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Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Asha leaned back into the embrace and giggled. "Well after our little talk the other night I did some thinking. Eventually I'm gonna have to leave this place and I'm going to need to carry our young one when that happens." Asha looked away her face going a little dark. "Besides if that mo.. woman comes here often then I don't want to live around here when she comes back." After a moment she smiled back brightly. "Anyway this will help us travel during the winter and its even adjustable for when she gets bigger." Asha showed her the backpack looking device noticing a few small burns on Asha's hands. Looking at the backpack Sara found out why. While the frame was made of wood it was clearly held together by iron rivets which had likely caused the injuries though if Asha was in pain she was hiding it well.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Frowning herself at the mention of the ice cold spirit...ghost...witch lady they had encountered shortly before their arrival, Sara let the warmth of her lover bring back her smile. She happily continued rubbing Asha's baby-bulge as she showed her the baby-carrier, however she frowned when she saw the burns on Asha's hands.

"Oh dear, what happen...oh right, iron..." Sara made a tsk sound and gently turned Asha to face her and had the nymph set the pack aside. "You know you don't have to act so tough all the time. One of the perks of having someone as awesome as me around is I can heal this no-sweat." She took Asha's hands in her own and channeled divine healing energy into the nymph's hands in order to heal the iron burns. When her hands were healed, Sara released them and smiled at Asha. "I did some thinking after our talk last night too. I will set out for Endus tomorrow. I'm looking into some local talent so I won't have to make the journey alone or just with Aya. I just need to finalize who all will come with me. We're going to get your daughter back."

Uses lay on hands to completely heal burn damage. Heals 6 damage per 1 EP, removes 1 negative status effect per 3 EP
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Asha stood a moment holding Sera with her freshly healed arms. "Your so good to me..." Asha leaned up and Kissed Sera on the lips. Breaking away after a slight cough from the store manager making Asha blush. "So who do you think will go with you?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

When Asha kissed her, Sara gratefully accepted it and happily held it for as long as Asha was willing. The taste of her nymph lover remained even after the kiss was broken. "Well you deserve the best, you're worth it." In response to the question of who would go with her Sara shrugged and replied, "Well I'm fairly sure Aya will come with me. Other than that I don't really know, I haven't asked anyone else. I suppose the girl with the pistol would be useful to have around if she would come, there was also an elf-lady in the bar last night. She was going to some fort, and if it was on the way to Endus I was going to see about traveling with her. Then there's this interesting lady who works late night security at Tanya's, I can sense a good deal of power in her, though I doubt she would be willing to leave her job to come with me right now. Of course I don't actually know any of them except for Aya so there would be some trust issues to work through..." After a pause she shrugged again and looked back to Asha. "Of course, if you know anyone who would be good to bring I'm open to suggestions."

Sara picked up the infant-carrier for Asha so she wouldn't have to worry about the iron. "Do you have everything you came for? Are you ready to check out? I can help you carry anything back to our room."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Paying for their purchase the pair left the noise of the beer auction still carrying on. "I would go with you if I could its just...." Asha held her belly before looking over to Sera. "Im not sure how long untill she is ready ya know. I want to be in a safe place untill that happens." They walked a little farther in silence before Asha spoke again. "So who is this person you met at night? If she has that much spirit power then surley she would help out greatly?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"I know you'd come with me, love." Sara slung the new baby-pack over one shoulder and put her other arm around Asha's shoulder in a gesture of comfort. "But you've got another child to care about now, and it wouldn't be responsible of you to go charging off into the wilderness as pregnant as you are when you have a safe place right here where you can wait." She kissed Asha on the cheek. "Besides, there's no need to worry, I can handle this all on my own!"

When Asha asked about Hope, Sara elaborated on her. "She's an interesting one, says her name is 'Hope'...I'm not sure what she is exactly, she looks almost human except somehow not. She's so pale, and there's something about her eyes. She said her mom used to work for Tanya, wouldn't really say much about her father though. Anyway, she had some strange power I'd never heard of before. It's sort of like my scrying ability, she can see the future and knew things about me, even though I don't think she heard them from anyone, well maybe Tanya told her, but she seemed to know quite a bit about me regardless. She called it foresight though and said that it wasn't really like a power, she didn't have to consciously use it, it just happened. Pretty interesting stuff. I didn't see any of her other abilities, but her spirit certainly felt powerful." They walked a little further and Sara added, "She seemed really nice, but she's responsible for protecting the inn at night apparently. She works for Tanya and I don't know that she would quit to go with me. I still might ask her or Tanya if she could though."

