusted Tanya, but it was extremely important that she not let herself get pregnant. It would really impede her ability to travel to Endus, among other things.

In a sugary sweet voice, the voice of one lover to another, Sara gently reminded Tanya, "Tanya, you know I can't let you get me pregnant now, right? There are other things that I have to do, and I can't do them pregnant." Of course, she didn't struggle against Tanya. She still leaned against her. She just wanted the succubus' word that she wouldn't take things too far and get her pregnant. Once she had that, she could truly relax and enjoy the game they played. With a seductive tone she whispered to Tanya over her shoulder,"We can't have as much fun until you promise you won't be shooting live rounds into me, Miss Tanya...Just give me your word..."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara felt a finger trace down her back. "Of course dear you have my word." Her breasts free Tanya didn't hesiate to bring one hand up to pinch a nipple. "We can have so much fun Sara.. how do you want it humm? Maybe right here bouncing on my cock? Or maybe against the wall? Oh I know..." Suddenly Sara head a flap as she found her self faceing the desk looking out of a clearly unshutterd window. Tanya pushed her down sligtly forcing her breast to mush against the desk.

Feeling the tail unwind allowed Sara some movement to look back at Tanya. The succubus had manifested her true nature. Small curved black horns streched over her red hair. Her skin had lost most of its fleshy tone almost going into a grey color. Red smoldering eyes looked back at ehr as an elongated tongue snaked its way past lushsious black lips. Large bat wings streched out from behind Tanya as the woman smiled and slid down grabbing Sara's ass. "First a little taste."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara visibly relaxed when Tanya gave her her word not to impregnate her. "Alright then, you said you wanted me since you first smelled me, so show me...show me how much you wanted me..."

When Tanya started talking about the things they could do, the young spirit wielder started to get a little wet between her legs. When she found herself pushed down on the desk, breasts mashed against it, ass out for Tanya's inspection, and the succubus revealed in full, all in front of an a window with the blinds open, her feminine delta became positively juicy. "Oh my, you do look simply ravishing..." she said as Tanya knelt down behind her for 'a taste.' And she meant it too, despite the general fear people had for demons, Sara found them to be quite good looking, equal to the fey in her eyes. At least, the females of both groups, she felt nothing towards the men of either demons or fey.

As the succubus knelt down towards her wet gash, she looked back and said, "As intensely erotic as this is, are you sure it's a good idea to reveal your true form like that in front of an open window?" Of course, she wasn't about to do anything to stop the succubus. If Tanya wasn't worried about it, then she wasn't going to either.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara felt a long tongue taste her quickly followed by a satisfied ummm. " Adds a sense of danger dose it not? " Sara felt a sharp smack to her ass hinting that Tanya was done talking for now. Again and again she felt the tongue tease her folds lingering a moment longer each time. " Your so sweet Sara so tasty. " Feeling the succubus's hands slide up her sides followed by the tongue up her spine Tanya rested a moment on Sara breathing deeply. " Ready? " it was a rhetorical question as no sooner as it was uttered Sara felt her folds part as a large cock entered her. Feeling her folds part to the massive intruder Sara was thankful for her arousal as the cock streched her nearly to her limit. " Oohhh so tight.. I wonder if I can change that? " Impossibly she felt the cock grow larger inside of her. "Ohh much better!" Starting out slow Tanya pummped into Sara her now massive girth seeming leaving a void as she pulled back only to be filled by the large hot shaft sliding into her.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara giggled as Tanya smacked her ass. She shifted her hips some as the elder succubus started to tease her pussy with just a single light lick at a time, the later ones finally being long enough to enjoy. "I'm glad you like it Tanyaaaa..." The spirit user moaned as Tanya's hands slid up her sides and her tongue made her spine tingle.

Sara's reply to Tanya's question was nothing but a low moan. It was a good thing she was as juicy as she was between her legs as the thick demonic rod stretched her. She knew she had Ama's brief but effective foreplay to thank for that. And just when she thought she was as stretched as could be, Ama's cock expanded, and it took all her willpower to not cry out.

After a few moments of her mouth open in a silent scream she managed to get her breath back enough to moan with each thrust into her. She even started to move her hips back against Tanya. "So...good..." Sara panted slowly. After a few more thrusts Sara decided she wanted to be a more active participant, or to at least be able to show her appreciation of Tanya's efforts more.

"Let me tur-haaah...turn over..." Sara panted out in between moans. If Tanya let her, then in a display of flexibility, she would rotate around the massive cock inside her, swinging one leg up past Tanya's head as she rotated around without letting the cock leave her pussy. In the new position, she could wrap her legs around Tanya's waist and pull the succubus into a passionate kiss.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Tanya grunted As she let Sara shift but smiled as her waist was locked in by Sara's legs. Pulling her self up to kiss Tanya was much harder than she had orgianlly thought as the thick demon shaft hindered her movement up and down failry severly. Still getting the idea Tanya help Sara up by grabbing generous amounts of her ass. Holding the kiss Tanya began to pull Sara up and down her shaft her supernatural strength lifting Sara's weight easily.

Each thrust was droven deeper and deeper into Sara's folds as Tanya rapidly fucked Sara in this standing position. Sara could feel Tanya's fingers scratch her skin as the succubus held tightly onto her. "Scream for me Sara scream for me." This was said threw gritted teeth as it seemed Tanya was holding back her own screams. Again and again the thick shaft parted her fold its girth streching the girl giving her no respite. Wet, lewed sounds echoed around them as Tanya grunted her tail flailing madly behind them.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"So...big..." Sara mumbled as Tanya helped her up. The demon's kiss was worth the effort though, and Sara enjoyed the taste of the demonic tongue that locked with hers.

The feeling of Tanya sliding her up and down her ridiculous cock was fantastic, Sara let herself be taken along for the ride and loved every minute of it, even the light scratches on her back were just signs of the passion the two were sharing right now. When Tanya bade her to scream for her, Sara was able to see the succubus was fighting back against her own desire to let loose and scream. She grinned, despite the unbelievable fucking she was getting. Maybe she wasn't as experienced as the succubus, she would never win a sex contest with her, and she had no doubt Tanya could make her cum repeatedly before she did herself if that was her intent. But Sara had a remarkably strong will, as was typically characteristic of the stronger spirit wielders. She resolved that Tanya wouldn't get everything her way, she wouldn't be the one to scream and blow their cover. Instead, in between grunts and moans she replied, "You...first."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Grinning between grunts Sara heard a low "As you wish." Though threw the passion Sara sensed a slightly sinister quality to it. "OH SWEET GODDESS NOT THE ASS SARA NOT IN MY ASS!" Tanya grinned as the shout clearly echoed beyound the walls of her office.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Tanya's reply was clearly not what she expected, and the spirit user stared wide eyed and blushing at the succubus for a moment despite still being impaled on a huge demonic dick. Then she got a sly look in her eye as she responded in a normal voice, interrupted at times with grunts as the sex continued.

"Mmm...huhhh...If that's what...hahhh...you wanted, you could've just...aaaahh....asked. Why don't we change it up? A strong woman like youuuuu! Ohhh like you needs to give up...controlllll, hahhh...once in awhile. Wouldn't you like to just...surrender to me for a little while....Mmmmm...it'd feel soooo good, I promise..." She stared seductively at Tanya as she made what she hoped was a tempting offer, trying to coax the succubus into surrendering to Sara and letting herself be dominated by the young spirit wielder for a change.