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Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Thankfully Asha didn't stop and in fact moved her hands to Sara's waist so she could get deeper. Asha didn't relent and soon enough she had Sara shaking with need before the final release coated her face. Licking her lips Asha smiled at Sara "All done."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Ohhh AsshAAAA!" Sara cried out in ecstasy, bucking her hips into Asha's face and dexterous tongue. When Asha looked up at her, faced coated in her cum, to cheekily tell her that she was finished, Sara laughed tiredly, slowly unclenching her hands from the bunched-up sheets. Slowly sitting up and then laying forward so she could kiss her lover again, rubbed her face affectionately against Asha's, smearing girlcum around on both of their faces.

"Turning over a new leaf, are you? That was extremely enjoyable, my bold little lover..." She touched her fingers to the spot where Asha had hickeyed her, grinning stupidly and giggling like a schoolgirl. "Another hickey? You really like giving these, don't you? Or do you just want everyone to know I'm with you hmm?" She giggled again, idly tracing patterns in the cum on Asha's face.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Asha smiled shyly and looked away cutely. "Well you seemed to enjoy them so I thought I would give you another." Asha wrapped her arms around Sara and brought them both to a laying position on the bed where she cuddled the spirit user. "I hadn't been that horny in a long time. I was surprised that I held it back as along as I did."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Asha's shyness after her sexual dominance earlier was extremely amusing to Sara, who thought it was just about the cutest thing ever. "Well I do like getting hickeys from you..." She smiled warmly as she stroked the mark the nymph had left on her neck. "Something about being marked and claimed like that just turns me on. And even more so when I can make you go wild and take me...its so erotic I get wet just thinking about it..."

Sara beamed when Asha told her she was surprised she had been able to restrain herself. "Well I'm flattered I can make you feel like that. You're willpower is pretty impressive, I was trying so hard to make you lose control and claim me when we were out there. But I guess it just makes it more rewarding when we get back and you finally cut loose."

Smiling and cuddling close to Asha, Sara fingered herself lightly for a moment, getting some residual cum on her fingers, which she then began to trace along Asha's bountiful breasts, a pouting look on her face as she made eye contact with Asha. "So are you ever going to tell me what fetishes you have? What kind of stuff makes you wet just thinking about it?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

This only deepened Asha's blush as they nymph chewed her lip before answering. "Im not sure Sara all my partners before you where pretty tame. I guess Im just not that experienced with such things. I mean Ive tried different positions and even toys but nothing stands out." The nymph frowned slightly at her revelation and of course Sara had to wonder at her luck of probably finding the only sexually inexperienced elder nymph in the world. Of course this presented a great opportunity for Sara to teach.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara looked blankly at Asha for a moment. Had she just heard that correctly? A nymph, a nymph older than forests themselves, inexperienced sexually? Was that even possible?

The stare was long enough to get a little awkward, and then a bright, enthusiastic smile broke out across her face. Asha's apparent embarrassed blush made her giggle happily."Oh...my...gosh...Asha... You are just the cutest thing ever!" She nuzzled her lover happily.

"I must be one of the luckiest girls in the whole world to be with you, cutie! How many girls get to say they helped a nymph discover her sexual preferences?" She wrapped her arms around Asha, loving the feel of their sweaty bodies sticking together. "Well, how would you like to spend this week getting to know your sexuality? We'll explore anything you're curious about....aaaand I may have some ideas I'll expose you to...sound fun, sexy girl?" Sara kissed Asha softly on the lips, before taking the nymph's lower lip into her mouth, biting gently and looking at her daringly.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"I-I guess it could be fun." Asha seemed a little unsure but her rather timid response quickly evaporated as Sara kissed her changing her expression almost instantly. Breaking the kiss or at lest trying to before Sara let her Asha spoke once more. "You know this may be our best idea yet." Asha moved into another kiss pulling Sara into another hour of passionate if a little tame sex before they where both exhausted
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara grinned, caressing Asha's sides as she kissed the timid nymph. "I think so too..." As Asha began to kiss her again, their passions were rekindled. Mmmm...These next few days, I'm going to have you wet, horny, and wrapped around my finger. But after that, you'll be the one getting me wet and horny and I'll be wrapped around you."

