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Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Equipment bought
2 backpacks 6 denari
4 Sets of warm cloths 12 denari
1 winter friendly twin bedroll 5 denari
1 winter friendly tent 5 denari
2 pair snow shoes 6 denari
1 outdated map 1 denari
1 first aid kit average quality (+5 to checks) allows basic healing
No food purchased

35 denari total

Sara and Asha completed the sale with the shop keeper telling them the goods would be delivered to their room at Tanya's. Free to move on they headed for Rui's. The shop was not hard to find indeed it seemd to stand out with all the holes in the roof and the loud racket coming from it. As they got closer they could see it was squat little building most likely and old outpost tower or such the town had grown around. It had a long row of stalls that held a couple people using rifles and other guns which was generating the noise they had heard. As they approached a short plump woman with a bandana on her head came out and yelled at them. "Oi practice time is over ya sods get your arses out of here." Some of the patrons chuckled and got up to leave except one. Who was taking aim far off in the distance at a target Sara couldn't see. The plump woman didn't hassle this girl though but instead watched her intently waiting. A long moment passed before a somewhat muffled shot rang out. The girl a the shooting stall waited looking down her gun before looking up and sighing. "Two feet left and 1 foot high."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara watched, impressed, as the girl at the stall aimed at a target she would likely have had to scry to get a good look at. And she certainly wouldn't have a prayer of hitting it.

After her shot was taken, Sara approached the two women. "Excuse me, are either of you Rui? We are here to sell two pistols if you might be interested." She took the two out of her pack and offered them to be examined.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

The short plump woman looked up at Sara and Asha and smiled. "Aye I be Rui and the silver haired lass down yonder is Carie. Welcome to Rui's gun emporium we buy sell and trade." The woman smiled at the two of them while the one named Carie readied another shot waiting agonizing minutes before another muffled shot rang out. "Dead on." There was no joy in her voice it almost sounded mechanical and cold.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Nice to meet you, I'm Sara and this is Asha. We were looking to sell some guns." Sara showed Rui the two guns. "Neither of us is particularly good with guns, well Asha might be, but she prefers the bow."

She gave a low whistle as other girl apparently hit the super long range target. "Impressive..."
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Aye that she is I just wish she had nothing but innocent intentions for that weapon." Rui shook her head as the girl loaded another round. "Well dears come into the shop well take a look at what you have." Rui lead them in to her building where the scent of gun oil and metal filled the air. Guns of all shape's and sizes sat in racks and in cases with a few even mounted on the wall behind Rui's counter. It was an impressive selection that made Asha shutter a little. "Let see humm despite the condition of this one the other one is pretty good humm." She eyed the slightly burnt one a knowing glance looking up to Sara after all one one of them looked like a mage. "I won't ask where or how ye got these but I will buy both of them. Though this one might be damaged I will need to inspect it closely."

Rui is willing to buy the pair at 50%
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara looked to Asha for approval as to the trade. If Asha approved, she would accept Rui's offer, glad to be rid of the goblins' guns. In response to the woman's remarks as to the guns, Sara simply said, "Some creatures need to learn when they would be better off leaving well enough alone. Though now some will not be getting that chance..."

Glancing out to the girl, Carie. "So what is she, military or police or something? I don't think I've seen someone with such skill with firearms.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Asha nodded in approval not really caring how much they got for the weapons just as long as they where gone. "Oh Carie well as far as I know she's an orphan. Some gun slinger passed threw here nearly fifteen years ago with this little bundle of girl with him. He simply dropped her off at more door step saying she wasn't his and that he wasn't payed to kill children and just like that her rode off. The poor thing was covered in dried blood a look of shock on her face. Long story short when I finally got her to speak to me after a year she simply stated she was going to kill that man. Its a shame really what ever happened scared her good. Ive never seen her laugh or cry and she only speaks to me or herself." Rui finished her story and got the coin out and handed it over to Sara.

