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Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Horney as fuck and sick and tired of being stuck in this room." The succubus sat in her position looking up at the ceiling sighing. "How long you two gonna stay here?" Looking over to Sara as she asked her other question Aya paused a moment before answering. "Why? Well mostly I like making stuck up or stuffy sluts angry before showing them they are just like me a slut willing to do anything for a cock or in some cases the snatch." Aya looked away and back to the ceiling.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"I'm sorry to hear that..." Sara replied sympathetically. "Unfortunately, we'll be here for a few more days to give the snow along our path time to melt." She took the succubus' proclamation of being horny to heart, understanding that it likely meant Asha and herself were going to have to sate Aya's urges in the near future.

When Aya talked about why she antagonized Asha so much, Sara propped herself up to gaze at the succubus curiously. "Well I wouldn't say she's a slut...If either of us is one, it would certainly be me. Yes, we have a lot of sex, and yes she seems to have a fetish, but I think what sets us apart from what you describe is that we wouldn't do anything for sex. Sure, we enjoy it, but we wouldn't have sex with someone we can't stand just for the sake of sex." Thinking for a moment, Sara added, "And I don't think you're a slut either. You need sex to survive, that's different."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Aya looked to Sara and winked marking an imaginary tally board with her finger. It seems this was all a game to the woman. "You may be right about your Nymph friend but in my travels most of them are. However you are wrong about me. Its something I came to grips with once my curse was made known to me. It took awhile to wear down my I will only have sex to survive to am going to have sex because I can and want it all the time. But at lest I would rather be a slut than a whore."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Well what about love? Wouldn't you rather have sex with someone you actually like? When Asha and I have sex, we can fall asleep in each other's arms, wake up, and do it again. Then we can conduct the day's business, and come back here for more sex." It made Sara a little sad to see that Aya was so resigned to the negatives of being a succubus and only thought of herself as a slut. Maybe if she and Asha were nice enough to Aya she would start to see herself in a better light.

"At any rate, maybe if you at least chose who to have sex with based on feelings of affection, situation permitting, you might find someone special to you who you enjoy being with for more than the sex." Smiling wistfully, Sara continued, "I think you'll find that if you warm up to Asha and me we could make other...arrangements...We want to help you, you know. It doesn't have to be simply feeding you." She was trying to suggest that if Aya could find room for Asha and Sara in her heart, perhaps they could find room for her in their hearts, as well as their bed...
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Aya opened her mouth and shut it looking away. It seemed Sara had scored one for herself. Still it was rather boring up her. She could talk with Aya more or wait for Asha to return. Going over her choices Aya suddenly spoke up. "So where are we heading after the snow melts a little?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"We're going to Endus, the city I asked you about the other day. As for why...it's Asha's business, so you'll have to get her to tell you. If you ask nicely, she'll probably tell you. I'm more amazed that she's okay letting you travel with us, I'd say that's a pretty big vote of confidence on her part. Even I almost didn't get to come along, if that says anything." Sara was trying to get Aya to see that Asha at the very least didn't hate her or view her as untrustworthy, going by the fact that she had allowed Aya to come along in the first place. She hoped this would inspire the succubus to act a little nicer to her lover.

"Well it was good talking to you Aya, but I want to go downstairs and keep an eye on Asha, I did promise to work with her tonight, the least I can do is offer moral support." After a moment's thought, she added, "You know...you could come downstairs too if you want. As long as you can blend in so no one recognizes you from when Grack brought you in and you promise to behave you can sit with me and people watch." Pausing, she added with a giggle, "And Asha watch."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Aya sat up and stood. "Thats sound alot better than sitting in here by myself besides most of the girls know me anyway." Looking over at a mirror Aya made herself more presentable before heading to the door and down the stairs leaving Sara behind. Sara herself was free to do as she wished before heading down. Wether she waited or not she would find Aya looking at a strapping lad a table over throwing him a not to hidden wink. Asha was busy running between customers her very tight and revealing work cloths seemingly drawing people into her section.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Grinning happily, Sara brushed her hair a little and splashed her water on her face before following Aya down. Seeing the look she was giving the young man she leaned close, whispering to her new succubus friend, "If you can convince him to get a room here, you can stay the night with him, just don't completely wipe him out, okay? And come back to our room tomorrow morning. Unless of course you'd rather spend the night with Asha and I, your choice."