She giggled as Asha began to roll her onto her back, and the two began to gently love each other again. "You're a nymph Asha, a strong, smart, sexy nymph. Once you accept that, you will be able to make me soak my panties on a whim." Sara gently kissed Asha and the two of them enjoyed their relaxed love-making session for another hour.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara lay next to Asha her hand stroking the Nymphs side while Asha stared into her eyes holding on to her tightly enjoying the after glow. They where interrupted however by a very timid knock on the door. Asha got up and grabbed a towel wrapping her self up before answering the still closed door. "Who is it?" A muffled voice answered threw the door. "Hi my name is Ann Madam Tanya has asked for your presence for a fitting."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara was happy to lay next to Asha, gently stroking her and enjoying the afterglow from their lovely sex session. She sighed and resigned herself to getting up when a girl named Ann summoned them for their appointment. "Well it was nice while it lasted, come on Asha lets go see what we need to do." She stood up and would dress with Asha before heading on down.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Asha and Sara dressed playfully and teasingly but before long they where ready a blushing Brunet woman in a bar uniform waiting for them. Ann lead them down the stairs to the main floor where another girl manned the bar flipping bottles in the air giving the men a spectacular show. Tanya's was absolutely packed. Still making their way to an office Ann opened the door to find Tanya going over a ledger. "Hi girls! she smiled at them looking up and sniffing the air. "I heard you two had quite the show going even through the sound proofing." Tanya's eyes twinkled as Asha blushed deeply. "I just love the smell of sex its to bad its winter or I would ask you two join in on the summer business. Still I have your uniforms mostly ready just need some final adjustments follow me please." Tanya lead them to a side room where a couple bar dresses lay on a table near a closet saying uniforms. Next to that one was another Wardrobe labeled summer uniforms. "Go ahead and try these on Ill be right I forgot my measuring tape."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Giggling as the two lovers engaged in a pinching and tickling match as they dressed. "Oh! Hey! No nipple pinches, cheater!" She retaliated by tickling the nymph's sides before grabbing and kissing her quickly as they finished dressing and opened the door. The blushing woman prompted a giggle.

"Good to see you again, Tanya!" She laughed lightly, blushing only slightly. "Whoopsie, hehe! Sorry, we just happen to really enjoy each other's company. Especially with the really nice bed we have here!"

At the remark about enjoying the smell of sex, Sara arched an eyebrow in an amused manner. "Okay, we'll get these on for you!"

While they got changed, Sara said to Asha, "Well it's a good thing she likes the smell, because to be honest we're going to smell like sex quite a bit if I have anything to say about it!" And of course she couldn't resist a peek into the summer uniforms closet after what Tanya had said earlier, pulling one out to look at it.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

The uniforms were a near perfect fit obviously Tanya had a good eye for such details. Asha just blushed at Sara's comments but nodded shyly in agreement. Humoring her curiousity Sara opened the summer wardrobe to find it very similar to the ones they had on now except the cuts where far more generous showing off more cleavage and the skirts where far shorter. with the dress being black and the blouse being red. Each set of summer uniforms was paired with a lacy nearly see threw underwear.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Wow, she got my size right on the first try, that woman must have a good eye for...women..." Sara giggled a little at the insinuation before showing Asha the skimpy outfits and the see-through underwear. "What do you think, should I see if I can convince our lovely boss to part with a set...or two?" She giggled again before setting aside the sexual clothes she had been posing with suggestively so that she could kiss her nymph lover again.