Gain 20 denari
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

A look of surprise passed over Sara's face. If the girl had been brought here fifteen years ago, and was probably a few years old at the time...was she the same age as this girl? She couldn't imagine someone being much different from her, this cold warrior with a plan for vengeance more than a decade in the making. Although...she could think of a few things that could put her in such a state as well, and Asha had been on her hunt for quite awhile herself.

She resolved to keep an eye on the girl. "Thank you ma'am." She took pocketed the coins and looked back to Carie. "I see...Come on Asha lets be on our way." She resolved to keep an eye on the girl, intrigued by the woman's story. Though she hardly knew any facts about her at this point and didn't want to just go around promising to help kill people who might be innocent.

"So Asha, I can't really think of anything to do, can you think of anything? Or should we head back to the hotel...?"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"We could..... but there might be more stores to check?" Asha didn't sound to concerned about shopping more and kept stealing glances at Sara and hanging close to her. It was clear what Asha wanted though she hadn't said it.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Yea you're right! We should go check some other stores..." Sara had a particular type of shop she was looking for, as they looked though she would add in a nonchalant manner, "I guess we should probably ask for separate beds at Tanya's. It might be cheaper that way, and its not like you wanted to share a bed with me anyway, did you?"

She gave a teasing look at Asha, trying to make the woman come out of her sexual shell, giving her a kiss if she started to take it the wrong way.

All the while she kept her eyes open for a store. A sex store. If nothing of the sort presented itself, she would take Asha back to the hotel. She had a feeling Tanya might know a thing or two about sex shops, and she had thought of a fun bar game to play with Asha. She giggled just thinking about it.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Thats not what I me...." Sara cut her off with a deep kiss that Asha returned all to eagerly. They walked around a little while longer but only managed to find a grocer/general store as well as a few other places like a tailor and wheel wright. Sara wasn't to surprised at this however this was a frontier town such things where often in larger settlements not small communities. Still it was a pleasant walk that lead the woman back to Tanya's where the owner handed over a key and told them their goods had been delivered. Taking the key in hand Asha nearly dragged Sara up to their room and promptly tossed her on the bed. "Okay you've teased me enough for one day not its time to actually show me." Asha had a lusty glint in her eye oh dear she must have been bottling up her lust during their walk.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara smiled giddily as Asha started dragging her around again, the anticipation for what was coming making her a little wet around the panties. When she was tossed on the bed, Sara allowed her clothing to begin to shift a little down her arm, exposing a generous amount of her cleavage.

She took on an innocent, demure tone. "Oh but I'm just a simple village girl...I'm positive I haven't a clue what you mean. What could you possibly want me to show you?" It took a lot of restraint on her part, but Sara managed to not giggle, instead just looking at Asha with fake innocence and vulnerability, she was going to force the nymph to take control one of these days. She felt a certain excitement welling within her, wondering if Asha would finally cut loose and take her, or if she was going to have to keep working on her...
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

It seemed Asha was in no mood for games as she quickly got out of her armor and cloths before walking towards Sara with lusty intent. Reaching the bed she gently climbed on heading right to and over Sara kissing her deeply while her hands moved rapidly to disrobe the spirit user. Moving from kissing her mouth to her neck Asha stopped there in a highly visible spot and began to suck on the sensitive skin while one free hand quickly invaded Sara's warm depths. It started out slow with one finger and as Sara's body began to respond to the stimulus a second finger joined the mix pumping in and out of Sara rapidly causing all manner of lewd noises as the slick deft fingers pilfered Sara's treasure.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Seeing that Asha's pent up lust refused to be denied or constrained any longer, Sara dropped the act, letting the nymph take her as she pleased.

As the naked, horny nymph crawled towards her, she couldn't help shivering with anticipation and excitement. It looked like Asha was finally going to take charge of the love-making. Sara didn't think she could be happier.