Unless Aya went over to continue flirting with the lad, Sara was happy to sit with her, conversing and laughing, while trying to get Asha's attention to give her an encouraging look. If Aya did go to flirt with the man, Sara would go get a water, and hang out with the staff at the bar. While at the bar, she would be sure to catch Asha's eye and give her an enthusiastic thumb's up. And of course, if she saw anyone giving Asha trouble she wouldn't hesitate to step in to help her lover.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"I might just do that..." Aya watched the man who had begun to watch her. Meanwhile Asha seemed to have run into difficulty with a customer. From her position Sara could see a younger man grab Asha by the wrist and try to pull her closer. Thankfully Asha was stronger than she looked and was easily holding her own. Sara could intervene or see what Asha would do.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Alright, have fu-well hello, what's that I see?" Sara had just noticed what was happening to Asha. Tut-tutting in a disapproving manner, she focused on whatever drink the man had and mentally pushed the whole thing over into his lap. Hopefully that would make him let go of her lover, but if it didn't she would get up and head that way.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Unfortnatly for the man his glass was empty leaving only a pitcher of beer on the table. Using her powers Sara gave it a push causing the foaming liquid to splash onto the man. This of course had the effect that Sara was hoping for as well as the fellows at his table starting to laugh at him. Asha of course took this time to move out of the man's reach offering a new pitcher. "Nice move Sara." Looking over Aya had moved very close to Sara and was almost leaning on her. If Asha saw her like this....
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Grinning, Sara replied, "I thought you might like that, Aya. You'll find Asha and I are pretty good at helping each other out." It was a fairly straightforward statement, however Sara left just enough sexual innuendo in her voice to get the succubus' attention. Still, she pretended not to notice how close Aya was getting. Instead, she formed a mental link with Asha, telling her, "Hey sweetie, I'm at the table by the bar. Our new friend is getting a little umm...you know... When you get a minute, come say hi to us! You're doing great out there, my lover!" If Asha looked their way, Sara would wave at her enthusiastically, beckoning her over. She really hoped Asha would be nice, or at least patient, and that Aya didn't do anything too ridiculous, and...yea she really hoped this didn't blow up. But she felt she had made at least a little progress with Aya while they were upstairs, hopefully some of that would carry over.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Asha indeed looked over and having been given a heads up of the situation waved back cheerfully. "Well thats no fun.." Aya pouted and ceased leaning close to Sara. A moment later Asha was at the table bringing over three glasses of wine. "Rose said this was a special house beverage. I wasn't sure what she meant though." Setting it down and taking a seat Asha looked at her class. "Just looks like wine to me." Aya on the other hand smiled and took the glass downing it in a go and smiled a flush coming to her face.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Oh hush, you'll love Asha once you give her a chance." Sara retorted lightly with a giggle.

When Asha brought the wine over, Sara had a good idea what it did, especially given Aya's apparent reaction. She wondered if Asha genuinely didn't suspect anything. Still, maybe it would be for the best if she drank it, maybe this is what it would take to break the ice between Asha and Aya. Sara smiled at Asha and kissed her on the lips briefly before raising her glass to toast Asha. "To lasting friendships." Though Aya had already finished hers, Sara still lifted her glass in her direction, nodding her head to the succubus too. If Asha wanted, Sara would wait for her and down her drink with the nymph, otherwise she would try to down it in one go as Aya had. The succubus had made it look easy.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Asha took the toast and began to drink pulling away at the first few sips. "This is really good!" Asha began to drink again her ears drooping and face starting to flush. Sara followed suite easily downing the wine with a little effort. The effect hit almost immediately as Sara felt her skin tingle and her loins start to itch even her nipples went erect. "Ummm Mom always tasted the best." Sara could see Asha's nipples where effected as well looking over at the devious Rose Sara found instead Tanya at the bar winking at her. "Sara I need you now!" Asha quickly grabbed Sara by the arm her face flush even Aya looked over at the two. "Thats so hot let me join in." Wondering what happened Sara finally felt the whole effect as her body suddenly went into sexual overdrive.

Asha, Aya, and Sara are horny from potent aphrodisiac fluids
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Feeling the affects the drink had on her body, Sara looked between Aya and Asha, then back at Rose. "Mom? Oh..." She sighed and gave the succubus a wane smile, shooting a telepathic burst to her "Your office?", knowing what came next. When Asha grabbed her and Aya started chiming in, Sara stood up and tried to pull the lusty pair to the door as the lust running through her suddenly started spiking. "Ahhhh...office! huuu....hurrrryy!" Panting and moaning before anything had even happened, Sara pulled the two other horny women with her into Tanya's office, slamming the door and heading into the chamber of soft sheets and pillows. Since the elder succubus was the one who had put them in this state, she doubted she would mind if they used her lair.