Sara shrugged and looked to Asha. "What do you think? Have you met her before, perchance?"
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Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Humm" Asha put a finger to her lip. "Can't say that I have but from your discription Im sure she is likely an angel." Asha's brow furrowed in thought. "Im not sure why she would be here given that well our host is a ... " Asha looked around a moment. "A demon." Seeing that the world didn't end at the utterance Asha visibly relaxed. "What about the others you mentioned. Spirits know Aya is lookng forward to some alone time with you." Asha frowned again. "Did you know that scank was talking about how hard she would ride you if given half a chance? In her sleep no less. Grrr she makes my blood boil." Asha took a grumpy contanece but let the matter slide. Before long they where back a the inn and heading up to their room when Sera caught sight of the woman from the other night.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"An angel?" Sara's eyes widened at the thought of such a powerful being, something almost legendary, talking to her. And in such a humble position to boot! Sara listened as Asha wondered about why an angel would associate with Tanya and asked about the other possible companions, ending with her grousing about Aya. "Well..." Sara thought up a reply, trying to convince Asha to overcome her ingrained distrust of demons and succubi. "Maybe she sees past what Tanya was born as or mutated into and instead looks at what she does. I mean think about it, sure she's a succubus, but that doesn't make her a bad person! She takes in girls without other options and gives them food, shelter, and a well paying job. And she doesn't force anyone to do any sexual jobs they're uncomfortable with. Heck, she's letting us have one of her best rooms for a huge discount as long as we work a little on the side, and she even pays us for that!"

Sara paused for a second to let that sink in before gently embracing Asha and looking deep into her eyes. "Sure she's extremely promiscuous and yes she does try to convince others to be more...sexually liberal...but she doesn't force people to change. It's like what she did with us, she didn't force us to take sex lessons with her, but aren't you glad we did?" Sara giggled and squeezed Asha's butt, adding, "Aya talks about riding me hard? I don't think she could hold a candle to you, my wild lover..."

Once they made it back to the inn, Sara caught sight of the elf and pointed her out to Asha. "There's the elf lady from last night. I guess I'll go ask her about her journey. Maybe you would like to come with me to talk to her?" Whether or not Asha wanted to join her, Sara would go up and introduce herself to the elf.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Asha smiled "Of course I want to see what woman my lover would trust her safety too." The pair made their way to the bar where Rose was having a rather tight lipped converstation with the elf. Every movement of Rose hinted that she was tense scared or on edge. Soon however Sera made her greeting. Turning the half elf nodded and looked at the two of them. "Hello my name is Thelia. I wish to thank you for your assistance the night before." Though she spoke the word of thanks her face clearly showed no sign of emotion and her voice while pretty was cold. Sera felt Asha grip her arm tightly as the woman spoke clearly surprised at who it was. "Can I assist you ladies?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

The emotionless nature of the half-elf, for indeed some of her features had obvious human influence, caught Sara off guard as well. If she didn't know better, she would think she was talking to the walking dead. Though now that she thought about it, the ice-ghost she had met actually had more emotion than her. Despite the surprisingly empty response, Sara managed a smile and soldiered on, wondering if Asha new the girl after all, given the way her grip tightened.

"Well my name's Sara. Don't worry about last night, that guy got on my nerves too and I was happy to help." She kept her voice friendly, just because she was talking to a blank slate didn't mean she needed to be emotionless too. "As for what you can help us with, I was hoping we could come to a mutually beneficial traveling arrangement." She gave Thelia a moment to process this before continuing.

"I am traveling to Endus, you see. Time is unfortunately of the essence and Asha my lovely fellow traveler among other things," She indicated the lovely nymph hanging on her arm, "can't continue in her present state. We don't think its worth the risk, her traveling as far along as she is. So I was hoping you might like to travel with me. I heard you were going to a Fort last night, pardon my eavesdropping once again, and I thought you might appreciate having some addition people to travel with. It's dangerous to travel alone up here, so I've been trying to round up a bit of an adventuring party." Sara gave Thelia another moment before finally asking, "So would you like some company on your travels? It's just myself and one other so far."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Thelia looked over at Asha and then back to Sara. "I can handle myself but the way to Endus follows the same path as the route to the fort. I can keep you safe until we get there and we part ways." Thelia handed over some coin to Rose who took it wordlessly. "I was planning on leaving today but if you need some extra time to prepare I can wait till tommarow."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"If you don't mind, tomorrow would be better, yes. I'll meet you down here at sunrise tomorrow morning and we can leave after breakfast if that works for you." Settling on a time and place to meet, Sara parted ways with Thelia.

Turning to Asha, Sara asked, "So, what do you think? She's an interesting one. Should balance out with Aya quite nicely." Sara giggled a little at her joke.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Asha waited till they where out of ear shot of the elf who watched them go wordlessly. "Sara she's an assassin...... just making her mark in the world... Im not sure you want to be... around her." Asha had concern in her voice and indeed it was something for Sara to keep in mind.