"Oh my..." Was all Sara could get out as the nymph started removing her clothing for her and pressing the both of them into a warm, passionate, kiss. Sara was surprised when the trail of kisses stopped after barely moving down her neck, but as she started sucking on her soft neck-flesh, she gasped in pleasure and happiness. "Ahh...Ahh...Ashaaa...yessss...Put your mark on me! Claim me Asha! Show the world I'm your prize!" It was all Sara could do, moaning along happily, in a haze of bliss as Asha claimed her, putting her mark on her neck while her fingers made her pussy into a wet, hot, core of pure pleasure. If the nymph continued to plunder her snatch like this, Sara would come after only a few more seconds of the treatment, Asha's attitude having aroused her immensely.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Asha didn't relent and even seemed spurred on by Sara's cries. Two fingers became three as Asha let go of the tender neck flesh to focus on fingering Sara into a climax. It didn't take long and soon enough Asha had to stop her motions just to ride out Sara's bucking hips after all she was trying to please the girl not hurt her. While Sara shuttered in bliss Asha moved to a different position straddling her with one hand still buried in her snatch. Looking at Sara Asha sighed in pleasure before starting up her finger thrusting again while her free hand began to tease Sara's breasts.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

"Oh yesss...don't stop...Asha..."

Sara groaned happily as Asha increased the number of fingers inside of her. Though she initially protested when Asha let go of her neck, her protests changed to cries of pleasure as Asha brought her to a wonderful orgasm. "Oh Ashaaaa!" She cried out her lover's name, riding herself out on the nymph's hand as she drenched it in her honey.

As she lay there in a pleasant afterglow from the treatment Asha had given her, she let out a surprised "Oh?" As Asha straddled her and resumed her fingering, now tweaking her breasts as well. Now that at least part of her was in range, Sara reached a hand up and started to gently finger Asha, starting as the nymph had with one finger, slowly increasing it to three.

"Asha baby...now you're the one driving me crazy...I love it!"
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Asha sighed in pleasure as Sara began to slowly return the fingering her sex already damp and starting to coat Sara's body. When Sara moved two fingers Asha started to pant openly and arch her back her own treatment of Sara's sex getting a little erratic as her body tried to buck against the woman's fingers. By the time Sara brought her third finger into play Asha was a moaning mess quickly nearing her own orgasm. "Sa-Sa-Sara finish it I-I-I can't stand it. OH oH oH OOOHHHH GODS SARA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Asha's sex exploded juices all over her body as the Nymph went limp from her treatment falling on Sara in sexual bliss panting hotly.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara grinned as she quickly brought Asha's aggressive streak under control with a couple of fingers. She found herself deliciously turned on by the nymph above her turning from the aggressor into a hot wet mess as she thrust her fingers into her soaked snatch.

When Asha collapsed panting on top of her, smearing girlcum around both of their abdomens, she couldn't help a giggle. She was still fairly horny after all, Asha had had her on her way to a second orgasm but had stopped partway through. "Oh dear Asha...it looks like you made a mess..." She giggled happily. "Now what can we do with all of this girlcum, hmm?" Sara looked at the panting nymph on her chest with a twinkle of mischief in her eyes.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Asha leaned up off Sara and smiled. "Well we need to clean it up silly." Asha moved her way down and started to lick Sara's skin cleaning up all of her own juices while staring at Sara. Slowly she made her way down to the woman's soaked sex. "Oh dear that is a lot to clean up." Smiling once more Asha began her work her eyes leaving Sara's face as she began to clean around the woman pussy teasing her further with her delicate tongue on the sensitive flesh. It wasn't long before she felt that same tongue against her folds it looked like Asha was going to finish the job.
Re: Soul Searching (sturm) Gmed by ranger

Sara giggled lustily as Asha started licking her tummy clean of her cum, keeping eye contact the entire time. Somehow that made her actions hyper-erotic, staring into her lovers eyes as they performed depraved acts on each other. It was causing her pussy to start leaking even more juices, such that when Asha got down to it, she had her work cut out for her.

As the woman's tongue caressed her labia, her giggles turned to soft moans. When the tongue started pressing into her soft love canal, her soft moans turned into more persistent moans, and she dug into the sheets with both hands to keep from smothering the nymph into her pussy.

"Yesss Asha! Ohhh yesss! Ohhhhh please keep going! Don't stop baby! Don't stop!" Asha had done a great job turning Sara into a hot wet mess all her own, and if she kept going, she would find her face a mess with Sara's girl cum.