In record time, Sara engaged in a flurry of undressing with her two bedmates. Standing naked before them, Sara manifested her vampiric futanari, shutting off its soul eater link. She then tossed Asha onto the nearest bed and offered her her dick, saying, "Lube me up and let's get started, baby!" Letting Asha suck on her dick for a moment, Sara would let her dick get nice and lubricated before pulling it out and proceeding to rut the hot nymph, abandoning any thoughts of pulling out as her mind succumbed to lust. Despite this, Sara hadn't forgotten Aya. She pulled her into a long kiss, complete with lots of tongue. When she pulled back, she looked at Aya with a lusty fire in her eyes, even as she continued to thrust into Asha. "Help me get my lovely Asha offffff haaa...And we'll aaaaahhh...show you ooooohhh...our teamwork!" The offer to double team Aya after she helped Sara double team Asha, she continued her thrusts, the aphrodisiac fluids of Tanya calling insistently for her to mate with her nymph lover.
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Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Asha eagerly took the tool into her mouth almost immediately deep throating the pulsing organ. While Asha focused on the tool Aya came up from behind and started to rub her breasts. The dual sensations where very pleasant. Aya's hands delicately teased Sara's tit flesh the nimble and skilled fingers drawing lines of sensations while the succubus kissed her neck and occasionally nibbling on her ear while whispering all the naughty things she wanted to do to her. Asha on the other hand had Sara's tool in her mouth the warm wet confines trapping the prick in a prison of flesh.

It didn't take long for Sara to get ready and she soon pulled her cock free and moved it to the entrances of Asha's quivering sex. Thrusting deep caused the woman to squeal out in passion. Meanwhile Aya moved so she faced Sara almost sitting on Asha's face as the rogue succubus started kissing Sara between moans as a very lust driven Asha licked at the woman's pussy.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara's groans of pleasure as Asha deepthroated her vampiric cock turned to softer moans as Aya started to expertly caress her breasts. The delicate touches made her nerves tingle pleasantly as she traced patterns over her breasts and played with her nipples. When the succubus started to kiss and nibble on her neck erotically, her moans caught in her throat, the electric sensations caused by Aya affecting her deeply. When Aya started whispering the things she wanted to do to Sara, the young spirit wielder's cheeks blushed a darker shade of red than they had already been.

Once her dick was sufficiently wet, she pulled it out of Asha's mouth and placed it at her pussy, pressing right on in after giving Asha a second to prepare. The nymph's snatch was as wet and hot as she remembered from the night before, maybe even more so. When Aya moved around to straddle the nymph's face, Sara gazed appreciatively at the two, with Asha eating the succubus out, before Aya pulled her into a kiss. Sara didn't shy away, offering her tongue without hesitation as she gently massaged Asha's hips while she thrust into her tight passage. After a moment, she stopped caressing Asha's hips and instead placed one hand on her breast and guided one of Aya's hands to the other breast. Through it all, Sara continued making out with Aya, thrusting into Asha's pussy. As her cock throbbed harder and harder, Sara continued to fuck Asha, her mind set on mating with the lusty nymph she was sharing a bed with, not thinking for a moment about the actual consequences such an action as releasing inside the nymph might have.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Congrats Sara is gonna be a momma
Asha is pregnant 1 child which will be a Nymph

Aya gladly grouped the offered breast while Asha lost in her own world for the moment held tightly to Aya's waist. It seemed like a moment suspended in time as Sara got a double dose of her fetish for Faye and Demons in one grand threesome. Feeling her self tighten and paying little heed to what may happen Sara grunted as fresh spunk filled Asha up. This of course sent Asha over her own edge and she screamed into Aya's damp sex.

Capitalizing on the two stunned woman Aya quickly pushed Sara onto her back and mounted the still slick and messy member letting it bury itself all they way in.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Yesss! Ashaaa!" Crying out as she shot her virile seed into Asha's welcoming pussy, Sara let her hips continue thrusting until she could thrust no more. The feelings of pleasure she had felt and continued to feel coursing through her were unbelievable. Something about the combination of the fey purity of Asha and the tainted nature of Aya seemed to light her nerves on fire with pleasure. Not thinking about the potential consequences, Sara held herself in place, allowing her seed to make its way into Asha's unguarded womb. In her current state, the inherent risks of such actions seemed insignificant. Inconsequential.

Content to rest after the mindblowing orgasm she had just had in Asha, Sara allowed herself to easily be pushed back by Aya, her tool slipping out of the nymph's snatch to stand tall before the women. Laying back on the bed, Sara allowed Aya to mount her rod without resistance or protest. Even though she had just cum in Asha, her new demonic lover had no trouble keeping her erection firm. In fact, she placed her hands on Aya's hips and started bucking her own hips into her after only a few moments, the instinctual desire to breed Aya just as strong as it had been for Asha. Speaking of Asha, Sara reached out to her, trying to pull the nymph over to help her fuck Aya.

Uh oh, I feel like Asha may not appreciate that when the sexy potion of sex wears off... But now Sara doesn't have to worry about pulling out ;)

Besides, maybe she'll be excited to be having another baby!
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