Having lead Sara away from Thelia the duo soon found themselves at the door to their room. Opening it up revealed it to be empty with Aya out and about doing her own thing. "I know once you have your mind set on something your not gonna stop just be careful with her okay?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara's eyes widened in surprise when Asha told her Thelia was an assassin. She decided to wait until they got back in their room to continue the discussion.

"You know me well, I will be careful. But tell me, how do you know she's an assassin? Did you recognize her from somewhere? Is she famous or something? Sorry if I'm a little out of the loop, my village was pretty isolated so there's a lot going on out in the world that I don't know about."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Ive seen her face on wanted posters in Bardia. They say she killed her stepfather to collect on a bounty some rich gambler had placed on his head." Any other questions on the subject would lead to dead ends as Asha didn't know enough about the woman. At any rate Asha would tidy up and start to pack a few things for Sara's trip. Stoping near her own pack a moment the nymph brought a small stone out of one of her pockets. "Sara if you ever get lost just wet this stone and place it on a broad leaf and set them on still water. It will point the way north. I know you have plenty of magics that will help you along your way but think of it more like a good luck charm okay?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Hmm...sounds serious." Sara contemplated what could make a person do such a thing, though she reminded herself that not everything on wanted posters was necessarily true and decided to hold off on judging Thelia until she had a chance to get to know her.

When Asha fished the stone out of her pack and handed it to her she smiled and gratefully accepted it and dropped it into one of her pockets. "Thanks love, I'm sure it will come in handy. But you know I already have two good luck charms...you and her." She kissed Asha and rubbed her pregnant belly softly.

As much as she would like the moment to evolve into something sexier, she had a lot of preparation to do today to make sure she was ready to leave tomorrow. The first thing was reconciling Asha with the fact that Aya would likely be going with her to Endus.

"I think we should probably talk about Aya...I know you don't like her, and you don't like that I'm attracted to her too. I wish I could say something to get you to like her, I know you would be happier if gave her a chance. But things like this take time, and there's just something I want you to know. However many lovers I have, Asha...I will ALWAYS love you and have feelings for you. My feelings for you won't go away or diminish in the slightest just because I have feelings for multiple people."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Asha did lower her head slightly. "I know you see good in her but I swear that woman dose everything in her power to make me upset." Asha sighed and held Sara close. "I know youll be safe after all both my daughters are counting on you to come back." With that Asha leaned up and kissed Sara on the lips but didn't press further knowing full well that she still had many preperations to make.

Leaving Asha in their room after a brife disccusion Sara headed down stairs to hear a commotion as several very large and heavy looking Barrels where being moved in. Tanya was over seeing this and had a satisfied grin on her face.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

A smiling Sara ran her fingers through Asha's hair, softly caressing her as she talked about Aya, before letting the nymph pull her closer to mention her daughters and kiss her. "You know, now that I think about it, it seems like Aya actually has a crush on you, Asha. Back in my village, some people would always pester their crushes, do everything they could to annoy them or make them jealous. It's how some people try to get the attention of someone who otherwise wouldn't notice them." Sara winked at Asha and started for the door. "Just some food for thought, my sweet." Sara gave a cute wave before walking out, leaving Asha to wonder if Aya was actually trying to win her rather than Sara herself.

When she got downstairs, Sara saw Tanya overseeing the delivery of a number of large barrels of the beer so many people were excited about. It seemed she and the patrons were pleased with the development. She slid up beside Tanya, congratulating her on the delivery. "Looks like you just made a lot of people happy!" After congratulating her, Sara asked, "Hey, my plans have unfortunately changed, and I was hoping I could speak to you in private."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Aye the mountian hermit makes the best beer in the area." Looking at Sara as she requested a private discussion she simply nodded. "Hey Rose take over please I got a few things to take care of." With that taken care of Tanya led Sara to her office. "So.. your leaving humm?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara shut the door behind her when she entered Tanya's office and nodded when she asked if she was leaving. "Unfortunately, yes. Asha and I have talked it over, and at her urging I have decided to push forward to Endus. Now that we are so close, she wants her...well, guess it can't hurt to tell you, especially after all you've done for us." Sara then proceeded to tell Tanya the reason they were traveling this far north. "You see, Asha's daughter was taken long ago, kidnapped and sold as a prostitute. We know she is in Endus, and naturally want to free her as soon as possible. Unfortunately Asha is in no shape to travel."

After giving Tanya a moment to absorb the information Sara pressed on. "I hate to ask more of you after you showed us so much kindness already, but would it be possible for Asha to remain here while I go to Endus? I do not know how long this might take. It will likely be at least two weeks, possibly more before I am able to even reach the city. And then there is the return journey to consider as well...And I have to think about the safety of Asha and our daughter in the meantime. Is there any way she...they could stay here? I'm willing to work out some sort of arrangement if money is a concern..."