"We are going to have fun this week, my sweet lover..." She laughed and looked daringly into Asha's eyes, thinking about all of the different things she could do with the summer outfit that Asha might have an unknown fetish for. If Tanya didn't come back soon, the extremely sexual spirit wielder might start trying to fuck Asha right in this room, horny as she still was. "It's a good thing she likes the smell of sex, because we are going to smell like it for most of our stay here..."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"I hope so its such a pleasant smell." Tanya was back a measuring tap in hand. This caused the usually highly perceptive Asha to jump a little but the moment quickly passed as Tanya laughed and brought her measuring tape to bear on Asha who stood mute as the red headed woman measured them up. "Humm your a little smaller than I expected.. Asha is it? I must have been thrown off by the armor. Opening the uniforms closet Tanya quickly fetched a new blouse for Asha and handed it over. "There all set! Now you girls officially start tomorrow night but if you want to get into uniform to see how things go then be my guest but you have to wear these so the patrons don't get confused." Tanya held out a two broaches with writing in the trade tongue claiming them to be trainees.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara giggled as Asha started, wrapping an arm around her waist and saying, "Hear that Asha? We have a fan!" She leaned closer and gave Asha a peck on the cheek, a merry twinkle in her eye. When Tanya offered to let them start a night early as trainees, she looked at Asha. "Well...I wouldn't mind. What about you, Asha? It could be fun, but if you'd rather just let me torment you for the rest of night we could do that too..." Of course, she had plenty of plans for tormenting Asha while they were working, but the lovely nymph didn't need to know that. Yet.

Not only that, there was something she found interesting about Tanya. If she could find a moment alone with the woman, she was sure there was an interesting conversation to be had with the woman. Of course, there was also the matter of getting one of those delightfully slutty summer outfits. Sara wasn't sure about flaunting herself in front of the bar's patrons, but she absolutely loved the idea of showing off for Asha and seeing how her lover responded to dressing up and role playing.
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Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"I -I don't know I'm kind of tired." Tanya just kept smiling "I bet you two had quiet the session up stairs. How about you Sara? want to see how the night goes?" Tanya smiled at the woman the aura of magic around her still spiking Sara's curiosity.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Hmmm..." Sara thought for a moment, before using the arm around Asha's waist to once again pull herself chest to chest with her lover, enjoying the feel of the breast-to-breast contact without the armor in the way. In a completely unabashed display of affection designed to give Asha a very light taste of exhibitionism with Tanya as their only audience, Sara kissed her lover passionately on the lips, a hand gliding gently over her rump.

"I suppose we did put on quite the show earlier...you go get some rest Asha, after all you're going to need your energy for the encore we're putting on tomorrow!" Sara giggled at her own lewd remarks before she let go of Asha and lightly patted her rear, allowing the poor nymph to leave and get some rest from a day of teasing and sex.

Once Asha was gone, she turned to the mysterious Tanya, smiling brightly. "Okay, what do I need to do?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Aww you two are so cute!" Tanya smiled at Sara before beckoning her to follow along. "First off is learning the tables. Sense you and Asha will only be here a week thats all you will really need to know. Each section of the tavern here is numbered." Tanya walked a seductive sway to her hips as the boys around the bar shouted cat calls some even commenting on the fresh meat. "Shes not for play boys just for drinks!" There was a slight groan from around the tables but nothing else came forth and any other propositions where directed solely at Tanya. "Don't mind the boys they miss the summer services we provide. Anyway as I was saying each section is numbered. The section to the immediate left is number one. Section two is next to number one and kiddy corner from the bar. Sections three and four are in the middle while five and sex mirror two and one but on the right side. Got it?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara grinned eagerly as Tanya told her how the tavern sections worked. She wasn't too bothered by the catcalls. As long as the men kept their hands to themselves she would be fine. Besides, if any of them got out of line she had a number of psionic powers that would put a stop to that.

"Alright, makes sense to me Tanya! What do you want me to do now, wait tables?" She leaned in a little closer to Tanya and whispered, still keeping a cheery look on her face, "If anyone starts getting out of hand, I can help with that too. Like a bouncer, but way more discreet and less likely to scare off business..." She winked and stood normally again. She figured Tanya would know more or less what she was talking about, if she had a strong magical presence, she could likely sense at least some of Sara's spiritual potential as well.